Converting Decimal To Time

Nov 18, 2005

how do you convert a numeric to time format if it shows hours but a decimal figure for Minutes. For example if I have hours in decimal format like this


but I want to show it in this format:


where 28 = hours, 30 = minutes, 00 = seconds


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Converting Decimal Time To HH:MM

Apr 28, 2008

In Reporting Services, I have a decimal time field (18,2) in my report which I wish to display as HH:MM. Similarly, I req a sum of total hours and minutes as a summary. Whats the expression for doing this. I've googled far and wide and cannot find a definitve solution.


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Converting Decimal Value To Time

Mar 3, 2008

I have a field that currently is displaying time in decimal form. I would like to convert it to time format. For example: when it displays 6.46 I would like it to be converted to 00:06:27. Can I do this within reporting services?

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Reporting Services :: Converting Hours In Decimal To Time Format Using Expression

Nov 10, 2015

Is it possible to convert for the following SQL statement into SSRS Expression:

+ ':' + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), FLOOR((SUM(Hours) - FLOOR(SUM(Hours))) * 60)), 2) + ':' + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),
FLOOR((SUM(Hours) - FLOOR(SUM(Hours))) * 60 - FLOOR((SUM(Hours) - FLOOR(SUM(Hours))) * 60)) * 60), 2)
FROM TableTime

For example I need SSRS expression for converting 1.75 hours into 01:45:00.

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Converting (casting) From Decimal(24,4) To Decimal(21,4) Data Type Problem

Jul 24, 2006


I would like to cast (convert) data type decimal(24,4) to
decimal(21,4). I could not do this using standard casting function
CAST(@variable as decimal(21,4)) or CONVERT(decimal(21,4),@variable)
because of the following error: "Arithmetic overflow error converting
numeric to data type numeric." Is that because of possible loss of the

Thanks for giving me any advice,


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Converting Decimal To String W/O Decimal Point

Jul 23, 2005

I'd like to convert a Decimal value into a string so that the entireoriginal value and length remains intact but there is no decimal point.For example, the decimal value 6.250 is selected as 06250.Can this be done?

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Converting Decimal Point To Decimal Comma

Nov 30, 2007

Hi all,

I am designing some reports for a German branch of my company and need to replace decimal point with a comma and the thousand comma seperator with a decimal point.

‚¬1,500,123.00 to ‚¬1.500.123,00

Is there a property that I can change in the report designer to allow this to happen or is this something I need to convert in a Stored Proc.

Any help would be much appreciated


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Converting Decimal To Hex

Dec 17, 2004

Currently writing a script to duplicate information in a database for a client. They have setup a userdefined table in our software that contains information that needs to go into the duplicate records. One particular column in this user defined table contains a decimal number in the 45mill range. The column that number is going into is an nVarchar column that requires a Hex value for our software.

Long story short (too late) I have been unable to find a system stored procedure that will convert the Decimal value into a Hexadecimal string.

Is there one I just haven't found?

Anyone know of one already written by someone in the Community?

Or stop wasting time looking because there isn't one so I better hurry up and get one written and tested before my project is due?

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Converting A Decimal

Jan 26, 2004

I need to convert a value 5.300000000 to 0005300. Basically I want to remove the decimal point, pad the out put with a couple of zeros and return a value that is 7 bytes long. I may need to convert something like 10.300000000 to be 0010300.

Anyone have any thoughts?


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Converting From Decimal To Currency

Feb 12, 2008


The field below I need to convert to a dollar amount. Can someone help me please?

clm_tchg (decimal(10,2), null)


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Error By Converting String To Decimal

Jun 19, 2006


I'm trying to import a text-file into SQL2005 by using SSIS. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work in the way I thought. Because I'm using the german version of SQL2005 I need to translate the items of my toolbox, so dont wonder if their names are not exactly the same as in the english versions.

Try number1:

a) My datasource is a flatfile, in the connection manager I changed the DataType for the input column to DT_DECIMAL. In my destination table the data type of ths column is decimal(20,4). Name of the column is "NXT_PUT_PX".

b) Running this package results in this error:

"Fehler bei der Datenkonvertierung. Die Datenkonvertierung für die NXT_PUT_PX-Spalte gab den Statuswert '2' und den Statustext 'Der Wert konnte aufgrund eines möglichen Datenverlustes nicht konvertiert werden.' zurück. Fehlercode: 0xC0209084. "

Translation of this is something like:

Error by converting data. Converting data for column NXT_PUT_PX returned state '2' and text 'Value couldn't be converted because of a potential loss of data'.

Try number2:

a) same as try number1

b) Adding a datatransformation-task (Datenkonvertierung), and set NXT_PUT_PX to be converted to DT_DECIMAL wirh SCALE 20.

c) Assigning this converted column to the destination column.

d) Running the package results in the same error as described above.

Try number3:

Same as try number 2 but the input column for my flatfile is now DT_WSTR with width 50.

