Database Owner Is Needed

Jul 16, 2006


on 1 of my servers (actually, the dev. server I have setup up here at home), I must included the database owner everytime I select something or make a db call.

for example

select from K inner join T on =

must actualy be written like:

select from dbo.K inner join dbo.T on =

or else it wont work

what did I do wrong for this database owner thing to be a "must" when writing queries on this server.

sql 2000 sp4

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Best Practices Database Owner, Database Connection Method (asp)

Sep 18, 2007

Hi-I have a sql server database, and am wring web apps to access it.I've created databases different ways, and ended up with different owners (eg dbo, nt authorityetwork services...)I also have connection strings using windows authentication, and some using a user name and password.I have read that using windows authentication is the best way to go, as far as security goes, but I have noticed some connectivity issues when I upload the site to the server, and test it remotely. What is the safest 'owner' of the database, and what's the safest way to connect?Thanks Dan 

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Database Owner - Sa Or ?

Aug 6, 2002

I want 'sa' to own all the user databases. Currently the database properties screen shows the owner as myself, 'al', but the list from the Users tab in EM for the database doesn't list me, but lists the dbo as login name 'sa'. DB_changedbowner 'sa' says:

Server: Msg 15110, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_changedbowner, Line 46
The proposed new database owner is already a user in the database.

BUT, who really owns the database; if it's 'sa' then why am I showing up on the properties page as the owner???



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The Proposed New Database Owner Is Already A User In The Database.

Dec 3, 2001

Any idea what is this error that I am getting when trying to change the db owner of the database as sa.Currently owner is different than sa.

Server: Msg 15110, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_changedbowner, Line 46
The proposed new database owner is already a user in the database.

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Database Owner Change

Jun 27, 2007

 Hello,I'm using tableadapters in VWD 2005 Express to link our ASP.NET application to a SQL Server 2000 database.  Initially, I used Database Explorer to drop tables into the DataSet object, which picks up the owner of the tables from the database.Recently, we had to change the owner of all objects in the database, including tables and stored procedures.  When we run our application it chokes on stored procedures because the owner of the SP's has changed.  My question is: how can I update tables and tableadapters in the DataSet to reflect the change in owner, without having to recreate everything in DataSet?  

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How To Change Owner Of Database? Please Help!

Jul 29, 2007

 Hi,I just transferred my website and database (SQL 2000) to a new host who's SQL Manager doesn't support the previous username I had for the database.The previous owner of database tables etc was Database_master and now I want to change it to just Master.Please advise! Someone else designed the website for me, and honestly I have just some basic knowledge of databases and such.I would appreciate help and if possible with detailed steps.Many thanks in advance,Isje 

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Dynamic Database Owner

Nov 11, 2007

I've got a GridView on my webform bound to a SQLDataSource (called sqlZKEWILL). Works fine as long as I hard-code the "dbo" database owner in the Select statement, as in:
 select EXIDV, Carton_Count, Carton_Total,  dbo.ZINSPECTION where EXIDV = @CartonID
The problem is that I need the database owner name to be dynamic. This will be a parameter that I read from another SQL table. For example, I'm doing this:
 Select USERID, DatabaseOwner from tblUsers where UserID = 'Kimm'
 I need to take the DatabaseOwner from this second Select statement, and use it as part of that first select statement.
 On the CodeBehind page, I tried replacing "dbo" with the Database Owner field (which I saved in a session variable) with the following code:
  Private Sub gvLineItems_DataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles gvLineItems.DataBinding
sqlZKEWILL.SelectCommand = sqlZKEWILL.SelectCommand.Replace("dbo", Session("DatabaseOwner").ToString.Trim)
End Sub
But I am still getting the error message: "Invalid object name: dbo.ZINSPECTION". It doesn't seem to recognize that I've replaced "dbo" with a different value.
Any thoughts on getting this to work would be appreciated.

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How Do I Change The Owner Of My SQL Database?

