Create An Installer For Sql Server 2005 Db

Sep 11, 2007

Can anyone tell how can I create an installer for sql server database.

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How To Create An Installer For Deploying Sql Server Express

Jul 19, 2007


I have created an installer for deploying Sql Server Express. My installer will start the process of installing Sql Server Express. However the installation of SqlServer Express will fail because it says another installer is currently running (which is my installer). Is there anyway to work around this problem?

The reason why I would like to create an installer for the installation of Sql Server Express is because I would like to configure the SqlServerExpress without the user fiddling with the ini file.


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SQL Server 2005 Express Install---Win 3.1 Installer

Jul 25, 2006

Okay, this must be the silliest question of the day. I downloaded SSE, but when it ran, it noted that I needed Win 3.1 Installer. Went and got that, installed it, and restarted. But where is my SSE download? I tried to go back to the SSE download, but it won't download the file again. Nothing happens when I click on the download link.



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Create Installer For Databae

Sep 10, 2007

can anyone tell me how can I create an installer for sql server 2005 db.

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How To Create Installer For Webservices

Nov 24, 2007

Hi Experts,
I have to create Installer or setup for my project.
My project Containg 2 webservices and one applicationProject.
I donot Know About Installer How To create SetUp For AboveProject . I want In setup wizard shows in grid it shows the 2 Webservices and PrudentialApplications. and How To add a sqlserver Bootstrapper in this application.

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Create MSI Installer For SSIS Package

Sep 29, 2006

Can anyone sugest me steps to create the MSI Installer for SSIS packages

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Holy Crap, SQL 2005 Installer Completely Sucks

Feb 28, 2007

There appears to be no way to prevent SQL 2005 from installing roughly 1.5GB of stuff on the C: drive - even if you click that advanced button and select a different drive for all the components.

I can't find an easy way around this, other than rebuild the C: drive on a bunch of systems. Anyone have any other ideas?


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SQL Server Free Installer

May 9, 2007

is there any free downloadable sql server installer...???

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Embedding SQL Server Express In The Installer

Nov 6, 2004

Can we embed the SQL Server Express in the windows installer jsut like the XML files or the Ms access database?

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Licensing Details For SQL Server CE Cab Files To Be Used In Custom Installer

May 16, 2007

Hello All,

We have a licensed version of VS2005 and we are developing commercial mobile applications targeted for Pocket PC 2003, Windows CE etc.

We are currently making use of System.Data.SqlServerCe.dll and are using the Sql Server CE for storing and retrieving information required for the application. We use this information and send it to our hosted web server for processing.

We use NSIS installer to develop the installer for mobile application. Can we make use of the Sql Server CE CAB files ( to install or should we only use the Sql Server CE dlls that are mentioned in the REDIST.txt?

We would like to know if we would be in agreement with the EULA if we make use of the CAB files for installation instead of the direct dlls.

Best Regards,

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How To Create A Job In Sql Server 2005

May 21, 2008

Hi All,I need to create a job which executes the update query based on a condition i.e., duration between two dates. How shall i create and use that job.Please can anyone help me.Thanks in advance  Regards,Praveen 

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How To Create A Copy Of SQL Server 2000 Database In SQL Server 2005 Express?

Jun 23, 2007

I have a database called 'DB1' in SQL Server 2000. I want to create the same database in SQL Server 2005 Express including the original data in tables.
How would I do that? I cannot find any option to do this upgrade in SQL Server Management Studio.

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Unable To Create Subscriber On A 2000 Server From A 2005 Server Publisher

Dec 1, 2006


I'm trying to set up a transactional replication from SQl Server 2005 to SQl server 2000. The Distributor and the publisher are on our server and the subscription is supposed to be on a SQL 2000 server on a different location. Before upgrading to 2005 I didn't have problems - the replication from 2000 to 2000 was working perfectly.

After I succesfully created the distributor and the publication the first problem that I encountered was that when I tried to create the subscription it was giving me an error that I cannot use an IP to acces the server. I realized to fix that issue by creating an Alias in the SQL Server Configuration Manager for the server where I wanted to create the subscription (a push subscription).

Now when I try to add the subscriber it gives me another message "Execute permission denied on object 'sp_MS_replication_installed', database 'master', owner 'dbo'" - so I cannot create the subscriber.

The user that I use to create the subscriber on the 2000 server is dbo for the subscriber database but it doesn't have rights on the master database. Also I realized that on the 2000 server I still have the old subscription but I cannot delete it - for the same reason - no access on the master database. Before upgrading to 2005 I had the exact same rights on the 2000 server.

