Crosstab Alternate Hierarchies Of An MSAS Cube Using Cognos

May 5, 2005

Good day all

I am unable to crosstab different alternate hierarchies of an MSAS cube from a single dimension, I'm using Cognos Powerplay (7.3 web and client) to browse the data. v 7.1 displays the same behaviour.

When I try to create the crosstab the display replaces both rows and columns to the alternate path, it overwrites the original path. Can anyone tell me if this is a Cognos issue or an Analysis services one and if there is any way around it. The only solution I have at the moment is to bodge it by creating seperate dimensions for each alternate hierarchy however this is ugly and difficult to use.


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Cognos Measure Allocation / Scope In MSAS

May 5, 2005

I am a Cognos developer (10 years) and am frustrated with the apparent lack of MSAS ability to replicate Cognos measure scope / allocation features.

I have built three cubes, Sales Info, Store Count, and Date Count and wrapped these into a virtual cube (Sales Reporting). Both the Store Count and Date Count cubes have just a single dimension and a single measure each (Distinct counts of Stores and of Days respectively), this is my attempt at replicating the use of several fact queries with differing scope in Cognos Transformer. In my virtual cube I wish the distinct counts to be allocated constantly within dimensions that are out of scope. For instance if I have product categories as rows and my measures as columns then I wish to see the total number of stores on each row and the number of days in the date range so that I can calculate a few ratio's. I do not wish to see the number of stores that sold products in each category or the number of days products in that category were sold, which is what I see if I use distinct count measures in a cube with the exact same dimensionality.

All that I have been able to achieve is something similar to Cognos's 'do not allocate', zero's appear down the list of categories in out of scope dimensions.


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Pulling Out Data From MSAS Cube

Dec 12, 2005

Hi friends,
I am new to MSAS world. I need help related to this. I want to pull data from MSAS cube programmatically. Only way I know is thru ODBO, but that won't help me in this case, cause I might have to drill down upto all possible intersections stored in MSAS (at least all of the stored members). Doing this thru MDX could be humongous thing, at least manipulating data taken out using ODBO.
I might be missing something out here. Can anybody help. It would also help if somebody can tell me if any other approach is poosible.

Thank you.

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Cognos Cube

Oct 25, 2007

Is it possible for RS to connect to a Cognos cube?

If so, where can I find information on it especially how security within cognos is evaluated/verified.

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List Hierarchies In A Cube

May 19, 2008

I have a date dimension and Fiscal Year is a Hierarchy in it, like April, August and October for different fiscal years. I need to populate this in a report (SSRS) in a combo box so that the user can pick the fiscal year he/she wants. When done, I want to know what is the Fiscal year start month is, like April for April Fiscal year etc.

How do I achieve this? Is it even possible?

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Access Crosstab -&> SQL Crosstab

Jan 9, 2006

Hi all
I'm transferring some Access queries to SQL server and the crosstabs don't want to work, can anyone shed any light on the query below.


TRANSFORM Min(tCompany.cCompanyName) AS CompanyName
SELECT tProjContacts.ProjectID
FROM tCompany INNER JOIN (tProjContacts INNER JOIN tCompanyType ON tProjContacts.CoTypeId = tCompanyType.CoTypeId) ON tCompany.CompanyID = tProjContacts.CompanyID
WHERE (((tCompanyType.CoType) Like "*topo*" Or (tCompanyType.CoType) Like "*ground*"))
GROUP BY tProjContacts.ProjectID
PIVOT tCompanyType.CoType;

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MSAS Trimmed Average

May 5, 2006


I have the following table:
OrderNumber varchar(15)
Completed int(1)
Certificate int(1)
ThroughputTime int(4)

With the following data:
OrderNumber Completed Certificate ThroughputTime
00001 1 1 1
00002 1 1 2
00003 1 0 1
00004 1 0 1
00005 0 1 2
00006 0 1 1
00007 0 0 4
00008 0 0 89

I have a dimension:
All Completed
- Completed
- Not Completed

and a dimension:
All Certificate
- No Certificate
- Certificate

I also have a measures:
TptSum which Sums ThroughputTime
TptCount which Counts OrderNumbers
TptAvg which divided TptSum by TptCount

