Create File Location Dynamically

Apr 10, 2008


Can you guys please give me the steps of how to create a destination file dynamically. What i mean is for example i want to get everything from a table and ssis should create a file distination according to today's date and save it in a specific folder.


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Integration Services :: How To Create CSV File At A Specific Location To Export To

Oct 30, 2015

Problem: I need to export data from a table in a database. I have an SSIS that converts data to this table. To export the data using the SSIS the file needs to be already created (from my understanding). This export location is on another server and the folder location is empty.

Question: How do I create an empty CSV file at this location using either a Script Task, SQL Query, or Space Magic? I have been searching all over for about 4 hours now to no avail.

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Dynamically Create Text File As Destination

Feb 16, 2007

I am trying to create a text file from an SQL query on a SQL table. I would like the SSIS package to prompt for the file name and path. The text file is tab delimited and the text qualifier is a double quote.



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Dynamically Create Text File As Destination From Sql Script In SSIS

Mar 27, 2007

I have a select Script as follows:


, a.Qty AS 'Quantity_Recived'

, b.PC AS 'PC'

, b.PC AS 'PC'

, 'I' AS 'Flag'

FROM TNRInventory.dbo.tInventoryAlloc AS a

LEFT OUTER JOIN vwInventoryAllocMapping AS vwMap ON a.TNRAllocTypeID = vwMap.TNRInventoryAllocID


LEFT OUTER JOIN ABC.dbo.TableJoinKey AS c ON a.TitleID = c.TITLE_ID

WHERE (vwMap.DataSourceID = 3) and vwMap.[DataSourceAllocName] = 'I'

group by c.SKU_NO , vwMap.[DataSourceAllocName],a.Qty , b.Profit_Center

order by c.SKU_NO,vwMap.[DataSourceAllocName]


i have to send the result of aforesaid script in batch of 300 records per file (tab delimited text file)
now the file name must be dynamically created as each file will contain 300 records.

I have found some document related to same issue on this url

but still there is a catch.

Can any one guide/suggest me better way to do the aforesaid.


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Integration Services :: Create SSIS Package Dynamically For Inserting Data From Flat File To Table?

Sep 30, 2015

I have requirement like  to develop dynamic package for inserting data from flat file to table.

Find below points for more clarification :--

1) if I changed the flat file values and name  in source variable AND  the table name should be also changed based on variable value .

2) it should dynamically mapped with column values with source file as we have to insert data in target table.

See below diagram for more clarification.

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URL Location Of The WSDL File For Web Services File Task

Mar 14, 2007

I am finding that in order to have the Web Services Task work successfully the location of the WSDL file has to be on a local drive that SSIS is executing upon. Is the current intended behavior?

In my SSIS task I use a URL path to store information extracted from the Web Service. The information is stored on a different server than the one that SSIS is running upon. This works properly without error.

I have confirmed that SSIS has appropriate permissions to read/write to that directory on that server. When I attempt to reference the WSDL file (located in the same URL directory that I am saving the information) I get a web services error, 'The Web Services Name is empty, Verify that a valid web service name is available."

When I update the Web Service Task attribute to point to the WSDL file located on a local drive it works correctly. I have confirmed that both WSDL documents are exactly the same.

The behavior seems a little I must be missing something subtle.


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An Attempt To Attach An Auto-named Database For File (file Location).../Database.mdf Failed. A Database With The Same Name Exists, Or Specified File Cannot Be Opened, Or It Is Located On UNC Share.

Sep 2, 2007

Greetings, I have just arrived back into the country (NZ) and back into ASP.NET.
 I am having trouble with the following:An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file (file location).../Database.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.
It has only begun since i decided i wanted to use IIS, I realise VWD comes with its own localhost, but since it is only temporary, i wanted a permanent shortcut on my desktop to link to my intranet page.
 Anyone have any ideas why i am getting the above error? have searched many places on the internet and not getting any closer.
Cheers ~ J

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Reporting Services :: Parsing SSRS Config File And Dynamically Changing File Path Of Config File In Code

Sep 2, 2015

Currently have a single hard coded file path to the SSRS config file which parses the file and provides the reporting services web service url.  My question is how would i run this same query against 100s of servers that may or may not share the same file path as the one hard coded ?

