Dear All,
we are using one view which is having around 30000 rows.
it is taking too much time to retrieve data. that's why i've decided to create an indexed view.
now i'm getting this error.
Cannot schema bind view 'view1' because name 'Table19' is invalid for schema binding. Names must be in two-part format and an object cannot reference itself.
what is the solution for this error?
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I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio. I have a view that I'd like to index. Obviously, that requires that the view be schema bound to the underlying table. I have found myriad explanations for how to programmatically create a schema bound view, but I've never created a view like that before, and since I'm more a mechanical engineer than a database manager, I'd like to be able to do it the 'easy' way, by just creating the view in Management Studio by going to the database, right clicking on 'Views', clicking on 'New View...' and then, hopefully, checking some box somewhere that schema binds the table to the view.
Am I correct in understanding that if you create a view or proc with schemabinding that this would prevent a user from droppping a table/column associated with the view or procedure you have created
I'm trying to use a SQL 2000 view in one of my sources. The view isnt anything special --- just three tables that have been unioned together. All these three tables have the EXACT same datatypes as well as column names. There are no constraints on these tables (yet). There is an identity seed on the first ID column. However, when I try to access this view, it generates the following error:
Server: Msg 4502, Level 16, State 1, Procedure MyView, Line 5 View or function 'MyView' has more column names specified than columns defined. Server: Msg 4413, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Could not use view or function 'MyView' because of binding errors.
I am looking to create a constraint on a table that allows multiplenulls but all non-nulls must be unique.I found the following script works fine, but the following lineCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX idx1 ON v_multinulls(a)appears to use indexed views. I have run this on a version of SQLStandard edition and this line works fine. I was of the understandingthat you could only create indexed views on SQL Enterprise Edition?
I created a query, which makes use of a temp table, and I need the results to be displayed in a View. Unfortunately, Views do not support temp tables, as far as I know, so I put my code in a stored procedure, with the hope I could call it from a View....
Hi all, i m using sql server2005 CTP...i created a database called TEL and in that database i created a user(in security) as USE [TEL] GO /****** Object: User [COLL_DB] Script Date: 09/27/2005 15:38:51 ******/ GO CREATE USER [COLL_DB] FOR LOGIN [loginName] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[COLL_DB]
Now,when i m trying to create a table in the database TEL as CREATE TABLE [COLL_DB].abc (c numeric) commit;
it gives me error saying The specified schema name "COLL_DB" either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.
Now,can someone tell me...what i have to do to fix this error????????? thanks...
What is the best method of creating schema creation scripts that can bestored into a version control system. The process of using em togenerate a script is not an appealing option. I am still learning theMS Sql sys tables and have not found a useful list of all the codes &types to join the tables etc.mike--Posted via
Using Management Studio, when i create a new table/stored proc., the owner is always dbo. How do I change this when I create it? Also how to transfer it to another schema once it has been created?
I have just had SQL Server 2005 installed on my machine. I did have SQL Server 2000 on my machine previously and can still access parts of 2000.
In 2005 I do not have the option schema option under security for any of the databases; therefore, I tried creating the schema manually as you will see below.
In 2005 I execute the following
I, then, execute the following
SalesPersonId INT,
SalesPersonName VARCHAR(50)
The message returned is
Msg 2760, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Specified owner name 'TEST' either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.
Can you give me the correct syntax on how to create the schema manually? Do you know why this is not showing up under security for the databases?
I am not getting the correct schema once I've created a new table in SQL Server 2005. I am expecting to see dbo.Table_Name. Instead I'm getting UserName1.Table_Name. I was set up as a DB owner. How can I get what I'm expecting to see?
I notice that when I change my table schema, the view that was created based on the older schema remains using the older schema, and when I try running it, it will give me error.
I assume that's because the view is still using the old execution plan? Is there a way to force an automatic recompilation of execution plans for all views when there is a change to the underlying table?
