I am developing a web application that will allow users to upload a .mdb file and from that file I need to populate an SQL database. I know the table name of the .mdb file, but I am unclear how to structure my data access layer correctly. How do I pull data from the .mdb file and once I have it how do i populate the SQL database?
I am trying to copy a database from the server on my web host(crystaltech) to my new local install of MS SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (trial version).
I go to Tasks>Copy Database which opens the wizard. When I get to the select database screen I get this error:
Server user 'username' is not a valid user in database '123foo'
(123foo is the first database of all those on the server)
I need have it look only at my database which I have permissions for to copy it. How do I do this?
I tried copying the tables the other way(import data) but it dropped all my identities and primary keys which is a pain to recreate. Is there a way to copy tables from one server to another without losing primary keys and identity fields?
I attempted to use SSMA to migrate a 2000 file format .mdb into SQL Server Express (and, as I've just purchased VS2005 Pro, into SQL Server Developer Edition).
The file is actually a backend, so nothing to migrate other than tables.
After several runs during which I received (and fixed up) some errors, the process runs smoothly with no errors or warnings, until it comes to the last step; migrating the data itself.
Data migration into 'parent' tables works fine. However, wherever I have data in a table with a foreign key relationship to any of the aforementioned 'parent' tables, it refuses to migrate it. The text of the error message will be very smiliar to the following (from the log):
[Datamigrator: Error] [464/7] [2007-09-23 14:18:54]: Exception: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "Branch$CompanyBranch". The conflict occurred in database "DPMTest", table "dbo.Company", column 'CompanyID'.
There is nothing wrong, so far as I can determine, with the relationships involved.
I can insert data into the tables using any of the following methods: 1. Directly in Access, in the source backend. 2. Using the original Access frontend application, attached to the source backend. 3. Using VB.Net forms I am developing, in the 'upsized' database. 4. Directly in the Management Studio, in the 'upsized' database.
None of these four methods complains in the least about the relationships which SSMA balks at.
Dear All,Access adp on sql-server 2000After upgrating to A2003 updating data with 1 perticular combobox causes theprogram to hangs without any error-msg.Traying to change te combobox recordsource i get this error:This version of Microsoft Access doesn't support design changes to theversion of Microsoft SQL Server your project is connected to. See theMicrosoft Office Update Web site for the latest information and downloads(on the Help menu, click Office on the Web). Your design changes will not besaved.The solution in :http://support.microsoft.com/defaul...kb;en-us;313298tolks about SP 'dt_verstamp007' but I have SP 'dt_verstamp006'What should I do.Is the failure of the combobox also caused by the absence of dt_verstamp007???Filip
I am trying to copy a database from the server on my web host(crystaltech) to my new local install of MS SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (trial version).
I go to Tasks>Copy Database which opens the wizard. When I get to the select database screen I get this error:
Server user 'username' is not a valid user in database '123foo'
(123foo is the first database of all those on the server)
I need have it look only at my database which I have permissions for to copy it. How do I do this?
I tried copying the tables the other way(import data) but it dropped all my identities and primary keys which is a pain to recreate. Is there a way to copy tables from one server to another without losing primary keys and identity fields?
Hello, I have a Data Flow Source that uses a SQL Command to pull data. In the SQL statement, I used CAST to change all varchar types to Nvarvchar to suit MS Access. I can preview the data from the source. In testing, the SQL statement only pulls about ten records.
I have a Microsoft 2000 Access database table as a destination. Data in each column in the table is required, and all columns have defaults.
I also have a grid data viewer set up. I have the DefaultBufferMaxRows set to 2 so that I can see data going across. When I execute this dataflow, no data is transfered to the Access database table. No data shows up in the dataviewer. There are no errors. The 'Execution Results' tab does not show errors, but indicates that zero rows were transfered. There are no warnings.
