Connecting To 2 Diffrent Sql Servers Databases From Single Web Application
Oct 31, 2007
i am having 2 sql servers one is web sql server server and other server is my local sql server. i am making web application through which i want to connect both sql servers at a time and by selecting data from web server i want to insert it into my local sql server both having same database on which i want to work , i want to know how it can be done
my idea as follows in web.config i specify 2 connection string and by selecting data from websql server database table i going to store it in dataset and then i return dataset to another function which connects to local sqlserver database.but database records are much large. can any body guide me .
i am going to place my web application on local server (C# 2.0) .
thank you,
i tried this code
c# file
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void Uupdatedata()
string constr1=ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["abccon1"];
string constr2 = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["abccon2"];
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection dbcon1 = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(constr1);
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection dbcon2 = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(constr2);
SqlDataReader dr;
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Unit_Master",dbcon1);
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
string Sql = "insert into Table1(Unit_Id,Unit_Desc) values(" + dr.GetInt32(0).ToString() + "," + dr.GetString(1) + ")";
SqlCommand cmd1=new SqlCommand (Sql,dbcon2);
//cmd1.EndExecuteNonQuery ();
<add key="abccon1" value="Data Source=comp01;Initial Catalog=abc;User Id=sa ; Password=sa"/>
<add key="abccon2" value="Data Source=comp01;Initial Catalog=abctest;User Id=sa ; Password=sa"/>
this 2 databases are from single my loacl server
it wont work it gives exception
please healp me.
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May 18, 2015
We are planning to move all of our System Center Databases that reside on front end servers to each system center application to a centrally located SQL 2012 server. We'd like to centralize everything and have our DBA care for the server. here is our setup:
SCOM has 1 monitoring and 1 Data warehouse server. SCCM has 1 server with all roles on it. DPM database is on the same server as Application. Same with SCVMM. I have 2 questions regarding this move:
1. Can I have all these databases running on 1 SQL instance?
2. Is there a best practice document that highlights steps and "gotchyas"
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Aug 10, 2007
I am new in SSIS.
I am using an OLEDB source and setted as SQL Command.
The Query is a JOIN between different databases.
How can I make the QUERY with different source (different databases or SQL Servers)?
I mean, any solution is OK, the important is to make queries against different databases with SSIS.
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Mar 14, 2007
Hi, What I want to do is simple to explain, hard to obtain (i guess): I want to fill a dropdownlist with the names of the sqlservers detected on the system. I´ve installed a sw recently that prompts for that, and when you select that server, then it prompts you to insert username and password, and then appears a dropdownlist again with the names of the databases of that sqlserver. Is this possible to do, at least fill dropdownlists with sqlservers and database names?!?I don't see how, thanks!
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Jan 28, 2004
I'm rapidly understanding that much more of my application as a whole is in SQL Server that I would have originally thought.
Stored Procedures
And so on
It generally means that some of the stuff I'd have naturally done in the Business Layer might be best done in SQL - certain issues in the Business Layer might be best being triggers or constraints for example...
One thing that still puzzles me, and I'd like some references or advice now as it's a blank area in my mind is how this interfaces to your code.
Obviously I call stored procedures and the like from code, and use parameters, etc, not problem, it's more what I do when these stored procedures or associated triggers fail (or a constrain fails - though this should be less likely)?
SQL sends back an error? But what? Then what do you get your page to do, especially if SQL failed midway through a 'big' transaction? Do you have save 'where the user was somehow' so they don't start inputting again?
It's all a bit vague at the moment, some detail would be nice? :)
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Dec 8, 2006
I know this is an easy one for most of you but this is new territory for me.
I am trying to link a production application database to an existing SMS database.
Both of these databases are SQL 2000. I have sa access to both of them.
I have an accreditation application that deals with internal processes within our active directory network. We are using SMS database collections to provide the discovery for reporting of this application database and I want to compare the collection to the existing data between the 2 databases.
For simplicity I will define them both.
Application Database we will call €œA-Database€?
SMS Database we will call €œB-Database€?