My problem is with the next measure:
In MSAS I created a Cube which shows the measures on the columns and both Completed and Certificate on the rows. The OrderNumber selection is set to "All Ordernumbers". The measures a listed above are displayed exactly as i expect them to do. TptSum gives the sum for the subselection showed on the left. TptCount and TptAvg also show the expected values on their distinct rows.
I can't upload a screenshot but it looks like this:

TptSum TptCount TptAvg
All Certificate All Completed 101 8 12.63
Completed 5 4 1.25
Not Completed 96 4 24.00
No Certificate All Completed 95 4 23.75
Completed 2 2 1.00
Not Completed 93 2 46.50
Certificate All Completed 6 4 1.50
Completed 3 2 1.50
Not Completed 3 2 1.50

So far so good. Each datarow only takes the records that match the criteria at the left.
Now however, To exclude exceptions that have a huge impact on the average I want to create a trimmed average. That is, I want to exclude the top 25% values in my trimmed average measure, which are the 2 records with the highest ThroughputTime, being ordernumber 00007 and 00008 in the "All Certificate" & "All Completed" row, but different in the other rows. I also want the bottom 25% values to be trimmed, which are the 2 records with the lowest ThroughputTime, being ordernumber 00001 and 0003 in the "All Certificate" & "All Completed" row.

I tried a lot of things, but i can't get it working. Somehow all my statements don't take the subselections on the rows into account. Really frustrating.

What I want to achieve is the following:

TptSum TptCount TptAvg TrimmedAvg
All Certificate All Completed 101 8 12.63 1.50 ((2+1+2+1) / 4) (middle 4 records)
Completed 5 4 1.25 1.00 ((1+1) / 2) (middle 2 records)
Not Completed 96 4 24.00 3.00 ((2+4) / 2) (middle 2 records)
No Certificate All Completed 95 4 23.75 2.50 ((1+4) / 2) (middle 2 records)
Completed 2 2 1.00 1.00 ((1+1) / 2) (all 2 records)
Not Completed 93 2 46.50 46.50 ((4+89) / 2) (all 2 records)
Certificate All Completed 6 4 1.50 1.50 ((1+2) / 2) (middle 2 records)
Completed 3 2 1.50 1.50 ((1+2) / 2) (all 2 records)
Not Completed 3 2 1.50 1.50 ((1+2) / 2) (all 2 records)

I hope I describe my problem well... I also hope someone knows a solution. I can also post the things I tried, but I'm afraid that makes it more confusing, because nothing worked ;)



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MSAS: Trimmed Average

May 5, 2006


I have the following table:
OrderNumber varchar(15)
Completed int(1)
Certificate int(1)
ThroughputTime int(4)

With the following data:
OrderNumber Completed Certificate ThroughputTime
00001 1 1 1
00002 1 1 2
00003 1 0 1
00004 1 0 1
00005 0 1 2
00006 0 1 1
00007 0 0 4
00008 0 0 89

I have a dimension:
All Completed
- Completed
- Not Completed

and a dimension:
All Certificate
- No Certificate
- Certificate

I also have measures:
TptSum which Sums ThroughputTime
TptCount which Counts OrderNumbers
TptAvg which divides TptSum by TptCount

My problem is with the next measure:
In MSAS I created a Cube which shows the measures on the columns and both Completed and Certificate on the rows. The OrderNumber selection is set to "All Ordernumbers". The measures as listed above are displayed exactly as I expect them to do. TptSum gives the sum for the subselection showed on the left. TptCount and TptAvg also show the expected values on their distinct rows.
I can't upload a screenshot but it looks like this:

TptSum TptCount TptAvg
All Certificate All Completed 101 8 12.63
Completed 5 4 1.25
Not Completed 96 4 24.00
No Certificate All Completed 95 4 23.75
Completed 2 2 1.00
Not Completed 93 2 46.50
Certificate All Completed 6 4 1.50
Completed 3 2 1.50
Not Completed 3 2 1.50

So far so good. Each datarow only takes the records that match the criteria at the left.
Now however, To exclude exceptions that have a huge impact on the average I want to create a trimmed average. That is, I want to exclude the top 25% values in my trimmed average measure, which are the 2 records with the highest ThroughputTime, being ordernumber 00007 and 00008 in the "All Certificate" & "All Completed" row, but different in the other rows. I also want the bottom 25% values to be trimmed, which are the 2 records with the lowest ThroughputTime, being ordernumber 00001 and 0003 in the "All Certificate" & "All Completed" row.

