Copy A Task Error

Oct 10, 2006

Have you ever gotten an error when copying a task in the designer? I can't copy a task. That's going to be a pain for developing big packages. I have already uninstalled BIDS and installed Visual Studio and still get the error. Any thoughts on what could I could remove and reinstall to get a working environment? Would removing VS and SQL 2005 and all its components work? I ran some of the CTP cleanup tools (ttool and msiinv) and they reported no problems and no beta software

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio

An error occurred while objects were being copied. SSIS Designer could not serialize the SSIS runtime objects.


Could not copy object 'info Script Task' to the clipboard.

For help, click:


Invalid access to memory location. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800703E6) (Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS)



I posted here the same question in the VS Installation and Setup forum, but I think this forum may be more on target.

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Execute Process Task Error On Copy

Jun 4, 2007


I am trying to run a very simple copy command from an execute process task:

copy O:myFoldermyFile*.txt D:myFolder

I have a working directory set also.

However, there is an error icon on the task, and if I attempt to run it I get the following error:

Error at Execute Process Task [Execute Process Task]: File/Process "" does not exist in directory "copy O:myFoldermyFile*.txt D:myFolder".

Error at Execute Process Task: There were errors during task validation.

This command works fine from the command line. What am I doing wrong here?


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Copy(paste) 'serialize' Error Always Occurs With Task, Never With Components

Aug 15, 2007

Some more insight into the error I am getting.

It always occurs at the task (control flow) level and never at the component (data flow) level

It always occurs on the 'copy' action.

I have tried all the msxml/registry recommendations to no avail.

once again here are the error details


An error occurred while objects were being copied. SSIS Designer could not serialize the SSIS runtime objects. (Microsoft Visual Studio)


Could not copy object 'SQT Drop Create RAWMigDeal RAWBarrier table' to the clipboard.

For help, click:

Program Location:

at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsClipboardCommandHelper.SerializeRuntimeObjects(ICollection logicalObjects)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.ControlFlowClipboardCommandHelper.InternalMenuCopy(MenuCommand sender, CommandHandlingArgs args)


Invalid access to memory location. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800703E6) (Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS)

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.PersistImpl.SaveToXML(XmlDocument& doc, XmlNode node, IDTSEvents events)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsContainer.SaveToXML(XmlDocument& doc, XmlNode node, IDTSEvents events)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsClipboardCommandHelper.SerializeRuntimeObjects(ICollection logicalObjects)

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SSIS Transfer Object Task Error - Selecting Tables To Copy

May 4, 2007

I'm using a Business Intelligence project to copy stored procedures and tables from one database to another across servers. I'm having trouble copying tables or stored procedures using the Management.SMO.Transfer class.

I tried copying stored procedure with the property transfer.CopyAllStoredProcedures = true. This didn't work. As a workaround, I used the StringCollection property and executed every string as sql.

Now I'm having trouble copying tables. I don't want to copy all the tables in the database. How do I go about selecting what tables to copy. I tried using ObjectList property and provided the names of the tables in an ArrayList. I get the error

"Transfer cannot process System.String. You need to pass an instance class object."

How can I pass an "instance class object" for something that's in the database? The ScriptTransfer method fails so I can't even see the script that is being generated. There is virtually no documentation for this class.

Any help will be appreciated.

Transfer transfer = new Transfer();

transfer.Database = sourceDB;

transfer.DestinationDatabase = DestinationDatabase;

transfer.DestinationServer = DestinationServer;

transfer.DropDestinationObjectsFirst = false;

transfer.CopyData = true;

transfer.CopySchema = true;

transfer.CopyAllObjects = false;

transfer.CopyAllTables = false;

transfer.CopyAllStoredProcedures = false;

transfer.Options.WithDependencies = false;


transfer.ObjectList = tablesList;

transfer.Options.FileName = "C:\TransferScriptTables.sql";

StringCollection coll = transfer.ScriptTransfer();

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DTS Copy SQL Server Task

Apr 11, 2004

I want to copy a database on a remote server to a local instance of SQL Server. I created a package that has the Copy SQL Server Task in it, but it seems to fail half way through every time i execute it.

