Count Subquery In Where Clause (3.1)

Apr 18, 2008

I am attempting to do something like this...

select * from applebucket ab where 2 = (select count(id) from apples ap where ap.applebucket_id =

SSCE 3.1 throws the following

There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = x,Token line offset = y,Token in error = SELECT ]

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Help With Subquery And Having Clause ..

Apr 28, 2008

Hey, I'm referencing a database about a fictitious IT company, and I'm trying to answer the following statement:

Determine who has logged the most hours. Create a SELECT statement to return their name and the max hours they have worked. NOTE: This is a tougher one but looking into using a Subquery and use the HAVING statement.

I've written this so far, and although it does give me the right answer (there is only one employee in the DB who has worked on projects) it is not entirely correct. Basically there is no subquery, and it doesn't really show who has worked the max hours:

EMPLOYEE_NAME 'Employee Name', SUM(HOURS_LOGGED) 'Maximum Hours Logged'

Here is the DB if needed:

CREATE TABLE project_employee (
employee_id INT,
employee_name VARCHAR(40),
employee_hire_date DATETIME,
employee_termination_date DATETIME,
employee_billing_rate INT,
CONSTRAINT project_employee_pk
PRIMARY KEY (employee_id)

CREATE TABLE project (
project_id INT,
project_name VARCHAR(40),
project_budget INT,
CONSTRAINT project_pk
PRIMARY KEY (project_id)

CREATE TABLE project_hours (
project_id INT,
employee_id INT,
time_log_date DATETIME,
hours_logged INT,
dollars_charged INT,
CONSTRAINT project_hours_pk
PRIMARY KEY (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date),
CONSTRAINT proj_hours_fkto_projectemployee
FOREIGN KEY (employee_id) REFERENCES project_employee,
CONSTRAINT proj_hours_fkto_project
FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES project

(project_id, project_name, project_budget)
VALUES (1001, 'Corporate Web Site',1912000);
(project_id, project_name, project_budget)
VALUES (1002, 'Year 2000 Fixes',999998000);
(project_id, project_name, project_budget)
VALUES (1003, 'Accounting System Implementation',897000);
(project_id, project_name, project_budget)
VALUES (1004, 'Data Warehouse Maintenance',294000);
(project_id, project_name, project_budget)
VALUES (1005, 'TCP/IP Implementation',415000);

INSERT INTO project_employee
(employee_id, employee_name, employee_hire_date,
employee_termination_date, employee_billing_rate)
VALUES (101, 'Jonathan Gennick','15-Nov-1961',null,169);
INSERT INTO project_employee
(employee_id, employee_name, employee_hire_date,
employee_termination_date, employee_billing_rate)
VALUES (102, 'Jenny Gennick','16-Sep-1964','5-May-1998',135);
INSERT INTO project_employee
(employee_id, employee_name, employee_hire_date,
employee_termination_date, employee_billing_rate)
VALUES (104, 'Jeff Gennick','29-Dec-1987','1-Apr-1998',99);
INSERT INTO project_employee
(employee_id, employee_name, employee_hire_date,
employee_termination_date, employee_billing_rate)
VALUES (105, 'Horace Walker','15-Jun-1998',null,121);
INSERT INTO project_employee
(employee_id, employee_name, employee_hire_date,
employee_termination_date, employee_billing_rate)
VALUES (107, 'Bohdan Khmelnytsky', '2-Jan-1998',null,45);
INSERT INTO project_employee
(employee_id, employee_name, employee_hire_date,
employee_termination_date, employee_billing_rate)
VALUES (108, 'Pavlo Chubynsky','1-Mar-1994','15-Nov-1998',220);
INSERT INTO project_employee
(employee_id, employee_name, employee_hire_date,
employee_termination_date, employee_billing_rate)
VALUES (110, 'Ivan Mazepa', '4-Apr-1998','30-Sep-1998',84);
INSERT INTO project_employee
(employee_id, employee_name, employee_hire_date,
employee_termination_date, employee_billing_rate)
VALUES (111, 'Taras Shevchenko', '23-Aug-1976',null,100);
INSERT INTO project_employee
(employee_id, employee_name, employee_hire_date,
employee_termination_date, employee_billing_rate)
VALUES (112, 'Hermon Goche', '15-Nov-1961','4-Apr-1998',70);
INSERT INTO project_employee
(employee_id, employee_name, employee_hire_date,
employee_termination_date, employee_billing_rate)
VALUES (113, 'Jacob Marley', '3-Mar-1998','31-Oct-1998',300);

INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1001,101,'01-JAN-1998',1.00,169.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1003,101,'01-JAN-1998',3.00,507.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1005,101,'01-JAN-1998',5.00,845.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1002,101,'01-FEB-1998',7.00,1183.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1004,101,'01-FEB-1998',1.00,169.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1001,101,'01-MAR-1998',3.00,507.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1003,101,'01-MAR-1998',5.00,845.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1005,101,'01-MAR-1998',7.00,1183.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1002,101,'01-APR-1998',1.00,169.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1004,101,'01-APR-1998',3.00,507.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1001,101,'01-MAY-1998',5.00,845.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1003,101,'01-MAY-1998',7.00,1183.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1005,101,'01-MAY-1998',1.00,169.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1002,101,'01-JUN-1998',3.00,507.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1004,101,'01-JUN-1998',5.00,845.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1001,101,'01-JUL-1998',7.00,1183.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1003,101,'01-JUL-1998',1.00,169.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1005,101,'01-JUL-1998',3.00,507.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1002,101,'01-AUG-1998',5.00,845.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1004,101,'01-AUG-1998',7.00,1183.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1001,101,'01-SEP-1998',1.00,169.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1003,101,'01-SEP-1998',3.00,507.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1005,101,'01-SEP-1998',5.00,845.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1002,101,'01-OCT-1998',7.00,1183.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1004,101,'01-OCT-1998',1.00,169.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1001,101,'01-NOV-1998',3.00,507.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1003,101,'01-NOV-1998',5.00,845.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1005,101,'01-NOV-1998',7.00,1183.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1002,101,'01-DEC-1998',1.00,169.00);
INSERT INTO project_hours (project_id, employee_id, time_log_date, hours_logged, dollars_charged)
VALUES (1004,101,'01-DEC-1998',3.00,507.00);

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Subquery For IN Clause

May 13, 2008


Being ignorant I just tried to write a query with an IN clause that looked like this:

and cv.criteriaId in (select valueId from #locations)

SQL Server accepted this as valid and ran the query, returning no results.

However if I rewrite the query manually with the thirteen or so numbers that that query produces, like this:

and cv.valueID in (1001, 7600, 7601, 7602, 7603, 7604, ..etc..)

It runs fine and produces what I need.

How can I write my subquery so that the whole query produces the value set I'm expecting?


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Subquery In FROM Clause

Jul 20, 2005

Let us suppose that we have a table:CREATE TABLEtransactions(currencyID_1 int,value_1 money,currencyID_2 int,value_2 money)I need to calculate the totals by each currency.It might be express with the construction like this:SELECT currency, sum(value)FROM(SELECTcurrencyID_1 AS currency, sum(value_1) AS valueFROM transactionsGROUP BY currencyID_1UNION ALLSELECTcurrencyID_2 AS currency, sum(value_2) AS valueFROM transactionsGROUP BY currencyID_2)GROUP BY currencyBut if I'm not wrong it is not able to use subquery in FROM clause.I have two questions.1) Why it is prohibited to use subselect in FROM clause?2) How to solve my task with the most graceful way? (view? temporarytable?)*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Where Clause Subquery Problem

Mar 6, 2008


I got the following table with records:


The SQL Query is in Stored Procedure code as below:

FROM hotelreservation AS HR
WHERE NOT ((HR.FromDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate) OR (HR.ToDate
BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate) OR (HR.FromDate < @FromDate AND
HR.ToDate > @ToDate))-- AND UserRdmID IS NULL
AND HR.HotelID != (SELECT DISTINCT HotelID                             FROM HotelReservation AS HR2                             WHERE ((HR2.FromDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate) OR (HR2.ToDate
BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate) OR (HR2.FromDate < @FromDate AND
HR.ToDate > @ToDate)))

If i query FromDate = 1/6/2008 and ToDate = 1/7/2008, then the result i
get is only HotelID : 10002. BUT if i query FromDate = 2/2/2008 and
ToDate = 2/3/2008, then i dont get any result.What i wanted is, if the hotelid is reserved, then that hotelid must be ignored.
Please help. I'm struck. Thx.

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Subquery In WHERE Clause And Aggregate

Mar 4, 2014

So I wrote this code but keep getting an error.

List all resellers whose annual sales exceed the average annual sales for resellers whose Business Type is "Specialty Bike Shop". Show Business type, Reseller Name, and annual sales. Use appropriate subqueries.

