Custom Paging - Getting A Subset From 2 Tables By UserID
Apr 7, 2008
I am trying to implement custom paging. I want to get a subset from my Threads and Post tables by userID. But I can't make the stored proc work. Could somebody have a look at this and tell me what I am doing wrong or if there is a better way of doing this?
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[syl_ThreadPost_GetSubsetSortedByUserID2]
@UserID uniqueidentifier,
@sortExpression nvarchar(64),
@startRowIndex int,
@maximumRows int
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
IF LEN(@sortExpression) = 0
SET @sortExpression = 'PostID'
-- Since @startRowIndex is zero-based in the data Web control, but one-based w/ROW_NUMBER(), increment
SET @startRowIndex = @startRowIndex + 1
-- Issue query
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)
SET @sql = 'SELECT t.[ThreadName],
(SELECT t.[ThreadName],
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ' + @sortExpression + ') AS RowNum
FROM syl_Threads t RIGHT OUTER JOIN syl_Posts p
ON t.[ThreadID] = p.[ThreadID])
WHERE t.[UserID] = ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(16), @UserID) + ' )
AS syl_ThreadPostInfo
WHERE RowNum BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(16), @startRowIndex) + ' AND (' + CONVERT(nvarchar(16), @startRowIndex) + ' + ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(16), @maximumRows) + ') - 1'
-- Execute the SQL query
EXEC sp_executesql @sql
--Execute LogError_Insert SP
EXECUTE [dbo].[syl_LogError_Insert];
--Being in a Catch Block indicates failure.
--Force RETURN to -1 for consistency (other return values are generated, such as -6).
Well, I want to store my customer records in two tables in an SQL Server 2005 Database. (Visual Studio 2005 with ASP.Net and C#). I want to create a unique ID for each user which starts with either an IN or a CO (indivudual or Company). This information is stored in two seperate tables, one table called individual and one table called company. I want my individual table to store a unique ID with IN************, so it should have IN followed by a 12 digit unique ID. I want my company table to store a unique ID with CO************, so it should have CO followed by a 12 digit unique ID. I'm afraid Unique IDs are something im not very familiar with, so any help would be greatfully appreciated, but please be clear as I have a bit of trouble understanding. I wouldn't know how to even begin this, as I have trouble using simply the UniqueIdentifier attribute. Thank you in advance for any help!
Im in the process of trying to teach myself SqlServer, comming from Oracle. How the heck do I get the equivlent of %ROWNUM pseudo-column in SqlServer? Top just isn't doing it for me. Oracle Example wrote: Select * from foo where foo%ROWNUM > 10 and foo%ROWNUM <20;
I need to be able to specify which column to sort by, BUT SQL 2000 does not allow me to
SELECT * FROM #TempTable WHERE ID > @FirstRec AND ID < @LastRec AND EmployerID = @EmployerID AND Job_no = @Job_no
You can see that @WHICHCOLUMN is can be Surname, Age ETC, I have tried to make it a variable but, it started complaining of @FIRSTREC not defined, what's going on pls help, However, how do you combine dynamic queries with parameters as the say
"Sql server does not accept variables as part of sql"
my yahoo is
CREATE PROCEDURE [GetApplicants] @CurrentPage int, @PageSize int, @TotalRecords int output, @EmployerID int, @Job_no int, @WhichColumn varchar, @SortBy varchar AS --Create a temp table to hold the current page of data --Add and ID column to count the records CREATE TABLE #TempTable ( ID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, Job_no int, EmployerID int, JobseekersID int, Email varchar (100)
) --Fill the temp table with the Customers data INSERT INTO #TempTable ( Job_no, EmployerID,JobseekersID,Email
SELECT Job_no, EmployerID,JobseekersID,Email FROM ApplicantsManagement
--Create variable to identify the first and last record that should be selected
DECLARE @myStatement varchar(500) DECLARE @FirstRec int, @LastRec int SELECT @FirstRec = (@CurrentPage - 1) * @PageSize SELECT @LastRec = (@CurrentPage * @PageSize + 1) --Select one page of data based on the record numbers above
SELECT * FROM #TempTable
WHERE ID > @FirstRec
ID < @LastRec
EmployerID = @EmployerID
AND Job_no = @Job_no
ORDER BY surname asc
--Return the total number of records available as an output parameter SELECT @TotalRecords = COUNT(*) FROM Customers GO
Hi,I am working on this select query for a report on website users. The resulting rows will be displayed in a datagrid with custom paging. I want to fetch 100 rows each time. This is the simplified query, @currpage is passed as a parameter. ________________________________________________________________________________DECLARE @table TABLE (rowid INT IDENTITY(1,1), userid INT)INSERT INTO @table (userid) SELECT userid FROM UsersSELECT T.rowid, T.userid, ISNULL(O.userid, 0)FROM @table TLEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT(userid) FROM orders)AS OON O.userid = T.useridAND T.rowid > ((@currpage-1) * 100) AND T.rowid <= (@currpage * 100)ORDER BY T.rowid________________________________________________________________________________If I run this query it returns all the rows, not just the 100 rows corresponding to the @currpage value. What am I doing wrong? (The second table with left outer join is there as I need one field to indicate whether the user has placed an order with us or not. If the value is 0, the user has not placed any orders) Thanks.
