Cross-validation In SQL Server 2008

Nov 28, 2007

Hi, can someone please explain some more how to use cross-validation in SQL Server 2008 (CTP)? I read here that it "is under Accuracy Charts in Business Intelligence Development Studio, in addition to being accessible programmatically via a stored procedure call". What is the stored procedure and input parameters?
I'm actually interested in doing so inside an Integration Services package, in a data flow task.

Gustavo Frederico

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Cross-validation In SQL Server 2008 - Log Likelihood

Dec 13, 2007

Hi! I am using the Cross Validation tab in BIDS. Can you explain why my Liklihood Log Score is a negative number (according to BOL - meaning it is worse than a random guess) when my lift chart shoes that the alogorithm is significantly better than a random guess.

Also, the BOL definition for truenegative and falsenegative are hard for me to interpret. If I have a target state of "Yes", can you please put those definitions in yes/no terms for me?


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Is Cross-Validation (or Rotation Estimation) Available In SQL Server?

Mar 28, 2007

Dear forum users,

I am a newbie in using MS SQL server with analysis services.
There seems to be no 'cross-validation' tool in MS SQL
which is frequently used in data mining and even statistics.
Is there anyone having similar difficulties?
Is there any solution like a small scripts to divide
the given dataset with multiple folds?
Your valuable comments and feedbacks would be appreciated.


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Cross Validation With Predictable Nested Tables

Dec 24, 2007

How does cross-validation work in the case of models with predictable nested tables? Is it supported? For classification and regression with a flat structure, during the testing phase (that is, validation phase) of cross-validation I can think of the inputs being presented and comparing the predicted value with the real value. But in the case of nested tables, the input is not a subset of the attributes (a subset of the input vector), but whole input vectors. (For instance, complete itemsets in the case of association rules). Can you please explain some more how the validation phase works in the case of the association rules and decision trees with predictable nested tables?

Gustavo Frederico

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS Package In Cross Domain?

Jul 3, 2015

I have created SSIS package to transfer table data(1500 rows tbl size=140 MB).

To transfer data across the network its taking around 1 hr.

I have tried by removing indexes and constraints on destination table.

How should I improve the speed as the table is very small.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Cross Apply With Parameterized Function?

Sep 9, 2015

I'm unable to reproduce the error. when they upgrade their OS and SQL EXPRESS to a more recent version the error disappears.

The error is: Incorrect syntax near '.'

the query in question resembles this:

Select column1, column2
from Table1 T
cross apply function(t.column4,t.column5) F
where column3 = 'XXXX'

I made sure that the compatibility level is greater than 90 this error is happening on SQL2005 SP2 as well as SQL2008 with SP2 (but not all clients are suffering from the same problem)

Can it be the .net framework? Although the machines had .net framework 3.52.

Can the OS be an issue? The OS' seem to be old, Windows Server 2008 SP2

I've tried to reproduce the error by setting up virtual machines with same OS and SQL but, again, can't reproduce.

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Can I Ask How To Use 'weight' Variable In Descision Tree And How To Use Cross Validation In The Data Mining Procedure?

Jun 15, 2007

Also when using cross validation, which descision tree should we choose?

Thanks very much

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X-validation: Problem With Nested Table (SQL DM 2008 CTP)

Dec 14, 2007

Hi, I'm calling the cross validation SP like this
call SystemGetCrossValidationResults([V Product View Event],[V Product Event 1],4,500,'V Product View Event')
and I get this error:
Parsing the query ...
Error (Data mining): The attribute, 'V Product View Event', is not valid in the current procedure call because the attribute is not a PREDICT or a PREDICT_ONLY attribute for the model, 'V Product Event 1'.

Parsing complete

In my model 'V Product View Event' is a predictable attribute. It so happens that I'm using association rules. And 'V Product View Event' is a nested table (a TableMiningStructureColumn). Inside the 'V Product View Event' nested table I have a 'Product' ScalarMiningStructureColumn. Is there any way to call the SP with nested tables in models? I'm using SQL Server 2008 June CTP.

