Create Tables Within A New Database

Jan 20, 2012

I'm attempting to use SQL statement to create tables within a new database, and I'm somewhat lacking in experience for this. Normally I'd simply create them through the GUI, but I want to get the hang of DDL statements.

I have written what I think are scripts to create one table with a primary key, create a unique index on it, and then create another table with a primary key and constrain two columns in the second table to the non-primary unique index in the first.

Use SKUTracking


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Solution!-Create Access/Jet DB, Tables, Delete Tables, Compact Database

Feb 5, 2007

From Newbie to Newbie,

Add reference to:

'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library

'Microsoft ADO Ext.2.8 for DDL and Security

'Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects 2.6 Library


Imports System.IO

Imports System.IO.File

Code Snippet


Public Shared Sub Restart()

End Sub

'You have to have a BackUps folder included into your release!

Private Sub BackUpDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BackUpDB.Click
Dim addtimestamp As String
Dim f As String
Dim z As String
Dim g As String
Dim Dialogbox1 As New Backupinfo

addtimestamp = Format(Now(), "_MMddyy_HHmm")
z = "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb"
g = addtimestamp + ".mdb"

'Add timestamp and .mdb endging to NewAppDB
f = "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissBackUpsNewAppDB" & g & ""


File.Copy(z, f)

Catch ex As System.Exception


End Try

MsgBox("Backup completed succesfully.")
If Dialogbox1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub

Code Snippet


Private Sub RestoreDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles

Dim Filename As String
Dim Restart1 As New RestoreRestart
Dim overwrite As Boolean
overwrite = True
Dim xi As String

With OpenFileDialog1
.Filter = "Database files (*.mdb)|*.mdb|" & "All files|*.*"
If .ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Filename = .FileName

'Strips restored database from the timestamp
xi = "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb"
File.Copy(Filename, xi, overwrite)
End If
End With

'Notify user
MsgBox("Data restored successfully")

If Restart1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub

Code Snippet


Private Sub CreateNewDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles

Dim L As New DatabaseEraseWarning
Dim Cat As ADOX.Catalog
Cat = New ADOX.Catalog
Dim Restart2 As New NewDBRestart
If File.Exists("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb") Then
If L.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then
Exit Sub
File.Delete("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb")
End If
End If
Cat.Create("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb;

Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5")

Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection
'Dim Cat As ADOX.Catalog
Dim Tablename As ADOX.Table
'Taylor these according to your need - add so many column as you need.
Dim col As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col1 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col2 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col3 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col4 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col5 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col6 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col7 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column
Dim col8 As ADOX.Column = New ADOX.Column

Cn = New ADODB.Connection
Cat = New ADOX.Catalog
Tablename = New ADOX.Table

'Open the connection
Cn.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb;Jet

OLEDB:Engine Type=5")

'Open the Catalog
Cat.ActiveConnection = Cn

'Create the table (you can name it anyway you want)
Tablename.Name = "Table1"

'Taylor according to your need - add so many column as you need. Watch for the DataType!
col.Name = "ID"
col.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger
col1.Name = "MA"
col1.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adInteger
col1.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col2.Name = "FName"
col2.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col2.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col3.Name = "LName"
col3.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col3.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col4.Name = "DOB"
col4.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adDate
col4.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col5.Name = "Gender"
col5.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col5.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col6.Name = "Phone1"
col6.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col6.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col7.Name = "Phone2"
col7.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col7.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable
col8.Name = "Notes"
col8.Type = ADOX.DataTypeEnum.adVarWChar
col8.Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable

Tablename.Keys.Append("PrimaryKey", ADOX.KeyTypeEnum.adKeyPrimary, "ID")

'You have to append all your columns you have created above

'Append the newly created table to the Tables Collection

'User notification )
MsgBox("A new empty database was created successfully")

'clean up objects
Tablename = Nothing
Cat = Nothing
Cn = Nothing

'Restart application
If Restart2.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If

End Sub

Code Snippet


Private Sub CompactDB_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles

Dim JRO As JRO.JetEngine
JRO = New JRO.JetEngine

'The first source is the original, the second is the compacted database under an other name.
JRO.CompactDatabase("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Program

FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb; Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5", "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;

Data Source=C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDBComp.mdb; JetOLEDB:Engine Type=5")

'Original (not compacted database is deleted)
File.Delete("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb")

'Compacted database is renamed to the original databas's neme.
Rename("C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDBComp.mdb", "C:Program FilesVSoftAppMissNewAppDB.mdb")

'User notification
MsgBox("The database was compacted successfully")

End Sub

End Class

View 1 Replies View Related

Create Tables For A Database?

