Creating An Existing Db Schema Baseline

Jul 20, 2005

What is the best method of creating schema creation scripts that can be
stored into a version control system. The process of using em to
generate a script is not an appealing option. I am still learning the
MS Sql sys tables and have not found a useful list of all the codes &
types to join the tables etc.


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Renaming An Existing Schema

Oct 9, 2007

How to rename an existing schema in SQL 2005?

My guess is may be using ALTER SCHEMA but books online does not have any info or syntax.

Does all securables within that schema will reflect the new schema name?

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How Do I Upgrade An Existing Database Schema?

May 8, 2006

I have written some software using .NET 2.0, a WinForms app, which uses SQL Server Express as a database. Although I've done my best to set up the database to take into account all of the features, etc., after releasing the first version, I need to make some changes to the database schema, but want to do so without wiping out the entire database for existing users. How do I go about upgrading the database schema for users who are already using the software? I'm thinking I should start by writing a helper app to do so whose sole purpose is to upgrade the schema. The app would be run at install-time, but I don't have any idea how to actually upgrade the schema. I am using C++/CLR .NET, but examples in other .NET languages are more than welcome. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Keep Existing Object Unchanged Or Create Schema At Subscriber =false?

Aug 15, 2006


I have the same database(3GB) in 2 physical locations in usa and europe

I need to create a publisher and subscriber between these 2 database without sending any snapshot  because i have the same data in the 2 sides, is it possible ?



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Creating Table With Different SCHEMA...

Sep 27, 2005

Hi all,
i m using sql server2005 CTP...i created a database called TEL and in that database i created a user(in security) as
/****** Object: User [COLL_DB] Script Date: 09/27/2005 15:38:51 ******/

Now,when i m trying to create a table in the database TEL as
CREATE TABLE [COLL_DB].abc (c numeric)

it gives me error saying
The specified schema name "COLL_DB" either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.

Now,can someone tell me...what i have to do to fix this error?????????

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Creating A FK On Existing Tables

Sep 22, 2006

I am working with an existing database and there is no Foreign key between 2 tables
how can i create a FK after , when the tables are allready full ?

product :


report :


i want to create a FK on product.report_id, and ON DELETE CASCADE

thank you

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Incorrect Syntax Near 'XML'-While Creating XML Schema

Jul 3, 2007

 Hi,       Im trying to create a xml schema like     CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION BooksSchemaCollection ASN'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><xsd:schema elementFormDefault="unqualified"   attributeFormDefault="unqualified"   xmlns:xsd="" >    <xsd:element name="book">        <xsd:complexType mixed="false">            <xsd:sequence>                <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string"/>                <xsd:element name="author" type="xsd:string"/>                <xsd:element name="publisher" type="xsd:string"/>                <xsd:element name="cost" type="xsd:integer"/>                <xsd:element name="comments" type="xsd:string"/>            </xsd:sequence>                              </xsd:complexType>    </xsd:element></xsd:schema>';  

But when i execute , im getting a error  like Incorrect syntax near 'XML' .any one know why its comming?????? Thanks 

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Creating Schema Binding View

Jan 18, 2008

Dear All,
we are using one view which is having around 30000 rows.
it is taking too much time to retrieve data. that's why i've decided to create an indexed view.

now i'm getting this error.
Cannot schema bind view 'view1' because name 'Table19' is invalid for schema binding. Names must be in two-part format and an object cannot reference itself.

what is the solution for this error?

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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When Creating, How To Specify That Table Belongs To A Particular Schema?

Mar 9, 2006

Using Management Studio, when i create a new table/stored proc., the owner is always dbo. How do I change this when I create it? Also how to transfer it to another schema once it has been created?

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Receiving Msg 2760 After Creating Schema

Feb 20, 2008

I have just had SQL Server 2005 installed on my machine. I did have SQL Server 2000 on my machine previously and can still access parts of 2000.

In 2005 I do not have the option schema option under security for any of the databases; therefore, I tried creating the schema manually as you will see below.

In 2005 I execute the following



I, then, execute the following



SalesPersonId INT,

SalesPersonName VARCHAR(50)



The message returned is

Msg 2760, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Specified owner name 'TEST' either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.

Can you give me the correct syntax on how to create the schema manually? Do you know why this is not showing up under security for the databases?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Not Getting Dbo Schema After Creating Then Saving A New Table

Jan 22, 2008

I am not getting the correct schema once I've created a new table in SQL Server 2005. I am expecting to see dbo.Table_Name. Instead I'm getting UserName1.Table_Name. I was set up as a DB owner. How can I get what I'm expecting to see?

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Creating A Project From An Existing Database

Mar 2, 2006

I have the full blown Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (MSSMS) installed on my workstation.

