Creating Sql-clr Function With Void Return Type
Mar 18, 2008
hi to all,
i have written SQL-CLR function using C# which will perform some manupulation and will not not return any value(return type is void)
i am creating sql function using SQL script
NAME [AMEX].[UserDefinedFunctions].[Function1];
but i am getting error.
there is something wrong in my sql syntax..can anybody help me?
when creating funtion having signature
public static void Function1()
i am getting error.......................
Error 1 The method "Function1" in class "UserDefinedFunctions" marked as a user defined function must return a scalar value or ISqlReader. SqlServerProject1
can anybody help me?
thanks in advance
Chetan S. Raut
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Mar 3, 2015
I have created a function that will check whether the data is null or not. If its null then it will display that as No data else it will display the original value. Below is the function
Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[fnchkNull] Script Date: 3/4/2015 12:01:58 PM ******/
The code is working good. However i want the return type to be dynamic. If the data type supplied is integer then i want to return a integer value like 0 if its null. if the data value is varchar then i want to return 'No Data'.
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Feb 13, 2008
I have two tables that share a common identity row. I need to build a query where data that exists in one table does not contain data in the other table. For example, table 1 has columns of Owner_ID, LastName, FirstName and table 2 has columns Auto_ID, Owner_ID, AutoMake. Both tables are joined by the Owner_ID column. I need a query that provides all owners from table 1 who do not have an entry in table 2.
Thanks in advance,
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Aug 28, 2007
I'm a Reporting Services New-Be.
I'm trying to create a report that's based on a SQL-2005 Stored Procedure.
I added the Report Designer, a Report dataset ( based on a shared datasource).
When I try to build the project in BIDS, I get an error. The error occurs three times, once for each parameter on the stored procedure.
I'll only reproduce one instance of the error for the sake of brevity.
[rsCompilerErrorInExpression] The Value expression for the query parameter 'UserID' contains an error : [BC30654] 'Return' statement in a Function, Get, or Operator must return a value.
I've searched on this error and it looks like it's a Visual Basic error :
My guess is that BIDS is creating some VB code behind the scenes for the report.
I can't find any other information that seems to fit this error.
The other reports in the BIDS project built successfully before I added this report, so it must be something specific to the report.
BTW, the Stored Procedure this report is based on a global temp table. The other reports do not use temp tables.
Can anyone help ?
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi!I got a column, with different dates in it (Ddata type "nvarchar")...when running a SELECT on this column, I'm trying to filter thoserecordsets out, WHERE this column is NULL (I checked the table, thereare "empty" fields in the column):"SELECT bla FROM bla WHERE myColumn NOT NULL"but I still receive those "empty" fields in my resultset I tried it with:SELECT bla FROM bla WHERE myColumn <> ''again, "empty" fields in my resultset ....what's going wrong there? is there a possibility to check what kind ofvalue I got in my column!?Thanks!Peter
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Apr 3, 2007
I am trying to create a inline function which is listed below.
USE [Northwind]
(SELECT ident_current('orders'))
while executing this function in sql server 2005 my get this error
CREATE FUNCTION failed because a column name is not specified for column 1.
Pleae help me to fix this error
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Dec 22, 2006
my goal is to show reports in sharepoint services 3.0 and use this update Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Add-in for Microsoft SharePoint
i have this problem:
After update my sql server 2005 to sp2 ctp with SQLServer2005SP2-KB921896-x86-ENU.exe and upate reporting services, try to:http://<localserver>:1010/reportserver show the message.
An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError)
Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.UserUtil.CleanCurrentUserName()'.
i this problem is in the Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.dll i see the method and in version (9.0.3027.0) dont have, and have in 9.0.1399, what i can do to this work rigth
Just try Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.dll 9.0.3033.0 still dont working...........
More Details.........
<Product>Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 9.00.3033.00</Product>
<TimeZone>GMT Standard Time</TimeZone>
<Path>C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesLogFilesReportServer__12_26_2006_12_16_30.log</Path>
<OSName>Microsoft Windows NT 5.2.3790 Service Pack 1</OSName>
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details., ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. ---> System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.UserUtil.set_CacheUserName(Boolean)'.
