Data Input Screen Design

Sep 14, 2000

does anyone know of easy to use tools to design input screens to access sql version 7 databases

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Trying To Use A Image That Is On The Network That Show On The Layout Screen But Not On The Preview Screen?

Oct 25, 2007

get the following error when I click on prview.

Build complete -- 0 errors, 0 warnings

[rsWarningFetchingExternalImages] Images with external URL references will not display if the report is published to a report server without an UnattendedExecutionAccount or the target image(s) are not enabled for anonymous access.

[rsInvalidMIMEType] The value of the MIMEType property for the image €˜image1€™ is €œtext/html; charset=utf-8€?, which is not a valid MIMEType.

Preview complete -- 0 errors, 2 warnings

This is the URL:


I've been told that image is a gif how should I set the mimeType?Or is this a security issue of some sort?

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Data From The Database Does Not Seems To Load On Screen...pls Help

Dec 27, 2006

everything is ok.. the connection is on..the page can be loaded... no error....
BUT the data from the database cannot be retrieved... as in.. it just didnt load on screen...
i dont know whats wrong... i have follow all the steps show on a book.. can anyone pls help me?? thks

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Can The Data Results Screen Be Hidden?

Jul 20, 2007

Can the results screen on the data tab be permanently hidden?



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Trying To Pull Data From Server But Getting A Blank White Screen

May 3, 2007

Hey guys, i finally connected to the db fine however for some reason i cannot pull the data.  I was hoping somebody here might be able to help me.  The code is below
    Function MyQueryMethod() As System.Data.DataSet        Dim connectionString As String = "server='xxxx'; user id='xxxx'; password='xxxxxx'; database='wel"& _            "sh_indiv'"        Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
        Dim queryString As String = "SELECT [test12].[name], [test12].[grade] FROM [test12]"        Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand        dbCommand.CommandText = queryString        dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection
        Dim dataAdapter As System.Data.IDbDataAdapter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter        dataAdapter.SelectCommand = dbCommand        Dim dataSet As System.Data.DataSet = New System.Data.DataSet        dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet)
        Return dataSet    End Function
 im kinda new to programming with vb for pages so please bare with me.

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SQL 2012 :: Data Migration - Pull Data From All DBs To Input Into DW Table

Jul 15, 2014

I have a cluster hosting multiple GP databases and a second for my data-warehouse I am playing around with (personal project).

I have scripts that pull data from all the DB's to input into the DW's tables(Customers,Reps,Hub....)

An example of my branch script :

select interidas BranchID,
cmpnynamas BranchDesc,
address1as BranchAddressLine1,
address2as BranchAddressLine2,
address3as BranchAddressLine3,
zipcodeas PostalCode
from dynamics..SY01500

Where interid in ('comp1', 'comp2', 'comp4', 'comp5')

what would be the best way to using these scripts pull the data to my testDW and not have duplicate data issues?

I was thinking of using a staging DB on the GP cluster and then building an import data package to run nightly. the issue i had was how do i avoid duplicate data ?

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Output Data Is 2 TIMES The Input Data.SSIS.Newbie

Apr 10, 2008

Hello All,
I am migrating data from one database to another. I am using Multicast to seperate (legal street,legal mail and legal city) and (mail_street,mail_state,mail_zip,mail_city) also later after UNION of the above I am doing two lookups as I had to get contact ID and Customer ID from other two tables. In UNION i am matching (Mail street legal street) and so on.

I am getting double the data in the output. my input data is 1000000 and im gettin 2000000.

What could be the reasons. Please help me out.

Thank You

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Data Input Problem

May 28, 2007

In Visual Web Developer I
have created a data input form based on the documentation I found in the .NET
Framework Class Library (SqlDataSource.InsertCommand Property).  Originally my form contained 4 textboxes
(FirstName, LastName, Phone, Email) and worked fine.  All this data is nvarchar string data. 