Jul 16, 2014

Create a Database with the following:

a) Database to contain a list of people, their addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers.

b) Database to contain a list of cars, their names, their type (2 doors,4 doors, etc.), and their colour.

c) Database to allow only one owner per car

d) Database to allow multiple people to be able to act upon behalf of one car. (Disclosure of MOT details, request change of parts, etc)

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How To Create Database And Tables In MSDE

Sep 25, 2005

I have install the MSDE from Ofiice 2000 cd and my MSDE sql server is running fine that I can see from my tray bar with green arrow button. Now i want to create the database so can any body tell me how do i create database. Is there ne query analyser or enterprise manager by which I can create database. Also when i try to install starterkit it doen not allow me to install it. It ask me to select database from the dropdown list and when I select Localhost (only option available) and click on test connection it gives me error UnsuccessfullI am new at MSDN so please help me.

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How To Connect To SQL Database, Create Tables

Jan 2, 2006

Hi All, 1st of all happy New Year to all forum members
    I am new at I want to design a website
using as frontend and sql database as backend. I am able to
connect and add,update as well delete records when I use MsAcess and using the following connection strings...
sub Page_Load
dim dbconn,sql,dbcomm,dbread
dbconn=New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source=" & server.mappath("/database/northwind.mdb"))
sql="SELECT * FROM customers where city LIKE 'Berlin' order by city ASC"
dbcomm=New OleDbCommand(sql,dbconn)
end sub

But when I try to connect to sql database using the following connection strings I am unable to do so...

SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection("server=PLATINUMVSdotNET;database=pubs;Trusted_Connection=yes");
        SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter(" * from Authors", myConnection);

        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        myCommand.Fill(ds, "Authors");


I have written the servername as "PLATINUMVSdotNET" because when I
installed SQL SERVER 2000 I found a tray icon where the server name was
displaying the same (my computer name is PLATINUM).
When I used webmatrix I enterd the same server name and  windows
authentication I was able to create a database but How to create

Please help me out
Thanks in advance...

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How To Create Multiple Tables In A Database

Mar 6, 2008

I am trying to create multiple tables in a database using a SQL Script. First i want to find all the tables that have an Identity Column as a primary key in the database. Then for all the tables that meet the Identity Column and primary key criteria, I want to create a New Table.

For example if the Orders table has a Identity Column as a primary key, I want to Create a New Table called ProdID_Orders. The ProdID_Orders will have 1 column called ProdID.

If the OrdersDetails table has a Identity Column as a primary key, I want to Create a New Table called ProdID_OrdersDetails. The ProdID_OrdersDetails will have 1 column called ProdID.

If the Employee table has a Identity Column as a primary key, I want to Create a New Table called ProdID_Employee. The ProdID_Employee will have 1 column called ProdID.

so the Create Table Statement for the ProdID_Orders will look like this:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ProdID_Orders](

[ProdID] [int] NULL


The Create Table Statement for the ProdID_OrdersDetails will look like this:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ProdID_OrdersDetails](

[ProdID] [int] NULL


This sequence will continue for all the tables in the database that have an Identity Column as a primary key. Thanks. I will appreciate some assistance with this.

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Create Fields In Tables If They Do Not Exist In Database

Mar 31, 2008

I need some help constructing a query i need to run on my database. I need to add 2 fields to every table in my databse. However, some of the tables already have1 or both these fields so i need to somehow do a check if the dield already exists. If it does not create the fields. Im using a MS SQL express 2005 server.
Could anyone help me construct this. Im pretty novice at SQL.

View 7 Replies View Related

Stored Procedure To Create A New Database With Tables

Feb 28, 2007

I want my application to create a new database/tables when run for thefirst time. I have created a stored procedure to create the newdatabase named "budget". When I run the stored procedure, it createsthe budget database but the tables are created in the "master"database. Please help.