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.Global.StartApp()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.Global.Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing ConnectionType to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing IsSchedulingService to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing IsNotificationService to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing IsEventService to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing PollingInterval to '10' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing WindowsServiceUseFileShareStorage to 'False' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing MemoryLimit to '60' percent as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing RecycleTime to '720' minute(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing MaximumMemoryLimit to '80' percent as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing MaxAppDomainUnloadTime to '30' minute(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing MaxQueueThreads to '0' thread(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing IsWebServiceEnabled to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing MaxActiveReqForOneUser to '20' requests(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing MaxScheduleWait to '5' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing DatabaseQueryTimeout to '120' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing ProcessRecycleOptions to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsScavengerCycle to '60' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsDbCycle to '60' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing RunningRequestsAge to '30' second(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing CleanupCycleMinutes to '10' minute(s) as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing DailyCleanupMinuteOfDay to default value of '120' minutes since midnight because it was not specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonFlags to '1064' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpOnExceptions to 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException,Microsoft.ReportingServices.Modeling.InternalModelingException' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpExcludeIfContainsExceptions to 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing SecureConnectionLevel to '0' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing DisplayErrorLink to 'True' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing WebServiceUseFileShareStorage to 'False' as specified in Configuration file.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: i INFO: Initializing EnableRemoteErrors to default value of 'False' because it was not specified in Server system properties.
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: Unhandled exception was caught: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.UserUtil.CleanCurrentUserName()'.
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.Global.Application_EndRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
w3wp!library!1!26-12-2006-12:16:31:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details., ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. ---> System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.UserUtil.CleanCurrentUserName()'.
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.Global.Application_EndRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
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Oct 31, 2007
Hi,i need an opinion on this,...i am using UNION ALL quite a bit in my queries..most of the time these are like 1 line select query,returning "different" type of stuff say query 1 is returning one EmpName and query 2 is DOB and so on(keeping it simple for example)...i am combining it b/c i find it cumbersome to call 10 dfferent query to populate 1 structure(table etc) ,rather i wud call one and manipulate the result to fill up that one structure..Is that okay to combine different kind of return types in one (here first row of multi-select query result is empName,second row is DOB and so on...)?????thanks
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Feb 24, 2005
I am calling a stored procedure and have an output parameter that I pass back to my asp page. The datatype of the value is nvarchar. When I run the page I get an error "Syntax error converting the nvarchar value 'OK' to a column of data type int". Can a return parameter be anything else other than an integer? Below is my code. Thanks for the help.
Parem = cmd.parameters.add("@Retval",SqlDbType.nvarchar,50)
Parem.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi everybody,VARCHAR has a higher precedence than CHAR. If you have a querySELECT COALESCE(c1,c2) FROM T1where c1 is CHAR(5) and c2 is VARCHAR(10), I would expect the returntype to be varchar(10) similiar to UNION. However it turns out tobe CHAR(10). Does anyone know why that is so?Thanks,Steffen
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Jul 2, 2007
Hi, I have another question about code in RS.
I have a table cell with FORMAT of "$#,##0,0".
If I have any number in the cell I want to display it.
If I have 0 (zero) I want the cell to be empty.
I know how to do it with an expression:
iif (Fileds!myFiled.Value == 0,"", Fileds!myFiled.Value)
Now I want to do it with a code section:
The problem is that the function should return Integer and if the value is zero I need to return empty string.
It does't say any thing about returning the string but when it trying to use the format on a string it give me a worning and print #ERORR in the cell.
is there a solution for this?
Do you know the syntax to format the number in the function before the return?
(Sorry for the dumb question but I know C# not and there is no intelisance in that editor).
Thanks a lot!
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Feb 13, 2007
How can I return a datetime type variable from a stored procedure in SQL Server to C# code?
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Jul 23, 2007
I am trying to retrive some XML from my SQL server 2005 database. The XML is in a table called "myxml" and it is being stored a native XML. The Field type is "XML". The VB code returns nothing when I select SELECT xml. How ever if i SELECT NAME it displays the correct name from the name field. how do I return the XML to be viewed as XML throught the response.write?