-- 396 Rows

SELECT R.ResellerName
FROM dbo.DimReseller AS R
R.ResellerKey IN (
SELECT F.ResellerKey
FROM dbo.FactResellerSales AS F
WHERE R.ResellerKey = F.ResellerKey AND R.BusinessType = 'Specialty Bike Shop'
GROUP BY F.ResellerKey
HAVING R.AnnualSales > AVG(R.AnnualSales)

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Giving Where Clause For Subquery

Jun 25, 2007

Hi all,

select u_emp,(select name from [@emp] where code=u_emp) name1
from ovpm
This query gives me the output having employee code and name.
I want to further filter the employee name by giving a where clause as
where name1='Carell'

Is it possible?
Please Help

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Sql Complicated Count Subquery

Oct 19, 2004

I have a table that has attendance for programs. What I need to get is the number of days each month that any program had an entry for. What I'm trying to do is ensure that an active program had all entries for that particular month.

I can do this query and subquery in Access but not in sql. Here's the Access queries:

1)SELECT Cen_DailyReport.PgmID, DatePart("m",[date]) AS Mo, DatePart("d",[date]) AS Dy
FROM Cen_DailyReport
WHERE (((DatePart("yyyy",[Date]))=2004))
GROUP BY Cen_DailyReport.PgmID, DatePart("m",[date]), DatePart("d",[date])
HAVING (((Cen_DailyReport.PgmID)="dyad"));

Then to get the actual day count per month, the next query is:

2) SELECT Query11a.PgmID, Query11a.Mo, Count(Query11a.Dy) AS CountOfDy
FROM Query11a
GROUP BY Query11a.PgmID, Query11a.Mo;

and this query aggregates the data from the 1st query. I'm wanting to do this in SQL.

In the long run, I want to take that count in the query and compare it with the actual number of days in a month to see if any entries are missing (like a program not being entered at all on any given day that they should have had entries for)

Any help would be appreciated.

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Handling Multiple Columns Returned By A Subquery With An IN Clause

Mar 25, 2008


I would like to know how i can handle multiple columns returned by a subquery via IN clause in case of sql server 2005. I can do that in oracle by using the following statement:


Thanks and Regards

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Select Subquery To Return COUNT

Oct 28, 2006

I have 2 tables, Jobs and Categories.Each job belongs to a category. At present, I am returning all categories as follows:SELECT categoryID, categoryName FROM TCCI_CategoriesWhat I'm trying to do, is also return the number of jobs assigned to each category, so in my web page display, it would show something like this:Engineering(5)Mechanical(10) etc.My db currently has 5 categories, with only one job assigned to a category. I tried the following sub-query, but instead of returning all the categories with their job counts, it just returns the category that has a job assigned to it:SELECT c.categoryID, c.categoryName, COUNT(j.jobID)FROM TCCI_Categories c, (SELECT jobID, categoryID FROM TCCI_Jobs) jWHERE j.categoryID = c.categoryIDGROUP BY c.categoryID, c.categoryName, j.jobIDThis is the output when I run the query:categoryID categoryName  Column1 ----------------  ----------------------  ------------------------------32              Engineering     1 How would I fix this?

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Subquery Headache With Count And GroupBy

Nov 23, 2005

I'm trying to return an integer from the following table that returnsthe number of unique cities:tblEmployeesName CityJohn BostonFrank New YorkJim OmahaBetty New YorkThe answer should be 3.DECLARE @EmployeeCities intSELECT @EmployeeCities = SELECT ... ???How go I return one row/column into @EmployeeCities from a Count and aGroupBy?Headache already... Maybe it's too early...

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Transact SQL :: Update Unique Records Count For Subquery?

Sep 2, 2015

updating the # of Payer from below query to match with the # of rows for each payer record. See the Current and desired results below. The query is currently counting the # of rows for all payers together and updating 3 as # of payers. I need it to count # of rows for each payer like shown inDesired result below. It should be showing 1 for first payer and 2 for 2nd & 3rd based on # of times each payer is repeated..

c.CLAIM_ICN and b.TPL_TS = c.TPL_TS and a.CLAIM_TYPE_CD = 'X' 

[Code] ....

Current Result



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Count For One Day - Use Between In Where Clause?

Aug 26, 2013

I have a query that is counting the number of applications gotten for the day.

