Convert(datetime, Order_date) Syntax

Nov 11, 2002


select first_name,last_name, order_date
from orders where convert (datetime, order_date) > '11/08/02'

I get the following error while executing this on sql server 2000.

Server: Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Syntax error converting datetime from character string.

This statement wokrs with 7.0. Also I haven't come across anything that tells me that this syntax is not supported in sql server 2000.

Then why am I getting this error? Is there any database setting that needs to be changed? How can I make this statement work in 2000?


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Incorrect Syntax Near The Keyword CONVERT When The Syntax Is Correct - Why?

May 20, 2008

Why does the following call to a stored procedure get me this error:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CONVERT'.

Code Snippet

EXECUTE OpenInvoiceItemSP_RAM CONVERT(DATETIME,'01-01-2008'), CONVERT(DATETIME,'04/30/2008') , 1,'81350'

The stored procedure accepts two datetime parameters, followed by an INT and a varchar(10) in that order.

I can't find anything wrong in the syntax for CONVERT or any nearby items.

Help me please. Thank you.

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Convert Datetime String To Datetime Date Type

Mar 11, 2014

I am inserting date and time data into a SQL Server 2012 Express table from an application. The application is providing the date and time as a string data type. Is there a TSQL way to convert the date and time string to an SQL datetime date type? I want to do the conversion, because SQL displays an error due to the

My date and time string from the application looks like : 3/11/2014 12:57:57 PM

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How To Convert Datetime From Text/char To Datetime

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have a text file that contains a date column. The text file will beimported to database in SQL 2000 server. After to be imported, I wantto convert the date column to date type.For ex. the text file look likeName dateSmith 20003112Jennifer 19991506It would be converted date column to ydm database in SQL 2000 server.In the table it should look like thisName DateSmith 2000.31.12Jennifer 1999.15.06Thanks in advance- Loi -

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Convert DateTime To A DateTime With Milliseconds Format

Nov 5, 2007


I am trying to access a date column up to millisecond precession. So I cast date to as follows:

Code BlockCONVERT(varchar(23),CREATE_DATE,121)

I get millisecond part as a result of query but it€™s €œ000€?.

When I try to test the format by using getDate instead of DateTime column I get right milliseconds.

CONVERT(varchar(23),GetDate(),121) --Gives right milliseconds in return

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How To Convert Datetime From Varchar To Datetime

Sep 11, 2007

How do i convert a varchar field into the datetime data type? the reason i need this lies in the requirement that in the earlier data base the column that is hlding the date value is having the data type as varchar. and in the new design the column data type is datetime. i am using sql scripts for the data migration from the older design to the newer and got stuck with this datetime convertion issue. do let me know the best possible solution.

following are the sample data that is theer in the older table for the date.


there is no uniformity of the data that is stored currently.

thnkx in adv.
rahul jha

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CONVERT And Syntax

Jan 22, 2007

Here's my sp

SELECT DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, LastDateIn), 0) AS Date_Checked_In, COUNT(*) AS No_Files
FROM tblFiles
WHERE (CONVERT(datetime, LastDateIn, 103) >= DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 10, GETDATE()), 0))
GROUP BY DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, LastDateIn), 0)
ORDER BY DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, LastDateIn), 0) DESC

I want Date_Checked_In not to show the time. I have tried using convert on the 1st line to just show the date but keep getting a syntax error.

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Convert To DateTime

Dec 26, 2006

I have a date filed 12/26/2006 and a time field 7:00am. How can I combine them in my select statement and get a DateTime field.

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Convert Datetime.

Mar 29, 2004

Hello All,

In following statement in SQL, I'm first converting 'IssueDate' with style 101 into 'nvarchar' then converting to Datatime.

convert(datetime,convert (nvarchar,Cert_WarehouseDetails.IssuedDateX,101)) <= '3/29/2004')

Which is right in below one.