Hello, I receive this error "Incorrect syntax near 'GetGalleryPaged'." I'm trying to use custom paging on a stored procedure. ....... Dim mySqlConn As New SqlConnection(ConnStr) Dim objDA As New SqlDataAdapter("GetGalleryPaged", mySqlConn) objDA.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@startRowIndex", SqlDbType.Int, 1) objDA.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@@maximumRows", SqlDbType.Int, 9) Dim objDS As New DataSet() Dim objPds As PagedDataSource = New PagedDataSource objDA.Fill(objDS, "Gallery") <<----error here mySqlConn.Close() objPds.DataSource = objDS.Tables(0).DefaultView objPds.AllowPaging = True....... ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GetGalleryPaged ( @startRowIndex int, @maximumRows int)AS SELECT idgallery, g_picpath FROM ( SELECT idgallery, g_picpath, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY idgallery DESC) AS RowRank FROM Gallery ) AS GalleryWithRowNumber WHERE RowRank > @startRowIndex AND RowRank <= (@startRowIndex + @maximumRows) ORDER BY idgallery DESC cheers,imperialx
I've made another topic before concerning this problem, but since it was really confusing, I will made one clearer (it was about orthodromic formula, in case you read it, but the problem change during the topic, so thats why im creating this new one too). I have a stored procedure with custom pagin method inside, and I want to sort my records on a fields I create myself (which will receive a different value for each record.) Now, I want to sort on this temporary field. And since this is a custom paging method I can choose between many page. Now, for the first page, it sorts fine. But when I choose a page above the first one, the sorting is not right (the results all are wrong). So my real question is: is it really possible to sort on a Temporary Field in a custom paging method (because I know I can do it without any problem on a real field from my table, it just doesnt work right when I try on a temporary field). I tried to solve my problem with this little SQL instruction, but it didnt give me any result yet: SELECT TOP 20 PK, test = field_value FROM Table WHERE PK not in (SELECT TOP 10 ad_id FROM Table ORDER BY ?) ORDER BY ? well thanks for taking the time to read this, any help woulb be appreciated.
heres my problem, since I migrated to SQL-Server 2005, I was able to use the Row_Number() Over Method to make my Custom Paging Stored Procedure better. But theres onte thing that is still bothering me, and its the fact the Im still using and old and classic Count instruction to find my total of Rows, which slow down a little my Stored Procedure. What I want to know is: Is there a way to use something more efficiant to count theBig Total of Rows without using the Count instruction??? heres my stored procedure: SELECT RowNum, morerecords, Ad_Id FROM (Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Ad_Id) AS RowNum, morerecords = (Select Count(Ad_Id) From Ads) FROM Ads) as testWHERE RowNum Between 11 AND 20 The green part is the problem, the fields morerecords is the one Im using to count all my records, but its a waste of performance to use that in a custom paging method (since it will check every records, normally, theres a ton of condition with a lot of inner join, but I simplified things in my exemple)...I hope I was clear enough in my explication, and that someone will be able to help me. Thank for your time.
