Connect User Developed Interface Using WVD To DB SQLEE 2005
Oct 13, 2006
Dear Friends
I am a bigginer. I need to save input from textBox (User interface that I have made using VWD) to a database in SQLSEE 2005 using C#. please help me. I now how to connect to DB using Visual Items like gride view and form view. but i want to conect to DB using my developed UI lke in below. any help greatly appreciated
Name input area
address input area
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Feb 22, 2008
Hi.,Can any one help me, how to change the interface language of the sql server 2005??? Thanks
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May 19, 2007
I've developed a web application and to be honest I've been a bit dumb and not checked with my hosts. I assumed they used SQL Server 2005. But no, they only use 2000.
I'm sure I'll come across more problems but the first I'm having is I've used the ROW_NUMBER() function in a few stored procedures, but in 2000 I'm getting this error message
'ROW_NUMBER' is not a recognized function name.
Here is the stored procedure for reference
SELECT id, category, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY id) as RowNum FROM custrecords
as CustRecord
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Jan 22, 2008
I am looking for an interface connect to 'SQL Server 2000 enterprise' so that my TSQL can be executed. I am using 2003 Excel but there is a limitation of 65k records only can be loaded. Can I use 'SQL server express' 2000 or 2005, Acess?
If I want to use client of 'SQL server 2000' do I need to buy it? Which interfact has the query analyzer ?
Thanks in advanced
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Jan 29, 2004
I need to implement command line interface to SQL Server 2000 ...
I have no idea from where to begin... What programming environment? What language? From where and how to connect to db? I'll be glad to accept any ideas.
Thank you
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May 30, 2008
I downloaded SQL Server Express 5.0 and would like to know - must I open SQLServer through a studio like SQL Server Management Studio Express, or can it open on its own? Does it come with a GUI inside it?
I clicked Start/All Programs/Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and only submenues were displayed, not the server itself. The submenues were
Configuration Tools
SQL Server Management Studio Express.
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Feb 17, 2007
I developed a site using Visual Web Developer 2005 and the database used is SQL Server 2005 Express edition.Everything works fine. However, when I move the site to my IIS server, it says that my database is read-only.Is it because my SQL Server is an express edition?
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Apr 11, 2006
I am new to am trying to deploy the website on IIS created in visual web developer 2005 express.I am having problem with the aspnetdb.mdf for login.I have copied my entire contents to the physical directory( shared floder),from where the iis virtual directory can access the contents.I can see my login form but when i enter my username and password and click login it gives my error"error occured in establishing the connection".
I am using the sql server 2005.I don't know what should i do with aspnetdb.mdf?
thanks and urgent help needed
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Dec 14, 2001
Hello everybody,
please advice: what is the fastest standard method of user interface access to SQL database? I am looking for fast display of one master record plus related dependent records, plus fast scrolling through master records with display of dependent records as fast as posible. Perhaps a standard problem with standard solution? At current state of matters, I am still much slower then with my old Access97 database.
thanks for any advice,
Otakar Kverka
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Jan 7, 2008
Using SQL Server Reporting Services, we're designing an executive reporting interface for a handful of high-level managers who need no more that a dozen reports.
What's the best user interface for them where they would choose the report they need?
- The SSRS Report Manager web page?
- A SharePoint page (integrated with SSRS)?
- A report menu within an existing application?
- Anything else?
Ben Aminnia
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May 22, 2006
I have a SSIS package which takes excel spreadsheets (exported from MS Project) and imports them into tables in my database. I have each step of my control flow set up with "On Success" so it only continues if the previous step was successful.
My next step is to create a page and/or web part so that I can have my user click a button to launch this SSIS and import this data. I have seen articles on how this could be done via code - so I assume it can be done. But what I cannot find is how alert the user if an error has occured in the execution of the SSIS.
How can you alert a user that a package you executed though in the front end errored?
Could I build something in to the OnError handler that returns the error and have that error returned to the front end App??