I have gone into the A-Database and gone to linked Servers under the security node in enterprise manager. I created a new linked database and selected the SQL Server option in the general Tab.
In the Security Tab I selected the €œBe made using the security context€? and used €œsa€? for the Remote login and the CORRECT sa password for the With password option.
The server options tab remain the same with €?RPC, RPC Out, & Use Remote Collation€? selected.
It appears to connect but there is not any Table or Views showing up. What am I doing wrong here and what do I need to do to link these 2 database engines so I can move forward?
Gene Godsey
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Jun 29, 2007
I am working on a computer connected to a network. I am using SQL 2000/XP on my computer so I can manage other sql servers on our network (I'll call them S1 and S2, both running SQL 2000)
I recently received a new computer running SQL 2005 Standard/Vista. When I try to connect to S1 and S2, I can’t find them anywhere. Am I overlooking some settings in 2005/vista?
I am a little inexperienced at this, so please let me know if any additional information would be helpful.
Thanks in advance
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Jan 3, 2008
Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 16.
Login failed for user 'XXXXXX.COMusername'.
On the remote servers I enabled Named Pipes and TCP/IP and activated the Browser.
Here's what's strange: I can connect to one server but not any other.
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Jul 23, 2005
What is actually happening behind the scenes when you open a connectionto sql server in code such as C# or
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Mar 6, 2007
i am stuck in a strange situation.
have successfully built my application setup through InstallSheild 12.
Which first installs SQL Express user define instance as a
pre-requisite and then install my application files. First time when i
run my application (without restarting the pc), it connects
successfully with user define instance.
But as i restart my PC and try to open my application, it is not connecting with database.
i am using the following command line to install SQL Express 2005 user define instance:
i change Remote connection to "using both TCP/IP and named pipes"
through "SQL Server Surface Area Configuration" and then restart my pc
again. My application connects successfully with Database.
guide me where i am getting wrong in building setup. do i have to add
something in my command line to not get this error
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Sep 4, 2007
Hi, If you have 2 databases with the exact same table columns, and in the first database in a table column the indentidy seed starts at 1 and finishes at 32,000 can you attatch a second database so that the indentity starts at 32,001and carries on. What happens if you create a site and run out of disk space and need to attach another database which is located on another server??? I am really confused about this.Hope someone can give some links to some articles about this as I can't find any information about it.How can this be done? Thanks
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May 12, 2006
Hello,This is my first post, and i am looking for help about Databases in remote servers.This is my problem:1) I have a free account in "HostBasket", with 50 mb of space, and 10 mb of SQL Server... with ASP.NET 2 support --> They gave me this info for the database:Your SQL Server: sql15.hostbasket.comYour database name: myDatabaseNameYour login for the database: myLoginYour password for the database: myPasswordConnection string for ASP.NET (using ADO.NET with System.Data.SqlClient namespace):Persist Security Info=True;User ID=myLogin;Password=myPassword;Initial Catalog=MyDatabaseName;Data 3) Actually, i don't know what to do with that info... I mean, i have read so much info, and all people saying "their way" to do things... oh, I am so confused...4) I read in a website, this: "the database can be uploaded as a FILE saved in the App_Data folder, under the .mdf extension"I read that from : In the url given above, there is a "step by step" example... i follow it, exactly (i start a website, i create the database and the table, i show the data with the grids, etc )6) All is OK until here, i mean, when i run the website with VWD, it shows me the info OK.7) But... ¿How can i do this works on the Remote Server i described in 1) and 2) ?I know how to upload my website, in fact i uploaded a very basic one, and all was OK, but when i work with databases starts my problem...So, i am almost sure, that i have an error in the "Conecction String"... connectionString="Data Source=.SQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|MiBaseDeDatos.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" ¿How should it be, to work with my free remote server?or,if you have done the "easy way" of uploading the .MDF file in the server (but a server different of mine) please, tell me the "how to..." (and the server you used :p )--------------------Ok guys, i am a Chilean young (i dont speak english very well) and i tried to write my ideas in an easy way, so I REALLY HOPE you can help me.I am a New (very new) on this (vwd , .net , ) in fact, i am using this just 3 days ago...THANK YOU SO MUCH,Carlos,La Serena, Chile.
