Creating Index Time Increases Poroportional To The Amount Of Rows???
Apr 28, 2008
I have a problem. I want to know if the time which is needed for creating an index increases proportional to the amount of rows. example: if creating an index on a table which 10.000 rows takes 15 seconds. does creating an index on a table with 20.000 rows take 30 seconds , 40.000 rows 60 seconds and so on...
or does it take longer like 10.000 rows 15 second, 20.000 rows 40 seconds, 40.000 rows 80 seconds.
please help to select these rows from these tables my tables aretable1table1Id groupId table2id price1 1 1 102 1 3 10003 1 4 5004 2 1 55 2 3 10006 2 2 2000table2table2id name1 hello2 test3 test14 test2ok i want to select maximum priced row from table1 grouped by groupidwith table2id and table2.namemy out put isgroupid price table2id table2.name1 1000 3 test12 2000 2 testif i do :select groupid,max(table1.price) as price from table1 group by pricethis will give me the max priced row from table1but when i join them with the table2 it gives me all rowslikeSelect groupid,max(price) as price,table2id, from table1inner join on table2group by groupid,table2id,table2.nameit gives me all rows cause i had to group by and table2.namebut i can't take it out cause it give me no aggrigated value errori can't figure out any other way, please helpSQL Server 2000thankseric
I have an application that allows users to "reserve" a certain time and location for practice sessions. I want them to look at a web form that shows which times are available and then allows them to select an open slot and then submit this form with some personal information. My problem is that as soon as they select an open slot, other users should see that this slot is no longer available. On the other hand, if someone selects an open slot and then takes too long to type in their personal information, I want it somehow to kick them out and re-open this slot back up.
I know that I can create a field called 'status' in my database that gets turn to something like 'pending' as soon as the first user clicks on an open slot, but how would I turn this field back to the 'open' state if the user took too long to enter their data?
TotalSelected.Value = SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblNews";
the reason i am tring to do this is so if i can find out the amount of rows before sqldatasource selects for details view then i can make the sqldataesource select depends on total minus 5 so e.g. if total 200 then - 5 so i can select bottom 195 so it misses top 5 for details view any1 any ideas? Thanks Andy,
Hello,I have experienced that some of my tables occupies an extremely large amountof pages but with few rows. An example is a table with 37 rows over 22000pages !. The columns are simple integer and char. I fixed the problem byintroducing a clustered index. Now it only uses 1 page. But can anyoneexplain this behaviour in SQLServer 2000 ?regards Jakob Mathiasen
I am wondering if it€™s possible to lock a SQL table for specific amount of time, say 5 min.
There is a particular 'Phone' table on the database that should never get locked. Yet, during the development stages we have noticed that the table gets locked at time. The issue since has been resolved to the best of our ability, but, there is still a vague chance that the table can get locked due to the multiple jobs that query the table, when we go live.
If such a situation occurs, we just want to be able flip the switch that will send the server to the mirror mode and the previously mirrored database to become the principal.
So, I just want to recreate a situation by voluntarily locking the table.
We are running merge replication, SQL Server 2005 Enterprise with SQL Mobile 2005 (Windows Mobile 5) subscribers. Partitions are filtered on HOST_ID.
Ocassionally we experience a situation where a subscriber experiences an unusually long synchronization duration, and upon examining Replication Monitor, it appears that twice the number of rows, or X the number of rows (up to 7 times the number of rows) that should have been inserted are recorded as synchronized for the session: once the normal amount as inserts and once the normal amount as updates. This occurs for all tables in the subscription. This occurs on a first time synchronization to an empty subscriber database where there should be only inserts taking place.
I have examined the snapshot partition folders for these users on the file system and they appear to be identical in size and content as other subscribers. Checking the last partition snapshot job run and other characteristics for the the subscriber in question, everything appears to be the same as other subscribers functioning normally.
The HOST_ID for us is an employee ID used to filter employee specific data. I have seen this happen if the subscriber changes the value for the HOST_ID used in filtering, after the mobile database has already been populated (2 employees attempt to use the same mobile device and database). But, we have seen this happen recently where the HOST_ID was apparantly never changed midstream.
This just started happening recently. The only modification around the same time frame was the implementation of a custom business logic handler/custom conflict resolver that performs like "Latest Wins" but has logic added to update the a last-update datetime column for selected transaction tables at time of synchronization, so that an SSIS job can detect the changed rows for copying incremental database changes to another application database. This all seems to be working perfectly.