I can view the local machine error log which simply reports that the table transfer was attempted.. but no explanation of why it fails. I don't have access to the host error log files either, so I have no idea why it fails.

I once almost got the 'Copy SQL Server Task' to work, but it would create duplicate records in the destination database, which I didn't want. It seems choosing the intuitive options like 'replace existing data' and choosing the table I want copied over.. does not work. I am not 100% sure the 2 databases are referentially identical either.. so it would be nice to know how to do a copy by first deleting the entire database on the destination machine, then recreating it all.

Can anyone give me some advice on which options I need to choose to achieve a proper database copy? Or, if you could show me a tutorial online that could explain how all the options work, and how I can debug what's causing my current method to fail, would be nice.


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Copy SQL Server Objects Task ?

Jun 15, 2005

My goal is need to synch couple of tables in QA and Prod. I used "Copy SQL Server Objects Task" in DTS package with copy option "replace existing data". It is trying to truncate and insert new data. But BOL is says "Overwrite existing data in the destination objects with the new data from the specified source".
Let me know your thought about this.

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SQL 2005 Copy Database Task

Mar 21, 2006

Does not seem to copy over any db user permissions or role membership?

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Table Does Not Exist In Copy Objects Task

Mar 30, 2006

I have a SQL2000 database that I need to copy tables from to my SQL2005 database. The table in the 2000 database are owned by a login named tsreader. This login is also in the dbo database role. So, when I access tables I have to prefix tha table name with tsreader. Currently in a SQL2000 database I have DTS packages that pull data over from this database everynight and they work fine. However when I try to do this from SSIS, I get the error "Object does not exist". My assumption is that it is trying to access the database tables as a "select * from tablea" as opposed to "select * from tsreader.tablea".

Any thoughts on how to make this work? I know I have the login correct because it is the same one I use for the SQL 2000 packages. Also, in SSIS it allows me to chose the tables I want yet I still get "Table does not exist at source" when I try and execute it.

Any ideas?



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Embedding A DTS Package Which Contains A 'Copy SQL Server Objects Task'

Jan 23, 2007


I am getting an error when doing the above.

I create a new SSIS package, drag in an Execute DTS 2000 Package Task, select and embed a DTS package which consists only one one task (as above), and then change the source & destination details (svr + user/pwd). Then when I go to the Copy tab, I get the following error when I hit Select Objects, to view the objects which the embedded DTS package should copy:

SQL-DMO error 21776: general error.

On further inspection, none of the objects selected for copy within the atomic/original DTS package, remain selected for copy within the embedded DTS package.

I have googled to search for an answer to this one, but to no avail. Any ideas would be greatly welcomed.



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Error: 0xC002F304 At Bulk Insert Task, Bulk Insert Task: An Error Occurred With The Following Error Message: Cannot Fetch A Row

Apr 8, 2008

I receive the following error message when I try to use the Bulk Insert Task to load BCP data into a table:

Error: 0xC002F304 at Bulk Insert Task, Bulk Insert Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 4. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.Bulk load data conversion error (overflow) for row 1, column 1 (rowno).".

Task failed: Bulk Insert Task

In SSMS I am able to issue the following command and the data loads into a TableName table with no error messages:
FROM 'C:DataDbTableName.bcp'
WITH (DATAFILETYPE='widenative');

What configuration is required for the Bulk Insert Task in SSIS to make the data load? BTW - the TableName.bcp file is bulk copy file as bcp widenative data type. The properties of the Bulk Insert Task are the following:
DataFileType: DTSBulkInsert_DataFileType_WideNative
RowTerminator: {CR}{LF}

Any help getting the bcp file to load would be appreciated. Let me know if you require any other information, thanks for all your help.

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Integration Services :: Copy Folder From FTP Location Using FTP Task In SSIS?

Aug 19, 2015

how do I copy a folder from an FTP location using the FTP task in SSIS. Currently, I can only move the files in the folder one after the other but I want to copy the folder at once.

