Could Not Be Bound?

May 22, 2007


I am trying to run the following...

select PropertyID, a.*
from Property
inner join dbo.GetPropertyFacilities(Property.PropertyID)as a
on 1=1
where PropertyID = 16

The function GetPropertyFacilities basically takes the PropertyId and returns about 4 numbers which im trying to turn in to a list that looks like....

16 50
16 52
16 45
16 12

The error I'm getting is...

'Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The multi-part identifier "Property.PropertyID" could not be bound.'

any help would be greatly appreciated.


View 3 Replies


Cannot Bound Column Name

Jan 22, 2008

Dear all,

I'm trying to run a query with no luck, I'm getting
"The multi-part identifier "table2.qty" could not be bound."

Here is my query:
select cust_nam , dat ,item_no , desc_lin_1,table2.qty
prc, cost, ret_reas_cod,(table2.qty*cost)
from table1,table2 where hdr_ticket_no = ticket_no and dat >= '20080101' and cat = 'test' and hdr_ticket_no in
( select ticket_no from table1 where dat >= '20080101')
order by dat

I have 2 databases on my sql server. If i choose the other one then this query runs but, if i choose the one that contains the tables I just get that error.Strange part is that it runs under the database that doesn't even contains the table.
If i remove qty from the list then it runs ok. both tables have a qty column. What I'm doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated.

View 4 Replies View Related

Memory Bound Objects

Oct 12, 2004

In SQL Server 2000 can we bind objects, like tables, etc. to memory/cache to enhance the performance? This feature is available in Sybase and I am very new to SQL Server.


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Default Bound To Column

Mar 2, 2005

I am running a script against a couple of databases on my SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition Instance and I am getting the following in the results pane:

"Default bound to column" I have searched the MS Knowledge base and found a couple of vague references to this. Does anyone know why I might be getting this??? the script 'seems' to run fine.. except for the funky error in the results pane. Script is attached. Thank you!!

View 2 Replies View Related

Should I Use Bound Or Unbound Controls ?

Jan 9, 2004

Hello !
i am new to databases so i would be grateful for your help.
I am using SQL Server 2000 and vb to access and update the records of a database.

I want your opinion about the way i am displaying data.
I have created a form with textboxes etc. which display the fields
of the table.
Now when i load the form i populate a recordset with a
"select ... from... " query.

Then i manually



If i want to update the table then i have to construct manually the

"update ... set field1='"+ txtfield.text +"' "

if i want to move to a next record i do

and then

Is that good or should i use bound controls ?

If multiple users access the same form at the same time (from different computers) will they be locked only when they save (update) data ?

Thank you !

View 4 Replies View Related

Index Array Out Of Bound

Feb 15, 2008

Dear All,
i'm getting an error "index array out of bound" while saving the record.

sql server 2005 with service pack1 system is working fine.
but at client place it is sql server 2005 with SP2. there we are getting error. any help....

windows 2003 sp1 at both the places. only the difference is
in sql server. how can i handle this

View 8 Replies View Related

Formating Bound Data

Apr 27, 2006

How do I change, or add to, the following code so as to be able to format the display:

this.txtAppointmentDate.DataBindings.Add(new Binding ("Text", dsData.Tables["Results"],"AppointmentDate")

The data is stored in SQL Server as datetime and I want only the date portion to show in the TextBox.

Thanks in advance

View 1 Replies View Related

ORA-01008: Not All Variables Bound

Aug 25, 2007

Hello Everyone,
I€™m trying to update my Target where the available value of each record is not equal to the Source records. But I€™m getting this error.
The code is below.

"BED_CLASS" = ?,
"BED_NO" = ?,
"F_SOUNDEX" = ?,
"HOSP_BED_NO" = ?,
"HOSP_CODE" = ?,
"IN_OUT_DATE" = ?,
"INPUT_BY" = ?,
"NO_OF_BEDS" = ?,
"PHONE_EXT" = ?,
"REFER_DOC" = ?,
AND "BED_NO" != ?

The error:

[OLE DB Command [20874]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E10. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "OraOLEDB" Hresult: 0x80040E10 Description: "ORA-01008: not all variables bound".

Please help me in finding the solution out.