May 17, 2008

 I'm trying to access the Database Diagram of a sql database I created but am getting the error:
"The database does not have a valid dbo user"
 I also noticed that my NT group user was incorrect and this is the name being used as the owner of the database. How do i change this?

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Change The Owner Of The Database

Jan 10, 2001

Hi All,

I want to change the OWNER of the database to 'sa' and I executed the
following system stored procedure

EXEC sp_changedbowner 'sa'

and I get the following error message..

Server: Msg 15110, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_changedbowner, Line 46
The proposed new database owner is already a user in the database.

Any ideas

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How To Change The Database Owner In SQL 7

Oct 18, 2000

Is there a stored procedure to change the database owner in SQL 7?

Thanks in advance,

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Change The Owner Of Database

May 26, 2004

Dear Ladies & Gentlemen,

I need help here. I have problem on my Database own by 'unknown". Can I change the onwner of that Database.

Detail of SQL:
Micosoft SQL Server 2000

If anybody can help me, please reply this thread.


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What Is The Purpose Of A Database Owner

Dec 28, 2013

What is the purpose of a database owner i.e. the dbo.DBNAME that comes before the name of the database?

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Show Owner Of Database

Nov 29, 2005

Hello,Does anyone know what procedure to run to show information such as theowner of a specific database for MSSQL2000? I want to make a script toloop through all the databases on a server and display owner and otherhelpful information.Best regards,Andreas

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Database Owner Cannot Connect

May 15, 2007

Our web application requires that when a new Organization is created,aseparate Database is to be created for the corresponding organization,so that each organization remains a separate entity with theircorresponding employees(This is our clients requirement, so that theycan later provide the backup of the database if the organizationdecides to move out). And for that what we intend to do is restore thebackup of database which already has the objects created in it.So weintend to restore a database for the new organization from the webpage.We are using SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition and theauthentication is SQL Server authentication, and the 'xy' login hasbeen assigned to the 'dbcreator' fixed server role only(This may benot relevant but just in case, the 'xy' login has been assigned'db_owner' fixed db rolein the main db. The web application uses this login to connect to thedatabase). When a new Organization is created, the database owner ofthe new DB should be xy, and the user mapping for the login to the'NewOrg' database should be 'dbo'. But in this case after restoringthe databasetemplate using the SQLSMO from the application(same thing happensafter restoring the database from query analyzer using the xy login)there is no user mapping to be seen and we are not able to connect tothe 'NewOrg' database using the xy login.I think most will suggest to use 'exec sp_changedbowner' to updatethe dbo, but for this we need sysadmin privileges, which we do nothave for the xy login.Please suggest the best way to go about this particularscenario(currently we are running the object creation script aftercreating the database but this is time consuming, so pls suggest onlydatabase restore method) and the also please suggest if any otherfixed server roles can be used without compromising security. Seemsthis is a design issue, pls also suggest if this post is to be made insome other appropriate groups.Thanks,MPL

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Database Has Invalid Owner

May 12, 2006

I get this error when I try to view the database diagram. This is strange because it was about two weeks ago that I created and edited the database diagram. What is wrong with my login now as compared to when I did those edits?

The error suggests to use the ALTER AUTHORIZATION to change to a valid login. I am using windows authentication. If my login (the database ownere) is not the valid login then who is?

And what are the database diagram support objects that it suggests I install. I never heard of them, and where are they? Why didn't I need to install anything special when I worked on the diagrams two weeks ago?

Error message:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


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Change Database Owner

Mar 19, 2007


I restored and renamed a client database from a backup file to my laptop (both SQL Express 2005) and noticed that no owner had been assigned. I set the db-owner to SA. This database will replace a local version of the same database that was created on my laptop. (The customer has entered data...)

When I start the dataset configuration wizard in VS2005 all tables appear twice in the list. Once with the original name and once with the prefix dbo. For example: Customer and dbo.Customer.

