Compute Command Change To Rollup?

Aug 25, 2014

i want this keep query output result but don't want the "compute " this command , because this query cannot run in this dos command directc.exe , Thus, it is have any writing skill , it is possible using of rollup ?

select d.shopcode

[Code] ....

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SCD - Must Change SQL Command Manually

May 30, 2007

Hi all

I'm trying to use the Slowly Changing Dimension transformation and it seems that in order to get the transformation to work as expected the custom property "sql command" has to be manually changed so that a "RTrim" function is applied to all string columns referenced. As an example consider this:

SELECT Initials, Department_Name from dimEmployee

has to be changed to

Select RTrim(Initials) as Initials, RTrim(Department_Name) as Department_Name from dimEmployee

where Initials is the "bussines key" and "department_name" a historic attribute.

Is this the normal behaviour ??

Regards, Steen

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Can You Change Command Timeout Via The Connection String?

Dec 21, 2007

I know that connecttimeout and commandtimeout are separate entities. Is it possible to change the default command timeout value by changing the connection string?
I need to increase the command timeout and want to know if I can do it without changing my code and rebuilding my ASP.NET 1.1 web app.
Thanks in advance. -- ZLA

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Single Command To Change The Backup Device Path

Feb 29, 2008

Hi guys.

acutally my network dept. has change the backup file server IP address.. i m now hving problem for taking backup.
i have around 85 backup that runs everyday.. what i m doing now running every single command to drop backup device and then adding again.. but it's taking agess to do..

is there any simple script that just update the device path folder..

Thanks and looking foward.

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Compute The Age

Mar 5, 2007

Hi all. How could i get the age of the employees given the birthdate.

table - personalinfo

name birthdate
john 2/15/2004 12:00:00 AM
peter 2/15/2003 12:00:00 AM
jon 2/15/2001 12:00:00 AM
mike 2/15/2000 12:00:00 AM
sam 2/15/2002 12:00:00 AM


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Feb 2, 2008

I run SELECT statement with a COMPUTE clause,columns in the select list overrides on aggregate functions in COMPUTE clause.
why was overrided?
how show  output COMPUTE clause?

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Select With A COMPUTE

Nov 9, 2007

Is there a way to change the column headings when using a compute? I have the following code:

Select IP_address, Caption1, VendorIcon, InterfaceID, Caption2, InterfaceIcon, In_Maxbps, Out_Maxbps, DateTime1

from #test

WHERE InterfaceID IN('144', '154')

ORDER BY InterfaceID

COMPUTE max(In_Maxbps), max(OUT_maxbps), min(OUT_maxbps), avg(OUT_maxbps)

BY InterfaceID

The compute gives me 2 columns with the heading max. I would like to change those headings.


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Compute Column In View...

Mar 11, 2006

I have a SQL table that consists of columns A, B and C.  I am trying to construct a view consisting of all columns (i.e. A, B, C) and a computed column.  This computed column has the following logic:
If B is blank or null then  NewColumn = A + ' - ' C
 NewColumn = A + ' - ' + B
I am just wondering how the SQL statement should look like....

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Compute And Update In One Statement

Jun 13, 2008

Hi Guys, got a problem.
I am trying to create a table of summarized fees. I was unable to do a Insert command so I settled for an Update command. But I ran into this error msg which I’m not sure how to fix. Can anyone see the problem or is it not even possible to Update and Compute in the same statement? Do I have to do a sub query?

Update FEE_SUMs_20080402
INNER JOIN dbo.Addr_20080402 ON
Account_Num = F.DDLOAN

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 7
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ORDER'.

