Compare Rows In Sql 2000

May 22, 2008

i have two tables. 1st table gets the information from as400, then moves the data to table 2 at sql 2000 server. I need to see when as400 updateschanges or inserts new information to table 1 how to updatechange or insert into table 2?

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Compare Values In Consecutive Rows And Print Rows Based On Some Conditions

May 8, 2008

I have the following variables VehicleID, TransactDate, TransactTime, OdometerReading, TransactCity, TransactState.

VehicleID is the unique vehicle ID, OdometerReading is the Odometer Reading, and the others are information related to the transaction time and location of the fuel card (similar to a credit card).

The records will be first grouped and sorted by VehicleID, TransactDate, TransactTime and OdometerReading. Then all records where the Vehicle ID and TransactDate is same for consecutive rows, AND TransactCity or TransactState are different for consecutive rows should be printed.

I also would like to add two derived variables.

1. Miles will be a derived variable that is the difference between consecutive odometer readings for the same Vehicle ID.

2. TimeDiff will be the second derived variable that will categorize the time difference for a particular vehicle on the same day.

My report should look like:

VehID TrDt TrTime TimeDiff Odometer Miles TrCity TrState
1296 1/30/2008 08:22:42 0:00:00 18301 000 Omaha NE
1296 1/30/2008 15:22:46 7:00:04 18560 259 KEARNEY NE

Can someone please help me here?


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Compare Each Rows In Two Tables?

Nov 16, 2011

I need to compare two tables in each row. the tables are as follows:-

Table a:

IDFirst_Name Last_name Birthdate
1Shradha Deshkmukh 1981-12-25 00:00:00
2Shradha Verma 1981-05-11 00:00:00
3Divya Dutta 1982-07-21 00:00:00
4Matthew Palmer 1983-12-28 00:00:00

table d:-

1ShradhaTiwari1981-12-25 00:00:00
2DivyaDutta1983-07-21 00:00:00
3SulabhManesar1975-09-11 00:00:00
4MatthewPalmer1983-12-28 00:00:00
5SamuelMaxwell1984-05-22 00:00:00

I want to compare the tables using first name, and I have a log variable which I want to have the value as per the differences in the table that is if the first name matches and second name and dob dont match it shows log value for that FN as 'LN and DOB dont match'.

similarly if First name matches and dob matches then @log is 'LN not match'.

And in case all three match it should show 'match'as log value.The query I use is a s follows:-

USE testing
DECLARE @log varchar(200)


the result I am getting is :-

fnlndob (No column name)
ShradhaTiwari1981-12-25 00:00:00match
ShradhaTiwari1981-12-25 00:00:00match
DivyaDutta1983-07-21 00:00:00match
MatthewPalmer1983-12-28 00:00:00match

I have tried using CASE but that doesnt work either.

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How Compare Values Of 2 Different Rows In Same Tbl

Nov 17, 2005


i have this variable called order1 in the table called datetable and i want to display out the duplicate orders in sql. how do i do that? do i need to use group by ?

thanks in advance.! any help?

well i actually get the answers by doin this...
select order1 from datetable group by order1 having count(*) > 1

however now i want to compare the values date1 in the first duplicate orders to the second duplicate compare aaaa of the first row and aaaa of the second row to do that? i need to compare the date1 in minutes..i only wan duplicate orders with minutes difference less than 30mins

id Order1 date1
1 aaaaa 20051001 12:45
2 aaaaa 20051001 12:10
3 bbbbb 20031002 15:05
4 bbbbb 20031002 15:50

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How To Compare Values In Different Rows?

Jul 30, 2007


I€™ve a table like this (in SQL Server 2000).

v1 v2
2 8
7 10
11 15
13 17

v1 value of a row must be grater than v2 value of previous row, other wise I need to display that row, in above example, I need to display 2nd & 4th rows.

please advise


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Compare Rows As Returned

Feb 12, 2008

I running a query that returns a information from many tables. I need a way to compare the row returned to the previous row. This query currently returns the requested information for everytime an item placed. I need the query to return only the most recent order information. I can do this by doing a basic loop comparing the jobmatl.item and po.order_date. If the jobmatl.item match between the current row and last row compare the dates and keep the oldest.

@assembly ItemType

SET @assembly = '1110-2014'

SET @assembly = ISNULL(@assembly, '%')

, item.description
, item.drawing_nbr
, jobmatl.matl_qty
, itemloc.qty_on_hand
, po.order_date
jobmatl with (nolock)
inner join item with (nolock) on item.item = jobmatl.item
inner join job with (nolock) on jobmatl.job = job.job
inner join poitem with (nolock) on item.item = poitem.item
inner join po with (nolock) on poitem.po_num = po.po_num
inner join vendaddr with (nolock) on vendaddr.vend_num = po.vend_num
inner join itemloc with (nolock) on itemloc.item = item.item
jobmatl.job < ' 990000'
job.item LIKE @assembly
, po.order_date

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Compare Data Between 2 Rows?