Gustavo Frederico

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SQL Server Validation

Jul 10, 2006

Hey all,

Quick question regarding validation!

I have a table of contact details containing the usual name, adresss etc fields.

I want to validate the fields Country and telephone together so that fopr example if country = 'UNITED KINGDOM' the telephone has to begin with +44 if it doesnt i want it to add the +44!

I can do this through writing a little program but just wanted to explore the possibility of doing this with SQL or functions already available with MSSQL Server



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Information_shema Cross Server?

Oct 24, 2005

Hi All:

When I check out > 2000 customer databases cross 8 SQL 2000 servers, I wish I could use
"Select * from " + @server + "." + @databaseName + ".information_Schema.coulmns
where column_name = " + @column_name.

It did not works in this way.
However, why it works on
"Select * from serverA.master.information_schema.columns"?
It is also a cross server query but is on Master DB.


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Date Validation In SQL Server

Jun 7, 2006

Hi There,

I have a software where the frontend is created in VB and backend is created in SQL server. Our HO sends a file, this file has only one month validity. It has 2 files one is parent and one is child file. while uploading the file using software it creates the following files

Clipboard Clip File, Cursor File, DBE file, EXM, GLB file, MOD File, SQL server subscription file, MTB file, PAT file, PSK file, PTD file, QCM file, QTY file, SEM file, SMO file,STR file, TOP file and a VLP file.This files uploads questions and answers in database. and in SQL Profiler it runs the following queries

select dbname from master ..syslogins where loginname =UPPER ( 'S' )
select convert ( varchar ( 10 ) , getdate ( ) , 105 ) from sysusers where uid =0
select convert ( varchar ( 10 ) , getdate ( ) , 105 ) + ' ' + convert ( varchar ( 8 ) , getdate ( ) , 108 ) from sysusers where uid =0
select convert ( varchar ( 10 ) , getdate ( ) , 120 ) from sysusers where uid =0
All of them returns date. But after this it throws error file expired. I dont understand from where it checks date. and which file contains questions and answers

Can anyone please tell me which file might contain date validation and how do i remove it. I can mail the files for your kind reference.

Thanking you and waiting for some kind replies


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Cross Server Query

Jan 31, 2008

Hi all,

My support team inform me that my servers have been updated and rebooted on monday. Now I need to run some cross db queries today and I dont seem to be able to connect anymore. I am getting the (dreaded apparant but not surprisingly) Msg 17, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Now first thing I did was try to drop both linked servers and add again. I am thinking that the particular server has a dynamic ip which I have determined. Ive noticed a work around on MSFT but it say about using a connection string with IP.

Can anyone help me work this out? id appreciate it.

"Impossible is Nothing"

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SQL Server Data Validation

Mar 18, 2008


I have one question regarding SQL Server replication.

I have setup SQLServer merge replication at my work, one of our subscriptions has unreliable connection to the publisher, after setting up the replication to this subscriber, it happened once that the connection was really bad so the merge agent for this subscription was failing before synchronizing data changes, and after that , the connection went good & the merge agent completed the synchronization successfully.

After a while I decided to validate all subscriptions, I discovered that this subscription has different row count for many articles although the merge agent was finishing all synchronizations successfully!!

so my question is:

how could this happen? I mean finishing the sync with success and still have different records!!

I thought that SQL Server will keep make the sync fail just because it can't do it!!

Is it right or there is something I misunderstood here?

How can I prevent this from happening again? at least I want SQL Server to inform me by failing the merge agent synchronizations.

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Cross-tab Query In SQL Server

Oct 14, 2006

I have a table with results from several inspection tests. The Pass/Fail parameter in the cross-tab output would be Pass if all tests for that serial number are Pass, and Fail if any of the results for that serial number are Fail.