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Error: The Task With The Name Data Flow Task And The Creation Name DTS.Pipeline.1 Is Not Registered For Use On This Computer

May 4, 2006


I am trying to create a simple BI Application for SSIS. In Visual Studio 2005 I just get a Data Flow Task from the toolbar and add it to the project. When I double click it I get the following error:

The task with the name "Data Flow Task" and the creation name "DTS.Pipeline.1" is not registered for use on this computer.

Then when I try to delete it it gives this other error:

Cannot remove the specified item because it was not found in the specified Collection.

I am creating this application in an administrator account in this computer, so I doubt the problem is related to permissions. I am running SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 in WinXP Tablet PC Edition.

Any suggestions why this is happening and how to fix it?

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DTS Designer Task: Copy Server Objects. What User Permissions Required?

Nov 6, 2006

I'm making a copy of some tanles between 2 servers.

Server 1 requires a sql login

Server 2 is using Windows Auth.

I have a user on server 1 named "odbc" able to log in.

however my copy task fails, when I drill the error, it's lists the first user in server 1 alphabetically as the failed login???? but in my dts I am specifying the "odbc" user and password.

I think I have a permissions problem on server 1. So my Question, what minimum permissions does user "odbc" need to copy a table?

On server 1 I can copy from northwind to server 2 just fine..but any other db on server 1 causes the weird failure with the wrong username.

Any Ideas? I am not a DBA obviously :)



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Copy && Paste Of Custom Task Loses Internal Property Settings

Sep 21, 2006

We have a built a custom control flow task that we use frequently. It has a simple user interface form where we can set certain properties. Problem is, after I configure it once and then copy and paste it all of the internal property settings seem to be lost on the newly pasted task. When I open up the editor for the task all of the properties are displayed visually in the editor form, but the properties pane is empty.

How can this be corrected?

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Recovery :: Maintenance Task To Copy Bak File To Secondary Drive After Backup Is Complete?

Nov 6, 2015

I need to copy a just-created bak file to another drive after the backup task has completed. I don't see anything in the job toolbox which works with file system operations like this. But still it must be a common need..There are ways to script this or use third part tools but I am looking for something native to the sql server 2012 SSMS toolset, if possible.

An alternate approach would be to run the backup job again, after the main backup, and change the destination to the alternate location. But I was thinking that another backup job would probably invoke more overhead on the server than a simple file copy operation. If I do end up taking this approach I could also use the cleanup task to toss older bak files in the alt dir.

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Error Using Row Count Task In Data Flow Task

Dec 20, 2007


I'm trying to get a record count out of a databse using OLE DB Source and row count tasks but keep getting an error. I set up a variable as int32 and select the variable name in the row count task and when I go to the Input Columns tab to select a field to count, it gives me this error:

Error at Data Flow Task[Row Count[505]]: The component "Row Count" (505) has forbidden the requested use of the input column with lineage ID 32.

I don't even know what this means?


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[File System Task] Error: An Error Occurred With The Following Error Message: Access To The Path Is Denied

Sep 7, 2007

Hi -

I have an File System Task that copies a file from one directory ot another. When I hard code the target directory (c:dirfile.txt) it works fine. When I change it to a virtual directory (\serverdirfile.txt) I get a security error:

[File System Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Access to the path '\gracehbtest oS2TMM_Live_Title_000002.xml' is denied.".

Where do I change the security settings?

Thanks - Grace

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Exec Pkg Task: Error 0xC0202009 While Preparing To Load The Package. An OLE DB Error Has Occurred. Error Code: 0x%1!8.8X!.

Feb 21, 2007

I cannot execute a package by using Execute Package task.
I supplied sa credentials to connection manager, and it shows the list of Packages on SQL Server but when running the task it says

Error 0xC0202009 while preparing to load the package. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x%1!8.8X!.

Any clue ?


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[XML Task] Error: An Error Occurred With The Following Error Message: There Are Multiple Root Elements.