Hi, My application needs to retrieve data from a table which has more than 15 lakh records. The records keep increasing in thousands every 15 days. Is there anyway i can reduce the time to retrieve? basically i have a select statement with a few conditions and a clause for the id's of these records.
I need to show the total amount of rows in a specific table?
The query is as follows:
As part of the planning process to expand the database that supports Northwind operations, the IT manager would like to know how many rows are currently in specific tables so that he can conduct capacity planning.
The results needed include two columns, TableName( containing all the tables in the database and Rows, which contain the total amount of all the rows per table).
Is there a way ( using an included SSIS task rather than coding a script task) to detect whether a package has run longer than a specified period of time?
So I can send an email to operators notifying them that a job is taking longer than usual.
I have an issue where I have multiple rows of data and I need to reduce a dollar amount by a fixed maximum. I am going to throw some code in here to give a rudimentary idea of the data and what the final result should be.
I need to run an update so that the result of the following query:
select LineNum, Code, Amt, MaxAmt from
@tblLooks like this:
LineNum Code Amt MaxAmt ----------- ---- --------------------- --------------------- 1 AA 10.00 50.00 2 AA 20.00 50.00 3 AA 20.00 50.00
(3 row(s) affected)
I have tried cursors but got unexpected results or the MaxAmt always defaulted to the original even if I updated it. This seems like a simple problem but I have been banging my head against the wall for 2 days now. I've written some pretty complicated updates with less effort than this and I must have some mental block that is keeping me from figuring this out.
I created a package that seems to work fine with a small amount of data. When I run the package however with more data (as in production) the merge join output is limites to 9963 rows, no matter if I change the number of input rows.
Situation as follows.
The package has 2 OLE DB Sources, in which SQL-statements have been defined in order to retrieve the data.
The flow of source 1 is: retrieving source data -> trimming (non-key) columns -> sorting on the key-columns.
The flow of source 2 is: retrieving source data -> deriving 2 new columns -> aggregating the data to the level of source 1 -> sorting on the key columns.
Then both flows are merged and other steps are performed.
If I test with just a couple of rows it works fine. But when I change the where-clause in the data source retrieval, so that the number of rows is for instance 15000 or 150000 the number of rows after the merge join is 9963.
When I run the package in debug-mode the step is colored green, nevertheless an error is displayed:
Error: 0xC0047022 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "Merge Join" (4703) failed with error code 0xC0047020. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
To be honest, a few more errormessages appear, but they don't seem related to this issue. The package stops running after some 6000 rows have been written to the destination.
I need to generate a csv file from another csv file, seems to be simple but let's go the trick thing:
Needs to have maximum 1000 lines, if I reach to this, I need to create another csv and fill that new one.
I have a csv file called fileA and this has 2000 lines and another csv called fileB with 1500 lines.
I need to loop a folder and get the fileA, create an output called FileAOutput and start to fill that, if I reach to 1000 lines, I need to create a FileAOutput_2 and fill the other 1000 I'll go to fileB and do the same thing, but in the second case, I'll have 500 lines in the second output.
I'm trying to find whether there is a dmv or system view that can help me see the last time an index was rebuilt or created. Assuming I rebuilt an index using tsql commands (not a job with a history), is there a way to find out the last time that index was rebuilt?
Does anyone know how I can determine the number of page writes that have been performed during a set period of time? I need to figure out the data churn in that time period.
I'm creating a temporary table in a Sql 2005 stored procedure that contains the transaction amount entered in a period <= the period the user enters. I can return that amount in my result set. But I also need to separate out by account the amounts just in the period = the period the user enters. There can be many entries or no entries in any period. I populate the temporary table this way:
SELECT t.gl7accountsid, a.accountnumber, a.description, a.category, t.POSTDATE, t.poststatus, t.TRANSACTIONTYPE, t.AMOUNT, case when t.transactiontype=2 then amount * (-1) else amount end as transamount, t.ENCUMBRANCESTATUS, t.gl7fiscalperiodsid
FROM UrsinusCollege.dbo.gl7accounts a
join ursinuscollege.dbo.gl7transactions t on a.gl7accountsid=t.gl7accountsid
where (t.gl7fiscalperiodsid >= 97 And t.gl7fiscalperiodsid<=@FiscalPeriod_identifier) And poststatus in (2,3) and left(a.accountnumber,5) between '2-110' and '2-999' And right(a.accountnumber,4) > 7149 And not(right(a.accountnumber,4)) in ('7171','7897')
order by a.accountnumber
Later I create a temporary table that contains budget information. I join these 2 temporary tables to produce my result set. But I don't know how to get the information for just one period. For example, if the user enters 99 as the FiscalPeriod_identifier, I need a separate field that contains only those amounts(if any) that were entered for each account in Period 99.
