Data Transform And Compare With In A Query
Jul 23, 2005
Okay all I have a problem. I have two list of adresses and phone
numbers. I do not have control over the contents of the lists The only
unique field between the two is the phone number. I need to be able to
inner join the two lists on phone number.
This would normally be straigt forward but the problem is that they are
formated different and one of them does't even have a control on the
*Phone numbers are US phone numbers only.
The one list (table) that does have a control uses this format
where AAA is the area code
333 is the 3 digit prefix
4444 is the four digit suffix
the second list (table) does not have any standardized formating and
can be filled with extraneous spaces, parentheses and dashes not to
mention the leading 1 in some instances.
I thought that I could do some kind of regular expression to do a
comparison but I havn't as yet found a good resource to tell me how to
do it or if it is even possible. Or maybe break up the one I know has
a standardized format into something like this:
'%AAA%333%4444%' and doing my comparison that way. however It is very
important that only those list items in both list that are truly the
same place be listed.
suggestions and solutions are apreciated
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Jun 9, 2004
I am trying to QA data being put into a SQL database by an outside source (from Excel) and therefore need to compare two (for the sake of simplicity) tables within a database to one another.
The two tables should contain the same data, and the QA process is meant to find and report any discrepancies. The column names are slightly different.
My question then is, is it possible to write a simple SQL query which will compare the data from the two tables and select only those rows where the data in any given column does not match? My data is mostly text, not numerical.
I'm very new at using SQL and my knowledge of the query syntax is very basic.
Thanks for any help in advance!
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Sep 17, 2015
Table 1 has "Gender" field with "Male" and "Female" in it, table 2 has "Gender" field with "M" and "F" in it. a query to compare data and list the differences.
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Jul 23, 2005
I am debugging one of our programs and ran the fix in Test. I would liketo compare table 1 between Production and Test. I want the query to outputcolumn 1 if Production <> Test output.What is the best way to achieve this?jeff--Message posted via
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Aug 31, 2006
I'm new to SQL Server 2005. I used the TRANSFORM query in Access to display the data I had stored in columns into rows. I want to do something similar in SQL Server 2005 but it doesnt let me. I have used the same query here, but it gives an error.
This is the query I was running in Access and it was working:
TRANSFORM Max(Schools.Expense) AS MaxOfExpense
SELECT Schools.[FiscalYear], Max(Schools.[FIPS]) AS [Total Of FIPS]
FROM Schools
GROUP BY Schools.[FiscalYear], Schools.[FIPS]
PIVOT Schools.[DataID];
If there some other syntax for SQL Server or it doesnt support this command or what???
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Jun 22, 2008
Hi friends,
Can somebody tell me how to do this-
How can we Analyze existing code used to transform data into the Operations Data Warehouse, and make changes to correspond to upcoming changes in the SAP data sources.
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Jul 20, 2005
Howdy. I'm trying to build a query that will take an Excel file andpull a few rows of data from a particular sheet. I'm having a problemwith my WHERE clause - I can can tell it to import WHERE a fieldmatches a value, or WHERE the field matches another value, but notboth.I've tried bunches of different variations, but can't get it to work.Is there any way to do this?Works:select F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,F11,F12from `RAF082604$`where ((F1 = 'Body'))Works:select F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,F11,F12from `RAF082604$`where F1 = 'Cash'Doesn't:select F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,F11,F12from `RAF082604$`where F1 = 'Body' OR F1 = 'Cash'Doesn't:select F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,F11,F12from `RAF082604$`where (F1 = 'Body' OR F1 = 'Cash')Doesn't:select F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,F11,F12from `RAF082604$`where ((F1 = 'Body') OR (F1 = 'Cash'))
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Feb 24, 2001
On my MS SQL Server 2000, I am trying to create a generic way to load tables into my datawarehouse.
I have as input to the process a large number of table definition(s) stored individually as files on my server. And, ascii delimited data files in various locations but mostly accessible via NFS mounts.
I created two DTS package in MSSQL2K that in theory represents what I want to do:
... invoke package2 with global variables to load a system of related tables
... check for a trigger file
... set the "Execute SQL Task" statement to my first file
... run the "Execute SQL Task" which drop/add's a table
... set a "Connection" to a data source file that I want to use
... run the transformation
and, with that my package starts to fall apart
... set the "Execute SQL Task" statement to the next file, and
...... goback and execute it
I can't figure out how to set the table in the transformation section to the table I want to use. And, I assume next to have the transformations links between the source and new table relinked.
