Custom Alerts To Invoke A Job
Aug 19, 2004
I want to creat an alert that will back up my database when the log files get to 90% full. When i try to create a new alert and select performance condition and select sqlserver:databases as the object then log file(s) Used size (kb) as the counter but when i go and select the instance i dont see my database in the drop down list but if I change to sql server event alert I see the database i want to use for this alert. I dont want to wait until the log is already full to back it up i want to do it when it hits a percent full. Is there a way to do this as a performance condition? thanks for your help!
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Mar 8, 2007
I am creating a custom transformation component, and a custom user interface for that component.
my custom UI, I want to show the custom properties, and allow users to
edit these properties similar to how the advanced editor shows the
I know in my UI I need to create a "Property Grid".
the properties of this grid, I can select the object I want to display
data for, however, the only objects that appear are the objects that I
have already created within this UI, and not the actual component
object with the custom properties.
How do I go about getting the properties for my transformation component listed in this property grid?
I am writing in C#.
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Dec 25, 2007
How to invoke a stored procedure "out of process", meaning i want to add it to a queue.
Reason: we have a proc that is fired real-time each time an order comes into the system and it take a few seconds and when there is plenty of order activity in the system, the process times out. I would like to essentially add this to a queue and move on and some other process will process from the queue. Is CLR call the way to do? I know that the easiest way can be to add to a table and process from the table every 5 mins or something like that. Thoughts?
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Dec 6, 2000
I have developed DTS package for various tasks and scheduled to run some time. I have included SQL Mail task to notify me for each process when it fails. The questions is, When I open the package and execute from the menu, it works and it notifies me through SQL Mail task when it fails but when DTS package invokes at scheduled time and it got failed but it did not notify me that process in between has failed. It seems like SQL Mail task does not work when i schedule the package. Is there any one did come across this situation? or is there any way to resolve this issue? Any help would be appreciated!
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Apr 3, 2007
Feeling really dumb tonight - below is my stored procedure and code behind which completes (it puts "completed" in TextBox4) but does not insert anything into database.
Questions:1) do in need to include the primary key field in the insert stored procedure?2) do I need a DataAdapter to actually get it running and open and close the connection? STORED PROCEDURE running on SQL 2000 server: ______________________________________
CREATE PROCEDURE newuser003.InsertCompanyInfo
@CS_CompanyName nchar(100),@CS_City nchar(500),@CS_Phone varchar(20)
INSERT into tblCompanyInfo_Submit(CS_CompanyName, CS_City, CS_Phone)VALUES ('@CS_CompanyName', '@CS_City', '@CS_Phone')RETURN
C# CODE BEHIND: ______________________________________________________
public partial class ContractorSubmision : System.Web.UI.Page{ protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["localhomeexpoConnectionString2"].ConnectionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("CompanyInfoSubmit", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CS_CompanyName", TextBox1.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CS_City", TextBox2.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CS_Phone", TextBox3.Text); TextBox4.Text = "Completed"; }}
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Apr 24, 2007
hello everybody, i have a question to ask, suppose i have a sqldatasource, can i use it in a method??this is my case, i need to make a new method to count the rows in a datagrid, so i will have to read the sqldatasource. the problem is, how to retrieve it?? usually i use the built in sqldatasource_selected to count the rows.... is there any other way??
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Jan 15, 2001
I have a DTS Package to populate data from excel sheet to direct simple table. I like to call this DTS from User interface. thanks in advance
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May 31, 2007
Hi Guys,
Anyone can tell me, How to invoke ssis package as webservice ?
Is it possible ? If yes How ?
Yogesh V. Desai. | SQLDBA|
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Jan 30, 2008
I've got an application uses a WPF GUI, is built in VS2008 final, targets .Net Framework 3.5, and uses a Sql Ce 3.5 database for local storage. After a specific WPF window is rebound the application hangs. Hitting pause on the debugger reveals the offending method is a call to SqlCeConnection.Dispose(). Via Reflector I can see this method calls SqlCeConnection+ObjectLifeTimeTracker.Close() which in turn calls GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(). Within WPF there are some objects (specifically TextBox) which need to have their resources freed on the main application thread. The finalizer thread is waiting on the main application thread, which is in turn waiting on the finalizer thread, resulting in a deadlock.
