I've been fighting a problem all day now. I have given in. I need help.
Here's the problem. I have a SSIS Custom Data Flow Source, for retrieving data from a proprietary data format. The component works great. I can use the Advanced Editor to select the connection to use (also a Custom Connection Manager) and a custom property. The custom property that is the name of a table to select data from.
I am in the process to building a simple UI that has a ComboBox of Connections (by name) and a ListBox of table names available in that connection.
I want to be able to pre-select the connection in the ComboBox if one is already populated. The problem is, I can't figure out how to get access to the connection name of the currently selected connection. When I look at the RuntimeConnectionsCollection[0], that connection is not acquired. I can't get access to the name, or any of its custom properties (see above that connection is Custom also).
Assume I use the Advanced Editor to select a connection to use, then open the custom UI.
How do I figure out what the name of the connection selected is? I know it is possible. The OLE DB Source does it.
How do I retrieve the connections (connection managers) collections from Custom Data Flow destination? ComponentMetadata.RuntimeConnectionCollection is empty. I would like to be able to access all the connections defined in the package from the custom data flow task.
I came across code in which it was possible to access the Connections collection using the IDtsConnectionService for custom task (destination). The custom task has access to serviceProvider, whcih can be used to get access to the IDtsConnectionService interface but not the custom data flow task.
I am trying to build a package that loops through different SQL Server connections and puts the result set in a single SQL Server connection. I have looked at the Flat File example but this does not help. How do I loop through a list of SQL Servers (can be in a table, or file) make the connection to that SQL Server, run a script against Master to gather DB names (have this part) and write it to a reporting server (have this part). I have tried the For Loop and For Each Loop, but can't get either to work with SQL connections.
I have seen this question a lot, with no real answers. (Everyone who answers just points back to the Flat File example)
I am currently writing a custom source adapter that extracts data from a JD Edwards OneWorld system. In the custom user interface of the source component I need to allow the user to set a query (a custom property), and then refresh a list of output columns that will be extracted based upon that query (similar to the list shown in the advanced editor).
My question is, can I apply the custom property change to the component and build my output column list without closing and restarting my custom UI form? I understand that the IDTSComponentUI interface being implemented allows for transactional editing of the component, in that the changes to the component are not applied until I have returned a result in the implemented Edit() method. However is there a way to apply changes without returning this result (and closing my UI)?
Essentially I am looking to have similar behaviour to that of the 'Refresh' button in the advanced component editor form.
Another requirement has cropped up with regard to picking up connection settings for data sources from an external File.
My source and target are both in SQL Server. What i need is that if my source or target changes I should just change my external file and same should reflect in my package.
How can I accomplish it? Please suggest some solution.
in the acquireconnection method Using the below statment I can get a connection Object
oledbConnection = cmado.AcquireConnection(transaction) as OleDbConnection;
from the connection object I can get the connectionstring from the object by calling
oledbConnection.connectionstring() property which will have all the details like DataBase, UserName & other Inofrmation but there is no password Info.
How to get the password Information, I need that information since I will use that info to make OCI calls to fetch the data from the Oracle database in m,y custome source component.
Hi,I have developed a custom source component to get data from a generic odbc connection with some special caracteristics.
The component works fine by getting and mapping the output fields etc...
The only two problems existing are that when i run the task it says that the data flow has no components inside... how is this possible since i have my source mapped to a flat file inside that data flow?
This is the error:
SSIS package "BVEIT000D.dtsx" starting.
Warning: 0x80047034 at BVEIT000D_<EMPRESA> TXT, DTS.Pipeline: The DataFlow task has no components. Add components or remove the task.
Information: 0x4004300C at BVEIT000D_<EMPRESA> TXT, DTS.Pipeline: Execute phase is beginning.
SSIS package "BVEIT000D.dtsx" finished: Success.
The other problem is that if i want to <ignore> a certain source column the component already shows me an error saying that the no column with ID 0 was found...
Any one with experience in creating custom components?
The komponnet works well. How do I grant permissions to access this text file? Because I got problems when I try to run my package using a task created in the SQL Server Agent.
