Data Presentation At Each Level
Aug 8, 2007
I have a table with Columns as metric id, product name, product id, sales, amount.
The values of the column metric id will be 101, 102, 103 etc..
I need to create a report, in which I need to show up data as below:
1 series -------
metric 101:
product name, product id, sales, amount
metric 102:
product name, product id, sales, amount
metric 103:
product name, product id, sales, amount
2 series--------
metric 201:
product name, product id, sales, amount
metric 202:
product name, product id, sales, amount
metric 303:
product name, product id, sales, amount
Please let me know, how I can show the rows of that table grouped for each metric id.
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Jun 27, 2006
Is there a way to retrieve a returned value from a stored procedure w/out binding do a data presentationi control? I have the following sqldataprovider...
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MyServer %>"
<asp:formparameter name="username" formfield="txtusername" />
<asp:formparameter name="password" formfield="txtpassword" />
Do I have to make a gridview to get the value that is returned from this stored procedure? The SP only returns one value (a count of records) and I want to set it to a variable. Is there a way, similar to a recordset in ASP, that I can access that one value?
here is my stored procedure...
@username varchar(50),
@password varchar(50)
SELECT COUNT(*) AS numusers
FROM f_Users
WHERE username=@username AND password=@password
I just want to retrieve "numusers" and use it in a conditional....
tia for your help
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May 21, 2015
Inside of stored procedure you have the code
create table #datatable (id int,
name varchar(100),
email varchar(10),
phone varchar(10),
cellphone varchar(10),
none varchar(10)
insert into #datatable
exec ('select *
from datatable
where id = 1')
select * from #datatable
I still want to retrieve the data and present it in the software's presentation layer but I still want to remove the temp table in order to reduce performance issue etc.
If I paste the code DROP
TABLE #datatable after
insert into #datatable
exec ('select *
from datatable
where id = 1')
Does it gonna work to present the data in the presentation layer after removing the temp table?
The goal is to retrieve the data from a stored procedure and present it in the software's presentation layer and I still need to remove the temptable after using it because I will use the SP many time in production phase.
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Oct 2, 2015
Based on a table like below I have created a report so that I can compare number of items in the main warehouse (LOCATION1) and the outlets (LOCATION2 and LOCATION3).
| 1 | INDEX1 | LOCATION1 | 1 |
| 2 | INDEX1 | LOCATION2 | 1 |
| 3 | INDEX1 | LOCATION3 | 0 |
| 4 | INDEX2 | LOCATION1 | 0 |
| 5 | INDEX2 | LOCATION2 | 0 |
| 6 | INDEX2 | LOCATION3 | 1 |
| 7 | INDEX3 | LOCATION1 | 1 |
| 8 | INDEX3 | LOCATION2 | 0 |
| 9 | INDEX3 | LOCATION3 | 1 |
The way I present data in my Report is as such. I want to show items that are available in the warehouse that should be moved to the outlets.
[Code] .....
| INDEX1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
| INDEX2 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
| INDEX3 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
I have added some parameters in my report to filter out products that are not available in warehouse (LOCATION1) and this works great.
select * from VIEW where 'LOCATION1(VALUE)' > 0 and ('LOCATION2(VALUE)' = 0 or 'LOCATION3(VALUE)' = 0)
| INDEX1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
| INDEX3 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Now the issue starts when I add a parameter to my report for user to choose which outlets (LOCATIONs) he wants in the equation. I know how to make a column disappear based on parameter value but how to take it out of equation? At the moment when user selects only LOCATION2 and not LOCATION3 then data is not filtered correctly:
| INDEX1 | 1 | 1 |
| INDEX3 | 1 | 0 |
Ideally I would like a user to select random outlets (warehouse would be static on the report) and compare one or multiple and only show records that are 0 in the outlets.
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Jun 2, 2006
I was demonstrating some of SSIS's capabilities to our Software Development Manager and VP of IS. (We are deciding which ETL tool to use for our DW project. So goes this project goes the house).They liked what they saw and were crazy over Fuzzy lookup but commented that SSIS seems very much oriented toward the programmer side of the house. It was, maybe, not the best tool for the Business analysts who are working closely with us on this project.