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Running Create Scripts For Database, Tables And Procedures

Jul 7, 2005

Hi there,I am trying to create a Sql Server 2005 Express database by running Sql Scripts. I have a script that has CREATE statements for tables and procedures. What I'd like it to do is create a new database with a name and a file location I specify.I searched high and low, tried lots of options with the SqlCmd tool but I keep getting authentication or other errors.Is this even possible? If so, does someone know of a good reference? I know I can create a new database and tables from within VWD but I need to create this database based on a .sql file....Thanks in advance....Imar

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SQL Server Express Is Working - What Tool Do I Use To Create Database And Tables?

Aug 16, 2006


I have SQL Server Express working however I don't see any tools to create a database and tables.

I am trying to create a database to store stock quotes that I will input from a c# program.

What tool should I use to design the database?

Thank you!

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SQL Security :: Create Database User And Give Grants To Few System Tables

Aug 12, 2015

Need to create a user in sql server provide grants to few system tables to the above user.

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Trouble Using ADOX To Create Linked Tables In Jet Database From An ODBC Datasource

Jun 5, 2007


I am using ADOX to create linked tables in a jet database from an ODBC datasource.
The tables in the ODBC data source does not have a primary key.
so I am only able to create read only linked tables.But I want to update the records also.
I tried adding a primary key column to the linked table while creating the link.
but I am getting an error while adding the table to the catalog.

The error message is "Invalid Argument".

I use the following code for creating the linked table

Sub CreateLinkedTable(ByVal strTargetDB As String, ByVal strProviderString As String, ByVal strSourceTbl As String, ByVal strLinkTblName As String)

Dim catDB As ADOX.Catalog
Dim tblLink As ADOX._Table

Dim ADOConnection As New ADODB.Connection

ADOConnection.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=" & strTargetDB & ";User Id=admin;Password=;")

catDB = New ADOX.Catalog

catDB.ActiveConnection = ADOConnection

tblLink = New ADOX.Table

With tblLink

' Name the new Table and set its ParentCatalog property
' to the open Catalog to allow access to the Properties
' collection.
.Name = strLinkTblName
.ParentCatalog = catDB

' Set the properties to create the link.
Dim adoxPro As ADOX.Property

adoxPro = .Properties("Jet OLEDB:Create Link")
adoxPro.Value = True

adoxPro = .Properties("Jet OLEDB:Link Provider String")
adoxPro.Value = strProviderString

adoxPro = .Properties("Jet OLEDB:Remote Table Name")
adoxPro.Value = strSourceTbl

End With

'Adding primary key,
'***** the source column name is "Code" ******
tblLink.Keys.Append("PrimaryKey", ADOX.KeyTypeEnum.adKeyPrimary, "Code")

'Append the table to the Tables collection.
'******The exception occurs on the following line***********

'Append the primary index to table.
catDB = Nothing

End Sub

If I avoid the line for adding the primary key,everything works fine,but the table ctreated is readonly.

Thanks in advance
Sudeep T S

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Integration Services :: Automate Process Using SSIS To Create Tables In Corresponding Database And Load Data

Oct 6, 2015

We are using SQL Server 2014 and SSDT-BI 2013. We have a reporting environment where business users create objects which need to be persisted for fiscal year reporting. Let's say for instance SQLSERVER1SRVR1 they create table objects like below in the reporting environment.

Accounting2014, Accounting2015 in AccountingDB; 
Sales2014, Sales2015 in SalesDB; 
Products2014, Products2015 in ProductsDB; 
Inventory2014, Inventory2015 in InventoryDB etc....

These tables are persisted for auditing in a different environment SQLSERVER2SRVR2 for finance & audit folks.We would want to automate this process using SSIS to create tables in corresponding database and load data. I tried using For Each Loop container but the catch is I could loop the source or destination but how do we loop on Source & Destination at the same time (i.e when source is in AccountingDB destination to be AccountingDB, source SalesDB then destination SalesDB so on etc....

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Cant Create New Database / CREATE DATABASE Permission Denied In Database Master (error 262)

Oct 2, 2007

 I am using SQL express and Visual web developer on windows Vista.
When I try to create a new database the following message appears.
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database master (error 262)
I log on to my computer as an administrator.
Help appreciated

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Why I Cannot Create/edit Tables In VS.Net Server Explorer For SQL Server 2000 Developer Local Database?