View 2 Replies View Related

The Multi Type Identifier Xxx Cannot Be Bound

Jul 2, 2007

HI Gurus,
Trying to alter an existing Trigger on an insert event on one of our tables. The following sql generates: "Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure insxECSIBHEADER, Line 4 The multi-part identifier "INSERTED.PROJECT" could not be bound."
Here's the SQL itself:

View 6 Replies View Related

Error Sql Excpetion Could Not Be Bound..

Apr 7, 2008

I am trying to call a userdefined function and it excepts and date like 4/15/2007 but when i call my function i get an error

the multipart identifier datetime,now could not be bound
and this is my codePublic Function GetPeriods()
Dim myconnection As New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings(APPSETTING_DBCONNECTION))
Dim query1 As String = "Select dbo.udf_Quarter(Datetime.Now)" 'Max(PeriodId) From Period"
Dim MaxPeriodId As Integer
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(query1, myconnection)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
MaxPeriodId = cmd.ExecuteScalar()
Session("PeriodId") = MaxPeriodId

Return (MaxPeriodId)

End Function any help will be appreicated

View 2 Replies View Related

The Multi-part Identifier ....... Could Not Be Bound.

May 29, 2008

I am trying to execute a query in SQL SERVER 2005 for calculating days difference for each. I created a function because there are a lot of calculations. In SPeriods table I have 4 fields that I want to pass as parameters in the table-value function TFC_date_diff, but I receive the error "The multi-part identifier "CC.start_period_no" could not be bound.
Is there a solution for this ?
SELECT     CC.start_period_no, CC.end_period_no, CC.start_year, CC.end_year, TFC_date_diff.dates_differnceFROM         dbo.[SPeriods] AS CC CROSS JOIN                      dbo.TFC_date_diff(CC.start_period_no, CC.end_period_no, CC.start_year, CC.end_year) AS TFC_date_diff_1
Thanks a lot in advance!

View 2 Replies View Related

Using Bound Connections Sp_getbindtoken, Sp_bindsession

Jul 31, 2003


I am looking for detailed information with eaxmples, about creating extended stored procedures using sp_getbindtoken, sp_bindsession for our ASP.NET application.

Microsoft has very less info on that.

If anyone has some information or link to the article related to Using Bound Connections. please help me out.


View 2 Replies View Related


Oct 30, 2005

I am doing a little research on Google about this topic and I ran intothis thread: read SQL Server MVP Louis Davidson's post saying:"Actually they are more likely to drop the concept of bound defaults.Constraints are the standard way to do this, and really should be the wayyou create defaults anyhow."Even I read in the Microsoft SQL Server Introduction (SQL 7 bookpage 244, however we're using SQL Server 2000):"Constraints define rules regarding the values allowed in columns and arethe standard mechanism for enforcing integrity, preferred over triggers,rules, and defaults. They are also used by the query optimizer to improveperformance in selectivity estimation, cost calculations, and queryrewriting."Why constraint defaults are better? The second sentence about constraintshaving better optimization, I am guessing they don't mean this aboutDefault Constraints, rather the other type of constraints?Because I don't see how a Default Constraint have anything to do withperformance? Isn't default only to do with new records being created?At work we are setting all tables' columns to have constraint defaultsof 0 or ' ' (space character) in order not to have any column with theNULL value. Therefore we have dozens of files containing statements like:alter table TABLE1 add constraint TABLE1_ID_DFDEFAULT(' ') FOR IDgoalter table TABLE1 add constraint TABLE1_QUANTITY_DFDEFAULT(0) FOR QUANTITYgoFirst I was thinking to create 3 SQL Defaults called:DefaultZeroDefaultSpaceDefaultDateand then bind these defaults to all the columns of all tables excludingprimary keys. After creating the tables I would enumerate throughall the columns and bind one of these three Defaults based on theirdatatype:number = DefaultZerotext type = DefaultSpacedate type = DefaultDateAnd then unbind the ones that we specifically need to specify otherdefault values.So my question is should I do this by using sp_binddefault or stickwith using Default Constraints inside a table/columns loop code?Thank you

View 10 Replies View Related

The Multi-part Identifier Could Not Be Bound.