When I added a checkbox I
get an error that “String
was not recognized as a valid Booleanâ€? 
when the checkbox is checked. 
When the checkbox is unchecked the data is input without a problem.  This is a bit data field in the table. 

Here is my VB code, Insert
Parameters for my SqlDataSource1, and button code: 


    Private Sub InsertData(ByVal
Source As Object,
ByVal e As


    End Sub    



                <asp:formParameter Name="FirstName" Type="String" FormField="txtFirstName"/>

                <asp:formParameter Name="LastName" Type="String" FormField="txtLastName"/>

                <asp:formParameter Name="Phone" Type="String" FormField="txtPhone"/>

                <asp:formParameter Name="Email" Type="String" FormField="txtEmail"/>

                <asp:formParameter Name="FreeInfo" Type="Boolean" FormField="checkbox1"/>


<asp:Button id="Button1" runat="server" text="Submit" OnClick="insertdata"/>

I suspect that the problem
is with the VB code which will only accept string input data, but don’t know
how to fix it.  Any thoughts on how to
fix this problem?  Thanks in advance for
any help provided.

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User Input Data In T-sql

Aug 20, 2005

Hi there

I want to give dynamic input to the t-sql code in sql do i do that....

Like adding 2 numbers

declare @a integer,@b integer,@c integer
--I dont want to give like this
--set @a = 5
--set @b = 10
set @c = @a + @b

can anyone help me with this



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Newbie Trying To Input Data Into Database

Feb 8, 2007

Hello everyone, I am new to mssql so please excuse all my silly questions.

I can create databases and tables. This is fairly easy, now I am having trouble with inputting data into the database using the data entry browser (or whatever it is called to enter data directly into a table).

I usually get an error when trying to submit the entry, firstly I have a "id" field which I think I have set to auto increase (Identity is ticked, seed and increment is set to 1).

when I go to add data all fields have "Null" in them and from what I understand it allows the fields to be empty, except the primary key which is the id field in this case and I expect that to be filled in automatically like with mysql but isn’t.

Can some kind person instruct or direct me somewhere on how to enter data into a table without it failing.

Thanks in advanced for any information provided.


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Request For Data Input In A DTS Package

Aug 3, 2007

Hi there. This is only my second post ever- so please bear with me.

First, I am using SQL Server 2000.

I have built a DTS package using an Oracle ODBC and the following query;

select pv.segment1 vendor_nbr, pv.vendor_name,pv.attribute4
, pv.creation_date
from po.po_vendors pv
, po.po_vendor_sites_all pvs
where pv.vendor_id = pvs.vendor_id(+)
operating unit
AND trunc(pv.creation_date) = trunc(sysdate)

This DTS package is not always run on the same day the records are created. So......

What I want to do is have the dts package ask the user for the date they are looking for-

I know I need to probably use a parameter, but I have been unable to figure out how to do this in a DTS pkg. I have several reSQL reference books and I don't even know what to search for in Books online. Could anyone help??


Heather Vizina

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The Data On The Website Cannot Be Input In The Server Database..

Mar 6, 2008

hi there..
I have write a code in the submit button using vb code so that when people key in their email.. it will be saved in my created database called test.mdf. but when i debug it, i tried to write an my email address in the textbox in my website but when i click at the submit button, the web page display the email was not enter in my database.
here is the code, can anybody help me. i'm really lost here..
 Protected Sub SubmitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim TestDataSource As New SqlDataSource()TestDataSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("TestConnectionString1").ToString()
TestDataSource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text
TestDataSource.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO Email(EmailAddress, IPAddress, DateTimeStamp) VALUES (@EmailAddress,@IPAddress,@DateTimeStamp)"
 TestDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("EmailAddress", emailAddressTextBox.Text)
TestDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("IPAddress", Request.UserHostAddress.ToString())TestDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("DateTimeStamp", DateTime.Now())
 Dim rowsAffected As Integer = 0
rowsAffected = TestDataSource.Insert()
 Catch ex As Exception
TestDataSource = Nothing
End Try
If rowsAffected <> 1 ThenServer.Transfer("test_problem.aspx")
End If
End Sub

