I need to compare tow dates DateField1 and DateField2 and find number of hours between these two dates. Then I need to deduct non-business days and hours (Business days: Monday-Friday and Business Hours: 7:00am-7:00pm) from this and find net hours. How can I do this?
Hi,I need to compare Todays Date with a Date in the Table (DateExpired)to see if the membership expired. How do I do that? thanks SELECT DateExpired FROM Member
I am new to SQL and I have a problem to deal with dates. I have a field called LogDate (smalldatetime) and default value getdate(). The date is added immediately when a visitor visits a page of my site.
The problem is that I cannot retrieve the no of the visitors for today using getdate(). I use the following query but I am sure that something missing.
SELECT Count(*) As DailyVisitors FROM stats WHERE LogDate = CONVERT(varchar(10), GETDATE(), 103)
Hi, I wanted to display the createDate provided by the asp membership table. my where clause is this .. WHERE CreateDate = GetDate() I have create an account today but when i run my select statement with this where clause, the result doesnt show up. It seem like they compare the time as well. How can i make the GetDate to compare only the dates but not the time?
I need to compare several dates in a single record and determine the maximum value. Not sure how to do this in TSQL. Something like this (though I obviously can't use the MAX function because):
SELECT MAX(datefield1,datefield2,datefield3) as latestchange,jobnum FROM table1
Anyone have a function that will do this? Or is there one built in?
Well, I am venturing into new territory for me. I'm very illiterate when it comes to SQL Server and so I need assistance. I have the beginnings of my stored procedure, which is supposed to compare two dates/times and If they are not equal I need to kick off a DTS Package.
So, here's what I have so far (it returns two dates like I would expect):
I need to write a query like get all the rows by comparing rmd with system todaydate and these must be with in startdate and enddate
id startdate enddate rmd 1 10-oct-15 16-oct-15 11-oct-15 2 11-oct-15 14-oct-15 11-oct-15 3 09-oct-15 11-oct-15 10-oct-15 4 07-oct-15 08-ot-15 07-oct-15 5 if sysdate(today) is 11-oct-15 then i need to get all the rows of 1, 2,3
This is probably a problem with a pretty simple solution but i can't find the right control/data flow item to handle it
I determine the database date for my source data for a set of ETL jobs via a piece of SQL - this gets passed to a master package variable which is subsequently to be used as the "Load date" of the resulting child package ETL routines. However I only want the packages to run if the LoadDate has either not been run before or is the next one in the DW sequence.
To check for this, In my data warehouse I also have a table called Import_Registry where the date of each upload is stored at the end of the daily ETL routines. So I can obtain the potential NextUpload date via this bit of SQL script.
SELECT DATEADD(day, 1, MAX(Upload_Date)) AS NextUpload FROM Import_Registry
Problem. I need to compare these two dates (the source db date & the DW next upload date) to see if they match. If they do match, then I run all the ETL packages using the date. If they do not match, say for example if the source database date is less than the "NextUpload" date I want to exit the routines "gracefully" and log the failure.
How do I get this working - can't seem to get my head around how I can compare the 2 dates ?
I need to pull dates from a DB2 database via TSQL (Linked server - IBM DB2 for i IBMDASQL OLE DB Provider) and compare it to today for a less than or greater than type comparison.
Database: DB2, Customer information housed here Columns: UTOFMM - Month (2 character, numeric) UTOFDD - Day (2 character, numeric) UTOFYY - Year (2 character, numeric. Problem: years from 2000 to 2009 are stored as 0, 1, 2, ... etc) UTOFCV - Century Value (2 char, numeric. 0 = before 2000, 1 = in or after 2000)
I need to concatenate the date to be "sql" friendly, and then compare to today's date. It's to find any customer with date values in the fields above, and then differentiate between dates before today and after today.Here is the snippet of what I'm trying to fix. This portion of a nightly job is just checking for <u>any</u> value in the UTOFMM column of the current record.