The tables with the dbo. prefix are marked with a Red Cross in the checkbox. Hovering over them display the error message: "Element .. in the dataset references an object missing from the database. "

The tables without the dbo. prefix are not marked. When I mark these tables VS2005 indicates that the table will be renamed to Customer1. The same issue applies to all the views in the database.

Is there a way to solve this problem without having to recreate the entire dataset? I'd rather not do that cause I added some queries to the dataset and they will be lost and have to be recreated.

Any help will be appreciated.

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Property Owner Is Not Available For Database

Jul 29, 2007

I am getting this error while selecting the properties of one database.
Property Owner is not available for Database '[TEST]'. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

Suddently this error started coming ? why ?

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Problem With Making Owner Of Database?

May 27, 2007

I use Sql server express 2005.I have two databases: db1 and db2.I use Studio Management. I connect with my administrator account 'admin'.
1) When i rightclick on db1 (and also on db2) and i take the properties / general, i see for both db: owner = servernameadmin .When i take properties / Files, i see for db1: owner = servernameadmin , but for db2, it remains empty.why and does it mean that db2 has no owner? But then, why do i see in properties / general : owner = servernameadmin?
2) i want to make 'admin' owner of db2 (for creating a database diagram), so in properties / Files, i click on the button with three dots.A windows "select database owner" appears, i click on button 'browse', but then all i see is:built-in administartorsbuilt-in userssa...
Whatever i choose (e.g; built-in administrators), i get the message: an entity of database cannot be owned by a role, group ... error 15353).
Why do i not get the account 'admin' in the browse windows and how to make 'admin' owner of db2?
Thanks for helpT.

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Change Owner Of All The Tables Of Database

Jun 6, 2008

 it has to do with my unfamiliarity with creating users and dbo privileges. I'm trying to grant access to an outside vendor to import their latest version of a database. I set them up with a user account that had db_owner privileges, however when they ran the dts process it copied all the data as new tables rather than overwriting the existing tables and the new tables were all associated with the user is created instead of dbo user. What do I need to do to facilitate this process?

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Change Owner Of Database Objects

Feb 23, 2001

I am in the process of cleaning up the security on one of our production databases. SA is already the owner of the database.

On this SQL server, there is a login that has access to this database that needs to be removed. When I uncheck this users access to this database I receive the following error message:
"Error 15183. The user owns objects in the database and cannot be dropped".

How can i find out what objects this logins has ownership of and how can I change the ownership of these objects to SA?

Thanks in advance,

Philip Talavera

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How To Add An Existing User To A Database As The Owner

Jan 14, 2005

Is there a way to add an existing user as an "owner" of a database programmatically using SQL or a SP?


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Database Owner Problems 2005

Apr 13, 2007

I am using SQL Server 2005 and I was having a problem with the owner of a particular database. When I go into Database Diagrams for the database I get:

"Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects."

So I tried some different things (assigning different users as the owner) I was only able to assign one user as the owner (someone that is no longer working here), then I deleted that user (oops.). Now I still don't have an owner assigned AND I can't get into the database properties because I don't have permissions.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Change Owner On System Database

Nov 29, 2007


We have a situation where somehow several of the system databases are owned by an ID of a person no longer with the organization. This triggers a few questions: If I disable the user (it's a SQL account, not domain), will that cause any issue? What is the correct way to change the user of a system database?

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How To Change Owner For All Tables In A Database.

Aug 3, 2006

I am trying to change owner of all tables in a database. How can I doit?

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How Do I Change The Owner From A Table In A Database

Jul 20, 2005

Dear Group,I have a table in the a database that I need to change the owner to dbo.How can I do this.Thanks in advance.Jeff Magouirk

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SQL Tools :: Can't Change Database Owner

Jul 31, 2015

I can't change the database owner..I noticed this when I went to create a database diagram and the error said the database does not have a valid owner.