Can anyone help? It may be that I am not seeing the forest for the trees, but I can't figure it out.
I am creating an index on a table wit 35 million records but I get the error 'TT_ObjPerformance' table- Unable to create index 'IX_TT_ObjPerformance_CACode'. Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. How can I get the index created? ThanksSQL Server newbie
Trying to optimize a query but not sure what to do. I have this query on which I ran an exec plan,
SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT qaTestSuite.TestSuiteID, qaTestSuite.TestSuiteStart, qaTestSuite.TestInterface, qaTestSuite.TestVersion, qaTests.TestMachine, qaTestSuite.TestClientMachine, qaTests.TestLogin, qaTests.TestLabel, qaTestSuite.TestCLPs, qaTestSuite.TestSuiteEnd, qaTests.TestID, qaTests.TestIDInternal, qaTests.TestStart, qaTests.TestName, qaTests.TestTier, qaTests.TestNo, qaTests.TestWFBCalled, qaTests.TestWFBTime, qaTests.TestSearches, qaTests.TestSearchesTime, qaTests.TestResult, qaTests.TestEnd, qaTestMssgs.TestMssgsID, qaTestMssgs.TestMssgTime, qaTestMssgs.TestMssgType, qaTestMssgs.TestMessage, qaTestSuite.TestMode FROM qaTestSuite with(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN qaTests with(NOLOCK) ON qaTestSuite.TestSuiteID = qaTests.TestSuiteID INNER JOIN qaTestMssgs with(NOLOCK) ON qaTests.TestID = qaTestMssgs.TestID order by qaTestSuite.TestSuiteStart DESC
and it gives me the following results:
Use a Bookmark (RID or Clustering Key) to look up the corresponding row in the Table or Clustered Index.
Physical Op: Bookmark Lookup Logical Op: Bookmark Lookup Est. Row Count: 128 Est. Row Size: 4760 Est. I/O Cost: 0.368 Est. CPU Cost: 0.000141 Est. Execs: 1.0 Est. Cost: 0.368888(89%) Est. Subtree Cost:.415
Argument: BOOKMARK:([Bmk1004]), OBJECT:([QAMaster].[dbo].[qaTestMssgs]) WITH PREFETCH
I have no idea what to do with that. Anyone have any clues? What I found online was that I should make a Covering Index, but I didn't find any patterns on how to do that. Any one have ideas of how to do this?
Hi i am new to using this sql server 2000....this is a very simple question to all u guys.....i am just in a learning any help from u guys is really appreciable....
i need to create a table customers with the following columns... identity column to self-populate as the primary key, joindate, leavedate, custcode, empID.
This is the one i tried: create table customers (id int primary key identity (1,1) not null, joindate smalldatetime null, leavedate smalldatetime null, custcode varchar (10) not null, empid int not null ) is tht code correct only??? and i also want the below one : Create indexes on the leavedate, custcode and empid columns.
how to create these indexes??? and wht happens when i create them(like is thr any advantage of creating indexes???)
HiI tried the following from the help file...When you create or modify a unique index, you can set an option toignore duplicate keys. If this option is set and you attempt to createduplicate keys by adding or updating data that affects multiple rows(with the INSERT or UPDATE statement), the row that causes theduplicates is not added or, in the case of an update, discarded.For example, if you try to update "Smith" to "Jones" in a table where"Jones" already exists, you end up with one "Jones" and no "Smith" inthe resulting table. The original "Smith" row is lost because anUPDATE statement is actually a DELETE followed by an INSERT. "Smith"was deleted and the attempt to insert an additional "Jones" failed.The whole transaction cannot be rolled back because the purpose ofthis option is to allow a transaction in spite of the presence ofduplicates.But when I did it the original "Smith" row was not lost.I am doing something wrong or is the help file incorrect.Dan
I have a database in production server with 3,5 GB of data file size and 10 GB log file size. This is very strange isn't it? The features of this database are:
SQL Server 2000 Recovery Model = Full Auto Update Statistics = Yes Torn page detection = Yes Auto create statistics = Yes Full database backup taken once daily. No log backup is taken.
So, I would like to apply some statregy to avoid the log file increase out of control. Can you give me your suggestions??? My free disk space is very low.