Running this results in the same error message as above, but different errorcode. Errorcode is 0xC020907F.

Any hints how to do this conversion correct?

Best regards,

Jan Wagner

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Problem Converting Decimal Values

Apr 25, 2007

Hi. I I'm importing a text file with lot's of decimal values with this format xx.xx. The problem is that my locale is Portugal and the points are being striped off and are not being considered as decimal separators (for example I have values like 0.04 and in the sql server database i see 4). I have tried to change the locale but i receive a message saying that the locale is not installed in my system.

Any help on this ? tnks in advance

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Converting Nchar To Int (or Numeric/decimal)

Jun 20, 2007

Hi ,

I have a column in my extract table as nchar(3) and in the destination (the same column with diff name ) it is decimal(3,0) .....i tried to use dataconversion transformation.....i even tried to use cast/convert fn's in the SQL Command (which i use in the "Source Transformation" to get the columns from the extract table).

I tried all the ways i can and still i get the same error..:

[OLE DB Source [1]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.
An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E07. An OLE
DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider
for SQL Server" Hresult: 0x80040E07 Description: "Error
converting data type nvarchar to numeric.".

Can we actually do it...?? any help would be appreciated.



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Select Statement - Converting Text Into Decimal?

Jul 5, 2014

I have trouble converting a text field into decimals in a select statement.

The select statement is as follows:

select cast(ltrim(rtrim(units)) as decimal) as units

and I get an error message:

Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 23

Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric.

and the 'units' column contains ' 324,32 '

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Transact SQL :: Converting A Negative Varchar Decimal?

Jul 6, 2015

how to convert -2.0120 to -2 or 3,6789 as 3 ignoring the decimal places.

The input -2.0120 is a varchar.

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Losing Precision Converting To Decimal From String!

Mar 3, 2008


I´m having some trouble converting values represented as strings to the decimal data type.
I have a flat file source, from where I read some currency rates represented without decimals.
Before sending those values to my SQL Server destination, I want to convert them to represent correct values.

An example to clarify:

If my source contains a column named "curr_rate" with the value 000092500 I want to send it
to my destination as 9,2500.

So I set up a Dervied column component, converting my value like so:


My problems is that the precision is lost, and all that´s sent to my destination table is 9,0000.

How should I go about to convert my strings without losing precision in the process?

Thanks in advance!

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Transact SQL :: Converting 24hrs Time To 12 Hours Time Query Format?

Apr 21, 2015

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),attnc_chkin_dt,101) as INDATE,
    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),attnc_chkin_dt,108) as TimePart
FROM pmt_attendance

indate   04/18/2015
time part :17:45:00

I need to convert this 17:45:00 to 12 hours date format...

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SQL 2012 :: Converting Time String In Temp Table To Military Time Then Cast As Integer?

Dec 26, 2014

I need to take a temporary table that has various times stored in a text field (4:30 pm, 11:00 am, 5:30 pm, etc.), convert it to miltary time then cast it as an integer with an update statement kind of like:

Update myTable set MovieTime = REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(5),GETDATE(),108), ':', '')

how this can be done while my temp table is in session?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Converting Hour And Minute To Decimal?

Jul 31, 2014

I am having some issues converting time to decimal from one of my column which display it as

2014-07- 08:16:31.000 (datetimecreated)

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Integration Services :: Converting A String Percent Value To Decimal

Oct 12, 2015

I am reading a data source where all data in a given column is held as a string containing a percent value with 2 decimal points:


I need to convert these into decimal values with up to four decimal points, like this:

I am trying to use the derived column editor but since I am fairly new to this, I am getting my wires crossed. c

1. Remove the % sign from the string -- not sure if I should use TRIM, or REPLACE
2. Divide the value by 100 -- but don't I need to do some sort of type casting first?
3. Do a cast to convert whatever I got into the correct decimals -- perhaps this isn't required if I did step 2 as a typecast to decimals already?

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Problem With CAST And CONVERT In SQL Server2000 Converting Decimal Places From 4 To 2

May 11, 2005

All of my currency columns are only storing 2 decimal places when I insert into the database but when I pull out the data with a SELECT statement, I always get 4 decimal places instead of the 2 that were inserted. 
For example: 
Database Price            SELECT statement Price
100.56                           100.5600
I have tried to use the CAST and/or CONVERT commands but I cannot get the output to come out as 100.56.  Has anyone had a similar problem?

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Reporting Services :: Converting Date Format To Decimal In SSRS Expression

Apr 21, 2015

I have a decimal data type column with a record in the following format 20150219 --> yyyyMMdd. And I am trying to convert the return value from SSRS date/time parameter to a decimal value.

The TMDTOP column is the decimal data type with date records in yyyyMMdd format.