Any insight/examples for this would be much appreciated.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hello,I would like to know if it is possible to create a form in Access2000,which would function like a calendar for 8 operating rooms inhospital, showing which hours are those closed for a specific date.For this intersection I would like to be appeared the name of thedoctor, the name of the patient and the kind of operation.Furthemore I would like this intersection to be marked in the calendarwith a colour, showing that this room is closed for that time.The data for this form are going to be extracted from a table storedin SQL Server 2000.Generally the whole application is stored in SQL Server( storedprocedures, tables, diagrams etc.)1)How this can be done? Is this going to be through VB or not? Can Imake a template in Excel spreadsheet put it in a formand apply code on it?I would like also to make forms(in Access) for user-entry data thatwill use stored procedures of SQL Server with pushing the OK button.The stored procedures would take as arguments the user-entry data fromtheforms.I thought to make a pass-through query which would use a VB functionand would take as arguments the user's valuesand after would pass these values in the stored procedures.2)Can this be done through the pass-through query, that is SqlServer "understands" VB or better Access pass-through query processthe VB commands before be connected with the Sql Server?What do you think of this as an idea?My problem is that I really don't know how to combine VB code withTransact Sql code.Can you give an example or any ideas where I can find the relativeinformation?Thanks you in advance.
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Jul 14, 2006
I want to call a dll from Stored procedure developed in SQL Server 2005 at configuration level 80. but when I execute the stored procedure I get the following error.
Error Source: ODSOLE Extended Procedure
Description: Invalid class string
Code of stored procedure and class is given below:
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Class PositivePay
Public Shared Sub LogToTextFile(ByVal LogName As String, ByVal newMessage As String)
' impersonate the calling user
Dim newContext As System.Security.Principal.WindowsImpersonationContext
newContext = SqlContext.WindowsIdentity.Impersonate()
Dim w As StreamWriter = File.AppendText(LogName)
LogIt(newMessage, w)
Catch Ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[PPGenerateFile]
Declare @retVal INT
Declare @comHandler INT
declare @errorSource nvarchar(500)
declare @errorDescription nvarchar(500)
declare @retString nvarchar(100)
-- Intialize the COM component
EXEC @retVal = sp_OACreate 'PositivePay.class', @comHandler OUTPUT
IF(@retVal <> 0)
--Trap errors if any
EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @comHandler,@errorSource OUTPUT, @errorDescription OUTPUT
SELECT [error source] = @errorsource, [Description] = @errordescription
-- Call a method into the component
EXEC @retVal = sp_OAMethod @comHandler,'LogToTextFile',@retString OUTPUT, @LogName = 'D: ext.txt',@newMessage='Hello'
IF (@retVal <>0 )
EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @comHandler,@errorSource OUTPUT, @errorDescription OUTPUT
SELECT [error source] = @errorsource, [Description] = @errordescription
select @retString
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Jun 22, 2007
I want to connect to a SQL server from my workstation using the application in the Subject, but I need to connect as a different Windows user. Basically, I login to my workstation with my "Joe User" account, but for servers I used my "Joe Admin" account for security purposes. However, the Management console autofills in my workstation username when I select "Windows authentication" for the connection, and grays out the username/password fields so that I cannot specify another set of credentials.
Is there a way to change this behavior? Otherwise I will need to termserv into a server using my administrative account, install the management software there, and then begin the process. That is a lot of unecessary overhead that I would like to avoid.
Thank You,
John G
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Jan 29, 2007
Hello, does anyone hate the new interface where you
manage the Table Relationships, Indexes, and etc?
I hate it a lot for these reasons.
1) Dialog window cannot be resized (really really annoying)
2) The Table-Relationship configuration dialog window is not as convenient to use as SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager.
I hope this is the correct place to provide feedback and
I hope this will get modified a bit in the next service pack (or) update....
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May 26, 2007
I execute a pretty big sql query which joins multiple tables and I reviewed indexes on all these tables. I am happy with the result when I run the query using SSMS in the server locally i.e., where my SQL Server database is installed. It takes 4 seconds to get around 17000 records. If I run the same query in a network or from my desktop using SSMS i.e., i connect to the above mentioned SQL Server using SSMS, it takes more than 60 seconds. Not sure how to solve this. If someone could help me, it will be of great help.