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Compute Sums In Select Query

Dec 24, 2003

i have this query and would like to have a sum for each column. how can i phrase the compute line please ?

select office as Office
, Sum(Case (role) when 'ebp' then 1 else 0 end) as 'EBP'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'support' then 1 else 0 end) as 'Support'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'Awaiting Disposal' then 1 else 0 end) as 'Awaiting Disposal'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'Interview Room' then 1 else 0 end) as 'Interview Room'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'Sch Drop In' then 1 else 0 end) as 'Sch Drop In'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'Sch CX Staff' then 1 else 0 end) as 'Sch CX Staff'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'Not in Use' then 1 else 0 end) as 'Not in Use'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'Public' then 1 else 0 end) as 'Public'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'IAG' then 1 else 0 end) as 'IAG'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'Delivery' then 1 else 0 end) as 'Delivery'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'NVQ Use' then 1 else 0 end) as 'NVQ Use'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'Hot Swap Spare' then 1 else 0 end) as 'Hot Swap Spare'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'Archived' then 1 else 0 end) as 'Archived'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'Network Infrastructure' then 1 else 0 end) as 'Network Infrastructure'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'Unknown' then 1 else 0 end) as 'Unknown'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'Drop in Centres' then 1 else 0 end) as 'Drop in Centres'
, Sum(Case (role) when 'Training' then 1 else 0 end) as 'Training'
from tempassets2
group by office, role
order by office

any help appreciated.

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Compute By Clause Problem In SQL 2000

Feb 9, 2004

I am having a problem with this compute by clause

The statement is a simple select

Select col1, col2 from table1
where <where clause>
order by col1
Compute Sum(col2) by col1

I want the display to show details and group totals.

The error message I keep getting is
Server: Msg 410, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
COMPUTE clause #1 'BY' expression #1 is not in the order by list.

I have previously used the compute clause so I know it should work !!

Ay help will be appreciated - Thank you.

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Compute Sum Result Cannot Show In Report?

Aug 23, 2014

How to display sql compute sum command their result in amount and qty in report?

I am try this query is successful show the total amount and qty in studio management server and show in screen. But run this query on report is without to show last column of qty and amount, why ?


from xsoheader
inner join xsodetail on xsoheader.shopcode + xsoheader.memono = xsodetail.shopcode + xsodetail.memono
inner join xsopayment on xsoheader.shopcode + xsoheader.memono = xsopayment.shopcode + xsopayment.memono
where (xsodetail.sku = 'L000254' or xsodetail.sku='L000256') and xsoheader.voidflag='N' and xsodetail.txdate = CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 112)
compute sum(xsopayment.paymentamt) , sum(xsodetail.salesqty)

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How To Compute For A Backup File Size

Jan 9, 2008

hello guys,

Please bare with my english.

Is there a way to compute for the backup file size of the database.


*in MB
DataSize DataSize_Used DataSize_UnUsed
150.00 81.00 70.00

LogSize LogSize_Used LogSize_UnUsed
30.00 1.00 29.00

When I run a backup for TEST_DB ,
*base on this figure - can we compute the the estimated backup file size for TEST_DB?

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Joe Celko Nested Set Model: How To Compute The Lft And Rgt Cols

Jul 3, 2006


With reference to
I want the "sql stmt" which wud give the lft and rgt col values..

i am reading his book but cant understand :eek: where he explains
wat lft and rgt cols are..

"The root is always (lft,rgt) (1, 2*(Select count(*)from table) and leaft nodes are (lft+1=rgt)" :S

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Compute Parent Status From Child Statuses?

May 22, 2008

Take the example of a master-detail/parent-child set of tables, say, for example, an order table and order details. The order details table has bit field called "IsShipped". I want the overall order status to be shipped=true when all of the order details have their IsShipped column true. Let's say this is in a stored procedure that returns a result set of orders and whether or not they are completely shipped. How could I achieve this?

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Stored Procedure, Select/Compute/Update

Oct 20, 2005

I am trying to update fields in my table based on certain critera.


SET tblALMLoans.NextRepDate = dateadd(YY,5,tblALMLoans.OriginalDate)

do until tblALMLoans.NextRepDate > getdate()
tblALMLoans.NextRepDate = dateadd(YY,1,tblALMLoans.OriginalDate)

FROM tblALMLoans
WHERE (tblALMLoans.RateFlag = 'A');

I know this is no where near what its supposed to look like, but this is in code what I am looking to do.

Any help would be greatly appriciated.

