Comparing For Multiple Value With Single Column

May 10, 2001

i need to select from a table transact where one of the coulmn values has to be equal to (1and 2 and 3).

e.g: column in (1,2,3) would give me what "OR" would do,

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How To Merge Multiple Rows One Column Data Into A Single Row With Multiple Columns

Mar 3, 2008

Please can anyone help me for the following?

I want to merge multiple rows (eg. 3rows) into a single row with multip columns.

for eg:

Date Shift Reading
01-MAR-08 1 879.880
01-MAR-08 2 854.858
01-MAR-08 3 833.836
02-MAR-08 1 809.810
02-MAR-08 2 785.784
02-MAR-08 3 761.760

i want output for the above as:

Date Shift1 Shift2 Shift3
01-MAR-08 879.880 854.858 833.836
02-MAR-08 809.810 785.784 761.760
Please help me.

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Multiple Columns With Different Values OR Single Column With Multiple Criteria?

Aug 22, 2007


I have multiple columns in a Single Table and i want to search values in different columns. My table structure is

col1 (identity PK)
col2 (varchar(max))
col3 (varchar(max))

I have created a single FULLTEXT on col2 & col3.
suppose i want to search col2='engine' and col3='toyota' i write query as








Every thing works well if database is small. But now i have 20 million records in my database. Taking an exmaple there are 5million record with col2='engine' and only 1 record with col3='toyota', it take substantial time to find 1 record.

I was thinking this i can address this issue if i merge both columns in a Single column, but i cannot figure out what format i save it in single column that i can use query to extract correct information.
for e.g.;
i was thinking to concatinate both fields like
col4= ABengineBA + ABBToyotaBBA
and in search i use




Result = 1 row

But it don't work in following scenario
col4= ABengineBA + ABBCorola ToyotaBBA






Result=0 Row
Any idea how i can write second query to get result?

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Concatenate Column Value From Multiple Rows Into A Single Column

Feb 27, 2008


I need to concatenate a column from multiple rows into a single column in a new table.

How can I do this?


Need to have



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Multiple Values For Single Column In Where Clause

Jun 25, 2004

how does one specify multiple values for a single column in a where clause?


SELECT fname, lname
FROM tblContacts
WHERE (state = 'MI','CA','AZ','TN','NJ')

if my memory serves me there is an IN() value list operator but I can't remember the syntax :confused:

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To Alter Multiple Column With Single Statement

May 5, 2008

It is possible to alter multiple columns within a single alter table statement?
I have got the following URL that tells it is not possible to alter multiple columns within in signle alert table statement.[^]
Does anyone know about that?


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Combine Multiple Rows To Single Column

Jul 8, 2014

With the below query iam able to retrieve all the tables invloved in a stored proc. But, what I want to display the table names as comma separated list for each table.

;WITH stored_procedures AS (
SELECT, AS proc_name, AS table_name,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(partition by, ORDER BY, AS row
FROM sysdepends d
INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON
INNER JOIN sysobjects oo ON
WHERE o.xtype = 'P')
SELECT id,proc_name, table_name FROM stored_procedures
WHERE row = 1
ORDER BY proc_name,table_name

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Making Single Column Value To Multiple Columns

Mar 4, 2008

I have a table which has single column like this.

REP5426 02-28-08 0592 00100028 CAFE 00205415 23.77 A O INPUT
REP5426 02-28-08 0592 00100028 CAFE 00580910 475.58 A O INPUT

REP5426 02-28-08 0592 00100028 CAFE 00800840 -13.32 A O INPUT

REP5426 02-28-08 0592 00100028 CAFE 00205416 23.77 A O INPUT

I want to put this in a new table in individual columns

Col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 col7 col8 col9

REP5426 02-28-08 0592 00100028 CAFE 00205415 23.77 A O INPUT
REP5426 02-28-08 0592 00100028 CAFE 00580910 475.58 A O INPUT

REP5426 02-28-08 0592 00100028 CAFE 00800840 -13.32 A O INPUT

REP5426 02-28-08 0592 00100028 CAFE 00205416 23.77 A O INPUT

How to do this.

