Datacode Values Meaning
Mar 9, 2008
Does anyone know the meaning of the datacode different values? I understand that 0 is OK and 1 is not, what is the meaning of the rest? I have an execution with no errors except a datacode=3 in the PackageEnd event. What does it mean?
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Jun 13, 2006
The documentation says:
"An integer value that identifies the event associated with the log entry. The value 0 indicates the event provided no identifier."
When I look at the sysdtslog90 table and I filter for 'PackageEnd' events, I see a value of 0, 1 or 3 in the datacode column. Is there any information I can glean from these values, e.g. package success or failure?
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Feb 13, 2007
In (using C#). have a statement such as "sqlCommand cmd=new sqlCommand(sqlStatement,stringConnection,sqlTransaction)". do you know the meaning of this bold parameter ? is it its tasks ? thank very much
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Nov 5, 2004
I was looking at a Miscrosoft example of a SQL "INSERT INTO".
One example they give isINSERT INTO Northwind.dbo.Shippers (CompanyName, Phone)
VALUES (N'Snowflake Shipping',N'(503)555-7233') What does the "N" stand for (or do) in N'Snowflake Shipping'? Is this really needed? I've looked around some and can't find any discussion about it.
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Apr 8, 2008
I cant understand what is the meaning of & ~. I have seen the same in following query. Could any one explain me please.
select p.action & ~convert(int, 0x10000000), N'column' = col_name(, p.colid), p.uid, N'username' = user_name(p.uid),
p.protecttype,, N'owner' = user_name(o.uid),, N'grantor' = user_name(p.grantor)
from #output p, dbo.sysobjects o
where =
order by p.uid,, p.protecttype, p.action
-- Krishna
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May 8, 2008
set @pDate2= dbo.AsString(@pYear,@pMonth,@pDay2,23,59,59)
explain the above query
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Jun 12, 2008
hey, can anybody help me to understad that code:
SELECT companies.Contact_Company AS am_label1,
ISNULL(Incident_CNT,0) AS NumberOfIncidents
SELECT DISTINCT Contact_Company FROM HPD_Help_Desk
) companies LEFT OUTER JOIN (
SELECT COUNT(*) AS Incident_CNT, Contact_Company AS am_label1
FROM HPD_Help_Desk
WHERE Status< 5
AND DATEADD ("s", submit_date, '1/1/1970') >= CAST(CONVERT(char(8),GETDATE(),112) AS datetime)
GROUP BY Contact_Company
) IncidentsByCompany
ON companies.Contact_Company = IncidentsByCompany.Contact_Company
Thank you.
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May 14, 2008
Code Snippet<Query>UPDATE OPTIONS SET OptionText = '~DrawerPort~' WHERE...
What is meant by "~" here?
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Dec 2, 2007
In the following example the line of code
IF RIGHT(@StringArray,1) != @Delimiter
includes " != ". What does it mean?
Thanks, Bill
Full Example:-- Creates a UDF that returns a string array as a table result set
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_ParseArray
( @StringArray varchar(max),
@Delimiter char(1) )
RETURNS @StringArrayTable TABLE (Val varchar(50))
DECLARE @Delimiter_position int
IF RIGHT(@StringArray,1) != @Delimiter
SET @StringArray = @StringArray + @Delimiter
WHILE CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @StringArray) <> 0
SELECT @Delimiter_position =
CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @StringArray)
INSERT @StringArrayTable
VALUES (left(@StringArray, @Delimiter_position - 1))
SELECT @StringArray = STUFF(@StringArray, 1,
@Delimiter_position, '')
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Nov 25, 2007
An example for finding the length of a string is:
SELECT LEN (N'She sells seashells by the sea shore')
This returns 37. Without the N, it still returns the same 37. Why is N used?
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Jul 12, 2006
Any one help me out ?
Thank you very much .!
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Dec 29, 2007
Hello All,
Does anyone knows what is the meaning of IDENTITY in following 2 rows.
[UserId] [bigint] IDENTITY (0, 1) NOT NULL ,
[ProductId] [bigint] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
Thanks in advance
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Sep 7, 2006
Actually, I don't know what is the meaning and difference of "N" in thefunction.Thanks.
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Jun 27, 2006
Dear fellows,
Labels as the ones are easy recognizable when you explore LDFS by mean DBCC or whatever but on the contrary the following ones are tricky to reach the meaning:
Does anyone have any link related with this? I tried hard to search by Goog or something like that but unsuccessfully at all.