I have multiple tables with information about a user. The tables are Roles, Users, Groups and Profiles.
For a user session I need information from all those tables. Would it be better to make a table called UserSession and collect the necessary data from the above mentioned tables and stick them in one the UserSession table or should I just write a query that goes out and gets the data from the different tables.
I want to join my existing tables such as ORDERS with aspnet_Users.UserId on ORDERS.CustomerId.But I am confused which data type should I choose for customerId field.The datatype of the of aspnet_Users.UserId is uniqueidentifier, but obviously I cannot assign my customerId field to uniqueidentifier data type. I found that "The uniqueidentifier data type in SQL Server is stored natively as a 16-byte binary value." I wish aspnet_Users.UserId would be an integer IDENTITY field. I also want to ask if I can change UserId field's datatype to integer?There are also some other tables that I want to join with aspnet_Users table on its UserId field. Can you suggest any solutions?
I am searching for information on paging large datasets, and have found some that involve creating temporary tables in the database. Before I head off and implement something, I have a number of issues I'd like to bounce around here.
1. An example I found on MSDN involves creating a temporary table, copying relevant columns to the row in the temp table. Why do this, rather add the source tables primary keys into the temp table, and do a join? Example; browsing Products Catalog which is categorised into hierarchies. The MSDN version would have a temp table created with a incrementing field which is used for the paging, and then a number of fields are also copied from the products table to the temp table - my question is why not simply copy the product primary key into the temp table, and then join?
2. In real life, do people allow each user to create their own temporary tables? If I have 1000 concurrent users, all wishing to perform a page-based browse, I would be creating 1000 new temporary tables. Do people consider default temp tables, that is, creating a default temporary table for browsing each category in the products table, for example?
3. Do you have any advice/tips for this type of problem?
I am using derived tables to Page data on the SQL Server side.I used this link as my mentor for doing paging on the SQLServer wanted to use USER PAGING, thus I used the following code:CREATE PROCEDURE UserPaging(@currentPage int = 1, @pageSize int =1000)ASDECLARE @Out int, @rowsToRetrieve int, @SQLSTRING nvarchar(1000)SET @rowsToRetrieve = (@pageSize * @currentPage)SET NOCOUNT ONSET @SQLSTRING = N'selectCustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle from( SELECT TOP '+ CAST(@pageSize as varchar(10)) +'CustomerId,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle from( SELECT TOP ' + CAST(@rowsToRetrieve as varchar(10)) +'CustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle FROM( SELECT TOP ' + CAST(@rowsToRetrieve as varchar(10)) +'CustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle FROM Customers as T1ORDER BY contactname) AS T2 ORDER BY contactname DESC ) AS T3)As T4 ORDER BY contactname ASC'EXEC(@SQLSTRING)RETURNGOWhen I use this. Assume that the Total records returned by the SQLquery is 1198.Thus when I am on Page1 the above Stored Proc (SP) willreturn the first 1000 records.This works absolutely fine.Now I am on Page2, now I need to retrieve only the remaining 198records.But if I use the above SP, it will return the last 1000records.So to tweak this I used the following logic to set the@pagesize variable:Declare @PageCount intselect @PageCount = @TotalRows/@PageSizeif @currentPage @PageCount SET @PageSize = @TotalRows%@PageSizeSince I am on Page2 the above logic will set the PageSize to 198 andnot 1000.But when I use this logic, it takes forever for the SP toreturn the 198 records in a resultset.However if the TotalRows were = 1800, and thus the PageSize=800 orgreater, this SP returns the resultset quickly enough.Thus to get over this problem I had to use the other logic i.e. usingApplication Paging (i.e. first storing the entire result set into aTemp table, then retrieving only the required records for the PAGE)Can anyone suggest what is wrong with my user paging logic?????TIA...
