I’m working with a team of programmers who are in the process of upgrading an older ASP application to ASP.NET 2.0 (VB). The existing application connects to the SQL Server Database using different Logins, depending on the User logged into the ASP Application.
We are hoping to do the same using ASP.NET 2.0, although we haven’t been able to find a simple solution. The most feasible solution we have found includes programmatically trapping all the Selecting etc events and changing the SqlConnection at run time. This allow for ease during Designing of the Web Pages, but implementation requires adding code to each web page (>100 pages).
We are hoping there may be a simple solution which can be implemented once for the application where the event can be trapped at the application level, and the SqlConnection set at this point. Or possibly another type of solution such as creating a new class etc that can be used?
Does anyone have a simple solution where the username / password for the Database Connection can be set at run time?
I need to create a set so that when a user selects a month in filter (say 201506) then it should give me a list of months from 201406 to 201506. Any appropriate MDX query.
I used 3 seperate web.config files - one for Development seerver, one for Certification server, and one for Production server. The only difference between these three is the within the <connectionStrings> tags. For Example: <connectionStrings><add name="strConn" connectionString="server=xxx;uid=xxxx;pwd=xxxxx;database=yyy;"/></connectionStrings> Within Development the connectionString points to the Development SQL server, Cert to cert SQL, and Prod to Prod SQL. I do not have permissions to copy new Web.Config files into Cert or Prod, so when I have a change within my web.config I have to have another group manually add these files. Is there a way to identify the domain I am curernt within and use a specific set of connections string within the web.config based off this information. If so, can anyone post an example of how to do this...
Is there a way to find out my user id and password that should be used in my connection string? If I can not find this information out for myself, do I need to go to some type of system administrator. Here is the connection string in my web.config file. <connectionStrings> <add name="SPK" connectionString="Server=localhost; User ID=AppUser;Password=meander;Database=atstdb01; Persist Security Info=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> </connectionStrings>
When I access this connection string via my code, A little dialog box pops up with the following error message: Login failed for user AppUser. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
Hi. New to ASP.NET and first time posting. My web app connects to a SQL database - SQL authentication. Users login to the web app through the login server control. Once authenticated, it is my understanding that the user name and password are stored on the client as a cookie. How do you programmatically get this user info and use it for the userid and password parameters of the connection string? Is there a better way to use the authenticated user info to access a SQL database? Thanks
Hi;I am making a software (.Net) which is going to connect a ms sql server but I cant conect yet :(.1- I dont know what I have to type for user id (name)2- What is my password, it has been long time that I hvae installed it but I dont need any password with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express which has windows authentication option. My software can work via internet or network. So I need to know my user name and password. I am using oledbconnection. Do I need any password?3- I visited www.connectionstrings.com already so I have the format of it.Thanks very much for any help...
Whenever I use "User Instance=True" as in the connection string below, I get an invalid connection string error. If I take it out, the connection string generates other errors.
I'm trying to setup a dynamic ole db connection using the SA user ID, it has to be dynamic because the server name will change and it has to be SA because we're pulling information from system databases that some users don't have access to.
If I setup a regular static connection using SA credentials it works like a charm of course. When I create an expression to use the User:erver variable it doesn't work, it throws an error message saying that "The login failed for user sa" among other things, I'm thiking that the sa's password is not being saved.
Where exactly do I place a password for dynamic connections using sql server users? On the connection string? On the password property of the source? Any ideas?
I am accessing SQL2005 with C# code using OleDbConnection.
A try and catch block catches the following error once a while between the Open() and Close() of the connection:
ExecuteNonQuery requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.
I do not even have any idea where to start to debug this. The ExecuteNonQuery() runs a delete SQL query. It works 99.9% of the time. I do not see anything wrong when this error happens.
This is my first time to deploy an asp.net2 web site. Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on a remote computer i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed" (only in pages that try to access the database) Help pleaseee
I am working on a report and the data source is Teradata. now I have situation where I want to get order id details based on the current quarter and year I am posting this same data. For TD related queries I do not where to post.
Hi all--I am writing a DTS package looking to back up all databases in sequence. I am calling CDOSYS in a stored procedure from support.microsoft.com to send email upon failure. I have two types of tasks I am writing into the DTS package:
1. backup database <database> to disk = '<drive>:<path>.bak' with init
select @srvname=srvname from master.dbo.sysservers print @srvname select @db_name=name from master.dbo.sysdatabases print @db_name set @msg='Hi--check your database backups. The ' + @db_name + ' database backup on ' + @srvname + ' has failed.
Thanks--SQL Server';
Upon success, go to the next database to back up, execute through these steps for the next database. Here's my problem: The @db_name variable captures the proper value for the current SQL Server, but I want to turn both @srvname and @db_name into global variables. I would like to pass in @db_name as the current database being backed up (and failing), and @srvname as the current SQL Server instance being backed up.
The above statement "select @db_name=name from master.dbo.sysdatabases" definitely does not capture the current database name value. Any suggestions as to how to pass this in, if not as a global variable?
My requirement is that if the string in the column has any of the characters from 'ACDIPFJZ' , those characters have to be retained and the rest of the characters have to be removed.
I am trying to match records that are >= the current date. I have tried using: SELECT DISTINCT name FROM table WHERE datefield >= DATEPART(month, GETDATE()) AND datefield >= DATEPART(day, GETDATE()) AND datefield >= DATEPART(year, GETDATE()) ORDER BY name but this is not giving me the result that I am looking for. What is the best way to match a DateTime field type using the current date without the time?