Any help would be appreciated.


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How To Create A Data Diagram In SQL Server 2005 Management Studio For A SQL Server 2000 Database

Jan 9, 2008

I have an old database created in SQL Server 2000,
now I can open, access it in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio, but I can't create Data Diagrams.
Please advise on how to make it work....
Thank you

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Sql Server 2005 - How To Create Scheduled Job

Jul 25, 2006

We just installed SQL Server 2005.  I have 3 jobs within SQL Server 2000 that i would like to import into the new server howeber i have no clue on how to achieve this.  In fact I dont even know how to make a new job within SQL Server 2005 at all?  Can someone please give me the steps on how to do this.
BTW the old job accesses launches a .EXE application every day, once a day at 5pm and the other job launches the same applicationb but at 5am.  I had to have 2 seperate jobs because I couldnt figure out how to pass a different parameter for the two launches.

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How Do I Create A New Instance Of SQL Server 2005

Nov 27, 2007

I have access to a server with sql server 2005 workgroup edition. It runs an instance of sql server for this huge application we use. I would like to create a new instance of Sql server 2005 so I can play around with it and learn how to use the 2005 version. How can you create a new instance? I want this instance to run alongside the current instance.  I can't find out how to do this anywhere. I'm sure it's possible though.  Thanks 

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Can't Create A SQL Server 2005 Database

Feb 20, 2006

I have installed SQL server 2005 on win xp. (SQL Server 2000 is also running)

My problem is that I can only create a database with compatibility mode of 70 or 80 (SS 2000) and not 90 (2005).

What do I do?

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Create .sdf From Existing SQL Server 2005 DB

Aug 22, 2007

Hello ,

1.Is there a way to generate an .sdf (SQL CE DB) from an existing SQL Server 2005 DB?
So that the sdf file has the same tables and data as SQL server 2005 DB.

2.Is there a way to copy data in Excel file to an .sdf file (SQL CE DB)?


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Can't Even Create A New SQL Db, Despite SQL Server 2005 Installed.

Mar 28, 2007

I've just installed Visual Web Developer Express and SQL Server 2005. I'm running thru the painfully slow video tutorials from Microsoft (see here).

I've open Web Dev and tried to create a new SQL Database Item, only to receive this error:

"Connections to SQL Server files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component or download from the URL"

I'm totally new to this, but this still makes no sense.

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Need Help Trying To Create SQL Server 2005 Assembly From .dll

Jul 12, 2007

I am trying to create an assembly in SQL Server 2005 from a compiled VS 2005 solution in

I am getting the following error in SQL Server Management Studio:

Assembly 'PrintWorkOrder' references assembly 'crystaldecisions.crystalreports.engine, version=10.2.3600.0, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=692fbea5521e1304.', which is not present in the current database. SQL Server attempted to locate and automatically load the referenced assembly from the same location where referring assembly came from, but that operation has failed (reason: 2(The system cannot find the file specified.)). Please load the referenced assembly into the current database and retry your request.

Can someone explain to me how I can load the crystal assembly it is asking for?

(My SQL Server Instance is on a remote machinf from my Development Environment.)


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How To Create A Scheduled Job On SQL Server 2005 Using T-SQL?

Nov 8, 2007

Hi Guys,

Any assistance you people can provide will be considered grateful. I€™m in search of a generic cookie cutter snippet of code that simulates the creation of an Oracle DBMS_JOB, but I need it for SQL Server 2005.

Beneath, highlighted in red, is how we create a DBMS_JOB in Oracle, but I need the snippet of code to accomplish the same objective on SQL Server 2005. In Oracle, we deploy our scheduled jobs using anonymous pl/sql which is written in black, as shown beneath. To facilitate conversion of our project scheduled task it would be great if someone can assist me in translating the code beneath written in black and red.

REM spool schedule-jobs_a.sql.log
REM declare
REM cursor job_cur is select job from user_jobs
REM where what like 'dbms_utility.analyze_schema%';
REM begin
REM for job_rec in job_cur loop
REM dbms_job.remove(job_rec.job);
REM end loop;
REM dbms_job.submit(jobno,what => 'dbms_utility.analyze_schema(''&&anal'',''compute'');', interval => 'TO_DATE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(TRUNC(SYSDATE+1)),1,10)) + 360/1440', next_date => SYSDATE);
REM dbms_output.put_line( 'Next job '||jobno );
REM exception
REM when others then raise;
REM end;

PS, I€™m not looking for instructions to create a Scheduled Job through Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, but rather, I need T-SQL code to create a Schedule Job to run daily at some period of time and run some snippet of code.