Jun 27, 2014

I have the following recordset:

817159644 1.55320031
817159652 9.09590031
817159679 2.5891806
817159687 5.7123006
817159709 2.3903006
817159733 2.2792006
817159741 2.0647007
817159768 1.2430007
817159784 4.1547006
817159792 3.56576013

I need to extract the corresponding price from the following table:

Zone MaxWeight Price
---------------------- ---------------------------------------
31 1.70 7.14
31 2.20 8.76
31 3.30 9.47
31 4.40 9.69
31 5.50 10.61
31 6.60 11.05
31 7.70 11.49
31 8.80 11.93
31 9.90 12.37
31 11.00 12.81
31 12.10 13.23

In this case, the 2 first rows should give a price of

1) 7.14 (weight between 0 - 1.70)

2) 11.93 (weight between 8.80 - 9.90)

How can I do that with a query?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Compare Rows In The Same Table?

Aug 7, 2014

We have a table setup to track changes that are made to another table, for auditing purposes. How do we compare the most recent record in the change table with the previous record in the change table? Particularly, we have a column named DUE_DATE in the change table and want to identify when the most recent change has a different DUE_DATE than the previous change made.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Compare Two Rows And Two Different Columns

Oct 22, 2014

I am fairly new to SQL and writing queries so bear with my faults. I am learning on the job, which is good and bad. Below is a query that I have written to obtain some information. The problem arises when we have a patient who goes from Patient Type '1' to Patient Type '2'. This needs to be considered a singular visit and the only way I can think that this may work is if: for any specific medical record a dsch_ts is equal to the Admit TS on the next row.

How to complete something like this and my google searches have been fruitless. I attached a spreadsheet with an example of what I am getting.

TSM040_PERSON_HDR.lst_nm AS 'Last Name',
TSM040_PERSON_HDR.fst_nm AS 'First Name',

[Code] ....

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Compare Values In Consecutive Rows

May 8, 2008

I have the following variables VehicleID, TransactDate, TransactTime, OdometerReading, TransactCity, TransactState.

VehicleID is the unique vehicle ID, OdometerReading is the Odometer Reading, and the others are information related to the transaction time and location of the fuel card (similar to a credit card).

The records will be first grouped and sorted by VehicleID, TransactDate, TransactTime and OdometerReading. Then all records where the Vehicle ID and TransactDate is same for consecutive rows, AND TransactCity or TransactState are different for consecutive rows should be printed.

I also would like to add two derived variables.

1. Miles will be a derived variable that is the difference between consecutive odometer readings for the same Vehicle ID.

2. TimeDiff will be the second derived variable that will categorize the time difference for a particular vehicle on the same day.

My report should look like:

VehID TrDt TrTime TimeDiff Odometer Miles TrCity TrState
1296 1/30/2008 08:22:42 0:00:00 18301 000 Omaha NE
1296 1/30/2008 15:22:46 7:00:04 18560 259 KEARNEY NE

Can someone please help me here?


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Transact SQL :: How To Compare Rows With Spaces

Nov 17, 2015

I would like to compare rows from 2 tables.

For ex:

Col1 Col2 Col3
1      a     aa
2      b     bb

Col1 Col2 Col3
1        a   aa
2      b     bb

Notice Table2.Col2 first row has an extra space " a", where Table1.Col2 value is "a".I need to compare all the columns, not just 1 column (any of the column can be different). Do we use CHECKSUM for this, or is there a better way to compare the 2 tables (in this case resulted in Table2 row 1 col 2 being the difference ?

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Compare Rows In 2 Tables, Return Them If Different

Jan 9, 2008

Rows in table A that have a business status of 'open' are written to table B (on a different db) on a daily basis.

I have managed to extract the relevant rows in table A and table B.

What I now need to do is compare table A, row N with table B row N and return them both if the values differ.

What is the best way of doing this


Table A

customerId amount
1 200
2 106 *return this row*
3 412

Table B (filtered by MAX(audit date))

customerID amount
1 200
2 100 *return this row*
3 412


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Best Way To Compare Two ENTIRE Rows In Seperate Tables?

Apr 12, 2006

Hi folks, I've got a fairly easy one here me thinx. I'm looking for the best way to compare two entire rows from two seperate tables which have the same primary key.