Here is my Table definition:
Column Name
Data Type
Allow Nulls
My XML that is stored in the XML field:
<TITLE>This is a test</TITLE>
Here is my VB code:
Dim myconnection As SqlConnection
Dim mycommand As SqlCommand
myconnection = New SqlConnection()
myconnection.ConnectionString = _
Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT [xml] FROM myxml WHERE id = 76"
' create SQL command instance
mycommand = New SqlCommand(strSQL, myconnection)
' open database connection
'execute T-SQL command
Dim dr = mycommand.ExecuteReader()
Response.Write("<p>" & dr(0).ToString() & "</p>")
End While
Response.Write("GOT IT")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
' Close connection
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Aug 16, 2006
Hello All,I have a scenario in which my stored procedure has to return fewvariables with their value and also the collection. Now in SQL their isno such as array, so the best is to return the table in place of.I am execting the stored procedure by having sql command in place.and created the various parameters(variables) those i need the valuesof and secondly wondering how should i be creating the parameter as atable returntype.Any help on this would be a million worth useful.I can excerpt the code if required.RegardsSandesh Kadam
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Sep 7, 2006
Hi all,
I am trying to figure out a way to analyze a stored procedure to deduce its output type.
A stored procedure can return values throught one of the following:
1) Using the Return keyword
2) Returning a recordset
3) Throught its Output parameters
4) A combination of 1, 2 or 3
Using the Information_Schema, you can access the SQL code of the stored procedure from, say, VB.Net. From there, I want to know what output type the stored procedure has.
A) for 1), I guess I can parse the code for the 'Return' keyword, but that wouldn't be efficient, for the 'Return' word could be inserted into string values...
B) for 2), it would be difficult to analyze the stored procedure's code to know FOR SURE whether a recordset is returned. You just can't parse for SELECT keywords in complex code...
C) 3) should be easy enough, getting the return parameters types from the Information_Schema.
So, is there an easy way that I missed for achieving this, some object in the .Net Framework that I could use to analyze SQL queries perhaps, or am I doomed to do it the hard way?
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Oct 6, 2005
Im a self proclaimed newb and Im stuck on returning a value from a function. I want to get the AttendID that the SQL statement returns and dump it into strAttendID: Response.Redirect("ClassSurvey.aspx?Pupil=" & strAttendID)I cant seem to accomplish this. It returns nothing. Please help.TIA,Stue<code>Function Get_AttendID(ByVal strAttendID As String) As SqlDataReaderDim connString As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ClassDB")Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection(connString)Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommandDim dr As SqlDataReader
sqlConn.Open()Dim strSQL As String = "Select AttendID from attendees Where FirstName=@FirstName and LastName=@LastName and classbegdt = @classbegdt and survey = '0'"
sqlCmd = New SqlCommand(strSQL, sqlConn)
sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)sqlCmd.Parameters("@FirstName").Value = tbFirstName.TextsqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@LastName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)sqlCmd.Parameters("@LastName").Value = tbLastName.TextsqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@classbegdt", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8)sqlCmd.Parameters("@classbegdt").Value = calBegDate.SelectedDate.ToShortDateStringdr = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader()dr.Close()sqlConn.Close()
Return dr
End Function</code>
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Jun 13, 2004
I want to write a function that returns the physical filepath of the master database for its MDF and LDF files respectively. This information will then be used to create a new database in the same location as the master database for those servers that do not have the MDF and LDF files in the default locations.
Below I have the T-SQL for the function created and a test query I am using to test the results. If I print out the value of @MDF_FILE_PATH within the funtion, I get the result needed. When making a call to the function and printing out the variable, all I get is the first letter of the drive and nothing else.
You may notice that in the function how CHARINDEX is being used. I am not sure why, but if I put a backslash "" as expression1 within the SELECT statement, I do not get the value of the drive. In other words I get "MSSQLData" instead of "D:MSSQLData" I then supply the backslash in the SET statement. I assume that this has something to do with my question.