SELECT (usr.FirstName + '' + usr.LastName)AS [Sales Team Member], stm.UserID,
COUNT (MerApp.ApplicationID)AS [Number of Apps]
FROM MerchantApplication MerApp
INNER JOIN Users usr ON MerApp.assignedTo = usr.UserID
INNER JOIN SalesTeamMembers stm ON usr.UserID = stm.UserID
INNER JOIN SalesTeams satm ON stm.SalesteamID = satm.SalesTeamID
WHERE MerApp.LastUpdateOn BETWEEN @strStartofDays AND @strEndDate AND MerApp.ApplicationStatus=3 AND STM.ActiveStatus=1
GROUP BY MerApp.AssignedTo, usr.LastName, usr.FirstName, stm.UserID, stm.SalesteamID, MerApp.ApplicationStatus, satm.TeamDescription

LastUpdateOn is the days the table is updated

Since it's just a 24hr count I should have to use BETWEEN in my where clause. What is another way to count for 1 day.

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Adding A Count Clause To A Query

Jun 5, 2008

I have the following query where I select records from Active_Activities_temp which do not match on cde_actv in the table ACTIVITY_CORE_LISTING:
SELECT Active_Activities_temp.*
FROM Active_Activities_temp LEFT JOIN
ORDER BY prtcpnt_id
So for example, if a participant has a cde_actv=38 (which doesn't exist in ACTIVITY_CORE_LISTING), that record would appear as the query is currently.

The issue is that participants can have multiple records in Active_Activities_temp and if a participant has a record that does exist in ACTIVITY_CORE_LISTING, no records for that participant should appear in this query result. For example, if a participant has two records in Active_Activities_temp, one with a cde_actv 38 (which does not appear in ACTIVITY_CORE_LISTING) and one with a cde_actv 33 (which does appear in ACTIVITY_CORE_LISTING), no records for that participant should appear in the result. Currently the record with cde_actv=38 does appear.

What code can I implement to do what I need to do? Thanks so much.

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Analysis :: Top Count With Non Empty Clause

Aug 7, 2015

I have an autogenerated MDX.

Amount]} On
Non Empty TopCount( 
(  AddCalculatedMembers(

[Code] ....

As a result I only get 29 records. One record in the middle is missing. If I change to Topcount 31 I get 32 records, where the missing record  is also included.

If I remove the Zero supression I receive 30 records as expected. For me the MDX looks good. I will try to reproduce on AW.

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SQL 2012 :: Estimate Row Count - WHERE Clause Of Statement

Oct 16, 2014

How SQL calculates the estimated row count when < or > are used in the WHERE clause of a statement. For example:-

WHERE Created_Datetime_utc > CONVERT(DATETIME,'2014-10-14 10:00:00',102)

I know how the estimated number of rows are calculated when an = is used but I've been googling and cannot find anything about < and >.

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Subquery Returned More Than 1 Value. This Is Not Permitted When The Subquery Follows =, !=, &<, &<= , &>, &>= Or When The Subquery Is Used As An Expression.

Apr 26, 2008

hello friends.. I am newbie for sql server...I having a problem when executing this procedure .... ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spgetvalues]    @Uid intASBEGIN    SET NOCOUNT ON;        select                                  DATEPART(year, c.fy)as fy,                                                (select contribeamount from wh_contribute where and contribename like 'Retire-Plan B-1%      JRF' ) as survivorship,                (select contribeamount from wh_contribute where and contribename like  'Gross Earnings' and ) as ytdgross,                (select contribeamount from wh_contribute where and contribename like 'Retire-Plan B-1.5%      JRP') as totalcontrib,                                                       from    wh_contribute c                       where    c.uid=@Uid                 Order by fy Asc .....what is the wrong here??  " Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression."please reply asap... 

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Subquery Returned More Than 1 Value. This Is Not Permitted When The Subquery Follows =, !=, &<, &<= , &>, &>= Or When The Subquery Is Used As An Expression.

Jul 20, 2005

I am getting 2 resultsets depending on conditon, In the secondconditon i am getting the above error could anyone help me..........CREATE proc sp_count_AllNewsPapers@CustomerId intasdeclare @NewsId intset @NewsId = (select NewsDelId from NewsDelivery whereCustomerId=@CustomerId )if not exists(select CustomerId from NewsDelivery whereNewsPapersId=@NewsId)beginselect count( NewsPapersId) from NewsPapersendif exists(select CustomerId from NewsDelivery whereNewsPapersId=@NewsId)beginselect count(NewsDelId) from NewsDelivery whereCustomerid=@CustomeridendGO

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OUTPUT @count =no Of Records Returnd By Dynamic Where Clause

Aug 18, 2005

Arvind writes "i want to create a stored procedure returns an OUTPUT variable containing the no. of records given by a query, the query being dynamic.
Preferrably the query should also be passed as a parameter to the stored procedure...If not,it should be constructed in the SP and a Part of the where clause is dependant on the value of another variable passed to the SP.