May 27, 2008

Hi All ,
i am getting this multi-part identifier not found error
followingis my stored procedure


@gyr char(4),

-- 'A', --'S', only submitted will be returned;

--A=All, or any other letter other than 'S', all will b returned;

@ExONo char(1)='A'



SET @sql = 'SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(t1.Last_Name))+'',''+LTRIM(RTRIM(t1.First_Name)) as Name,t2.emaddr as Email,t3.* FROM namesTable as t2,PersonalTable as t1'

IF (@ExONo='S')

SET @sql = LTRIM(RTRIM(@sql)) + ',LePAb AS t3 WHERE t3.emaddr = t2.emaddr AND t2.code = ''ABC'' AND t1.Emplid=t2.Emplid '


SET @sql = LTRIM(RTRIM(@sql)) + ' LEFT JOIN LePAb AS t3 ON

t3.emaddr=t2.emaddr WHERE t2.code = ''ABC'' AND t1.Emplid=t2.Emplid '

IF (@gyr <> 0)

SET @sql = LTRIM(RTRIM(@sql)) + ' AND t2.gyr='+@gyr


SET @sql = LTRIM(RTRIM(@sql)) + ' AND t1.Code = ''ABC'' '

SET @sql = LTRIM(RTRIM(@sql)) + ' ORDER BY Name'

print @sql

EXEC (@sql)

I am geting an error as

The multi-part identifier "t2.emaddr" could not be bound.
i have tried all the possible tricks but in vain.
plz help..
thanks in advance

View 5 Replies View Related

The Multi-part Identifier Could Not Be Bound.

Sep 10, 2006


i don't know what the prob with my code:

create table #tmpAllocation (

[ResourceID] int,

[Resource] varchar(50),

[WorkTeamID] int,

[WorkTeam] varchar(100),

[LineModuleId] int,

[AccountId] varchar(100),

[VpIdentifier] int,

[DivisionId] varchar(100),

[GroupId] int,

[Account/Version] varchar(100),

[version_id] int,

[1] numeric(9,5),[2] numeric(9,5),[3] numeric(9,5),[4] numeric(9,5),[5] numeric(9,5), numeric(9,5),[7] numeric(9,5), numeric(9,5),[9] numeric(9,5),

[10] numeric(9,5),[11] numeric(9,5),[12] numeric(9,5),[13] numeric(9,5),[14] numeric(9,5),[15] numeric(9,5),[16] numeric(9,5),[17] numeric(9,5),[18] numeric(9,5),

[19] numeric(9,5),[20] numeric(9,5),[21] numeric(9,5),[22] numeric(9,5),[23] numeric(9,5),[24] numeric(9,5),[25] numeric(9,5),[26] numeric(9,5),[27] numeric(9,5),

[28] numeric(9,5),[29] numeric(9,5),[30] numeric(9,5),[31] numeric(9,5),[32] numeric(9,5),[33] numeric(9,5),[34] numeric(9,5),[35] numeric(9,5),[36] numeric(9,5),

[37] numeric(9,5),[38] numeric(9,5),[39] numeric(9,5),[40] numeric(9,5),[41] numeric(9,5),[42] numeric(9,5),[43] numeric(9,5),[44] numeric(9,5),[45] numeric(9,5),

[46] numeric(9,5),[47] numeric(9,5),[48] numeric(9,5),[49] numeric(9,5),[50] numeric(9,5),[51] numeric(9,5),[52] numeric(9,5),[53] numeric(9,5))

insert into #tmpAllocation

select msp_resources.emp_code as [ResourceID],

msp_resources.res_name as [Resource],

WorkTeam.workteam_id as [WorkTeamID],

acc.account_name + ' / ' + WorkTeam.workteam_name as [WorkTeam],

line_module.line_module_id as [LineModuleId],

acc.account_id as [AccountId],

vp.vp_identifier as [VpIdentifier],

division.division_id as [DivisionId],

division.group_id as [GroupId],

Account.account_name + ' / ' + Version.version_name as [Account/Version],

Version.version_id as [version_id],

Version_Resources_Allocation.pct_allocation [pct_allocation]

from WorkTeam, Version_Resources_Allocation

pivot (sum(pct_allocation )

for Version_Resources_Allocation.week IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],,[7],,[9],[10],[11],[12],[13],[14],[15],[16],[17],[18],[19],[20],[21],[22],[23],[24],[25],[26],[27],[28],[29],[30],[31],[32],[33],[34],[35],[36],[37],[38],[39],[40],[41],[42],[43],[44],[45],[46],[47],[48],[49],[50],[51],[52], [53])) as pvt

