Csv Import Into Ms Sql 2000

Sep 1, 2006

I've got a csv file (75000 records) with 5 columns, one is a date of birth column which shows as an 8 digit long integer (yyyymmdd). I've tried sql dts but I just don't know how to show this column in sql as a date field in dd/mm/yyyy format. Can anyone please help???

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Import Data From MS Access Databases To SQL Server 2000 Using The DTS Import/Export

Oct 16, 2006

I am attempting to import data from Microsoft Access databases to SQL Server 2000 using the DTS Import/Export Wizard. I have a few errors.

Error at Destination for Row number 1. Errors encountered so far in this task: 1.
Insert error column 152 ('ViewMentalTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 150 ('VRptTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 147 ('ViewAppTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 144 ('VPreTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Insert error column 15 ('Time', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.
Invalid character value for cast specification.

Could you please look into this and guide me
Thanks in advance

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Import .dat File To SQL 2000

Oct 17, 2005

My company designs our own banking software written in Progress. Currently twice a year (during our releases) we require our bank customers to run a program on their system that pulls certain data and dumps it to a .dat file. This .dat file was then imported (using another progress program) into a Progress database that our development team created (called stats.db) so we could have access to certain information regarding the customer's software/hardware set-up and utilization of programs,etc. This stats.db is now going away as we have a centralized SQL database for all customer information. The new process will be for our customers to send in their .dat files, they would be forwarded onto me, then I will need to import them into our SQL database. I am struggling in finding a way to do this. Our .dat files contain one field that holds the information, therefore the data is not delimited in such a way that I can just pull it into Excel, Access, CSV, etc. How can I go about pulling data out of these .dat files into a view/table in SQL for importing?

I am at a total loss and have spent hours researching this issue. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks...

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Import CSV Files To SQL 2000?

Aug 25, 2005

I have several hundred .csv files that have a specific cell that I need to get into a SQL table.
These files are named after the date on which they were created...ie 8252005 would be todays date.
Im looking for a way to import this cell to SQL... the same cell in each file....
Thanks for any help

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Import XMS Into SQL Server 2000

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I am trying to import a data from a DB called Reference Manager. Itwas sent as an XML file.How do I import it? I only have the client tools.Thanks,Tmuld.

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Import Tables From 2000

Mar 9, 2007

I'm trying to migrate some tables from 2000 to 2005. I used the wizard in SSIS to create a package bringing them in.

The first database I did this on it worked great, in no time.

However, I tried this on another database and I get a LOT of these:

Information: 0x4004800C at {0417E15E-7306-4DAD-BEDD-1FDB17390EB0}, DTS.Pipeline: The buffer manager detected that the system was low on virtual memory, but was unable to swap out any buffers. 2 buffers were considered and 2 were locked. Either not enough memory is available to the pipeline because not enough is installed, other processes are using it, or too many buffers are locked.

Now, some things to note:

1. I'm trying to do about 170 tables at once - although none of them are bigger than a MB

2. Copying files between these 2 servers is also taking a long time

Is it too many tables at once? Is it the actual pipeline between the servers? The message above seems to indicate that it is a problem local to the machine, and maybe our file-copying problem is just another issue entirely.

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Sql 2000 &> Msde Import Fails

Sep 21, 2006

Im trying to import tables, stored procedures and data form another sql
2000 instance on my network to my local.   After i  go
through the  steps, it  ends up creating hte tables, but none
of the data is pulled over

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Import Data From 2005 To 2000 DB

Dec 20, 2006

I have SSMSexpress which does not include the Tasks/Import Data...Is there an easy way to do this without the full SSMS?I have SQL Server 2005 express for developement which I like alot.  Can I possibly load SSMS without installing the entire SQL Server 2005 product?
PS   I am almost a complete idiot with SQL Server DBs and I use Visual Basic, not C#

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SQL Server 2000 Database Import

Mar 10, 2005

Help needed!