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Not Able Input Full Data Into Char Column

Jul 3, 2002


I have a table with column size char(100), But As soon as I enter 60 charcters I get an error 'Maximum limit violation'

Any help please

Raja Jayaseelan

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How To Format The Date Data Type Input In DD-MM-YY

Mar 4, 2004

hi all , does SQL server able to input the date that is originally from 2/6/2004 11:07:46 AM to DD-MM-YY 06-02-04 and store in the DB. For example , this is the SQL insert query

INSERT INTO ADMIN ( ID , NAME , DATE ) VALUES ( 'A001' , 'karen' ,'2/6/2004 11:07:46 AM')

the date will automatically converted to 06-02-04 and store in DB .

Does it need to use SQL Rule or user-defined data type.

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How To Update User Input Data Into Sql Server

May 28, 2007

hi ,
i am new to this.
how should i update the user input values into sql server database?
i am using and c#

i know it must be simple...but i haven't worked on this before.


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Manually Input Data Into Replicated Table

Jul 17, 2007

Is it possible to have a replicated table that you can open from and input data manually?

That is, I've got a table that I am replicating data to and I want to add some manual data to this table, every now and then.

Will this break replication?

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Editing Input Data In Script Component

Aug 22, 2007

This is very similar to the post:

I am trying to do this. Basically, if the field I am checking contains a space - not an empty string - I want to assign it an empty string so it will get converted to NULL when it hits the SQL destination. The space character from the source is causing the rows to fail I want to force a NULLin the database as a "workaround" from something I am working on.

I thought I had this set up correctly, but it is not working. I have the field in question as an input field set to ReadWrite

If Row.[COLNAME].ToString = " " Then
Row.[COLNAME] = ""
End If

I am getting the following error:

[Assign District Code [12469]] Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.HandleUserException(Exception e) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.ProcessInput(Int32 inputID, PipelineBuffer buffer) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostProcessInput(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Int32 inputID, IDTSBuffer90 pDTSBuffer, IntPtr bufferWirePacket)

I can provide more details if needed.

Thanks for your help.

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MSMQ Connection Manager And Input Into A Data Flow

Apr 13, 2006

Firstly the disclaimer: im a total SSIS bunny.
Ok, with that out of the way...
What i want to do is have data read from an MSMQ message (which will be a simple XML message) and have it transformed and inserted into a simple table. Sound simple, but i cant work out how to do it.

I started a new Integration Services Project and dropped a Data Flow task on the Control flow tab, then double-click it to go to the data flow tab. I have added a MSMQ connection manager which points at my private queue and i can hit the test button and it sees it tests ok. How do i wire that into my data flow?

On my dataflow tab i have a SQL Server Destination (set to the local SQl server instance) and ive been trying a DataReader source and try setting the Advanced Editor "Connection Manager" column on IDBConnection row to point to my MSMQ connection manager. I get some error "cannot aquire a managed connection from the run-time connection manager". How do i get a Data Flow source which reads the XML message off my MSMQ connection manager??

On the Control Flow tab you can add a Message Queue Task and i can bind it to my MSMQ connection manager and set it up as a recieve task etc, but how do i use that?


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How To Input Large Data From Another Db Or Db File Into Sql Server Compact?

Jan 21, 2008

Hi :
I want to transfer large data from access db into sql server compact , how can I do ? thanks a lot!

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Input Flat File Is - Truncate Extra Data

Jun 10, 2007

I am using the flat file connection manager. I read in a set of flat files and copy them into a staging database table. I want to ignore anything in the text file past column 266. I can't get this to work correctly. I can't define the last column to end at 266 and ignore the rest. I tried adding an extra column but that did not work either.


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SQL 2000: Query Question - Input Data Within Two Tables And 'between' Table

May 1, 2008

Hello specialists.