How would I create a cross-tab query in SQL Server?

Table for input to cross-tab query: [Inspection Data]
SerialNumber ParamName Result Pass/Fail

001 Test1 3.43 Pass

001 Test2 3.27 Pass

001 Test3 2.97 Pass

002 Test1 2.88 Pass

002 Test2 3.01 Pass

002 Test3 4.22 Fail

003 Test1 3.11 Pass

003 Test2 2.91 Pass

003 Test3 3.28 Pass

Cross-tab Query Output:

Test1 Test2 Test3 Pass/Fail
001 3.43 3.27 2.97 Pass
002 2.88 3.01 4.22 Fail
003 3.11 2.91 3.28 Pass

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Can I Run SQL Server 2008 - Reporting Services CTP Until Microsoft Sells SQL 2008

Mar 31, 2008

There are a few features in the new SQL Server - Reporting Services that I really need in production. I have tested everything and it works great. I am running the CTP version since Microsoft is saying they aren't releasing the release version until 3rd quarter 2008.

Since Microsoft won't sell SQL 2008 until 3rd quarter, can I run the CTP in production until the release and then purchase SQL 2008?


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Seeking Advice: SQL Server On Win 2008 Virtual Server Or Just Win 2008?

Apr 23, 2008

Hello - does anyone have experience w/SQL Server 2005 in a virtual environment? I'm considering this for a production environment but not sure if performance will suffer. Our databases will have a lot of writing but not too much reading. A SSRS solution is currently the only app. connecting to the SQL db. Max users to server at any given time will be very low (~10 users max). But the databases are pulling in data from other, outside multiple data sources on a daily basis.

Any pointers to documentation or any advice?


A Brown

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Cross Tabs Problem In Sql Server

Apr 17, 2004

I want a query which is used in sql server like access query

TRANSFORM Sum(Q_DayBook.Debit) AS SumOfDebit
SELECT Q_DayBook.Purticular, Sum(Q_DayBook.Debit) AS [Total Of Debit]
FROM Q_DayBook
GROUP BY Q_DayBook.Purticular
PIVOT Q_DayBook.CDate;

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Excel Files Against SQL Server - Validation

Nov 18, 2005

HiI'm rather new to ASP.NET (was working with win forms before) and having a few problems with my first app. To the point - this is an internal system - every week about 50 branches send financial reports to the headquaters where those excel files are validated against data in sql server. after file is uploaded to the server I'm opening it using Excel object model and iterating through it line by line. Apart from format and datatype checking, for each line there are ~2 stored procedures invokedEverything is working actually but my concern is performance.. After about 800 rows it is getting really slow.. Appreciate any comments on this.thanksAM

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Cross Server Database Dumps

Oct 5, 2004

I am attempting to remember the string to dump/restore a database to a different physical server.

I have the database on Server 1 and want to back it up to server 2. Can anyone refresh my memory?


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Cross Server Database Dump

Oct 5, 2004

I am attempting to remember the string to dump/restore a database to a different physical server.

I have the database on Server 1 and want to back it up to server 2. Can anyone refresh my memory?


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CREATE Cross Tab Query Using Sql Server 6.5

Feb 1, 1999

hi, here I create a cross tab query in access 97 this is the code

TRANSFORM Count([1].ORD_NBR) AS [The Value]

I export this table to sqlerver 6.5 and run the same code. IT DIDNOT WORK
My question is how can I implement crosstab query in sql server 6.5?

any one can help I really do appreciate


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Cross-server SELECT Query

May 2, 2006


Recently the powers-that-be migrated the largest databases from one server to another, more powerful server while keeping some support data on the original server. My problem: I need to run queries on tables spanning both database servers. Unfortunately, I can't find any documentation on how to do this. Does anyone have any ideas?