I am a final year uni student and as part of my project I've developed a .Net site with a SQL Server 2000 backend.

This week a virus hit our house and my PC got infected (despite anitvirus and firewall!). Anyway, I have had to format my hard disk and reinstall everything.

My site is back in the wwwroot folder and looks fine, trouble is I need to get the database back up and running.

Before I wiped the disk I took the .mdf and .ldf files from the data file in the SQL Server folder in Program Files.

How can I get my database backup and running.

Ive tried creating a new database (with the same name as the .mdf and .ldf files) and replacing the default created files with the copies I saved but this didnt work.

Any help would really be appreciated as I have to demo this to my lecturers soon and my whole grade is riding on it! (no pressure)


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Import Db2 Data Into Sql Server 2000

Jan 7, 2005

Hi I have a database in DB2 and i would like to import this data into sql server 2000. How can i do that?


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Import Paradox 8 DB Into SQL Server 2000 Using DTS

Dec 28, 2003


I'm trying to import a Paradox 8 db into SQL Server 2000 using DTS but the list of data sources in the connections dialog only caters for version 5.x or older. Does anybody know how to get the data source for v8?

If not, is there any other quick and efficient way to import a paradox 8 db as I have to import around 15 of them to do.


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Import Excell Data To SQL 2000?

Sep 19, 2005

I need to import data in several hunderd excell spreadsheets to a sql 2000 table. What function should I use? Do I need to create a table in sql with the same columns as the excell file and then run a query? Iam pretty new to sql, so please be gentle

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How To Import Sql 2000 Database Into Sql 2005

Mar 12, 2007

I have developed an application in .NET 2005 using sql server 2005.
This is the enhancement to the existing application.Now whats the problem is, one of the customer wants his old database, which is in sql 2000 server with the new database(sql 2005 server). So, how can i import sqlserver 2000 database into sqlserver 2005 database.

Its very urgent plz.........

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Err-sql Server 2000 While Using Import And Export

Oct 22, 2007


i try to Import and export options in sql server 2000 but the fatal error is coming "Could not create instances of an DTS Package".

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Import Sybase Db To Sql Server 2000

Mar 3, 2008

How can import sybase db (sql any where) to sql server 2000 ?
sybase can be imported to sql server how ?

I try to import but there is no option to import sybase db
by tool -> data transformation services -> import / export data


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File Import To SQL Server 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,I have a file with an extension of .sdf. I "believe" it is a text fileof some sort but I am uncertain. The source agency hasn't returned anyof my calls so I'm wondering if anyone is familiar with this extension?I'd like to import the file into my database - when I use DTS and chosea text format, regardless of what delimiter I choose, the format isstill really ugly. when I pull it up in a huge text editor, it is hardfor me to tell what it is there.I saw in one of my searches that it could be a comma delimited (it'snot) .. could be a unisys file? I know it's not much information to goon - but where should I start in trying to get this into my databasewithout knowing the format? Any suggestions would be greatlyappreciated.Thanks!Bethany*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Import Excel To SQL Server 2000

Apr 17, 2007

I need to import some excel files in the Database via DTS. The problem is, that I don't know the names of the Excel Sheets (there are multiple sheets in the excel file). Is it possible to get the names of those sheets? (via activeX or SQL Query or anything, but from a DTS package)

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Can We Use DTS To Import PDF And MP3 Into SQL Server 2000 Table?

Aug 30, 2006

I've got a situation in whcih I have to import PDF and MP3 files into SQL Server 2000 table.