You can see some additional discussion of the topic including our temporary resolution in this thread.
My question is why is there a call to GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers() buried within the SqlCeConnection.Dispose() call tree?
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May 14, 2008
i have Smart Device with following Configuration :
Processor: ARMv4i
OS: Window CE 5.0
I have installed SQL CE 3.0 on my Device.
When I try to make new database on my devcie using Qurey Analyser 3.0 , it gives "ISQLW Provider Failed... ".
When I try Deploye SQL CE 3.0 Database Application using F5 in VS2005 , it give an error "Can€™t find P/Invoke DLL sqlceme30.dll".Plz tell me How can i resolve that problem.
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Jun 5, 2007
Dear all,
I'm trying to create a BLL for an objectdatasource to used for a sorted DataGrid. I am trying to learn about how to use LINQ and I'm sure this is a simple question.
var query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderBy(?????????);
Now I want to invoke the following method List<MP3Collection> GetAllMP3s(string sortColumns), which can contain a string name for the field in MP3Collection that is to be sorted (and optionally the "desc" tag).
Now I'm resorting tocoding the query on a case by case basis, which is very tiresome (see the partial code below). This works fine, but is very long and tedious coding. I'm not sure how to go about neatening the code, though am sure it involves the ?????? space above.
Any ideas?
public static List<MP3Collection> GetAllMP3s(string sortColumns)
{System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Pure sort expression: " + sortColumns);
bool descending = false;if (sortColumns.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(" desc"))
sortColumns = sortColumns.Substring(0, sortColumns.Length - 5);descending = true;
}string[] columnNames = sortColumns.Split(',');
MP3DataClassesDataContext db = new MP3DataClassesDataContext();
List<MP3Collection> query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderByDescending(p => p.fileName).ToList<MP3Collection>();foreach (string columnName in columnNames)
{switch (columnName.Trim().ToLowerInvariant())
{case "filename":if (descending)
query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderByDescending(p => p.fileName).ToList<MP3Collection>();System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Sorting filename descending");
{query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderBy(p => p.fileName).ToList<MP3Collection>();System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Sorting filename ascending");
break;case "filepath":if (descending)
query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderByDescending(p => p.filePath).ToList<MP3Collection>();System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Sorting filepath descending");
{query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderBy(p => p.filePath).ToList<MP3Collection>();System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Sorting filepath ascending");
query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderBy(p => p.filePath).ToList<MP3Collection>();
//throw new ArgumentException("SortColumns contains an invalid column name.");break;
//var query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderBy(p=>p.fileName).ToList<MP3Collection>();return query;
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Sep 21, 2006
Hi ,
Anyone help me. Now we can do Invoke SSIS Package into ASp.NET.
Vice versa
Is there Possbile to invoke Datastage (oracle Job) into . Is already created in Oracle DataStage Server. it call or access through Dot net. Is it possble? Please any one help me.
Thanks & Regards,
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May 19, 2008
I am aware of the many posts that have addressed this issue in the past - I resolved this issue many months ago when it first happened to me. However, I have recently created a headless version of my Windows CE 6.0 based project that uses the Headless versions of the Compact Framework and this problem has suddenly re-surfaced. As in my UI equipped versions, the SQL CE cab files are copied to the device and have been installed. I have also tried copying the sqlceme35.dll to the application folder. The only real difference I can see is that the device is using the headless version so I suspect that there may be some incompatibility.
Has anyone successfully deployed a SCQL CE aplication to a headless device and if so were there any special steps that had to be taken to make it work?
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Oct 9, 2007
Until now we worked with SQL Server 7.0, now we're migrating to SQL Server 2005.