Any comments on their comment?
I wonder if SSIS "data source views" (which I haven't looked at at all) address their concerns?
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May 14, 2008
I'm trying to design a site for parent conference scheduling.
Usually we have a couple of days appointment time, for example 5/8/2008, and 5/9/2008. and the time usally start at 7:00 and ends at 9:00. one appointment time lasts about 20 minutes.
I would put a page something like this, after parent or student login, 1. they are asked to choose a date, 2.after the date is chosen, show available teacher names, 3, after the teachers are selected, for each teacher, it will show a list of radio buttons for parents to select the time period open, For example:
teacher: John smith. time: 7:00; radio button 7:20 radio button 7:40 Booked............... 8:40 radio button
4, the student choose the available time, and then enter student name, then submit.
I would like to know how to setup the database table and present to the users. Currently for this scheduling part I have tables like teachertable, scheduling table, Appointment table.
Teacher table: teacherID, name, email, course,Scheduling table: appointD, TeacherID, room, appt date
I think I will prepopulate the two tabels before conference time.
and after user submit the selection, insert into Appointment table the other fields like scheduling ID, appoint time, and studentname.
The things confuse me, is how can I deal with the appointment time fields, shall I add another table for appt time? should this field be prepopulatd to the table and pull from the table for student to select or something else?
HOw can I do with this: if a teacher not available after 8, how can I excluded the time period for the teacher?
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Mar 16, 2004
I need to report on what users have what permissions. This is the way we have it stored currently. There must be a better way to store or retrieve this info. in a warehouse. Ideas?
USER readwriteexecutechange UIcreate proc.
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Mar 14, 2006
Values of two columns in two different tables--presentation usingselectHi Everyone,i have two tables in the database . One is called address tableand one is adressPhone Table. Below is the sample of those two tablesAddresscol1 col2 col3X 12 13y 15 19z 18 10create table address(col1 varchar(20),col2 int, col3 int)insert into address values ('x',12,13)insert into address values ('y',15,19)insert into address values ('z',18,10)AddressPhoneCol4 Col5 Col613 213-455-9876 113 415-564-6546 213 543-987-5677 319 678-555-2222 1create table addressphone(col4 int, col5 varchar(50),col6 int)insert into addressphone values(13,'213-455-9876',1)insert into addressphone values(13,'415-564-6546',2)insert into addressphone values(13,'543-987-5677',3)insert into addressphone values(19,'678-555-2222',1)I have to display something like thisx 12 13 213-455-9876 415-564-6546 543-987-5677y 15 19 678-555-2222 NULL NULLSo there is one to many relationship between address andaddressPhone table where address.col3 = addressphone.col4I don't know how to write the query to get the phone numbers thathas he same id in the same row like I displyed above.I did something like this, but this is not workingselect col1,col2,col3, (select col5 from addressPhone where col6=1),(select col5 from addressPhone where col6=2), (select col5 fromaddressPhone where col6=3),from address table inner join addressPhoneon address.col3=addressphone.col4above is not working because it is complaining that a subquerycannot return multiple results. Col6 in the addressphone table isthe phone type ike business phone,mobile phone or home phone. It is possible that there are two phonenumbers for business phone.Please let me know how can I write this query.Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thanks
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Feb 13, 2007
Hi, I'm looking for SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services presentation.
Anybody help, please.
Thank you.