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Feb 15, 2002
I need some advice on copying databases, stored procedures, views, logins ..etc from a SQL Serevr 7.0 server, to a new SQL Server 2000 server.
Is it better to backup the databases on one server and then restore them to the other. Or id it easier to use the Wizards to Import everything from new server, or to Export everything from the old server ?
Any advice would be appreciated. I need to ensure that I do not miss anything, in particular Stored Procedures in the old master database.
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Mar 27, 2001
I'm fairly new to a DBA role, I've been tasked with documenting all the SQL servers/databases. Is there anywhere on the Web where I could find a standard list of what needs to be documented. Any help/advice would be appreciated.
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Jan 11, 2000
I tried using Import/Export to transfer a database from one SQL Server box to another using NT authentication.
The database appeared to transfer OK, however the process crashed with an error suggesting that a SQL Server login was not present.
How are the SQL Server logins transferred ?
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Aug 23, 2013
We are wanting to know how to connect 2 databases residing on 2SQL servers. The workstation has access to both databases. Join on Cols 1 and 2.
Server1, Database1, Table1, Column1 (Char)
Server2, Database2, Table2, Column2 (VarChar)
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May 17, 2006
Hello,I wish to see if the tables from database A server A1 exist in databaseA on server B1.I setup a linked server from my first server (robertcamarda) to atarget (cognos-dev)This works from robertcamarda:select count(*) from [cognos-dev].ds_v6_source.dbo.stdmasand this works:select * from ds_v6_source.information_schema.tables order bytable_namebut this wont work:select * from [cognos-dev].ds_v6_source.information_schema.tables orderby table_nameError:Msg 117, Level 15, State 1, Line 1The object name 'cognos-dev.ds_v6_source.dbo.information_schema.tables'contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 3.I want to do something like:select * from ds_v6_source.information_schema.tableswhere table_name not in (select table_name from[cognos-dev].ds_v6_source.information_schema.tables order bytable_name)so I can see of the sql server (robertcamarda) has any missing tablesthat exist on the server (cognos-dev)TIARobSQL Server 2005 Enterprise
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Jan 25, 2008
We have adedicated MS-SQL Server for our CRM database and we have another MS-SQL database server for in house applications, written in c#.Net 2.0. To avoid duplicating information already in our CRM database, it would be nice if we could build a query that combined columns from both data sources.Example
Code Snippet
CRM database on Server1
Table Accounts
AccountID UniqueIdentifier Primary Key
Name NvarChar(50)
Application Database on Server2
Table Transaction
TransactionID UniqueIdentifier Primary Key
AccountID UniqueIdentifier
Amount Money
Would it be possible to create a T-SQL statement that will select
Code Snippet
From Server1.CRM.Accounts INNER JOIN Server2.Application.Transaction
ON (Server1.CRM.Accounts.AccountID = Server2.CRM.Transaction.AccountID)
I appreciate there will need to be 2 connections and therefore some credential information would need to be passed too.
Is anything like this possible? I do not wish to copy the Name field from Server1.CRM.Accounts to Server2..Application.Transaction as this is duplication and any change to the value of Server1.CRM.Accounts.Name would not be reflected in the results.
Many thanks for any information provided.
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Feb 23, 2008
Code Snippet
SELECT ReciptItems.acc_TopicCode, ReciptItems.acc_DetailCode, ReciptItems.acc_CTopicCode,
SUM(ReciptItems.TotalInputPrice + ReciptItems.TotalOutputPrice), a.MoeenName_L1
Acc_mydbname.dbo.Categories AS a ON ReciptItems.acc_TopicCode = a.TopicCode
GROUP BY ReciptItems.acc_TopicCode, ReciptItems.acc_DetailCode, ReciptItems.acc_CTopicCode, a.MoeenName_L1
How Replace Acc_mydbname with (SELECT AccountDBName FROM Config)
(SELECT AccountDBName FROM Config) ='Acc_mydbname_2008.dbo.'