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SQL Statement To Compute Employee Pay For A Year At Different Pay Rates

Nov 23, 2005

I would like a single SQL to return all employee's total billablecompensation for a year. Their billable rates change throughout the year sounder the employee table (one), there is a compensation table (to many)which has the employee id, effective date, billable hourly rate. So in agiven year calendar year they could have many different (though usually 2 atmost) rates. These rates then have to correspond to and e multiplied bytheir corresponding billable hours from the time sheet table.I know I could create a series of UNIONs and hard code the effective dates, from time sheets where employee=john and timesheet.task_date betweenjan 1 and jun 1, compensation.billable rate * timesheet.billable hoursUNIONselect from time sheets where employee=john timesheet.task_date between jun1 and dec 31 compensation.billable_rate * timesheet.billable_hoursI'd have to do that for every employee in a very large SQL.Is there an easier way using straight SQL? If not could it be done with astored procedure?Thanks for any insight.

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TSQL Or Procedure To Compute According To Previous Data

May 19, 2008

I have three coloumn in Salary Table
Emp ID, Emp Salary , Sequence
a1 1000 1
a1 2000 2
a1 2000 3
a2 4000 1
a2 5000 2
a2 5000 3
a2 6000 4

Now I have to calculate the count on salary if the previous salary is different then count +1 else is previous salary same then add +0.
so output be
EmpID and Updation in Salary
a1 = 2 and for a2 =3

Can anyone help me with the query or storeprocedure i can achieve this output counting according to previous data.

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With RollUp Question

Jul 14, 2006

I am trying to do a Total Row with Rollup.

I am encountering an error:
Server: Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 25
Column 'CALLSTARTTIME' is invalid in the select list because it is not
contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

Here's the query:
END AS 'Year',
        Count(*) as 'Total Calls'
        FROM         CALL_LOG_MASTER

Idea outcome:

Year   Total Calls
2005   100  
2006   200
Total   300

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SQL Rollup In Datagrid

Jul 13, 2005

Hi,I am attempting to achieve some form of report that needs to make use of sql rollup and display it as follows:Category     Subject Matter1     Subject Matter2     Subject Matter3     No of CasesClubs             Facilities             Sport Facilities          Swimming Pool       3                     SubTotal                                                                     3Events             SBR/AHM                NULL                      NULL                1                     SubTotal                                                                     1                     GrandTotal                                                                     4However, with my sql query, using roll up, it will look like the following which is not correct.Category     Subject Matter1     Subject Matter2     Subject Matter3     No of CasesClubs             Facilities             Sport Facilities          Swimming Pool          3Clubs             Facilities             Sport Facilities             NULL                      3Clubs             Facilities             NULL                         NULL                      3Clubs             Sub Total             NULL                         NULL                      3Events             SBR/AHM             NULL                         NULL                      1Events              SBR/AHM             NULL                         NULL                     1Events             SBR/AHM             NULL                         NULL                      1Events             Sub Total             NULL                         NULL                      1This is the query I am using:<code>select casewhen (grouping(Cat.Description)=1) then 'Grand Total'else Cat.Descriptionend as Category,casewhen (grouping(sub.description)=1) then 'Sub Total'else Sub.descriptionend as SM1,SubSub.Description as SM2, SM.Description as SM3, count(sub.description)from tb_feedbackcase FB left join tb_category Cat on FB.Category_ID = Cat.Category_ID left join tb_subcategory Sub on FB.SubCategory_ID = Sub.SubCategory_IDleft join tb_subsubcategory SubSub on FB.SubSubCategory_ID = SubSub.SubSubCategory_IDleft join tb_SubjectMatterLV3 SM on FB.SM3_ID = SM.SM3_IDwhere fb.commenttype_id in (select commenttypes_id from tb_comment_types where description = @feedback_type)and convert(char(10),feedback_datetime,102) >= convert(char(10),@date_from, 102)and convert(char(10), feedback_datetime, 102) <= convert(char(10),@date_to, 102)group by Cat.Description, Sub.Description, SubSub.Description, SM.Description with rollup</code>How can I change it to reflect more accurately? Please help. Thanks.