The source files contain in the first row the column names as found in the tables I just created.
Dave Rowsome
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Jul 30, 2015
how I can transform this input (in SQL Server 2008 R2)
SiteID EdateTime
L5500 2015-07-30 05:00:48.000
L5500 2015-07-29 05:00:49.000
To be…
SiteID StartDate EndDate
L5500 2015-07-29 05:00:49.000 2015-07-30 05:00:48.000
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Mar 3, 2004
I'm getting this error in a simple DTS package.
No query specification returned by transform status.
Any ideas what's causing this ?
DTS is simply running a query (which returns data via preview)
and insert results into a table.
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Jun 16, 2015
I have three tables, Accounts, AccountCustomer and Customers, and the data-relationshiop between are defined according to the image below:
I created also a query (the sql-query below), displaying the customers for every account that is on the table "Accounts", and I got the results, as we can see in the image below:
FROM Accounts A
left join AccountCustomer ac on ac.AccountID = A.AccountID
left join Customers c on c.CustomerNo = ac.CustomerNo
order by A.AccountID;
As we understand, an "AccountID" have multiple customers, so I want to transform tha multiple results to one row, grouping by AccountID (one account belongs to one or many Customers), like the image below:
I tried to use row_number()-expression to get this, but I didn't make it. So my question is, how can I alter my sql-query to get the final result like image above?
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Apr 21, 2006
Does SQL 2005 Express have standard functionality on board to export data as an excel sheet? or as XML in a specified format?
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Nov 8, 2007
I need to Transform Data from a Transoft Data Source (ODBC) into an OLE DB Connection.
The Solution that I Currently have is to Transform using the DTS 2000 Package Task.
Is there a way that I can perform this task by using SSIS
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May 25, 2006
Hello, I am working on a module to extract data from a Teradata server to SQL database. I am using a DTS package to extract the data and need to make the data source name (database name and object name) configurable at runtime and to be read from a Config table in the SQL database. What do you suggest is the simplest and most efficient method to do this?
I am trying to use a dynamic SQL query in the data tranform task with the data source as a query. But its giving me a strange syntax error. Can we use a dynamic SQL in the query option of DTS transform task source?
Thanks, Meriya
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Apr 15, 2005
I am importing data from xls file to a db table with a dts. In the time of the dts creation I am using 'Transform Data Task Properties' GUI window to map incoming xls fields (source) to the table columns (destination).
Question: Is there any way to invoke the 'Transform Data Task Property' GUI window in dts runtime and use it to change the mapping dynamically in the run time?
Thanks, Vadim.
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Jan 8, 2014
I have data like this in the table :
IntRecpieID strName intMealtypeID Total
100 ‘A’ 1 20
101 'B' 2 30
100 'A' 3 40
Desired Output required:
IntRecpieID StrName 1 2 3
100 'A' 20 Null 40
101 'B' Null 30 Null
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Mar 9, 2007
Hi everybody
I'm still trying to learn the advantage of having stored procedures. I have a DTS that uses a Transform Data Task to append the result of a view into a table. All operations are done locally in the server.
Do I have any advantage if I write a stored procedure to insert the view into the table, and then call the stored procedure in the DTS, in stead of using the Transform Data Task ?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts
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Jan 15, 2008
High all,
I have a very simple SSIS package that is moving data from a DB2 database to a Teradata box. I've run it around 10 times, twice it pushed data over, the balance of the time, it executes with no error, but moves nothing over. In the "incomplete" runs, a command line box pops up for half a second, then the package ends.
Does anyone have ideas as to why this behavior is occurring?
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Jun 21, 2005
My first period using SSIS in a real-world application convinced me that there
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Mar 25, 2008
Hi All,
I'm stuck up with a strange problem.
When i try to setup a Transform Data task in DTS, the table drop down shows fully qualified table name.
i.e. <database name>.<schema name>.<table name>
as you can see in the attached screenshot. With this I cant see the full table name and am not able to make the correct selection.
Where can i change the properties so that it displays only the table name?
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Oct 12, 2006
I have an OLE DB Source and i want to transform the data type fields of the table before i export the table in an OLE DB Destination.
Is there a way to transform numeric value to float, and numeric to nvchar?