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Sep 20, 2005
Is it possible to find records that contain the string "cyber-shot" when the value for search is "cybershot"?? (This is an example and I need a dynamic solution)
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Aug 12, 2006
When we send a message in service broker we send nchar(0xFEFF) in the start of the xml file.
What is the meaning of nchar(0xFEFF)?
Thank you.
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Dec 14, 2007
When you write a sql query, some times there is curly braces within a query in a application. What is the meaning of that?
select column1, column2, column3
from table1
where column1 = 'somethin'
order by column3
So what is being used in here {LIMITDATE} and can some one explain this to me? I use C#.
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Sep 28, 1999
Why is the unsed space is negative number? Whould that affect the database? How do you fix the negative number?
If 'out of lock' happen, how do you check at what level the object was/is locked and how many locks is needed to configure?
Thank you ahead of time
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Jul 13, 2005
as Christopher Yager say in "Need distributed service broker sample", I also test sending messages between two SQL Server 2005 instances,and after I setup the test environment with instance1 and instance2,I find queue [q2] in ssb2 can't receive message from ssb1. when I query by "select * from sys.transmission_queue",I get some message records that transmission_status is "64(error not found)".
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May 29, 2008
I have some basic skill in SQL Server Management Studio Express already .
But , I still can't understand the exact meaning of ConnectionString.
connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database1.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
code above is copied from a machine-generated app.config.
Questions are:
1.what do [[ | ]] and [[ ]]mean in AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database1.mdf ??
2.what does User Instance mean? And if this it false, what will happen in my computer.
3.Some string I saw before contains InitialCatalog= Northwood. What are the differences between initialcatelog and attachdbfilename ?
Very thanks
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Jul 27, 2006
Dear friends,
I'm reading Wiley's Data mining with SQL Server 2005... There are MANY things I can't understand about MovieClick example (Chapter 3).
I hope someone is going to help me with this troubles...
WARNING (1): I'm a dummy both with sql server and data mining.
WARNING (2): My English is not good at all.
Just two questions for now:
1) When I create the model to predict the number of bedrooms for homeowners, the book says to check BEDROOMS as Predictable... question: is it also an INPUT for the model, or PREDICTABLE only?
2) I'd like to keep this model (number of bedrooms.......) and make a prediction query.
- Query builder
- select case table -> Homeowners
- Drag the Customer ID column from the Homeowners table and drop it on the grid
- Drag the BEDROOMS column from the mining model and drop it on the grid.
- On the last row: Source=PredictionFunction, Field=PredictProbability
- Drag the BEDROOMS column from the mining model and drop it into Criteria/Argument
- Add (i.e.) 'Two or Three' to the field Criteria/Argument
I execute the query and I obtain many rows in a table with the following colums: CustomerID, BEDROOMS and Expression: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
Thanx a lot in advance, please help me!
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May 6, 2015
I wanted to know the meaning of Granlatiy of Fact with some example.
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Sep 29, 2000
In EM, the left pane shows servers, etc. What is the meaning of the red
squiggly line which can apprear on the server icon?
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi;I went to the microsoft site to try to find a guide to the errormessages that the jdbc drivers give ( for sqlserver 2000 ).I had no luck.Does anyone know if there is such a guide?I got this mysterious error message below in my logs ( nothing visiblein user land ).Anyone know what it means?Thanks in advanceStevejava.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver forJDBC][SQLServer]Transaction (Process ID 151) was deadlocked on lockresources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlockvictim. Rerun the transaction.
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Sep 5, 2005
what the meaning of the TextQualified attribute on a flat file connection is? I am importing delimited flat files where text columns are not qualified by quotes. If I use the Suggest Types button in the Flat File Connection Manager Editor, it sets TextQualified to True for all columns. Importing works fine than, but it also does with TextQualified = False.
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Oct 20, 2015
In my report i have CNAME parameter , which allows null value. I checked Allow null value check box in report parameter properties.
when i preview the report , it displays checked NULL check box beside CNAME parameter . I want to give some meaningful name(i.e.ALLCustomers) to this checkbox instead of NULL.
Is it possible through SSRS designer?
