create view vwdate
select custno, custname, city, date
from salestab
where date = ????
well, this question mark...i have to fill..
like i want if month is june then i want for whole may month results of custno, custname and city..
if month is july then i want results for whole june month..
means for previous month results i want whatever the date is for that particular month..
if date='06/15/08'
then results will be
custno custname city date
1 AAAA NJ 05/01/08
2 SDS CT 05/04/08
........................ 05/18/08
.......................... 05/30/08
if date='06/30/08' OR '06/1/08' then also results will be same..
so i want for previous month results..
so can anyone help me to get the correct condition in where clause?
I'm having a problem... maybe it's very simple, but with soo many work, right now I can't think well...
I need to filter rows in a dataflow...
I created a condition spli to that... maybe there is a better solution...
And the condition is: Datex != NULL(DT_DATE)
(Some DATE != NULL)
[Eliminar Datex NULL [17090]] Error: The expression "Datex != NULL(DT_DATE)" on "output "Case 1" (17123)" evaluated to NULL, but the "component "Eliminar Datex NULL" (17090)" requires a Boolean results. Modify the error row disposition on the output to treat this result as False (Ignore Failure) or to redirect this row to the error output (Redirect Row). The expression results must be Boolean for a Conditional Split. A NULL expression result is an error.
For UserA : - For problemID 1 -> submitted three times -> rejected for first two submission and accepted on third submission. - For problemID 2 -> submitted one time -> accepted on first submission
For UserB : - For problemID 1 -> submitted two times -> rejected for first submission and accepted on second submission. - For problemID 2 -> submitted one time -> accepted on first submission
Now I would like to process the table and want to get the following result :
Explanation : - For each rejected submission, a -2 point penalty. - UserA have submitted probelmID 1 - > score of problemID 1 is 10. - > first two times rejectd - > third time accepted. -> score = 10 - 4 = 6 - UserA have submitted problemID 2 - > score of problemID 2 is 30 - > first time accepted. No penalty will be counted - > score = 30
I have written a merge Statement where i am facing trouble to delete the data basing on Where Clause Condition.
1) Case 1 : For example i have inserted Data from Source to Target based on Date Key Condition.Take an Instance 10 Records Inserted. 2) Case 2 : For example some changes in the records and it has been updated through the Merge Statement . 3) Case 3 : For the Same Date key based on Conditions now three records has came and need to be inserted and rest should be deleted for that Date Key.
How i need to proceed on this before 10 records are not getting deleted and new records adding for that one
My Example Code :
MERGE INTO TargetTable AS Target USING ( SELECT DISTINCT Col1, Col2 FROM Table1 AS cga ) ON dad.AnchorDate = CASE
I wonder if someone could suggest a way to obtain the following. Using SQL Server 2005 I want to create some stored procedures. I want to query the DB with various filter arguments and combinations of these. One way would be to create one stored procedure for each function signature. However, as the number of combinations of filter is large, if possible I'd rather have a generic input to the each stored procedure that corresponds to the entire WHERE clause' search condition.
The stereotype behavior I'm looking for is:
SELECT myField FROM myTable WHERE @mySearchCondition
Does any one have some good suggestion, code samples and/or links?
I want to change Set clause of Update Statement dynamically based on some condition.
Basically i have 2 Update statments having same FROM clause and same JOIN clause.
Only diff is SET clause and 1 Where condition.
So i am trying to combine 2 Update statements into 1 and trying to avoid visit to same table twice.
Update t Set CASE **WHEN Isnull(td.IsPosted, 0) = 0 THEN t.AODYD = td.ODYD** *ELSE t.DAODYD = td.ODYD* END From #ReportData As t Join @CIR AS tmp On t.RowId = tmp.Max_RowId
Result (While I am selecting 'Yes' in dropdown) ---------------------------------------------- incident_id usr_id item_id 10059926 191 61006 10054444 222 3232
SELECT incident.incident_id,incident.usr_id,incident.item_id FROM incident where exists (How i can write query here to check the act_type_sc=ADD_ATTCHMNTS is exists)
How can i write a condition for like isdate(Fields!DueDate.value)
I tried isdate but i am getting an error message. what is the equivalent for isdate in sql server reporting services formula fields or calculated fields expression.
