Data Mining Lift Chart Problem On Vs2005

Jun 4, 2006

Hello . Because of my graduation project , I interested in data mining application , Adventureworks DW on MS VS 2005 . I opened File->Open->project/solution ->Enterprise -> AdventureworksDW .then I successfully deployed the algorithms decision tree and Clustering . Then I opened tab Mining Accuracy Chart then selected input table "testing" , which I had created before ,  from vTargetMail . After that , mining structure table and target mail table has automaticaly linked each other .Next , I selected predictive input as 1 , of the predictable row "BikeBuyer" . But , when I clicked "Lift Chart ", I only got a 45 degree line , everytime .. How can I fix it ?

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How Is The 'Score' Value Derived In The Lift Chart/Mining Legend For Data Mining Models?

Sep 26, 2006

I have just run a simple data set through a model to predict a simple true or false value (i.e. binary output)
The Lift Chart/Mining Legend in Analysis Services shows three results €“ Score, Population Correct (%), and Predict Probability (%)

Population Correct I beleive is the percentage of predictions it got right out of the total number of predictions it tried to make. Is this correct?

However, I can€™t work out how the other two are derived in particular the 'SCORE'. To give a live example the scores were as follows:

Model Score Pop Correct Pred Probability
Decision Trees 0.83 76.59% 54.28%
Neural Network 0.75 67.63% 50.05%
Ideal Model 100.00%

Can anyone help with this and give a detailed explanation?

Many thanks,
S Rajput

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How Get The Lift Chart In Datamining.i Am Not Geeting Mining Accuracy Chart And Mining Model Prediction

Sep 14, 2007

I am not getting Mining Accuracy Chart and Min ing Model Prediction
Plz tel me how to do.And how to use the filter input data used to generate the lift chart and
select predictable mining model columns to show in the lift chart

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Data Mining Plugin And Lift Chart

Jan 1, 2008


I tried to create a lift chart with my custom plugin-algorithmn. The chart seems to be correct, but before it is drawn, an error occours:

Function ... Row 1 ... Column 43 ... cannot be used in this context.
(I've translated the key facts of this error message from german)

What did I do wrong?

Best wishes,

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Lift Chart / Data Mining Legend

Jul 17, 2006


I am having trouble really understanding what makes a model accurate and effective at predicting some attribute. I can't seem to find any clear documentation about the mining legend of the lift chart on the Mining Accuracy Chart tab when working with the Data Mining Structure designer in VS 2005. Specifically, I would like to know more about what numbers in the Score, Population Correct and Predict Probability columns mean, and why they change when you move the vertical gray bar on the Lift Chart. Also, what is generally a good score to be aiming for, provided that it is highly difficult to get 100% accuracy with the kind of data that I am using.

Any more information on this subject is much appreciated. Thank you for your time,

Chris Burns

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Broken Lift Chart And Empty Classification Matrix In Data Mining

Sep 5, 2007

Hi,I am studying data mining features of SSAS and for a workshop I'vecreated 2 views derived from vTargetMail view of AdventureWorksDW.Train data consists every record except those in Pacific, and testview consists only records from Pacific area.1. I've created a mining structure based on Decision Tree and selectedBikeBuyer as predictable column.2. According to input column suggestions, I've selected Age,Eng.Education, NumberCarsOwned, YearlyIncome, CommuteDistance,NumberChildsatHome and TotalChildren as input columns,3. I've modified no other setting, and deployed project.I can get training results in decision tree browser and dependencynetwork (and both seem to give rather logical results) however, when Itry to browse lift chart or classification matrix I get an emptyclass.matr. and a lift chart of a single 45 degree line.Am I missing a step, or must I do some fine-tuning on (what)parameters?Thanks...

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Broken Lift Chart And Empty Classification Matrix In Data Mining

Sep 5, 2007

I am studying data mining features of SSAS and for a workshop I've
created 2 views derived from vTargetMail view of AdventureWorksDW.
Train data consists every record except those in Pacific, and test
view consists only records from Pacific area.

1. I've created a mining structure based on Decision Tree and selected
BikeBuyer as predictable column.
2. According to input column suggestions, I've selected Age,
Eng.Education, NumberCarsOwned, YearlyIncome, CommuteDistance,
NumberChildsatHome and TotalChildren as input columns,
3. I've modified no other setting, and deployed project.