Any suggestions? Thank you.
IF OBJECT_ID('fn_sqlmgr_get_mdf_filepath') IS NOT NULL
DROP FUNCTION fn_sqlmgr_get_mdf_filepath
CREATE FUNCTION fn_sqlmgr_get_mdf_filepath (
@MDF_FILE_PATH NVARCHAR(1000)--Variable to hold the path of the MDF File of a database.
--Extract the file path for the database MDF physical file.
SELECT @MDF_FILE_PATH = SUBSTRING(mdf.filename, CHARINDEX('', filename)+1, LEN(filename))
FROM master..sysfiles mdf
WHERE mdf.groupid = 1
@MDF_FILE_PATH NVARCHAR(1000)--Variable to hold the path of the MDF File of a database.
SELECT @MDF_FILE_PATH = dbo.fn_sqlmgr_get_mdf_filepath ( @MDF_FILE_PATH )
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Jul 29, 2007
I'm using quite odd combination of technology for my project, I'm using PHP and MSSQL 2000, at one certain page, I want to insert to a table where one of the column is TEXT data type, and I want to get the value from the TEXTAREA at the page, of course, with carriage return captured, I manage to get it done in MySQL, where it automatically store the carriage return keyed in by user at the TEXTAREA, while for MSSQL I no luck in finding solution for this, is there any settings I can set or I need to convert the carriage return keystroke to HTML tag at my PHP?
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May 14, 2004
What I'm trying to do is provide a solution where users can upload an image and a description, to a database, so I'm trying to insert the title and description then return the @@identity for the image upload function which will name the image like this
image_23.jpg (23 being the @@identity) resize it and save it to specified directory
I cant seem to get the identity to return to my script.
This is my SP
@catid int,
@subcatid int,
@areaid int,
@uid int,
@adtitle varchar(255),
@addescription varchar(1000)
Insert Into Tbl_ad
(ad_title, ad_description,ad_area,ad_ui_id,ad_active,ad_date,ad_ct_id,ad_sc_id,ad_location)
(@adtitle,@addescription,@areaid, @uid, 0,convert(varchar, GETUTCDATE(), 101), @catid, @subcatid, 1)
select @@identity
I tested in query analyser, and it works fine, so It must be my code. this is my function
Sub Insert_pic(sender as object, e as eventargs)
Dim catid = Request.form("ddcats")
Dim subcatid = Request.form("subcatrad")
Dim adtitle = Request.Form("txttitle")
Dim AdDescription = Request.form("txtdescription")
Dim uid = getUID(Context.User.Identity.Name)
Dim areaid = Request.form("ddarea")
SQLConnect = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.Appsettings("mydB"))
SQLCommander = New SQLCommand("SP_INSERTad", SQLConnect)
SQLCommander.Commandtype = Commandtype.StoredProcedure
SQLCommander.Parameters.add("@adtitle", adtitle)
SQLCommander.Parameters.add("@addescription", addescription)
SQLCommander.Parameters.add("@catid", catid)
SQLCommander.Parameters.add("@subcatid", subcatid)
SQLCommander.Parameters.add("@uid", uid)
SQLCommander.Parameters.add("@areaid", areaid)
'// this section not working right, it wont write return id
Dim paramreturn as SQLParameter
paramreturn = SQLCommander.Parameters.Add("ReturnValue", SQLDBType.Int)
ParamReturn.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
End sub
Can anybody see anything I missing? I appreciate any imput
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Jul 21, 2004
Hii every one
When i use the function of (select) from the data bass it return dataset or some thing else
But I need it to return string or the data element which in the query not all the query
I dont need that
| Id | Name |
| 1 | Bill |
I dont need All of that to display But I need to display the name only in Label or textbox
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May 10, 2005
I basically do not want to return a null value as a result of using a sum function (using sum against 0 rows).
Is there a common way to avoid this?
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Feb 14, 2008
Dear all,
can i write a table return function like this?
create function my_function(
insert into @mytable
select col1,col2,col3,col4 from tab1
select col1,col2,col3,col4 from tab2
select col1,col2,col3,col4 from tab3
select col1,col2,col3,col4 from tab4
am i doing correct?
what i'm expecting from this function is, i need all the data from select statements should be inserted into one table.
please guide me in this regard
Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.