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RollUp Not Working !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 27, 2002

l would like to get totals at the bottom of the following columns

SELECT sum(capital_Amount) AS Capital_Amount,
sum(interest_Amount) AS Interest_Amount,
sum(total_Amount) AS Total_Amount,
sum(admin_Fee) AS Admin_Fee

to sum up all totals by column. i tried using the rollup,cube like in oracle no luck. Whats the best way of achieving this? if l have to write it as a function how would l do that?

Alter View Test2
SELECT loan_No AS Loan_No,
date_Issued AS Date_Issued,
store AS Store,
product AS Product,
capital_Amount AS Capital_Amount,
interest_Amount AS Interest_Amount,
total_Amount AS Total_Amount,
admin_Fee AS Admin_Fee,
user_Issued AS User_Issued,
LoanBook AS Company,

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Rollup Records?

Jun 22, 2004

I have two tables - the first contains machine info, and the second contains monthly readings.

Serial, Model, Location, etc...

Serial, Year, Month, Reading

I would like to write a query that gives me one row for each machine that has the serial, model, and the reading for the previous 12 months. The date will be passed into the query

Query (passing 6/1/2004)
Serial, Model, ReadingFor200307, ReadingFor200308, ...., ReadingFor200406

Can anyone help me with this or tell me what topic I should be scanning the help files for?



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Order By In The Rollup

Oct 7, 2004

Ok, I want to know if it is possible to do an order by while using the rollup in the group by. Look at the below script:

create table tmpTable
prod_name varchar(50) null,
prod_color varchar(50) null,
quantity int null

insert into tmpTable values ('table', 'blue', 12)
insert into tmpTable values ('table', 'red', 100)
insert into tmpTable values ('table', 'white', 50)
insert into tmpTable values ('chair', 'blue', 12)
insert into tmpTable values ('chair', 'red', 1)
insert into tmpTable values ('chair', 'white', 123)
insert into tmpTable values ('chair', 'yellow', 50)

SELECT CASE WHEN (GROUPING(prod_name) = 1) THEN 'Grand Total'
END AS Item,
CASE WHEN (GROUPING(prod_color) = 1) and grouping(prod_name) != 1 THEN 'Sub Total'
when grouping(prod_color) = 1 and grouping(prod_name) = 1 then ''
ELSE ISNULL(prod_color, 'UNKNOWN')
END AS Color,
SUM(quantity) AS QtySum
FROM tmpTable
GROUP BY prod_name, prod_color WITH ROLLUP

--drop table tmpTable

I want to be able to do an order by for each section of the rollup so that the quantity can be asc for both the chair part of the query and the table part.

Thanks ahead of time.


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Rollup Query Help

Jul 20, 2005

I found this great rollup query example that uses grouping and subtotals. Would it be possible to expand on this and include a groupwithin a group and subtotal each group? For example, parent product thenchild product? Help appreciated. Thanks.FrankSQL:SELECTCASEWHEN (Grouping(CategoryName)=1) THEN 'MainTotal'ELSE CategoryNameEND AS CategoryName,CASEWHEN (Grouping(ProductName)=1) THEN 'SubTotal'ELSE ProductnameEND AS ProductName,Sum(UnitPrice) as UnitPrice,Sum(UnitsinStock) as UnitsInStockFROM ProductsINNER JOIN Categories OnProducts.CategoryID = Categories.CategoryIDGROUP BY CategoryName, ProductName WITH ROLLUP*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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What Is CUBE And ROLLUP???

Sep 16, 2007

Can anyone explain me that WHAT IS CUBE AND ROLLUP Statments for?? Why to use, Where to use and When to use???
Are they usefull in any point of view from ADO.NET???