I can get training results in decision tree browser and dependency
network (and both seem to give rather logical results) however, when I
try to browse lift chart or classification matrix I get an empty
class.matr. and a lift chart of a single 45 degree line.

Am I missing a step, or must I do some fine-tuning on (what)

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Question On Column Mappings Between Mining Structure And Case Table For Lift Chart

May 3, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

I am a bit confused for the model evaluation (lift chart), should we map all the columns for both the mining structure and the case table? I mean for those predictive models, we have a predict column, shouldnt we ignore the mapping of the predictive column between the mining structure and the case table? But it seemes we are not allowed to miss the predictive column mapping between the mining structure and the case table.

Why is that? Could any experts here give me some explanation on that?

Hope my question is clear for your help.

Thanks a lot and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Lift Chart

Feb 13, 2007

Is there a Lift chart viewer like the model viewers that can be embedded within your windows apps ? If not, then can this be easily created via api calls ? Has anyone done this easily in custom DM applications ?

Thanks in advance,


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Lift Chart

Dec 25, 2007

how can i change the language of lift chart for description of vertical axis and horizontal axis and howcan i see the script of this chart for time series algorithm

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Lift Chart Failing With Restricted Security Model

Jan 4, 2007


We're running into an issue where analysts are having problems obtaining lift charts (via the Mining Accuracy Chart UI available in the Visual Studio Analysis Services project) and performing prediction (via the Mining Model Prediction UI).

The issue seems to be related to the underlying analyst security model. Note that this post is related to:

Analysts that work on the same problem will only have access to:

- A sandbox relational database (which contains views into the same source database). The analyst is db_owner of the sandbox database, so she/he can create data transformations required, etc. The sandbox database contains views to the source database, but the analyst only has read-access to the specific data elements needed from the source DB. So, they are very restricted w.r.t. the source database, but are db_owners of their sandbox relational databases. Note that the analyst will connect to he database via Windows Authentication.

- An Analysis Services sandbox database to use for their modeling, etc. In this AS sandbox db, we've created a role called "Administrator" and checked the permissions: Full control (Administrator), Process database, and Read definition. The analyst's windows account is the "user" associated with this role.

Also, in this situation, the SQL Server 2005 Relational Engine and Analysis Services are running on a single machine. The goal of this security model is to provide analysts with the ability to work in their "workspaces" (both SQL and AS), but not to see other analysts work, etc.

Under this model, Analysts are able to deploy mining models when the Data Source object that points to their relational "sandbox" DB is set-up with "Impersonation Information" = "Use a specific user name and password", where the Analyst provides their domain account information.

But, when trying to build a lift chart using the same data source view objects that were used to successfully train the model, the following error is occurring consistently:

Window Title: "Loading Mining Accuracy Chart"
Window Text: "Failed to execute the query due to the following error: Execution of the managed stored rocedure GenerateLiftTableUsingDatasource failed with the following error: Exception has been thrown by the target of invocation. Either '<domain><login>' user does not have permission to access the '' object, or the object does not exist. Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to the data source specified in the query. Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to the data source specified in the query.."

Since the Analyst was able to build the model with her/his given '<domain><login>' credentials, it is puzzling why the lift chart is failing.

Thanks in advance for your help,
- Paul

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Why There Is No Random Guess Line Appeared In The Lift Chart?

May 3, 2007

Hi, all here,

Why the lift chart for my mining models evaluation does not have a random guess model line there? As normal, there should be lines like trained models, ideal model, and random guess model? Why is that? What did I miss? Could any experts here shed me any light on that.

Thanks a lot in advance for your advices and help and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Problems With Neural Net Viewer, Lift Chart And Predictions Still Ocurring In SP2

Nov 24, 2006


I have a mining structure that I am using to perform a text-mining
classification task. The mining structure contains three models: a
decision tree, a naive bayes and a neural network.

Both the decision tree and the naive bayes models process without
any problems, but I am having significant difficulties with the neural
network model.

Initially when I processed the model, processing would fail altogether with the following error message:

"Memory error: Allocation failure : Not enough storage is available to process this command"

This was remedied by taking the steps prescribed in (I upgraded to SQL 2005 SP1 and
applied all available hotfixes listed in This got me to the point
where the model (seemingly) processed correctly after restricting the
MAXIMUM_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES to a relatively low number. So after
processing, I went to try and browse the neural network model and view
the lift chart...