inner join Version_Resources_Allocation on WorkTeam.workteam_id = Version_Resources_Allocation.workteam_id

inner join WorkTeam_Resources_Assignments on WorkTeam_Resources_Assignments.resource_id = Version_Resources_Allocation.resource_id

and WorkTeam_Resources_Assignments.workteam_id = Version_Resources_Allocation.workteam_id

inner join calendar on calendar.year = WorkTeam_Resources_Assignments.year

and calendar.month = WorkTeam_Resources_Assignments.month

and calendar.year = Version_Resources_Allocation.year

and calendar.week = Version_Resources_Allocation.week

inner join Version on Version.version_id = Version_Resources_Allocation.version_id

inner join Account on Account.account_id = Version.account_id

--hierarchy joins

inner join line_module on line_module.line_module_id = WorkTeam.line_module_id

inner join Account as acc on acc.account_id = line_module.account_id

inner join vp on vp.vp_identifier = acc.vp_identifier

inner join division on division.division_id = vp.division_id

--Resources joins

inner join msp_resources on msp_resources.emp_code = Version_Resources_Allocation.resource_id

where Version_Resources_Allocation.resource_id in (select top 100 percent emp_code from #staffEmployees where id between ((@quota * (@pageIndex - 1) + 1)) and (@quota * @pageIndex) order by res_name)



(Version_Resources_Allocation.year = @startYear and Version_Resources_Allocation.week >= @startWeek and Version_Resources_Allocation.week <= (case when @startYear = @endYear then @endWeek else @maxWeeksInFirstYear end))


(Version_Resources_Allocation.year = @endYear and Version_Resources_Allocation.week <= @endWeek and Version_Resources_Allocation.week >= (case when @startYear = @endYear then @startWeek else 1 end))




pct_availability!=0 or (pct_availability is null and staffing_pct_availability!=0)




(WorkTeam_Resources_Assignments.year = @startYear and WorkTeam_Resources_Assignments.month >= @startMonth and WorkTeam_Resources_Assignments.month <=

case when @startYear = @endYear then @endMonth else 12 end



(WorkTeam_Resources_Assignments.year = @endYear and WorkTeam_Resources_Assignments.month <= @endMonth and WorkTeam_Resources_Assignments.month >=

case when @startYear = @endYear then @startMonth else 1 end



--and pct_allocation is not null

group by msp_resources.emp_code,










Account.account_name + ' / ' + Version.version_name,

acc.account_name+ ' / ' + WorkTeam.workteam_name,


I get:

The multi-part identifier "WorkTeam.workteam_id" could not be bound.

The multi-part identifier "WorkTeam.line_module_id" could not be bound.




View 4 Replies View Related

Removing Rows From A SqlDataSource Before It Is Bound To A GridView?

Nov 5, 2006

I have a SqlDataSource that I need to remove the first 3 rows from before it is bound to a GridView. How would I go about doing this?
(if I could remove them at the db level in the sproc I would, but right now that is not an option - so I need to do it once I've already received the data)

View 9 Replies View Related

Question On Upper Bound Primary Key Of Type Int

Apr 12, 2007

I have several tables in a deployed database in which the primary key is of type int, and autoincrements by 1 each time a record is added. My question is, since ints are 32-bit, what happens when its value reaches 4,294,967,296? I know that seems like an extrememly large amount of records, but when we imported the data into the database it started at key value 1,000,000. I don't know how to make it use lower numbers which are currently not being used (numbers below 1,000,000), and I am worried I will have problems when I reach the upper bound. What kind of problems could this cause? Should I change the primary key's type?Thanks! 

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The Multi-part Identifier (Column Name) Could Not Be Bound

Jan 19, 2013

Which the column name is the c.Documenttype

here is my T-sql code..

SELECT [Hourly]
,count(case when C.Documenttype=1 THEN '1' END) as EDI
,count(case when C.Documenttype=2 THEN '2' END) as SI
,count(case when C.Documenttype=1 THEN '1' END) + count(case when C.Documenttype=2 THEN '2' END) as GrandTotal

[Code] ....

View 2 Replies View Related

The Multi-part Identifier T2.customerid Could Not Be Bound.