I am a fairly experienced programmer, but new to SQL Server - I understand basic DB theory well enough, but don't have much practical experience with using SQL Server.
I'm working on a project at the moment, where, as part of the spec, users can create 'systems' in the database. For example, in a parts database for a pumping station, there may be 10,000 parts. Rather than have one huge database for, say, 10 pumping stations, we would prefer to have 10 smaller databases, each dedicated to its own system. The schemas would be identical.
I think one approach to this would be have an empty database in SQL server (with the correct tables/schemas/relationships etc) and then copy that within SQL server, with a new name (the system name), probably using a stored procedure.
My question: Is this possible, is there already a stored procedure in SQL Server (2000) to do this, or do I have to write one? Writing a SP to physically create the database from scratch would be a nightmare, I'm hoping there is a simple 'copy_db to new_db' type stored procedure. Maybe there is a program can read a DB and create a script to re-create the DB under a new name?
I am writing a SQLServer script that I want to be schema name independent. I mean I know that all users of the script will have the same tables, but not necessarily the same schema name.
When I hard code the script to use the name of my schema, wcadmin, it works OK.
CREATE FUNCTION wcadmin.dectohex(@a numeric) RETURNS varchar(8) BEGIN DECLARE @x varchar(8) DECLARE @y varchar(1) DECLARE @z numeric DECLARE @w numeric
SET @w=@a SET @x=''
WHILE @w > 0 BEGIN SET @z = @w % 16;
SET @w = ROUND(@w/16,0,1) SET @x = @y + @x END
-- Pads the number with 0s on the left SET @x = RIGHT(REPLICATE('0',8) + @x ,8) RETURN @x END; GO
select 'WTDOCUMENT' HOLDER, dm.WTDocumentNumber ITEMNUMBER, ITEMNAME, ad.fileName ContentFilename, fh.hostName VaultHost, wcadmin.dectohex(fi.uniqueSequenceNumber) VaultFile, fm.path VaultPath from WTDocument di, WTDocumentMaster dm, HolderToContent hc, ApplicationData ad, FvItem fi, FvFolder ff, FvMount fm, FvHost fh where di.idA3masterReference = dm.idA2A2 and fm.idA3A5 = ff.idA2A2 and fm.idA3B5 = fh.idA2A2 and fi.idA3A4 = ff.idA2A2 and ad.idA3A5 = fi.idA2A2 and hc.idA3B5 = ad.idA2A2 and hc.idA3A5 = di.idA2A2
DROP FUNCTION wcadmin.dectohex; GO
But when I remove my schema name I get the error
'dectohex' is not a recognized built-in function name.
In this case I'm just using :-
CREATE FUNCTION dectohex(@a numeric) . . . . select 'WTDOCUMENT' HOLDER, dm.WTDocumentNumber ITEMNUMBER, ITEMNAME, ad.fileName ContentFilename, fh.hostName VaultHost, dectohex(fi.uniqueSequenceNumber) VaultFile, . . . . DROP FUNCTION dectohex;
Creating and dropping the function seems to work OK when I drop the schema name, I just can't call it.
I've been trying various permutations of dbo and [dbo] prefixes unsuccessfully.
Hi there,I have a database on my test machine that will need to be installed on usersmachines. I would like to create the database with the given schema on theusers machine and also with some suitable default values in the tables. Inote that although I can script the schema so that re-creating the structureof the database is simple on the users machine, I cannot script the contentsof the tables also (automatically). What I would like to do is take somekind of "snapshot", save it as a script and then run this script in myinstaller. Are there any tools available to do this?Secondly and related to the above: if I subsequently make changes to thedatabase schema (adding or removing columns, altering, adding or removingstored procedures etc.), how do I roll out those changes to a customer? DoI need to hand code an "upgrade" script, or is there a tool that willproduce a "difference between" script I can run on the customers machine?Thanks for any tips you can give me about this.Robin
Greetings,I read msdn article and has the following:Transferring ownership of a view to the schema owner The following example transfers ownership the view ProductionView06 to the owner of the schema that contains it. The view is located inside schema Production. ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON OBJECT::Production.ProductionView06 TO SCHEMA OWNER;GOso what i understand that i can create an object within a schema that has a different owner from the owner of the schema!!!is this true ? so if if it is true so what the benefits to create an object within a schema that has a different owner from the owner of the schema.?your help is highly appreciatedbest regards
I am still having problem with making View automatically updates itself when the underlying table schema changes. Running sp_recompile on the view table doesn't seem to work either, as I am still getting old format from the view (in Design mode the view returns the right info, but not when I open the View by doing Open View) even though the underlying schema has changed. Right now I find that I have to go into the View and change it a bit to force a recompilation.