Apr 7, 2006

I found that when I install MSDE, then I can create/edit database objects for MSDE database in Visual Studio 2003 Server Explorer, but when I try to create/edit database objects under the default database created by the SQL Server 2000 installation, I cannot do these tasks as no option for these tasks appear when I right-click on the database object in Server Explorer.  Anyone knows why this is happening?

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How To Create Multiple Tables On The Fly So That Every User Each Has His/her Own Set Of Tables?

Aug 12, 2006

Hello all,

Being still a relative newcomer to SQL Server (people may say I'm trying to take on too much being somewhat inexperienced once they read about the problem I'm trying to tackle, but alas...) I'm running into the following problem: I need to create tables in my user database on the fly (using Stored Procedures) so that each table can be created many times in the database but only once for every user. The tables should be named something like "username.Table1", "username.Table2" etc. as opposed to "dbo.Table1". I then want to use the stored procedure from .NET/C# in my web application, so that i can create the complete set of usertables for each of my clients.

Now, I tackled the stored procedure part (that is, it creates all the tables I need with all the parameters I want) and am able to use it from my web application (which took some time to learn but proved quite easy to do), but I cannot seem to get it coupled to the current user (instead of the dbo). Every time I trie, the tables are created as dbo.Table1 and when I try to create a new set, it gives a warning ("table with name such and so already exists..."). I made sure to log in as an authenticated user (using forms authentication) before trying to create the tables but this gives the aforementioned result.

What am I doing wrong? I use Visual Web Developer Express, SQL Server 2005 Express and IIS version 5.1

Please help :-D


DJ Roelfsema

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How To Basically Copy Tables With New Names Rather Than Create Similar Tables From Similar Manual Input.

May 26, 2007

I have a table that I am basically reduplicating a couple of times for each part of this database that I want to create.Each table basically has the same data: The tables will be called motherTable, fatherTable, sonTable, daughterTable and so on.I am pretty much using the following in each column: UserID, MotherID(or FatherID or SonID, etc., etc. and so on for each unique table), FirstName, LastName, MiddleName, BirthPlace, Photo, Age.I don't see an option to copy a table and just modify the second ID part and rename that table accordingly.How can I make this an easier way of creating these similar tables without retyping all these columns over and over again?Thanks in advance. 

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Boolean: {[If [table With This Name] Already Exists In [this Sql Database] Then [ Don't Create Another One] Else [create It And Populate It With These Values]}

May 20, 2008

the subject pretty much says it all, I want to be able to do the following in in code):
{[If [table with this name] already exists [in this sql database] then [ don't create another one] else [create it and populate it with these values]}
How would I do this?

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Dynamic Create Table, Create Index Based Upon A Given Database

Jul 20, 2005

Can I dynamically (from a stored procedure) generatea create table script of all tables in a given database (with defaults etc)a create view script of all viewsa create function script of all functionsa create index script of all indexes.(The result will be 4 scripts)Arno de Jong,The Netherlands.

View 1 Replies View Related

Can CREATE DATABASE Or CREATE TABLE Be Wrapped In Transactions?

Jul 20, 2005

I have some code that dynamically creates a database (name is @FullName) andthen creates a table within that database. Is it possible to wrap thesethings into a transaction such that if any one of the following fails, thedatabase "creation" is rolledback. Otherwise, I would try deleting on errordetection, but it could get messy.IF @Error = 0BEGINSET @ExecString = 'CREATE DATABASE ' + @FullNameEXEC sp_executesql @ExecStringSET @Error = @@ErrorENDIF @Error = 0BEGINSET @ExecString = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @FullName + '.[dbo].[Image] ( [ID][int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [Blob] [image] NULL , [DateAdded] [datetime]NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]'EXEC sp_executesql @ExecStringSET @Error = @@ErrorENDIF @Error = 0BEGINSET @ExecString = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @FullName + '.[dbo].[Image] WITHNOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Image] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ID] ) ON[PRIMARY]'EXEC sp_executesql @ExecStringSET @Error = @@ErrorEND

View 2 Replies View Related

Create Script To Create/Refresh Identical Database

Mar 26, 2008

I'm new to using SSIS and have been reading and learning slowly how to use it. I'm trying to create an identical copy of our database for reporting. I've used the Import/Export wizard, but have had some issues with foreign keys and with sql_variant columns.

I've tried searching for anything but haven't had any luck as of yet. I guess I don't even know where to start or what to look for.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

View 9 Replies View Related

How To Create Tables?