Feb 15, 2008

I try to automate ans insert (that ok) and update jobs

but these part is not working I got the following error

The multi-part identifier "t2.customerid" could not be bound.

any idea'll be welcomed I'm not so good in programming and sql

update [ADOS].[dbo].[Customers]
set t2.companyname = t1.companyname
where t2.customerid = (SELECT t1.companyname
FROM [Northwind].[dbo].[Customers] T1 inner join [ADOS].[dbo].[Customers] T2 on (t1.customerid = t2.customerid and t1.companyname <>t2.companyname))

View 13 Replies View Related

The Multi-part Identifier P.stock_price Could Not Be Bound

Oct 16, 2007

I am running
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.2047.00 (Intel X86)
Apr 14 2006 01:12:25
Copyright (
c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation
Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 260
0: Service Pack 2)
on Windows.
using jdbc
<driver name="" tag="sqlserver"
<jar subdir="sqlserver" name="sqljdbc.jar" />

I print out the following info to make sure I get the right driver:
'JDBC driver details' , ' driver class
driver majorVersion=1
driver minorVersion=1
driver a genuine JDBC CompliantTM driver=true'

I execute the following query
SELECT p.cust_id,
p.stock_units FROM dbo.customer_portfolio p
WHERE p.stock_price = ?

and get this message: The multi-part identifier "p.stock_price" could not be bound. stack trace: [ Source)<init>(Unknown Source) Source)

If I change it to:

SELECT cust_id,
stock_units FROM dbo.customer_portfolio
WHERE stock_price = ?

i.e. do not use correlation names, it executes as expected. Is there anything wrong with using correlation names in the query ? or is it a bug ?. Any help will be welcome.

View 3 Replies View Related

Multi-part Could Not Be Bound Error When Trying To COUNT()

Nov 25, 2007

I have created the following temp table.

--DROP TABLE #temp_Table

--select 0 as Populated, c.Table_name, Column_name, Ordinal_position, Value, Data_type, Character_maximum_length

-- INTO #temp_Table

-- from

--(SELECT 'lists' AS 'TABLE_NAME', *

-- FROM ::fn_listextendedproperty (NULL, 'user', 'dbo', 'table', 'Lists', 'column', default))c



-- ON c.objname = d.column_name COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI


--ORDER BY d.Ordinal_Position

--select * from #Temp_Table

The temp table above #Temp_Table has these 2 columns among others.

Table_Name, Column_name





From the table named in the Table_Name column I want to populate a new column named "Populated" with the count of rows based on this select:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Lists WHERE Len(Notes)<> 0

So that I will end up with:

Table_Name ...Column_name ........Populated





My attempt at writing this select is as follows.

select *, populated from #Temp_Table #t

--loop through table for getting count of all columns.

WHILE #t.Ordinal_position IS NOT NULL


Update #t

set populated = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Lists WHERE Len(Notes)<> 0)


And get this error

Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 3

The multi-part identifier "#t.Ordinal_position" could not be bound.

How do i correct this?

View 1 Replies View Related

DBCC CHECKDB &&amp; Multipart Identifier Could Not Be Bound

Oct 8, 2007

Hi All,

I have the following error message when running "DBCC CHECKDB WITH NO_INFOMSGS" :

"The multi-part identifier "dbname.dbo.tablename.Amount" could not be bound."

I do not understand why this error message is showing up. My 'Amount' column is defined as money. The server is a SQL2K5.

Any help will be appreciated.

View 4 Replies View Related

Error 'multi-part Identifier Could Not Be Bound' In CTE

Mar 24, 2008

I am trying to run a Common Table Expression (CTE) in SQL Server 2005 but I receive the error

'Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

The multi-part identifier "ep.ProjectUID" could not be bound'.

What does this error mean?

My SQL is:

Code Snippet
WITH Tasks (TaskParentUID, TaskUID, ProjectName, TaskName, Level)
SELECT et.TaskParentUID, TaskUID, ProjectName, TaskName,
0 AS Level
FROM dbo.MSP_EpmProject as ep
INNER JOIN dbo.MSP_EpmTask as et
ON ep.ProjectUID = et.ProjectUID
WHERE et.TaskParentUID = et.TaskUID
SELECT et.TaskParentUID, et.TaskUID, ep.ProjectName, et.TaskName,
Level + 1
FROM dbo.MSP_EpmProject as ep
INNER JOIN dbo.MSP_EpmTask as et
ON ep.ProjectUID = et.ProjectUID
ON et.TaskParentUID = t.TaskUID
SELECT t.TaskParentUID, t.TaskUID, ProjectName, t.TaskName, Level
FROM Tasks as t
INNER JOIN dbo.MSP_EpmTask as et
ON Tasks.TaskParentUID = et.TaskParentUID
WHERE Level = 0

The TaskParentUID has data-type of UniqueIdentifier and it's child is TaskUID which is also a UniqueIdentifier type. My goal of this CTE is to list all child TaskUIDs for each TaskParentUID in a recursive fashion.