I tried a lot of things, but i can't get it working. Somehow all my statements don't take the subselections on the rows into account. Really frustrating.

What I want to achieve is the following:

TptSum TptCount TptAvg TrimmedAvg
All Certificate All Completed 101 8 12.63 1.50 ((2+1+2+1) / 4) (middle 4 records)
Completed 5 4 1.25 1.00 ((1+1) / 2) (middle 2 records)
Not Completed 96 4 24.00 3.00 ((2+4) / 2) (middle 2 records)
No Certificate All Completed 95 4 23.75 2.50 ((1+4) / 2) (middle 2 records)
Completed 2 2 1.00 1.00 ((1+1) / 2) (all 2 records)
Not Completed 93 2 46.50 46.50 ((4+89) / 2) (all 2 records)
Certificate All Completed 6 4 1.50 1.50 ((1+2) / 2) (middle 2 records)
Completed 3 2 1.50 1.50 ((1+2) / 2) (all 2 records)
Not Completed 3 2 1.50 1.50 ((1+2) / 2) (all 2 records)

I hope I describe my problem well... I also hope someone knows a solution. I can also post the things I tried, but I'm afraid that makes it more confusing, because nothing worked ;)



PS. newbie alert! :beer:

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Connecting To MSAS From Unix

Feb 25, 2008

Dear all,

I am trying to connect Cognos to MSAS 2005 from an UNIX server (AIX). I am getting the following error:

QFS-ERR-0002 Unable to find or load the shared library '/cognos/c8/./bin/' (or one of its dependents) containing the provider 'MSAnalysis2005ODP'.

Is this file part of a SQL Server shared library (.o file) that must be installed on the UNIX server? Any pointers? Many thanks.

Best regards,
Pedro Martins

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Problem : MSAS And SQLserver On 2 Different Servers

Dec 14, 2005

Client have 2 servers, one with Sqlserver 2000 and one with Analysis Services.

Want to add a "Analysis Services Processing Task" to my DTS job on the SQLserver but the task does not exist since MSAS is not installed on the SQLserver...

Client does not want to install MSAS on the SQL Server....

Any ideas how to setup auto processing of the cubes ???

Regards Tale Liereng

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DB Engine :: Authentication After Password Change On MSAs

Jul 30, 2015

We are experiencing authentication/ Kerberos issues after a password for the MSA's has changed. We use MSA for our SQL 2012 and windows 2012 combination Servers. This errors creates issues while backing up and Service Broker connectivity.We had to restart sql services to fix it, but this not seem to be a resolution for me because the next time the password changes on these MSA's we may have to restart sql services.There seems to be a known issue for windows 2008 R2 servers and fix is available and we incorporated it. But the issue we are facing is on windows 2012 Server.

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Running Cognos From SQL

Jul 23, 2005

Is it possible to exec a Cognos report from a SQL job?--Message posted via

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Cognos IWR Server

Jul 20, 2005

Our disk drive died, and we were able to backup most of the files (allthe reports, the shuttled, pending, etc)But when we open the administrator, we get a blank. none of ourcatalogues are listed in there.I don't want to recreate all the catalogues and reports- does anyoneknow how we can "import" them in there? The database that contains allthe "data" was not backed up, sicne it was in use during backup (badNetwork admin)If anyone can help, PLEASE email. trying to get an answer from cognos,but who knows?!!!

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Cognos Vs SSIS

Nov 27, 2006

We are trying to investigate the ETL tools available in the market and have narrowed down to two

COGNOS - ETL (Data Manager Tool)

Microsoft - SSIS

Is there a comparison study out there which would help us in this process. Also a list of things we need to look out for in a ETL tool will also help.


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Migration From Cognos ...

Sep 29, 2005


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Cognos Controller 8.2 Prob

Jan 25, 2008


I have an installation of Cognos Controller 8.2. The installation of application seems to be all 100%.I can create blank SQL database use the application to upgrade the tables but as soon as I populate the database with data and try to optimise from the application there is an issue. It gives me the error below:
Standard error
Number 5
Source: Frango dircect.Optimise.DeleteTempFox#controllerProxyClie nt
Description: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException
server was unable to process request-->System.Security.Security Exception: Permission Denied
I have checked permissions on the database and all is fine "fastnet" is added as the DB owner and the SQL instance is 100%, Can anyone please shed some light on this.

