Hello Everyone,
How can I convert the string column to date in SSIS.
I have a column which is having a value as €œ19890213€?
Basically this values is a date
Now I wanted this value to be a date value as €œ01/01/2007€?
i had try it out by doing this ways
but still i'm getting the error message.
I know the this can be achived through type cast in Derived Column compunent, but not sure with which cast please help me out in resoulving this issue.
I am Using Derived column between Source and Destination Control. the Source input column PriceTime is String Data type. but in the Destination is should be a DATE TIME column. How to Convert this string to DateTime in the Derivied Column Control.
I already tried to in the Derived column control
PRICEDATETIME <add as new column> ((DT_DBTIMESTAMP)priceDateTime) database timestamp [DT_DBTIMESTAMP]
But still throwing Error showing type case probelm
I have a table in which a date value is stored as varchar.some of these values are stored ina dd/mm/yyyy format and other values are stored in a yyyy-mm-dd format..Now I wish to retrieve some data by querying between two dates. However I need to convert the varchar date value to datetime in order to do this but since the date value is in two different formats, the following doesn't work.
select date_value from my_table where CONVERT(DATETIME, date_value, 103) between @date1 and @date2
How can you convert the date value to datetime when its stored in mutiple formats. I can't change the table itself as I dont have admin privelages.
Hi, I have dates in "mmddyy" format coming from the sources and they are older dates of mid 80s like 082580 for instance.
When I cast it this way (DT_DBTIMESTAMP) Source_Date , It says ok but throws a runtime error.
When I hardcode a date in same format, (DT_DBTIMESTAMP) "082580" , It becomes red (an indication of syntax error) . Please note that we use double quotes in expressions in Derived Column Transformation; So an anticipation that using double quotes over single ones would be the syntax problem would be wrong.
I am using DTS to read in a date with the format of YYYYMMDD. I am trying to convert this date to MM/DD/YYYY and then use the CDate function with the following code to load it into a Datetime column in SQL Server:
DTSDestination("DateName") = strHoldDate Main = DTSTransformStat_OK End Function
My DTS package will execute without errors, but it does not add the row. I have been successful using CDate when the source date is in the format MM/DD/YYYY.
Also, do you have any tips on how to debug DTS? How to see what's in a variable, etc.?
In our ERP system we have a field which is a date-picker in the user front end, but the value is stored in an NVARCHAR field and not always consistently. How can I convert this to a date (preferably in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM) that I could use in a calculation?
select code, spec_value from spec_checklist_remind where spec_checklist_id = 17
i have a sql statement that i created in code and it is sending a query to the database when i dim the variable a datetime variable it says that it cant convert it if i make the variable a varchar it works but it only returns one result when it should be returning about 10
here is the code
Public Function dbDGQSSearch(ByVal BatchID As String, ByVal CreatedBy As Integer, ByVal CreatedFor As Integer, ByVal DateCreatedMod As Integer, ByVal DateCreated As String, ByVal DateCompletedMod As Integer, ByVal DateCompleted As String, ByVal DateStartedMod As Integer, ByVal DateStarted As String, ByVal SearchType As Integer, ByVal Completed As Integer, ByVal PriorityMod As Integer, ByVal Priority As Integer, ByVal RemainingCallsMod As Integer, ByVal RemainingCalls As Integer, ByVal TotalCallsMod As Integer, ByVal TotalCalls As Integer, ByVal Bonus As Integer, ByVal Keyword1 As String, ByVal Keyword2 As String, ByVal Keyword3 As String, ByVal Keyword4 As String, ByVal Keyword5 As String)
Dim strQueSearch As String strQueSearch = "SELECT tlkup_Rep.RepID, tlkup_Rep.PositionID, tlkup_Rep.RepFName, tlkup_Rep.RepLName, tlkup_Rep.RepPassword, tlkup_Rep.RepUserName, tlkup_Rep.RepFName + ' ' + tlkup_Rep.RepLName AS RepName, t_Que.QueID, t_Que.BatchID, t_Que.AdminID, t_Que.Manager, t_Que.BonusID, t_Que.QueCompleted, t_Que.QueDate, t_Que.QueNotes, t_Que.QuePriority, t_Que.QueQuantity, t_Que.QueStartDate, t_Que.Mail, t_Que.QueDateComplete, t_Que.QueTotal FROM t_Que INNER JOIN tlkup_Rep ON t_Que.Manager = tlkup_Rep.RepID AND t_Que.Manager = tlkup_Rep.RepID WHERE BatchID<>'' and BatchID<>'2' and BatchID<>'3' and BatchID<>'4' "
'Creates statement for selecting the add to batch data where the criteria appear If BatchID <> "" Then
strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.BatchID= @BatchID " End If If CreatedBy > 1 Then strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.RepID =@RepID " End If If CreatedFor > 1 Then strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.Manager = @Manager " End If
If DateCreated <> "" Then If DateCreatedMod = 0 Then '> strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueDate >@QueDate " ElseIf DateCreatedMod = 1 Then '< strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueDate <@QueDate " ElseIf DateCreatedMod = 2 Then '= strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueDate =@QueDate " End If End If
If DateCompleted <> "" Then If DateCompletedMod = 0 Then '> strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueDateComplete >@QueDateComplete " ElseIf DateCompletedMod = 1 Then '< strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueDateComplete <@QueDateComplete and t_Que.QueDateComplete >'1/1/1900' " ElseIf DateCompletedMod = 2 Then '= strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueDateComplete =@QueDateComplete " End If End If
If DateStarted <> "" Then If DateStartedMod = 0 Then '> strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueStartDate >@QueStartDate " ElseIf DateStartedMod = 1 Then '< strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueStartDate <@QueStartDate " ElseIf DateStartedMod = 2 Then '= strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueStartDate =@QueStartDate " End If End If
If SearchType = 0 Then 'Both 'strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.Mail=0 and t_Que.Mail=1 " ElseIf SearchType = 1 Then 'Mail strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.Mail=1 " ElseIf SearchType = 2 Then 'Phone strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.Mail=0 " End If
If Completed = 0 Then 'Both 'strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.Mail=0 and t_Que.Mail=1 " ElseIf Completed = 1 Then 'Yes strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueCompleted=1 " ElseIf Completed = 2 Then 'No strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueCompleted=0 " End If
If Priority > 0 Then If PriorityMod = 0 Then '> strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QuePriority >@QuePriority " ElseIf PriorityMod = 1 Then '< strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QuePriority <@QuePriority " ElseIf PriorityMod = 2 Then '= strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QuePriority =@QuePriority " End If End If If RemainingCalls > 0 Then If RemainingCallsMod = 0 Then '> strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueQuantity >@QueQuantity " ElseIf RemainingCallsMod = 1 Then '< strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueQuantity <@QueQuantity " ElseIf RemainingCallsMod = 2 Then '= strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueQuantity =@QueQuantity " End If End If
If TotalCalls > 0 Then If TotalCallsMod = 0 Then '> strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueTotal >@QueTotal " ElseIf TotalCallsMod = 1 Then '< strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueTotal <@QueTotal " ElseIf TotalCallsMod = 2 Then '= strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueTotal =@QueTotal " End If End If
If Bonus > 1 Then strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.BonusID =@BonusID " End If
If Keyword1 <> "" Then strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueNotes like '%'+@Keyword1+'%' " End If If Keyword2 <> "" Then strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueNotes like '%'+@Keyword2+'%' " End If If Keyword3 <> "" Then strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueNotes like '%'+@Keyword3+'%' " End If If Keyword4 <> "" Then strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueNotes like '%'+@Keyword4+'%' " End If If Keyword5 <> "" Then strQueSearch = strQueSearch + " and t_Que.QueNotes like '%'+@Keyword5+'%' " End If
'makes statement into sqlcommand C.daQueSearch.SelectCommand.CommandText = strQueSearch
Hello forum, Is it possible to convert a date stored as a string into a datetime with integration services 2005? My attempts with the €œdata conversion€? fail. The string type form of the date is €˜yyyy-mm-dd€™ and the desired result for use in a Union All is €˜dd/mm/yyyy 12:00:00AM.€™ This outcome is needs so that match on the date can populate a fact table, as the results are coming from two different databases. All advice/help welcomed. Ian
I am trying to create a report that sums up new cases weekly based on the previous 5 months. I have included some sample data below. The only field that displays a date is called monthSubmitted, varchar 7 and not very useful. How can I first convert this firld to a date ddmmyy?