View 7 Replies View Related

Facing Problems With Data Bound Footer.

Feb 20, 2008

hi everybody..

I have placed a textbox in a page footer of SSRS which is linked with a
databound text box in the body of the report.. which i intended would
give the report databound footer...
but now the problem is tat they dont show up on every page..
earlier they use to mostly not show up at all
or show up on the first or the last page...

could some1 help.??

once i render it to pdf..
all the page footers cant be seen.



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Specifying Bound For Coefficients In Linear Regression Model

Jan 18, 2008


I am trying to create a model using microsoft Linear Regression algorithm. But I want to constrain the coefficient of the parameters to non-negative value. There is concept of bound in SAS where we can specify the range of the coefficient. Does any of the SSAS mining algorithms support restricting the coefficient value?


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Updating SQL Express With Bound Controls Problem.

Mar 20, 2008

I'm using VB.NET on VS 2005 with SQL 2005 Express. I have one master table with two child tables related with a FK. The master table in the SQL 2005 database has an Identity Column set up as the primary key with Increment as "1" and Seed as "1001". Each child table in the database has one Identity Column set as a primary key also with Increment = 1 Seed = 1001. Each child table also has a column set as a foreign key to the master primary key. The typed dataset was created in Designer and the table adapters, bindingsources, bindingnavigator and DGVs were created by dropping the tables on the form. I added some code for each child table in the bindingsource button save event for the two additional child tables:
' my added code


Now the trouble. I changed the dataset (not the actual database) columns for each table's PK to AutoIncrement with Seed "-1" and Step "-1" to allow the client to create new records that do NOT match an existing key in the backend database. I've read on the forums where this is best pratice to prevent collisions. Please correct me if this is not true. When I create a new record by clicking the "+" button on the binding navigator, I see the "-1" inserted into the correct bound field for the primary key column of the parent table. I can then click into either or both the child DGV empty rows and see that same "-1" value appear in the correct FK column of the DGV. Everything looks good until I try and save the newly added rows were I get the "The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Parent_Child" error. If I change the dataset back to Seed 1, Step 1 then it does not throw an error during save and does save the child data. However the value of the Primary key on the DGV cells displays the value "1001" (or the next auto incrementing value) and NOT "1" which is the seed value for that dataset's table's primary key column. I can change the Seed and Step back to "-1" on the dataset tables and get the error during save or change the dataset table primary key column to Seed 1, Step 1 and the data is saved but with an incorrect identity value. Why does it use the identity value from the database and not the dataset? It seems to me it should work the same no matter what I assign to the autonumber seed value.

I had previously posted this in the Windows Forms forum but with no solution.



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Odd Issue With Bound Columns When Fetching Data.

Aug 9, 2007

I'm using ODBC 3.0 in code written in C.

I have an service that connects using a system DSN using the SQL Server 2000 driver. On my development system with SQL Server 2005 Express installed, the queries work fine. I prepare a statement and then bind the columns that will be in the result set. On my system, I get all the data as it should be but on a live system, I do not get the proper data for the last three rows. I don't get any error messages from the query or the column binding and there are also no extra information messages that I can retrieve.

The table is something like the following. The names are changed to protect the guilty.

ID CHAR( 15),
FNAME( 30 ),
LNAME( 40 ),

On my system, running the exact same binary code as the client machine, I get all of the data from all of the columns as it should be. The problem is when I run on a client's system, the CLIENT_NAME, CODE, and PHONE columns return null values even when there is data there. On my development system the SQL Server instance runs on the same machine. On the client's sytem I am connecting to a remote instance of SQL Server 2000 on another system on the network.

My quandry is what could be different between the two systems that is causing me the problems?

View 10 Replies View Related

The Multi-part Identifier T0.CategoryId Could Not Be Bound.

Dec 3, 2007


This query gets generated when I try to execute my dlinq query in .net. It throws error

The multi-part identifier "t0.CategoryId" could not be bound.