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Transact SQL :: Single Row Multiple Columns Into One Column

Jun 4, 2015

I have a requirements to make a single column using a date from multiple columns. below my DDL and sample.

Create table #Mainsample
(ItemNum nvarchar(35), ItemDate datetime, OPType int)
Insert into #Mainsample(ItemNum,ItemDate, OPType) values ('M9000000000020510095','2015-05-01 18:38:48.840',5)
Insert into #Mainsample(ItemNum,ItemDate, OPType) values ('M9000000000020510094','2015-05-02 20:38:40.850',5)
Insert into #Mainsample(ItemNum,ItemDate, OPType) values ('M9000000000020510092','2015-05-02 21:40:42.830',5)
Insert into #Mainsample(ItemNum,ItemDate, OPType) values ('353852061764483','2015-05-02 09:25:10.800',5)


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How To Return Multiple Columns As Single Column

Mar 9, 2008

I have FirstName,LastName columns in the database.I need to return FirstName,LastName as Name to client(as a single column).

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Multiple Rows Into A Single Row And Combining Column Values?

Apr 6, 2014

I joined these two tables and it pulled up the proper amount of records. If you check out the image you will see what the results are for this query.

Now all I need for this part would be to roll these up where I have one row per ProgramID and all the AttributeNames' together in a AttributeNames column for each id.

EXAMPLE: All in one row.

ProgramID | AttributeNames
887 | Studydesign, Control Groups, Primary Outcomes.

I have attached an image of the SQL VIEW that I need to modified so it does this.


SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.tblProgramAttributes.ProgramID, dbo.tblProgramAttributes.AttributeID AS PAattributeID, dbo.tblAttributes.AttributeID,
FROM dbo.tblProgramAttributes INNER JOIN
dbo.tblAttributes ON dbo.tblProgramAttributes.AttributeID = dbo.tblAttributes.AttributeID
WHERE (dbo.tblProgramAttributes.AttributeID NOT LIKE '%ProgramType%')
ORDER BY dbo.tblProgramAttributes.ProgramID DESC

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Convert Multiple Rows In Single Column

Sep 4, 2014

Scenario is like that single dept can have multiple LocationHeads, If Location heads are multiple then they should display in single column using *starting the name as mentioned bottom under required output.

Below is sample of data:

create table #Temp(depID int, Name varchar(50),LocationHead varchar(50))
insert into #temp values(1,'test','head1')
insert into #temp values(1,'test','head2')
insert into #temp values(1,'test','head3')
insert into #temp values(2,'test1','head1')
insert into #temp values(2,'test1','head2')

Required output

depID Name LocationHead
1test *head1,*head2,*head3
2test1 *head1,*head2

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How Can I Combine Values Of Multiple Columns Into A Single Column?

Oct 8, 2007

Suppose that I have a table with following values
Col1 Col2 Col3
P3456 C935876 T675
P5555 C678909 T8888

And the outcome that I want is:
P3456 - C935876 - T675
P5555 - C678909 - T8888

where CombinedValues column contains values of coulmn 1,2 & 3 seperated by '-'
So is there any way to achieve this?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Replace Multiple Characters With Single Character In A Column?

Jun 21, 2012

I am trying to replace all special characters in a column with one special character.


Table: dbo.Employee
Column: Name

I am trying to get the namepart to the left of ANY special character. To achieve this, I am thinking of replacing all the special characters with a single special character so that I can find the first occurrence of that special character and grab left of the special character (SUBSTRING/CHARINDEX). This way I don't need to loop through all the special characters.

I am expecting the following results:


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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Add Column To Multiple Table Using Single Script

Feb 12, 2015

I am looking a script which allow me add single coilumn to multiple table of my database.