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Mar 9, 2008
//this is the function
double sem_3 ( double gpa_sem_1, double gpa_sem_2 )
int back_3;
char grade [2];
double score = 0;
double gpa_sem_3;
double cgpa_sem_3;
double problem_solving_and_programming;
double fundamentals_of_finance;
printf("FCCS1013 Problem Solving and Programming : ");
scanf("%s",&grade );
score = grade_selection( grade );
problem_solving_and_programming = score * 3;
printf("FBFF1013 Fundamentals of Finance : ");
scanf("%s",&grade );
score = grade_selection( grade );
fundamentals_of_finance = score * 3;
gpa_sem_3 = ( ( problem_solving_and_programming + fundamentals_of_finance ) / 6 );
cgpa_sem_3 = ( ( gpa_sem_1 + gpa_sem_2 + gpa_sem_3 ) / 3 );
printf("GPA = %.4f", gpa_sem_3);
printf("CGPA = %.4f", cgpa_sem_3);
printf("press 0 to go back to option menu: ");
scanf("%d", &back_3);
if( back_3 == 0 )
printf("invalid option ");
return gpa_sem_3;
//this is the main program(part of it only)
case 1:
system ( "cls" );
gpa_sem_1 = sem_1( );
// why doesn't the error promp when the user enters an invalid entry? in the codes below.
double grade_selection ( char grade[] )
double score = 0;
if (strcmp( grade, "A+" ) ==0 || strcmp( grade, "a+" ) == 0)
score += 4.00;
else if (strcmp( grade, "A-" ) == 0 || strcmp( grade, "a-" ) == 0 )
score += 3.70;
else if (strcmp( grade, "B+" ) == 0 || strcmp( grade, "b+" ) == 0 )
score += 3.30;
else if (strcmp( grade, "B" ) == 0 || strcmp( grade, "b" ) == 0 )
score += 3.00;
else if (strcmp( grade, "B-" ) || strcmp( grade, "b-" ) == 0)
score += 2.70;
else if (strcmp( grade, "C+" ) || strcmp( grade, "c+" ) == 0 )
score += 2.30;
else if (strcmp( grade, "C" ) || strcmp( grade, "c" ) == 0 )
score += 2.00;
else if (strcmp( grade, "D" ) || strcmp( grade, "d" ) == 0 )
score += 1.00;
else if (strcmp( grade, "F" ) || strcmp( grade, "f" ) == 0 )
score += 0.00;
printf( "invalid grade" );
printf( "please enter again: " );
getchar( grade[2] );
return score;
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May 23, 2006
I am trying to return [string/SqlString] from a CLR function, but it was truncated at 8000 characters.
How can I solve this problem and return varchar(MAX)?
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May 17, 2008
Hi guys!
the problem is this:
I have a procedure that execute a function and i want to catch the return function value but i'm getting a null value.
I'm using:
exec @a = <function>
but the @a variable is allways null...
If i exec the function directly, i get the correct value.
What am i doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
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Apr 7, 2008
I have a function that is using a select case decision structure to arrive at a return value:
(@Start AS INT,
/*** Pick up the extended periods here ***/
WHEN @Start = 1 AND @End = 1 THEN 'TRUE'
**** from here how do I get the function to return true or false? ****
Can I assign the select case result to a variable? If so how?
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Dec 22, 2006
How to create object type in sql server,
i.e in Oracle we can directly create an object TYPE and we can use it in other applications.