Add Customer ID Update [responder].[Temp_RX_CUSTOMERS] set CustomerID = lf.UTCSID from [responder].[Temp_RX_CUSTOMERS] LEFT Outer Join [HTEDTA].[THOR].[HTEDTA].UT210AP lf ON [responder].[Temp_RX_CUSTOMERS].LocationID = lf.UTLCID where lf.UTOFMM = 0 GO
What I need to be able to find is any records where the Discontinue_Date is greater than the Effective_Date on the next row for a given Customer ID and Part_ID. This is a customer pricing table so the Discontinue_Date of row 53 for example should never be greater than the Effective_Date of row 54130, these are the records I'm looking to find. So I'm looking for a SELECT query that would look for any records where this is true. Obviously the last Discontinue_Date row for a Customer_ID will not have a next row so I wouldn't want to return that.
[Code] ....
Is there a way to look at the DatePeriod table and use the StartDtae and EndDate as the periods to be used in the select statement and then cursor through each date between these two dates and then insert the data in to the PaymentsLog table?
Hi I wanna put string in query "where" part.For example,$sql="select VEHICLEFROM databaseWHERE MECHANIC =BRIAN";like above, "mechanic" column is filled with strings. Then how can Iwrite "where" part?Above query does not work.Thanks.
Ok, here is what i'm trying to do and its driving me nuts.
1) I have a proc that runs and needs to validate the user prior to running - this proc is called from an hand held device
2) the id and password are being passed as "clear text" but the password is stored in the database table hashed.
Is there anything on the db side that can get the hash value from the password column of the aspnet_membership table and compare it to the password being passed in to this proc? I have suggested several options to the handheld developer but nothing. This has to be done on the database side.
username and password are passed to proc from handheld.
proc needs to validate ther user in the aspnet_membership table
if user id and password are valid execute the stored procedure
is this possible? if so can ANYONE point me to some examples of this being done?
I have used a query statement with the following WHERE string to 'Fill' a dataset. "AND (A.ApptsDate > '" & strApptPreDate & "' OR (A.ApptsDate = '" & strApptPreDate & "' AND A.ApptsTime >= '" & strApptPreTime & "' ))" & _ and strApptPreTime is defined as:Dim strApptPreTime As String = SomaShared.strPadTime(CStr(dApptCalcNewDate.Hour) + ":" + CStr(dApptCalcNewDate.Minute))
Somehow, the dataset showed only the ApptsTime after 10 am. After more than 2 weeks of debugging, I still can see a dataset watch for > 10 amAppsTime only. Now I am guessting, the problem is 9 is different from 10 - 16, it all because 9 is single digit. Then I check the data type settings for these variables. Here are what I found: In SQL Server Agent job, the ApptsTime data was 'inserted' by @NewApptTimes, which is declared as char(5).In SQL Server database, the ApptsTime was defined as nvarchar(15). My question are: 1. The reason why there were no 9 am data for the dataset, is becasue 9 am of nvarchar(15) is not > 8:30 of strApptPreTime? 2. If the answer to the quation 1 is yes, how do I define AppsTime and/or strApptPreTime? TIA,Jeffrey
Hi All, I have a column in my table like so: 'D4B00 L2A00 L3A00 L6C00 P1C00 L2A28 P4B00 ' How do I check in SQL if any pieces have the first 3 character the same. In the above case, L2A is present twice. I need to do this because I need display disctinct items, therefore L2A needs to be displayed only once. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Compare] ( @usrVal varchar(100), @dbVal varchar(100) ) RETURNS BIT AS BEGIN DECLARE @flag BIT DECLARE @userStrLen INT DECLARE @dbStrlen INT DECLARE @counter INT --Default assignments SET @counter=1 Set @userStrLen=len(@usrVal) Set @dbStrlen=len(@dbVal)
IF (@userStrLen != @dbStrlen) BEGIN return 0 END ELSE BEGIN WHILE @counter <= @userStrLen BEGIN IF (substring(@usrVal,@counter,1) != substring(@dbVal,@counter,1)) RETURN 0 SET @counter = @counter + 1 END return 1 END RETURN @flag --SELECT dbo.Compare('sqlserver user defined functions','sqlserver is the best backend') END