How do I begin to isolate the problem? The following is the SQL Statement in the Data Flow Source. Thank you for your help! - cdun2
DECLARE @CategoryTable TABLE (ColID Int, ColCategory varchar(60), ColValue varchar(500) ) --and fill it INSERT INTO @CategoryTable (ColID, ColCategory, ColValue) SELECT 0, LEFT(RawCollectionData,CHARINDEX(':',RawCollectionData)), LTRIM(SUBSTRING(RawCollectionData,CHARINDEX(':',RawCollectionData)+1,255)) FROM Collections_Staging --Assign an ID to each block of data for each occurance of 'Reason:' DECLARE @ID int SET @ID = 1 UPDATE @CategoryTable SET [ColID] = CASE WHEN ColCategory = 'Reason:' THEN @ID - 1 ELSE @ID END, @ID = CASE WHEN ColCategory = 'Reason:' THEN @ID + 1 ELSE @ID END --Then put the data together SELECT --cast to Nvarchar for MSAccess a.ColID, CAST(a.ColValue as Nvarchar(30)) AS OrderID, COALESCE(CAST(b.ColValue as Nvarchar(30)),'') AS SellerUserID, COALESCE(CAST(c.ColValue as Nvarchar(100)),'') AS BusinessName, COALESCE(CAST(d.ColValue as Nvarchar(15)),'') AS BankID, COALESCE(CAST(e.ColValue as Nvarchar(15)),'') AS AccountID, COALESCE(CAST(SUBSTRING(f.ColValue,CHARINDEX('$',f.ColValue)+1,500)AS DECIMAL(18,2)),0) AS CollectionAmount, COALESCE(CAST(g.ColValue as Nvarchar(10)),'') AS TransactionType, CASE WHEN h.ColValue LIKE '%Matching Disbursement%' THEN NULL ELSE CAST(h.ColValue AS SmallDateTime) END AS DisbursementDate, --COALESCE(h.ColValue,'') AS DisbursementDate, CASE WHEN i.ColValue LIKE '%Matching Disbursements%' THEN NULL WHEN CAST(LEFT(REVERSE(i.ColValue),4)AS INT) > 1000 THEN CAST(i.ColValue AS SmallDateTime) WHEN LEFT(REVERSE(i.ColValue),4) = '1000' THEN NULL END AS ReturnDate, --COALESCE(i.ColValue,'') AS ReturnDate, COALESCE(CAST(j.ColValue as Nvarchar(4)),'') AS Code, COALESCE(CAST(k.ColValue as Nvarchar(255)),'') AS CollectionReason
FROM @CategoryTable a LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable b ON b.ColID = a.ColID AND b.ColCategory = 'Seller UserId:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable c ON c.ColID = a.ColID AND c.ColCategory = 'Business Name:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable d ON d.ColID = a.ColID AND d.ColCategory = 'Bank ID:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable e ON e.ColID = a.ColID AND e.ColCategory = 'Account ID:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable f ON f.ColID = a.ColID AND f.ColCategory = 'Amount:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable g ON g.ColID = a.ColID AND g.ColCategory = 'Transaction Type:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable h ON h.ColID = a.ColID AND h.ColCategory = 'Disbursement Date:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable i ON i.ColID = a.ColID AND i.ColCategory = 'Return Date:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable j ON j.ColID = a.ColID AND j.ColCategory = 'Code:' LEFT JOIN @CategoryTable k ON k.ColID = a.ColID AND k.ColCategory = 'Reason:' WHERE a.ColCategory = 'Order ID:'
Hi,I am having some trouble copying data over my workgroup network from my Windows 2003 Server Machine (machineA with SQL SERVER 2005) to one of my network Machine's drive(MachineB).Here is the T-SQL code that I am trying to execute:EXEC xp_cmdshell 'copy D:Datafile.txt \MachineBDocuments'Whenever I tried to execute the above piece of code, I get the error message "Access is denied", but if I try to copy the file from the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) with the copy command, the file copies fine over the network.I have already searched over the internet and I found out that loads of people have the same issue, and they were suggested something like this:"Check in Services and make sure that the MSSQLServer service is run as a domain user and that domain user has rights to these network resources."Well it sounds plausible, but I don't know what are the exact steps to do this. How do I know which user is running the MSSQL Server service? Are they referring to the user which I use to connect to my SQL Server Database engine throuhg the SQL Server Management Studio?Also they are suggesting 'domain user', and as I said before I do not have domain network just regular simple workgroup network.Here are some details of the user that I use to login. I generally login into my Windows 2003 Server machine with user called 'User1' and I use the same 'User1' to connect to SQL Server through the Management Studio Screen.Should I create a user called 'User1' on my MachineB(Destination Machine)?I would really appreciate, if someone can give me detailed steps explaning how to solve this problem.Thank you very much once again.