How would you the code it so the user can run the report on demand at any given time and display the data for the last 5 months on a weekly basis? I am not sure as to how the date calculations should be coded.
Im working with a breaking system and I wont to convert the (FROM) datetime column to accept just time like (4:00:00 AM) without the date (7/23/2004) but it doesn’t have column format like the access ?? I found something in the SQL help :
How to convert the format of a Date Time String transformation (Enterprise Manager) To convert the format of a Date Time String transformation 1.On the Transformations tab of the Transform Data Task Properties or Data Driven Query Task Properties dialog box, click the Source column containing the date or time to be modified, and then click the Destination column where you want the modified string to be placed. 2.Do one of the following: •If there is a mapping arrow connecting the two columns, click Delete, and then click New. •If there is no mapping arrow, click New. 3.In the Create New Transformation dialog box, click DateTime String. 4.Click the General tab, and then click Properties. 5.In the Date Format list, select the format you want. 6.Click Naming to display the Calendar Names dialog box, where you can select long or short day or month names and the A.M. and P.M. designators you want. 7.In the Language list, select the language you want, and then click Set Language Defaults. But unfortunately I didn't find the "Transformations tab" I look a lot in the SQL Enterprise Manager
Do anybody work with the Transformations or at least know where is it please ???
Being a newbie to SSIS I'm not sure of the most efficient method of converting a DateTime object to a String.
I'm from a C# background where this would be easy using DateTime.ToString("YYYYMMdd"). I want to use the date in a file name so don't require most of the parts.
I'm sure I could do this using a script task to produce a file name for each row of data in my table and add that filename to the dataset but it seem like overkill to do something that should be simple. Also as I'm supposed to be getting to grips with SSIS I shouldn't keep running back to what I know.
My current approach is to derive a column and build up an expression to convert the date into a string. The only problem being that it doesn't work. The expression I'm working with is: (DT_WSTR, 50)([OrgName] ) + "_" + (DT_WSTR, 50)( [PayrollName] ) + (DT_WSTR, 4)(YEAR( [ProcessedDate] )) + (DT_WSTR, 2)(MONTH( [ProcessedDate] )) + (DT_WSTR, 2)(DAY( [ProcessedDate] )) ".txt"
I have two fields DSRHADTI which is an isodate and DSRHTIME which is 8 char time field in format 10.31.00. I want to take both these fields and put them into a field that is database timestamp so I have converted DSRHDATI to 10 character field. I am then trying to use substring to put both into 18 character field using derived column transformation editor. but it does not like the below. It's red syntax error what am I missing.
One I get the above to work I plan on convert 18 char to datetimestamp.
Note the code below, running on the version noted.
I just found this today, figured I'd share. Not sure if it's a known bug or a "special" feature. The only difference between the two queries is the 3rd line, everything else is the same. Notice that the sort order changes, yet no errors or warnings are given. I assume that the table aliases are ignored for the order by, unless there are duplicate column names in the results.
I abstracted this from a bug I discovered in one of my apps today, where I have sales reps assigned to their clients with start and end dates. A while back, a developer asked me to format the dates without the time portion, and when I did so, I introduced the problem. I resolved it temporarily by ordering by convert(datetime, startdate) but I found it strange that the column alias match overrides the table alias attempted match in the order by. Another way to get around this would be to change the column aliases, then the sort order would be as desired, but I didn't want to have to change the app code for something so trivial.
My apologies if this is a duplicate.
