Database Audit Specification To Audit Select On Certain User And Table

Nov 1, 2014

I have made a server security audit and specify from database audit specification to audit "select" on a certain user and on a certain table. I logged in by this user and made the select statement..when i run this query

"select * from sys.fn_get_audit_file('d:Auditaudit1*',null,null)"

It return a value at which time the query has done

after 15 minutes i repeated the same action, i run the audit query and the same result is showed off on the it suppose to return a list of values by how many times this user has made the select statement on that table ? for example at 5:00 pm then 6:00 pm and so on

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DB Engine :: How To Take Backup Of Database Audit Specification

Nov 10, 2015

How can I take backup of Database Audit Specification ?

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Transact SQL :: Database Audit Specification On Specific Users

Mar 30, 2015

Currently I am using SQL server 2012 and would like to implement database audit specification on specific users in my database. These are the users in my database name Payroll :-

PayrollAndy.Bred - db_owner
PayrollArpit.Shah - db_owner
Payrollwebapp - db_datareader, db_datawriter, EXECUTE
web_payroll - db_datareader, db_datawriter, EXECUTE

In my database audit specification settings, I would like to capture any SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE and EXECUTE command for users PayrollAndy.Bred & PayrollArpit.Shah only since they owned db_owner access. However, I am unable to capture any single command from both users. I do not want to put 'Principal' as public since I just want to capture both users activity.

Is it I miss out anything? Is it because of windows login account?

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DB Engine :: Trace Database Audit Specification Enable And Disable

Nov 10, 2015

How can i Trace Database Audit specification Enable and Disable. i want to maintain log for  enable or disable database audit specification.

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DB Engine :: Is There Any Possibility To Override Database Audit Specification File

Nov 10, 2015

Is there any possibility to override database audit specification file. suppose i want to change some logs forcefully . is it possible ?

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Audit Select On A Table?

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a way to audit 'select' on a given table;

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Looking For A Script To Audit User Table Rights

Sep 28, 2004

Hello everyone,

Does anyone know of a quick way to audit all users in a database and display their rights and permissions on a table level. I would hate to have to do it one user at a time. There has to be an easier way.

I'm going through a Sarbanes Oxley audit and need to provide them this information.

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Audit Logon / Audit Logoff Problem With SQL 2K

Jan 18, 2006

I need is the problem.Last weekend, the servers in our datacenter where moved around. After thismove, and maybe coincidental, 1 server is performing very poor. Afterrunning a trace with SQL Profiler, I saw the problem which was laterconfirmed with another tool for SQL server performance monitoring. It seemsthat all connections to the SQL server (between 200 - 400) are doing a login/ logout for each command that they process. For example, the user'sconnection will login, perform a SELECT, and then logout. This is not a..NET application. The client software was not changed, it is still thesame. The vendor has said that it is not supposed to do that, it issupposed to use 1 connection that log's on in the morning and logs off atthe end of the day or whenever the user exits. 1 user may have severalconnections to the database.At times, the server is processing over 250 login / logouts (avgeraged for30 second period). Has anyone seen this problem? I have the server inAUDIT FAILUREs only. The server has become very unresponsive, things thattook 3 seconds now take over 15 seconds.Any ideas???

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SQL Security :: Database Level Audit - Query Parameters For SELECT Statements

Aug 31, 2015

I have setup a Database Audit Specification as follows:

Audit Action Type: SELECT | Object Class: DATABASE | Object Name: SHOPDB | Principal Name: public

Now, when I perform a SELECT query with a bound parameter such as:

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE name='queryname'

What I see through the Audit Logs is something like:

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE name='@1'

I understand that it is by design that we cannot see these parameters throught Database Level Auditing. I would like to know whether it is possible to see these parameters by any other means using

(1) SQL Server Enterprise Edition,
(2) SQL Server Standard Edition, or
(3) by an external tool.

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Create An Extra Table (for Audit Purpose) For Every Existing Table In A Database

Mar 28, 2008

Hi all, please help. I m trying to create an "empty" table from existing table for the audit trigger purpose.
For now, i am trying to create an empty audit table for every table in a database named "pubs", and it's seem won't work.
Please advise.. Thanks in advance.