1. Do I need to first convert into nvarchar then datetime.
e.g. convert(datetime,convert (nvarchar,Cert_WarehouseDetails.IssuedDateX,101)) <= '3/29/2004')

2. Otherwise can I directly convert into datetime.

convert(datetime,Cert_WarehouseDetails.IssuedDateX ,101) <= '3/29/2004')

Please reply to me asap.

M. G.

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Convert Datetime To MM/DD/YY HH:MM AM/PM

Apr 7, 2008

Is there a way to convert the date time column to MM/DD/YY HH:MM AM/PM format.
I tried
Select Convert(varchar , Getdate(),100). But this is not in MM-DD-YY format..

Thanks in advance..

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Convert Datetime.

Jul 11, 2006

Hi all..its kinda hard for me hw to figure out this, hopefully any of u guys can help me out with this super simple problem..

here is my query..
select convert(char(50),dateadd(day,-7,getdate()),105)
its because i want it to look last week data. BUT i get the format like this '03-07-2006'

what i want is it to be like this '20060703' how do i do that?


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Convert Datetime

Aug 29, 2007

I'm having trouble converting a date of birth field, datatype int from yyyymmdd to mmddyyyy.

select 'DOB' = Convert(char(10), pat_dob, 101) from patfile

what am I missing?

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Convert Int To Datetime

Dec 14, 2007

I have a table with an int field that I'm trying to
insert into a datetime field, however, there are 0's in the int field. How do I write a case statement to change the 0's to '01/01/1900' and then store the datetime field as 'mm/dd/yyyy'? The data is currently coming in as yyyymmdd as int.

Sample Data:

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Convert Access Query To Syntax?

Aug 21, 2013

I am trying to convert a code from access Db to sql code?


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Datetime Diff Query Syntax

Apr 5, 2006

Hi.I'm trying but not getting correct results.I have two tablesone with app, msg, time(varchar,datetime,varchar)app1 start 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app1 stuff 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app1 end 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app1 start 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app2 start 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app2 stuff 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app2 end 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app2 start 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app3 start 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app2 end 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app2 start 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app2 end 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app2 start 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app2 end 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app3 end 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app1 end 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000and another with dr watson crash info(varchar, datetime)app1 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app2 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app1 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app1 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000app3 2006-04-03 13:33:36.000I'm trying to make a query that will allowme to see what entries in the first tableoccurred wtihin, say, a minute, or maybe 40seconds of any of the entries in the secondtable.I want all the entries in the second table tobe present, so I know it has to be some sortof join, probably an outer syntax is giving me bad results, probablybecause I'm just out of practice.can someone tell me how to put a query togetherso I see the data I'm looking for?ThanksJeffJeff Kish

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Help Me! Convert SQL Syntax To LINQ With Multi Join

May 5, 2008

I have 3 tables:SportTeams (TeamID, TeamName)SportAthletes (TeamID, AthleteID, AthleteName)SportMedals (AthleteID, Medal)
I want to have a brief medal list (TeamID, G, S, B). I can write query in systax:
Select a.TeamID, a.TeamName_en,g.G,s.S,b.B from SportTeams aLeft Join(Select c.TeamID,Count(*) as G from SportMedals b Inner Join SportAthletes c On b.AthleteID = c.AthleteIDWhere Medal = 'G'Group By c.TeamID) g On a.TeamID = g.TeamIDLeft Join(Select c.TeamID,Count(*) as S from SportMedals b Inner Join SportAthletes c On b.AthleteID = c.AthleteIDWhere Medal = 'S'Group By c.TeamID) s On a.TeamID = s.TeamIDLeft Join(Select c.TeamID,Count(*) as B from SportMedals d Inner Join SportAthletes c On d.AthleteID = c.AthleteIDWhere Medal = 'B'Group By c.TeamID) b On a.TeamID = b.TeamIDOrder By g.G desc, s.S desc, b.B desc, a.TeamID asc
But I can't write it in LINQ syntax (I am beginner with C#, LINQ)
Can you help this sample to LINQ systax?