Thank you in advance.
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Jul 10, 2007
I have a package that works fine in development. I move the package over to test and it fails validation in the lookup transform.
Error 46 Validation error. Data Flow Task - PO Lines Interface: Lookup - LIST PRICE [29621]: output column "LIST_PRICE_PER_UNIT" (29667) and reference column named "LIST_PRICE_PER_UNIT" have incompatible data types. SPO_TO_ORACLE_PO.dtsx 0 0
What strikes me as odd is the fact that I don't have a way of specifying the data types. I just specify the column I wish to return as a new column with the same name. Anyway, why would this work in one instance but not another?
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Nov 23, 2007
Hi ...I can't figure out how to put nested tables into the Data Mining Model Training Transform (SSIS). Can anybody help me? some example please...!!!??
Diego B.
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May 3, 2007
I am trying to read in a flat file, transform the fields and store into a destination database.
In DTS, this works using Transform Data Task Properties. I define the columns and then have a VB script on the Transformations tab that changes any bad data.
Is there a way to do this in SSIS that I can define the column transformations and re-use my VB scripts?
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Aug 2, 2005
We are working with a client and are using Fuzzy Group transform for de-duping, and hierarchy creation for a national account list.
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Dec 21, 2005
I have an Access 2.0 database that holds call data on a mapped drive. I am running MS SQL Server 2000. I can open it and view the records inside. I can even run the query below and get results, if I removed the CallDate and CallTime parameters.
SELECT CallDate, CallTime, Mid(CallRecordData, 68, 3) AS Extension, 'I' AS Direction, Mid(CallRecordData, 34, 11) AS Called,
Val(Mid(CallRecordData, 18, 2)) + Val(Mid(CallRecordData, 21, 2))/ 60 AS Minutes, Val(Mid(CallRecordData, 21, 2)) AS Seconds
FROM CallRecords
WHERE (CallDate = ?) AND (CallTime >= ?) AND (CallTime < ?) AND (Mid(CallRecordData, 30, 1) <> '9')
When I preview in the Transform Data Task, I get:
Package Error
Error Source: Microsoft JET Database Engine
Error Description: No value given for one or more required parameters.
When I look at the parameters, they are listed. I check their values, and they have the appropriate values (DateCalled, String, 07/14/2005) (StartTime, String, 06:30) (EndTime, String, 07:00)
When I run it in the build query or in Access with a linked table to the source, I can enter the values when asked for them and it works.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
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Mar 7, 2008
i have too many DTS packages to migrate to SSIS, and while examining a DTS package in BIDS (converted with the migration utility) i tried to edit the resulting migrated package, which opened the DTS interface with the two connection icons joined by the big fat arrow with a gear on it...not exactly what i had in mind, iow, it looks like SSIS on the outside, but its still DTS on the inside.
So I stripped out a series of components from a more complex package hoping that simplifying it would reveal the contents of old DTS Transformations tab at least partially set up in a Derived Column transformation.
Can i get there from here, or must i recreate every stinking definition in a derived column manually from the ground up?
thanks very much for your help
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Oct 26, 2006
I can't figure out how to put nested tables into the Data Mining Model Training Transform (SSIS). I can do a simple case table, but how do you get those nested tables with DM Training Transformation? Any ideas? Samples?
Thanks in advance,
-Young K
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Jul 25, 2006
W2k3 server, SQL 2005.
@@version = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86)
Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2
(Build 3790: Service Pack 1)
I have my first SSIS package almost working, but I'm having an odd problem and can't find any information to help resolve it.
I'm importing from a flat file (csv) to an existing table (append). I've got a Derived Column transformation in the middle to do some data cleanup. It's all working except for one little problem...
One of the transformations is 'REPLACE([Column 3],"^","; ")', output to a new column. (The input file has a field that uses carets as delimiters between an unknown number of items; I'm changing that to semicolons for easier reading.) Not all rows have data in this column, some will have one item, some will have multiple items.
The REPLACE works except that it fills in repeated data for all the blank rows.
Incoming data is:
1 Smith,Jane^Jones,Jane
2 Brown,John
4 Adams,James^Adams,Jim
6 White,Debra
Data inserted into the table is:
1 Smith,Jane; Jones,Jane
2 Brown,John
3 Brown,John
4 Adams,James; Adams,Jim
5 Adams,James; Adams,Jim
6 White,Debra
I've tried to use a Conditional to skip the empty rows, but I can't get that working at all (get syntax errors no matter what I put in).