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Import Complex XML File Into Sql Server 2000

Aug 21, 2007

I need help importing a complex xml file using the XML Bulk Load component. I need there to be 2 tables as shown below. I just
cannot seem to figure out how to get this to work with such a complex XML structure. I have shown below my table structure, a
sample of one of the entries of the XML files and what I have so far for my XSD schema. Any help would be great!!!
My Tables:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[WPXML] (    [Part] [varchar] (100) PRIMARY KEY,    [BaseVehicle] [int]  NULL ,    [Qty] [int]  NULL ,    [PartType] [int]  NULL ,    [EngineBase] [int]  NULL ,    [EngineDesignation] [int]  NULL ,    [ImageURL] [varchar] (100) NULL ,    [ThumbURL] [varchar] (100) NULL) GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[WPPRODUCT] (    [Part] [varchar] (100) PRIMARY KEY ,    [PartNumber] [varchar] (100) NULL ,    [BrandID] [varchar] (4) NULL ,    [BrandDescription] [varchar] (100)  NULL ,    [Price] [varchar] (10) COLLATE  NULL ,    [ListPrice] [varchar] (10) COLLATE  NULL,    [Weight] [varchar] (10) COLLATE  NULL,    [Popularity] [varchar] (10)  NULL,    [OEFlag] [varchar] (10) NULL,    [ProductRemark] [varchar] (1000) NULL,    [Note] [varchar] (5000)  NULL ) GOSample of XML:<App action="A" id="1484266">   <BaseVehicle id= "5899"/>   <EngineBase id= "555"/>   <EngineDesignation id= "138"/>   <Qty>0</Qty>   <PartType id= "6192"/>   <Part>W0133-1621038</Part>   <Product>    <PartNumber>W0133-1621038</PartNumber>    <BrandID>FUL</BrandID>    <BrandDescription><![CDATA[Full]]></BrandDescription>    <Price>17.38</Price>    <ListPrice>36.60</ListPrice>    <Available>Y</Available>    <Weight>1.05</Weight>    <Popularity>B</Popularity>   </Product>   <Product>    <PartNumber>W0133-1611982</PartNumber>    <BrandID>KN</BrandID>    <BrandDescription><![CDATA[K&N Filters]]></BrandDescription>    <Price>68.78</Price>    <ListPrice>105.81</ListPrice>    <Available>Y</Available>    <Weight>1.80</Weight>    <Popularity>E</Popularity>   </Product>   <Product>    <PartNumber>W0133-1626304</PartNumber>    <BrandID>ND</BrandID>    <BrandDescription><![CDATA[Denso]]></BrandDescription>    <Price>22.34</Price>    <ListPrice>36.60</ListPrice>    <Available>Y</Available>    <OEFlag>OEM</OEFlag>    <Weight>1.05</Weight>    <notes>Notes For This Part</notes>    <Popularity>D</Popularity>   </Product>    <ImageURL><![CDATA[http://img.eautopartscatalog.com/live/W01331621038OES.JPG]]></ImageURL>   <ThumbURL><![CDATA[http://img.eautopartscatalog.com/live/thumb/W01331621038OES.JPG]]></ThumbURL>  </App>
My XSD Schema Thus Far:<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:sql="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:mapping-schema"><xsd:annotation>  <xsd:appinfo>    <sql:relationship name="test"        parent="WPXML"        parent-key="Part"        child="WPPRODUCT"        child-key="Part" />  </xsd:appinfo></xsd:annotation>  <xsd:element name="App" sql:relation="WPXML" sql:relationship="test">   <xsd:complexType>     <xsd:sequence>                 <xsd:element name="Qty" type="xsd:integer" />     <xsd:element name="Part" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="BaseVehicle">    <xsd:complexType>    <xsd:attribute name="BaseVehicle" type="xsd:integer" sql:field="BaseVehicle" />  </xsd:complexType>    </xsd:element>    <xsd:element name="PartType">    <xsd:complexType>    <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:integer" sql:field="PartType" />   </xsd:complexType>    </xsd:element>    <xsd:element name="EngineBase">    <xsd:complexType>    <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:integer" sql:field="EngineBase" />   </xsd:complexType>    </xsd:element>    <xsd:element name="EngineDesignation">    <xsd:complexType>    <xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:integer" sql:field="EngineDesignation" />   </xsd:complexType>    </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="ImageURL" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="ThumbURL" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="Product" sql:relation="WPPRODUCT" sql:key-fields="Part" sql:relationship="test">                  <xsd:complexType>             <xsd:sequence>              <xsd:element name="Part" type="xsd:string" />              <xsd:element name="PartNumber" type="xsd:string" >              </xsd:element>              <xsd:element name="BrandID" type="xsd:string" >              </xsd:element>  <xsd:element name="BrandDescription" type="xsd:string" >              </xsd:element>      <xsd:element name="Price" type="xsd:string" >             </xsd:element>             <xsd:element name="ListPrice" type="xsd:string" >             </xsd:element>             <xsd:element name="Weight" type="xsd:string" >             </xsd:element>             <xsd:element name="Popularity" type="xsd:string" >             </xsd:element>      <xsd:element name="OEFlag" type="xsd:string" >             </xsd:element>      <xsd:element name="ProductRemark" type="xsd:string" >             </xsd:element>      <xsd:element name="Note" type="xsd:string" >             </xsd:element>            </xsd:sequence>           </xsd:complexType>          </xsd:element>         </xsd:sequence>     </xsd:complexType>  </xsd:element></xsd:schema>

