Ctrl + Alt + Some Key

Mar 11, 2004

I accidently pressed some combination of keys and my sql query analyzer has stopped recognising keywords,comments etc.

Has anybody faced this problem ...

have reset all the options availible in QA ... no results ...
tried restarting the comp .... no results ....

any ideas ???

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Use Ctrl-A As A Column Separator

Oct 2, 2013

I need to be able to export the data from a table to a text file using sqlcmd. I need to be able to use Ctrl-A as a column separator. Is this doable, and if so, how? I am assuming the this is a value used by the -s option.I need to use a batch file to run the sqlcmd utility.

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Stored Procedures And CTRL+ALT+DEL

Jul 20, 2005

We have a suppliers application that runs a stored procedure (one ofmany). This stored procedure then calls various other ones etc... andthe final number of stored procedures run is 11.Now, some of our users have been having problems and deciding forthemselves to CTRL+ALT+DEL the application. This is the first thing wewill stop.However, we have had some error messages indicating that the previoustransaction is blocking them when they try it again. This leaves theuser blocking themself. Guess what they do next ? ******* ! :-)I'm assuming that SQL is stuck at some point in the 11 SP's used.When you cancel a query or stored procedure and SQL rolls back thetransaction, it may take a while to do this. Fair enough, but how doesit handle it if multiple transactions are to be rolled back ? Forexample.A calls B which calls CA gets cancelled. What happens to B and C ? (assuming A has finishedthe call to B but not finished the remainder of the SP i.e B and/or Care still running).Is there any way I can identify where it has failed (bit of a longshot I know)?Does SQL take the users permissions when running stored proceduresfrom within other stored procedures, or does it use their permissionsfor the first one and SQL Server handles the remainder ? I know thefirst one will use the users permissions, but does this carry onindefinately ?Any advice / help would be appreciated.ThanksRyanp.s. SQL 7 running on Windows 2000 Server / Windows 2000 PC's.

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Sep 24, 2007

I have opened a connect issue for the CTRL Z handling in SSRS.


Please vote on it so it get's fixed in 2008, I am tired of losing random changes because I hit CTRL-Z.


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How Do I Implement ---prompt 'Enter 1 To Continue Or CTRL C To Abort

Jul 14, 2004

Hi Guys, I have a SQL block which I want to run based on some values in the DB
I am implementing the check as follows..
PRINT 'Checking the DATABASE name and Schema Version '

CREATE TABLE chkversion (table_name VARCHAR(30), id INT, reason varchar(200))

print @MSG

/* Make sure user is running the right script and right db user */

@ver varchar(100),
@username varchar(100),
@cnt int
select @ver = value from propertytable where id = 33086
select @cnt = count(*) from propertytable where parentid=5001 and propertyid = 726;
select @username = db_name(dbid)from master.dbo.sysprocesses where status ='runnable'
insert into chkversion (table_name, id, reason) values ('', -1, 'You are logging on Database - ' + @username)
insert into error_report (table_name, id, reason) values ('', -1, 'Your agile database version is ' + @ver)
if (@ver != '9.0.144'or @cnt !=0) begin
insert into chkversion (table_name, id, reason) values ('', -1, 'STOP: Your Schema Version and/or database version are not at original 90SP2. Please abort!')
insert into chkversion (table_name, id, reason) values ('', -1, 'PROCEED: You can run this script to upgrade your db schema from 9.0.144 to 9.0.178')

SELECT @MSG = convert(varchar(255), reason) from chkversion where id = -1
print @MSG

print @MSG
After this, I want user to press 1 to continue or CTRL +C to abort based on the output message from above.
How Do I implement this feature?
In Oracle, I use...
Accept agproceed number prompt 'Enter 1 to continue or CTRL C to abort.';

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