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Cross Server Update Problem

Sep 11, 2006

The system has worked for two years.SQL Server 2000 runs on Windows 2000 Server "A".Another instance of SQL Server 2000 was moved from Windows 2000 Server"B" old to Windows 2003 Server "B" new, by restoring a backedup copy from old to new.The system has cross server updates, where Server "A" is updatingrecords in very large tables on Server "B".After the move from Server "B" old to Server "B" new, suddenlythe cross server updates fail, but only when they are conducted withina Begin and Commit Transaction batch.The system works when I remove the Begin and Commit Transaction, and nolonger have them run in a batch.Also, I had a cross server update, having "A" update records in"B", from a delete trigger residing on "A" table. Deletesagainst the "A" table fail so long as the trigger remains. Once Iremove the delete trigger from the "A" table, I can now deleterecords on the "A" table.Thanks. Dotnet Fellow

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Domain And/or Server Validation For Scripts

Mar 29, 2008

Is there some way to set up management studio to where a specific saved script (.sql file) won't run unless it's on a server in a certain domain (or at least on a specific server)? I know can store @@servername in a variable and then run the script inside of an IF block only if it's a certain server name, but I'm looking for something a little more bulletproof. I'll probably end up putting the script in a .NET app where I can control the connection string, but I'm wondering if there's a T-SQL alternative to this.



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Cross Server Update Problem

Sep 11, 2006

The system has worked for two years.

SQL Server 2000 runs on Windows 2000 Server €œA€?.

Another instance of SQL Server 2000 was moved from Windows 2000 Server €œB€? old to Windows 2003 Server €œB€? new, by restoring a backed up copy from old to new.

The system has cross server updates, where Server €œA€? is updating records in very large tables on Server €œB€?.

After the move from Server €œB€? old to Server €œB€? new, suddenly the cross server updates fail, but only when they are conducted within a Begin and Commit Transaction batch.

The system works when I remove the Begin and Commit Transaction, and no longer have them run in a batch.

Also, I had a cross server update, having €œA€? update records in €œB€?, from a delete trigger residing on €œA€? table. Deletes against the €œA€? table fail so long as the trigger remains. Once I remove the delete trigger from the €œA€? table, I can now delete records on the €œA€? table.

Thanks. Dotnet Fellow

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Problem With Windows Server 2008 And SQL 2008 Express

Feb 25, 2008

Recently, I set up server with Windows Web Server 2008 RC1, SQL 2008 Express beta, .NET 3.5, IIS 7.
I'm running ASP.NET web application with SQL database. Everything works fine until the first application state on the server expires. After that, any postback that starts a new application state on the server and connects to the database, results in the following error:
Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed.
Is this a bug that will be fixed in release of Windows / SQL or am I doing something wrong?
Many thanks for help,

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Cross Server Updating Via Trigger Issue

May 22, 2002

I need to update serverB.databaseB.tableB.columnB value
based on serverA.databaseA.tableA.columnA value change,

the update trigger in serverA.tableA works fine in
updating a testing databaseB.tableB.columnB in the same serverA.

serverB is as the linked server in ServerA and DTC is on.
when change the trigger to point to serverB.databaseB....
Server: Msg 7395, Level 16, State 2, Procedure trInsUpdDel_InboundCannedMessages, Line 169
Unable to start a nested transaction for OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB'.
A nested transaction was required because the XACT_ABORT option was set to OFF.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Cannot start more transactions on this session.]

thanks for the help

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Cross Server Data Compare Using Findstr

Nov 6, 1998

I am trying to compare the data from 2 different servers. It is the same table. I did a select * and put the data into 2 different text files. I then used the Windows NT findstr utility to compare them to find the differences. I used the command findstr /v /i /x /g:file1 file2 > file3, where file1 is the larger table, and file2 is the smaller one. I want to find the records in file2 which are different or do not exist. I recieved no data back. I have ASCII characters in the text files. My question is does anyone know of a better way to do this, or how to make this command work?

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Microsoft SQL Server 2008 CTP, February 2008

Mar 7, 2008

Hi all,

New to this so please be patient and please help.