Here is my code:

Code Snippet

USE pubs


AND TABLE_NAME!= 'sysdiagrams'
AND TABLE_NAME = 'sales'


AND TABLE_NAME = 'sales'



ALTER TABLE @AUDIT_TABLE ADD UserAction Char(10),AuditStartTime Char(50),AuditUser Char(50)

AND TABLE_NAME!= 'sysdiagrams'

Thanks. ..

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USER Audit

Dec 1, 1999


does anyone know how i can audit a servers login id's and tell the last time it was used. i have just gain about 8 sql servers with a bunch of users that i know are no longer around. so i am trying to trim out dead id's

thanks for any help !!

k ingram
cellstar corp.

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Audit User Activity

Mar 21, 2006

Hi All,

I'm an Oracle DBA that has inherited some SQL Server 2000 databases.
Can you audit a particular user in Sql Server 2000. We need to know exactly what a particular user is doing, (i.e. creating/dropping objects, and what data he is accessing)

what is the best way to do this??


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User Security Audit

Jan 16, 2008

What is the easiest way to find out what objects a security login has mapped to it? Something that would show all the explicit grants a specific user has.

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SQL User And Group Audit Report

Apr 11, 2006

I am trying to create a TSQL statement or stored procedure that cantell me what users belong to what group and what groups have access towhat files. Can anyone help? Can I pull out a list of names fromActive Directory to use as my user list?

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Any User Access Audit Programs Available?

Jul 9, 2007

Hello all, does anyone know of a SS2005RS user audit program that an administrator can run on a RS server to show which userids have access to folders? I have in mind a pgm that would show:

folder users

Home user01, user02, user03

folderA user01,user02, user05

folderB user02, user06

Is there a pgm available as a download, or does someone have a home-grown pgm whose source they would let out?

Has anyone else faced this need?

Thanks in advance

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Audit Transformation Uses CURRENT Lengths For User Name And Machine Name Columns

Dec 2, 2007

I'll try to reproduce this later, but want to report it before I forget.

I just had my package fail on a VM I was testing on. It failed because on that machine, I logged in as MachineNameAdministrator instead of using my domain account (the VM is not in the domain).

This was a problem because the "User Name" column generated by the Audit Transformation was 17 characters long! This is the length of my domain + user name on my development machine. Similarly, the machine name length was 15 characters.

I'd love to know what the "correct" sizes are for these columns. In the meantime, I'm going to set these to 255 manually, and hope the size sticks.

P.S. There was one other post on this topic, though the thread isn't clear that this was the problem:

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Audit Table

Apr 18, 2008

I need to track all changes to my database at the application level. Say if anybody logs into the application with his user id and password, any add,delete,update should be tracked. This is an application with 5000 transactions a day. I thought of using a trigger on all the tables to capture the following fields.








I thought of adding all the application user as a database user. So then userID will be SYSTEM_USER , and AuditDate will be GETDATE(). Is this a good idea?

I dono whether the field primarykey is really essential in my audit table? Please advice.

The field 'Action' will be update/delete/insert. Previous and Current value will be the entire record from the temp tables inserted and deleted in triggers. I dono whether this is a good idea to store the entire record or just the field which was changed or updated(as updates r gonna be more than insert and delete), and the entire record for insert and delete. Is that possible? We have columns_updated() in sql server 2005 where we can we find the columns which was updated. Will that work?

Can i capture all actions(inser/update/delete) in a trigger with FOR INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ? If so, how can i update "ACTION" and implement something different for update(as discussed earlier) . Is there any other field which you think i should capture which might be important as a part of auditing or tracking.

Can we use trigger for all tables in the database at one time?

I know there are too many questions . I wud greatly appreciate any thoughts or help for any portion of it.

Thank You very much for your time,

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Audit Table

Feb 21, 2008

I need to be able to audit the command Insert - Update - Delete sent to a table. I have attempted with a trigger but I have not been able to obtain the fields that have been upgraded.

It is possible to generate in the trigger the command Update - Insert - Delete sent?

thanks you.


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Database Audit

May 2, 2006

Does MSSQL 2000 and above have an auditing feature? We have a requirement for tracking activity and history on a particular table. I realize this can be accomplished by a simple trigger but I was wondering if MSSQL had a feature that would accomplish this.


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Database Audit

Jul 5, 2007


We are currently porting our POINT OF SALE system to SQL Server 2005. In our existing software we log database changes (inserts, amendments and deletions) to a flat acsii files so that these files can be FTP'd to remote sites (largest number of sites 100+) and processed on to replicate the data.