Here's the basic lowdown:

I get some data every night from an external system (cache') via DTS. This is more or less my "master" data which drives my application. I have just been informed of an interesting constraint. If any of the data changes in the external system, those changes do not become effective until the first day of the ensuing fiscal quarter.

I'm solving this by running the DTS as normal, but populating a "duplicate" table which I will evaluate once per quarter for any changes. This is also the preferred solution because they would like to see a snapshot between current cache' data and the data my application is currently working with.

So, I end up with two identically structured tables. both tables have the same primary key and can be linked by an id field with relative ease. What I would like to do is a full row comparision once this join is established.

Right now I explicitly check the value of each column. ie:

WHERE t1.field1 <> t2.field1 OR t1.field2 <> t2.field2 OR t1.field3 <> t2.field3 ... etc

I'm hoping there is something buried in TSQL that I just don't know about that can handle comparing entire rows and tell me if they're different. Or perhaps there's another approach all-together.

Any thoughts?

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Compare Rows To Determine If Column Values Are Different?

Mar 2, 2011

I need to determine if a value for a group of rows is the same or different and I am not sure where to begin. I am fairly new to writing T-Sql code. I am working with SQL Server 2005. This is a work assignment; I am not a student.

I have two tables: One for Course and another for CourseDays. As the Course table implies, it lists courses for a school. The CourseDays tables has a row for each day a course is held. For instance, one course maybe held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so there would be three rows, one row for each day. A given course could be held in a different room for each day. I am trying to write a query that returns one row for each course, and if the room number is the same for each day the class is held, return that room number in the row, else return 'Various'.

Course table:
CourseID, Desc
1 English
2 History
3 Science

CourseDays table:
CourseID, Day, RoomID
1 M 320
1 W 445
1 F 680
2 T 123
2 Th 123
3 M 514
3 T 514
3 W 521
3 Th 901
3 F 521

Expected results:
CourseID, Desc, RoomID
1 English Various
2 History 123
3 Science Various

I simplified the example, as there are about 30 columns in the table and about half a million rows.

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Compare 2 Rows To Find The Difference In Columns?

Aug 14, 2014

How would I compare 2 rows to find the difference in the columns?

ID Column1 Column2 Column3
1 Text1 Text4
2 Text1 Text2 Text3

Column1: Text2 New
Column3: Text4 Old Text3 New

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Reporting Services :: Compare Different Column Rows Value

May 18, 2015

I need to fill the cell background color in the Matrix Table SSRS report based on below requirement -

For A resource 'Capacity' equals to 'WorkExcludingCapacityAndAvailbility' and Project Status equals to OPEN then GREEN
For A resource 'Capacity' equals to 'WorkExcludingCapacityAndAvailbility' and Project Status equals to PENDING then RED

Here is the below mock-up data -

Looking for solution based on above mockup data how I can compare different rows value by resource considering Project Status Column value in Matrix Table report to set the background color.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Compare Two Different Columns Of 2 Different Rows In A Data Set?

Jan 29, 2014

Is there a efficient way to compare two different columns of 2 different rows in a data set as shown below.

For eg: I would like to DateDiff between Date2 of RowID 1 and Date1 of RowID 2 of IDNo 123. After this comparision , if datediff between two dates are <=14 then i want to update 1 else 0 in IsDateDiffLess14 of RowID1 . In below example its 0 because datediff of two dates >=14. So, want to compare the Date2 and Date1 in this sequence for the same IDNo. For RowID 6 there is only 1 row and no other row to compare, in this case IsDateDiffLess14 should be updated with 0.

RowID IDNo Date1 Date2 IsDateDiffLess14
1 123 04/10/2013 04/12/2013 0
2 123 05/10/2013 05/11/2013 1
3 123 05/21/2013 05/25/2013 0
4 112 01/10/2013 01/14/2013 1
5 112 01/27/2013 01/28/2013 0
6 120 03/10/2013 03/12/2013 0

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SQL Server 2012 :: Compare Row Count Between Two Tables With 10k Rows?

Dec 18, 2014

I run the script below once a day to keep track of row count over time. I would like to compare the results from today and yesterday to see if anyone deleted more than 20% of data from any given table. How would I do this? I really don't need the data anymore than a day just to compare the results.

Mon - Run script to collect row count
Tues - Run script to collect current row into temp table
,compare all row count in both tables
,purge records from Monday and insert current
Wed - Run script to collect current row into temp table
,compare all row count in both tables


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SQL Server 2012 :: Compare Dates Between 2 Different Rows And Columns?