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Apr 23, 2008
I am creating a windows application that is not going to be used in a controlled environment like a LAN or some other network, so I want to include a local database in the install of this app. Ideally, I would like to use SQL 2005 Express like you would MSDE or Access, but I am not sure if the user must have SQL Server installed on their machine in order for this to work and I don't have a machine without it to test on.
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
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Oct 8, 2007
I'm developing an custom dataflow transformation task that involves mapping of columns between multiple inputs and outputs. All the mappings are stored in a dataset. At first I thought to store this to an variable but after reloading bids I get an schema not found on xml for the stored dataset. Then I tried to put the dataset into an custom property but that seems to only take strings.
So how do I save the info on the mappings contained in my dataset (as that is most easy while using a datagrid to display mappings) in the package preferably in a way that is not visible to the user.
In short: What is the proper way to save complex datatypes in a custom dataflow task using a custom ui?
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Oct 19, 2007
Recently I have upgraded my system to SQL Server 2005 SP2 version 9.00.3054; I have developed my packages on SQL Server 2005 SP1 version 9.00.2047. I am unable to open all these packages on SQL Serever SP2 version 9.00.3054 it is giving me error.
Error: Error loading Package.dtsx cannot create an instance of the XML Document Object Model. MSXML may not be registered.
Can any body help me in this?
Thanks in advance
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Apr 10, 2006
Can someone show me, or direct me, to a source, that shows me how, and what to change, when deploying a website from a development server running Sql Ex to a production server running Sql server 2005. I can’t get the sites to run under Sql server 2005.
They work in Sql Ex. what must I change? The connection string, to what format? and what else? I attached the dB to Sql 2005 and browsed the content in the Sql manager. But can’t get the aspx pages to work on the server.
Help please
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Jun 2, 2008
Hi,If an application written in ASP.Net that uses SQL Server 2000 can have certain features that will not work on SQL Server 2005?There is an application written in ASP.Net with SQL Server 2000 which I need to convert to SQL Server 2005 but the original developer says it uses certain SQL Server 2000 specific features and won't work directly on SQL Server 2005 without modifying code. Are there any such features? Thanks
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Jun 13, 2007
I've been tasked to understand and develop an easy interface to query (insert, select, update, etc) a sql server compact database on an x86 win ce 5 machine. I'm using VS 2005 and have all the necessary SDK's installed. The problem is I can't find any good tutorials or documentation on sql server compact coding in C++ (only in C# and VB). Do y'all have any suggestions on where I can get started to learn the basic c++ sql interface coding?
Edit: I'd like to note that I can run the sample northwind project on a win ce 5 x86 emulator, so it's not the setup that I need help with, but the actual coding.
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Apr 25, 2007
Hi, I'm new to SQL Express 2005.
I found information regarding : "Cannot open user default database. Login failed."on this forum but I think that in my case it's a bit different issue.
I have a website (ASP.NET 2.0) accessing DB, in the mean time Windows Service tries to update some data in the same DB (Service runs as NT AUTHORITYLOCAL SYSTEM). The second connection is rejected: "Cannot open user default database. Login failed.Login failed for user ....".
Problem occurs only when both: service and website are running at the same time. So service and website are running without problems when they are connecting DB exclusively.
My connection string is:
"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="|DataDirectory|spider-lab.mdf";Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
I would be grateful if you can help me
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Sep 29, 2006
I am interested in serving a few simple stats to a PDA running Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC, Phone Edition. The device I'm considering is the HP iPaq 6515. I'm open to suggestions, does anyone have any experience with this?
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Aug 27, 2007
Hi! I have installed SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 in my computer.I tried to use some new features like row_number(),try..catch.. but are not working giving syntax error.� So someone told me that i had to check the version and when I cheked I realized I was working with SQL 2000: “Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.194 (Intel X86) Aug 6 2000 00:57:48 Copyright (c) 1988-2000 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)� So, how can I change it for working with SQL 2005?. It’s like I’m working with SQL 2005 interface but internally it works as SQL 2000. Can you help me please?