I have looked at REPLICATION in MSSQL 2005 but we need two way replication and additional processing. Therefore I dont think we will be able to use this feature.

Therefore what I wanted to do was to try and setup an automated way of capturing database changes to all tables within the database and log these changes to XML to be shipped out to remote sites. Unfortunatly I can only find TABLE TRIGGERS which would require creating 100's of triggers as we have 100's of tables.

Is there anyway of setting up MSSQL server to automatically do something like this... I was looking to see if there was a DATABASE TRIGGER which could perform this action but I cant see anything...

Can anyone advise or is there a simpler way of doing this ??


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How To Create An Audit Table

Aug 16, 2005

Can anyone help, I am able to create a trigger that will populate a audit table everytime one of my tables columns data changes, but I have an applications from another user that has a stored proceudre and when that is called from an application it hit the original table twice, so the audit table will get a duplicate entry.   How do you prevent an AUDIT TABLE from inserting a duplicate entry Here is my trigger:Create TRIGGER tg_audit_task_order_awardees on xxxfor INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE as
 INSERT INTO audit_task_order_awardees(  audit_log_type,  to_awardee,  solicitation_id,  contract_id,  order_number,  amount,  show_public,  audit_changedatetime,  audit_user)   Select  'OLD',  del.to_awardee,  del.solicitation_id,  del.contract_id,  del.order_number,  del.amount,  del.show_public,  getdate(),  del.modified_user FROM deleted del
/* for a new record */
 INSERT INTO audit_task_order_awardees(  audit_log_type,  to_awardee,  solicitation_id,  contract_id,  order_number,  amount,  show_public,  audit_changedatetime,  audit_user) Select   'NEW',  ins.to_awardee,  ins.solicitation_id,  ins.contract_id,  ins.order_number,  ins.amount,  ins.show_public,  getdate(),  ins.modified_user FROM inserted ins

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SSRS Audit Table

Apr 9, 2014

I'm trying to create and Audit report for different tables.I'd like to use an generic table structure for the report which will be temp.I was thinking something like this:

,ActionType (update, insert, delete)

I've already created the audit table with same structure plus all field duplicated and action type. (this was a request)Now I need to group it for the report.following an example of audit table I've created


How can I fill my temp table?

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Audit Drop Table

Jul 20, 2005

We would like to create a audit table for storing information if anyobjects like tables / stored procedures are dropped.Table would also contain information about time and the user name whohas dropped the object.Any help would be great.Thanks in advance.Kamal

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Database Audit Trail Question....

Jan 2, 2001

Hi All....

First a bit about me. I'm a developer in Atlanta. My background is mostly in Unix, but am working in NT at this job. I am gearing my skills towards enabling products on the web for people. I have experience in PHP, HTML, Javscript, C/C++, MySQL, a little Oracle and now getting fimilar with SQL Server.

What i'm trying to do....
Track all changes to data in the DB.

Why i'm doing it....
Banking application, any account changes need to be logged with which employee made the change.

How I want to do it....
Currently the app is a web app that accesses VB for the backend. There is a single SQL Server user accessing the DB. I want to use triggers on INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE to copy the new row to any audit table. This will be identical but with user, action and time.

Single user connection will hide acutal app userid. I want to have the VB app get the "SQL Server Session ID" (if one exists) and store the app_userid in a table with the session ID for cross reference by the trigger.

Does SQL Server have a "session id" for multiple connections for a single user? Where is it located? Can VB access this information?



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Audit Table To Compare And Find Difference

Feb 10, 2015

I have a table called [dbo].[co_audit_trail]..All records that get changed in our software gets written to this table.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[co_audit_trail](
[seq_no] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[create_complete] [tinyint] NULL,
[user_name] [varchar](60) NULL,
[db_event] [varchar](16) NULL,
[date_of_change] [datetime] NULL,


1. It looks like a 'ª' delimiters between fields. I need to pull out the second column in the above example it is - 9999999999. This is the place reference, so I need that in a separate field.
2. I need a way to compare the two fields and report back the change. So in the above example shows EAST. The After image shows WEST - I need the before image of EAST in one column and the WEST in another column.

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Trigger Is Deleting Entries In Audit Table?