"Execution of the managed stored procedure GetAttributeScores
failed with the following error: Exception has been thrown by the
target of an invocation.Input string was not in a correct format.."



Also when I would attempt to view the lift chart and the
classification matrix the queries would time out with the following
error message:


XML for Analysis parser: The XML for Analysis request timed out before it was completed.

Execution of the managed stored procedure
GenerateLiftTableUsingDatasource failed with the following error:
Exception has been thrown by the target of an


Now, my poking around on Technet lead me to believe that this issue
could finally be resolved by uprading to the CTP release of SQL server
2005 SP2. Now I am still encountering problems. When I go to browse the
model in the Neural Network Viewer, I see the correct drop down menus
to select attributes and attribute values in the "Input" and "Output"
panes but I see no data displayed in the "Variables" pane at the

Interestingly, while I cannot view the model contents in the
graphical viewer, the mining model contents viewer reveals model
contents that look to be pretty normal for a trained neural network.

Attempts to view the lift chart time out with the error message:


XML for Analysis parser: The XML for Analysis request timed out before it was completed.

Execution of the managed stored procedure
GenerateLiftTableUsingDatasource failed with the following error:
Exception has been thrown by the target of an


and when I run predictions against the trained NN model in the
"Mining Model Prediction" pane it predicts the same value for every
case in the testing set.

Any thoughts?

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Where Can I Store The Mining Results From Mining Models In SQL Server 2005 Data Mining Engine?

Apr 26, 2006

Hi, all here,

I am wondering where can I store my mining results in data mining engine? For example, I got mining results like accuracy chart, decision trees, and other formats of results based on different mining algorithms I used for my data mining, so where can I actually store the results for reporting service use later? Is it possible to do that in SQL Server 2005?

Thanks a lot for any help and guidance in advance.

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Error In Mining Accuracy Chart

Dec 15, 2006

I ran a decision tree, clustering and neural network mining model across a dataset of about 200,000 records. I am trying to evaluate the accuracy of each of my models but I can't view the results.

I get the following error:

Failed to execute the query due to the following error:

XML for Analysis parser: The XML for Analysis request timed out before it was completed.
Execution of the managed stored procedure GenerateLiftTableUsingDatasource failed with the following error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.Microsoft::AnalysisServices::AdomdServer::AdomdException.

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Data Mining :: Informational (Data Mining) - Decision Trees Found No Splits For Model

Sep 29, 2015

I followed the tutorial posted at [URL] ...

Everything was ok until the last step where I had to process the mining structure which resulted in a warning

"Informational (Data mining): Decision Trees found no splits for model, Tbl Decision Tree Example."

What does this error mean? How do I resolve it? Also, I only see the first level in the Mining Model Viewer, I don't see the levels 2 and 3.

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How Can We Compare Other Data Mining Software Packages With SQL Server 2005 Data Mining?

Feb 23, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

I would like to know if there is any way to migrate third-party data mining packages with SQL Server 2005 data mining algorithms together then we can have a comparison among all of them to get the best results for training models.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks a lot.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Data Mining - Scalar Mining Structure Column Data Type Error...

May 31, 2006

Hoping someone will have a solution for this error

Errors in the metadata manager. The data type of the '~CaseDetail ~MG-Fact Voic~6' measure must be the same as its source data type. This is because the aggregate function is not set to count or distinct count.

Is the problem due to the data type of the column used in the mining structure is Long, and the underlying field in the cube has a type of BigInt,or am I barking up the wrong tree?

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Data Mining :: Content In Data Mining Structure Not Valid - Deployment Fails

Apr 30, 2015

I'm a beginner with SQL 2012 SSDT & SSMS. I get this error message when I try to deploy my project: 

"Error 6
Error (Data mining): KEY SEQUENCE columns are not supported at the case level. The 'Customer Key' column of the 'TK448 Ch09 Cube Clustering' mining structure contains content that is not valid.
0 0
I am finding it hard to locate the content that is not valid. I've been trying to find a answer for this problem but can't seem to find anything. How can I locate the content that is not valid and change or delete it so that I can deploy this solution?