How should the query be constructed, executed, and then the Count(*) value returned?

"WHERE <condition1> AND <condition 2> ;

"AND <condition 2> " may exist or may not exist in the query; it is dependant."

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Subquery Returned More Than 1 Value. This Is Not Permitted When The Subquery Follows =, !=, &&<, &&<= , &&>, &&>= Or When The Subquery I

Mar 6, 2008

I am getting an error as

Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

while running the following query.

SELECT DISTINCT EmployeeDetails.FirstName+' '+EmployeeDetails.LastName AS EmpName,

LUP_FIX_DeptDetails.DeptName AS CurrentDepartment,

LUP_FIX_DesigDetails.DesigName AS CurrentDesignation,

LUP_FIX_ProjectDetails.ProjectName AS CurrentProject,

ManagerName=(SELECT E.FirstName+' '+E.LastName

FROM EmployeeDetails E


ON E.Empid=LUP_EmpProject.Empid


ON LUP_EmpProject.Projectid = LUP_FIX_ProjectDetails.Projectid

WHERE LUP_FIX_ProjectDetails.Managerid = E.Empid)

FROM EmployeeDetails

INNER JOIN LUP_EmpDepartment

ON EmployeeDetails.Empid=LUP_EmpDepartment.Empid


ON LUP_EmpDepartment.Deptid=LUP_FIX_DeptDetails.Deptid

AND LUP_EmpDepartment.Date=(SELECT TOP 1 LUP_EmpDepartment.Date

FROM LUP_EmpDepartment

WHERE EmployeeDetails.Empid=LUP_EmpDepartment.Empid

ORDER BY LUP_EmpDepartment.Date DESC)

INNER JOIN LUP_EmpDesignation

ON EmployeeDetails.Empid=LUP_EmpDesignation.Empid


ON LUP_EmpDesignation.Desigid=LUP_FIX_DesigDetails.Desigid

AND LUP_EmpDesignation.Date=(SELECT TOP 1 LUP_EmpDesignation.Date

FROM LUP_EmpDesignation

WHERE EmployeeDetails.Empid=LUP_EmpDesignation.Empid

ORDER BY LUP_EmpDesignation.Date DESC)


ON EmployeeDetails.Empid=LUP_EmpProject.Empid

AND LUP_EmpProject.StartDate=(SELECT TOP 1 LUP_EmpProject.StartDate

FROM LUP_EmpProject

WHERE EmployeeDetails.Empid=LUP_EmpProject.Empid

ORDER BY LUP_EmpProject.StartDate DESC)


ON LUP_EmpProject.Projectid=LUP_FIX_ProjectDetails.Projectid

WHERE EmployeeDetails.Empid=1

PLEASE HELP.................

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Subquery Returned More Than 1 Value. This Is Not Permitted When The Subquery Follows =, !=, &&<, &&<= , &&>, &&>= Or When The Subquery I

May 14, 2008


I've running the below query for months ans suddenly today started getting the following error :"Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression."

Any ideas as to why??

SELECT t0.DocNum, t0.Status, t0.ItemCode, t0.Warehouse, t0.OriginNum, t0.U_SOLineNo, ORDR.NumAtCard, ORDR.CardCode, OITM_1.U_Cultivar,
OITB ON OITM.ItmsGrpCod = OITB.ItmsGrpCod ON WOR1.ItemCode = OITM.ItemCode
WHERE (OITB.ItmsGrpNam = 'Basic Fruit') AND (OWOR.DocNum = t0.DocNum)) AS Expr1, OITM_1.U_Organisation, OITM_1.U_Commodity,
OITM_1.U_Pack, OITM_1.U_Grade, RDR1.U_SizeCount, OITM_1.U_InvCode, OITM_1.U_Brand, OITM_1.U_PalleBase, OITM_1.U_Crt_Pallet,
OITM_1.U_LabelType, RDR1.U_DEPOT, OITM_1.U_PLU, RDR1.U_Trgt_Mrkt, RDR1.U_Wrap_Type, ORDR.U_SCCode
RDR1 ON ORDR.DocEntry = RDR1.DocEntry AND t0.U_SOLineNo - 1 = RDR1.LineNum INNER JOIN
OITM AS OITM_1 ON t0.ItemCode = OITM_1.ItemCode
WHERE (t0.Status <> 'L')



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Subquery Returned More Than 1 Value But Work FINE (field_xxx=subquery)

Jul 19, 2007

Hi guys,

A have a problem that I need understand.... I have 2 server with the same configuration...



Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2191 (Intel IA-64)

Mar 27 2006 11:51:52

Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation

Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)

sp_dboption 'BB_XXXXX'

The following options are set:


trunc. log on chkpt.

auto create statistics

auto update statistics




Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2191 (Intel IA-64)

Mar 27 2006 11:51:52

Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation

Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)

sp_dboption 'BB_XXXXX'

The following options are set:


trunc. log on chkpt.

auto create statistics

auto update statistics

OK, the problem is that if a run the below query in server01, i get error 512:

Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

But, if run the same query in the server02, the query work fine -.

I know that I can use IN, EXISTS, TOP, etc ... but I need understand this behavior.

Any idea WHY?

SELECT dbo.opf_saldo_ctb_opc_flx.dt_saldo,



dbo.opf_movimento_operacao.ds_tipo_transacao ds_tipo_transacao_movimento ,

dbo.opf_header_operacao.ds_tipo_transacao ds_tipo_transacao_header,

'SD' ds_status_operacao,

dbo.opf_header_operacao.ds_tipo_opcao ,



0 vl_entrada_compra_ctro ,0 vl_entrada_compra_premio,

0 vl_entrada_venda_ctro , 0 vl_entrada_venda_premio,

0 vl_saida_compra_ctro, 0 vl_saida_compra_premio,

0 vl_saida_venda_ctro, 0 vl_saida_venda_premio,

0 vl_lucro , 0 vl_prejuizo, 0 vl_naoexec_contrato,

0 vl_naoexec_premio,

sum(dbo.opf_saldo_ctb_opc_flx.vl_aprop_ganho) vl_aprop_ganho,

sum(dbo.opf_saldo_ctb_opc_flx.vl_aprop_perda) vl_aprop_perda,

sum(dbo.opf_saldo_ctb_opc_flx.vl_rever_ganho) vl_rever_ganho,

sum(dbo.opf_saldo_ctb_opc_flx.vl_rever_perda) vl_rever_perda,

sum(dbo.opf_saldo_ctb_opc_flx.vl_irrf) vl_irrf

FROM dbo.opf_saldo_ctb_opc_flx,

dbo.opf_header_operacao ,


WHERE dbo.opf_saldo_ctb_opc_flx.dt_saldo = '6-29-2007 0:0:0.000'

and ( dbo.opf_header_operacao.no_contrato = dbo.opf_saldo_ctb_opc_flx.no_contrato )

and ( dbo.opf_header_operacao.no_contrato = dbo.opf_movimento_operacao.no_contrato )

and ( dbo.opf_movimento_operacao.dt_pregao = (select (o.dt_pregao) from dbo.opf_movimento_operacao o

where o.no_contrato = dbo.opf_movimento_operacao.no_contrato and o.dt_pregao <='6-28-2007 0:0:0.000' ) )

and (dbo.opf_saldo_ctb_opc_flx.ic_tipo_saldo = 'S')

group by dbo.opf_saldo_ctb_opc_flx.dt_saldo,




dbo.opf_header_operacao.ds_tipo_transacao ,


dbo.opf_header_operacao.ds_tipo_opcao ,




Nilton Pinheiro

View 9 Replies View Related

Adding Product Of A Subquery To A Subquery Fails?

Jul 6, 2014

I am trying to add the results of both of these queries together:

The purpose of the first query is to find the number of nulls in the TimeZone column.

Query 1:

FROM tablename

The purpose of the second query is to find results in the AAST, AST, etc timezones.

Query 2:

FROM tablename
WHERE TimeZone NOT IN ('EST', 'MST', 'PST', 'CST')

Note: both queries produce a whole number with no decimals. Ran individually both queries produce accurate results. However, what I would like is one query which produced a single INT by adding both results together. For example, if Query 1 results to 5 and query 2 results to 10, I would like to see a single result of 15 as the output.

What I came up with (from research) is:

FROM tablename) + (SELECT COUNT (TimeZone)
FROM tablename
WHERE TimeZone NOT IN ('EST', 'MST', 'PST', 'CST'))

I get a msq 102, level 15, state 1 error.

I also tried

FROM tablename) + (SELECT COUNT (TimeZone)
FROM tablename
WHERE TimeZone NOT IN ('EST', 'MST', 'PST', 'CST')) as IVR_HI_n_AK_results

but I still get an error. For the exact details see:


NOTE: the table in query 1 and query 2 are the same table. I am using T-SQL in SQL Server Management Studio 2008.