Is there a way to query the registry to find the location of the config file of any server ? which could be on D, E, F, H, etc. 

I know I can string together the address followed by "reports" and named instance if needed, but some instances may not have used the default virtual directory name (Reports).

Am I going about this the hard way ? Is there a location where the web service url exists in a table ? I could not locate anything in the Reporting service database. Basically need to inventory all of my reporting services url's.

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Create SP Dynamically

Sep 2, 2005


I am trying to create a sp dynamically. However each time, I run my sp, which creates the dynamic SQL for the sp, then it automatically changes:



Alter PROCEDURE ....

Then I am obvoiusly getting the error msg:

Invalid object name.

How can I get rid of that?

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Create Tables Dynamically

Sep 12, 2007

Hi! I am using VS 2003 (v 1.1)
I need to generate tables with the values from the Backend (SQLServer 2000) database in C#.Net.
How can i create the tables, tablerows, cells, etc. from the codebehind page of C#. I am having a very little knowledge about dynamic generation.
Give me the complete code with can example (if possible)
Thanks & Regrads
Jai Shankar

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Create Table Dynamically

Apr 14, 2008


I have N1 table where columns name(id,Field). Base on the fields of this table I want to create N2 table from SP where data from N1 will be columns in N2.
id Field
-- ------
1 ID
2 First
3 Last

Create table N2(ID,First,Last)


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How To Dynamically Create Tables

Oct 7, 2006

I'm currently developing an RDF application which need to handle lots of datatypes. But I want to use SQL-Servers capabilities for efficient querying and sorting. Therefore, I've wanted to create a Main Table which stores a Reference to the Table where the Data is stored. The Data itself should get stored in a Datatype-specific Table.

The Typed Table might get created by something like:

public void CreateTypedLiterals(Type type)
String sql = String.Format(
"CREATE TABLE [Literals_{1}] (" +
"ID int DISTINCT NOT NULL, Value {1})",

// BUG: does not work
// WARNING: introduces a potential sql-injection problem


As you can see on the statements this solution makes many troubles. So I've wanted to implement it in a more fine way using a DataTable:

public void CreateTypedLiterals(Type type)
DataTable TypedLiterals =
new DataTable(
String.Format("Literals_{0}", type.ToString()));
"ID", typeof(int), "DISTINCT NOT NULL");
TypedLiterals.Columns.Add("Value", type);


But I have totally no Idea how to fetch this result into the existing Database. It might be cool to simply access the Database as it would be a .NET Dataset in the form:


But this is afaik not possible. Has anybody an idea how to solve this issure?

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Create Subtotals Dynamically

Apr 3, 2007

I am trying to dynamically create subtotals base on values in a column. I also have to group by year. I have gotten the group by year. I used the (previous function) to check for the year and col1 not being equal. I am getting the first subtotal back, don't know how to proceed in my function to return the remaining subtotals


col1 col2 col3

aaa 111 2005

bbb 222 2006

aaa 333 2006

ccc 444 2005

ccc 555 2006

bbb 666 2006

bbb 777 2006

ddd 888 2007


aaa subtotal: 1

ccc subtotal: 1

total: 2


aaa subtotal: 1

bbb subtotal: 3

ccc subtotal: 1

total: 5


ddd subtotal: 1

total: 1


aaa 2

bbb 3

ccc 2

ddd 1

totalnumber 8

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Create Charts Dynamically

May 3, 2008

Hi there!

I have a certain scenario and would like to know if it would be recommendable to try and realize it through RS.

I have a matrix of sales data (countries, regions, categories, total sales, Year-To-Date, changes, etc.) that need to be shown on charts. The charts themselves have a single format (bars). The out put needed is a relatively large number of charts (3000+) that would allow for a great number of comparisons (country to country, region to region, etc.). All these charts share a single layout. What would be varying greatly are the values and the labels attached to the elements on the chart (labels of the bars, title of the chart, legend, footnotes, etc.)