My return parameter is the following:


When I try to run the report I get the following error:

Failed to evaluate the FilterValue of the DataSet ‘DataSet1’. (rsFilterEvaluationError)

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Arithmetic Overflow Error Converting Varchar To Data Type Numeric Message When Field Is Decimal

Apr 3, 2014

I am trying to setup an indicator value for an SSRS report to show green and red values on a report, based on the NRESULT value. The problem I am facing is that I have several different CASE statements that have the same logic, and they are processing just fine. NRESULT is a decimal field, so no conversion should be necessary. I do not know why I am getting the "Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric." error message.

Below is the CASE statement where the error is occurring. It is in the part of the ELSE CASE. The first CASE works just fine when the ELSE CASE is commented out. If I also change the ELSE CASE statement to say "else case when LEFT(NRESULT,1) = '-' then '0'", then it processes fine, too, so it has to be something I am missing something in the check on negative values. I do need the two checks, one for positive and one for negative values, to take place.

case when LEFT(NRESULT,1) <> '-' then --This portion, for checking positive values, of the CASE statement works fine.
CASE WHEN LEFT(ROUND(NRESULT,2),4) between 0.00 and 0.49 THEN '2' --Green
ELSE '3' --White
else case when LEFT(NRESULT,1) = '-' then --This portion, for checking negative values, of the CASE statement is producing the conversion error message.


I checked the NRESULT field, and there are not any NULL values in there, either.

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Decimal Time To Hours Minutes

Feb 3, 2014

I have a series of times in decimal 15 min slots. The data type is float and the field is the followng:

and so on

I would like to convert that to the hour and 15 minute slot


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SQL Tools :: Decimal To Time Conversion

Sep 7, 2015

How to convert decimal to time .

I am using below code 

declare @hour decimal(18,4)='249.2644444444'
select  RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(varchar(2),FLOOR(@hour)),2)
+ RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(varchar(2),FLOOR(((@hour-FLOOR(@hour))*60))),2)
+ RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(varchar(2),FLOOR(((@hour-FLOOR(@hour))*60)-FLOOR(((@hour-FLOOR(@hour))*60)))*60),2)

For example 1 it works fine but example 2 it throws arithmetic error. Looking for right code which accepts any value and converts to time.

Example 1 : 12.0763888889 as 12:04:00.
Example 2: 249.2644444444 
error : Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type varchar.

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How Can I Show One Decimal On Time (urgent)

Oct 15, 2007

I have a column in a table that has numbers. How can i convert my number from this 2.36 to 2.4
2.53 to 3.0


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Transact SQL :: Convert Time In Hours And Minutes To Decimal

Jul 30, 2008

I am trying to convert hours and minutes to decimal and arrive at a sum of time taken. The column TotalTimeSpent is the diff in hours/mins between the Started and Ended times.

SELECT DATENAME(weekday, Started) AS Day,        C.Category,     ClientCode,Description,    dbo.FormatDateTime(Started, 'HH:MMS 12') as Started,    dbo.FormatDateTime(Ended, 'HH:MMS 12') as Ended, CONVERT(varchar,TimeTaken,108) AS TotalTimeSpentFROM dbo.Journal JLEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Categories C ON J.CategoryID = C.CategoryIDWHERE--DATENAME(weekday, Started) =@Weekday  AND Started >= @StartDate ORDER BY Day, Category, Started

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System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Error Converting Data Type Numeric To Decimal.

Aug 31, 2004

Hi There,

I'm using C# to get a value for a DOUBLE precision variable, called "Length", from a textBox using the following line:

Length = Convert.ToDouble( txtLength.Text )

I'm also using the following lines to prepare my stored procedure call:

arParms[9] = new SqlParameter("@Length", SqlDbType.Decimal, 5);
arParms[9].Value = record.Length;

My stored procedure has the following parameter definition:

@Length decimal(9,3)

My problem is that if someone types a value bigger than 999999 in the textbox he will get for sure the following error:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Error converting data type numeric to decimal.

I don't know how to either make sql or C# to truncate the value or catch the exception to automatically assign 0 to the parameter.

Please Help.

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Converting US Time To IST

Nov 28, 2007

Do we have any function that will convert US time(as in the database) to IST in the select query.

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Converting SQL Internal Time

May 30, 2000

I am trying to create custom reports with Access by linking to SQL tables in the SMS 2.0 software metering database. The only problem that I am having is trying to convert the internal SQL time/date nine digit format for when programs started or ended to a standard format. Is there a special function within either SQL or Access that will do this? Thanks.

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Please Help! Converting From Unix Time

Nov 1, 1999

I have a date field from a Unix machine (ex. 917478174). I need to convert this date to 1/1/1999.

Any help?



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Converting Time Format

Jun 14, 2007

Dear all,

i have one table that colum is
164020 ---- that on convert into hh:mm:ss like 16:40:20

advance thanks

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HELP HELP Converting Date Time

May 30, 2002

I have a table that has a nvarchar field of (12) I need to convert this to a smalldatetimefield.

I get the following message

Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Data Pump
Error Description:Insert error, column 1 ('timeid', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Error Help File:sqldts80.hlp
Error Help Context ID:30702

Can someone please tell me how to convert this field without getting this message?????


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