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Data Mining :: MS Excel Data Mining Add-ins / Maximum Number Of Predict Columns

Jun 4, 2015

Having successfully created :

- a data mining structure with about 80 columns.
- a data mining model using Microsoft_Decision_Trees with 2 prediction columns. 

I thought I would then explore the possibility of have more than 2 prediction columns, in this case 20.

I get an error message and I can't work out :
a) if this is because there's a limit to the maximum number of prediction columns and where that maximum is stated.
b) if something else has become corrupted
c) there's a know bug and if the error message is either meaningful or not.

Either way, I'm unable to complete the data mining wizard 

The error message is :Errors in the metadata manager. Either the mining structure with the ID of '[my model Structure]' does not exist in the database with the ID of 'DMAddinsDB', or the user does not have permissions to access the object.

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Mining Accuracy Chart, Predictable Column In Nested Tables

Oct 27, 2006

In the Mining Accuracy Chart, the predictable columns of nested tables does not show up in the "Select predictable mining model columns to show in the lift chart" table. The "Predictable column name" is empty.

Predictable columns in the case table shows up, but not the predictable columns in the nested table. What am I missing?

-Young K

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Error (Data Mining): The 'HISTORIC_MODEL_GAP' Data Mining Parameter Is Not Valid

Oct 25, 2007

Hi all,

I am using Microsoft_Time_Series and have set HISTORIC_MODEL_GAP to various values (from 1 to 21). I always get this error:
Error (Data mining): The 'HISTORIC_MODEL_GAP' data mining parameter is not valid for the 'My Time Series' model.

In Algorithm Parameters window, this parameters is not there by default, so I have to add it.

Any tip will be greatly appreciated.

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Data Mining :: Implementing Excel Data Mining In A Classroom Setting?

Jun 15, 2015

Implementing data mining Add-in in an academic setting?  We need to handle over 150 new students a semester and have their connection to Analysis Services survive for their four years at the college.  We are introducing data mining to every freshman business student as a unit within their Intro to Excel class (close to a month of work to give them a sense of what is possible).  Other courses later in their curriculum will expand on that introduction. 

Once implemented, we would have as many as 900 connections to manage (four years from now).  It is possible that multiple sections will be running at the same time, so 40 students may be accessing the data mining tools concurrently.   

Is there a way to "bulk establish" the access credentials and establish those databases?

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Data Mining :: How To Reduce Data Mining Processing Time

Aug 4, 2015

With SASS Database i have created Data mining Structure Using Time series algorithm, while processing the SSAS db, Data mining  taking long time to process, so how we can  reduce processing time ???

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Excel 2007 Data Mining Add-in Advance Create Mining Model Question

Apr 11, 2007


I am trying to model data in analysis services with the Advance Create Mining Model function in the excel addin. I am having trouble creating an association model that works like the Associate button above the Advanced button.

The format of my data is like this

OrderID Product

100 Bike

100 Helmet

100 Shoes

200 Helmet

200 basketball

200 Bat

300 Shoes

300 Socks

The associate button works perfectly since it asks me which column is the transaction id (orderid) and which column I am trying to predict (product). The advanced create mining model asks me to determine what the columns are...

OrderID=key Product=Input+Predict?

When I run the advance create mining model associate, I get a browser that gives me no rules and the support for only one item itemset (each product but no combination of products).

Does anyone know what I have to do to get it to work like the associate button?

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Lift Charts With OLAP Data Source

Nov 29, 2006

I've generated some mining models against an OLAP data source (dimension). However, when I go to generate a lift chart, it seems that the only data source that can be used for input is the data source view (the relational database). Is that right? Or is there something I'm missing here.

I was figuring I'd use one slice to train the model, then another slice to test the accuracy of the results. But right now it's looking like I can't do that.

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Can I Filter The Data On Mining Structure, Mining Model?

Jul 18, 2006

I perform data mining on all products and a specific product category.
Do I need to create 2 data source views, one for all products and the other one for the specific product category?
Afterward, I run the Data Mining Wizard 2 times to create 2 mining structures.
I also need to add the same mining model (e.g. Bayes, Cluster) to each of these mining structures.
Is there any simple way to do it?


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Sampling Data Set Via Integration Services Data Flow For Data Mining Models Without Saving Training And Test Data Set?

Nov 24, 2006

Hi, all here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am wondering if it is possible to use SSIS to sample data set to training set and test set directly to my data mining models without saving them somewhere as occupying too much space? Really need guidance for that.