For Example :-

I am having 4 table

1-Emp , 2-Dept , 3-Location , 4-Salary like this I have around 100 of table

Now I want to run below command to add column Rowchecksum in all table where table name start with Archivebbx keywords.

Alter table EMP
Add Rowchecksum varbinary(8000)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Splitting A Single Column Into Multiple Columns?

Mar 3, 2015

I have a description field in a table which also stores unit of measure in the same column but with some space between them, I need to split these into two different columns.

For Eg:


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Want 2 Store Multiple Room Numbers Of A Hotel In A Single Column Using SQL Server2k.

Jan 15, 2004

Want 2 store Multiple room numbers of a hotel in a single column using SQL Server2k.

Can anybody tell me how to do it??


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Multiple Columns Index/Key (does It Free Me From Creating A Single Column Indexes???)

Apr 12, 2007

I hope i'm in the right place, but thanks anyway....

Actually i have 2 questions (regarding sql-server Indices/Keys):

1) I have an index, which is consisted of 4 columns.

I've read elsewhere that this index functions (as well) as an index (single column

index) on the first column of this multi-column index.

Does this mean that if i'd like to have (in addition) Indices on all of the 4 columns

seperately i need to define only 3???

2) I have a unique key consisted of multiple columns.

I'd like to save an index to this combination of columns as well (to speed up

things in DB...).

Does the definition of a multiple-columns key free me from defining the multiple-

columns index???

can anyone explain the main diference between Keys and Indices???

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Multiple Columns Index/Key (does It Free Me From Creating A Single Column Indexes???)

Apr 16, 2007

I hope i'm in the right place, but thanks anyway....

Actually i have 2 questions (regarding sql-server Indices/Keys):

1) I have an index, which is consisted of 4 columns.

I've read elsewhere that this index functions (as well) as an index (single column

index) on the first column of this multi-column index.

Does this mean that if i'd like to have (in addition) Indices on all of the 4 columns

seperately i need to define only 3???

2) I have a unique key consisted of multiple columns.

I'd like to save an index to this combination of columns as well (to speed up

things in DB...).

Does the definition of a multiple-columns key free me from defining the multiple-

columns index???

can anyone explain the main diference between Keys and Indices???


Ran Kizi

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SQL Server 2008 :: Split Single Row Into Multiple Rows Based On Column Value (quantity)

Jan 30, 2015

Deciding whether or not to use a CTE or this simple faster approach utilizing system tables, hijacking them.

INNER JOIN master.dbo.spt_values t ON t.type='P'
AND t.number BETWEEN 1 AND s.QTY

Just wanted to know if its okay to use system tables in a production environment and if there are any pit falls of using them ?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Data Conversion - Merge Multiple Columns Into Single Column Separated By Semicolons

Oct 19, 2015

I'm working on a script to merge multiple columns(30) into a single column separated by a semicolons, but I'm getting the following error below. I tried to convert to the correct value. but I'm still getting an error.

Error: "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ';' to data type tinyint".

t1.Code1TypeId + ';' +
t1.Code2TypeId + ';' +
t1.Code3TypeId + ';' +
t1.Code4TypeId as CodeCombined

from Sampling.dbo.account_test t1

where t1.Code1TypeId = 20
or t1.Code2TypeId = 20
or t1.Code3TypeId = 20
or t1.Code4TypeId = 20

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Comparing Data In Two Consecutive Rows From A Single Table

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to come up with an elegant, simple way to compare twoconsecutive values from the same table.For instance:SELECT TOP 2 datavalues FROM myTable ORDER BY timestamp DESCThat gives me the two latest values. I want to test the rate ofchange of these values. If the top row is a 50% increase over the rowbelow it, I'll execute some special logic.What are my options? The only ways I can think of doing this arepretty ugly. Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks!B.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Comparing / Merging Records In Single Table?

Jun 2, 2015

I'm trying to avoid a large amount of manual data manipulation.