I am collecting a year parameter from my user and want to use that year as part of a complete date condition.
So I collect the year say '2003' from my user.
A condition must be applied so that the date must be after 01-APR-...and here is where i want to utilize the parameter @Year. So I can apply the same date condition depending on what year we are looking at.
I am currently using the following logic:
This causes problems as the date can be only Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 01 or 02. What I need is to gather all dates prior to Apr 02, with the year paramter to follow.
We originally developed this querty using Oracle so idealy there would exist a pl-sql to t-sql conversion tool out there! Anybody know of one?
Here is how the pl-sql is structured: CANCELLATION_DATE >= TO_DATE('02-APR-'||:"Year",'DD-MON-YYYY') ) ) )
Hi guys. i have a field in a table which datatype is varchar and i m storing datetime and number in it.. but when i try to use select statement like ( between startdate and enddate) or number (= ) operator it's not working..
select * from table where cast(Field as datetime) between @startdate and @enddate
second query that i m trying to exectue is
select * from table where cast(Field as bigint) = @Fieldid
but both are not returning any value...can anyone tells me where i m doing mistake
i want to limit the data being stored in a table to the past 6 months only. data in the table is refreshed each night. how do i do this without hard coding a date?
I've two audit tables, AUDIT_ORDERS and AUDIT_ORDER_LINES.
The AUDIT_ORDERS has these columns: AUDIT_ID, ORDER_ID, AUDIT_DATE and other ones.
The AUDIT_ORDER_LINES has these columns: AUDIT_ID, ORDER_ID, ORDER_LINE_ID, AUDIT_DATE and other ones.
I need to join these two tables in order to select for each order line row the first order having the related audit date lower than or equal to the audit date of the related order line.
I don't want to use the TOP 1 clause or a subquery. I think to complete a such statement:
SELECT OL.Order_Line_ID, O.Order_ID, OL.Audit_Date, O.Audit_Date FROM AUDIT_ORDER_LINES as OL INNER JOIN AUDIT_ORDERS as O on OL.Order_ID = O.Order_ID and O.Audit_Date <= OL.Audit_Date ...
I'd like to get the first row of the Audit_Orders with audit_date <= of the audit_date of the Audit_Order_Lines table by using the join clause.
Hi all. Fairly new to all this, but I just came across a problem today with SQL 2000. I need to get a report on all data in a table for the previous 12 months. So when ever the report gets run, say it gets run on Decemebr 4th, I would get all data from the beginning of last december up til the end of this november.
I tried saying WHERE dbo.Table.Date BETWEEN ((MONTH(GETDATE())-13) AND (MONTH(GETDATE())-1)) but that gave me everything between between December and November regardless of year.
Anyone know a good way to word this? I can't just ask for everything older than GETDATE()-365 because it needs to be Start of Month to End of Month regardles of when it's run.
I am working on query where i have to get data from 1 October 2007 till Current month - 1.
i.e Current month is March 2008 then the data should be between 1 October 2007 till 29 Feburary 2008, and so on and so forth for every month.
I have written a query and It working fine but for some reason I think it can be done in some simple way.