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SQL Function Convert INT To DATETIME

May 9, 2007

I have SQL table with dateTime field which is INT type (This field contains a number representing DATE / TIME)
I would like to convert this umber to actuall date time output. However, SQL gives invalid date times. See below) 
Appears the resulting date time are all the same.
                    SQL COMMAND
                                Select TimeStamp, cast(convert(TimeStamp,103) As datetime) from winsData2
                                 TimeStamp    Converted TimeStamp
                                 2147483647 1900-01-01 00:00:00.343                                 2147483647 1900-01-01 00:00:00.343                                 1178694066 1900-01-01 00:00:00.343                                 2147483647 1900-01-01 00:00:00.343                                 1178688211 1900-01-01 00:00:00.343                                 1178828143 1900-01-01 00:00:00.343                                  2147483647 1900-01-01 00:00:00.343
Any assitance appreciated.

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Convert Varchar To Datetime!!!

Apr 20, 2005

I have a column call Date_Sent (28/02/2004)(dd/mm/yyyy) format as varchar at beginning. I want to convert to other column as datetime. 
I use Query like:
CAST(SUBSTRING(Date_Sent,1,2)as int) + '/' +CAST(SUBSTRING(date_sent,4,2) as int) + '/' +CAST(SUBSTRING(DATE_SENT,7,4) as int)
From MyTable
It is not working, anybody can give me some advise!

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Convert Mmddyy To Datetime

Dec 28, 2005

When I configure my SQL server datasource, what SQL statement can I use to convert a source field in a legacy DB2 database in 'mmddyy' format to a datetime field so that I can query by date on this field?

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How To Convert String To DateTime

Jan 2, 2006

hi , i have a problem
i have an textarea that i want to convert to DateTime format (dd/MM/yyyy) .
the data in the textarea is (dd/MM/yyyy for example 21/12/2005).
i need it to add this data in sql server , in smalldatetime formation colum .
plz help.

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Convert Nvarchar Into Datetime

Oct 9, 2003

How I can convert text '07012003' into datetime ?.
If I am using below format and getting the error 'the conversion of char data type to smalldatetime data type resulted in an out-of-range smalldatetime value'

select convert(smalldatetime,'07012003')

Any advice please?.

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Convert Char Into Datetime?

Mar 28, 2004

I have DB2 date value 00000000. If I'm exporting to SQL server using openquery that is automaticaly converting to char of 8 and stored as the same value 00000000.
My question is how I can convert them as datetime value in SQL server 2000.?

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Convert Strings To Datetime

Nov 14, 2006

I have a query that determines a product's date of manufacture from the serial number. The day is formatted as a day number (e.g. "107" = April 17) and the year as a two-digit year. All dates can be assumed to be 21st century.

I need to take this data, which is in two separate fields in varchar format, and represent it as a date in mm/dd/yyyy format. So for example, if the field values are "107" and "06" I need to display "04/17/2006."

Thanks in advance for the correct formula!

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Convert Char To Datetime??

Jul 3, 2001

Have a requirement to:

Convert char(7) YYYY-MM variable (eg. '2001-07') to both:
datetime '2001-07-01 00:00:00.000' and
datetime '2001-07-01 23:59:59.997'

thx in advance!

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Convert Seconds To DateTime

Jan 28, 2008

I have values in seconds (integers) in a database column and I want to convert those values to datetime. For example: 102 into 1:42(60 seconds = 1 minute + 42 seconds = 1:42), 150 into 2:30, etc.

I've been working for hours today on this, but haven't been able to come up with a solution.

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Dec 9, 2005

I have a stored procedure that takes a @INPUT_DATE Varchar(25) as an input parameter. It passes this @Date to a User Defined function that checks if @Date is a valid date and then returns either the date or a "1" for not a valid date. If it is not a valid date, I use the RAISERROR and stop the insert call.