Here's the background: Legacy system that has (well let's call apples apples) pretty much no method of enforcing data integrity, which has caused a fairly decent amount of garbage data to be inserted in some tables. Pulling one of the [Individuals] table from within this Legacy system and inserting it into a production system, into the Table schema currently in place to track [Individuals] in this Production system.

Problem: Inserting the information is easy, how to deduplicate the records that exist within the staging table that the legacy [Individuals] table has been dumped into in production, prior to insertion. (Wanting to do this programmatically with SQL or SSIS preferably, so that I can alter it later to allow for updating existing/inserting new)

Staging Table Schema:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[stage_Individuals](
[SysID] [int] NULL, --Unique, though it's not an index intended to identify the [Individuals]
[JJISID] [nvarchar](10) NULL,
[NameLast] [nvarchar](30) NULL,
[NameFirst] [nvarchar](30) NULL,
[NameMiddle] [nvarchar](30) NULL,


Scenario: There are records that duplicate the JJISID, though this value is supposed to be unique for every individual. The SYSID is just a Clustered Index (I'm assuming) within the Legacy system and will be most likely dropped when inserted into the Production [Inviduals] table. There are records that are missing their JJISID, though this isn't supposed to happen either, but have valid information within SSN/DOB/Name/etc that can be merged into the correct record that has a JJISID assigned. There is really no data conformity, some records have NULLS for everything except JJISID, or some records will have all the [Individuals] information excluding the JJISID.

Currently I am running the following SQL just to get a list of the records that have a duplicate JJISID (I have other's that partition by Name/DOB/etc and will adapt whatever I come up with to be used for those as well):

select j.*
from (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY JJISID ORDER BY JJISID) as RowNum, stage_Individuals.*, COUNT(*) OVER (partition by jjisid) as cnt from stage_Individuals) as j
where cnt > 1 and j.JJISID is not nullNow, with SQL Server 2012 or later I could use LAG and LEAD w/ the RowNum value to do my data manipulation...but that won't work because we are on SQL Server 2008 in this environment.


With, the following as a potential solution:

GSquared (3/16/2010)Here's a query that seems to do what you need. Try it, let me know if it works.

Performance on it will be a problem, but I can't fine tune that. You'll need to look at various method for getting this kind of data from the table and work out which variation will be best for your data. Without access to the actual table, I can't do that.

AS (SELECT master_id,
MIN(ID) AS first_id,
MAX(Account_Expiry) AS latest_expiry
FROM #People
GROUP BY master_id)
SELECT P1.master_id,


Unfortunately, I don't think that will accomplish what I'm looking for - I have some records that are duplicated 6 times, and I'm wanting to keep the values within these that aren't NULL.

Basically what I'm looking for, is to update any column with a NULL value to the corresponding Duplicate [Individuals] record value for that column.

**EDIT - Example, Record 1 has a JJISID with NULL NameFirst & NameLast BUT Record 2 has the same JJISID and values for NameFirst & NameLast. I'm wanting to propogate the NameFirst & NameLast from Record2 into Record1

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Transact SQL :: Query To Convert Single Row Multiple Columns To Multiple Rows

Apr 21, 2015

I have a table with single row like below

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column0 | Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Column4|
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Value0    | Value1    | Value2    | Value3    |  Value4  |

Am looking for a query to convert above table data to multiple rows having column name and its value in each row as shown below

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column0 | Value0
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column1 | Value1
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column2 | Value2
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column3 | Value3
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Column4 | Value4
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Transact SQL :: Converting From Multiple Rows With Single Values To Single Rows With Multiple Values

May 10, 2015

Here is some data that will explain what I want to do:

Input Data:
Part ColorCode
A100 123
A100 456
A100 789
B100 456
C100 123
C100 456

Output Data:
Part ColorCode
A100 123;456;789
B100 456
C100 123;456

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Insert Single Row / Multiple Rows Into Multiple Tables

Sep 3, 2014

How to insert single row/multiple rows into multiple tables by using single insert statement.

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Comparing Contents Of One Row To Multiple Rows In Another Table?