Code Snippet Select datepart(mm,Tce1lsc0.budat) as 'Month' ,datepart(yyyy,Tce1lsc0.budat) as 'Year' , as 'Market' , Tmarketsector.sector as 'Sector' ,Tce1lsc0.ARTNR AS 'Material_Number' ,Tce1lsc0.KNDNR AS 'Customer_Number' from Tce1lsc0 left outer join TMarketSector on TMarketSector.[Kndnr]= Tce1lsc0.[KNDNR] and TMarketSector.[Artnr] = Tce1lsc0.[ARTNR] where convert (varchar (10) ,tce1lsc0.budat , 112) > 20070930 and ltrim (rtrim (datepart (mm,tce1lsc0.budat)+ datepart (yyyy,tce1lsc0.budat))) <> ltrim (rtrim (datepart(mm,getdate()) + datepart(yyyy,getdate())))
Hello all I have a simple DataSource control setup to a basic database that includes a datetime column, I want to retrieve records from today and beyond. How do incorporate this into the Where clause? Im getting stuck with the syntax too so a specific example would be most helpfull.This is the DataSource <asp:SqlDataSource ID="ResultsSqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT client, date FROM clients WHERE (client = @client) Order by date asc "><SelectParameters><asp:controlparameter ControlID="TextBox1" Name="client" PropertyName="Text" /></SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource> If this requires code can you give C# Thanks Tino
I'm trying to pull a list of users with upcoming or recently passed birthdays. I'm using a CAST to create a birthday of the person using their actual birth month and day, but substituting the current day. This CAST works just fine in the actual query, but fails when I put it in the WHERE clause with the error: Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string. I don't see how it can work in one area and not in the other.
Code: SELECT P.EMF_EMPL_ID, CAST(Month(P.EMF_BIRTH_DATE8) AS varchar) + '/' + CAST(Day(P.EMF_BIRTH_DATE8) AS varchar) AS Birthday, DateDiff(d, getdate(), CAST(CAST(Month(P.EMF_BIRTH_DATE8) AS varchar) + '/' + CAST(Day(P.EMF_BIRTH_DATE8) AS varchar) + '/' +
HELP... I’m new to ASP.NET so please excuse my inexperienced question. I’m using VWD 2005 and a remote SQL 2000.In the (Configure Data Source) under the (Select) tab I have this simple query:
Select * from calendarWhere event_date = now
Right off the that bat you can probably see the problem. I just want to retrieve all event at is equal to today (current date). In classic ASP is can use <%now%> and in ColdFusion I can use #now()#. What is the proper syntax the get the server current date and time, like (getDate()) in SQL?
Say I want to return only records with dates that fall within the next 6 months. Is there some straight-forward, simple way of doing so?As of now, I'm explicitly giving it a date 6 months in the future, but I'd like to replace it with some sort of function. SELECT DateField1WHERE (DateField1 < CONVERT(DATETIME, '2008-06-03 00:00:00', 102)) Any help is greatly appreciated... btw I'm using SQL 2005.
SELECT * FROM bookkeep RIGHT OUTER JOIN acraccts ON LEFT(bookkeep.accnum, 9) = acraccts.p_accnum WHERE (bookkeep.busdate = '03/09/10') AND (bookkeep.tradetype = 'S')
on my sql box, if i run it, i get no data.
i figured out that if i change the where clause to (bookkeep.busdate='2003/09/10') it works
if i simply put SET DATEFORMAT YMD on the first line before the SELECT * that it also works.
my problem is the basic query is hard coded and i really can't change it.
is there a global sql server setting that will make my sql 2000 sp3 box recognize '30/09/10' as 2003/09/10?
I am trying to write an visibility function to have message shown based on two different IIF conditions:
If behavior is to Add a customer ( if message =NAME ALREADY EXISTS, return " NAME ALREADY EXISTS", otherwize return " NAME CREATED")If behavior is to Delete a customer (( if message =NAME DOES NOT EXIST, return "NAME DOES NOT EXIST", otherwize return "NAME SUCCESSFULLY DELETED") I tried the following which doesn't work: =IIF((UCase(First(Fields!Message.Value, "DataSetName")) = "NAME ALREADY EXISTS"), "WARNING: NAME ALREADY EXIST", "NAME CREATED"), IIF((UCase(First(Fields!Message.Value, "DataSetName")) = " NAME DOES NOT EXIST"), "WARNING: NAME DOES NOT EXIST", " NAME DELETED")
Hello i currently have a website that has an SQL server 2005 dbs that stores appointments. I would like to do a select statement in my sqldatasource that selects all the records that have an 'appointmentDate' more than 2 weeks after the current date (ie the system date). I am stuck on the SQL statement i need to produce to achieve this. I was thinking along the lines of SELECT * FROM appointments WHERE appointmentDate > System.Date + 14; However this is clearly not the right SQL statement. Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks, James.