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Jul 5, 2006
Opening a connection to the database in Visual Studio 2005 and while closing the connection donot release the IID_IDBInitialize interface ,properties and not Uninitialising.
Try to open database file using CFile to check existence.
Works perfectly using sqlce2.0 & evc4.0 project.
After upgrading the above project to Visual Studio 2005
Same CFile open method fails at run time
But if close the connection completely i.e. close the IID_IDBInitialize interface also .Then it works perfectly in Visual Studio 2005.
Is there any change in IID_IDBInitialize interface of sql mobile 2005 ???????
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Aug 27, 2007
I have installed SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 in my computer. But none of 2005 feature is working. So someone told me that i had to check the version and when I cheked I realized I was working with SQL 2000:
€œMicrosoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.194 (Intel X86)
Aug 6 2000 00:57:48
Copyright (c) 1988-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)€?
So, how can I change it for working with SQL 2005?. It€™s like I€™m working with SQL 2005 interface but internally it works as SQL 2000. Can you help me please?
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Oct 19, 2007
Hi all,
We receive this error from all subscriptons on this server. Any advice?
Error: "Failure sending mail: Interface not registered "
Thank you,
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Apr 27, 2008
I'm developing a database-driven program using SQL server 2000 and Visual Basic 2005.
Most of the guys say professional programming is doing the validation stuff (such as the constraints and data integrity stuff like" [0-9][1] " and the use of LIKE IN keywords etc.) in the databse itself.
say i did the data validation contraints in SQL server itself. and now i connect the database with the interface made in 2005. and say a person enters some invalid data through the interface. but the error messages are generated by SQL server. how am i to display the SQL server generated error messages in the VB made interface??
PLS HELP ME .. if the question is not clear pls tell so that i can explain it further.
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Apr 27, 2008
I'm developing a database-driven program using SQL server 2000 and Visual Basic 2005.
Most of the guys say professional programming is doing the validation stuff (such as the constraints and data integrity stuff like" [0-9][1] " and the use of LIKE IN keywords etc.) in the databse itself.
say i did the data validation contraints in SQL server itself. and now i connect the database with the interface made in 2005. and say a person enters some invalid data through the interface. but the error messages are generated by SQL server. how am i to display the SQL server generated error messages in the VB made interface??
PLS HELP ME .. if the question is not clear pls tell so that i can explain it further.
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Dec 12, 2006
I'm having a problem connecting with a Java application but I CAN connect using my .Net application - the user name and password are the same for both (using the same database on SQL Server Express 2005).
The error I get is: " Cannot open database "CORNERS" requested by the login. The login failed." An interesing note - I get the same message if the database is not running.
SQL Server Express 2005 is installed in mixed mode.
Here is my connection string in the .Net appplication: <add key="connectString" value="Server=(local);UID=sa;PWD=myPasswd;Database=CORNERS" />.
These are my values in my Java app web.xml -
<param-name>DBURL</param-name> <param-value>jdbc:sqlserver://localhostsqlexpress:1055;databaseName=CORNERS</param-value>
And yes, the port is 1055 - I checked to find it.
I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.0 (sqljdbc_1.0.809.102).
Does anyone have any idea what is wrong so that the login fails in the Java application but works in the .Net application?
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Jul 26, 2005
Hey, all...Some time ago, I used a tool which I believe was available from Sun. Itwas a java applet, as I recall, which sat between a SQL client and aSQL server. It allowed the client to connect to it at any port, andwould in turn connect to the server at the standard TCP port (orwhatever the server was listening on).It logged all SQL traffic between the two nodes to a flat file.Has anyone ever heard of this tool? For the life of me I can't rememberwhat it was called.Thanks!BD
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Sep 19, 2006
as we know we get clustering algorithm with managed plugin algorithm API
does anyone have developed any other plugin algorithm as i want to check what are the things that needs to be modified. i am not data mining algorithm developer but i just want to check where we have to make changes. i would be better if i get source code for algorithm other than clustering
thanks in advanced
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