Jul 31, 2007


I've a bunch of records that may contain data that I'm after. For example:

This is a fake title [electronic resource]. 1997.

I have a very small table (~10 rows) of things like '[electronic resource]'

Is there any way to see if my record contains any of the 'target' items in the other table?

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Comparing Nullable Column With Int

Sep 20, 2007


I have a table name bla.
PKEY id, int, NOT NULL
group, int
name, string, NOT NULL

how do I compare them with int?

for example the following data.
1, NULL, 'freelance'
2, 1, 'group1'
3, 2, 'group2'

select * from bla where group<>1 <-- this fails?

What is the proper SQL Statement for this?


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Transact SQL :: Comparing 2 Records / Multiple Instances In The Same Table For A Specific Combination?

Jun 10, 2015

I have a problem where I have 2 compare 2 records from the same table. This part looks easy but the problem is for a User there can be multiple records and I have 2 compare each record with its previous instance based on the timestamp. Not only I have to compare I have to perform some analysis. Below is the Table script and sample output.

Givens: All SQL Server 2008 or 2012 tools at your disposal.

Production database contains the following tables (simplified for example: constraints ignored, etc.) associated with a racing video game’s server.

-- A player of our game

-- Table greater than 10 million rows

TABLE [dbo].[User]
[bigint] NOT
[int] NULL   
-- User’s home country
NULL  -- User’s displayable name (‘John’, ‘Bill’)
[int] NULL
-- 0 == free, 1 == paid, for instance

Assume that rows get written into the event tables at a rate of 1,000 a minute,are never updated once written and currently are only read on a replica/reporting server.

Question Background: Write up a single query that would return the following: List of users and whose “TotalMoneyEarned” value ever grew (between logon events) at a rate of more than 1,000 per minute (we’d consider these suspicious and flag them for later investigation). 

For instance, if the sample data were:

-- example of [Events.UserLogon] data  -- not the query output we want

EventId     UserId               TotalMoneyEarned LogonDate
----------- -------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
1           1               1000             2010-10-16 00:19:56.460
2           1               1500             2010-10-16 00:20:56.460
3           1               3000             2010-10-16 00:21:56.460
4           1               10000            2010-10-16 00:29:56.460

Event 1 is okay because there’s nothing to compare it against

Event 2 is okay because the TotalMoneyEarned only grew 500 in a minute

Event 3 should be flagged, as the value grew 1500 in a minute

Event 4 is okay, as it grew 7,000 in 8 minutes (< 1000 per minute)

Query Output (your query should return data in a format like this):

User      Flagged Logon Time    Rate Since Last Logon (money/minute)
John      2010-10-16 00:21:56   1500
Dave      2010-10-16 00:30:50   3200
Bill      2010-10-16 00:35:23   1000

It is likely that you will need to create sample data for both the User and [Events.Logon] tables.  We are looking for a single query that returns data like what is represented in Query Output.

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Comparing Column Values Among 2 Or More Rows

Jun 29, 2012

I've been working with T-SQL in a MSSQL Server Management Studio (2005) for about a week now. I've been trying to convert some horribly written VB code from a MS Access DB over to SQL so it can be automated on a SQL backend.

Most of the learning process and coding has gone surprisingly well. The problem is with comparing some data to determine which one needs to be flagged.

Three tables to note in bold, with notable fields in italics below them:

HRID (identity)

ID (identity)
[Last Name] (linked to HRID)
[Resource Start Date]
[Resource End Date]
[Percent Utilization]

RAID (linked to ResourceAllocation.ID)
a monthyear and quarteryear for every month and quarter from 2012-2014. IE january12, february12, 1q12, 2q13, etc...

And yes, there are probably a thousand ways to optimize that tblHCvalues, but I'll ask about that later. Just work with the structure I have

Here's how it works: Each employee's data and unique HRID is in the EmployeeData tableAn employee can be on one or multiple projects at any timeThose projects are stored per project in the ResourceAllocation table with a link to the Employee's HRID, and all the other information listed aboveEven though an employee might be on two projects, they can only count for headcount on one project.