Maybe this is the wrong formum but I've got a question for which you probably have the answer, i hope.

John is member of Group_A and Group_B
Bill is member of Group_B and Group_C
Allison is member of Group_A and Group_E

How can I create a query to input Allisons username into table 1 and groupmembership into table 2. Also updating the relationship within table3 must be done automaticaly. I want to avoid duplicate records.
The final situation I want is given in red text.

The relationships between the tables are as follows
Table1 (PK)ID-Userinfo [ONE] <------------> [MANY] Table3 ID-Userinfo
Table3 (PK)ID-GroupInfo [MANY] <------------> [ONE] Table2 (PK)ID-GroupInfo

Table1: UserInfo
(PK)ID-Userinfo UserName
1 John
2 Bill
3 Allison

Table2: GroupInfo
(PK)ID-GroupInfo GroupName
1 Group_A
2 Group_B
3 Group_C

4 Group_E

Table3: MemberOf
(PK)ID-MemberOf ID-UserInfo ID-GroupInfo
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 2 2
4 2 3
5 3 1
6 3 4

I hope you can help me cracking this nut.

Thx in advance. Greetings Fred

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Flat File Name As SSIS Data Source Input Parameter

Feb 29, 2008

Each day I receive a file with a different name. For example, the name is filename_mmddyyyy.txt where filename_ stays constant and mmddyyyy is the date of the file. The file is always in the same format.

I want to build an SSIS where I pass it this file name. I can write a script to generate the correct file name. How do I build the SSIS so it can accept the input parameter and find the correct file to process?


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Time Series, Incorporating Future Input Data For Prediction

Sep 25, 2006


I've got a time series of the number of new customer subscriptions, which
is the target attribute to predict. The number of subscriptions depends on
various marketing activities, such as mailings, which are known within
the time series for the past.

If I train an ART (MS Autoregression Tree), it learns the trend pattern
as well as the correlations between the marketing activities and the
target (cross-correlations), right?
What I would like to do is, providing the model with some marketing activity
planning for the future and let the model predict the number of new
subscriptions based on a) the past trend pattern and b) the future activities.

Unfortunately a time series algorithm does not provide some kind of scoring for input data.

What would be the best approach to solve this problem? How about linear regression?
But how to train a regression model with trend patterns?

Thanks for your help!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Save Data In Word Input File To Table

Jun 4, 2015

One people created a word input file (15 pages, including check boxes, text boxes, drop down lists...). Is it possible to save data in word input file to SQL table?

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Data Mining In 2005 - Same Input Columns Resulting In Different Decision Trees

Dec 12, 2007

While recently working with several mining models, I came across something that struck me as pretty odd - and I'm hoping to find an explanation for the behavior.

Consider the following setup:

A single table in the relational database represents the only case table
A single, continuous column is the predictable
A mining structure has been created

The mining structure contains a single model, based on the MS Decision Trees algorithm
Input columns were selected for the model via the BI Studio wizard (i.e., those provided via the "Suggest" button)
The structure has been fully processed
Now, the interesting parts:

I view the scatterplot for the mining model, under the Mining Accuracy Chart tab
Back on the Mining Structure tab, I delete one of the input columns
I add the same column back into the structure
The structure is fully processed again
When I view the scatterplot for the mining model, under the Mining Accuracy Chart tab, a different set of data points are presented for the model predictions
A different set of decision trees under the Mining Model Viewer tab confirms thisHow could different patterns have been found this second time around, even though all of the input columns were the same (as well as the training cases)?

(Note: I encountered this situation while creating a new mining model that was identical to an existing one. Even though the models received the exact same inputs and training cases, they yielded different results. I was able to reproduce the behavior by using steps 1-6 above, though.)

Can someone provide some insight on this behavior, or some kind of explanation of what may be happening?