I have developed an SQL 2005 Express command line option install for our company which has been working seamlessly for the last 18 months.

I downloaded the €œMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 Express CTP, February 2008€? from

I simply replaced the 2005 file €œSQLEXPR.EXE€? with the 2008 file €œ€?, recompiled the installation and tested only for it to fail. I than read the 2008 books online and noted the change in command line options.

I then changed the command line to suit the Microsoft 2008 books online, recompiled the installation and tested only for it to fail once more.

Interestingly I tested the install from the default GUI and at the point of adding the €œsa€? login credentials it fails to allow the installation to proceed. Strangely by selecting the windows authentication credentials, €œnext€? than €œback€? it now allows me to add the €œsa€? login credentials and continues to install correctly as required.

I hope I have explained this clearly enough.

1. Is this a bug in the €œMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 CTP, February 2008€? installation?
2. If so is this causing the command line install options to fail?
3. How do I obtain a version of €œMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 Express€? that will work installing from the command line?

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Using Cross Apply To UNPIVOT Data

Jan 15, 2014

I was reading Kenneth Fisher's and Dwain Camps' articles on unpivoting using cross apply... And I can actually get them to work....

Causality1 TINYINT,
Relatedness1 TINYINT,

[Code] ....

The one thing I was wondering was this: how do I extract the symptom names from the field list without knowing them all beforehand? Dwain does this

-- DDL and sample data for UNPIVOT Example 2
(ID INT, Product VARCHAR(500)
,Supplier1 VARCHAR(500), Supplier2 VARCHAR(500), Supplier3 VARCHAR(500)
,City1 VARCHAR(500), City2 VARCHAR(500), City3 VARCHAR(500))

Can this be adapted if you don't know all the column names beforehand? (Likely not). Back in the dark ages, when I was working on a database like this, it was in Access, and I could loop over the fields collection and evaluate each field name. (Yes, I know you're not supposed to store information in field names, but I inherited that mess!)

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SQL Server 2014 :: Cross-database Function Call

Jul 2, 2015

I have 2 databases on the same server

One has a function, the other has the tables and views

using dba

select dbo.function(t.column) as x from dbb.dbo.table as t

gives m an invalid object name of dbo.table

using dba

select top 1 * from dbb.dbo.table works fine.

also if i create the function on the same db it works.

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SQL Server 2014 :: SSIS Package Cancels Itself After Successful Validation

Dec 15, 2014

I have an SSIS package authored in SSDT for VS 2013 that cancels itself immediately after validation completes and execution commences. This behavior occurs when executed either in VS 2013 or from within SQL Server. No error messages are thrown in either the debug window or the log output (log is capturing everything). The only thing that occurs differently on this package as compared to another package I am able to execute successfully is that a command line window briefly flashes when the package cancels itself—but it is gone so fast I cannot read it. The last several lines of the debug output are as follows:

Information: 0x40043006 at Merge Info, SSIS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x40043007 at Merge Info, SSIS.Pipeline: Pre-Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x402090DC at Merge Info, All Users CSV [2]: The processing of file "C:...AllUsers.csv" has started.
Information: 0x400490F4 at Merge Info, Lookup Org [47]: Lookup Org has cached 957 rows.
Information: 0x400490F5 at Merge Info, Lookup Org [47]: Lookup Org has cached a total of 26719 rows.

[Code] ....

What circumstances an SSIS package would cancel itself without throwing any errors?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Writing A Cross Join Query With One Table?

Jul 19, 2015

writing a cross join query with one table:

Cities(City_name, X_coordinate, Y_coordinate)

the result should be all combinations without reverse column returns

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Cities] as P1
Cross JOIN [dbo].[cities] as p2
where (p1.City_name != p2.City_name) and ???

for example if there are three Cities as A,B,C the result should be: A->B, A->C, B->C (without the returns B->A, C->A, C->B)

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