So for that database I went to Properties > Files and sure enough, the owner is wrong.  Why?  I had changed the name of the PC recently, actually a couple of times.  When I finally got the name right, I ran the following commands in the query window:

    SELECT @@SERVERNAME to get the current server name
    and then  
sp_dropserver <old name>


to change the server name.The owner in the Properties > Files is for a pc name that doesn't exist.  But when I click on the '...' button to the right to select a new Database Owner I can't select the primary account on the PC.If I create a new database, it puts that old name in as the database owner.

I went down to <server>SecurityLogins and the old <pcname><username> is still listed, and I can't add the <newpcname><username> because it says that principle already exists .  I'm afraid to make any other change without knowing for certain what to to get a new database owner name on all the databases on this server.Do I delete that old Login and then try to add in the new name?

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Unable To Change Database Owner

Oct 31, 2007

Hi All,

Can someone please advise.

I am trying to change the database owner. I am logged in as sa.
I am using the command sp_changedbowner 'username'

I seem to get the following error message:

Cannot find the principal 'username', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

I have created the user account. But am still getting the same error.

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The Current User Is Not An Owner Of The Selected Database

May 29, 2007

I have recently installed SQL 2005 I use the SQL ecpress and management studio.   In the SQL server Management Studio, when I right click on the database and use the SQL Server Import and Export wizard, I can import databases from the web hosting I'm workign with to my mycomputer, but cannot export them.
 When I try to export database tables with the SQL Server Import and Export wizard
The error says: The current user is not an owner of the selected database. This might cause some operations with this database to fail.I use sa to log into the management studio aand creat teh database after I login.  How do I create a database so that the user and owner match and will allow me to export tables and data?

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Non Database Owner Call To Sp_addrolemember Or Sp_droprolemember

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Is there any way that calls to sp_addrolemember and sp_droprolemembercan be enabled for non database owners and non sysadmin members?This would be very helpful for an application I'm in the middle ofdeveloping, in which users have the right to view some data and editsome data in a set of tables. The data is pulled up in a set of views(using SQL Server 7 with an Access 2000 front-end). Depending on aninitial selection that the user makes, s/he should be able to eitherread or edit the data.The solution I hoped to use would run a stored procedure, that amongstother things would add and/or remove the user to/from a data_read anddata_edit role, depending on the initial selection s/he made.Any suggestions?Much thanks!Oren Bergman

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The Current User Is Not An Owner Of The Selected Database

May 29, 2007

I have a SQL 2005 question for you. In the SQL server Management Studio. When I right click on the database and use the SQL Server Import and Export wizard, I can import databases but cannot export them.

The error says:

The current user is not an owner of the selected database. This might cause some operations with this database to fail.

I use sa to loginto the server Management Studio, does anyone know how to create a database where the user and owner are the smae so I can export?

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Cannot Determine How To Set Owner To Install Database Design

Jun 14, 2007

My compatibility settings are fine. Anyone know how to to this?

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Changing Database Owner To Access Diagrams

Jan 23, 2007


i recently changed the machine name of my development computer and am now no longer able to create or view any diagrams for the sql database that was created by the old machine name user. i receive an error where I cannot make myself "the dbo of this database." i can see the old name in the "owner" properties field of the mdf database, but the box is grayed out and i am unable to change it to the new machine/user name. is there a way to change the owner of the database to my new machine/user name? the new name has admin rights and the computer is a standalone workstation not connected to a network.

i am using sql server 2005 express edition with visual web developer.


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Database Owner Changes When Attaching Database

Jun 26, 2007

I have a database with 'sa' as the database owner.
When I detach the database and than attach it, I get the following error: "The proposed new database owner is already a user in the database". When I look in my Management Studio, I see that my database is attached and it has my domain name as database owner.

So it seems like that whenever a database is attached, SQL Server changes the database owner to the user who is attaching the database.

Am I right or is it something else?

One more question, is it good or bad to put 'sa' as the database owner for all my databases?


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