CategoryId is a primary field in Category table. Although we don't select it in the query, it throws above error.

SELECT [t0].[CategoryName], [t3].[CategoryConditionId], [t3].[ConditionId]

FROM [Category] AS [t0]



) AS [t1]


SELECT [t2].[CategoryConditionId], [t2].[ConditionId], [t2].[CategoryId]

FROM [CategoryCondition] AS [t2]

WHERE [t0].[CategoryId] = [t2].[CategoryId]

) AS [t3] ON 1=1

CROSS JOIN [Condition] AS [t4]

WHERE [t3].[ConditionId] = [t4].[ConditionId]

Any help would be appreciated.

View 3 Replies View Related

Search For Alphanumeric Values Between Upper And Lower Bound

May 8, 2007


I want to search for alphanumeric values between an upper and lower bound in a sql database.For example: search for a serial number like pvf-456-3b. Upper bound is q, lower bound is g.I should then get every serial number starting with g - q.If possible the bounds should be more specific like "search for serial number between gt2 and qy"Can anybody help me out? 

View 7 Replies View Related

Sqldatasource, Does It Select If Not Bound To A Gridview, Formview On The Page?

Feb 22, 2008

Using 3.5
If I have a sqldatasource on the page, is it run if it is not bound to a data object like a gridview?
Seems like if i want to access the data (like set a label text) from the sqldatasource I have to use code to first create a dataview then pick throught it. This seems like I'm running it twice. I'm new at .net so I dont know how to tell.
I don't want to write data select code programatically when I can just through an SDS on the page, but wondered it it ran just because it's on the page.

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Multi-part Identifier Could Not Be Bound Error In 2005