I want to have a FromDateTextBox and a ToDateTextBox where the user can enter in dates (most likely in mm/dd/yy format, although intelligently handing other formats might be a plus). Then I want to use these dates as the basis for a WHERE clause like:<some sql...> WHERE start_date BETWEEN 'FromDateTextBox.Text' AND 'ToDateTextBox.Text' (Note this WHERE clause will be used as the basis for an SqlDataSource FilterExpression). 1. I believe the date strings need to be in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd' to search SQL server is this correct?2. What's a decent way to convert the strings from the textboxes to the required format?3. How can I avoid an SQL injection attack?
I've been experiencing difficulty with pulling records using a where clause date range. I'm using this:
select * from dbo.ACCTING_TRANSACTION_hISTORY where ath_postype = 'NTC' or ath_postype='NTD' and
ath_postdate >= '2013-01-01 00:00:00' and ath_postdate <= '2013-01-05 23:59:59'
I've also tried variations of this without the time portion of the ath_postdate field (of type datetime) , but it still seems to be pulling records from 2009, etc.
I have a quite big SQL query which would be nice to be used using UNION betweern two Select and Where clauses. I noticed that if both Select clauses have Where part between UNION other is ignored. How can I prevent this?
I found a article in StackOverflow saying that if UNION has e.g. two Selects with Where conditions other one will not work. [URL] ....
I have installed SQL Server 2014 and I tried to use tricks mentioned in StackOverflow's article but couldn't succeeded.
Any example how to write two Selects with own Where clauses and those Selects are joined with UNION?
I am developing a scientific application (demographic forecasting) and have a situation where I need to update a variety of rows, say the ith, jth and kth row that meets a particular condition, say, x.
I also need to adjust rows, say mth and nth that meet condition , say y.
My current solution is laborious and has to be coded for each condition and has been set up below (If you select this entire piece of code it will create 2 databases, each with a table initialised to change the 2nd,4th,8th and 16th rows, with the first database ignoring the condition and with the second applying the change only to rows with 'type1=1' as the condition.)
This is an adequate solution, but if I want to change the second row meeting a second condition, say 'type1=2', I would need to have another WITH...SELECT...INNER JOIN...UPDATE and I'm sure this would be inefficient.
Would there possibly be a way to introduce a rank by type into the table, something like this added column which increments for each type:
ID Int1 Type1 Ideal Rank by Type
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 2
3 2 1 3
4 3 1 4
5 5 1 5
6 8 2 1
7 13 1 6
8 21 1 7
9 34 1 8
10 55 2 2
11 89 1 9
12 144 1 10
13 233 1 11
14 377 1 12
15 610 1 13
16 987 2 3
17 1597 1 14
18 2584 1 15
19 4181 1 16
20 6765 1 17
The solution would then be a simple update based on an innerjoin reflecting the condition and rank by type...
I hope this posting is clear, albeit long.
Thanks in advance
PS The code:
USE CertainRowsToChange
CREATE TABLE InitialisedValues
InitialisedValuesID int identity(1 ,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
Hi, can anyone shed some light on this issue?SELECT Status from lupStatuswith a normal query it returns the correct recordcountSELECT Status from lupStatus GROUP BY Statusbut with a GROUP By clause or DISTINCT clause it return the recordcount= -1
ON dbo.Track_ID.SM_ID = dbo.transactions.sm_session_id
GROUP BY dbo.Track_ID.TrackID
) Once moved to SQL Server 2005 the statement would not return and showed SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD to be the waittype when executed. This machine is SP1 and needs to be upgraded to SP2, something that is not going to happen near time.
I changed the SQL to the following, SQL Server now runs it in under a second, but now the app is not functioning correctly. Are the above and the following semantically the same?
UPDATE dbo.Track_ID
SET dbo.Track_ID.Processed = 4 --Regular 1 leg call thats been completed