With SQL Server 7.0 we had an MS Access application (located on a file server) used by several users, from which's form a batchfile (located on the same server) can be started. The Batchfile deletes an existing TXT-file called import_result.txt, then invokes a DTS-Package (located on a SQL Database server) which imports data to the Access-DB and creates a new file with the result of the DTS-execution (again called import_result.txt). Like that the user gets some information about success (or failure) of the data import.
How could this be implemented with SQL Server 2005 without having to install (and to licencse) SQL Express Engine on the clients? I found some threads about how to invoke an SQL Agent Job from the client to execute the SSIS-Package on the server, but I think that's not exactly what we need. Besides I'm not quite sure how exactly the SQL Agent Job could be invoked from Access.
Do you have any proposals?
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Jan 22, 2008
Is it possible to initiate debugging a stored procedure in VS2005 by viewing the report (that calls the stored procedure) in preview mode?
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Feb 6, 2008
Hello there,
I'am asking you people if it's possible to invoke procedure, functions in package in Oracle database > 9.X with SSIS package...
Thx for your incoming answers
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Jan 29, 2004
i am using sqlserver 2000,if so how,thanks.
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Jan 17, 2012
Multiple rows to insert:
insert into Customer(CustomerId,Name,Value)
select CustomerId,Name,Value
from CustomerTemp
Trigger in Customer table that invoke a function:
alter TRIGGER [dbo].[Calculation] ON [dbo].[Customer]
update Customer
set Percentage = dbo.GetPercentage((select Value from inserted))
where CustomerId = (select CustomerId from inserted)
I'm getting the error for the multiple row.Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.Is there a way to let me insert multiple rows, using the trigger that invoke a function ?
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Sep 22, 2006
I'm trying to debug an assembly with System.Data.SqlServerCe - and when I deploy to a IPAQ 2210 - I get no errors! Alas, when I try to debug using the Pocket PC 2003 SE Emulator - I get the "cannot P/Invoke SQLCEME30.DLL" exception.
Can anyone offer directions?
best regards,
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Jul 9, 2006
I would like to use a stroed procedure within another stored procedure ( nested sp )
in a SQL project in VS.NET 2005. Since I have to use "context connection = true" as
connection string, I wont be able to use this connection for another sqlconnection
object. Because its already open. and If i try to use a regular connection string
("server=localhost;...") it will raise a security permission error. Having this
problem, Im not able to use nested stored procedures. Would anyone please give me a
hint how to resolve this issue?
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Apr 4, 2007
I want to set multiple child packages running without waiting for them to complete in a parent SSIS package. The catch is that I will be running the same child package in multiple threads with different configuration variables set. I want to drive the config variables for the child packages via a SQL Server table, and start the execution of each child package from within a for-loop container.
Here's what I've tried, and why it didn't work:
1) Execute package task. Didn't work: Waits for the child package to complete before moving to the next step.
2) Kicking off the package via the "sp_start_job" stored proc in the msdn db. Didn't work: Can't specify config variable values.
3) Using the DTExec command line prompt. Didn't work: Same issue as 1). Waits for the package to complete.
Anything I'm missing? Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
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Aug 14, 2007
I've created a Custom Data Flow Component and added some Custom Properties.
I want the user to set the contents using an expression. I did some research and come up with the folowing:
Code Snippet
IDTSCustomProperty90 SourceTableProperty = ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection.New();
SourceTableProperty.ExpressionType = DTSCustomPropertyExpressionType.CPET_NOTIFY;
SourceTableProperty.Name = "SourceTable";
But it doesn't work, if I enter @[System:ackageName] in the field. It comes out "@[System:ackageName]" instead of the actual package name.
I'm also unable to find how I can tell the designer to show the Expression editor. I would like to see the elipses (...) next to my field.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you
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Apr 2, 2007
I'm trying to enable Expression for a custom property in my custom data flow component.