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How To Import An Mdf File Or Script Into Ms Sql 2000 Or 2005

Sep 16, 2007

 How can I import an mdf file or sql script in ms sql 2000 or
ms sql 2005, also how to do the same if it is am aceess database? Thank youDarlene 

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Data Import From Excel To Sql 2000 Db Table

Feb 26, 2008

i have a table in sql 2000 db and want to import data from excel sheet in to the table.
my table = Table1
excel file = data.xls
is there a simple method where i can import data from the sheet into the existing table?

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SQL Server 2000, Import/export, Views And UDF

Jan 25, 2006

I am using the import/export wizard to import all the objects from one database into another.My problem is that any views that use User Defined Functions are failing because the view is being created before the UDF.I have searched for this error, and found the following microsoft article:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/300272/en-usThe article says that I should upgrade to the latest service pack. The problem with this is that I already have the latest service pack  When I run the following:SELECT @@VersionI get:Microsoft SQL Server  2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86)   May  3 2005 23:18:38   Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation  Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4) Could anyone please help me solve this problem.Jag

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DTS Import Excel File Using SQL Server 2000

Nov 2, 2007

I am trying to import an Excel file - when I pick the file I get the message "Could not open file for reading. Close any other application that may be locking the file."
I have verified that the file is not open - I have even rebooted the machine - still the same message - what am I doing different?
Please advise.

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How To Import MDF Files Into Local SQL Server 2000

Jul 15, 2002

Hi All,

I am a new user of SQL Server 2000. Please point me where I am able to get good online sources to be familiar with the SQL Server 2000. I wanted to import the primary file (MDF)and a log file (LDF), which are stored on two different floppy disks into the local SQL server 2000. Please direct me where I should start. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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Import Tables From Informix To Sql Server 2000

Jun 20, 2007

hi all ,

i need to import some tables from Infomix database to the sql server 2000.
what is the easiest way to do it as im quite new at this area.

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Periodical Import Of Access Db Into SQL Server 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,One of my clients has the following situation. They use Access DB fordata update etc. some business functions while they also want to viewthe Access data quickly and more efficiently in SQL Server 2000. HugeAccess db with over 100 user tables, over 60 MB data.The DTS package that comes with SQL Server 2000 seems pretty "messy"in the sense that it assumes that one needs to do one time import onlyor accurately it does not seem to address periodical import well, likein this case, we need to fresh the Access data in the SQL Serverimport daily. And I don't see DTS package (saved or new) has anoption, that would allow one to delete existing destination datafirst, that is what we want for all freshes. For the saved package,the design screen is too busy, maybe, here one of the icon(function)provides what we need, however, I don't it's globaly applicable, Imean, the whole database vs. a particular table.So, what do you think of the following strategy?1) Create/save the Access import DTS process;2) Create a sql script that would check and drop the destinationdatabase, andrecreate the same new destionation database;The schedule the sql script a minute or two before the scheduledruntime ofthe saved DTS package.Does this approach make some sense or do you have a better idea? Now,a newquestion arises here, would this task of frequent drop and creation ofa reasonably large database contribute to disk fragmentation, whichwould slow down data retrieval among others.Thanks.

