I have a problem with a view in MS SQL Server 2000. The View concatenates 3 fields (prefix, partnumber, suffix) using hte "+" operator and one or more of these fields may sometimes be null. The problem is that a null value in any of the three fields causes the concatenation to return null even if there are valid values in on or both of the other fields. I thought I might be able to work around this by creating a view containing CASE statements to render the null values as zero length strings, which concatenate properly (e.g., "SELECT CASE WHEN PREFIX IS NULL THEN '' ELSE PREFIX END 'prefix2' FROM [table_name]"). But SQL server will not let me save a view containing a CASE statement. Anybody know how to resolve this problem?
By the way, I also tried to use UNION views to work around this but SQL server 2000 will not let me save views with UNION sataments even though it runs them properly when views with UNION statements that were created in SQL server 7.0 are imported. What's up with the inability to save a view just because it can't be rendered in the gui pane of the query builder??
When i do a select on my emplee table for rows with null idCompany i dont get any records
I then try to modify the table to not allow a null idCompany and i get this error message:
'Employee (aMgmt)' table - Unable to modify table. Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'idCompany', table 'D2.aMgmt.Tmp_Employee'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.
is there an elegant way to use one equals sign in a where clause that returns true when both arguments are null, and returns true when neither is null but both are equal and returns false when only one is null?
I have two SSIS packages that import from the same flat file into the same SQL 2005 table. I have one flat file connection (to a comma delimited file) and one OLE DB connection (to a SQL 2005 Database). Both packages use these same two Connection Managers. The SQL table allows NULL values for all fields. The flat file has "empty values" (i.e., ,"", ) for certain columns.
The first package uses the Data Flow Task with the "Keep nulls" property of the OLE DB Destination Editor unchecked. The columns in the source and destination are identically named thus the mapping is automatically assigned and is mapped based on ordinal position (which is equivalent to the mapping using Bulk Insert). When this task is executed no null values are inserted into the SQL table for the "empty values" from the flat file. Empty string values are inserted instead of NULL.
The second package uses the Bulk Insert Task with the "KeepNulls" property for the task (shown in the Properties pane when the task in selected in the Control Flow window) set to "False". When the task is executed NULL values are inserted into the SQL table for the "empty values" from the flat file.
So using the Data Flow Task " " (i.e., blank) is inserted. Using the Bulk Insert Task NULL is inserted (i.e., nothing is inserted, the field is skipped, the value for the record is omitted).
I want to have the exact same behavior on my data in the Bulk Insert Task as I do with the Data Flow Task.
Using the Bulk Insert Task, what must I do to have the Empty String values inserted into the SQL table where there is an "empty value" in the flat file? Why & how does this occur automatically in the Data Flow Task?
From a SQL Profile Trace comparison of the two methods I do not see where the syntax of the insert command nor the statements for the preceeding captured steps has dictated this change in the behavior of the inserted "" value for the recordset. Please help me understand what is going on here and how to accomplish this using the Bulk Insert Task.
I want to concatenate the column_names with the respective values.
Create table #test1 (Id int,Name varchar(10),Country varchar(10))
insert into #test1 values ( 1,'JOHN','USA'), (2,'SAM','CANADA'), (3,'HO','CHINA'), (4,'RAM','INDIA')
select * from #test1
I have temp table with columns (Id,Name, Country). I want to concatenate column_name with their respective values; means i want column_header with every value for the column and then i want to concatenate multiple columns. I am looking for something like below:
Note: This is just a sample .i am looking something dynamic because i have around 50 tables.i can do with query below but since i don't have static columns and table i am looking for something dynamic
select ID, (a+'-'+B) as Value from ( select ID,'NAME'+'-'+NAME as a,'Country'+'-'+Country as b from #test1
I've used some info on here to generate random dates within a given range and also random times - independently they work fine, but I can't seem to join them into a single field of datetime. I'm not sure why. The following snippet works fine as two independent fields:
select CAST(CAST(ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()))%(780)+(33968) AS DATETIME) as DATE) as theDate, CAST(CAST(DATEADD(milliSECOND,ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()))%86400000 ,'00:00') AS TIME) as varchar(50)) as theTimeBut when I try to make it a single datetime field:
select CAST(cast(cast(CAST(ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()))%(780)+(33968) AS DATETIME) as date) as varchar(50)) + ' ' + cast(CAST(CAST(DATEADD(milliSECOND,ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()))%86400000 ,'00:00') AS TIME) as varchar(50)) as varchar(50)) as datetime)
Which returns with: Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
So what I am really looking for is a way to join those two values into a single datetime field... Or failing that that how to generate random dates within a range including random times...