Here is the parts from the Stored Procedure


--Input Parameter
@INPUT_DATEvarchar(25) = NULL,

--Send the Parameter to the User Defined Function
DECLARE @ErrorMessage AS VARCHAR(200)

--Check to make sure a all dates are entered correctly
SET @INPUT_DATE = dbo.Function_Check_Date(@INPUT_DATE)

IF (@INPUT_DATE = '1')
SET @Error = 1
SET @ErrorMessage = '-Date formatted wrong'
RAISERROR(@ErrorMessage, 15, 1)

IF @Error <> 1
INSERT INTO Table1(DateColumn)

And here is my User Defined Function


CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Function_Check_Date]
@Temp VarChar(25)


DECLARE @Date VarChar(25)

IF (ISDATE(@Temp) = 0) AND (@Temp <> 'N/A') AND (@Temp <> '')
SET @Date = '1'
ELSE IF (@Temp = 'N/A') OR (@Temp = '') --For not availables or Blanks
SET @Date = CONVERT(DATETIME, '1/1/1900')




The error is occuring when I try to convert the @INPUT_DATE to a datetime in the insert statement. The field value for the DateColumn in the database is a DateTime format. The error I receive is Error Converting datetime from character string. But when I test all these items in Query Analyzer, I am able to do each step without error?

Thanks for any advice, as I am rather confused.

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Convert Style For Datetime

Jan 19, 2006


If the datetime value is '20.01.2006', what will be the style in CONVERT function ?

Eg : select convert(datetime, '20.01.2006') gives datetime out-of-range error.

There is no style provided for in SQL Server documentation. Is there any way to do such conversion with this constant value of format ?

Please advice,


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How Can I Convert Binary(8) To Datetime?

Feb 16, 2006

HI! :shocked:

I tried to convert 0x01C3F0F5012D36E0, binary(8) to datetime
How can I do that?

thanks for all

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Datetime Convert Query

May 1, 2008

declare @dt varchar(20)
select count(s.sopnumbe) as orders from sop30300 s
left outer join sop30200 ss
on s.sopnumbe = ss.sopnumbe
where s.itemnmbr=ss.sku and s.soptype = 2 and ss.docdate=@dt

well docdate is datetime and dt is varchar
how can i compare - both?

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Convert Datetime To Hhmm

Nov 24, 2006

I was wondering if it was possible to convert a datetime field lets say getdate() to hhmm.

Thanks in advance,

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HT Convert Datetime To Text On The Fly

Apr 24, 2007

I want to merge data from two different tables that have the same column names but different datatypes.

Table one has a varchar field pubdate_full that includes a date formatted as text like this: '2005-04-15'.

Table two has a smalldatetime field called Hard_NYP and a varchar pubdate field that includes just the year (eg '2007').

I want to Select data in table two and return a pubdate_full field that has either the datepub or the Hard_due. If the Hard_due is not null or '1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM' then I want to fill pubdate_full with that value, otherwise fill it with the pubdate value.

This works in that regard:

SELECT Hard_due, datepub
CASE WHEN (Hard_due <> '1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM') AND
(Hard_due IS NOT NULL) THEN Hard_Due ELSE datepub END AS pubdate_full from inventory

The question is, how do I convert pubdate_full on the fly to be the same format and datatype as the Table one pubdate_full or vice versa in order to be able to merge the two tables?

Many thanks in advance.

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Convert Character To Datetime

Nov 9, 2007


I have column as month and value as January, february. etcc....

can we convert this character column into date&time format.. if we do that what will be output..

I am doing test instance, when i sort by month column it's sorted in alphabetical order. when we convert this into date&time, it's sorts by date&time, it puts me right direction..

i dont know can we do this or not..


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Convert Long To DateTime

Jul 21, 2006


I need to convert a vb function into a user-defined function in a stored procedure.
The vb function converts a long datatype into Date datatype.

Here is the VB function:

Function LongToTime(lTime As Long) As Date
LongToTime = (lTime 10000) / 24 + ((lTime Mod 10000) 100) / 1440 + (lTime Mod 100) / 86400
End Function

The function is used to convert a timestamp(hhmmss) into a more readable format.
Would it be possible to create a function similar to this in an SQL stored procedure?

Thanks in advance

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