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Sep 1, 2006
I was just messing around with some ad hoc views and table returningUDFs today so I could look at and print out data from a small tableand noticed something strange.If I stick my select statement into a View the columns are returned inthe order I specify in the SELECT, but if the same statement is in a UDF(so I can specify a parameter), the columns are not returned in theorder specified in statement.I know that relations don't have a specified column order, but it was myunderstanding that a SELECT statement could be used to define how youwant your data presented. Views seem to respect the order specified inthe SELECT, but functions don't.What am I missing? Is there some way to force the order of the columnsreturned from a SELECT?View:CREATE VIEW dbo.View1ASSELECT Ident, Text, Type, ParentStmt, ForStmt, IfStmt, ChildStmt,ThenStmt, ElseStmt, NextStmtFROM dbo.tblStmtWHERE (Ident LIKE '4.2.%')Column order from this view:Ident, Text, Type, ParentStmt, ForStmt, IfStmt, ChildStmt, ThenStmt,ElseStmt, NextStmtFunction:ALTER FUNCTION dbo.Function1(@SearchPrm varchar(255))RETURNS TABLEASRETURN ( SELECT Ident, Text, Type, ParentStmt, ForStmt, IfStmt,ChildStmt, ThenStmt, ElseStmt, NextStmtFROM dbo.tblStmtWHERE (Ident LIKE @SearchPrm) )Column order from this function:Type, Text, ElseStmt, NextStmt, IfStmt, ChildStmt, ThenStmt, Ident,ParentStmt, ForStmtTable:(I know that this table isn't entirely normalized, but it serves mypurposes to have a matrix instead of a fully normalized relation):CREATE TABLE dbo.tblStmt (StmtID INT IDENTITY(1,1) CONSTRAINT PK_Stmt PRIMARY KEY,Ident VARCHAR(255),Text TEXT,ErrorText TEXT,Type INT,ParentStmt VARCHAR(255),ChildStmt VARCHAR(255),IfStmt VARCHAR(255),ForStmt VARCHAR(255),ThenStmt VARCHAR(255),ElseStmt VARCHAR(255),NextStmt VARCHAR(255),FullName VARCHAR(255),LocalName VARCHAR(255),Method INT)INSERT INTO tblStmt Ident, Text, Type, ParentStmt, NextStmtVALUES('4.2.1', 'LineNumberOfResp := EMPTY' 64, '4.2', '4.2.2')INSERT INTO tblStmt Ident, Text, Type, ParentStmt, ChildStmt, ForStmt,NextStmtVALUES('4.2.2', 'FOR K:= 1 TO 2', 128, '4.2', '4.2.3','4.2.7')INSERT INTO tblStmt Ident, Text, Type ParentStmt, ChildStmt, ForStmt,NextStmtVALUES('4.2.3', 'Person[K].KEEP', 16, '4.2', '', '4.2.2', '4.2.4')INSERT INTO tblStmt Ident, Text, Type, ParentStmt, NextStmtVALUES('' 'AuxInterviewerName := DOSENV', 64, '4.2.3', '')
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Jan 16, 2008
I want to perform column level and database level encryption/decryption....
Does any body have that code written in C# or VB.NET for AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 algorithms...
I have got code for single string... but i want to encrypt/decrypt columns and sometimes the whole database...
Can anybody help me out...
If you have Store procedure in SQL for the same then also it ll do...
Thanks in advance
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Nov 19, 2007
AM in need of SSRS 2005 design documents for a project purpose. Can somebody let me know where can i find these documents? Thanks in advance
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Aug 30, 2007
Hi Experts,
Hi experts,
I have a BI Reporting scenario, wherein i have to fetch Reports from analysis Services.
when the user tries to access a report, he should be validated uisng the Windows Authentication ID, and only data specific to that user should be display.
I am not sure if this user authentication is to be done on analysis Services/reporting services.
Any suggestions/pointers would be highly appreciated.
Alicia Rose
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,I'm writing an application that involves data that has a set of usersthat are allowed to perform certain operations on it.i.e. Only the row owner can modify a row, but there is a set of userswho can view it.At the moment, I've started to implement this by calling a UDF at thebeginning of each stored procedure that validates that the user isallowed to call the procedure on that particular row (trusting a higherteir to verify the user), and throws an error if they are not.I don't particularly like this solution, as I need a UDF for eachprocedure, and will have to re-write the udf's if the access ruleschange (which they might).Can anyone suggest a method of implementing a more generic rowpermissions system?Cheers,Ben
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Nov 14, 2007
Is there a way to alter the isolation level of a data source? I have queries with nolock hints that I would like to remove in favor of "set isolation level read uncommitted" but this is not allowed in the report builder. I cannot move to SPs as I'm working in a third-party apps database. I guess I'm wishing for the SSIS style of isolation setting where it's a member of the properties.
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Aug 6, 2007
I wish to use the same data to update 2 different tables.
There is no green arrow output from the OLE DB data destination, so I can't have another component following on from the first insert.