I am trying to pivot my data results so that instead of showing multiple rows for each product a client has it will show one line for each client and concatenate all of their products together.
For example, if I run the following query:
SELECT [Year], [Client_Name], [Product_Name] FROM My.dbo.Table GROUP BY [Year], [Client_Name], [Product_Name]
I have some C# code that is pulling data from a database where a majority of the values being retrieved are NULL , yet their initial column data types are both string and int, which means that I have to temporarily store these NULL's in int and string data types in C#. Later on in my code I have to test against these values, and was wondering if I am doing it correctly with the following code.
The following statement the variable or_team_home_id is of a string data type, but may have had a NULL value assigned to it from the database if (!or_team_home_id.Equals(DBNull.Value)) {}
The following statement the variable or_manager_id is of a int data type, but also may have a NULL value assigned to it from the database. if (!Convert.IsDBNull(or_manager_id)){}
Are these the correct way to test against NULL values retrieved from teh database and that are stored in their respective data types.
Why is it that when I include a column from my SQL Server database table, which has it's Allow Nulls checked, in the data source of a control that the record becomes not update-able? How do I get around this?
When I include a field from my SQL Server database, which has it's Allow Nulls value checked, in the data source of any type of control with it's Enable Editing property check, I then can not edit the record! If I remove the Allow Nulls field I can then edit it! What am I missing here?
I have a text file I am trying to import into SQL Server using OLEDB connection.
It's a fixed field text file, ragged right format. One of my columns maps to a numeric column in the DB. In some spots in the file, it is blank, in others there is actual numeric data.
I can't get it to import. If I set the text file column to numeric, I get an error "That value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data." If I set the text file column to string, I get a similar error from the OLE DB provider, "Invalid character value for cast specification"
I have tried telling it to retain nulls in the data flow and the other way as well. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
We have a hierarchical table of some 2-3k of rows that grows slowly at only 3-5 rows a month, and is never likely to be above 5k, holding file/directory names with an IdParent int value pointing at that items immediate parent or NULL if root
iterative code required to achieve the result I am looking for is best handled in the Application layer, but in this case the design brief is that we must get our results back as a View. Speed of execution and code clarity are secondary 'icing on the cake' issues.
I have tried recursive CTE's and XML FOR solutions but without success, and while I feel the latter is probably the best all rounder the searches I have made and the examples I have read do not seem to solve this particular issue.
Even to find the starting point of the search tree (i.e. the .EXE and the .CSV items) was difficult because the final slash is optional in some of the rows (.e. row 4)
The end result of my view on the above data should return:
Id FilePath 5 C:ProgramFilesExcel.EXE 6 D:DataFilesMyDataList.CSV (note the adding of the missing delimiter between DataFiles and MyDataList)
I have two tables one list changes of hospital ward and one lists changes of consultant doctor. These can change independently ie a ward change can occur without a consultant change and vice versa. I want to summarise these changes to give the status at each date_serial value.