Thank you very much in advance for any help.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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SqlCe Ntext Data Types And VS2005

Jun 28, 2007

I have an application where I'm trying to store xml data in a db field defined as ntext. I have a dataset and table adapter setup in VSNet 2005 and SqlCe 3.1. When I look at the table adapter in the VS designer it shows the field with a type of String and a size of 2147483647 which appears to be correct. Also, if I look at the code generated by the MSDataSetGenerator tool it shows the parameter defined in the same way as in the following
param = new System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeParameter();
param.ParameterName = "@Questions";
param.Size = 2147483647;
param.IsNullable = true;
param.SourceColumn = "Questions";

My problem is that when I run the application and try to insert an item into this column the application throws an exception related to corrupted memory. Trying to debug the problem I found at run time, the param.Size value for the ntext parameter had been set to 255. Since the specific xml I was trying to insert was 410 characters in length I'm guessing that this is what is causing the crash.

Is the expected behavior (the setting of the size to 255 that is)?
If not, am I missing some trick here?


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Why System.Data.SqlserverCe.Dll Doesn't Appear In VS2005

Apr 25, 2006

Hi all,

Why System.Data.SqlserverCe.Dll doesn't appear in VS2005. In VS2003 System.Data.SqlserverCe.Dll appear to write winCE application. But it won't appear in VS2005 while am selecting PocketPc application. any body gimme the solution.


Nat Raja

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Upgrade VS2005 To 2008 And CE3.01 To 3.5 : Different Data Types Woes

Feb 13, 2008

I am having the following problem AFTER converting to VS2008 from VS2005 and SQLCE 3.5 from 3.01:
SQL CE 3.5 db file has a table called Court0 with various columns of type float. I populate the values by copying floats from another table/tables. I do this via using this code snippet:

foreach (DataColumn column in this.mycourtsDataSet1.Tables[tableName].Columns)
string columnName = column.ColumnName.ToString();
string columnValue = aRow[0][columnName].ToString();
object cValue = aRow[0][columnName];

if (columnName.Remove(1) == "T" &amp;&amp; !string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnValue))
// Add the value to the Court0 table.
DataRow[] bRow = this.mycourtsDataSet1.Tables["Court0"].Select("BookingPeriod = '" + columnName + "'");
if (bRow.Length &gt; 0)
double colValue = Convert.ToDouble(cValue);
//bRow[0][tableName] = Convert.ToInt32(columnValue);
========> bRow[0][tableName] = colValue; <==== colValue is '1055.01'
This works fine in VS2005/CE3.01 BUT not in VS2008/CE3.5
In CE3.5, the value entered into the cell looses it's decimal value.
For example, '1055.01' becomes '1055.0' in CE3.5 .
Can someone explain to me why the conversion stuffs up in CE3.5 and what do I do to fix it.

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Reference To Data.System.SqlServerCe In VS2005 Does Not Install CE 2.0 To Emulator/PDA

Feb 3, 2006

We have a Compact Framework 1.1 application that uses Sql Server CE 2.0. In VS2003, a reference to System.Data.SqlServerCe causes the Sql Server CE dlls and Query Analyzer to install to the Emulator or PDA.

I am currently converting the application to Compact Framework 2.0, but we are not upgrading to Sql Server Mobile (yet). However, the reference to System.Data.SqlServerCe, in VS 2005, no longer causes Sql Server CE to install to the PDA/Emulator.

There is a difference in the build outputs between VS2003 & VS2005. In 2003,, & are copied & lanuched. In 2005, only is copied... no launch.

Any ideas? Reinstall VS2005?

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Data Mining :: Deleting Old Data From Adventure Works 2012 With Powershell

May 3, 2015

I am trying to delete tables from data where the ModifiedDates older than 9 years in AdventureWorks2012 database . I get console notified that foreign keys are dropped but the delete statement is throwing errors. I am sure that somewhere the key constraints are not getting altered, but i'm not able to figure it out as i'm a relative beginner to T-SQL. The error and code:

The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason_SalesReason_SalesReasonID". The conflict
occurred in database "AdventureWorks2012", table "Sales.SalesOrderHeader
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO") | Out-Null
$option_drop = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions;
$option_drop.ScriptDrops = $true;

[Code] ....

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