Database Size Report

Apr 23, 2008

I would like to generate a report that lists each database in both sql 2000 and 2005 instance alongwith their size. I can get the size sysfiles... perhaps i can join it with sysdatabases ?


ps. posted in the wrong forums before. apologies.

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How To Report The Size Of Each Table In A Database?

Jul 23, 2005

Hey guys,Does anyone know a way (in Enterprise Manager or thru a SQL statement)to get the number of rows and the size of each table in a database?Thks,

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Table Size And Database Size

Mar 2, 2008

i use this script that show me the size of each table and do the sum of all the table size.

REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[rows]), 1), '.00', '') AS [rows],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[reserved]), 1), '.00', '') AS [reserved],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[data]), 1), '.00', '') AS [data],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[index_size]), 1), '.00', '') AS [index_size],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[unused]), 1), '.00', '') AS [unused]
CAST(object_name(id) AS varchar(50)) AS [name],
SUM(CASE WHEN indid < 2 THEN CONVERT(bigint, [rows]) END) AS [rows],
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, reserved)) * 8 AS reserved,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, dpages)) * 8 AS data,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, used) - CONVERT(bigint, dpages)) * 8 AS index_size,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, reserved) - CONVERT(bigint, used)) * 8 AS unused
FROM sysindexes WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE sysindexes.indid IN (0, 1, 255)
AND > 100
AND object_name( <> 'dtproperties'
ORDER BY X.[name]

the problem is that the sum of all tables is not the same size when i make a full database backup.
example of this is when i run this query against my database i see a sum of 111,899 KB that they are 111MB,but when
i do full backup to that database the size of this full backup is 1.5GB,why is that and where this size come from?


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SQL 2005 Resize Initial Log Size: MODIFY FILE Failed. Specified Size Is Less Than Current Size.

Sep 4, 2007

I am trying to resize a database initial log file from 500M to 2M. I€™m using€?


And I'm getting "MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than current size." I tried going into the database properties and setting the log file to 2M, but it doesn€™t keep the changes.

Any help with this process?

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Keep Section Of Report The Same Size

Sep 21, 2007

I need to keep a section of a report the same size. I have now a table with a detail and group section. The table header must print on every page and the table footer must print on every page. The detail section can only be 16 rows. When I have more than 16 rows the report page breaks perfectly and puts the remaining rows on the next page along with repeating the header and footer. The problem is when there are fewer than 16 rows the table does not take up the full page and looks horrible. All my displayed data is in the data set. I have looked at padding the dataset with bogus rows that would show up at the end and just not display but would rather take care of this on the report end. Any ideas?
Thanks, Chad

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This Feature Remote Access To Report Data Sources And/or The Report Server Database Is Not Supported In This Edition Of Report

Jun 16, 2006

SQL server 2005 express reporting problem.

error message:

This feature "remote access to report data sources and/or the report server database" is not supported in this edition of reporting service

I got this error message when I try to connect to database hosted in another PC running SQL server 2000.

Is it true that SQlL server Express can only use Local Database Engine to host the database?

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Report Layout Page Size

May 19, 2008

I am trying to change the Page size of the layout dynamically. Does anyone know if this is possible? If so can you point me in the right direction to find resources for this.

Thank you for any help.

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Why I Am Not Able To Change The Size Of Report Body

May 3, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thanks a lot for your kind attention.

I am on the layout page, and click on the body, going to the body property dialogue, there is a size property there, I changed its width and height, but it is not changed at all? I mean once I save it, it is back to its orginal size? Why is that? Any advices for that?

Hope my question is clear.

Thanks a lot in advance for your help.

And I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Row Size Limitation Of Report Model?

Dec 7, 2005


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Print Out Report By A4 Size Paper

Jul 31, 2007


I have create a report with A3 size as there are too many fields., but i
wanna to print out on A4 paper properly. is that possible to do?



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Different Font Size When Browsing And Printing A Report ?

May 3, 2007

Hi all,

Is it possible to setup different font size when a user is browsing or printing a report?

I have a lot of data to print on a report and i need tu use a font size of 7pt which is fine for printing but when the user is looking at the report on the browser a font size of 7pt is a bit too small and the bold doesn't work.


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Report Header And Footer Size When Using Matrix

Jul 2, 2007


Is there a way to dynamically make report header and footer fields change location (or size)? I have many matrix reports that grow in width and then the header and footers do not look good.