We have a number of existing databases that I'd like to manage with MSSMS and put into source control.

How do I get MSSMS to "import" or "Convert" an existing SQL server 2000 database into a project that I can manage with MSSMS? We have not used Source safe up to this point, but would like to start doing so now.

This seems like it ought to be explained well up front in any discussion of converting from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 or installing 2005, but I can't find ANYTHING useful in the BOL or other help.

Thanks for any help you can give me.

-Rob Marmion

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Creating DB Schema From A Script Or Stored Procedure?

Jan 7, 2005

Hi there,

I am a fairly experienced programmer, but new to SQL Server - I understand basic DB theory well enough, but don't have much practical experience with using SQL Server.

I'm working on a project at the moment, where, as part of the spec, users can create 'systems' in the database. For example, in a parts database for a pumping station, there may be 10,000 parts. Rather than have one huge database for, say, 10 pumping stations, we would prefer to have 10 smaller databases, each dedicated to its own system. The schemas would be identical.

I think one approach to this would be have an empty database in SQL server (with the correct tables/schemas/relationships etc) and then copy that within SQL server, with a new name (the system name), probably using a stored procedure.

My question: Is this possible, is there already a stored procedure in SQL Server (2000) to do this, or do I have to write one? Writing a SP to physically create the database from scratch would be a nightmare, I'm hoping there is a simple 'copy_db to new_db' type stored procedure. Maybe there is a program can read a DB and create a script to re-create the DB under a new name?

Any information greatly appreciated.

Mark Wills.

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Problem Creating Function To Be Schema Independent

Apr 1, 2008

I am writing a SQLServer script that I want to be schema name independent. I mean I know that all users of the script will have the same tables, but not necessarily the same schema name.

When I hard code the script to use the name of my schema, wcadmin, it works OK.

CREATE FUNCTION wcadmin.dectohex(@a numeric)
RETURNS varchar(8)
DECLARE @x varchar(8)
DECLARE @y varchar(1)
DECLARE @z numeric
DECLARE @w numeric

SET @w=@a
SET @x=''

WHILE @w > 0
SET @z = @w % 16;

SET @y= CASE @z
ELSE CAST(@z AS varchar)

SET @w = ROUND(@w/16,0,1)
SET @x = @y + @x

-- Pads the number with 0s on the left
SET @x = RIGHT(REPLICATE('0',8) + @x ,8)

ad.fileName ContentFilename,
fh.hostName VaultHost,
wcadmin.dectohex(fi.uniqueSequenceNumber) VaultFile,
fm.path VaultPath
WTDocument di,
WTDocumentMaster dm,
HolderToContent hc,
ApplicationData ad,
FvItem fi,
FvFolder ff,
FvMount fm,
FvHost fh
where di.idA3masterReference = dm.idA2A2
and fm.idA3A5 = ff.idA2A2
and fm.idA3B5 = fh.idA2A2
and fi.idA3A4 = ff.idA2A2
and ad.idA3A5 = fi.idA2A2
and hc.idA3B5 = ad.idA2A2
and hc.idA3A5 = di.idA2A2

DROP FUNCTION wcadmin.dectohex;

But when I remove my schema name I get the error

'dectohex' is not a recognized built-in function name.

In this case I'm just using :-

CREATE FUNCTION dectohex(@a numeric)
ad.fileName ContentFilename,
fh.hostName VaultHost,
dectohex(fi.uniqueSequenceNumber) VaultFile,

Creating and dropping the function seems to work OK when I drop the schema name, I just can't call it.

I've been trying various permutations of dbo and [dbo] prefixes unsuccessfully.

Any suggestions?



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Installing, Creating Database, Updating Schema?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi there,I have a database on my test machine that will need to be installed on usersmachines. I would like to create the database with the given schema on theusers machine and also with some suitable default values in the tables. Inote that although I can script the schema so that re-creating the structureof the database is simple on the users machine, I cannot script the contentsof the tables also (automatically). What I would like to do is take somekind of "snapshot", save it as a script and then run this script in myinstaller. Are there any tools available to do this?Secondly and related to the above: if I subsequently make changes to thedatabase schema (adding or removing columns, altering, adding or removingstored procedures etc.), how do I roll out those changes to a customer? DoI need to hand code an "upgrade" script, or is there a tool that willproduce a "difference between" script I can run on the customers machine?Thanks for any tips you can give me about this.Robin

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Creating A Query Showing File Not Existing

Jan 16, 2008

This is a SQL question while using Microsoft SMS.

I am trying to write a SQL query looking for a specific file in a specific directory. If the File does not exist, then I want it to display.

here is the Code that I have for it that shows that the file exists... how do I make it show that the file doesn't exist?... what am I doing wrong?

Thanks for all your help in advance!


SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT SYS.Netbios_Name0, SYS.User_Name0, SF.FileName, SF.FileVersion, SF.FileSize, SF.FileModifiedDate, SF.FilePath,
FROM dbo.v_GS_SoftwareFile SF INNER JOIN
dbo.v_R_System SYS ON SYS.ResourceID = SF.ResourceID
WHERE (SF.FileName = 'UdaterUI.exe')
AND (SF.FilePath = 'C:Program FilesMcAfeeCommon Framework')
(SF.FileName = 'UdaterUI.exe')
AND (SF.FilePath = 'c:Program FilesNetwork AssociatesCommon Framework')
ORDER BY SF.FileVersion, SYS.Netbios_Name0

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Creating A Single View From 2 Existing Views

Aug 9, 2007

I have 2 views which contain the following fields:

The 2 views differ by SEASON. I'm attempting to combine the 2 views in to a single view or table grouping by EVENT, WEEK and SUBSCRIPTION:

Q6 (qty of season 1),
A6 (gross_amount of season 1),
Q7 (qty of season 2),
A7 (gross_amount of season 2)

Below is my select command:



dbo.vw_SEASON07 ON dbo.vw_SEASON06.WEEK = dbo.vw_SEASON07.WEEK AND
dbo.vw_SEASON06.EVENT = dbo.vw_SEASON07.EVENT




This creates the view but there are some issues. If an 'EVENT' exists in dbo.vw_SEASON07.EVENT and doesn't exist in dbo.vw_SEASON06.EVENT the value of the field 'EVENT' is set to NULL because the 'EVENT' name is returned from dbo.vw_SEASON06.EVENT. The same issue exists for 'SUBSCRIPTIONS' and 'WEEK'.

How can I create a single view/table that will include all the data from these 2 views without the NULL values in EVENT or SUBSCRIPTION?

Any help is appreciated!

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Transact SQL :: Creating PK On All Existing Tables Where It Does Not Exists?

May 6, 2015

I have been asked to create PK on many tables using a query on all tables where we do not have clustered indexes. Some of the tables contains PK but non-clustered. If in a table there are no PK, then how to decide on which column PK can be created? can we do it with the query without data loss and without human intervention?

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Is It Possible To Create A Schema Or Table From A Dbf File Instead Of Manully Creating It

Oct 26, 2007

Is it possible to create a schema or table in sql server from a dbf file instead of manully creating it

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SQL 2012 :: How To Prepend Value To Existing Value While Creating A Temp Column

Dec 5, 2014

I am looking for a way to create a temp column who's value would take the value of another column and prepend a value like this to it "domain". This is the Select statement I currently have:

SELECT Nalphakey,[Last Name],[First Name],[User Name],[E-mail Address],[User Name]
FROM SkywardUserProfiles

I understand how to create an Alias for an existing column, but not sure how to do what I am wanting. I also understand that the following will do the concatenation that I need, but I have only used it in an UPDATE query, and I'm not sure how to use it within a Select statement or if that's even possible:

domainName=CONCAT('domain',User Name);

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Dynamically Creating New Worksheets To An Existing Excel Document

Aug 31, 2007

Hi All,

I have an exiting excel workbook say master.xls. Now I need to dynamically create and append a new worksheet to the above master.xls every month end using the Reporting services.

Could you please guide me how dynamically creating the worksheets task can be achieved using the reporting services?

Your any guidance or help in this matter will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Raman Kohli

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Tempoary Table Question - How To Create One With The Same Schema As An Existing Table?

Jul 28, 2006


I'd like to create a temporary table with the same schema as an exiting table. How can I do this without hard coding the column definitions into the temporary table definition?

I'd like to do something like:

CREATE TABLE #tempTable LIKE anotherTable

..instead of...


I'm sure there must be a simple way to do this!

Many thanks,

Ben S

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Creating Nested Tables Inside Of A Existing SQL Server Express Table

May 26, 2007


Quick question, I hope, I am trying to create a table that has a column that is a nested table in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. Any ideas how I could go about doing this?


James Simpson

Straightway Technologies Inc.

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Baseline Performance

Apr 7, 2000


I have a 5G database with 1G log file running on SQL server6.5. I would like to establish a short list of performance Monitor objects (NT & SQL server) so that is adequate to capture application performance.
I would like to get some advice:
1.What kind of objects should I monitor on my list?
2.How to automate the process (via a resource kit utility?) to save a new log file off daily and manage an archive process?
3.How to set alerts/notification (but no SQL mail is available now)?

Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance.

Stella Liu

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Baseline Security Analyzer

Jan 29, 2003

Hello, I'm running sql2k sp3 on a win2k server. I run the baseline security Analyzer and get yellow (X's) for unchecked buffer in windows help facility, ms02-55.

