I'm currently struggeling in creating some SQL script to create stored procedures. I found the following example on MSDN:
Code SnippetUSE pubs
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects
WHERE name = 'au_info2' AND type = 'P')
USE pubs
@lastname varchar(30) = 'D%',
@firstname varchar(18) = '%'
SELECT au_lname, au_fname, title, pub_name
FROM authors a INNER JOIN titleauthor ta
ON a.au_id = ta.au_id INNER JOIN titles t
ON t.title_id = ta.title_id INNER JOIN publishers p
ON t.pub_id = p.pub_id
WHERE au_fname LIKE @firstname
AND au_lname LIKE @lastname
The thing is, I want to change and use it like this:
Code SnippetUSE pubsIF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects
But that does not seem to work.. I get the following error:
Code SnippetIncorrect syntax near the keyword 'PROCEDURE'
Any idea's? Any help is appreciated!
Kind regards,
Our ERP vendor is helping us migrate from one version of their product to another. In the new version, they have added some columns and changed a few data types in several existing tables.
They sent us a list of the modifications that were necessary, which we did (painstakingly) by hand. But, for other reasons the update failed and we have to start anew.
This got me thinking: is there any way to do this kind of update via a script/stored procedure? I don't have their exact changes handy, but it was stuff like the table "inmast" needs a column of varchar(50) called "lotc" added to it, and the "intime" table needs the datatype of columns "Mon" "Tue" "Wed" changed from text to varchar(50), stuff like that.
To get the results of a stored proc into a table you always had to know the structure of the output and create the table upfront.
CREATE TABLE #Tmp ( Key INT NOT NULL, Data Varchar );
Has SQL 2012 (or SQL 2014) got any features / new tricks to let me discover the table structure of a stored procedure output, - i.e treat it as a table
EXEC dbo.MyProc INTO #NewTmp or SELECT * INTO #NewTmp FROM ( EXEC dbo.MyProc )
Dear Techies,I making one stored procedure, which does some operation based on aninterface hash (#) table ---- name #mydata.This stored has two section of code (seperated by parameter value 0and 1)But hash table #mydata (same name) number/name of columns changes asper call 0 or 1.e.g.when call for 0, ----> Pass 2 columns as company_cd and section_cd ininterface hash (#) table ---- name #mydata.when call for 1, ----> Pass 3 columns as Section_cd, line_cd andsubline_cd in interface hash (#) table ---- name #mydata.As a result, none of the case (0 or 1) is running properly, It givesproblem.When I execute procedure for 0 by passing #mydata with two columns---> it gives problem in 1 section codeAnd When I execute procedure for 1 by passing #mydata with threecolumns ---> it gives problem in 0 section codePlease suggest !!! If anybody have faced the same problem or have anyidea about this case.(I think passing hash table with 3 column as col1,col2,col3 can servethe purpose, but this may cause rework in my case, so looking foralternate solution)Thanks in Advance,T.S.Negi
I have to create a stored procedure that accepts a column name and returns the name of the tables that have that column name. I'm not sure how to get it to accept the column name. Here's what I have so far:
create proc spTheNameOfTheProcedure as select table_name from information_schema.columns where column_name = XXXXXX
Say i had a system table in that table i had dbo.user then format (dd,mm,yyyy) after that i had dbo.user_backup_ 10_12_2007,dbo.user_backup_ 10_13_2007,dbo.user_backup_ 10_14_2007,dbo.user_backup_ 10_15_2007,dbo.user_backup_ 10_16_2007
If i use the SQL command SELECT * FROM paychexdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE name like 'users_backup_%' AND xtype = 'U' AND name not in( SELECT Top 3 name FROM paychexdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE name like 'users_backup_%' AND xtype = 'U' ORDER BY Name DESC)
results would be 10_12_2007,10_13_2007.
So i want to put those results in a backup file and keep top 3 which is 10_14,10_15,10_16. I want to create a store procedure that i can execute and do that for all my tables. this stored proc (sp) should first backup the table if it doesn't exist and then delete all but the most recent 3
I am trying to write a stored procedure that generates a PDF file for example my PDF file will look something like this (there should be spaces between the columns):
First Name Last Name Address Mike Mik Jr 141552 South Charlie D 1422141
Lets say my table name whichthat has all these data is called dbo.TestTable I spent so much time in google and I have not found one simple good example. Can you help me please
Is it possible to drop and then create a view from a stored procedure? Like the way you can drop and create a temp table. I want to create a view of the fields in a table something like: But I cannot include the field names, they may be changed by an admin user. If exists view 'custom_fields" drop view 'custom_fields' Create view custom_fields Select * From tblCustomFields And make this a view in the db named custom_fields. And I want to call it from a button click in my UI.