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C Code To Import Image To SQL Server 2000

Aug 30, 2006

I know my question is kinda weird but it seems I have to do this way or threre are some better ideas.

Could you show me a sample C code to connect to a data server and call a stored procedure to import an image file into SQL Server 2000?

I am writing an extended stored procedure in VS 2003 .NET and it seems extended stored procedure can only work with C code.



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Import Wizard SQL Server 2000 Vs. 2005

Oct 5, 2007

I'm importing a fixed or tab delimited text file into a SQL Server database. When I use SQL 2000 import wizard about 10,000 rows are missed or skipped, but when I use SQL 2005 all the rows are imported successfully.

If anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it :-)


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Data Import From CSV File With DTS (SQL Server 2000)

Oct 3, 2007

Hi All,
I am trying to import data via DTS from a CSV file. I have the "empty" tables already created with proper column names. Now, I have a subset data of each of these tables, which I am trying to import. I am facing problem in that, there is a datatype conflict between the source (CSV file) and destination (table already in the DB). All the data in the CSV file appears to be of DBTYPE_WSTR, where as in the table it is different (some are DBTYPE_WSTR, some are DBTYPE_DATE, and so on). Is there a way that I can import data successfully? This has become a work stoppage issue now. I had to actually go for this approach of creating the empty tables first and then importing data because, the backup file was very very large and could not be copied to our domain. Please help me out in this.

Thanks a lot.

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DTS Import To SQL Server 2000 From Visual FoxPro

May 17, 2007


I am unsure if this is the correct forum to send this question, but I can't seem to find any information regarding this problem. If this is the wrong place, please direct me to the correct spot.

I am attempting to import data from a free tables FoxPro database to SQL 2000 using a DTS Package which has worked correctly every day for the past 2 years. Yesterday, I got an error.

The package has around 10 tables that it deletes, re-creates, and populates with data from the Foxpro. All of the tables except one work correctly.

When I try to do an explicit import using the ODBC connection to populate that one table, I get the following error: Context: Error calling Openrowset on the provider.

I created an access database on my local computer and setup an ODBC connection and link tables to the database to see if it would work, and it did. So I thought there might be something wrong with the ODBC data source on the SQL Server, so I deleted it and created a new one, used it and I receive the same error.

I thank you in advance for any assistance or direction you can provide me for finding an answer.

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How To Import Data In Sql Server 2000 From An Excel(.xls) File

Feb 23, 2005

i want ot import data from excel .xls file to sql server 2000

into an existing table.
should i use some stored procedures or else

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Bulk Import Images To Binary Object In SQL 2000

Apr 3, 2006

I have a web application that I am rebuilding. I have many picture files that want to take off the file system and move into SQL as a blob. I will create an index of uids against the file names but need a good way to bulk add the files to the database... any hints on code or tools would be a great help.

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DTS Import - Error Handling And Scheduling- SQL Server 2000

Mar 10, 2002

I would like to transfer data from an oracle database to SQL server database 2000. I am using DTS Export/ Import Wizard for this purpose.
My queries are:
1. How can I write the write the Start time, End time, data records that failed to a log file with minimal amount of coding. (I found that Active X scripts can be written although the coding is quite complex).
Can I get some kind of pointers to simple coding that can ensure I log time of run of DTS and errors if they occurred.

2. There is an error log written by DTS, but this is written only if an error occurs and the details of error are not written. I am looking to log successful transfers too. Can the DTS package be modified, with minimal code to achieve this objective?

3. I tried scheduling the DTS through the Edit window that SQL Server 2000 provides but am not able to change the time of schedule.
How do I schedule it?


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