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How To Create New Database In Sql Server 2005

Aug 8, 2007

Hello Friends,
I am using sql server 2005 and cant find a way to create and / or view databases.
In sql server 2000, there was enterprise manager to display sql registrations and connections.. How sql server 2005 differs from it.
Please help me.

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Getting Started With Sql Server 2005....Create Database

Jan 9, 2007

Hi all
I'm a newbie with Visual studio 2005 .Recently i installed it ,AFAIK sqlServer 2005
also is shiped with vs2005.after installing vs2005 i have the following entries in my
StartMenu/All Programms/

1) Microsoft Sql Server 2005
Configuration Tools
sql Server Configuration Manager
Sql Server Error and usage Reporting
SQL Server Surface Area Configuration

2) Microsoft Visual studio 2005

Apparently there isn't any ENTERPRISE MANAGER and query analyzer.?
By the way in Visual studio IDE i noticed "Server Explorer" nexed to "Solution Explorer"
but i didn't find any Database entry or "Create New Database" or some thing like this.!!!
Could any one help me.? i want to Create Database, Tables,....

Thanks in advance.

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How Can We Create New SQL SERVER 2005 Database Instance

Feb 5, 2008

In my machine , we were used befour sql server2000 and now we are using sql server 2005 ,
So, I have both 2000 and 2005 installed on my machine ,
on my machine i am working on Custome Paging and one function ROW_NUMBER() is not working ,because of i think i am still working on 2000 instance on locally,
Can any one know how can we create an instance of sqlserver 2005 database and work with that?
I want to work with sql server 2005.

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How To Create Database InSQl Server 2005?

Feb 7, 2006

how to start work for creating the database and creating the tables .........which commands we use.?

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Create Login Problem In SQL Server 2005

Nov 4, 2007

Hey guys,

I'm having a problem making a new login inside the sql management studio, the problem is, when i create a new login, i selected SQL Authentication, then type a password, then uncheck Enforce password policy.

i then select the database i want the login to be associated with, but once i click ok i get this exception:
Create failed for Login ''. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
"An object or column name is missing or empty. For SELECT INTO statements, verify each column has a name. For other statements, look for empty alias names. Aliases defined as "" or [] are not allowed. Add a name or single space as the alias name. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1038)

I even tried with Northwind and a brand new database with a table and 2 columns but it's the same story every time.
Any ideas?

Thanks a bunch

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How To Create Local Server When Install Sql 2005

Feb 25, 2008

Hi everyone,

I install SQL 2005 enteprise edition on window xp mahcine.
I don't know why some staff in our company has local server but some are not.

I know some of them have installed express edition. is that reason?

How to create a local server?

Thank you in advance

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Create A Publication In SQL Server 2005 Express

Nov 20, 2006


is it possible to create a publication with SQL Server 2005 Express. I can´t seem to find it in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express.

Do i have to install the full version? :(
Isn´t there any other option?


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How Do I Create A Stored Procedure In SQL Server 2005 ?

Feb 8, 2008

Yes it looks like a stupid question
but when i right click stored procedures
and click new stored procedure, it gives me a
QRY analyzer style window and all i can do is save
the qry as a regular .qry file ?

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Create DTS Package In SQL Server 2005 (Ver:9.0.1116).

Dec 1, 2005


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My Installer

Mar 2, 2008

Hi everyone. I have a question.

I have an installer that runs seamlessly in any 32bit -x86 OS. But if I tried to run the exe(installer) to any 64bit OS, yeah it runs and creates a database, but does not create a tables on it...

The installer is compiled in a platform 32bit OS.

Do you have any idea about this? Do I need to recompile the application in a 64bit OS?

"I won't last a day without SQL"

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How To Create User Defined Functions In Sql Server 2005

Mar 17, 2008

 Hi ,      how to create user defined functions in sql server 2005 to retrive data from multiple tables in Thank U! 

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SQL Server 2005 Express, Generating Create Scripts

Nov 7, 2005

Anyone know an easy way to generate the SQL Scripts to gererate the
tables/sp's/triggers/indexes/fk's, ect? I know Sql Server 2000 lets you
generate the db script, but I don't know how to do this with 2005

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