I need to use a stored procedure that will create a table. The table name must be passed to the stored procedure. This is what I have so far, but it does not allow me to run it.
alter procedure dbo.createNewBUtable ( @BU as varchar(50) ) as set nocount on; create table @BU ( BUid varchar(50) primary key, BUinfo varchar(50) )
Let me start by saying that SQL is not my strong suit so please bear with me.
Here's my situation I'm building a property portfolio system with db structure as follows
tblProperty (The master table - linked 1 to many via propertyID) tblValuations (columns valuationID, propertyID, currentValue, valuationDate)
For each property in tblProperty the valuations table can hold multiple valuation entries.
I need to have a summary that shows the number of properties a user has listed and crucially I need to be able to find the latest valuation for each property & add them together to retrieve the total value of a users portfolio
I'm totally stumped with this so any help/advice would be gratefully received
When I use comands insert and update with VB5 and ODBC, one temporary stored procedure is created in database tempdb to each command executed. These stored procedures are deleted only when the connection is closed. My program use comands insert and update inside a loop, and a lot of temporary stored procedure are generated and full the database tempdb. When it occur, others systems are afecteds.
My questions: Why it occur ? Wich have created this stored procedure ? How to avoid it occur ?
The versions are: SQL Server 6.5 Visual Basic 5.0 SQL Server ODBC Driver 2.65.0240
I have no right to connect to my hosting company using MS SQL2000 client. And I have to use stored procedure, can any body tell me is it possible to create stored procedure ( I need is complex one with loops of if loops). If possible please list the syntax.
I tried to create a stored procedure but instead of opening up to a new stored procedure it displays an exist stored procedure. I erased the code and typed in my code now i received this error message.
MS SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState:42000) Error 2729: Procedure ‘spUpdate_date_time’ group number 1 already exists in the database. Choose another procedure name
I am trying to create a database within a stored procedure, so that the database name is generated each time. Please review the attached code, as sql seems to error out on '@dname'
yesterday i was trying to create Stored procedure but it fails i don't know why
CREATE proc GetBooksbyBorrowerID @Borrower_id INT AS BEGIN SELECT A.BORROWER_ID ,a.ISBN, b.book_Title,b.LANGUAGE, CONVERT(VARCHAR,a.borrowed_from_date,103)"Borrowed On(dd/mm/yyyy)" FROM borrower_details a, book_mst b WHERE a.borrower_id=@Borrower_id AND a.ISBN = b.ISBN END GO EXEC SP_Task1 10001
Which permissions do I need to have (as a User) to create a Stored Procedure Which other entity's properties do I need to change in order to create a Stored Procedure
I am trying to create a view or Stored Procedure between different table
Table1 consist of the follwing Fields:
Ref_No: String hold the reference number, Unique Details: String
Table2: MasterRefNum : String, not Unique SubscriberRefNum : String, not Unique
What I am trying to do is that when the user enter a refernece number the system should return back 1- the details where Ref_No = the required refernece number 2- get all the SubscriberRefNum from Table2 where MasterRefNum = the required refernece number and from the Table1 get the details for those SubscriberRefNum numbers
Im am wandering if it is possible to create two views in two different tables from within the same stored proc:ex create proc myProc as use [myDb1] go create view myV1 as select * from mytable go use [myDb2] go create view myV2 as select * from mytable go
go --- of course the go's are not allowed in a sproc, the create statement must be the first of a query batch and a vew can not have the databaase name preapended like when creating a table plus one can not use the "use" word in a proc, I tried using exec to bypass the "first statement in a batch" and go restrictions but have not been able to overcome the "use [myDb]" restriction, is there a way to solve this problem?
Yes it looks like a stupid question but when i right click stored procedures and click new stored procedure, it gives me a QRY analyzer style window and all i can do is save the qry as a regular .qry file ?
Is there a stored procedure installed by sql server 2000 that I cancall and just pass in the name of a new database and have it createthe database for me? If not, how do I do it in sql? Thanks.
Is it possible to dynamically create an sql create view statement then execute that sql statement? Or because create views must be the first statement in a query batch, it's not possible?
In SQL Manager I can right click on a stored procedure, table, etc. and I am presented with a list of options one of which is "Create >". Clicking this I can get a script that will create the respective stored procedure or table and write the create script to the clipboard, a file, or an SQL query window. I want to automate this to essentially selectively "back up" our data base by creating one large script that will create the tables and stored procedures from the database. Is there an API, tool, or library call that I can get access to the code that implements these menu selections?