I am having some trouble copying data over my workgroup network from my Windows 2003 Server Machine (machineA with SQL SERVER 2005) to one of my network Machine's drive(MachineB). Here is the T-SQL code that I am trying to execute:
Whenever I tried to execute the above piece of code, I get the error message "Access is denied", but if I try to copy the file from the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) with the copy command, the file copies fine over the network.
I have already searched over the internet and I found out that loads of people have the same issue, and they were suggested something like this: "Check in Services and make sure that the MSSQLServer service is run as a domain user and that domain user has rights to these network resources."
Well it sounds plausible, but I don't know what are the exact steps to do this. How do I know which user is running the MSSQL Server service? Are they referring to the user which I use to connect to my SQL Server Database engine throuhg the SQL Server Management Studio? Also they are suggesting 'domain user', and as I said before I do not have domain network just regular simple workgroup network.
Here are some details of the user that I use to login. I generally login into my Windows 2003 Server machine with user called 'User1' and I use the same 'User1' to connect to SQL Server through the Management Studio Screen. Should I create a user called 'User1' on my MachineB(Destination Machine)?
I would really appreciate, if someone can give me detailed steps explaning how to solve this problem.
I am trying to export a databse from access into sql server express. The access database is on a network and the sql server express is on my local machine.
Could someone give me setp by step instructions please as to how to export the data from the tables into my sql server express.
I have an interesting challenge. we are not allowed to allow users direct access to data in our SQL Server. Audit requires us to take the data out of our production server and pass it to the user. my situation is i have a table in SQl with over 100,000 records and growing. i want to pass that to an access data base. i am utilizing DTS and a data transform.
i s there a better way? the package is running slow and even appears to freeze. i see this amount of data as growing as well.
I have a table in MS Access that I would like to copy/import into SQL Server 2005. I would like to automate this process so that it copies the table over on a daily basis. Can someone tell me how this can be done?
I am not sure I understand the problem I am causing, but I am a beginner!
Here's the situation: I have a table located on MS SQL server database number 1. Said table, which we'll call WIDGET_PRICES, is accessed regularly by my existing source code and has no problems.
At some point, I decide to move operations to MS SQL database number 2 and do a very simple database copy of WIDGET_PRICES from database 1 to database 2 using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
The end result, inevitably, is that my source code can no longer access the very same table as it is located on the new database server. The code hasn't changed, it's still trying to access WIDGET_PRICES as always. And, from what I see on my screen through Management Studio, WIDGET_PRICES appears just fine.
An example error is the one I just got:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e37'
Invalid object name 'YB_ITEMS'.
/yardbark/tampabay/header.asp, line 27
The only clue is that while my transferred tables often look named like "database1.WIDGET_PRICES on database 1, they wind up looking like database2.WIDGET_PRICES on dabase 2.
I include a little more detail and screenshots of the tables in questions at this web page.
when i try to import data from Microsot Access to Microsoft OLDB DB Provider in the "DTS Import/Export wizard", an error occurs: Error Description: [DBNETLIB][ConectionOpen (Connect()).] SQL Server doesnt exist or the access was denied. I'm using windows autentication and the data base of destination is <default>.
odbc_pconnect() [function.odbc-pconnect]: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded., SQL state S1001 in SQLConnect
we got the error with access 2000 database and PHP as prog. language .
we created dsn for the connection.
reboot solves the problem. but we need another solution better than this.
I have a stored proc that runs and produces an Excel 2007 file. I can run it fine within SQL Server Management Studio. Basically, this is a partial code in the stored proc:
-- export sql server table data to excel 2007
insert into OPENROWSET('microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0',
'Excel 12.0;Database=D: emp est2007.xlsx;',
'SELECT * FROM LicensesrRegion') select * from Licenses
BUT when I have an execute SQL task to run that stored proc in an SSIS package, I received the following error: Ad hoc access to OLE DB provider 'microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0' has been denied. You must access this provider through a linked server.
Please advise.
PS: I have to run that stored proc in an SSIS package because the SSIS package does some prereq stuff ( create folder, copy template to new Excel output file) then finally calls the aforementioned stored proc.
On localhost this application works fine but when I put on remote server. I am getting following errors. For both localhost and server, I am using same remote sql 2000. I will appreciate any help.
Server Error in '/' Application. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ')'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ')'.
