Hi, I have this query string: SELECT distinct [KioskID], MAX([ServerDate])FROM [report].[dbo].[tbKiosksLog]Where kioskid like 'ids%' group by kioskid order by kioskid
I'm using Ms SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition. After I've process a OLAP cube, for the dimension with the data type DateTime, the date format will come out as YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss. How do I change that date format to just DD/MM/YYYY?
want to insert a format date "dd/MM/yy" into a MS SQL table, But the fields default format is American "MM/dd/yy" How I can change this default format.
What is the best way of converting datatime field value 29/03/2005 08:58:27 to 29/03/2005. I only want to remove Time from date and I am using Sql Server 2000. Thanks Arvind
Would it be possible to change the date time from varchar to datetime. it currently showing as varchar in the following format 20080401 0845 can it be changed to date/time format into something like this 01/04/2008 08:45. If someone could help that would be great. Many thanks
Hello! I have a table in an SQL database, in which I have a field in datetime format. In my aspx page I would like to get the date the user chooses from an asp: calendar I have and submit it to the DB. I already have all the code ready, the datasource, the gridview, all other fields to submit, and I just added a template field with the asp:calendar so that the user could choose a date. I´m getting this error when I run the page: "Conversion from type 'Date' to type 'Boolean' is not valid." It seems to be a problem about the date that is given by the Calendar object (?) and the one I should submit to my DB. Here´s the part of the code where I have my standard Calendar binded to the correspondant field: <asp:Calendar ID="Calendar1" runat="server" SelectedDate='<%# Bind("data") %>' Visible='<%# Eval("data") %>'> </asp:Calendar> I´m gessing I should probably change the format of the date somehow before submit it to the DB, but how? Thank you all,
Please, is there any way to change the date format of a smalldatetime column of a table in SQL Server Express?
What I mean is that the default date format for a column which type is smalldatetime is "MM/dd/yyyy" but I'm developing a localized application and the date format that I would like to use is "dd/MM/yyyy", so I would like to know is if there any way to change this.
I know that I could write some code in my application in order to do the conversion, but I would like to avoid this because I'm using the databinding property of the control and if I have to write a piece of code in order to do the conversion, I will loose this functionality.
I'm currently using WindowsXP SP2, SQL Server Express 2005, SQL Server Management Studio Express and VB.Net 2005 Express Edition. All applications including the OS are USA English version. The application that I'm writing is being localized to PT-BR (Brazilian Portuguese).
I'm using report with a date parameter (user enters a date) and all transactions before that date are displayed. I don't know how to set parameter date format on the displayed report to dd/mm/yyyy.
If it's not a parameter I usually use sql " convert(varchar(10),datefield,103)" but don't know how to use this with parameter.
I have a webform that has 2 calendars that i use to insert a dateFrom and dateTo into a sql database table that has the type smalldatetime. When i insert into the database i get yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss but i just want the yyyy-mm-dd not the time. how can i do this with my asp.net c# code? I also has a datetime.Now() that does the same thing.1 string dateNow = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); 2 3 string myConnectionString = @"Data Source=SRVWEB02SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=strukton_se;User ID=user;Password=secret"; 4 5 SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString); 6 string myInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO jobs (name, description, contact, datePosted, dateFrom, dateTo) Values(@name, @description, @contact, @datePosted, @dateFrom, @dateTo)"; 7 SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(myInsertQuery); 8 myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", TextBoxName.Text); 9 myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("description", TextBoxDescription.Text.Replace(" ", "<br/>")); 10 myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("contact", TextBoxContact.Text.Replace(" ", "<br/>")); 11 myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("datePosted", dateNow); 12 myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateFrom", Calendar1.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString()); 13 myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("dateTo", Calendar2.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString()); 14 15 ButtonSubmit.Enabled = false; 16 17 myCommand.Connection = myConnection; 18 myConnection.Open(); 19 myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); 20 myCommand.Connection.Close(); Thanks.
I have created an package in SSIS and getting some problem when i am export date from OLEDB to Excel its format getting change. I am passing date format MM/dd/yyyy and its showing yyyy-MM-dd.