I did use query plans to find out more. ( Please see the thread BELOW)I have a question on this, if someone can help me with that it will begreat.In my SQL query that selects data from table, I have a where clausewhich states :where PermitID like @WorkTypeorder by WorkStart DESC@WorkType is a input parameter to the Stored proc and its value is'01%'When I use the above where clause, all the Sorts in the ESTIMATED QueryExecution plan show me a COST of 28%.However if I change the query manually to say:where PermitID like '01%'order by WorkStart DESCThe COST of the Sort (in ESTIMATED Query Execution plan) reduces to 2%and at the beginning of the PLAN, there is a Bookmark Lookup whichincludes the above where clause.Whereas with the FIRST example , the BookMark Lookup in the beginningdoesn't show that where condition.Can anyone help me better understand this anomaly?TIA=====================================I am using derived tables to Page data on the SQL Server side.I used this link as my mentor for doing paging on the SQLServer wanted to use USER PAGING, thus I used the following code:CREATE PROCEDURE UserPaging(@currentPage int = 1, @pageSize int =1000)ASDECLARE @Out int, @rowsToRetrieve int, @SQLSTRING nvarchar(1000)SET @rowsToRetrieve = (@pageSize * @currentPage)SET NOCOUNT ONSET @SQLSTRING = N'selectCustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle from( SELECT TOP '+ CAST(@pageSize as varchar(10)) +'CustomerId,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle from( SELECT TOP ' + CAST(@rowsToRetrieve as varchar(10)) +'CustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle FROM( SELECT TOP ' + CAST(@rowsToRetrieve as varchar(10)) +'CustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle FROM Customers as T1ORDER BY contactname) AS T2 ORDER BY contactname DESC ) AS T3)As T4 ORDER BY contactname ASC'EXEC(@SQLSTRING)RETURNGOWhen I use this. Assume that the Total records returned by the SQLquery is 1198.Thus when I am on Page1 the above Stored Proc (SP) willreturn the first 1000 records.This works absolutely fine.Now I am on Page2, now I need to retrieve only the remaining 198records.But if I use the above SP, it will return the last 1000records.So to tweak this I used the following logic to set the@pagesize variable:Declare @PageCount intselect @PageCount = @TotalRows/@PageSizeif @currentPage @PageCount SET @PageSize = @TotalRows%@PageSizeSince I am on Page2 the above logic will set the PageSize to 198 andnot 1000.But when I use this logic, it takes forever for the SP toreturn the 198 records in a resultset.However if the TotalRows were = 1800, and thus the PageSize=800 orgreater, this SP returns the resultset quickly enough.Thus to get over this problem I had to use the other logic i.e. usingApplication Paging (i.e. first storing the entire result set into aTemp table, then retrieving only the required records for the PAGE)Can anyone suggest what is wrong with my user paging logic?????TIA...
In my site, when a user registers, I need to create rows in additional tables besides aspnet_Users. So, I need to be able to pass the generated userId guid to subsequent SqlCommands. I'm having a terrible time with this. What's the correct way to set up a SqlParameter so that it will accept a guid? I keep getting this error: "Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier." I've tried creating the parameter both with and without a SqlDbType. cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(paramName, guid); and SqlParameter p = new SqlParameter(paramName);p.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Guid;cmd.Parameters.Add(p); and I get the same error either way. Driving me nuts! Any help appreciated.
Hey all, I am pretty new to the aspnet default database but I have a question about it. This may be a stupid question. I configured my website to use the aspnet user database however I also have tables I built whic use a UserID. Now the UserID in the aspnet_users table is a uniqueidentifier so I set the UserID in all my tables to a unique identifier and attached them as foreign keys to the aspnet_users UserID. Now where I am confused is how do I insert that key into the tables I built when a user for instance places a "new order" or anything really. Any information would help I am still pretty knew to this. Just for the sake of simplicity I provided a basic table that lets say for instance I am trying to get the UserID for. How would I get that UserID from the aspnet_users table into the Orders table when a person places a new order. Orders OrderID - uniqueidentifier UserID - uniqueidentifier ProductID - uniqueidentifier OrderDate - datetime
Hi folks, i need ur guidance. I have a few DDL and DML scripts which i want to be automatically applied during MSDE setup; or an .MDF file be attached automatically. Please suggest an easier way!
I’m currently writing a web application on student exam timetables, I’m using SQL Server 2005 as the back-end for the database.