Another example is I have a line that is in the header...I would like this to grow to the width of the report, which again is not static on a matrix report.


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Getting Database Size And Log Size

Aug 11, 2000

I am using
exec sp_helpdb
dbcc sqlperf(logspace) for
getting database size and log size. Is this gives the correct
database size and log size or Is there any other way to get the logsize and database size by means of query analyzer.

Thanks in Advance.

Seenu. S

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Report Server 2005 DB Doubled In Size (dbo.ServerParametersInstance)

Apr 8, 2008

Our Report Server DB almost doubled in size over the period of a week and is causing backup issues and using too much disk space.

We have over a hundred SQL 2005 DBs running in a portal on the same server as the Report Server all connecting to SSRS and many run their own Report Builder models and custom reports.

The table dbo.ServerParametersInstance is currently 3.6gb. I'm struggling to find any help in how to manage this in terms of reducing its size or what it is even used for.

Any help would me much appreciated.


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Size Limit For Dataset Query In Report Designer

Sep 16, 2007

I was working on the SSRS Report Designer and was trying to copy and paste a huge SQL query from SQL Management Studio (like I always do) to the dataset window.

This method usually works, but for this extremely long SQL query with nested SELECTs and JOINs, it seems as though the Report Designer dataset query window limits the number of characters including carriage returns I can input in it.

When I paste my SQL query from SQL Management Studio, it seems to paste only three quarters of the query, and thereafter I am not able to manually key in anything else or even make a line feed in the dataset query window.

Is there a limit to the number of characters I can key in here ? If so, is there any workarounds or configurations I can try ?


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Reporting Services :: Defaulting Display Size On One Report To Something Other Than 100%

Aug 20, 2015

We run std 2008 r2.  Is there a way to default one particular report's display size to either "page width" or 200% instead of 100%?

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Is It Possible To Dynamically Define A Report Size When Called As A Subreport?

May 12, 2008

I have created a report that displays a limited number of rows and columns when called as a sub-report. If the report is called directly, all rows are returned and all columns are shown. I would like to control how large the report is (BodySize) when called as a sub-report as not all columns will be shown. This sub-report is part of a dashboard where several other sub-reports are also shown, so reducing the size is important. I hope to avoid the need to have a version of the report when called from the dashboard and also a version when called in expanded mode.

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Reduce Size Of Reporting Services Report Within Sharepoint Web Part

Mar 14, 2007

I have a Reporting Services report available in a Windows Sharepoint Services webpart. The report is too large to display in the webpart window requiring the user to use the scroll bars. Is there any way to reduce the size of the report so that fits completely within the webpart without using scroll bars?

Thank you.


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(URgert)Is There A Way I Can Increase The Size Of The Drop Down List In My Report Viewer

Jan 18, 2008


I have a report on my report server... and it has set for multivalue parameter... but since the particular client has only one plan so they wont have the select all function... but the size of the ddl is so squished that we cannot see the Plan name at all...

So can someone pls help me as to how can i increase it..


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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Body Size Is Not Reducing

Nov 10, 2011

In one of my SSRS report under body properties default size (width = 34.54712cm , height = 20.92853cm ). I've tried to reduce the size to width = 26cm ,height = 18 . once i changed. the width its going to the same orginal size again.

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The Database File Is Larger Than The Configured Maximum Database Size.

Mar 20, 2007

I'm getting this error while trying to insert records into a SQL Server Compact Edition database. I have pasted my connection string that was used when creating the database as well as for accessing that same database from my Windows application.

Thanks for any help any of you can give!

Data Source=OnTheGo.sdf;Encrypt Database=True;Password=<password>;Max Database Size=4091

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Problem Regarding The Size Of Exported Report From Reporting Services To Excel Format

May 29, 2006

Hi All,

For developing a report I'm using SQL Server 2000 with SP4 & MS Visual Studio .Net 2003. After expoting a report in excel format file, the size of the excel file is so much big that while openning the report file it seemed to be hanged the PC.

Is there any way to reduce the size of the excel in reporting services?


Uttam Kr. Dhar

Medi Assist India Pvt. Ltd.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS - How To Make Report Page Size Dynamic

May 22, 2015

How to make SSRS report page size dynamic, or in a way where viewer can set it to the size they want? 

Set to 0

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Database File Is Larger Than The Configured Max Database Size.