Here is the code I wrote to declare the custom property:
public override void ProvideComponentProperties()
IDTSCustomProperty90 prop = ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection.New();
prop.Name = "MyProperty";
prop.Description = "My property description";
prop.Value = string.Empty;
prop.ExpressionType = DTSCustomPropertyExpressionType.CPET_NOTIFY;
In design mode, I can assign an expression to my custom property, but it get evaluated in design mode and not in runtime
Here is my expression (a file name based on a date contained in a user variable):
"DB" + (DT_WSTR, 4)YEAR( @[User::varCurrentDate] ) + RIGHT( "0" + (DT_WSTR, 2)MONTH( @[User::varCurrentDate] ), 2 ) + "\" + (DT_WSTR, 4)YEAR( @[User::varCurrentDate] ) + RIGHT( "0" + (DT_WSTR, 2)MONTH( @[User::varCurrentDate] ), 2 ) + ".VER"
@[User::varCurrentDate] is a DateTime variable and is assign to 0 at design time
So the expression is evaluated as: "DB189912189912.VER".
My package contains 2 data flow.
At runtime,
The first one is responsible to set a valid date in @[User::varCurrentDate] variable. (the date is 2007-01-15)
The second one contains my custom data flow component with my custom property that was set to an expression at design time
When my component get executed, my custom property value is still "DB189912189912.VER" and I expected "DB200701200701.VER"
Any idea ?
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May 30, 2008
suppose,the type of the stored procedure's paramters is varchar .I hate to add parameterNames and types.If i can read the string of the stored procedure the get the paramterNames by operating text?
public void storeOperate(string stringParameter,string name) { string[] strs=stringParameter.Split('&'); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(getConnectionString.getconnectionString()); SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand(name,conn); cmd.CommandText=name; cmd.CommandType=CommandType.StoredProcedure; foreach(string str in strs) { cmd.Parameters.Add(".....",SqlDbType........).Value=str; //my trouble } conn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); }
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Feb 9, 2000
Is there any recommendations on setting up Alerts. What are the standard set alerts that should be setup on every server?
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May 9, 2002
I have to send the alerts when the database(s) will be filled more than 90% and 95%. Please help me if you have some samples.
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Jun 20, 2008
I ignored this nice little feature till now, probably because mail configuration complexities. Now that we have DB mail, it has become very smooth.
I just implemented an alert for log growth, and found that it works very well.
Any of you using, alerts for , other interesting events?
I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes
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Jun 20, 2006
Hi everyone,
I also could not find any definition about Alerts and their purpose and usage.
Would you please explain it to me ??
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Aug 17, 2005
What I want to accomplish is that at design time the designer can enter a value for some custom property on my custom task and that this value is accessed at executing time.
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Aug 16, 2006
I am writing a custom task that has some custom properties. I would like to parameterize these properties i.e. read from a varaible, so I can change these variables from a config file during runtime.
I read the documentation and it says if we set the ExpressionType to CPET_NOTIFY, it should work, but it does not seem to work. Not sure if I am missing anything. Can someone please help me?
This is what I did in the custom task
customProperty.ExpressionType = DTSCustomPropertyExpressionType.CPET_NOTIFY;
In the Editor of my custom task, under custom properties section, I expected a button with 3 dots, to click & pop-up so we can specify the expression or at least so it evaluates the variables if we give @[User::VaraibleName]
Any help on this will be very much appreciated.
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Oct 31, 2000
Is there a way that I can get SQL Server to tell me (Alert?) when it has grabbed another chunk of space for a database that has the "Automatically grow file" option set?
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Dec 2, 1999
I was wondering if anyone knew of some key error numbers that I should look for to fire alerts off of.
For example, ERROR 926 "Database cannot be opened. It has been marked SUSPECT by recovery. See the SQL Server error log for more information."
I am looking for some key error messages (Error Numbers) like the one above that are good to initially setup within SQL Server for alerting Administrators of potential issues.
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Dec 4, 2002
I just realized there are several severity alerts on the Server Agent, from Severity 19 to 25.
Is there anyways to delete those messages? If I don't delete those, would it be affected later?
The Online Book mentions those are some of the system error messages, but they don't show how to delete them.
Can anyone helps?
Thanks a lot.
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