select date_serial,consultant_id,null as ward_id from #temp_consultant_episode union select date_serial,null as consultant_id,ward_id from #temp_ward_stay
If a column is set to allow nulls I know that a constraint can be used to supply a default (i.e. GetDate() ) when no value is provided but what about when an explicit NULL is provided in an INSERT or UPDATE statement?Is there any way other then an AFTER trigger to substitute a value for an explicitly provided NULL? In other words, assuming that dtAsof is a NULL enabled column, is there any way to over ride what the following will do to MYTABLE:
If there's no way to do this in SQL Server 2008R2 then what about later versions of SQL Server? Do any more recent versions have a way to deal with this? We have a third party app that uses a SQL Server back end and many of the tables have columns for storing audit like data such as date/time but many are left to NULL values and I'd really like to fix that in as passive a way as possible so as to not break the app that uses the database. I know a constraint with a default can be sued to over ride a null but not when a null is explicitly provided.
I concatenate multiple rows from one table in multiple columns like this:
--Create Table CREATE TABLE [Person].[Person_1]( [BusinessEntityID] [int] NOT NULL, [PersonType] [nchar](2) NOT NULL, [FirstName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Person_BusinessEntityID_1] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED
[Code] ....
This works very well, but I want to concatenate more rows with different [PersonType]-Values in different columns and I don't like the overhead, of using the same table in every subquery ([Person_1]). Is there a more elegant way to do this, without using a temp table or something else?
Basically I need to get the SUM of the sum of three columns and all three columns have nulls. To make it more complicated, the result set must return the top 20 in order desc as well.
I keep facing different issues whether I try and use Coalesce, IsNull, Sum, count, anything. My query never returns anything but 0 or NULL regardless of if I am trying to build a CTE or just use a query.
So I'm using Col A to get the TOP 20 in order (which is fine) but also trying to add together the sums of Col A + Col B + Col C for each of the twenty rows...
is it possible to concatenate 2 recordsets ? i have 2 select, and i need then to be displayed one after other.using union all the results are gathered, ordered like only one select.thanks for all
Hi, I am trying to write some simple SQL to join two fields within a table, the primary key is an int and the other field is a varchar. But i am receiving the error:'Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ',' to data type int.The SQL I am trying to use is:select game_no + ',' + team_name as matchfrom result Thanks
I'm trying to use a variable (@sqlfields1) for building a select statement. Can someone please help me because the variable isn't set correctly when I'm trying to concatenate it with itself (the "@sqlfields1"-variable is declared as "char(50)":
If @showo1 = 1 select @sqlfields1 = 'o1,'
If @showo5 = 1 select @sqlfields1 = @sqlfields1 + 'o5'
Please help me with this if you can. I have one table with CustomerID and some other data. In other table i have CustomerID(the link with the first table) and Agent The relation of the first with the second one is ONE TO MANY. I want something like this: Customer,'Agent1,Agent2,Agent3'
Just like the title asks...Is it possible...I have a table that stores memos but breaks the memo text field up and assigns a key to associate it all as one big text field in the application. What I am needing to do is to create a custom table for a customization to have the memo txt in one row per customer, per memo number. So, is there any way to concatenate memotext into one row per memo?
Is there a way to concatenate the values of a particular field together into one field for all the records in each group of a GROUP BY without using XML?
Ideally, I want to accomplish this in a stored procedure. Normally, I would handle this in the front end, but my front end is Crystal ...
For example, if my data was: 1 "A" 1 "B" 1 "C" 2 "D" 2 "E"
I want to group by the first value and concatenate the second value: 1 "A,B,C" 2 "D,E"
Very easy using code - I simply add a function to the query in Access (not very efficient, but effective), or using recordsets in the app (which is actually very efficient) except my front end is Crystal in this case .
I would like to concatenate a String value to an Int value using an SQL statement. At the moment it reads like this:
SELECT 'website.com/shop/product.cfm?ProductID=' + Products.ProductID AS Product_URL
But unfortunately I am getting the error: "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'website.com/shop/product.cfm?ProductID=' to data type int."
Any idea how to get around this at all just using an SQL query statement?