Flaw in SMB signing could enable group policy to be mofdified, MS02-070

These warnings are telling me that my file versions are greater than expected. the file i have is version 5.2.3718.0 and the one it wants is 5.2.3669.0 and its the same for the other file as well. do i need to fix this?

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SQL Profiler Duration And CPU Baseline

Jan 9, 2007

Sarfaraz writes "I have captured SQL Profiler data. I was reviewing top running CPU intensive SQL statements. The Duration (in seconds) 1.39, 1.09, 0.16 and CPU (in seconds) 0.97, 0.95, 0.16 respectively for some SQL statements. How do I know what is the normal baseline for duration and CPU in order to determine the CPU intensive SQL statements.

Secondly same question for long running procedure duration 0.14, 0.11. What is the normal baseline here. Is this normal or too long.


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Performance Baseline Report

Aug 23, 2007

Hi all,

I want to create a server performance baseline report for my database server. I know I can use System Mointor and SQL Profiler to monitor the server by reading the "SQL Server Books Online". However, there have too many counters, I don't know which counters should I use. If I choose to use the counter, I don't know what is the expect value for the counter.

For example, SQL Server: Buffer Manger Object has almost 22 counters. Which counters should I monitor? If I monitor AWE Lookup Maps/Sec, then what is the expect value for the good performance.

Anyone know a good refer or test book can help me to create a basline report

Thank a lot!

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Establishing A Baseline With Perfmon

Dec 13, 2007

I am training to be a DBA in a company running about 30 machines with MS SQL Server (2000 and 2005). Last week I went to a class where the instructor recommended establishing a performance baseline using windows performance monitor. He also advised to run perfmon remotely so as to not effect the performance.

What I am wondering is since I have so many different machines to baseline, can I run perfmon on one box, using a seperate counter log for each server? I would like to get a nice week-long baseline for each machine, but I also don't want to get bad data by running too many logs at the same time.

My plan is to do a small set of counters for processor, memory, disk, and the SQL server instance(about 10 counters total).

If anyone has experience in this area, I would appreciate any advice that you might have.



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Microsoft Baseline Security Analyser 2.1

Sep 27, 2007


I downloaded MBSA and ran it against my SQL 2005 Server. It tells me that I have a severe risk because

'The following databases have public access.Remove the public access if it is not required - tempdb , model , msdb , ReportServer , ReportServerTempDB'

I have checked these databases and each have the Guest User but it is disabled. If I check the database properties the public role has no permissions against the listed databases.

Is this a bug with MBSA? If not how do I remove Public Access?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Determine Baseline For Servers

Apr 9, 2015

I've been put in a situation where I have a number of SQL DB's running on 2005/2008 which I have responsibility for. I've been given limited information so am looking at a starting point to determine where I go from here.

I have of course ensured there is a backup strategy in place to secure the data.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Index Changes In Production And Baseline

Jul 1, 2015

We are adding 4-5 indexes to one database and dropping 2 unused indexes. I don't have proper testing environment. How to monitor these indexes changes? Do we need to run any baseline but we don't get load all the time same load all the days

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SQL 2012 :: Stored Procedures / Objects Baseline

Jul 7, 2015

Any method on creating baselines for your stored procedures/objects.

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SQL 2012 :: Microsoft Baseline Configuration Analyzer Error

Mar 13, 2014

I'm trying to run the SQL Server 2012 Best Practices Analyzer. After learning that I first had to install the Microsoft Baseline Configuration Analyzer, I did that.

When I tried to run the Microsoft Baseline Configuration Analyzer/Best Practices Analyzer remotely, though, I got an extremely verbose error message and want to confirm if I really need to do all of the steps involved on each target server that I want to analyze.

Here is what I tried after launching the Microsoft Baseline Configuration Analyzer application (I'm using 'MYSERV' as the target server name):

1. Clicked on "Connect to another computer"
2. Clicked "Another computer:" entered: MYSERV
3. Checked the "Connect as another user:" box
4. Clicked "Set User..." added by Windows credentials.
5. Checked the Use CredSSP box
6. Clicked OK.

After a second or two, the error below came back. Is that what I have to do on each remote computer to run the analyzers?

Microsoft Baseline Configuration Analyzer

Connecting to the remote server failed with the following error message : The WinRM client cannot process this request. CredSSP authentication is currently disabled in the client configuration. Change the client configuration and try the request again. CredSSP authentication must also be enabled in the server configuration. Also, Group Policy must be edited to allow credential delegation to the target computer. Use gpedit.msc and look at the following policy: Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Credentials Delegation -> Allow Delegating Fresh Credentials. Verify that it is enabled and configured with an SPN appropriate for the target computer. For example, for a target computer name "", the SPN can be one of the following; WSMAN/ or WSMAN/* For more information


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