Any suggestions on how to fix this would be most appreciated!
Thank you.
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May 7, 2007
Hi JayH (or anyone). Another week...a new set of problems. I obviously need to learn .net syntax, but because of project deadlines in converting from DTS to SSIS it is hard for me to stop and do that. So, if someone could help me some easy syntax, I would really appreciate it.
In DTS, there was a VBScript that copied a set of flat files from one directory to an archive directory after modifying the file name. In SSIS, the directory and archive directory will be specified in the config file. So, I need a .net script that retrieves a file, renames it and copies it to a different directory.
Here is the old VBScript Code:
Public Sub Main()
Option Explicit
Function Main()
Dim MovementDataDir
Dim MovementArchiveDataDir
Dim MovementDataFile
Dim MovementArchiveDataFile
Dim FileNameRoot
Dim FileNameExtension, DecimalLocation
Dim CurMonth, CurDay
Dim FileApplicationDate
Dim fso ' File System Object
Dim folder
Dim FileCollection
Dim MovementFile
'Create text strings of today's date to be appended to the archived file.
FileApplicationDate = Now
CurMonth = Month(FileApplicationDate)
CurDay = Day(FileApplicationDate)
If Len(CurMonth) = 1 Then
CurMonth = "0" & CurMonth
End If
If Len(CurDay) = 1 Then
CurDay = "0" & CurDay
End If
FileApplicationDate = CurMonth & CurDay & Year(FileApplicationDate)
' Set the movement data directory from the global variable.
MovementDataDir = DTSGlobalVariables("gsMovementDataDir").Value
MovementArchiveDataDir = DTSGlobalVariables("gsMovementDataArchiveDir").Value
fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
folder = fso.GetFolder(MovementDataDir)
FileCollection = folder.Files
' Loop through all files in the data directory.
For Each MovementFile In FileCollection
' Get the full path name of the current data file.
MovementDataFile = MovementDataDir & "" & MovementFile.Name
' Get the full path name of the archive data file.
MovementArchiveDataFile = MovementArchiveDataDir & "" & MovementFile.Name
DecimalLocation = InStr(1, MovementArchiveDataFile, ".")
FileNameExtension = Mid(MovementArchiveDataFile, DecimalLocation, Len(MovementArchiveDataFile) - DecimalLocation + 1)
FileNameRoot = Mid(MovementArchiveDataFile, 1, DecimalLocation - 1)
MovementArchiveDataFile = FileNameRoot & "_" & FileApplicationDate & FileNameExtension
If (fso.FileExists(MovementDataFile)) Then
fso.CopyFile(MovementDataFile, MovementArchiveDataFile)
' If the archive file was coppied, then delete the old copy.
If (fso.FileExists(MovementArchiveDataFile)) Then
End If
End If
fso = Nothing
folder = Nothing
FileCollection = Nothing
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function
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Jun 28, 2006
I have a common requirement in numerous SSIS processes to take my main input data set and to remove all rows from it that match a second input data set on a given key and output this as the main output. I also want to output (as a second output) all the rows from the main input data set that did match on the given key. However, I don't want to merge in data from the second input, nor am I interested in rows from the second input data set that have no match in the main input.
E.g. If I have the following data:
Main input:
Key Name
--- ----
1 Steve
2 Jamie
3 Donald
Second Input
Key DontCareAboutThisField1
--- -----------------------
1 ...
3 ...
4 ...
Then I would like the following output:
Main Output
Key Name
--- ----
2 Jamie
Second Output
Key Name
--- ----
1 Steve
3 Donald
Can I do this with a standard transform, or will I have to write my own? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
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Aug 4, 1999
I am trying to write a query to compare the same column in each table with "not equal" expression.
My query is like this:
select tableOne.empl_ser_no from tableOne, tableTwo
where tableOnel.empl_ser_no <>(select empl_ser_no from tableTwo)
I am getting the following message from SQL Server:
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is illegal when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >=, or when the subquery is used as an expression.
Command has been aborted.
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Dec 26, 2013
I am new to writing the queries in SQL.I want to write a query which will compare the data of two tables which are resides in DEV server and PROD Server.For the conncetivity purpose we are creating the DB link between DEV and PROD server.query to compare the data of table in DEV and table in PROD
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