Feb 5, 2000

Hi All,

I am a serious NT sql NEWBIE. I have installed v7 on my NT/MIIS. I want to allow
another party now to create tables on their SQL db they have runnning on my
server (their own domain)

What is the best way -? Do they send me the scripts or is there a way to run them
remotely and create them.

If they do send me the scripts what do I do?


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How To Create Log Tables

May 9, 2008

hi everybody

Can anyone tell me how to crate log tables and how to insert value into log tables?

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How To Create Such Tables??

Mar 23, 2006

hello all...

i want to drop table 2Autonumber ---- table name but when i run query i am getting following error

drop table 2Autonumber

Error : Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '2'.

also know how to create such tables??



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Create Tables Dynamically

Sep 12, 2007

Hi! I am using VS 2003 (v 1.1)
I need to generate tables with the values from the Backend (SQLServer 2000) database in C#.Net.
How can i create the tables, tablerows, cells, etc. from the codebehind page of C#. I am having a very little knowledge about dynamic generation.
Give me the complete code with can example (if possible)
Thanks & Regrads
Jai Shankar

View 1 Replies View Related

Create New Sql Tables Correctly

Dec 12, 2007


View 6 Replies View Related

Create Tables With Other Different Prefixes

Jun 7, 2008

I was  just looking at the AdventureWorks Database Sample and I see the Tables and the Procedures have different prefixes other than dbo. How can I create Tables that use different prefixes as I would like to organize my tables better. Thanks in advance.

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How To Create 3 Users Tables?

Dec 21, 2005

Hello,In my web site I have 2 types of users: students and professors.All users need to login but the personal information for each user type has different fields.So I create 3 tables: professors, students and authentication,"professors" will have all the personal data from professors."students" will have all the personal data from students.authentication will have the username and password from all users.How can i link authentication table to both professors and students tables so when the user logins i get the data from that user, either a professor or student?And is the right way to do this?I am using SQL 2005 and Asp.Net 2.0Thanks,Miguel

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Create Views Not Tables

Jun 9, 2004

I want to allow a group of users to create views but not be able to create new tables or stored procedures... how can I do this ??

Thanks, John :eek:

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Create Tables Under Different Users.

Nov 30, 2004

I know this may sound stupid but I really can't figure out how to do it. I just keep going around in cricles.

I need to create six table under three different users. so I would have users1 owning tableA and tableB. Then I would have users2 owning another copy of tableA and tableB. same for users3.

But I just can't find a way of doing it, I am using enterprise manager. Please help, Ed

View 5 Replies View Related

Help Create Query Against Two Tables

Apr 5, 2006

stepdefinition has

task has

flowid and stepid for both tables match; meaning that if i found a record in task with a certain taskid, i could query stepdefinition with the same flowid and stepid to find the steptype.

well, i wanna do it the other way around. I query stepdefinition to find a list of flowids and stepids for a specific steptype.

select flowid, stepid from stepdefinition where steptype = -3

Now, I want to find all taskids in task for each flowid/stepid combination

here's a visual

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Need Help Figuring Out How Many Tables To Create

Apr 17, 2006

Hi, I have a users table in my SQL Server database. Now, I am looking to create a table (or multiple tables) to allow users to post their weekly events, meetings, activities, and accomplishments to the database. Each Monday morning, each user will enter their new schedule for that week and the previous week's entry will be archived in the database. My question is: what would make more sense? Should I create one big table that would have the following columns:

- Week Number (the current week number in the year)
- User ID
- Events
- Meetings
- Activities
- Accomplishments

And each user would have one row in the database per week.

OR should I create 4 separate tables named Events, Meetings, Activities, Accomplishments. Each of these tables would have the following columns: (for instance, the Events table would contain:)

- eventID (auto incremented number)
- userID
- weekNumber
- event_description

Each time a user adds a new event to their schedule, a new row in the Events table is created. Each time a user adds a new accomplishment, a new row in the Accomplishments table is created. etc., etc.

Which approach seems to make more sense and would be easier to maintain? Also, which one would conserve database space better and result in faster querying.

Thanks, Dave

View 11 Replies View Related

How Can I Create A History Of Tables?

May 31, 2006

I have to create a history of tables. Therefore I must know the previous structure of the table. I have to document the changes of the structures of the tables.
Is there a solution for the version 2000?

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