Aug 18, 2006

I'm trying to use an XML Task to do a simple XSLT operation, but it fails with this error message:

[XML Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "There are multiple root elements. Line 5, position 2.".

The source XML file validates fine and I've successfully used it as the XML Source in a data flow task to load some SQL Server tables. It has very few line breaks, so the first 5 lines are pretty long: almost 4000 characters, including 34 start-tags, 19 end-tags, and 2 empty element tags. Here's the very beginning of it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ESDU releaselevel="2006-02" createdate="26 May 2006"><package id="1" title="_standard" shorttitle="_standard" filename="pk_stan" supplementdate="01/05/2005" supplementlevel="1"><abstract><![CDATA[This package contains the standard ESDU Series.]]></abstract>

There is only 1 ESDU root element and only 1 package element.

Of course, the XSLT stylesheet is also an XML document in its own right. I specify it directly in the XML Task:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""/>

<xsl:template name="identity" match="@*|node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>

<xsl:template match="kw">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
<xsl:attribute name="ihs_cats_seq" select="position()"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>


Its 5th line is the first xsl:template element.

What is going on here? I do not see multiple root elements in either the XML document or the XSLT stylesheet.


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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS Copy File From SharePoint Library Using File System Task Permissions?

Jun 19, 2015

Historically I've always written a VB script to copy a file from a sharepoint library. I don't like this method because I have to input a username & password in the script and maintain a config file.

Yesterday I was playing around with using a file system task. The sharepoint file has a UNC path so why not? I created a simple test package with a single file system task that copies the sharepoint file (addressed via UNC) to another network location. Package runs fine locally.

I try running on our utility server but am getting a "The file name [SHAREPOINT UNC PATH] specified in the connection was not valid" error. Package is running with a proxy on the server and the proxy account has the same permissions to the sharepoint site (so far as I can tell) as me.

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Execute SQL Task: Executing The Query Exec (?) Failed With The Following Error: Syntax Error Or Access Violation. Possible F

Jan 23, 2008

I'm having an SSIS package which gives the following error when executed :

Error: 0xC002F210 at Create Linked Server, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec (?)" failed with the following error: "Syntax error or access violation". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.Task failed: Create Linked Server

The package has a single Execute SQL task with the properties listed below :

General Properties
Result Set : None

ConnectionType : OLEDB
Connection : Connected to a Local Database (DB1)
SQLSourceType : Direct Input
SQL Statement : exec(?)
IsQueryStorePro : False
BypassPrepare : False

Parameter Mapping Properties

variableName Direction DataType ParameterName

User::AddLinkSql Input Varchar 0

'AddLinkSql' is a global variable of package scope of type string with the value
Exec sp_AddLinkedServer 'Srv1','','SQLOLEDB.1',@DataSrc='localhost',@catalog ='DB1'

When I try to execute the Query task, it fails with the above error. Also, the above the sql statement cannot be parsed and gives error "The query failed to parse. Syntax or access violation"

I would like to add that the above package was migrated from DTS, where it runs without any error, eventhough
it gives the same parse error message.

I would appreciate if anybody can help me out of this issue by suggeting where the problem is.

Thanks in Advance.

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[ActiveX Script Task] Error: Retrieving The File Name For A Component Failed With Error Code 0x001B6438.

Jul 28, 2006

This error occurs when the ActiveX task tries to execute:

[ActiveX Script Task] Error: Retrieving the file name for a component failed with error code 0x001B6438.

Anybody know how to troubleshoot these errors? I can't find anything on this error code. The same script works in DTS.

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[Execute SQL Task] Error: An Error Occurred While Assigning A Value To Variable

Jun 20, 2007

I have a problem with Sql task
when sql task tried to assing a value to my variable I have this error ""La valeur n'est pas comprise dans la plage attendue."
I'm using ODBC connexion for a csv file

someone can help me ?


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[Execute SQL Task] Error: An Error Occurred While Assigning A Value To Variable...