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How To Use Rollup On Only 1 Column

Mar 28, 2008

I would like to only have 1 column rollup but I still need the other columns in the output. Here is my T-SQL code:

This is the current output:

0 2007-02-14 00:00:00 test test 03-Barnes Healthcare Services 246.00
0 2007-02-14 00:00:00 test test 03-Barnes Healthcare Services 246.00
0 2007-02-14 00:00:00 test test NULL 246.00
0 2007-02-14 00:00:00 test NULL NULL 246.00
0 2007-02-14 00:00:00 NULL NULL NULL 246.00
0 NULL NULL NULL NULL 3992230.50

I would like it to look like this:

0 2007-02-14 00:00:00 test test 03-Barnes Healthcare Services 246.00
0 NULL NULL NULL NULL 3992230.50

I only want the total on the 1st column, but it rollups all of the columns.

Code Snippet

SELECT ServiceTypeCode, ServiceDate, IFirst, ILast, VendorName, Sum(ISNULL(AfterDiscountAmt,0)) AS Amount
FROM Holding_Billable
WHERE DocumentDate BETWEEN '1/1/2007' AND '12/31/2007'
AND SiteCode = 7001
GROUP BY ServiceTypeCode, ServiceDate, IFirst, ILast, VendorName, AfterDiscountAmt

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SQL Command To Change A Long Date To Short Date

Aug 25, 2006

   Is there a SQL command that will change a Date&Time string to just a Date?

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How To Compute Biweekly Periods When Date Is Passed In As Parameter

Oct 7, 2014

How can I compute the biweekly periods when a date is passed in as a parameter, for example if the user enters 9/12/2014 I should get:

Friday /2nd half9/12/2014
Friday/1st half 9/19/2014
Friday/2nd half9/19/2014
Wednesday 9/24/2014
Friday/1st half 9/26/2014

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SQL 2005 On Windows Compute Cluster 2003 Will It Work ?

Mar 22, 2007

Hi all

I am busy looking at the WIndows 2003 Comptu Cluster setup (Well I am loading it)

And I am interested to know if any body has run SQL 2005 Enterprise on this platform before ?

I know that Windows Compute Cluster uses a JOB scheduler to run tasks and this can be customised for each task , to allow it to use more resourses or less .

I also know that SQL 2005 is much more capable of running cluster mode with database replication and log file shipping

I want to know is of I load SQL 2005 on a Clustered Compute setup will it handle the SQL jobs, database requests with out the scheduler.

The question might be a bit tricky but any help is appricated



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Data Access :: How To Compute Student Grade In Server

Nov 21, 2015

i am having problem putting this query to calculate students grade using the condition and legend bellow.



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Power Pivot :: Compute Billing In Previous Period

Jun 14, 2015

Imagine a 5 column dataset with the following fields - Organiser, Date of Invoice, Total Invoice Value, Reimbursements and Service tax charged.  Using the PowerPivot, I want to determine the "Growth in Professional fee billed over the previous period" - please note that previous period need not be previous year because a client may be billed after a gap of 1-2 years as well.To compute growth, I first need to determine the absolute value of Professional fee billed over the previous period.  This is where I am getting stuck.  Since the billing periods for different clients need not be consecutive, I cannot use the SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR function.

In trying to solve the problem, I tried to frame a calculated field formula but could not do so.  Therefore, I tried solving it via a calculated column formula in the PowerPivot window.  My idea here was to determine the client wise previous financial year for each row and then use this column in a calculated field formula to get my desired result.  I am getting an error when I write this formula (see Billing data tab of PowerPivot window).

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Rollup Question, What's Wrong?

Jul 6, 2004

So I'm making some kind of vain attempt to follow this tutorial to get summary rows, and I've followed it as best I can to the letter using my own data. But when I try to run the query, it tells me there's a syntax error near "WITHROLLUP". Am I missing something?

WHEN 0 THEN ID ELSE - 1 END AS TheID, SUM(WorkDays) AS TotDays
FROM EmpScheduleExceptions
ORDER BY Employee, TotDays

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Aug 17, 2005

I'm struggling to fin a way to use DISTINCT keyword with ROLLUP (or Cube).For example,SELECT employee_city, employee_country, COUNT(DISTINCT employee_name)FROM employeeGROUP BY employee_city, employee_country WITH ROLLUPthat query does not work.Is there a workaround?Thx.

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