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Apr 16, 2014
How to count the number of values that exist in a row based on the values from an array of numbers. Basically the the array of numbers I want to look for are in row 1 of table [test 1] and I want to search for them and count the "out of" in table [test 2]. Excuse me for not using the easiest way to convey my question below. I guess in short I have 10 numbers and like to find how many of those numbers exist in each row. short example:
Table Name: test1
Columns: m1 (int), m2 (int), m3 (int) >>> etc
Array/Row1: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Table Name: test2
Columns: n1 (int), n2 (int), n3 (int), n4 (int), n5 (int)
Row 1: 3, 8, 18, 77, 12
Row 2: 1, 4, 5, 7,18, 21
Row 3: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
Answer: 2 out of 5
Answer: 4 out of 5
Answer: 5 out of 5
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Jun 4, 2007
Hello all,
I am trying to think my way through a solution which I believe others have probably come across... I am trying to implement a matching routine wherein I need to match an address against a high value and a low value (or, for that matter an input date vs. a start and end date) to return the desired row ... i.e. if I were to use a straight vb program I would just use the following lookup:
"SELECT DISTINCT fire_id, police_ID, fire_opt_in_out, police_opt_in_out FROM ipt_tbl " & _
" WHERE zip_code = @zip_code AND addr_prim_lo <= @street_number AND addr_prim_hi >= @street_number " & _
" AND addr_prim_oe = @addr_prim_oe AND street_pre = @street_pre AND street_name = @street_name " & _
" AND street_suff = @street_suff AND street_post = @street_post " & _
" AND (expiry_date = '' OR expiry_date = '00000000' OR expiry_date > @expiry_date)" & _
" GROUP BY fire_ID, police_ID, fire_opt_in_out, police_opt_in_out"
My question, then, is how would you perform this type of query using a lookup / merge join or script? I have not found a way to implement a way to set the input columns? I can set the straight matches without a problem, i.e. lookup zip code = input zip code, but can't think of the correct way to set comparisons, i.e. lookup value 1 <= input value AND lookup value 2 >= input value
Any suggestions?
thanks for your time...
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Feb 23, 2007
I have a DTSX package which reads values from a fixed-length text file using a data reader and writes some of the column values from the file to an Oracle table. We have used this DTSX several times without incident but recently the process started inserting NULL values for some of the columns when there was a valid value in the source file. If we extract some of the rows from the source file into a smaller file (i.e 10 rows which incorrectly returned NULLs) and run them through the same package they write the correct values to the table, but running the complete file again results in the NULL values error. As well, if we rerun the same file multiple times the incidence of NULL values varies slightly and does not always seem to impact the same rows. I tried outputting data to a log file to see if I can determine what happens and no error messages are returned but it seems to be the case that the NULL values occur after pulling in the data via a Data Reader. Has anyone seen anything like this before or does anyone have a suggestion on how to try and get some additional debugging information around this error?
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Nov 13, 2015
I am working with a data set containing several years' of monetary values. I have entries for past dates and the associated values, and I also have entries for future dates. I need to populate the values of the future date records with the values from the same date the previous year. Is there any way this can be done in Power Pivot?
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Jul 28, 2015
I have a string variable
string str1="1,2,3,4,5";
I have to use the above comma separated values into a SQL Search query whose datatype is integer. How would i do this Search query in the IN Operator of SQL Server. My query is :
declare @id varchar(50)
set @id= '3,4,6,7'
set @id=(select replace(@id,'''',''))-- in below select query Id is of Integer datatype
select *from ehsservice where id in(@id)
But this query throws following error message:
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '3,4,6,7' to data type int.
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Apr 11, 2008
I have my stored procedure set to
Territory_code IN (@Territory)
, now , how do i enter in more then one value. When i select the multi value check box, it gives me more spaces. But then doesnt recognize the values when i put in more then one. am i doing something wrong?
The field is a Varchar 20
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Jan 23, 2008
Hi All,
I receive the input file with some 100 columns and some 20k+ rows and I want to check the incoming input row is existed in the database or not based on 2 key columns. If the row is existed then I need to check all the columns (nearly 100 columns) values in input and the database are equal or not. If both are equal I need to treat them seperately if not there is a seperate logic. How Can I do that check for each row and for each column?
Basically the algorithm is like this, if the input file row is not existed in the database then treat that as new row else if the input row is existed in the database then check all the columns are equal or not. If all the columns are equal then treat that as existing row and do nothing else if some columns are not equal then treat this row seperately.
I found some thing to achieve the above thing.
1. Take the input row and check in the database.
2. If the row is not found in the database then treat it as new row.
3. If row is found in the database then
a) Take the source row and prepare a concatenated string for all the columns
b) Take the database row and prepare a concatenated string for all the columns
c) Find out the hash code for the 2 strings and then compare hash codes for equal.
The disadvantage of this is running a loop 2*m*n times where m is the number of rows and n is the number of columns. It should be done 2 times for input file row and database row.
Can anybody suggest a good method to do this?
What does the function "GetHashCode" for InputBuffer in method "Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)" will do?
Will it generates hash code based on all the columns values?
Pls clarify.
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