Does anyone have a general rule or guide on when to use this SQL 2000 option when creating indexes? I was thinking generally on nonclustered indexes where the column would be unique and incremental and usually filtered on by range and often used in the order by clause. Such as columns of datetime or integers datatypes. Thanks.
have a 3rd party app (can't change) which has some bad sql. I have a table that is used in the sql which if I put a clustered (I had an index on the fields in the sql but it would ignore and table scan) will use and stop doing table scan. this is a million row table that is growing. the data going in is pretty mich insert only. I have a separate array and file group which I have moved indexes to last year. 2 questions
1. If I would make a clustered index on the separate RAID and file group, doesn't the table need to go with it. I thought the clustered index and table had to be on same File Group
2. If I do this anyone see any issues with moving this table and index on this file group
I have a SQL 2000 sp3a server on Windows 2000 sp4. Running dual proc server with hyper threading enabled, 3gb memory attached to a HP EVA 5000 SAN.
One of the tables is 67gb and contains 140,000,000 rows. Recently someone dropped the clustered indexe so i`m trying to put it back (i've dropped the non clustered indexes as no point leaving them there whilst clustered builds).
The problem i am having is the rebuild is taking forever!! It ran for 23 hours before someone rebooted the server (!). The database is currently recovering from the reboot but i need to work out what is causing the appalling performance so i can get the index rebuilt. There are no reported hardware problems.....
There are multiple file groups involved and i found i was getting an extent allocation rate of 1.5 extents a second and same for deallocation.
I have created a very simple table. Here is the script:
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[IndexTable]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[IndexTable]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[IndexTable] ( [Id] [int] NOT NULL , [Code] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [CusteredOnCode] ON [dbo].[IndexTable]([Id]) ON [PRIMARY]
The records that i added are:
Id Code
1 a 2 b 3 aa 4 bb
Now when i query like
Select * from IndexTable
I expect the results as:
Id Code
1 a 3 aa 2 b 4 bb
as i have the clustered index on column Code.
But i m getting the results as:
Id Code
1 a 2 b 3 aa 4 bb
as per the primary key order that is a non clustered index.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[A](  [AutoID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,  [ProID] [int] NOT NULL,  [LID] [varchar](12) NOT NULL,  [EventID] [varchar](12) NOT NULL,  [HEventID] [varchar](12) NULL, ) ON [PRIMARY]  Â
How I should creating the appropiate index for this table?AÂ few option that I think ok.
Opt 1 : creating a primary key on the autoID with create index . create non clustered index on ProID and EventID Opt 2 : create a primary key on the autoID with non clustered index . create clustred index on ProID and EventID . opt 3: create primary key on the ProID and EventID with clustered index.
I have read thru the article on the primary key, clustered and non clustered indexing. However when I want to applyied the indexing..I feel a bit lost.But among the 3 option.... what is the different..
I'm receiving Access Violation Error when I'm trying to create a clustered index on a datetime field on a table that have around 4 million records, if I create the index nonclustered, no problem, but clustered the system raise this error!
In a Stored Proc I am creating the following temp table and index:
The stored Proc runs fine from "exec", but when you batch into a Job it gives the error that "PK_ShipTo" already exists! I even put in a drop table on #ShipTo, but the same effect.
I have 5 million rows of table, and going to create Non Clustered Index for Datetime values column. Creating Non clustered Index on Datetime value column will affect performance or not.
Anyone know the syntax and function to create a self incrementing index whilst extracting data? I'm using the Derived Column tool. The extract will be a full extract everytime, not incremental. Thanks.
Im new to sql and very interreseted in the Full text features, however when im trying to execute the following query:
USE Updater
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ON dbo.Servers (ServerName)
ON UpdaterCatalog
Where ServerID = Int NOT NULL IDENTITY and ServerName = VarChar(255) NOT NULL and UpdaterCatalog is just created
I get the following error:
Msg 7653, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
'ServerID' is not a valid index to enforce a full-text search key. A full-text search key must be a unique, non-nullable, single-column index which is not offline, is not defined on a non-deterministic or imprecise nonpersisted computed column, and has maximum size of 900 bytes. Choose another index for the full-text key.
I cant seem to figure out why this wont work since unless im mistaking, both fields are legal.
Note that creating an index on any other table doesn't work either.
Im running Sql server standard edition (32 bits) on VISTA Ultimate X64
i have created index for a temporary table and this script should used by multiusers.So when second user connecting to it is giving index i mean object already exists.
So what i need is when the second user connected the script should create one more index on temporary table.Will sql server provide any random way of creating indexes if the index exists already with that name??