Nov 8, 2006

hi chaps

i m getting the following ERROR:

[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "JDETimezone": "Unable to find column Timezone in the result set.".

i know what the problem is i.e. no row is returned then what is the problem

here you are.... i want to it work... strange... ok i explain...

actully i have some processign to do with variable JDETimezone even no row is returned.... can u tell me the alternative to do the follwing task...

I want to retrieve a record from some table and do some processing and if no row is present or returned then i want to do seperate processing.... can ne one help me out ?



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Attaching Db Error After Copy

Mar 4, 2005

i tried to copy the database manually by using sqldmo
here r my codes:

On Error GoTo CopySQLDB_Err

'Create Objects
Set sql = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")
Set db = CreateObject("SQLDMO.Database")

'Connect to the server
sql.Connect strSrv, strLogin, strPwd

'Set the database object
Set db = sql.Databases(strDatabase, "dbo")

'Determine the location of database files, primary and log
strMDFfilePath = db.PrimaryFilePath
strMDFfileName = _
Trim(db.FileGroups.Item(1).DBFiles.Item(1).Physica lName)
strLOGfile = Trim(db.TransactionLog.LogFiles(1).PhysicalName)

'Clear out the database object
Set db = Nothing

'Detach database to allow copying
sql.DetachDB (strDatabase)

'Copy database files to new names
FileCopy strMDFfileName, strMDFfilePath & strNewName & ".mdf"
FileCopy strLOGfile, strMDFfilePath & strNewName & "_log.ldf"

problem comes when i tried to attach the db using enterprise manager, error come out :

"passed to log scan in database "SIPS' is invalid" come out ...what is the problem of this?

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Can't Copy Database, Strange Error

Sep 25, 2006

I'm trying to copy a database from my web host to local Sql Server 2005 instance using the Copy Database wizard.  I get this error:An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. Server user 'celestine' is not a valid user id database 'db2'.However, 'db2' isn't the database I was trying to copy!  I am trying to copy db1, but this error is complaining about db2, which is in fact somebody else's database that I don't have a login for.  Why am I getting an error about db2 when I'm not trying to do anything with db2???I can however export the tables from db1 just fine using Export.  But then I have to go back and generate script to re-create the stored procs, views, etc., so it is rather tedious to do it that way.  

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Error Trying To Copy Stored Procedures From One Db To Another

Sep 8, 2004


The export menu in DTS is a bit confusing for me. I have some stored procedures in one SQL Server and want to copy them to another. The username is the same for both SQL Servers. When I try copying the stored procedure with defaul settings, I get a progress bar (24 percent ccompleted, 62 percent completed...), then when its done it says "failed to copy objects from sql server to sql server". When I double click the error for details it says "User or role '[username]' already exists in the current database". Then I try again, unchecking "use default options" for my export. I go in to alter the options, uncheck "copy database users and database groups" (I've also tried unchecking "copy object-level permissions"), run it, get progress bar (like above), and then get another error that says "There is no such user or group '[username]'".

My user name is correct, I am able to access both Sql Servers with this username, and I should have all of the appropriate permissions.

I think maybe there is a checkbox I'm not unchecking or something stupid like that.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

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Error When I Try To Copy Components And Tasks

Jan 17, 2007

Hi everyone,

Everything's fine or I think so but when I try to copy/cut components to another SSIS of to own.
I get this error:

Error al copiar objetos. El DiseƱador SSIS no pudo serializar los objetos de tiempo de ejecuciĆ³n de SSIS.

No se pudo copiar el objeto 'Tarea Secuencia de comandos ActiveX' al Portapapeles.

Tranlasted into English (more or less):

Error copying objetcts. SSIS designer was not able to serialize run-time SSIS objects
ActiveX Script task was not copied to clipboard

NOTE: this behaviour doesn't happen in the own server only from client (xp pros sp2). Nothing has been changed I don't know if install again or not.

Any help will be welcomed.