My plan is the follwoing:
- create a .net module that would prepare the data for the chart. This would be done with two tables

- parent table with general information
- child table with the the values for the bars and the labels
- Create a parametrized report in RS that accepts the Id of a report from the parent table
- Call this report for each and every report that can be found in the parent table

I would really appreciate any information of the feasabilitiy of this plan. I have worked a lot with Crystal before, but I don't have it anymore and will be using RS from now on. I haven't really started working with RS as of yet, but would need to know if this is "doable" with RS!

Thank you very much in advance for your replies!



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Log File Location

Jun 3, 2008

Easy question, I hope We are setting up an active active sql cluster. The management have done everything the wrong way around and purchased the hardware already.

We are planning on having 2 databases 1 in each instance. We will place the transaction log files for each database on their own cluster "physical disk" resource. We only have 4 disks availalbe for the transaction log files. To make things a little more complicated I have been given no information on the expected transaction use other than they should be no larger than 50GB

Here are my options

1. 2 Mirrored raid arrays one for each sql instance
2. 1 Raid 10 array with 2 logical drives (so the transaction logs are sharing the same disk spindles)

What would you do? seperate the disk spindles or share them and go for fast disk performace.

Thanks in advanced

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Create Table Dynamically?

Sep 5, 2014

I am having SP which gives, two result sets. The columns which are coming from result sets are also dynamic.
i.e. some time 5 columns and some time 10 columns.

Now I want to load this output into 2 different tables on daily basis. This would be truncate/delete table and load again.

Now my problem is that as I am not sure about columns, Is it possible to create table(Physical Table) depends on output of SP, and after load data into it.

During each load we can drop table, No issue and we can handle this through SSIS Package.

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Create Table And Column Dynamically

Jun 2, 2008

There is a table exists in a database, I have to write a stored procedure to create the same table in different database, with the same column name and field. This should be done in runtime. Is it possible. The table will be passed as a parameter to the stored procedure.

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Create And Then USE A Dynamically-named Database?

Nov 2, 2006

I have a need to create a database, and then populate it. However, thecode below doesn't work as I hoped it might (it creates the table inthe "master" database, which is Not A Good Thing). I know already(thanks Tony!) that if you use Dynamic SQL for the USE command, thenthe subsequent operations need to be Dynamic SQL as well, which is apity since there are over 11,000 lines of it and I don't really fancydebugging it!Does anyone have a cunning plan? In a nutshell, I would like to beable to:1. Create a new database with a derived name - as in the case below aname based on the year, though it might be month as well.2. Create and populate tables in this new database.These operations would ideally be running from a scheduled job.Any thoughts?TIAEdward====================================USE MASTERDECLARE @DBName VARCHAR(123)SET @DBName = 'MyTest_' + CAST((Year(Getdate())) AS Varchar)if not exists(select dbid from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name =@DBName)exec('CREATE DATABASE ' + @DBName)elseraiserror('Database already exists.',3, 1)EXEC ('USE ' + @DBName)if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[TestTable]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable')= 1)drop table [dbo].[TestTable]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestTable] ([TestID] [int] NOT NULL ,[Description] [varchar] (50) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GO

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How To Dynamically Create Columns For A Table

Apr 29, 2008

how to dynamically create columns for a table

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I Need To Dynamically Create A Script Component

Oct 8, 2007

I need to dynamically create a script component (by code).
Is it possible?

Thanks ahead,

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Trying To Dynamically Create Text Files

Oct 27, 2006

I need to get a list of customer ids and then use them as a parameter to select from a transaction table and then create a file for each customer. I have used an execute SQL task to get the list of customers and have put the result set into a variable.

How do go through the recordset to create a file for each customer?

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Create Query Dynamically According To Parameter

Dec 6, 2007

I have a parameter in my report with 2 options.
1."Less than Jan 1 2007"
2."Greater than Jan 1 2007"

According to the option selected, I should have the query look like:
1."Less than Jan 1 2007"
select * from table_name
where open_date < Jan 1 2007

2."Greater than Jan 1 2007"
select * from table_name
where open_date > Jan 1 2007

Please let me know how can I acheive this.I'm Using ORACLE database

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Transact SQL :: Dynamically Create A View

Jun 25, 2015

Log-in access web-page.When page is accessed a stored procedure is executed that will provide a list of all the RA(Problem -- when a new building is added, this stored procedure must be opened and syntax added)..Results are stored in a drop down list on the page.Create a table holds list of all buildings something similar to this

