Datagridview Problem

Feb 18, 2008

i created a small database with a table to store two numbers and the sum. num1,num2 and sum column. In sql i used the computed columns specification to assign sum as num1+num2.

running the database, everything works fine. i input the numbers and the sum is auto calculated.

i try to do same thing by bring the table in a vb 2008 form using a datagrid view. when i run the application i can just enter the two values(num1 and num2) in the datagrid but the sum is not calculated despite pressing enter or tab and also the data entered is not saved.

any help

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DataGridView: How Can I Update Data In A DataGridView?

Jan 11, 2007

Hi guys,

Im having some issues understanding how to manipulate the data that is in my DataGridView

The View is created by calling a stored procedure from VB code and works on two tables:


The columns required from Table people are (personid, userid and sort).

The columns required from Table pswds are (comment and activeuser).

Table people is parent table while pswds is the child table.

The Relationship works between both tables using primary keys from both tables: which is called personid in both.

The link below shows the Relationship Diagram for the Two tables:
The code for the Stored procedure can be found at the following Link:
Now the DataGridView returned by the Stored procedure produces the following output found at this link:
Of course there are many more results returned for this DataGridView but i have only shown a few of them. What i really need to know is:
Can this view be made to be editable?
I need to be able to update the both the Active user Check box and the Comment Columns from this view
I hope someone can help
Thx Flakky

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Binding Multiple Sources To Datagridview

May 20, 2008

Hello, I have a datagridview setup right now to display data from one table in my database. However, I am going to need it to pull certain columns from certain tables and put them all into one datagrid. The three tables are demographics, financial, and procedures. Can someone give me an example on how I'd go about doing this? I'm using

The procedures table is a list of options that will be displayed in a combo box, depending on the option selected, other cells in the datagrid will be filled with certain data, this data is in the procedures table as well. All of this data will be alongside a customer id located in the demographics table, and will all be recorded into the financial table.

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How To Display Data Retrieved In DataGridView Using SQL With

Feb 27, 2008

hi, could anyone tell me how to display data retrieved using sql in DataGridView?

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Populating DataGridView With Data From Two Tables?

Oct 11, 2007

I am sorry for asking such a broad question, but I have been working on this and from what I can gather it can be done. My problem is that much of it has gone right over my head and I am getting more confused the more I read... I'm really, really confused...

Basically, I have a dataGridView that is populated with a number of fields from Table1 (ID, NameID, Status, Phone, Notes). This works fine, BUT I would like to access Table2 and have, where ID in Table2 = NameID in Table1, it load the First Name & Last Name into the dataGridView. I am able to load the information from Table 2 like so: SELECT NameFirst + ' ' + NameLast from Table2", but I can't get both Tables to work correctly.

I would like the dataGridView to be layed out like this:

ID NameID Name (NameFirst + NameLast) Status Phone Notes

I can't for the life of me understand or get this to work (Or for that matter even understand what I am trying to do...

Also, I am using Access 2007.

I would greatly appreciate some help, and possibly some explanation in laymans terms so that I might be able to understand this. I have read a lot about this, but for whatever reason it is just soooooo over my head that I can't follow it whatsoever.

Here is the code as it stands now:

//Populate the DataGridView
string conString = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"DB.accdb;Jet OLEDBatabase Password=MyPassword;";

// create and open the connection
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(conString);
OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand();
command = conn.CreateCommand();

// create the DataSet
DataSet ds = new DataSet();

// run the query
command.CommandText = "SELECT ID AS [#], NameID AS [Name], Status AS [Status], Phone AS [Phone], Notes AS [Notes] FROM Table1 WHERE ID = " + textBox13.Text + ";";
OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();
adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command);

// close the connection

bindingSource1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingSource1;

// set the size of the dataGridView Columns
this.dataGridView1.Columns[0].Width = 10;
this.dataGridView1.Columns[1].Width = 100;
this.dataGridView1.Columns[2].Width = 100;
this.dataGridView1.Columns[3].Width = 100;
this.dataGridView1.Columns[4].Width = 176;

Any help and information is greatly appreciated.