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Migrating Cognos DM ETL To SSIS?

May 29, 2008

Hi all - just wondering if anyone could give me an idea of how arduous this task would be (migrating Cognos Data Manager scripts to SSIS). I realize it wont be a trivial endeavour, but wondered how much of a headstart having the initial validated Cognos catalog would be to this project (or would it be pretty much useless?)


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SqlServer(2005) Driver For Cognos

Jan 17, 2008

We are having performance issue (too slow) compiling cubes utilizing Cognos over SqlServer database. The driver used is Microsoft Sql Server (OLE DB). Is that the right driver to be used?
Any idea what could be the problem?


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[Dimension].[All Hierarchies].[All] ?

Feb 6, 2005

As promised, question #2... ;)

As I mentioned in my previous post, my "real" case is a cube with 79 dimensions, most of which virtual, have been added for convenience.

Think for instance about a time dimension... Wouldn't it be nice to get a matrix with years horizontally, months vertically and displaying say the number of order you had for each cell in the resulting grid.
Ok, maybe you can do this with MDX but not in Excel, unless you create virtual dimensions for the Year and Month levels.

That's all good, but as it is, in my real case, I end up with four date dimensions for which I have to provide:

YQMD (Year, Quarter, Month & Day) hirarchized dimension
YWD (Year, Week, Day)
YQMD (Fiscal calendar)
Day (as 1, .. 31)
Week Day (for periodicity analysis over a week's time)
Date (as individual day - this is the backbone for the virtual dimensions)

It turns out this makes 40 dimensions by itself. For the sake of it, I grouped them by 4 hierarchies, although I've seen no specific functionality off of this in the data browser or Excel, so it really seems to be only for "show".

Now in my previous post I explained how I "spread" my session count to calculate a conversion rate. Given the number of dimensions I have (very high segmentation at the order level, very limited segmentation at the session/visit level), this means my calculated cell formula looks like this (hold your breath, it's ugly):

SubCube: {[Measures].[Session Count]}, DESCENDANTS([Business Unit].[All]), DESCENDANTS([Channel Source].[All]), DESCENDANTS([Currency].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FO Product Segment].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FO Quarter].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FO Value Segment].[All]), DESCENDANTS([Is Cancelled].[All]), DESCENDANTS([Is Customer Care].[All]), DESCENDANTS([Is Design Services].[All]), DESCENDANTS([Is Direct].[All]), DESCENDANTS([Is Estimated].[All]), DESCENDANTS([Is Holiday Order].[All]), DESCENDANTS([Is New].[All]), DESCENDANTS([Is Sales Services].[All]), DESCENDANTS([Language].[All]), DESCENDANTS([Payment].[All]), DESCENDANTS([Product Segment].[All]), DESCENDANTS([Value Segment].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FO Channel].[All]), DESCENDANTS([Reg Channel].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FCD].[Date].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FCD].[Day].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FCD].[Mth].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FCD].[Qtr].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FCD].[Wk].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FCD].[WkDay].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FCD].[Year].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FCD].[Fiscal].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FCD].[YMQD].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FCD].[YWD].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FRD].[Date].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FRD].[Day].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FRD].[Mth].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FRD].[Qtr].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FRD].[Wk].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FRD].[WkDay].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FRD].[Year].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FRD].[Fiscal].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FRD].[YQMD].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FRD].[YWD].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FSD].[Date].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FSD].[Day].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FSD].[Mth].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FSD].[Qtr].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FSD].[Wk].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FSD].[WkDay].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FSD].[Year].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FSD].[Fiscal].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FSD].[YQMD].[All]), DESCENDANTS([FSD].[YWD].[All])