Feb 18, 2015

What I need to be able to find is any records where the Discontinue_Date is greater than the Effective_Date on the next row for a given Customer ID and Part_ID. This is a customer pricing table so the Discontinue_Date of row 53 for example should never be greater than the Effective_Date of row 54130, these are the records I'm looking to find. So I'm looking for a SELECT query that would look for any records where this is true. Obviously the last Discontinue_Date row for a Customer_ID will not have a next row so I wouldn't want to return that.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Compare Dates In Rows Of A Table?

Apr 8, 2015

I have the following information in a table. What I would like to do is pull out all the visits for each customer that are less than 30 days apart.

Customer# VisitDate
9082012-07-28 00:00:00.000
9082013-09-20 00:00:00.000
9082013-12-23 00:00:00.000
9082014-01-10 00:00:00.000
9082014-01-27 00:00:00.000
9082014-02-16 00:00:00.000
9082014-05-21 00:00:00.000
9082014-05-30 00:00:00.000
9082014-10-01 00:00:00.000
9082015-02-28 00:00:00.000
9082015-03-22 00:00:00.000
9272012-02-16 00:00:00.000
9272014-12-14 00:00:00.000
9272014-12-23 00:00:00.000

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Transact SQL :: How To Compare Duplicate Rows Within A Unique Process

Nov 9, 2015

We write to a log file each time a job runs. We give each job a unique batchid. I want to compare the run times of each step/record between two batch ids: '20150101888' and '20150101777'. Column Mins in the number of minutes each step ran. I am having trouble comparing the rows that have generic process and stepname – Trans Switch in this example. A new process within a batchid starts with a 'XX', 'Load'.

So I want to compare CA's Trans to CA's Tran Switch and ER's Trans Switch to ER's, etc. There can be multiple Trans Switch per process. There should be the same number between each batch, but no guarantees that  something might change. Also, Trans Switch is not the record right after the new process (CA, ER) in production.

I have just made a very simplified example.

Want to compare 20150101888 to 20150101777 and end up with this result set. Notice that the duplicate process/step within a process has the process (CA and ER in this example) and a sequential number added to it: 'CA Trans 1'. Need this to pull out the largest time differences.

Time difference, process, step, mins1, mins2, batchid1, batchid2
-6, CA, Load, 17, 23, 20150101888, 20150101777
0, CA Trans 1, Switch, 8, 8, 20150101888, 20150101777
-6, CA Trans 2, Switch, 9, 15, 20150101888, 20150101777
-4, ER, Load, 7, 11, 20150101888, 20150101777
-4, ER Trans 1, Switch, 7, 11, 20150101888, 20150101777


[Code] ....

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Compare Int To Varchar, Import 1.5 Million Rows (was 2 Simple Problem)

Feb 1, 2005

1) I write a select statemnet

select a.columname1, b.columname1
from table1 a,table2 b
where a.columname2 = b. columname3

How do i compare
a.columname2 <--> int type column
while b. columname3 <--->varchar type

how should i use convert function

2) whats the best way to import 1.5 million rows ?
How about text file

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Transact SQL :: Two Row Serial Number Date Compare And Take More Than 5 Hours Between Two Rows

Jul 1, 2015

A vehicle loading confirm after that what time its gated out so i want to take the time duration between finish loading and gate out, find sample table records , i want to take more than 5 hrs difference between finish loading and gate out.



[Code] .....

I want to take the result like this 

Finish Loading
Gate Out
Date and Time difference

2015-05-11 19:58:00
2015-05-12 08:42:00

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How To Compare The Date In SQL Server 2000?

May 16, 2004

Hi all,
I have encountered a problem that I can't compare the date in SQL Server 2000.
But I know that maybe I have used "datetime" as data type for that field.
My question is that, how can I get ONLY the "date" in stead of "datetime" from the database?
Your attention is appreciated!
Thank you.


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How To Compare The Previous Row With Current Row In SQL Server 2000

Nov 10, 2005


I have to compare the previous row with current row in a table in SQL Server 2000. Please help me how to do this in a optimized way. Table contains nearly 30 columns and rows count is more than 10 digits.

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Compare 2000 With 2005 Performance - 32/64 Decide To Buy?

Aug 14, 2007

I need to show my boss that 2005 will on average be faster than 2000.

Are there any performance benchmark results available to show this?

Also I need similar benchmarks to show 64 bit will be faster than 32 bit SQL 2005.


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Compare Data-type Xml In A Temp/variable/physical Table In MSSQL 2000

May 22, 2008

Does abyone know how to compare data-type xml in a temp/variable/physical table in MSSQL 2000?