At present, the case states that if a student is in one examination, he/she can’t attend, or be allocated another examination while the first examination is in place, which would result in a clash
The way I’m going to target this is by writing a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005 to return an error code, which I’ll translate using ASP,NET, however at present I’m having difficulty writing the SQL code. This is because…
I’m using SQL Server 2005 Management Studio; I created the tables using MS Access and upsized them using the wizard. I can now access my database, but having difficulty editing my tables and with code…
I am creating a custom transformation component, and a custom user interface for that component.
In my custom UI, I want to show the custom properties, and allow users to edit these properties similar to how the advanced editor shows the properties.
I know in my UI I need to create a "Property Grid". In the properties of this grid, I can select the object I want to display data for, however, the only objects that appear are the objects that I have already created within this UI, and not the actual component object with the custom properties.
How do I go about getting the properties for my transformation component listed in this property grid?
I need some help for designing the IDs / Primary keys for some master tables in my database. Following are master tables. Client_Master, Buyer_Master & Seller_Master; I want to set Client_Id, Buyer_Id & Seller_Id as their respective primary keys and they should have following properties
Client_Id :- a) should be auto-incrementing value, b) unique & c)should be of the format – CLXXXXXX, where “CL” {Constant start characters} & “X” {any number 0-9} Similarly:: Buyer_Id :- BYXXXXXX Seller_Id :- SLXXXXXX
We are implementing the database in MS-SQL 2005 & MySQL
Can anyone help me find a solution to this, especially in MS-SQL.
When replicating a table which has an identity column I get the error: "Procedure cp_insert_tblname expects parameter @C1, which was not supplied.". The stored procedure appears to be called without any parameters so my insert stored procedure does not work. I know I'm missing something basic here!! Do I have to add the field names when telling replication to use a custom stored procedure. If not, how do arguments get passed to my SP, as globals somehow?
I have an employee table (empl), and a labor table (lab). The labor table is populated whenever an employee clocks in/out. If an employee does not clock in, they do not appear in the labor table.
I need to capture employees whose time is less than 8 hours, or whoever did not log in at all that date. If I run the following query without a WHERE clause, I get all of my employees, with NULL data in the labor table if they did not log in that day. This is good.
However, if I add
WHERE (DATEDIFF(s, tt.StartTime, tt.EndTime) < 28800) OR (tt.StartTime = NULL)
I get all employees whose time is less than 8 hours, but do not get any of the employees who did not work at all that date, and that's expected... there should NEVER be a NULL in the labor table - it is populated whenever somebody clocks in/out.
So, how would I query the resulting table to get those that worked less than 8 hours, and those that did not?
FROM (select empl.EmpNum as EmpNo, empl.FFName as FirstName, empl.FLName as LastName from empl where empl.ftermdate IN ('1900-01-01 00:00:00.000') AS et
LEFT JOIN (select MIN(lab.StartDt) as StartTime, MAX(lab.EndDt) as EndTime, lab.WorkDt as WorkDate, lab.EmpNum as EmpNo from lab where lab.WorkDt in ('2008-03-03 00:00:00.000') group by lab.WorkDT, lab.EmpNum) AS TT
I am trying to exclude patients from a dataset. There are multiple records per patid in this dataset. I have the following code:
SELECT meds.PATID, meds.MEDICATION, meds.MEDTYPE FROM meds INNER JOIN patient ON meds.PATID = patient.PATID WHERE (((meds.MEDTYPE) Not In ("FI (Fusion Inhibitor)","NNUC (","Non-nucleoside","NRTI & NNUC","NRTI (Nucleoside/tide Rev","PI (Protease Inhibitor)")));
I want to exclude all patient records if the patient had any of the above exclusions ever. If they have the exclusion if one record get rid of the rest of the records for that patient. Right now the code only excludes the particular record.
My table contains customer records with multiple records per customer. As a result of a query, I´m only interested in one record per customer with the highest value of a certain field in the record.
I thought of using DISTINCT, but can I use DISTINCT on a subset of all fields? Or sort the table in a certain way that the query result only shows the first unique records for a customer.
I am trying to update a small subset of records of a given table (TRValue) using the records contained in ParcelTemp. The difficult part is getting the summation from a child file, TRGreen, for those same parcels contained in ParcelTemp. Instead of updating just a few records, all the records in TRValue are being updated, with the wrong values of course!