View 6 Replies View Related

Adding A Group By Clause And Getting A Count Of A Group

Feb 6, 2008

HiI am new to SQL and am having a problem. I need to fix my query to do the following...2) get a total of the number of rows returned.
DECLARE @StartDate varchar(12)DECLARE @EndDate   varchar(12)DECLARE @Region    varchar(20)
SET @StartDate = '01/01/2002'SET @EndDate   = '12/31/2008'SET @Region    = 'Central'
FROM  dbo.FilteredIncident AINNER JOIN dbo.FilteredAccount B ON A.customerid = B.accountid
WHERE (A.createdon >=@StartDate  AND A.createdon <= @EndDate)AND   (B.new_RegionName = @Region)AND   (A.casetypecode = 2) 

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Transaction Count After EXECUTE Indicates That A COMMIT Or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION Statement Is Missing. Previous Count = 1, Current Count = 0.

Aug 6, 2006

With the function below, I receive this error:Error:Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous count = 1, current count = 0.Function:Public Shared Function DeleteMesssages(ByVal UserID As String, ByVal MessageIDs As List(Of String)) As Boolean        Dim bSuccess As Boolean        Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection = GetConnection()        Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("", MyConnection)        Dim i As Integer        Dim fBeginTransCalled As Boolean = False
        'messagetype 1 =internal messages        Try            '            ' Start transaction            '            MyConnection.Open()            cmd.CommandText = "BEGIN TRANSACTION"            cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()            fBeginTransCalled = True            Dim obj As Object            For i = 0 To MessageIDs.Count - 1                bSuccess = False                'delete userid-message reference                cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM tblUsersAndMessages WHERE MessageID=@MessageID AND UserID=@UserID"                cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@UserID", UserID))                cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@MessageID", MessageIDs(i).ToString))                cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()                'then delete the message itself if no other user has a reference                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblUsersAndMessages WHERE MessageID=@MessageID1"                cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@MessageID1", MessageIDs(i).ToString))                obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar                If ((Not (obj) Is Nothing) _                AndAlso ((TypeOf (obj) Is Integer) _                AndAlso (CType(obj, Integer) > 0))) Then                    'more references exist so do not delete message                Else                    'this is the only reference to the message so delete it permanently                    cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM tblMessages WHERE MessageID=@MessageID2"                    cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@MessageID2", MessageIDs(i).ToString))                    cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()                End If            Next i
            '            ' End transaction            '            cmd.CommandText = "COMMIT TRANSACTION"            cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()            bSuccess = True            fBeginTransCalled = False        Catch ex As Exception            'LOG ERROR            GlobalFunctions.ReportError("MessageDAL:DeleteMessages", ex.Message)        Finally            If fBeginTransCalled Then                Try                    cmd = New SqlCommand("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION", MyConnection)                    cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()                Catch e As System.Exception                End Try            End If            MyConnection.Close()        End Try        Return bSuccess    End Function

View 5 Replies View Related

Transact SQL :: How To Create UNION Clause With Two Queries That BOTH Have WHERE Clause

Nov 4, 2015

I have a quite big SQL query which would be nice to be used using UNION betweern two Select and Where clauses. I noticed that if both Select clauses have Where part between UNION other is ignored. How can I prevent this?

I found a article in StackOverflow saying that if UNION has e.g. two Selects with Where conditions other one will not work. [URL] ....

I have installed SQL Server 2014 and I tried to use tricks mentioned in StackOverflow's article but couldn't succeeded.

Any example how to write two Selects with own Where clauses and those Selects are joined with UNION?

View 13 Replies View Related

Analysis :: Count Function Taking More Time To Get Count From Parent Child Dimension?

May 25, 2015

below data,










in my count function,my code look like,

 set buyerset as exists(dimcustomer.leval02.allmembers,custoertypeisRetailers,"Sales")
set saleset(buyerset)
set custdimensionfilter as {custdimensionmemb1,custdimensionmemb2,custdimensionmemb3,custdimensionmemb4}
set finalset as exists(salest,custdimensionfilter,"Sales")
Set ProdIP as dimproduct.dimproduct.prod1
set Othersset as (cyears,ProdIP)
(exists(([FINALSET],Othersset,dimension2.dimension2.item3),[DimCustomerBuyer].[ParentPostalCode].currentmember, "factsales")).count

it will take 12 to 15 min to execute.