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Apr 10, 2006
I was wondering if the following is possible: I have 2 SQL Express servers on different machines. One holds the production and one the development database. On a request basis I'd like mirror all the data of the production database to the development database. Right now I have to stop the sql engine, zip the mdf, send it over, attach it to database, etc. and that's quite cumbersome. So, is there an easier way to do this? If not with SQL Express, is it possible with the full version?
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Mar 10, 2008
I got problem connecting database to my asp application (in teh code of sign up button)
here's the code
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();con.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connectionString"].ConnectionString;
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = con;
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Students (FirstName,LastName,Address,Birth_Day,Birth_month,Birth_year,Country,User_Name,Password,SecretQuestion,Answer,E_mail,Grade,Dep_Name) VALUES (@FirstName,@LastName,@Address,@Birth_Day,@Birth_month,@Birth_year,@Country,@User_Name,@Password,@SecretQuestion,@Answer,@E_mail,@Grade,@Dep_Name)";string firstname = this.FirstName.Text;
string lastname = this.LastName.Text;string address = this.Address.Text;
int bd = int.Parse(this.Birth_Day.Text);string bm = this.Birth_month.Text;
int by = int.Parse(this.Birth_year.Text);string cntry = this.Country.Text;
string UN = this.User_Name.Text;string pw = this.Password.Text;
string SQ = this.SecretQuestion.Text;string ans = this.Answer.Text;
string em = this.E_mail.Text;string grd = this.Grade.Text;
string dep = this.Dep_Name.Text;cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FirstName", firstname);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LastName", lastname);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address", address);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Birth_Day", bd);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Birth_month", bm);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Birth_year", by);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Country", cntry);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@User_Name", UN);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", pw);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SecretQuestion", SQ);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Answer", ans);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@E_mail", em);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Grade", grd);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Dep_Name", dep);
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // the error appears here
could anyone Help me urgently???
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Jul 15, 2005
I have a problem connecting to database using windows authorization.
this is sample codeSqlConnection oSQLConn = new SqlConnection();oSQLConn.ConnectionString="integrated security=SSPI;Server=SHAREPOINT\EPM;Database=STS_sharepoint_1;Trusted_Connection=true;";oSQLConn.Open(); on Windows Aplication it work good but on ASP.NET Web application I got an Server Error - Login failed for user *****************is it problem with IIS configuration???
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Oct 6, 1999
I know how to create an Application role in SQL server 7. Now how do I connect to the database from VB using that Application Role? I can't find anything about this topic anywhere. Is this the purpose of an Application role or am I way off?
Thanks for the help
Steven Abt
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Jun 24, 2007
I am thinking of using my web database as the database to use for my program, though not sure how feasible due to connection speeds and having to transfer that info.
what I am using as the connection string is
con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=databse ipadress inserted here; Initial Catalog=databasename here;Integrated Security=True"; with real data obviously inserted into the ip and tables, but when i try and send values there it just hangs and then crashes. I am thinking its not finding the database. Is there something else im to do?
I am using the exact same code as when i use my own machine as the server, and it works great that way, only thing different is the trying to send to the web server.
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Jan 30, 2007
When deploying my application that uses sql server it doesn't connect to the server.
I checked the connection string & it's ok the server instance is the same.
The computer name isn't the same & i use the .SQLExpress as the data source.
I get an error saying 'sqlserver does not allow remote connections error 26 locating server / instance specified'.
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Mar 8, 2007
I'm trying to connect to a sql express database on my local machine, using the following connection string:
SqlConnection thisConnection = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataTest.mdf");
However, I keep getting an error message saying "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections."
Why would my application be trying to connect remotely when the database is on my local machine? And how can I fix this problem?
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Sep 28, 2006
How do I get rid of this error message when tring to log into my web site user account stored on the default ASP.NET 2.o generated database on my local computer?
Server Error in '/' Application.
Cannot open user default database. Login failed.
Login failed for user 'LANBOYASPNET'.
Where "LANBOY" is the name of my computer. I am logged in as myself "LANBOYKEVIN" My web page is trying to log into the server using the name "ASPNET" which I assume is a standard ASPNET user name.