Ok, so I've looked near and far and have found nothing but info that says data flow properties can not be changed at runtime....then I see in this in the SSIS documentation under ADO.NET Source Custom Properties:
Hi all, I saw a couple of other posts here on this topic, but none quite got to my issue. I'm trying to add error output to a custom source component (not a script, a custom component). The samples all seem to deal with transform components, and my issues seem to be unique to source components.
I have the following code related to error handling ...
Public Overloads Overrides Sub ProvideComponentProperties()
Dim output As IDTSOutput90 = ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection.New
Dim errorOutput As IDTSOutput90 = ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection(ERRORCOLUMNNAME)
Dim errorColumn As IDTSOutputColumn90 = errorOutput.OutputColumnCollection.New
errorColumn.Name = outColumn.Name
errorColumn.SetDataTypeProperties(DataType.DT_I4, 0, 0, 0, 0) ... End Sub
The confusions I have are: a) the stock advanced properties editor (I haven't provided a custom one) doesn't seem to "realize" that I have an error output, so provides no method to configure. I am believing it would need to know which Output columns can have their error/truncation redirected. I'd have thought setting ErrorRowDisposition on my output column would have been enough to trigger this ?? b) since I don't have any means of configuring, not surprisingly, when I try to connect my error output, designer complains that, "Ths error output cannot receive any error rows. This occurs for several reasons: Input columns or output columns are not yet defined. Error handling is not supported by the component. Error handling is not configured for the component." c) UsesDispoistions would seem to be appropriate only for a transform component
Thanks for reading, and appreciate any help or pointers. Bill
I'm looking at writing some customized insert, update and delete stored procs for a replication target. For various reasons I would like to write a "one size fits all" custom stored proc for each of these tasks.
It looks like I can get the data values passed as parameters just fine.
I was wondering if there's a way to also pass the source schema and table name as parameters, or to determine these on the fly in my all purpose stored procs. Some replication products refer to these types of values as "tokens" that can be included in the replication data stream sent to the target.
I can adjust the source database replication publications, and article definitions, but I cannot modify the actual source database tables to include these as values in data columns. It is possible a view that contains these elements as strings might fly, but I was hoping to avoid cluttering the source database.
I have a package that does simple exporting from an excel sheet to a table. I used a Dataflow task with Excel Source and OLEDB Destination Components. And i created Package configurations for Source and Destination Components. After than when i execute the package i get the following error.
Information: 0x40016041 at ProductDetails_Import: The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "D:TEST_ETLLPL_Config2.dtsConfig".
Information: 0x40016041 at ProductDetails_Import: The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "D:TEST_ETLDBCon2.dtsConfig".
Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC0202009 at ProductDetails_Import, Connection manager "Excel Connection Manager": SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".
Error: 0xC020801C at Data Flow Task, Excel Source [1]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
Error: 0xC0047017 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "Excel Source" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.
Error: 0xC004700C at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: One or more component failed validation.
Error: 0xC0024107 at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.
[One day I will come back here and answer questions, rather than only ask.]
I have a custom connection manager that returns an OleDbConnection. The only thing "custom" about the connection manager is how it determines its connection string. The object returned in AcquireConnection is an OleDbConnection.
OleDbConnection oleDbConnection = new OleDbConnection(this.connectionString); oleDbConnection.Open();
return oleDbConnection; }
Some of the objects within SSIS only work with an OleDbConnection, but mine is not recognized as such. Is there any way to have my connection recognized as a valid connection?
I would like to fire a pre execution event, grab the name of the stored procedure (source of the sql task), insert a record with the name and datetime, and then fire a post event that would update the record with a modified dated.
What is the best way to capture the source value name in the execute sql task.
I'm developing a Custom Report Item and would like to fill my properties dialog in design mode with real data. I have the name of the data source and the command text for the corresponding report dataset, read from the report design.
Is it possible to create an ado.net dataset so that I can display and use real data in my properties dialog box? First problem I have is to get the connection string from the data source string. I found no docs for that, especially the Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataExtensions.ReportDataSource class is not documented. Am I on the right way with that?
I have implemented a custom source component that can be used as the data source in the Data Flow task.
I have also created a custom UI for this component by using the IDtsComponentUI .