We use rules that compare the percent of work being done on a project, and the start and end dates of the employee (resource) on that project to determine which project should be counted for Headcount. The code uses a cursor to go through each HRID, and then pull up all the ResourceAllocation records associated with it.Run the rules to determine which ResourceAllocation record counts toward headcountA stored procedure then runs that fills out the tblHCvalues in the way we want for the project we want

All of it works, except for the rules that compare the things, so that's what I want to focus on in this thread. How do I write these rules:

Here are the rules, and they should work for any number of multiple resource allocations for one employee:

Choose the ResourceAllocation with the greatest [Percent Utilization]If the top ResourceAllocations have equal [Percent Utilization], choose the ResourceAllocation with the earliest [Resource Start Date]If the [Percent Utilization] and the [Resource Start Date] are equal, choose the latest [Resource End Date]If all three fields are equal, choose the first ResourceAllocation (aka, screw it and pick one at random)

I'm sure I could use a bunch of IF statements to compare it all, but even that is complicated to think about. There has to be an easier way, right?

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Comparing Column Names And Indexes

Feb 17, 2004

Is there a way to compare tables in 2 different databases to find out if they have the same indexes and column names and keys. Or maybe a tool i dont know about.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Comparing Column Values In Same Table

Jun 16, 2014

How to resolve the below task

create table #temp ( idx int identity(1,1), col1 int, col2 int )

Here i want a flag success or fail on basis of below conditions.

I need to take all the col1 values and then i need to compare to each other.

if any difference found, i need to check difference more than 30, then it should raise the flag as "Failure".

if all the col1 values are ok , then we need to check Col2 values same as above.

--case 1

insert into #temp(col1,col2)
select 16522,18522
union all
select 16522,18522
union all
select 16582,18522

--select * from #temp

--truncate table #temp

Because of difference in col1 values . the value of flag should be fail.

--case 2

insert into #temp(col1,col2)
select 16522,18522
union all
select 16522,18522
union all
select 16522,17522

Here also the col1 is ok but col2 values have difference so it should be Fail.

Otherwise it should be success.

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Comparing A Column List Split To A Table.

Jul 23, 2005

Let me see if I can explain my situation clearly.I have a table with the columns:answer_id, question_id, member_id, answer- answer_id is the primary key for the table.- question_id relates to another table with questions for a user. Thetable holds the question and the possible choices in a varchar fieldseparated by a delimiter.- member_id is self-explanatory- answer is a varchar field of all the choices the user selected,separated by a delimiter.Here is my problem.I am trying to search all members that have answered, say, question_id= 2 where they selected 'brown' as one of their choices.i can do this if they selected ONLY that item, but not multiple items.The problem is this portionanswer in(select valu from dbo.iter_intlist.....I need this to be something like....function_to_return_all_separated_answers(answer) in(select valu from dbo.iter_intlistThe current way, it is only returning members that have an answer'Brown', not 'Brown, Blue' in their answer field. Make any sense? So,what I need to do is separate the list of answers and say :select member_id from profile_answers whereANY ANSWER in function_to_split(answer) MATCHES ANY OF THESE (selectvalu from dbo.iter_intlist...It seems I might have to join or something, I am just a little lostright now.Here is my proc.ALTER procedure search_detailed_get_ids@question_id as integer,@answers as varchar(8000),@member_ids ntextasdeclare @v as varchar(8000)--get the delimited string of all possible answersset @v = (select bind_data from profiles_questions where question_id =@question_id)--prepare it for the function only accepting 1 charset @v = replace(@v, '||', '|')--gimme all members that matchselect member_id from profiles_answers where question_id = @question_idand answer in(select valu from dbo.iter_intlist_to_table(@v, '|') where listpos in(select valu from dbo.iter_intlist_to_table(@answers, ',')))and member_id in (select valu from dbo.iter_intlist_to_table(@member_ids, ','))returngo

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