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
End Sub this code worked well. we know sql7 is not compatiable with vista. please tell us how to connect it wiith sql2005 . we downloaded orcas express edition beta. we created a database also. please let u know how to connect with Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 (.NET Framework Data Provider for Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5).
I'm switching over to SQL Server from Access I have an iif statement in access and i'm not to sure on how to do the same thing in SQL Server, any guidence is greatly appreciated. I was thinking about using a case statement but not sure on the syntax.
Access statment: Sum(IIf([Hit_Ratio]![STATUS_CD]='B',1,0))+Sum(IIf([Hit_Ratio]![STATUS_CD]='Q',1,0))+Sum(IIf([Hit_Ratio]![STATUS_CD]='L',1,0))+Sum(IIf([Hit_Ratio]![STATUS_CD]='K',1,0)) AS Quoted
I have a database in MSACCESS 2003 that is 680MB (after compacting) and contains 41 tables.
I tried to import these tables to SQL Server 2005 (express edition) using the :"upsizing wizard" provided in MSACCESS. The wizard works fine but all the tables are not being imported to SQL Server (only 19 tables are getting imported) and the size of the database in SQL Server (the ".mdf file") is 1.03 GB (I have tried using the "shrink" option also) . Further, when I try to open one of the tables (which has 625295 rows and 90 columns) , it takes lot of time to display all records.
So, my problem is do I need to set any options for any of these above issues, I tried to look for any information regarding this but was unsuccessful.
Any help on this will be very much helpful for me!
when I was sending 50 simultaneous connections to the web services, I got these 2 errors: - "1[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. "
- "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.)"
Everything worked fine if I ran 10 simultaneous connections. I am using Microsoft ACT to load test the web service. The database is SQL Server 2000. Any idea about why this is happening?
I want to use SQL Server to query an Access Database with about 40,000 rows of data. If possible, I don't want to upsize the database because others need acess to it in the ACC97 format. Is there a way to use ODBC to connect to the ACC97 database so that I can use the SQL query capability of SQL server to query the database.
I know access allows you to write some SQL queries but I need the power of the SQL server and now it is a matter of curiosity because I've been searching for this answer for about 8 hours.
- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition running on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition - Client Service for Netware installed. - Access 2000 database in a Novell Directory Services (NDS) Environment - SQL Server service running under local Administrator account.
Linked server configured as follow:
Linked server: MyDB Provider: Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider Product name: Access 2000 Data Source: UNC path to my Access database
Security: Admin with no password (default Access behaviour)
I can connect to my access database by following the next steps:
- Open Management studio on the SQL Server itself (where I'm logged in as Administrator) - Connect using Windows Authentication (Administrator) - Create a new query, run EXEC sp_tables_ex 'MyDB'
This will return all the tables from the Access database.
I can also make a view pointing to MyDB...MyTable.
Enough prove to me It can work....
So far so good
But now the tricky part.
When I login as 'sa', I can't connect and will receive the following message:
OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "MyDB" returned message "'Full UNC to my access database' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.".Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_tables_ex, Line 41Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "MyDB".
(In real life I want to connect to my SQL 2005 Server from a ASP.NET (2.0) application using SQL authentication, but as long as I can't get the above working this is not important for now)
I downloaded the Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access 4 weeks ago. Today, I tried this program for the first time. I added one Database with 3 Access 2003 Tables to the Access Metadata Explorer. I right clicked Databaes on the Access Metadata pane and did not see the "Convert Schema" highlighted!!!??? What is wrong with the program? How can I make it highlighted? Please help and advise.
Hi guys! I am using SQL 2005 and I wonder why I am encountering the error "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Syntax error or access violation" everytime I am trying to create stored procedure with temp table and table variable. See my code below with temp table.
Any thoughts will be appreciated!
What iam trying to do is put the table name from one db into a variable and another one into another variable and pass them into my statement basicaly trying to bulk copy data from one table in a db and insert it into another db on the same server based on a condition
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[ClientComment]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
Declare @BDFR varchar(20), @BDTO varchar(20), @EQID varchar(20) set @BDFR = 'Commander' + '.dbo.' + 'ClientComment' set @BDTO = 'Test_Commander' + '.dbo.' + 'ClientComment' set @EQID = '80_300_005' insert into @BDTO select * from @BDFR where Eqid = @EQID