I tried this works in MSSQL 2005,

Code Snippet
create Table #t1 ([c1] int identity(1,1) not null, [c2] text)
create Table #t2 ([c1] int identity(1,1) not null, [c2] text)
Insert into #t1
Values('This is a test')
Insert into #t2
Values('This is a test')
Select * from #t1
Select * from #t2
Select * from #t1 where [c2] LIKE (Select [c2] from #t2)
drop table #t1
drop table #t2

but not MSSQL 2000.

Server: Msg 279, Level 16, State 3, Line 12
The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression.

Is this true (from BOL)?

Code SnippetIn comparing these column values, if any of the columns to be compared are of type text, ntext, or image, FOR XML assumes that values are different (although they may be the same because Microsoft® SQL Server„¢ 2000 does not support comparing large objects); and elements are added to the result for each row selected.

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Adding Values Of Rows In Ms Sql 2000

Jun 3, 2006

I am building a website in 1.1 with 2003 which will have the standings of the teams in our baseball league.  Below is the database table I have created.
ID(int)  home_team (nvarchar)  away_team(nvarchar)  win_teampf(nvarchar) lose_teampf(nvarchar)
1    Elmwood    Murdock    7   22    Louisville     Manley       4   33    Manley        Elmwood    9  8
ID is the primary key.  What I am attempting to do is add each instance of Elmwood from the win column to output the total number of wins from Elmwood and do the same for Elmwood in the losing team to output the total number of losses. The result will look something like this:
Elmwood: 1 Win  1 Loss. .500
Thanks for your reply.

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Fetch 1001 To 2000 Rows

Oct 30, 2005

Hell All
1 fetch -- 0 -1000 rows
2 fetch -- 1001 -2000 rows
1 fetch -- 2001 -3000 rows
1 fetch -- 3001 -4000 rows
so no

I am really dying to have a sql statement to fetch like this manner...

i know using TOP keyword to fetch first 1000 but how can i fetch the next
1000 .
Thanks in advance

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Sql-server 2000 Limit Rows

Jul 20, 2005

Hallo!I have small or big problem.I want creat Store Procedurs whit limit rows.For example I need rows from 100 to 200.--Select * from tableHow I doing best way.

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MS SQL Server 2000: Rows Get Sorted Automatically

Feb 6, 2008

Hi all,

I import MS Excel 2003 spread sheet in MS SQL Server 2000 through MS SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager (rightclick on the table to be filled with dataall taskimport data). My excel file have 2000 rows and 100 columns of data. All the data are imported in relevant attributes cells in good manner. But the rows are sorted automatically. I am trying to say that first row data is match with my excel file. But second row data have gone to 7th row and 7th row have gone to 5th row like that. I need the data sequence what I have in my excel file. What is the problem occurred? How can I solve this?
Can I export my MS Excel 2003 file to MS SQL Server database?
Please help me. I don't have more knowledge in MS SQL Server 2000.
If your answer has any query to run then please mention where should I run that query.

With Regards,

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When Have 4 Tables How To Compare Table With 4nd Table? ( Need To Join And Compare With Datatime)

Jul 22, 2007

Table MediaImportLog
column ↘ImportIndex     ImportFileTime            ImportSource
value    ↘80507             20060506001100          815
              80511             20061109120011           CRD                       ã€? P.S the values type of ImportFileTime 20060506001100 → 2006 -year 05-month 06-day 00-HH 11-minute 00-second】
Table  BillerChain
column↘BillerInfoCode       ChainCode
value   ↘750                      815
value   ↘81162                  CRD
Table   Biller
column↘CompanyCode         BillerCode
value   ↘999                     750
value   ↘81162                  516
TAble DataBackup
column↘CompanyCode         Keepmonth
value   ↘999                     6
value   ↘81162                 12
when I'm in MediaImportLog , I want use column ImportSource to compare with column ChainCode in table BillerChain ( so I get BillerInfoCode) and then use the BillerInfoCode I got to compare with column BillerCode in Table Bill ( I get CompanyCode) finally I use CompanyCode to compare with column CompanyCode in table DataBackup so I can get the company's keepmonth
How can I get the keepmonth? can I use parameters ? 
thank you very much 

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URGENT Plz ! Pivot Rows To Columns In SQL Server 2000

May 16, 2007


I have the following data in a table called "Products" :

Product Qty LHinging RHinging
-------- ----- -------- --------
Panel_1 1 R
Panel_1 1 L
Panel_1 1 R
Panel_1 1 R
Panel_2 1
Panel_2 1 L

I need to group this data like this :

Product Qty LHinging RHinging
-------- ----- -------- --------
Panel_1 3 L R
Panel_2 1
Panel_2 1 L

How can I do that ???

Thanks !

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