Joe Miller

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Blue Screen

Sep 4, 1999

if you encountera problem of blue screen and then you reinstall NT server, what is the quickest way to restore sql back. after installation of windows nt sql will not start, please advice anyone who knows

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ASP Search Screen And MS-SQL 2k

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I am looking for help with the following situation.I have created a simple call tracking system that is integratedwith our accounting / warehousing program in the company. The calltracking system uses ASP 3.0 and MSSQL 2000 sitting on an Intranet webserver. All appears to be working well with the software. I amtrying to create a search screen to search through the calls based ondifferent criteria.I have an ASP script that generates a SELECT statement based onthe selected criteria but this is sent off to the SQL server as thestatement. I want to use a stored procedure to speed up the process.Is it possible to create a stored procedure for this search even whenthe WHERE clause and criteria keeps changing?TIA

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Full Screen

May 4, 2007

Hi all,

I have a simple question about RS.

I need to show all my reports in full screen mode but I don't find any properties in report.

I read in some threads to use ToolBar options but toolbar show or hide print, refresh, etc. but I want to hide the top bar because I don't want show search box or navigation bar!!!

Thanks for all your help.

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Contact Form - Variable Number Of Input Fields, Store Data As Xml String ?

Jul 13, 2007

Im trying to determine the best way to store data gathered from a form that a user will fill out online.  The form is dynamic and is customized at run time based on group-specific criteria.  The end result is a form that might have 3 extra text boxes, 2 extra sets of radio buttons and a freeform textbox, whereas for another group, there might be a slightly different set of input fields.   Now comes the issue of storing this data.  Since the fields can be somewhat dynamic, it could get tricky to define table columns for each possible input field.  So Im considering storing the data as xml.  Has anyone else had to build custom forms and ended up storing the data as xml ?

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Input Parameter Exceeds The Limit Of The Data Type's Length In Stored Procedure

Sep 4, 2007

Hi guys, is there any way to solve my problem as title ? Assuming my stored proc is written as below :

@A VARCHAR(8000) = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,...,5000'


DECLARE @B nvarchar(MAX);
SET @B = 'SELECT * FROM C WHERE ID IN ( ' + @A + ')'

EXECUTE sp_executesql @B

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Map Resultset From Executing A Stored Proc Into Input Columns Of A Data Flow Task

Jul 30, 2007

I need to loop the recordset returned from a ExecuteSQL task and transform each row using a Data Conversion task (or a Script Task).

I know how to loop the recordset returned by an ExecuteSQL task:

I loop the returned recordset (which is mapped to a User variable of type System.Object) and assign the Variable Mappings in the ForEach Loop to different user variables which map to the Exec proc resultset (with names and data types).

I assume to now use these as the Available Input columns for the Data Conversion task, I drag a Data Flow task inside the For Each Loop container and double-click it, then add a Data Conversion task.

But the Input columns (which I entered in the Variable Mappings in the ForEach Loop containers) dont show up in the Available Input columns of the Data Conversion task.

How do I link the Variable Mappings in the ForEach Loop containers from the recordset returned by the Execute SQL Task to the Available Input columns of the Data Conversion task?


If this is not possible, and the advice is to use the OLEDB data flow as the input for the Data Conversion task (which is something I tried too), then the results from an OLEDB Command (using EXEC sp_myproc) are not mapped to the Available Input columns of the Data Conversion task either (as its not an explicit SQL Statement and the runtime results from a stored proc exection)

I would like to use the ExecuteSQL task to do this as the Package is clean and comprehensible. Which is the easiest best way to map the returned results from a Stored proc execution to the Available Input columns of any Data Flow transformation task for the transform operations I need to execute on each row of data?

[ Could not find any useful advice on this anywhere ]

thanks in advance!

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Bypass Login Screen

Jul 3, 2004

Well im trying to install some software on someone's cpu. I dont know his password, and he has forgotten. How do I get pass the login screen? and assign a new name and password. :confused:

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Is It Posiable To Close The Screen

Jul 20, 2005

HaiIs it possiable to close the current connection screen in the queryanalyser , not to close the query analyser.With ThanksRaghu

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