I thought it was failing because I needed to grant access to this user in the server, so I added the account for the server. Same problem.
So I thought I needed to create this user in my Windows XP user list. When I tried it said "this user already exists" even though it isn't displayed in the list. That is when I realized that it is a standard user established by ASP.NET. It is probably supplied in the C# code through a base class.
So, how do I get this DB to connect? Is the user missing, or is it that my connection string is wrong?
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Aug 31, 2006
I have an ASP application which is currently using a SQL 2000 Database, attaching via SQLOLEDB. I am getting ready to migrate my ASP application to .NET using SQL Server 2005 Express. The only problem, is that I am unable to connect successfully from my ASP applcation to my DB under SQL Express.
I have taken all of the steps that I have read, including the blog by Ming Lu. I still cannot be through.
I have included both the messages that are thrown and comments about the drivers and connection strings.
I have enabled TCP/IP and Named Pipes for SQL 2005 EE. I have also included the executable, port 1433, port 135, etc. in the firewall exceptions.
I have defined the DB in ODBC using both the Native Sql driver and the SQL Driver. Connection authentication is via SQL Server Authentication.
If anyone has any input, I would be grateful.
Error Messages:
Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53]. - using SQLNCLI - SQL Native Driver
::[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. - using SQLOLEDB - SQL Native Driver
::[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. - using SQLOLEDB - SQL Server Driver
Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53]. - using SQLNCLI - SQL Server Driver
connection string for SQLOLEDB: "PROVIDER='SQLOLDEB';DATA SOURCE='.SQLEXPRESS';User ID='Abilities2005';Password='abilities';Initial Catalog='nbdc2005';"
connectdion string for SQLNCLI: "PROVIDER='SQLNCLI';DATA SOURCE='.SQLEXPRESS';User ID='Abilities2005';Password='abilities';Initial Catalog='nbdc2005';
source name varied from .SQLEXPRESS, localhostSQLEXPRESS and machinenameSQLEXPRESS
Thanks, Tom
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Oct 10, 2007
I am working in ASP.NET 2.0 and using sql server 2000 as backend . In my application i need to insert/update to oracle database table lying on different server. Please let me know how can i maintain two different connecttions to different databases lying on different servers.....
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Oct 10, 2007
I am working in ASP.NET 2.0 and using sql server 2000 as backend . In my
application i need to insert/update to oracle database table lying on
different server. Please let me know how can i maintain two different
connecttions to different databases lying on different servers.....
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Apr 3, 2007
I want to retrive the names of sql servers running in a network through an vb6 application .
I found a API which list out the SQL server names in the network , but I am able to connect only to the main
SQL server in the network and for other instances it gives error " DBNETLIB] Connection Open () SQL server doesn¡¯t exist or access denied"
Can anyone help me?
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Jan 9, 2005
Is there a way to connect to two separate databases at the same time through my web application?
In my web.config under the configuration/appSetting I have created two keys for database connection:
<add key="MyConn" value="server=PLMNBKPLMNBKSQLSERVER;uid=sa;pwd=xxxx;database=SourcingDB" />
<add key="MyConn2" value="server=PLMNBKPLMNBKSQLSERVER;uid=sa;pwd=xxxx;database=SeaTender" />
This enable me to pass the connection string to a session variable through a dropdownlist box and connect to the desired database.
However, I would like to create a dataset from two tables which are not in the same database, one in the "SourcingDB" and the other one in the "SeaTender".
Thanks for some guidance.
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May 29, 2007
Dear all
I have tow server on the same intranet. One server has a sql server 2000 database and the other one has SQL server 2005 databse.
The sql 2000 database has a table called employee. When ever a new employee is inserted in the database i would like the same values to be sent to the sql 2005 database. But this cant be done on the application level. It has to be done in the database. The application level can not be changed.
I was thinking a trigger but how to achieve the writing from one database to another. If they were on the same server then it would be easier but because they are on different servers i dont know how to do it.
Has anyone had similar issue before?
Any help is apreciated.
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