I added a connection (ADO.NET) object by name testCon in the connection manager - I wanted to programmatically supply the connection string. So I used the "Expressions" property of the connection object and set the connectionstring to one DTS variable. The idea is to supply the connection string value to the variable - so that the connection object uses my connection string.
Then I added a "Backup Database Task" to my package with the name BkpTask. Now whenever I try to set the connection property of BkpTask to the testCon connection object, by typing testCon, it automatically gets cleared. I am not able to set the connection value.
Then after spending several hours I found that this is because I have customized the connection string in testCon. If I don't customize the connection string, I am able to enter the "testCon" value in the connection property of the BkpTask.
Am using SQL Server 2000, and am writing some audit triggers. How do I getthe the name of the user, eg. user_id or current_user. Just spent an hourlooking through the SAMS book for this, and can't find any reference.
Hi, I am using SQL server 2005 (express). I have a user like "test" with some password. After login with this userid and password i tried to get the current user executing
Print CURRENT_USER but its displaying the result as 'dbo' instead of 'test'. In server roles for this particular login i have marked all the options.
Can anyone tell me why i am getting like this? What permission/setting i am missing?
After some help from the folks in the Security forum, I have some of the answer I need. Hopefully someone here can help me figure out the best method of using that information to find a final solution. To start, here's a brief synapsis: I'm developing an App in ASP.NET 2.0, using forms-based authentication and the Login Control. I am able to login fine as far as I can tell, since I am able to proceed to the destinationURL without error. From there, I button click to the application in question. Here is where I have the problem. I want to run a select query on a SQL table where a field = the current user's Username. I cannot find any examples of doing this. I have managed to figure out how to retrieve the current user's username via the Membership.GetUser method, but I can't seem to figure out how to apply that to my SqlDataSource Control and get a valid response. a snippet of my control's code follows: <script runat="server"> - This is run inline, not code-behindProtected memUser As MembershipUser
Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)memUser = Membership.GetUser()End Sub</script> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SWGToolsetConnectionString %>"SelectCommand="SELECT [CharacterName] FROM [Characters] WHERE ([UserID] = '<% =Server.HtmlEncode(memUser.Username) %>')"></asp:SqlDataSource> If anyone can tell me what I can or should be doing differently, I would appreciate it.
I have a SQL 2005 question for you. In the SQL server Management Studio. When I right click on the database and use the SQL Server Import and Export wizard, I can import databases but cannot export them.
The error says:
The current user is not an owner of the selected database. This might cause some operations with this database to fail.
I use sa to loginto the server Management Studio, does anyone know how to create a database where the user and owner are the smae so I can export?
Hi all... Iam a newbie and i have one question want to ask experts ... . I am current working on one App which have some user connect to database at the same time. And i want to know: how many user connect or use (read , update) to one row in a table? Could it be possible to know that??? If you have one solution to solve this problem , please let me know :) ... Could it be done by Software , T-SQL or anything ...., iam happy to know. Thanks all.
Hi all I've been having a really difficult time finding out how to run a query which selects records from an SQL database for the current logged on user. I've tried a whole manner of different approaches but here is where I am at now: <script runat="server"> Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) If Not Page.IsPostBack Then ds_meobservingcolleagues.SelectParameters(0).DefaultValue = User.Identity.Name End If End Sub </script>
This is not resulting in any error. But it is not returning the records that it should be either. Please can anyone help? I'm sure it shouldn't be this difficult to do
I have recently installed SQL 2005 I use the SQL ecpress and management studio. In the SQL server Management Studio, when I right click on the database and use the SQL Server Import and Export wizard, I can import databases from the web hosting I'm workign with to my mycomputer, but cannot export them. When I try to export database tables with the SQL Server Import and Export wizard The error says: The current user is not an owner of the selected database. This might cause some operations with this database to fail.I use sa to log into the management studio aand creat teh database after I login. How do I create a database so that the user and owner match and will allow me to export tables and data?
I have a user defined function in datebase SQL 2000. function looks like create function Getcurrentdate(@month int, @day int) returns smalldatetimebegin declare date1 as smalldatetime--get current year --convert month, day and year into current date. then return return date1end my problem was , after using getDate(). I get error meassage which is "can'not use getDate() inside user function"How can I get current year in the user defined function. Thanks
Hi! I've restored a backup from server A in server B. In server A I used to have a db_owner, called sitebase. After restoring the backup in server B, I created the user sitebase again and tried to grant him db_owner through Server Manager but I got the error: user or role already exists in the current database. How can I avoid this situation and grant db_owner to him? Thanks, Fábio
I need a stored procedure to find out if the current user is a member of a certain role. I want to pass the role name and return a bit to tell whether he is a member or not. I have this code to list the groups the current user is a member of but I don't know how to search or do a "SELECT FROM" on the results.DECLARE @usr varchar(32) SET @usr = USER EXEC sp_helpuser @usr But if the current user is a member of more than one role it returns multiple rows. So if I could do something like: DECLARE @grpName varchar(32) SELECT * FROM (EXEC sp_helpuser @usr) WHERE GroupName=@grpNameIF rowcount > 0 THENRETURN 1ELSERETURN 0END IF I know that doesn't work so how can I do this?
I have a SQL 2005 question for you. In the SQL server Management Studio. When I right click on the database and use the SQL Server Import and Export wizard, I can import databases but cannot export them.
The error says:
The current user is not an owner of the selected database. This might cause some operations with this database to fail.
I use sa to loginto the server Management Studio, does anyone know how to create a database where the user and owner are the smae so I can export?