E.g, i have a store procedure. The start date is long date (4/15/2007 3:00pm). i want to select the start date with a particular date (short date format 4/15/2006). Thanks in advance.
I am trying get my VB6 application to insert a record into a table (SQL Express) which has a datetime column but it would not process if the data format is differ to *American Date format*.
The date() function in VB returns 15/11/2006 which is in Australian Date format (DD/MM/YYYY) according to my setting in "Reginal and Lanuage Option-> Locale 0> English (Australia)" setting.
I get the following error:
Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Server KITSQLEXPRESS, Line 1 The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value. The statement has been terminated.
My computer's locale is set to English (Australia) and I expect the datetime format would follow what is set in system locale
I've read an article somewhere on the net about how SQL 2005 eliminate the confusion of date conversion when read/write datetime records into a table...but it seems to me that it is still as in-flexible as MS Access
Is there a setting in the database that takes care of it?
I have a column date in my database which I should send it to Oracle database. The Date format in Oracle is number. I don’t know how should I convert the date to that format? Example : SQL FormatOracle Format 02/16/05 105046
Hi..I have an application which uses Sql Server 2000 and .NetMy user can view date in dd/mm/yyyy format but at the back, i send date to the Sql Server in mm/dd/yyyy fromat.But the problem is with the date format that Sql Server uses to store.It smoe times accept date in dd/mm/yyyy fromat and sometimes in mm/dd/yyyy format.I am wondering why this is happening?I have used SET DATEFORMAT....but i have to use it befor every query.Even i don't know how to set dateformat each time with vb.net program.I think i can avoide this burden for server if i can set a date format in mm/dd/yyyy fromat.What should i do?
Hi Everybody, I have SQL Server running on Win NT. My question is : Is there a way to change the format Of date type fields (datetime and smalldatetime) from the US Date format which is for ex: July 13 1998 to 13 July 1998. I know I can use several functions to do it elsewhere, but I want it to become my default format for the new columns I create in new tables.
I'm getting alot of date converstion trouble with my application when the end user's regional settings is not the same as the sql server box... I am using normal sqlcommands to enter my data into the sql db (vb.net), and alot of times I get users who's application breaks, because of this.
My question is... Is there some T-SQL command in sql server which will tell me the date formats it expects?
What I want to do then is query the server for these settings on startup of my application, and then set my application to use that date format for all it's date functions... This way, I'll eliminate the errors my application has to deal with.
Hello Sir, I am using sql server 2000.whenever i fetch a record from as database.i have a date field in the table.it reurns the date with time.but i want only the time with a new format(Like- dd/MM/yyyy).So how can i do it. Pls help. alok..........
Hi. I'm localized in Greece and the date format used is dd/mm/yyyy.
So I have is that I made a page with a callendar. The user picks a date and this date is stored to an SQL server. But here comes the problem. When I try to write to the server the above format ( dd/mm/yyyy ) is not accepted because SQL wants date in format ( mm/dd/yyyy). So if day is bigger than 12 I get error or if is less than 13 wrong date is stored in the SQL.
Hi Dear All DBAs Does anyone know whether you can specify date format(EG dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy) for SQL server when you install it?
It seems to me that it always assume US date format when converting a date string to a datatime variable.
You can easily try this by running query Select convert(smalldatetime, "30/5/2000"). It would say "...out of range..." until you use "5/30/2000". It does not seem to relate to NT regional setting(I already set it to our local setting dd/mm/yyyy).
You can use "set dateformat" in the application to get around it. But I would like to change the default format to dd/mm/yyyy. Any solution? (EG reinstall SQL server?)
When I first installed the SQL server on my server, the default date format was mm/dd/yy. Now I need to change that to dd/mm/yy in regional settings, but its still not reflected in the DB's in SQL (its still mm/dd/yy).
Is it possible to change it in SQL without a complete reinstallation of the server?
Can anyone tell me how can i change the datetime format in Ms SQL Server 2000.
During i insert a data from VB to Ms SQL 2000 database, my date field return me the format as "2004-06-30 14:20:31.000". My actual format need like this "Jun 30 2004 02:20:31 PM"
I have format my coding in VB as "Format(X,"dd/MMM/YYYY HH:MM:SS"). But this look like something wrong once the data is insert to the table.