This means I have to use the Multicast to 'copy' the data prior to the first table insert.
I can then use the data to perform inserts to both tables.
However, there is an FK constraint between these two tables, so I need to wait until the first table insert has finished before performing the second table insert.
How can I do this? How can I make the second insert dependent on the first?
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Nov 1, 2007
HI All,
I have created around 150 reports using SSRS. I just made a new data drive subscription(file sharing) using report manager. Now I'm wondering is there any option to make subscription at the higher level? That means instead of subscribing one report by one report , can I do it at the folder lever using report manager without writting a programm?
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Aug 6, 2007
Hi everybody:
We have recently migrated our DDBB from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 in several Servers. We have 2 DDBB per Server and the size of mdf files are between 10 and 40 GB.
We put Compatibility Level in 90 in SQL 2005 but when we arrive at work we see that our Maintenace Plans failed because the Compatibility Level of one of Data Bases changed to 70.
We have a Trace executing the whole day registrying the execution of stored procedure 'sp_dbcmptlevel' but in despite of Compatibility Level changes, the Trace does not registry anything.
Has anyone passed before me for this situation? Thank you in advance and greetings,
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Jun 22, 2015
I have hierarchical data such as:
Id Level ParentId
1 0 1
2 1 1
3 2 2
4 0 4
5 1 4
6 0 6
7 1 6
8 2 7
9 3 8
10 4 9
11 0 11
As you can see even the parent element has parentId(in this case id = parentid)
How can I select the lowest level data in the hierarchy and get this result:
Id Level ParentId
3 2 2
5 1 4
10 4 9
11 0 11
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Jun 17, 2015
I need to encrypt some column level data in multiple tables in SQL server 2014. I've never tried encryption in SQL server 2014. How can I achieve it?
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Nov 30, 2007
I need to create a function that will check data inputted by a user into a column anc check for special charaters. If any of these exist then block the insert.
Any help will be appreciated!
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Jul 28, 2006
I made a merge replication and sucessfully connected with mobile device. Everything works fine. Because I wanna try asynchronous synchronization (which won't stop my application executing when subscribing) I read How to example from MSDN :
But there is a problem with creating SyncStatus class object. I can't get into it and I can't create. maybe some reference will help? (I use reference to SQLServerCE). This error stoped my work for now, so I am waiting for some answers.
And if it's simple resolution for this problem - sorry. I just started programming applications for Mobile Devices.
Best regards. Maciek Wysocki
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Nov 11, 2015
Is it possible to force row level locking in Sql server 2015 before inserting the data and release the same afterwords..find the code for which we would like to impliment the same
DECLARE @TravelAgentid Varchar(20)
set @TravelAgentid ='A101'
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Nov 29, 2006
When you utilize transactions in ADO.NET are the locks put on the entire TABLE used or at the row level?
For instance if you do a SELECT within a transaction if you only pull 5 rows out of a 1000 row table can you just make it lock the rows that have been pulled? It seems like it locks the entire table?
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May 3, 2007
Hi, Can anybody please explain me, what is low level and high level locking in SQL Server 2005 database.
Also what is the name of process which converts low level locking into high level locking and vise versa.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi..I'd very much appreciate it if someone would tell me how to translatea statement level trigger written in Oracle to its equivalent (if there isone)in MS SQL Server. Ditto for a row level trigger.If this is an old topic, I apologize. I'm very much a newbie to SQL Server.Regards,Allan M. Hart
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Nov 30, 2007
I have a database that is 1.7terabyte in size with 136gb free and throws a "transport level error" telling me to discard the results when I run dbccshrinkfile ('DBNAME', size). I have tried various increments of size, from truncateonly to 1MB below its current value, and nothing works. I have tried to detach and reattach the db, restart the service, restart the server, and none have provided a solution. Any ideas?
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Feb 7, 2006
When I deploy the cube which is sitting on my PC (local) the following 4 errors come up:
Error 1 The datasource , 'AdventureWorksDW', contains an ImpersonationMode that that is not supported for processing operations. 0 0
Error 2 Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'Adventure Works DW', Name of 'AdventureWorksDW'. 0 0
Error 3 Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with the ID of 'Customer', Name of 'Customer' was being processed. 0 0
Error 4 Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'Customer Alternate Key' attribute of the 'Customer' dimension from the 'Analysis Services Tutorial' database was being processed. 0 0
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Aug 16, 2007
I use lookups to map surrogate of level 1 dimensions to my fact tables in SSIS.