Hi,I have a funny Error in our sql server 7 & 2000. When I compare twostring in Unicode format. I receive that it is the same when I add newnchar.I dont understand why?Could you help me ?declare @str nvarchar(128), @str2 nvarchar(128)Set @str =nchar(21121)+nchar(49352)+nchar(47811)+nchar(48256 )+nchar(4966)+nchar(25736)+nchar(1788)+nchar(51220)+nchar(17733)Set @str2 =nchar(21121)+nchar(49352)+nchar(47811)+nchar(48256 )+nchar(4966)+nchar(25736)+nchar(1788)+nchar(51220)+nchar(17733)+nchar(4 1273)select @strselect @str2SELECT DIFFERENCE(@str, @str2)if soundex(@str) = soundex(@str2)BEGINSELECT 'OK'ENDELSEBEGINSELECT 'KO'ENDif @str = @str2BEGINSELECT 'OK'ENDELSEBEGINSELECT 'KO'END-=zoltux=-*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_concat_boxes](@item varchar, @week int) RETURNS VARCHAR(100) AS BEGIN
DECLARE @Output varchar(100)
SELECT @Output = COALESCE(@Output + '/', '') + CAST(quantity AS varchar(5)) FROM flexing_stock_transactions WHERE item = @item AND week = @week GROUP BY quantity ORDER BY quantity
RETURN @Output
how can I pass the variable @item correctly for the string comparison
We're converting to new student info system. Sometimes registrar entered the same school into the schools table but spelled it differently. Trying to find all student assigned transfer credits from the same school but the school name is different. My db shows a max of 9 different schools students have rec'd transfer credits. Spending too much time trying to figure out best way to do it w/o a ton of IF stmts. Looking at Soundex and Difference functions. Still looks like a lot of coding. how to compare up to 9 string variables in sqlserver 2008?
ACCOU NAME NAME TODATE ID EDUCAT EXPIRYDATEstring 011647 MILUCON Empl1 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 9751 VCA-basis 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 2016-06-24 00:00:00.000 011647 MILUCON Empl1 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 9751 VCA-VOL 2018-02-11 00:00:00.000
In other words I need to Aggregate the 2 dates and concatenated into a new string col string so basically a sum with a group by but instead of a sum I need to concatenate the string. I know this should be possible using stuff and for xml path but I can't seem to get my head around it everything I try concatenates all the strings, not just the appropriate ones.
My basic goal is to try to simplify inputs for the user. I have 3 parameters: Begin Date, End DAte and Duration. Duration will contain 3 choices: All, 2 Years and Range and is meant to give them a shortcut to dates as described below:
All - Would automatically populate the start date to 10/01/2005 and an end date to current date
2 Years - Would automatically populate the start date to current date minus 2 years, and the end date to current date.
Range - Would allow the user to select any dates as desired.
I'm able to get the dates to populate based on the duration field using non-queried values based on the Duration value, but the problem is that if I want to allow them to select Range the calendar control is not available and a text box is displayed.
I've tried to create some code in the properties that would populate, but I keep getting that this item is Read Only. The code I've created is as follows:
public function populateDates(Duration) as String
Select Case Duration Case = "Range" Report.Parameters!pBeginDate = Report.Parameters!pBeginDate Report.Parameters!pEndDAte = Report.Parameters!pEndDAte Case = "All" Report.Parameters!pBeginDate = #10/01/2005# Report.Parameters!pEndDAte = Now().Today case = "Two" Report.Parameters!pBeginDate = DateAdd("yyyy", -2, Now().Today) Report.Parameters!pEndDAte = Now().Today end select end sub
My only goal is to give the User the 3 choices, but still keep the calendar control available, and I can't seem to do this?
How can I do this with Parameters? I can get a single parameter to filter for a single date (or even a combo list of the dates in DB). But I want my parameters to interact so that they specify a range. Is this possible?
Today I have got one scenario to calculate the (sum of days difference minus(-) the dates if the same date is appearing both in assgn_dtm and complet_dtm)/* Here goes the table schema and sample data */
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[temp_tbl]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[temp_tbl] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[temp_tbl]( [tbl_id] [bigint] NULL, [cs_id] [int] NOT NULL, [USERID] [int] NOT NULL,
I have a table that has hotel guests and their start stay date and end stay date, i would like to insert into a new table the original information + add all days in between.