View 3 Replies View Related

GROUP By Clause Or DISTINCT Clause

Jul 23, 2005

Hi, can anyone shed some light on this issue?SELECT Status from lupStatuswith a normal query it returns the correct recordcountSELECT Status from lupStatus GROUP BY Statusbut with a GROUP By clause or DISTINCT clause it return the recordcount= -1

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Filtering Results In The Where Clause Vs A Having Clause

Oct 25, 2007

I am working with a vendor on upgrading their application from SQL2K to SQL2K5 and am running into the following.

When on SQL Server 2000 the following statement ran without issue:

UPDATE dbo.Track_ID

SET dbo.Track_ID.Processed = 4 --Regular 1 leg call thats been completed

WHERE Processed = 0 AND LegNum = 1




FROM dbo.Track_ID



TrackID + 'x1' IN



dbo.Track_ID.TrackID + 'x' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(2), COUNT(dbo.Track_ID.TrackID))

FROM dbo.Track_ID INNER JOIN dbo.transactions

ON dbo.Track_ID.SM_ID = dbo.transactions.sm_session_id

GROUP BY dbo.Track_ID.TrackID


Once moved to SQL Server 2005 the statement would not return and showed SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD to be the waittype when executed. This machine is SP1 and needs to be upgraded to SP2, something that is not going to happen near time.

I changed the SQL to the following, SQL Server now runs it in under a second, but now the app is not functioning correctly. Are the above and the following semantically the same?

UPDATE dbo.Track_ID

SET dbo.Track_ID.Processed = 4 --Regular 1 leg call thats been completed

WHERE Processed = 0 AND LegNum = 1



FROM dbo.Track_ID

WHERE TrackID + 'x1' IN


SELECT dbo.Track_ID.TrackID + 'x' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(2), COUNT(dbo.Track_ID.TrackID))

FROM dbo.Track_ID INNER JOIN dbo.transactions

ON dbo.Track_ID.SM_ID = dbo.transactions.sm_session_id

GROUP BY dbo.Track_ID.TrackID


HAVING MAX(LegNum) = 1


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Count For Varchar Field - How To Get Distinct Count

Jul 3, 2013

I am trying to get count on a varchar field, but it is not giving me distinct count. How can I do that? This is what I have....

Select Distinct
sum(isnull(cast([Total Count] as float),0))

from T_Status_Report
where Type = 'LastMonth' and OrderVal = '1'

View 9 Replies View Related

Expression Defined In SELECT Clause Overwrites Column Defined In FROM Clause

May 14, 2008

2 examples:

1) Rows ordered using textual id rather than numeric id

Code Snippet
cast( as nvarchar(2)) id
select 1 id
union select 2 id
union select 11 id
) v
order by

Result set is ordered as: 1, 11, 2
I expect: 1,2,11

if renamed or removed alias for "cast( as nvarchar(2))" expression then all works fine.

2) SQL server reject query below with next message

Server: Msg 169, Level 15, State 3, Line 16
A column has been specified more than once in the order by list. Columns in the order by list must be unique.

Code Snippet
cast( as nvarchar(2)) id
select 1 id
union select 2 id
union select 11 id
) v
cross join (
select 1 id
union select 2 id
union select 11 id
) u
order by

Again, if renamed or removed alias for "cast( as nvarchar(2))" expression then all works fine.

It reproducible on

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86) May 3 2005 23:18:38 Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)


Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (Intel X86) Feb 9 2007 22:47:07 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)

In both cases database collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1251_CS_AS

If I check quieries above on database with SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation then it works fine again.

Could someone clarify - is it bug or expected behaviour?

View 12 Replies View Related

ERROR [42000] [Lotus][ODBC Lotus Notes]Table Reference Has To Be A Table Name Or An Outer Join Escape Clause In A FROM Clause

May 27, 2008

I am using web developer 2008, while connecting to I wanted to fetch data from Lotus notes database file, for this i used notesql connector, while connectiong to notes database i am fetting error

ERROR [42000] [Lotus][ODBC Lotus Notes]Table reference has to be a table name or an outer join escape clause in a FROM clause

I have already checked that database & table name are correct, please help me out
How i can fetch the lotus notes data in my pages.

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ERROR [42000] [Lotus][ODBC Lotus Notes]Table Reference Has To Be A Table Name Or An Outer Join Escape Clause In A FROM Clause

May 27, 2008

I am using web developer 2008, while connecting to I wanted to fetch data from Lotus notes database file, for this i used notesql connector, while connectiong to notes database i am fetting error

ERROR [42000] [Lotus][ODBC Lotus Notes]Table reference has to be a table name or an outer join escape clause in a FROM clause

I have already checked that database & table name are correct, please help me out
How i can fetch the lotus notes data in my pages.

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