But my component does not have the capability of setting the custom properties via the DTS Variables using the Expression Builder.
I have looked around for samples on how to do this, but I can only find samples of how to do this for custom Control Tasks, i.e. IDtsTaskUI.
My question is, How can implement the Expression Builder in my custom Source component + custom Source UI. Or do you know of any samples which I can look at.
I'm writing a custom source component that reads data from a SharePoint list with dynamic mapping to output columns. It's my first custom component and it's based on several samples and tutorials from Internet
Output columns are not created by the component itself, they must be added by user at design time. The component makes dynamically an association between SharePoint fields and available output columns at run-time (based on an mapping table).
I made a very basic skeleton and I encounter a problem when I add a column to output: it has no datatype and when I try to set one I have an the error Property value is not valid, The component xxxxxx does not allow setting output column datatype properties.
Imports System Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper <DtsPipelineComponent(ComponentType:=ComponentType.SourceAdapter, DisplayName:="SharePoint Dynamic Assoc List Source",
I am creating a custom transformation component, and a custom user interface for that component.
In my custom UI, I want to show the custom properties, and allow users to edit these properties similar to how the advanced editor shows the properties.
I know in my UI I need to create a "Property Grid". In the properties of this grid, I can select the object I want to display data for, however, the only objects that appear are the objects that I have already created within this UI, and not the actual component object with the custom properties.
How do I go about getting the properties for my transformation component listed in this property grid?
Hi there, Here we have got a asp.net application that was developed when database was sitting on SQL server 6.5. Now client has moved all of their databases to SQL server 2000. When the database was on 6.5 the previous development team has used oledb connections all over. As the databases have been moved to SQL server 2000 now i am in process of changing the database connection part. As part of the process i have a login authorization code. Private Function Authenticate(ByVal username As String, ByVal password As String, ByRef results As NorisSetupLib.AuthorizationResult) As Boolean Dim conn As IDbConnection = GetConnection() Try Dim cmd As IDbCommand = conn.CreateCommand() Dim sql As String = "EDSConfirmUpdate" '"EDSConfirmUpdate""PswdConfirmation" 'Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sql", conn)
cmd.CommandText = sql cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure NorisHelpers.DBHelpers.AddParam(cmd, "@logon", username) NorisHelpers.DBHelpers.AddParam(cmd, "@password", password) conn.Open() 'Get string for return values Dim ReturnValue As String = cmd.ExecuteScalar.ToString 'Split string into array Dim Values() As String = ReturnValue.Split(";~".ToCharArray) 'If the return code is CONTINUE, all is well. Otherwise, collect the 'reason why the result failed and let the user know If Values(0) = "CONTINUE" Then Return True Else results.Result = Values(0) 'Make sure there is a message being returned If Values.Length > 1 Then results.Message = Values(2) End If Return False End If Catch ex As Exception Throw ex Finally If (Not conn Is Nothing AndAlso conn.State = ConnectionState.Open) Then conn.Close() End If End Try End Function ''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' <summary> ''' Getting the Connection from the config file ''' </summary> ''' <returns>A connection object</returns> ''' <remarks> ''' This is the same for all of the data classes. ''' Reads a specific connection string from the web.config file for the service, creates a connection object and returns it as an IDbConnection. ''' </remarks> ''' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function GetConnection() As IDbConnection 'Dim conn As IDbConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim conn As IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection conn.ConnectionString = NorisHelpers.DBHelpers.GetConnectionString(NorisHelpers.DBHelpers.COMMON) Return conn End Function in the above GetConnection() method i have commented out the .net dataprovider for oledb and changed it to .net dataprovider for SQLconnection. this function works fine. But in the authenticate method above at the line Dim ReturnValue As String = cmd.ExecuteScalar.ToString
for some reason its throwing the below error. Run-time exception thrown : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException - @password is not a parameter for procedure EDSConfirmUpdate. If i comment out the Dim conn As IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection and uncomment the .net oledb provider, Dim conn As IDbConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection then it works fine. I also have changed the webconfig file as below. <!--<add key="Common" value='User ID=**secret**;pwd=**secret**;Data Source="ESMALLDB2K";Initial Catalog=cj_common;Auto Translate=True;Persist Security Info=False;Provider="SQLOLEDB.1";' />--> <add key="Common" value='User ID=**secret**;pwd=**secret**;Data Source="ESMALLDB2K";Initial Catalog=cj_common;' />
What I want to accomplish is that at design time the designer can enter a value for some custom property on my custom task and that this value is accessed at executing time.