@@version = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3054.00 (X64) Mar 23 2007 18:41:50 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)
select convert(varchar(10), table_alias.startdate, 101) as startdate,
convert(varchar(10), table_alias.enddate, 101) as enddate
select convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -4, getdate()-1)) as startdate, convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -4, getdate())) as enddate
select convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -3, getdate()-1)) as startdate, convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -3, getdate())) as enddate
select convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -2, getdate()-1)) as startdate, convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -2, getdate())) as enddate
select convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -1, getdate()-1)) as startdate, convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -1, getdate())) as enddate
select convert(datetime, getdate()-1) as startdate, convert(datetime, getdate()) as enddate
) as table_alias
order by table_alias.startdate
select convert(varchar(10), table_alias.startdate, 101) as startdate,
convert(varchar(10), table_alias.enddate, 101) as enddate,
table_alias.startdate, table_alias.enddate
select convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -4, getdate()-1)) as startdate, convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -4, getdate())) as enddate
select convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -3, getdate()-1)) as startdate, convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -3, getdate())) as enddate
select convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -2, getdate()-1)) as startdate, convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -2, getdate())) as enddate
select convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -1, getdate()-1)) as startdate, convert(datetime, dateadd(mm, -1, getdate())) as enddate
select convert(datetime, getdate()-1) as startdate, convert(datetime, getdate()) as enddate
HI All, 1)I have a question. I have a column in nvarchar format which is called close_date and is in the following format: 29.02.2008 ( example). I need to convert it to date format.I also add that data conversion not working as column apper blank on table. Do you have any idea?
2)Also the second problem is how to unzip the file stored on the shared drive in the package before uploading.
Is there a way to extract the date part (11/27/2012) of a datetime/time stamp column (11/27/2012 00:00:00.000) and keep it in a date format?
The code i have below extracts the date part of a timestamp column and converts it to a char field. This becomes a problem when I joing the resultant table with a SAS dataset which contains the same column but is in a date format. The join process generates an error saying the column is in different formats.
Hi i am Using Report_Date Column DBTimeStamp Data type. This isReport Date Taken From Current System Date from Varaible. I need Convert this Date Time Format to the Follwing Foramt .
"TO_DATE(Report_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')"
HOw to Achieve this one in SSIS Package . Any one give me a solution.
I am very new to SSIS though I have written hundreds of SQL 2000 dts' with all kinds of active scripts doing all kinds of things. I am now trying to convert them to SSIS and since scripts don't come through the migrator I am doing them by hand once again. I have the package created, but one of the input fields on the text file is YYYYMMDD , but the database field it is going into is a datetime so I need to convert it to a valid date format so that the conversion will take place. I tried data conversion task but that doesn't work, now I'm assuming I need to use the derived column, but not sure and don't have a clue how to use that, can anyone help? Thanks bostonrose
I have been trying to read a flat file which has a birthdate field. The field is string and the format is "011594". I have been trying to convert it to a date field in the following format "01/15/1994". Using the forum I was able to write the following expression but I am still keep getting error messages.
I also noticed few records are missing birthdate and few do not have the complete birthdate which means some birthdates are missing year and some are missing month. For example, some are completely missing and some are partially missing, like " " or "0312 ". Could this be the reason I was getting error message since the following expression does not include null and incomplete date of birth?
[Derived Column [1014]] Error: An error occurred while attempting to perform a type cast.
[Derived Column [1014]] Error: The "component "Derived Column" (1014)" failed because error code 0xC0049064 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "DOB" (2292)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The ProcessInput method on component "Derived Column" (1014) failed with error code 0xC0209029. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0209029.
I am having trouble trying to filter my sql database using the query string against a date column in my database. Â I set a date variable = "dd/mm/yyy" format but when I apply that in the sql query as:
I need to pass in null/blank value in the date field or declare the field as string and convert date back to string.
I tried the 2nd option but I am having trouble converting the two digits of the recordset (rs_get_msp_info(2), 1, 2))) into a four digit yr. But it will only the yr in two digits. The mfg_start_date is delcared as a string variable
option 1 I will have to declare the mfg_start_date as date but I need to send in a blank value for this variable in the stored procedure. It won't accept a null or blank value.
I am inserting date and time data into a SQL Server 2012 Express table from an application. The application is providing the date and time as a string data type. Is there a TSQL way to convert the date and time string to an SQL datetime date type? I want to do the conversion, because SQL displays an error due to the
My date and time string from the application looks like : 3/11/2014 12:57:57 PM
I am trying to upload data from CSV to Sql table. I have a column as 'arrived_date' value '13:45' etc and while trying to load data i am getting error as "data conversion failed ,truncation may occur while loading data". In flat file connection this column datatype is string but in my table datatype is as time(). There is a error with conversion. I tried to change data type in advanced editor but no use. Using data conversion after flatfile makes my error disappear but it is giving error right at the file not even going through from file?