Aug 30, 2013

The following is the trigger which create a row in the audit table when a single deletion is occurred.

ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[TRG_Delete_tbl_attendance]
ON [dbo].[tbl_attendance]
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.


I am trying to create a trigger which should prevent the bulk deletion. The following is the trigger which I have written, it is preventing the bulk deletion. But the problem is, it is removing the single deletion entries in the audit table. I want audit table to hold back the single deletion entries without allowing the bult deletion

ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[TRG_Delete_Bulk_tbl_attendance]
ON [dbo].[tbl_attendance]
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.


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Create An Extra Table (for Audit Purpose)

Mar 28, 2008

Hi all, please help. I m trying to create an "empty" table from existing table for the audit trigger purpose.
For now, i am trying to create an empty audit table for every table in a database named "pubs", and it's seem won't work.
Please advise.. Thanks in advance.

Here is my code:

USE pubs


AND TABLE_NAME!= 'sysdiagrams'
AND TABLE_NAME = 'sales'


AND TABLE_NAME = 'sales'



ALTER TABLE @AUDIT_TABLE ADD UserAction Char(10),AuditStartTime Char(50),AuditUser Char(50)

AND TABLE_NAME!= 'sysdiagrams'


Thanks. ..

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Delete Output Into &<xml Column Of Audit Table&>

Mar 31, 2008

Currently running Sql Server 2005Is it possible to issue the delete command and capture the affected rows asxml types that will be stored in an audit table with an xml column?Something along the lines of:delete from source_tableoutput(deleted.*into audit_table (xml_audit_column)for xml auto)where source_table.column = @delete_value

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Using Triggers To Track Changes In A Single Audit Table

Feb 6, 2006


I am looking to track any changes made to any table within a db into a single audit table which will hold as fields: the table that has been updated/inserted, the field that was changed, its primary key, the old value and the new value specific to that field, and the date it was updated/inserted.

From what I have read, it does not look like this is possible with a trigger on table as it is not row specific and that I might have to control this from the business layer ( I am correct in this assumption, or is there a way of tracking specific data changes through triggers.



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Is There An Easy Way To Monitor (audit) Who Logs Onto A Database ??

Jul 20, 2005

Is there an easy way to monitor (audit) who logs onto a database ??Thanks for any and all help that is provided.Art

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Trigger On Table LeaveRegister And Inserting Rows In Audit Table

Oct 22, 2012

I write a insert trigger on my table LeaveRegister(1000 rows) and inserting rows in audit table, but when i inserting a row in LeaveRegister table. In audit table 1000 + 1 rows are inserting every time.

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SQL Security :: How To Create Database Specifications On Newly Created Database Automatically For Audit

Jul 15, 2015

I am setting up SQL audit on sql servers in my environment based on requirement. I want to create database specifications ASAP database created. I tried DDL trigger but Audit doesn't support triggers. So I created audit specifications on model database. the only problem with this is every specification created on new database with same name.database specification name includes newly created database name or other methods to create database specifications on newly created databases.

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Show Changes Between Records In Main Table And Audit Table

Aug 2, 2006

i have two tables, MainTable and MainTableAudit: the second one keeps DML auditing via triggers.
I'm trying to build a query to highlight changes occurred to fields between the MainTable record and its audited records in MainTableAudit, for example, let's suppose i entered an item with some wrong attributes, and edited it three times:
MainTable record contains the latest and current version
ID002|Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy|Sci-fi|240 pages
MainTableAudit contains edited ID002 versions
ID002|Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy|Sci-fi|232 pages|2006-07-08 08:32:12
ID002|Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy|Sci-fi|212 pages|2006-05-08 10:54:02
ID002|Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy|Sci-fi|222 pages|2006-07-04 11:42:16

I would like to build a report like this:
first insertion: Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy|Sci-fi|222 pages
modified on 2006-07-04 11:42:16: field "Title" changed from "Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy" to "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy", field "PageNo" changed from "222" to "212"
modified on 2006-05-08 10:54:02: field "PageNo" changed from "212" to "232"
modified on 2006-07-08 08:32:12: field "PageNo" changed from "232" to "240"
current version: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy|Sci-fi|240 pages

i'd prefer to use T-SQL and keep all into a single place (a view or storedprocedure), or at least to use reporting services; btw i would like to avoid coding web pages or hosted applications.

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