I am writing a custom task that has some custom properties. I would like to parameterize these properties i.e. read from a varaible, so I can change these variables from a config file during runtime.
I read the documentation and it says if we set the ExpressionType to CPET_NOTIFY, it should work, but it does not seem to work. Not sure if I am missing anything. Can someone please help me?
In the Editor of my custom task, under custom properties section, I expected a button with 3 dots, to click & pop-up so we can specify the expression or at least so it evaluates the variables if we give @[User::VaraibleName]
I have a got a package with source as sql table which has got 50 columns. We are using only 10 columns out of this. Recently one column name has changed and thus throws error invalid mapping. When I open the source to do the changes noticed that all the colums are prselected now and also the datatypes got changed to default ( I had changed the datatypes as per my requirement while i developed). So now I had to select required columns from source and redo the datatype changes in advanced editor.Is there any option which doesnt disturb this settings and we just need to correct the mapping alone.Â
Hi, I want to transform an xml flow to an html flow. For this, I create an XmlDataDocument, I add on it, all that I want, and I store it in a file (in a dataflow task). After that, in an xml task, I set the input properties like that: Operation type: xslt SourceType: File connection Source: ras.xml
All works fine. But now, I want to use a variable to store my xml data. So, instead of storing my data in ras.xml, I store it in a variable like that:
Dim v As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSVariables90 Me.VariableDispenser.LockOneForWrite("RAS", v) v("RAS").Value = doc.OuterXml v.Unlock()
and in the xml task, I set configuration like that:
But when I execute, I got this following exception:
Error: 0xC002F304 at Format HTML Mail, XML Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Root element is missing.". Error: 0xC002928F at Format HTML Mail, XML Task: Property "New Source" has no source Xml text; Xml Text is either invalid, null or empty string.
Furthermore, when I want to debug it, in replacing the xml task, by a script task, I can see that in my RAS variable, I get the xml data which is well formed.
Just a quick question about connection management. My application willnever need more than 1 or 2 connections about at any given time. Also, I donot expect many users to be connected at any given time. For efficiency, Iwould like to keep connections alive throughout the lifetime of the objectsrequiring them, rather than opening a new connection, executing code andthen closing it again. What is the most efficient way of doing this?Should I perform the open/close or just one open when I create the objectand a close when I dispose of it?
I was trying to load data using SSIS, Data Flow Task, OLE DB Source, source was a view to a OLE DB Destination (SQL Server). This view returns 420,591 rows from Query Analyzer in 21 seconds. Row length is 925. When I try to executed the Data Flow Task from SSIS, I had to stop the process after 30 minutes, because only 2,000 rows had been retrieved. I modified the view to retun top 440, 000 and reran. This time all 420, 591 rows were retrieved and written in 22 seconds. Next, I tried to use a TOP 100 Percent. Again, only 2,000 rows were return after 30 minutes. TempDB is on a separate SAN Raid group with 200 gig free, Databases on a separate drive with 200 gig free. Server has 13 gig of memory and no other processes were executing.
The only way I could populate the table was by using an Execute SQL Task and hard code an Insert into table selecting data from the view (35 seconds) from SSIS.
Have anyone else experience this or a similar issue? Anyone have a solutionexplanation?
I am having a huge xml file with nested section. i also have a xsd file for that xml. i have a destination table where the data from the xml should be loaded into. i am using the xml source transformation. But o get all the data i need to use multiple merje joins to get the data in a single row which i can insert into the destination.i was not quiet convinced with using so many joins.
so i tried using the script source transformation where i am using xml objects to get the node and dynamically construction the data row. and the output is then inserted into the destination. on comparing the two approach the one using the script source is working much faster than the xml source transformation.
i wanted to know is there any limitaion using the script source to parse through xml files. also i would like to know any other better way of getting the data from xml source without using the joins.