And even if sp_recompile does, it would require that I manually do it each time I change a table. Any idea?
i have a table which has 2 columns 1 'report' 2 'part' now in my 'report' cloumn i have # with 6 digits ex. '111111' and 'part' has '1, 2, 3, 4, 50' i want to create a view that will put them together in format like this: 1111110001 1111110002 1111110003 .. and on it needs to be in 10 digits. is there anyway i can create a View or may be a column in the table which can create the #'s in this format.
What are some possible purposes of creating a view and how can it be used to reinforce data security. What description of circumstances can be used for a view to save re-programming?
I have a sql command with temporary tables, but whenever I am trying to create a view with temporary tables I am getting an error as below:
"Views or functions are not allowed on temporary tables. Table names that begin with ‘#’ denote temporary tables."
Please anybody let me know is it possible to create a view with temporary tables in SQL Server 2005.If not, then is their any way how I can create a view with temporary tables.
I have a sql command with temporary tables, but whenever I am trying to create a view with temporary tables I am getting an error as below:
"Views or functions are not allowed on temporary tables. Table names that begin with ‘#’ denote temporary tables."
Please anybody let me know is it possible to create a view with temporary tables in SQL Server 2005.If not, then is their any way how I can create a view with temporary tables.
I need to create a view that scores a research assessment. So I havequestions 1 through 10, but the problem is that Q3 and Q5-10 have to berecoded so that if the response is 3, it becomes 0, 2=1, 1=2 and 0=3.So this is what I have. I keep getting an error message that there is"incorrect syntax near the keyword THEN". I don't know which "THEN" itis referring to (or all of them)?? HELP! I am new to this.CREATE VIEW name ASSELECT ID, DATE, TOTAL=Q1+Q2+CASE WHEN (Q3=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q3=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q3=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q3=3 THEN0)+Q4+CASE WHEN (Q5=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q5=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q5=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q5=3 THEN0)+CASE WHEN (Q6=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q6=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q6=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q6=3 THEN0)+CASE WHEN (Q7=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q7=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q7=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q7=3 THEN0)+CASE WHEN (Q8=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q8=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q8=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q8=3 THEN0)+CASE WHEN (Q9=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q9=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q9=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q9=3 THEN0)+CASE WHEN (Q10=0 THEN 3 WHEN Q10=1 THEN 2 WHEN Q10=2 THEN 1 WHEN Q10=3THEN 0) ENDFROM tablename
I have a sql command with temporary tables, but whenever I am trying to create a view with temporary tables I am getting an error as below:
"Views or functions are not allowed on temporary tables. Table names that begin with €˜#€™ denote temporary tables."
Please anybody let me know is it possible to create a view with temporary tables in SQL Server 2005.If not, then is their any way how I can create a view with temporary tables.