Caculation Value: CalculationPassValue(([Business Unit].[All],[Channel Source].[All],[Currency].[All],[FO Product Segment].[All],[FO Quarter].[All],[FO Value Segment].[All],[Is Cancelled].[All],[Is Customer Care].[All],[Is Design Services].[All],[Is Direct].[All],[Is Estimated].[All],[Is Holiday Order].[All],[Is New].[All],[Is Sales Services].[All],[Language].[All],[Payment].[All],[Product Segment].[All],[Value Segment].[All],[FO Channel].[All],[Reg Channel].[All],[FCD].[Date].[All],[FCD].[Day].[All],[FCD].[Mth].[All],[FCD].[Qtr].[All],[FCD].[Wk].[All],[FCD].[WkDay].[All],[FCD].[Year].[All],[FCD].[Fiscal].[All],[FCD].[YMQD].[All],[FCD].[YWD].[All],[FRD].[Date].[All],[FRD].[Day].[All],[FRD].[Mth].[All],[FRD].[Qtr].[All],[FRD].[Wk].[All],[FRD].[WkDay].[All],[FRD].[Year].[All],[FRD].[Fiscal].[All],[FRD].[YQMD].[All],[FRD].[YWD].[All],[FSD].[Date].[All],[FSD].[Day].[All],[FSD].[Mth].[All],[FSD].[Qtr].[All],[FSD].[Wk].[All],[FSD].[WkDay].[All],[FSD].[Year].[All],[FSD].[Fiscal].[All],[FSD].[YQMD].[All],[FSD].[YWD].[All],[Measures].[Session Count]), 0)

If you read all this, you can see already the cryptic dimension names like "FRD", "FSD" and so forth... that's because with the real names ("First Refund Date", "First Ship Date", the query processor errored out... visibly there is a limit in the size of the formulas you can post!

Is there no other way to achieve this result? Basically I mean to say: if the session count is not defined at your level along this dimension, go to the root of the dimension to get the value there, this along a slew of dimensions, many of which are inherently dependent because of the usage of virtual dimensions (therefore if I wish to go to the root of my "First Refund Date" for instance, I wish to do so along all sub-dimensions... Heck, as far as I'm concerned this is conceptually only ONE dimension, just with various views upon it...

Using hierachies I was sort of hoping for the ability to have something like:
[FRD].[All Hierachies].[All]

Am I just asking for too much or do I just not know (quite probable) the magic keyword that can do this?

Where this is becoming quite critical is that I actually have a calculated cell that goes as follows (abridged):

SubCube: similar as before

Calculation: [Measures].[Order Count]*CalculationPassValue((...set of all un-tied dimension roots..., [Measures].[Distributed Marketing Cost])/CalculationPassValue((...set of all un-tied dimension roots..., [Measures].[Order Count])

Now the purpose of this is to distribute external costs at the order level. In short, say that you know you spent $10,000 globally promoting a specific group of websites in commission money (you pay $1 for each order). This formula allows me to get that a specific website, with 20 orders incurred an additional marketing cost of $20. That's actually the object of my next thread's question (spreading a multiplication through the aggregations)

For the purpose of this thread I am just concerned about the size of my formulas. Renaming the dimensions seemed to "buy" me some margin and I was actually quite surprised to find that the formula still fitted in, and works, but it is only a matter of time until I have to add more dimensions and the whole thing blows up in my face. Adittionally this is obviously not pleasant to look at and maintain.

Any better solution?



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Different Aggergates For Different Hierarchies?

May 27, 2008

Nwebie question:
is it possible to have a fact that will behave diffeerntly as the user
is viewing it from different hierarchies? say i got creatin measures
of a product inventory. i got a location hierarchy, as as user is
'moving up' in it (say,up by city, region, state, country...)i want to
do a sum. but i also got time hierarchy, and as user begins to group
by weeks, months, years... a sum makes no sense..i want LastNonEmpty
or something like that. Is it possible?


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Any Tool To Convert Cognos Reports To SSRS?

Apr 19, 2007

Hi. We've got hundreds of Cognos reports and catalogs and we'd like to convert them to SSRS reports and models. Is there a tool to do this? We're converting our reporting to SSRS and need help. Thanks.

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Power Pivot :: Aggregating Time Periods In Cube-member / Cube-value Formulas?

Aug 23, 2015

I am just starting out using CUBEMEMBER/CUBEVALUE formulas in excel linked into a sql olap db - using this method for some custom reports where pivot tables are not suitable.
The time dimension values include Months, Quarters and Years and the CUBEMEMBER formulas like

=CUBEMEMBER("OLAPCUBE","[Time].[Time].[Year].&[2015].&[1].&[1]") work fine - 1st quarter 1st month etc.