Thanks Again,

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How Do I Insert Values Into CE From A DataGridView Row/rows?

Mar 19, 2007


Hi all...  can someone tell me why this does not work and how to make it work????

 SELECT     SQLkey, CreateDateTime, Alias, PropDNumb, PropDRevNumb, PropDItem, PropDMfg, PropDCat, PropDList, PropDCost, PropDGMDollar, PropDGM,
                      PropDSellPrice, PropDXSellPrice, PropDItemTotal, PropDShipQty, PropDStatus, create_timestamp, update_timestamp, update_originator_id,
FROM         ProposalDetail 
SQLKey, CreateDateTime, Alias, PropDNumb, PropDRevNumb, PropDItem, PropDMfg, PropDCat, PropDList,
PropDCost, PropDGMDollar, PropDGM, PropDSellPrice, PropDXSellPrice, PropDItemTotal, PropDShipQty, PropDStatus,
create_timestamp, update_timestamp,update_originator_id, create_date
'1', '3/20/2007 8:13:10 AM', 'SomeUser', 'b1', '4', '0761046', 'APP', 'Miscellaneous Options',
'54.000', '27.00', '27.00', '50.00', '54.00', '54.00', '54.00', '1', 'Active', '3/20/2007 8:13:10 AM', '3/20/2007 8:13:10 AM', '0',
 '3/20/2007 8:13:10 AM'
WHERE     (PropDNumb = 'b1') AND (PropDRevNumb = '1')


Thanks a ton!

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Select The CheckBox Inside The DataGridView

Feb 29, 2008


Can anybody help me fetch "True" & "False" value from a CheckBox inside a DataGridView row.

I tried the following code:-

But the cell.Selected doesnot take the correct value.

objGrid = (System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView)controlObj[0];

foreach (DataGridViewRow row in objGrid.Rows)


DataGridViewCheckBoxCell cell = row.Cells[0] as DataGridViewCheckBoxCell;

if (cell.Value != cell.FalseValue)


if (cell.Selected == true)


///Some Code;



Kindly Help ASAP

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Queries With Different Statements - Show Results In Datagridview

Oct 19, 2015

I have made a couple of queries I want to use into a Visual studio project, Now is my problem:

All my queries have different statements. I believe the best is to show the results in a Datagridview

How to view them there? I know how to do it... but I have got about 30 queries

Here is my code so far:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ComboBox1.DataSource = MyDB_DevDataSet.DataSetName.
Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=myDBmySRV;Initial Catalog=Teknotrans_dev;Integrated Security=True"
Dim sql As String = "SELECT * FROM CompanyMain"

[Code] ....

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DataGridView/SQL Express - Updating Record Using Seperate Form

Dec 7, 2006


I am currently using VC++/Cli 2005. In a project, I'm using a DataGridView control to show records from a SQL Express 2005 table. Instead of updating a specific item directly within DataGridView control, I would like to open a new form and allow user to update selected record/item within that form. The reason to update this way is conditionned by the fact that I have 3 levels of detail as following:

Level 0 Level 1 Level 2

1:N 1:N
Furniture --> Component --> Component

You all understand that update form of Level1 will/must include, as Level0 do, another DataGridView control to display/detail all related items issued from next level. This explains why I can't allow user to update Level 1 directly from DataGridView control.

I've searched in MSDN and even bought a few books on subject but unfortunately I found nothing on how to do it this way. All articles on DataGridView control were only showing how to update record directly from control.

My approach, I think, would be to transmit to my level1 updating form, as a single parameter, the selected DataRow object (or a brand new one if currently adding) issued from DataGridView and let user update it's content. When User finally leaves level0 update form, then I presume that DataGridView corresponding table would be automatically updated according to DataGridView's content.

What would be the proper way to do it? I would certainly appreciate to hear you view on this.

Also, what can I do if I want to refresh DataGridView's content when coming back from update form. Is it done automatically? I would certainly be sure that it reflects the reality, not only when I update it myself but also especially when other users could concurrently update same records?

Thanks in advance,


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