I currently have a website with a page that displays the flags/ keys of the entire roster of guilded characters. Some more background is that I run a website for my Everquest guild, users can log in , create characters , and update their flags / keys. There are 4 associated tables that are used in displaying the flags. the Characters , Flags, Expansion, and Char_Flags tables. The char_flags table consists of 2 foreign keys and a bit field for enabled / disabled. Char_flags = char_fk, flag_fk, enabled (bit) The select statement I'm currently using to get information is as follows. SELECT Expansion.ExpansionName, Flags.Flag_Name, Characters.Char_Name, char_flags.enabled FROM char_flags INNER JOIN Flags ON char_flags.Flag_FK = Flags.Flag_PK INNER JOIN Expansion ON Flags.Expansion_FK = Expansion.ExpansionPK INNER JOIN Characters ON char_flags.Char_FK = Characters.Char_PK WHERE (Expansion.ExpansionPK = @expansion) That displays the information in a format like Expansion Name, FlagName, CharacterName, Enabled. And there are usually 10 -15 flags per expansion so this lists the expansion 10 times, each flag name, then the character name 10-15 times, and wether or not the flag is enabled.
I would like to display the information a little differently and I'm not sure how to. I would like to display the inormation like this Flag Name 1 Flag Name 2, Flag name 3, Flag Name 4, etc... Char 1 X X X Char2 X X X Char 3 X X X X Char 4 Char 5 etc where the characters make up the first column, the flag names make up the first row(headers) and wether or not the flag is enabled is in the column under the corresponding flag. This way the name of the flag, and the character name are only displayed one time instead of the flags and character names being repeated over and over. If anyone can help me on how to display the data I would appreciate it. Here is a link to the page to show how it looks now if it helps Thanks Brad Fortner
I have a query on one of my pages that is just too large to keep in the page, so I need to reference a stored view in sql. I'm kind of new to this, so I'm having trouble getting the syntax right. The query is just a simple select statement using the results of several textboxes as parameters. I know how to do the query inside an page, but when I move it to sql, I don't know how to reference the textbox value i.e. @textbox. Here's what I have so far: USE [Maindb] GO CREATE VIEW [tblMain_view] (@textbox nvarchar(30)) ???? AS SELECT dbo.tblMain.Field1, .... FROM dbo.tblMain WHERE dbo.tblMain.Field1 = @textbox and ....
First of all, I know that where I declare @textbox is wrong, so where is the right place to declare it? Also, how do I reference the view from the webpage and do I still use: cmd.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add . . . in the page to establish the value. Anyone know a good tutorial on this. All the ones I've found were either in C# or didn't really apply. I need to know how to do this in VB. Thanks
Hi I have two SQL server 2000 machine in my corporateHow to create a SQL View if the database table is located on another SQL server?Example :I am currently working at SQL Server "S01", but need to create a sql view to table customer on "Marketing" database located on SQL Server "S02"if the table is reside on the same machine then it's simple for me, but this customer table is not located on "S01" but located on different machine "S02"how to do this? any tutorial?thanks a lotYonscun
Hi guys, I am trying to create a view through SP as follows, but I am getting as error as Invalid syntax near view. Please let me know where I am doing wrong.
Thanks,Rau CREATE PROCEDURE PurgeReport @intJob as int AS if @intjob=1 begin CREATE VIEW Purge AS SELECT Btch_id AS Batch_ID, DLN, Process,End_DLN, Job, Tcode FROM Batch_HDR end
Need help in writing a query. I have a table contains details about an item. Each item belongs to a group. Items have different status. If any one of the item in a group is not "Completed", then the itemgroup is in state incomplete. if all the item under the group is completed then the item group itself is completed. Now I need to create a view with itemgroup and itemstatus. Suppose I have five records
I'm using SQL Server 2008 to solve the following exercise.
I have three Tables: Table CUSTOMER with columns: CustomerID,Company,ContactName,Phone Table ORDER with columns: OrderID,OrderDate,ShippedDate,ShipperID,Freight,CustomerID Table Shipper with columns:ShipperID,Company,Phone
I need to Create a view listing the shipper and the number of unshipped orders. I have been trying to use joins or possibly subqueries, but I'm not getting a correct result for a ShipperID with NO unshipped orders.My view should looks like: ShipperID, Company, Phone, UnshippedOrders