Is there a straightforward notation to aggregate months or do I need to use a plus sign to add a number of CUBEMEMBER formulas together.In other words - Is there an easier way of for say jan to july 2015 totals than

=CUBEMEMBER("OLAPCUBE","[Time].[Time].[Year].&[2015].&[1]") + (CUBEMEMBER("OLAPCUBE","[Time].[Time].[Year].&[2015].&[2]")) + (CUBEMEMBER("OLAPCUBE","[Time].[Time].[Year].&[2015].&[3].&[7]"))

I haven't tested this but have assumed it works but a bit long and clumsy.

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Querying Hierarchies Of Data

Jan 24, 2004

Hey all. I have a query where I am basically querying an organizational chart. The table storing this information is basically a two column table of parent/child pairs. So you might have:

parent | child

1 | 2
2 | 3
2 | 4
3 | 6
3 | 7
4 | 8
5 | 9
8 | 10
8 | 11

Querying this table should return all child columns that flow up to the top, so querying 1 would return 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11.

I used a sample from MSDN ( that does just this, except that when querying a value that returns more than 1000 records - I am experiencing way too long response times. The MSDN sample uses temp tables and inserts values into a temp table as it moves through the records and finds a match.

Anyone have an ideas on another way to accomplish the same thing? This is an important part of my security model as users that login should only have access to data that falls within their parent/child heirarchy.



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Can I Handle Hierarchies Like Oracle ?

Jan 25, 2004

Hi SQL Server Experts,

Oracle has a 'Connect by prior' extension to SQL that is neat for display hierarchies.

Does SQL Server have anything simialr or would I use T-SQL or ???

I will appreciate any suggestions and advice.

Junior DBA

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Data Modelling Of Hierarchies

Oct 31, 2007

i guess really i'm looking for opinions and / or experiences of modelling organisational hierarchies.... anyone?

i'm in the process of creating a logical model (very early stages) of a new datawarehouse. The current OLTP schema stores it as a self referencing key (i.e. parent_group_id). The performance problems involved in aggregating to different levels of the hierarchy causes no end of complaints from customers, as i'm sure you can imagine. So, now we are modelling a datawarehouse for their reporting requirements, i obviously want it to be better

so far i've considered...
1) keeping it as it is
2) allocating a 'node' id and storing the left / right nodes in the hierarchy tree. we've used before when reporting over the OLTP system with report developers building it 'on the fly' as part of their report.
(better explanation than mine... )
3) an intermediate table storing its 'position' in the hierarchy? not really played with this yet but mr kimball seems to like it
4) denormalising it completely. i.e. level_1, level_2, level_3, Level4.... for every fact? the advantage of this is that it makes aggregation at any level really easy. the problem is that each of our customers has a different organisation hierarchy, with a different number of levels, and given the OLTP schema there is no limit to the number of levels in a hierarchy

so... thoughts / experiences anyone?


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SQL For Modeling Generalization Hierarchies

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a good approach to modelling many heterogeneous entity typeswith that have some attributes in common?Say I have entities "employees" which share some attibutes (e.g.firstname, lastname, dateofbirth) but some subsets of employees (e.g.physicians, janitors, nurses, ambulance drivers) may have additionalattributes that do not apply to all employees. Physicians may haveattributes specialty and date of board certification, ambulancedrivers may have a drivers license id, janitors may havepreferredbroomtype and so on.There are many employee subtypes and more can be dynamically addedafter the application is deployed so it's obviously no good to keepadding attributes to the employees table because most attributes willbe NULL (since janitors are never doctors at the same time).The only solution I found for this is a generalization hiearchy whereyou have the employee table with all generic attributes and then youadd tables for each new employee subtype as necessary. The subtypetables share the primary key of the employee table. The employee tablehas a "discriminator" field that allows you to figure out whichsubtype table to load for a particular entity.This solution does not seem to scale since for each value of"discriminator" I need to perform a join with a different table. Whatif I need to retrieve 1,000 employees at once?Is that possible to obtain a single ResultSet with one SQL statementSQL?Or do you I need to iterate look at the discriminator and thenperform the appropriate join? If this kind of iteration is necessarythen obviously this generalization hierarchy approach does not work inpracticesince it would be painfully slow.Is there a better approach to modelling these kind of heterogeneousentities with shared attributes that does not involve creating a tablefor each new employee type or having sparce tables (mostly filled withNULLS)I guess another approach would be to use name/value pairs but thatwould make reporting really ugly.Seems like a very common problem. Any ideas? Is this a fundamentallimitation of SQL?Thanks!- robert

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Analysis :: Creating Cube With AMO - Cube Has No Measure Groups?