What's the equivalent of this object Type in SQL Server
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May 19, 2004
Hi all,
I have a stored like this
CREATE PROCEDURE fts_insert_service_tasks( @status_no int output, @status_text nvarchar(255) output, @fts_employee char(100) , @fts_SCCode bigint, @fts_TaskDescription ntext) AS
declare @str_err nvarchar(255)
declare @err_no int
set @err_no=0
if ( isnumeric(@fts_SCCode) = 0 )
set @str_err ='The fts Sccode is not a number'
set @status_text = @str_err
set @err_no=@err_no+1
if ( @fts_SCCode = '' )
set @str_err ='The fts Sccode can not be null '
set @status_text = @str_err
set @err_no=@err_no+1
if ( len(@fts_employee) > 100)
set @str_err ='Maximum Employee length allowed is 100 characters'
set @status_text = @str_err
set @err_no=@err_no+1
if ( @fts_employee = '' )
set @str_err ='The employee fiedl can not be null'
set @status_text = @str_err
set @err_no=@err_no+1
if (@err_no=0)
INSERT INTO fts_ServiceTasks (fts_employee , fts_Sccode, fts_taskdescription)
VALUES(@fts_employee, @fts_SCCode, @fts_taskdescription)
set @status_no=0
set @status_text = 'Add Service Task Ok'
set @status_no=@err_no
set @status_text = @str_err
and I called it from the ASP
<%function Add_Service_Task(fts_employee,fts_sccode, fts_TaskDescription)
cm.ActiveConnection = m_conn
cm.CommandType = 4
cm.CommandText = "fts_insert_service_tasks"
cm.Parameters(3).Value = fts_employee
cm.Parameters(4).Value = fts_sccode
cm.Parameters(5).Value = fts_TaskDescription
on error resume next
if cm.Parameters(1)=0 then
call obj_utils.ErrMsg(cm.Parameters(2).Value,3000)
end if
if err.number <> 0 then
call obj_utils.ErrMsg("System error at " & err.number & err.Description & ", please contact the administrator", 5000)
end if
end function%>
I test with SQL 2k, Win2k3 OK
But with Win2k i got:
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E30)
Type name is invalid.
/fmits/classes/cls_servicecall.asp, line 256
Please help me!
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Dec 3, 2007
I am trying to have an Excecute SQL Task return a single row result set executed on SQL Server 2005.
The query in the Execute SQL Task is:
select 735.234, 2454.123
I get a conversion error when trying to assign to SSIS variables of type Double.
I have nothing configured in the "Parameter Mapping" tab.
I have the two SSIS Double variables mapped to the Tesult Name 0 and 1 in the "Result Set" tab
I don't want to use a for loop enumerator since there is a single row returned.
I simply want to assign these two values to SSIS Double variables (double is the closest match)
I can't even hack this by converting the decimals as string and then using DirectCast to convert them to Double.
Thanks for the help
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Jul 30, 2007
Hi,I have a sql 2005 function who return a distance from 2 zipcodes. This function is called from a Stored procedure like this :SELECT *, dbo.fn_GetDistance (...) AS DistanceIn this function, i have a Latitude and i want this Latitude to be also returned.It is possible or a function can return only one variable?If it is possible, what's the syntax of it?Thanks in advance
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Jun 6, 2005
Cannot see where I am going wrong. I always get a value of 0. I know my function works correctly, so it must be the VB.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[getNextProjectID] ()
RETURNS varchar(10) AS
DECLARE @vNextProjectID varchar(10)
RETURN @vNextProjectID
Sub LoadNextProjectNumber()
Dim vProjectID As String
Dim cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand()
cmd.Connection = sqlConn
cmd.CommandText = "getNextProjectID"
cmd.Parameters.Add("@vNextProjectID", vProjectID)
cmd.Parameters("@vNextProjectID").Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
vProjectID = cmd.Parameters("@vNextProjectID").Value
txtProjectID.Text = vProjectID
End Sub
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Jun 19, 2007
searched all over, couldn't find a solid it possible to return multiple values from a sql function with sql server 2005?
e.g., I want to do this:
select id, data, whatever, dbo.fnMyFunction(id, whatever) from table
and have the output have columns (id, data, whatever, col1, col2) where col1 and col2 are returned by fnMyFunction
possible? easier way? thanks in advance...
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Jun 2, 2008
Is there anything new on returning max of two values in SQL 05? There seems to be nothing I have searched everywhere. Only option might be to create my own UDF or do a CASE statement, but I could not believe my eyes there is no such thing?
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