Mar 11, 2008

Hi,We moved our stored procedure from sql 2000 to sql 2005 and we're getting few weird errors:Msg 4104. multi-part identifier /table.column/ could not be bound.Do we have to change anything in the stored procedure in order to make it work for sql 2005? Errors point to lines 25 and 68:25: IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GC_Contacts_Table]') AND type in (N'U'))68: ELSEBelow is the code. Thanks in advance.set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_refresh_GC_Contacts]ASDECLARE@dropSQL varchar(2000)BEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;--SET IDENTITY_INSERT GC_Contacts_Table ON-- drop the fulltext indexIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GC_Contacts]') AND name = N'pk_gc_contacts')DROP FULLTEXT INDEX ON [dbo].[GC_Contacts] -- drop the unique indexIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GC_Contacts]') AND name = N'pk_gc_contacts')DROP INDEX [pk_gc_contacts] ON [dbo].[GC_Contacts] WITH ( ONLINE = OFF )-- If table exists truncate itIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[GC_Contacts_Table]') AND type in (N'U'))BEGIN TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[GC_Contacts_Table]INSERT INTO [dbo].[GC_Contacts_Table] --insert sql next lineSELECT Title, FirstName AS First_Name, MiddleName AS Middle_Name, LastName AS Last_Name,Suffix, Company, JobTitle AS Job_Title, Email, PrimaryPhoneNumber AS Primary_Phone_Number, PrimaryAddress1 AS Primary_Address_1, PrimaryAddress2 AS Primary_Address_2, PrimaryAddress3 AS Primary_Address_3, PrimaryCity AS Primary_City, PrimaryState AS Primary_State,PrimaryZip AS Primary_Zip, PrimaryCountry AS CPrimary_ountry, Notes, Alias, FullName AS Full_Name,dbo.Addresses.Type AS AddressType, dbo.Addresses.Address1 AS Address1,dbo.Addresses.Address2 AS Address2,dbo.Addresses.Address3 AS Address3, dbo.Addresses.City AS City, dbo.Addresses.State AS State,dbo.Addresses.Zip as Zipcode, dbo.Addresses.Country AS Country, dbo.Addresses.PhoneNumber AS PhoneNumber,dbo.Addresses.FaxNumber AS FaxNumber, SubAward_Only = CASE SubAwardOnlyWHEN 0 THEN 'No'WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes'END,dbo.ContactsSTUDF.*-- IDENTITY(int, 1,1) AS GC_Contact_ID-- INTO dbo.GC_Contacts_TableFROM dbo.Contacts LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ContactAddresses ON dboContacts.ID = dboContactAddresses.ContactIDLEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Addresses ON dbo.Addresses.ID = dboContactAddresses.AddressIDLEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ContactsSTUDF ON dbo.Contacts.ID = dbo.ContactsSTUDF.EntityIDENDELSE BEGIN-- create the table from the querySELECT Title, FirstName AS First_Name, MiddleName AS Middle_Name, LastName AS Last_Name, Suffix, Company,JobTitle AS Job_Title, Email, PrimaryPhoneNumber AS Primary_Phone_Number, PrimaryAddress1 AS Primary_Address_1, PrimaryAddress2 AS Primary_Address_2, PrimaryAddress3 AS Primary_Address_3, PrimaryCity AS Primary_City, PrimaryState AS Primary_State, PrimaryZip AS Primary_Zip, PrimaryCountry AS CPrimary_ountry, Notes, Alias, FullName AS Full_Name,dbo.Addresses.Type AS AddressType, dbo.Addresses.Address2 AS Address2,dbo.Addresses.Address3 AS Address3, dbo.Addresses.City AS City, dbo.Addresses.State AS State,dbo.Addresses.Zip as Zipcode, dbo.Addresses.Country AS Country, dbo.Addresses.PhoneNumber AS PhoneNumber,dbo.Addresses.FaxNumber AS FaxNumber, SubAward_Only = CASE SubAwardOnlyWHEN 0 THEN 'No'WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes'END,dbo.ContactsSTUDF.*,IDENTITY(int, 1,1) AS GC_Contact_IDINTO dbo.GC_Contacts_TableFROM dbo.Contacts LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ContactAddresses ON dboContacts.ID = dboContactAddresses.ContactIDLEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Addresses ON dbo.Addresses.ID = dboContactAddresses.AddressIDLEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ContactsSTUDF ON dbo.Contacts.ID = dbo.ContactsSTUDF.EntityIDEND SET IDENTITY_INSERT GC_Contacts_table OFFSET ARITHABORT ONSET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ONSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONSET ANSI_NULLS ONSET ANSI_PADDING ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS ONSET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFF/****** Object: Index [pk_gc_contacts] Script Date: 10/11/2007 15:34:28 ******/CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [pk_gc_contacts] ON [dbo].[GC_Contacts] ([GC_contact_id] ASC)WITH (SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ONLINE = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]-- add the fulltext indexCREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON GC_Contacts([Title],[First_Name],[Middle_Name],[Last_Name],[Suffix],[Company],[Job_Title],[Email],[Primary_Phone_Number],[Primary_Address_1],[Primary_Address_2],[Primary_Address_3],[Primary_City],[Primary_State],[CPrimary_ountry],[Notes],[Alias],[Full_Name],[AddressType],[Address1],[Address2],[Address3],[City],[State],[Country],[PhoneNumber],[FaxNumber],[SubAward_Only])KEY INDEX pk_gc_contacts ON GCInquiryCatalogWITH CHANGE_TRACKING AUTOEND

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: CTE With Linked Server - Multipart Identifier Could Not Be Bound

Jul 17, 2014

Interesting issue. I have the following CTE that JOINs some tables from a Linked Server which is our SAP data. This CTE is in a stored procedure and then executed via a SQL Server Agent Job on a timer (every 10 minutes). This ran fine for almost 20 hours and then dies with a multipart identifier could not be bound error (exact error below CTE).

Server running the job: SQL Server 2008 R2 (no SP)

Linked Server: SQL Server 2005 SP3 housing SAP


WITH TaktValues ([Counter], NODE, PLNNR) AS
MAX(plpo1.ZAEHL) AS [Counter], MAX(plpo1.PLNKN) AS NODE, plpo1.PLNNR
etl.PLPO plpo1

[Code] ....


Msg 8180, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Statement(s) could not be prepared.

Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The multi-part identifier "Tbl1008.AUFNR" could not be bound.

Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The multi-part identifier "Tbl1008.AUFNR" could not be bound.

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Paramaterised Query To ORACLE Database - Not All Variables Bound

Feb 19, 2007


when I run this query against an Oracle 9 datasource I get a message saying 'not all variables bound'

select <some fields> from star
where nr_jahr_star = :Year

my datasource is correct as the same report runs fine if I just put in a fixed year and I have the Oracle client software on both my PC and the RS server

I've tried various combinations with the parameter settings also with no luck.



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