May 19, 2015

I have problems creating a cube with AMO.

I can add the cube to the database object and fill it with dimensions and a measuregroup (see code below).

If I call cube.Update() it says something like "Error in meta data manager. Cube has no measuregroups." (getting the message in german language)

The error in Microsoft.AnalysisServices.OperationException.Results.Messages is -1055653629

I can't find any documentation about this (or any other) error code in Microsoft documentation.

Here's my Code:

Cube newCube = database.Cubes.Add("MyCube","MyCube");
newCube.Language = 1031;
newCube.Collation = "Latin1_General_CI_AS";
CubeDimension dim = newCube.Dimensions.Add("dim1","dim1","dim1");
CubeAttribute attrib = dim.Attributes.Find("dim1Attr1");


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Analysis :: Filter Data For Two Hierarchies

Sep 23, 2015

I have an existing MDX query returning the correct resultset. However, I want to add a filter so that for a combination of value in Hierarchy1 and Hierarchy2, the data is filtered out.

For example I have data like

H1    H2   Amount
1      1      100
2      1      50
3      1     45

I am getting a value of 100+50+45=195.

I want to filter the data for the combination H1=3 and H2=1. Expected result would be 100...

H1    H2   Amount
1      1      100
2      1      50

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DB Design :: Implementing Hierarchies In Server

Jun 12, 2015

I want to be able to implement infinite levels of Hierarchies in SQL Server (2012), in addition to being able to address issues like same child having more than one parent (eg. An Employee could end up having 2 different managers - eg. Project Manager,  Delivery Manager).

One way is to have self referencing table (where each row has a parent id , referencing to a parent record - but this would not work in cases where a child  has more than 1 parent).

Are there other more efficient ways? What is the best way to implement this?

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Managing Hierarchies In Dimension Tables

Apr 20, 2006

I am currently looking at the capabilities in SSIS from the point of view of an ETL developer who has worked with other products eg. Informatica, Cognos DecisionStream and one of things I note is a lack of support for dimensional hierarchies.

It appears that MS have assumed that SSIS users will automatically use SSAS.

We use Hyperion Essbase. Other sites have Cognos or Business Objects for their OLAP/BI.

I would like to be able build multi-level dimension hierarchies directly from within SSIS.

Has MS considered this for future versions?

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SQL 2012 :: SSAS Hierarchies For Unrelated Fields?

Mar 12, 2015

I've built a robust looking Calendar dimension but that's easy because its all so well structured. Every date belongs to a particular week and every week belongs to a particular month and every month belongs to a particular quarter etc. January 1st is always going to be a member of week 1, month 1, quarter 1.But here's the rub, real life isn't as predictable and stable as a calendar.

Lets say you have an table containing personal information. You might have gender and marital status in there and even though they both relate to one person, they're unrelated to each other so how do you put those in a hierarchy? Which one goes first and which second because you can get combinations of either.

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Populate Dropdown List With Dimension Hierarchies

Dec 17, 2006


I am currently trying to develop an application which would help in retrieving data from cubes (Microsoft Analysis Services)! The user would not be accessing the Business Intelligence Studio, etc. but would be viewing the data from a custom made application developed in VB.Net2005.

While implementing this, I want to populate the drop-down-list in the VB(.Net) Form, by retrieving the various hierarchies in the dimensions of the cubes (along with dimensions if possible). This should be done dynamically and in real-time!

Can you please help in implementing this? Any code/method, etc would be highly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

Best wishes!

(Software : SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition (with Analysis Services and BI Studio), VS.Net 2005 Enterprise Edition, ADOMD.Net)

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GetSchemaDataset For Cube Restriction With Space In The Cube Name

May 27, 2008

When I make a call to GetSchemaDataset with a restriction of a cube name with a space in the name of the cube the call fails. Following is a sample of the code: adoRestriction = new AdomdRestriction("CATALOG_NAME", "Contoso Telecom_Contoso"); adoRestrictions.Add(adoRestriction); dataSet = conn.GetSchemaDataSet("MDSCHEMA_CUBES", adoRestrictions); I am running SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services SP2. Is there some way to qualify the cube name in the restriction or is this just a bug? Thanks.

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