Feb 18, 2008


I am developing a smart device application with Visual Studio .Net 2005 and SQL Server Compact Edition database. And also using merge replication to synchronize the data from the mobile device to the SQL Server.

My database size is around 350MB. So when I am trying to synchronize this is the error message that I get.
" The database file is larger than the configured maximum database size. The setting takes effect on the first concurrent database connection only.[Required Max Database size ( in MB; 0 if unknown)=129].

I tried changing the Max database size in the connection string and my connection string looks as follows and still did not have any luck.

connstr= "Data Source=Storage CardItems.sdf;Max Database Size=500;"

Any help regarding this would be appreciated.

Thank you

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Automatically Print Multiple Copies Of The Same Report With Different Label On Letter Size Paper

Dec 31, 2006


I am new to reporting services and I'm really stuck on a design problem. Can someone please help me?

I would like to design my own print function. When a user clicks on the print icon (preferably the one that came with reporting services), the report is automatically printed twice, once with "For Person A" and the second time with "For Person B" on it. It doesn't matter where these two labels are placed on the page. These two reports need to be printed on letter-size paper regardless of user's selection. How do I do this with minimum amount of code?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Reporting Services :: Determine Objects Inhibiting Horizontal Shrink Of Tablix And / Or SSRS Report Size?

Jun 10, 2015

I am working on complex invoice document that handles various types of invoicing, credit, and progress bill customer facing documents.  I am faced with same problem I see many SSRS devs posting on.  And that is extra blank pages, being generated because the report width exceeds the width of the page.

My problem is I cannot shrink the horizontal width of the tablix and therefore the report width either...

While I would have done things differently if developing from scratch, the tablix in question has only one column and objects contained in rectangles are placed in the row/column cell.....The link to the image below shows the row I am currently working on.  Essentially all the client wants a columnar report with column lines, closed footers, etc...  so rather redoing the whole tablix, which I still might do, I am using rectangles with the column then lining them up.  Anyway, that is a whole 'nuther post.  My specific questions are:  

Invoice in Report Builder

1. In the image I have selected the parent rectangle.  The children are other rectangles and the data is with grandchildren textboxes that exist within those rectangles.  I clearly have a bit of right side white space in the main parent rectangle, but there is no sizing tool on a hover... just move tool.  And if I change the rectangle size in the prop form it just snaps back to the cell width.  How do I size the parent rectangle and keep if from expanding.

Here I am guessing that to actually reduce the horizontal width of tablix and then the report, I have to first decrease the parent width of the rectangles that occur in each row?

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Database Log Size

Jun 7, 2007

my database on remote server i cannot access directly.
i can access it only with query analyzer.
my log file size is 9mb but nothing in database. only few tables there so how i can reduce log file size with query.

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How To Get The SQL Database Size

Jul 15, 2004

Is it possible to get the SQL Server database size programmatically?
I have an WEB application in c# ASP NET, but I can found any information about.

Thanks for your attention


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Database Size

Mar 1, 2002

We have a SQL server database most time for read only because the data source comes from another database( which is not SQL server database, now it is about 2G). Every day we have a job running as following:
Step 0. extra the data from another database, and create plain text files for each table for BCP job.
Step 1. drop all of the index
Step 2. truncate all of the tables.
Step 3. BCP in all of the data from plain text file.
Step 4. create all of the index again
Step 5. shirnk the database.

Everything runs fine but the database grows 1 G from yesterday's database. I am sure we do not have so much data entry in one day.
Any one can give some suggestion?
I wonder if I need do shirnk the database or shirnk the data file before create the index.
How can know how much size for all of the index file?
Thank you very much.

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SQL 7 Database Size

May 4, 2001

I am a beginner with sql and I have been inputting data (txt files) to my database and now have approached 4GB in size and it will not let me expand any further on the primary file group. My 'boss' said that sql has no size. I am using desktop

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Database Size

Aug 13, 2001

Is there a stored procedure that returns the current size of a database, and the maximum size of a database whose growth property IS NOT set to unlimited?



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Max Size Of A SQL Database

Jul 25, 2000

Just wondering if anyone knew the maximum size of a database that SQL Server 7 can handle.


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Database Size

May 9, 2000

When I run sp_spaceused on my database it give me a total size of 258MB
The backup of this database reads 226MB
The Properties screen tells me that my data is a total of 278MB
I am running SQL 7.0 .
Why am I getting different sizes?

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