But how to handle a level 2 dimension with a ValidFrom and a ValidUntil date field?
I do not use an IsCurrent column, because this could problem with late arriving facts.
- In dts I used an SQL statement like this:
update SA
SET SA.DimProdRef = Dim.RecordID
FROM SAWarenEingang SA, DimProd Dim
where SA.ProduktNumber = Dim.ProduktNumber
and SA.ArtikelkontoBewegungsdatum between Dim.ValidFrom and Dim.ValidUntil
Now in SSIS I want to handle the whole thing in the data flow without using a staging table:
- Using Lookups: I would have to pass the date column for each inside the fact table into the lookup. That does not work.
- Using Execute SQL in the data flow: would be very slow, because the statement will be executed for any line in the dataflow
Any ideas?
Best regards,
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Nov 2, 2006
Does anyone else have this error message pop up in SSMS when you try to parse sql statements:
.Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 0, Level 11, State 0, Line 0
A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.
There was a thread back in March 2006 that mentioned this error, but the posted resolution was to install SP1. I have SP1 installed but I still get the error.
I only receive the error when I'm parsing statements, if I run the statement it's fine.
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Jun 5, 2007
Hi all, while executing my ssis package Im getting this error
" the product level is insufficient for component "data reader source" "
but through the bussiness intelligence while debugging it was executing successfully,
but only after deploying the package on to the IS server, while executing getting this error
I checked with the server version also, its was with service pack 2
can I get any help
thanks in advance
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Jun 4, 2015
Problem setting is a geography dimension with multiple user defined hierarchies in SSAS 2008.
Hierarchy 1 (political territory): level 6 --> level 5 --> level 4 --> level 3 (state) --> level 2 --> level 1
Hierarchy 2 (sales territory): level 4 --> level 3 --> level 2 (sales region) --> level 1
Hierarchy 9
The relationship between state and sales region is n:1, i.e. one state belongs to exactly one sales region, and one sales region can consists of one or multiple states. Unfortunatly I can't define this attribute relationsship in the dimension because it would lead to a diamond-shaped relationsship without a user-defined-hierarchy to back it up. So far that isn't much of a problem, user don't drill down from sales region to state. But now I want to define a calculated member that multiplies a measure from the main measure group with another measure from a weighting factor measure group at the state level and above. The granularity attribute of the geography dimension in the dimension usage tab of the weighting factor measuregroup is the state.
So far what I've got is:
CREATE MEMBER Currentcube.Measures.[weighted measure state and above] AS NULL;
SCOPE (Measures.[weighted measure state and above],
Descendants(geography.[political territory].[all member],3,SELF_AND_BEFORE),
Descendants(geography.[salesterritory].[all member],2,SELF_AND_BEFORE),
... Descendants(geography.[hierarchy 9].[all member],1,SELF_AND_BEFORE)); this = sum(existing(geography.[political territory].state.members), measures.[main measure group measure] * measures.[weighting measure group measure]);END SCOPE;
This works from a functional point of view, but is rather slow when querying any other hierarchy than the political territory hierarchy, because SSAS first goes down from the state level to the key attribute of the geography dimension, and then aggregates from there to the sales region.In other words, I want SSAS to resolve the relationsship (which state belongs to which sales region) through the dimension, and not through the fact, and apply the calculation afterwards. Like some kind of currency conversion, but only from a certain level upwards.
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Apr 25, 2007
In using SSIS to migrate data from mainframe to SQL 2005, I had a situation where only group level data was exposed through the ODBC to SSIS, so I pulled this information as varchar on the SQL destination side. Now I would like to break that group into the individual numeric columns I need on SQL Server. However, the positive and negative sign did not convert because it came of character. I can write something to convert the positive signs to positive numbers; however I cannot do the negative because I would need get rid of the leading zeros in order to place the negative sign before the number. Is there anything I could have done to get SSIS to do the conversion like it did for every one-to-one mapping?
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