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Copy Database Wizard Error

Aug 3, 2006

I am trying to
copy a database from our company's external SQL
Server(production) to our local SQL
Server(development). The Copy Database wizard fails on the step
"Execute SQL Server Agent Job".
Following is the error in the log file.. Please advise

error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When
connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact
that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote
connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not
open a connection to SQL Server)

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Send Mail Task Problem Using A Combination Of ForEach Loop, Recordset Destination, Execute SQL Task And Script Task

Jun 21, 2007

OK. I give up and need help. Hopefully it's something minor ...

I have a dataflow which returns email addresses to a recordset.

I pass this recordset into a ForEachLoop configuring the enumerator as (Foreach ADO Enumerator). I also map the email address as a variable with index 0.

I then have a Execute SQL task which receives this email address as a varchar variable (parameter 0) which I then use in my SQL command to limit the rows returned. I have commented out the where clause and returned all rows regardless of email address to try to troubleshoot this problem. In either event, I then use a resultset to store the query result of type object and result name 0.

I then pass this resultset into a script variable to start parsing the sql rows returned as type object. ( I assume this is the correct way to do this from other prior posts ...).

The script appears to throw an exception at the following line. I assume it's because I'm either not passing in the values properly or the query doesn't return anything. However, I am certain the query works as it executes just fine at the command prompt.


ds = CType(Dts.Variables("VP_EMAIL_RESULTS_RS").Value, DataSet)

My intent is to email the query results to each email address with the following type of data by passing the parsed data from the script to a send mail task. Email works fine and sends out messages but the content is empty. I pass the parsed data as string values to the messagesource and define the messagesourcetype as a variable in the mail task.

part number leadtime

x 5

y 9


Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong?



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Bulk Copy Export - Error 1314

Feb 25, 2008

I am trying to export a table to .CSV file using Sql 2005 BCP utility through .Net web page.
I get the following error: " An error occurred during the execution of xp_cmdshell. A call to 'CreateProcessAsUser' failed with error code: '1314'. "
I have done following steps:
   -- Set up proxy for a windows account using  command : sp_xp_cmdshell_proxy_account '<winAccount>', '<password>'
  --  EXEC sp_grantdbaccess '<winAccount>'
   --  GRANT exec ON xp_cmdshell TO <winAccount>   -- BCP command is inside a stored proc, so I run the stored proc as :  Create Proc dbo.Export_Table with execute as '<winAccount>'
What I am I missing?  I can run the stored proc in SQL Managaement studio using that windows account.
I don't get the error when I use the Visual Studio Developement Web Server, the export file is created without any problem.
I get the error only when I run my .Net web page though IIS.
Please help.

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Bulk Copy Error With Snapshot Replication

Feb 4, 2002

I'm running SQL 7.0 SP3 on two different machines (one with additional hotfixes). I'm taking a nightly snapshot of imported data on Server1 and pushing it out to another SQL 7.0 server on our network, Server2. All but one table is copied successfully. On the final table, I receive the message, "The process could not bulk copy into table '"%"'."
Error Information Category: Data Source, Source: Server2, Number 4813.

Full error message: "Expected the text length in data stream for bulk copy of text, ntext, or image data."

I've looked up 4813, but it's pretty ambiguous/generic. Also, when I SELECT from Server1 and INSERT INTO Server2 in the QA, I receive no errors. Does anyone have any insight?

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Data Copy Error . Help Required . Urgent Please !

Jun 4, 2002

Hi Friends ,

When i try to copy one table , say for e.g table x from SQL 6.5 to SQL 7.0 it gives me an error that -

'Insert Error , column 46 ( 'Coloumn_name ',DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), Status 6 :
Data overflow .
Invalid character value for cast specification .'

This column on the source server ( SQL 6.5 ) has datatype 'datetime ' with value 8 and is NULL .

Although there are other columns in this table with datatype as 'datetime' as 8 and NULL , they have been copied successfully to the destination table .Only this specific column is giving an error while copying data .

I am using import export wizard to copy data between servers .
Since i have no experience with this , would like to have a solution from you to this problem. It will be great help for me .

Thank you very much ,
Alisha .

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