Create Table [dbo].[BuildingInformation] (
BuildingName varchar(50),
RAName varchar(50)


Alter the stored procedure so that when it is run it will iterate the BuildingInformation table and compare the value in BuildingInformation to the values in the field BuildingName of the view [RA].  If all buildings contained in the table [BuildingInformation] exist in the view [RA] nothing will change.  If their are values in the [BuildingInformation] table that do not exist in the view [RA], the view [RA] will be dropped and recreate with a 'Union ALL' for each building in the table

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Create Report.rdlc In Dynamically

Oct 23, 2007

I' m using Microsoft Reporting. Is there a way to create Report .rdlc file Dynamically on the fly? I' m using
Any help can be appreciated.

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Backup File Location & Name

Jul 11, 2002

Is the name of the most recent backup file for each database stored anywhere in SQL2K? I want execute a SQA job periodically that takes the BAK from database A and restores it over database B (using the T-SQL RESTORE DATABASE procedure), but I need to know the exact name of the .BAK file; i.e. I need to know the yyyymmddhhmm value at the end of that file.



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Moving A Log File Location

May 14, 2008

I've got some users that created a database with the log file on a drive that doesn't have a lot of space. I'd like to truncate the log and move it to a different drive. I can truncate it, but is moving it as easy as changing the files properties through SSMS?


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Transaction Log File Location

Jul 18, 2007

version:SQL Server 2000.
db size: 25.6GB
trans log file: 32GB
so far: I have read the Forum FAQ on "clearing the transaction file" and some DBCC SHRINK in Books Online.

I am trying to set up maintenance plan or backup plan. File sizes are getting very large and performance is horrible since we have had no regular maintainence in the past (No DBA in house).

1. What is the best way to identify the location of the transaction log file associated with a particular database?

When I right-click on the database name in Enterprise Manager and select properties, I can see one location for the transaction log.

However, If I right-click on the database > All Tasks > Shrink Database > click Files and select Temp_Table_Log, I get a different location.

2. We delete then repopulate about 105000 records in one particular table each day. In addition, we do the same with about a hundred rows in several other tables daily.
-- Should I be doing Full Backups nightly?
-- I have the option set to "AutoShrink" on the db. Will this truncate and shrink the transaction log as well as shrink the db when I do a full backup?


PiĆ¹ pranzo libero!

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How To Get Setup File Location

Oct 13, 2015

I am requested to list out SQL Server setup file location but a bit confused with it, I can see two setup files in two different locations:

All Programms>Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2>Configuration Tools>SQL Server Installation Center (64bit)>Right Click>Open File Location: Directing to LandingPage
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapSQLServer2008R2x64

But here below it is found the setup file location:


Here in case I have to install a new instance which one I have to select?

To repair the existing instance which setup file I have to select?

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About The Location Of Database File.

Dec 22, 2006

I can install the SQL Server Express in a computer and locate the database files in another computer of the same local network?

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How To Specify Log File Location During Installation?

Dec 22, 2005

Is it possible to set the log file location during installation?  I don't see an option under Advanced.  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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How To Dynamically Create SQL Inside A Stored Procedure?

Feb 28, 2005

I am having problem with 'TOP @pageSize'. It doesn't work, but if I replace it by 'TOP 5' or 'TOP 6' etc., then the stored procedure runs without errors.
Can someone please tell me how I could use @pageSize here so that it dynamically determines the 'n' of 'TOP n' ?

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.spGetNextPageRecords

@pageSize int,
@previousMaxId int


SELECT Top @pageSize ProductId, ProductName
FROM Products
WHERE (ProductID > @previousMaxId) order by ProductId

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Dynamically Generating CREATE INDEX Statements

Feb 15, 2001

Does anyone have any SQL that will look at a DB and dynamically generate CREATE INDEX statements? I
know I can use EM but I want to make this a scripted process and you can only generate CREATE INDEX statement if
you script out the tables too.

Any Ideas??


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Dynamically Create Connection Managers @ Run Time

Jan 28, 2006

Is there a way to dynamically create a connection manager @ run time? I would like to do this from a data set of connection strings so I can link them into a union all component.

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