Basically, Update records in TRValue that are equal to:
Year = P.Year Code = 'LG01' Parcel = P.Parcel
with the summation of child records where the child records needed are:
Year = P.Year Parcel = P.Parcel
Code: UPDATE TRValue SET Acres = SumAcres, CurrentMarket = SumMarket, CurrentTaxable = SumTaxable, CurrentTaxAmt = ((SumTaxable * D.CertifiedRate) + 0.50) FROM ParcelTemp P
The problem is to find a subset of rows such that each value in each of two columns (animals and food brands in this example) appears in at least one row. The purpose is to produce a set of samples from a large table. The table has a animal_name column and an food_brand column; I want a set of samples that contains at least one of each animal_name and at least one of each food_brand, but no more than necessary.
CREATE TABLE Feeding_Options (license_nbr INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, animal_name VARCHAR (10) NOT NULL, food_brand VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL); INSERT INTO Feeding_Options VALUES (6401715, 'rat', 'IAMS'),
To frame the problem better, her are the values in each column:
In this data, (6401715, 'rat', 'IAMS') and (1058337, 'rat', 'IAMS') are interchangeable, as are some of the other rows. There can be more than one minimal solution whcihmight be the whole set.
How would I write a select statement that would return multiple fields in a records based on a a distinct of one of those fiels.
Table Name : Sales Table Field Name : Name Address Phone Zip Sale Rec1: Peter Smith 12 Market St 999-999-9999 12345 99.99 Rec2: John Jones 73 Broadway 999-999-8888 12345 12.34 Rec3: Charle Brown 42 Peanuts Ave 999-999-7777 12345 34.56 Rec4: Peter Smith 12 Market St 999-999-6666 12345 67.89 Rec5: John Jone 73 Broadway 999-999-5555 12345 36.52
How would I be able to return the columns Name Address and Phone based on the distinct of Name.
I need to be able to sum items grouped by op_wkctr and op_part and op_date. Here's my latest version which of course does not work.
SELECT op_wkctr, pcs, hrs.b FROM dbo.op_hist INNER JOIN ( SELECT op_part, SUM(op_qty_comp) as pcs FROM dbo.op_hist where op_type='BACKFLSH' group by op_hist.op_part
SELECT op_part, SUM(op_act_setup + op_act_run) as b FROM dbo.op_hist where op_type='LABOR' group by op_hist.op_part ) AS hrs ON op_hist.op_part = hrs.op_part where (op_wkctr = 'P-P36' or op_wkctr = 'P-P38' or op_wkctr='P39') and op_date ='10/22/07'
I could do this even with my limited knowledge of SQL but I'm surethere's a slick way that might be dead easy. My way hardly seems worththe effort . If not thanks anywayCol1Col2Col3QWQWQWQAQBQBQXWQXWQXWQXAQXBQXBEvery time there is a change of group (Col1 and Col2), I want to startand increment Col3 so I end up with;Col1Col2Col3QW001QW002QW003QA001QB001QB002QXW001QXW002QXW003QXA001QXB001QXB002
Can I install SQL Server on a machine and use less than the # of processor on the machine. In a UNIX world, I'd call it LPARing with Oracle and AIX, and they only let me do this with Enterprise Edition. With Windows, I think the only way is using virtual machines and attaching processors to them? Do any vendors offering LPARing? Can I take any edition of SQL Server and subcapacity price so that I only pay for the processors I'm using?
What about SS Express? It only scheds to a single core - so could I put that on a larger machine?
This question has been posted on the site before but I could not find any resolution....I want to return rows 11 - 20 from a query that returns 100 records without using a cursor or temp table.
The closest query I have found is a query that numbers the rows, but I can't seem to use rownumber in a between clause...
Use Pubs SELECT emp_id, lname, fname, job_id, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employee e2 WHERE e2.emp_id <= e.emp_id AND e2.job_id = 10) AS rownumber FROM employee e WHERE job_id = 10 ORDER BY emp_id
how do i calculate all the checkdigits for a subset of ids and return all the ids and checkdigits? basic calculation isn't the problem, just how to select the ids and utilize the ids in the calc. I am new to trying to do calculations on data.