I need a help!!! I am trying to convert string to datetime and i dont know how to...
when i run my stored procedure I got an error message:
Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 45
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
part of my stored procedure that gives me an error message is:
case when b.ClaimStatusCode <> 3
then cc.BenefitEndDate
else NULL end, '00-00-0000' as MaxBenefitDate
So when ClaimStatusCode is NOT closed (claimstatuscode <>3) is going to show cc.BenefitEndDate...but if claim is closed (claimstatuscode = 3) then its going to show '00/00/0000' on the crystal report.
or maybe someone know how to write a formula in crystal report to be able to do this.
i have migrated a DTS package wherein it consists of SQL task.
this has been migrated succesfully. but when i execute the package, i am getting the error with Excute SQL task which consists of Store Procedure excution.
But the SP can executed in the client server. can any body help in this regard.
Hi All, can someone help me, i've created a stored procedure to make a report by calling it from a website. I get the message error "241: Syntax error converting datetime from character string" all the time, i tryed some converting things but nothig works, probably it is me that isn't working but i hope someone can help me. The code i use is:
CREATE proc CP_Cashbox @mID varchar,@startdate datetime,@enddate datetime as set dateformat dmy go declare @startdate as varchar declare @enddate as varchar
--print "query aan het uitvoeren"
select sum(moneyout) / sum(moneyin)*100 as cashbox from dbo.total where machineID = '@mID' and njdate between '@startdate' and '@enddate' GO
update tblPact_2008_0307 set student_dob = '30/01/1996' where student_rcnumber = 1830when entering update date in format such as ddmmyyyyi know the sql query date format entered should be in mmddyyyy formatis there any way to change the date format entered to ddmmyyyy in sql query?
while executing the following statement: select convert(datetime,'Nov 31, 2002 10:05pm') got the following error: The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
the datetime set is mdy is there any way to make this work though this is not according to the iso standarts.
I have a function that is based aounr the input of parameters. The last remaing issue is that I am required to enter the data into the parameter field as mm/dd/yyyy. I want to be able to enter the data as dd/mm/yyyy. I have tried to use
WHERE (CONVERT(datetime,src_terrier.datadate,103) = @dt_src_date) AND..........
But this just throws an error "Msg 8114, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spWTRalldatareportsummary, Line 0 Error converting data type nvarchar to datetime."
GO Anybody got any ideas as to what I have done wrong? I have also tried it without the N just before the date and get a varchar version of the same error.
I have a stored procedure that takes a @INPUT_DATE Varchar(25) as an input parameter. It passes this @Date to a User Defined function that checks if @Date is a valid date and then returns either the date or a "1" for not a valid date. If it is not a valid date, I use the RAISERROR and stop the insert call.
Here is the parts from the Stored Procedure
--Input Parameter @INPUT_DATEvarchar(25) = NULL,
--Send the Parameter to the User Defined Function DECLARE @Error AS INT DECLARE @ErrorMessage AS VARCHAR(200)
--Check to make sure a all dates are entered correctly SET @INPUT_DATE = dbo.Function_Check_Date(@INPUT_DATE)
IF (@INPUT_DATE = '1') BEGIN SET @Error = 1 SET @ErrorMessage = '-Date formatted wrong' RAISERROR(@ErrorMessage, 15, 1) END -------------------------------------------------------
And here is my User Defined Function
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Function_Check_Date] ( @Temp VarChar(25) ) RETURNS VARCHAR
BEGIN DECLARE @Date VarChar(25)
IF (ISDATE(@Temp) = 0) AND (@Temp <> 'N/A') AND (@Temp <> '') BEGIN SET @Date = '1' END ELSE IF (@Temp = 'N/A') OR (@Temp = '') --For not availables or Blanks BEGIN SET @Date = CONVERT(DATETIME, '1/1/1900') END
The error is occuring when I try to convert the @INPUT_DATE to a datetime in the insert statement. The field value for the DateColumn in the database is a DateTime format. The error I receive is Error Converting datetime from character string. But when I test all these items in Query Analyzer, I am able to do each step without error?
Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [154]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Invalid character value for cast specification".
Error: 0xC020901C at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [154]: There was an error with input column "Transaction_Date" (1233) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (167). The column status returned was: "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".
Error: 0xC0209029 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [154]: The "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (167)" failed because error code 0xC0209077 occurred, and the error row disposition on "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (167)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
Error: 0xC0047022 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: The ProcessInput method on component "OLE DB Destination" (154) failed with error code 0xC0209029. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.
Error: 0xC0047021 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0209029.
I have a problem with a datetime field. In the database is stored as datetime (121 format) ex. 2008-05-20 17:30:00.000 I have a simple select query (no datetime conversions used) and the result I get from the report looks like 5/20/2008 5:30 PM.
I dont want this format so i use this custom dd:MM:yyyy hh:mms
After that i get the dates like this 5/20/2008 5:30 instead of 17:30.
I am trying to call a userdefined function and it excepts and date like 4/15/2007 but when i call my function i get an error
the multipart identifier datetime,now could not be bound and this is my codePublic Function GetPeriods() Dim myconnection As New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings(APPSETTING_DBCONNECTION)) Dim query1 As String = "Select dbo.udf_Quarter(Datetime.Now)" 'Max(PeriodId) From Period" myconnection.Open() Dim MaxPeriodId As Integer Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(query1, myconnection) cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text MaxPeriodId = cmd.ExecuteScalar() Response.Write(MaxPeriodId) Session("PeriodId") = MaxPeriodId
Return (MaxPeriodId)
End Function any help will be appreicated Regards, Karen
Hi y'all I have a problem in my query.This is my querySELECT dbo.BOS_GL_Workplace.WpszState, Emp2.szName, Emp1.szName AS szEmpName, Emp1.szEmployeeId, dbo.BOS_PI_Division.szName AS Divisi, dbo.BOS_PI_Team.szDescription,dbo.BOS_SD_Route.szRouteId, dbo.BOS_SD_Route.szDescription, dbo.BOS_SD_Route.szScheduleId, dbo.BOS_SD_RouteItem.szCustId, dbo.BOS_SD_Route.szOpUserId,dbo.BOS_AR_Customer.szCustId ,dbo.BOS_AR_Customer.szName, dbo.BOS_AR_Customer.CustszAddress_1 AS AlamatKirim, dbo.BOS_AR_Customer.szTaxId, dbo.BOS_AR_Customer.CustszAddress_1 AS AlamatTagih, dbo.BOS_AR_Customer.CustszCity, dbo.BOS_AR_Customer.CustszZipCode, dbo.BOS_AR_Customer.szStatus, dbo.BOS_AR_CustSales.szPaymentTermId, dbo.BOS_AR_CustSales.decCreditLimit,BOS_AR_Customer.dtmStart,BOS_AR_Customer.dtmLastUpdated FROM dbo.BOS_PI_Employee Emp1 LEFT OUTER JOIN BOS_PI_Employee Emp2 on Emp1.szSupervisorID = Emp2.szEmployeeID Left outer join dbo.BOS_GL_Workplace ON Emp1.szWorkplaceId = dbo.BOS_GL_Workplace.szWorkplaceId LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.BOS_PI_Division ON Emp1.szDivisionId = dbo.BOS_PI_Division.szDivisionId LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.BOS_PI_Team ON Emp1.szTeamId = dbo.BOS_PI_Team.szTeamId LEFT OUTER JOIN BOS_SD_Route on Emp1.szEmployeeId = BOS_SD_route.szOPuserId LEFT OUTER JOIN BOS_SD_RouteItem on BOS_SD_Route.szRouteId = BOS_SD_RouteItem.szRouteID LEFT OUTER JOIN BOS_AR_Customer on BOS_SD_RouteItem.szCustID = BOS_AR_Customer.szCUstID LEFT OUTER JOIN BOS_AR_CustSales on BOS_AR_Customer .szCustId = BOS_AR_CustSales.szCustID When I run that query, it was working fine the result was correct. Then I tried to add the where clause, like this:WHERE BOS_AR_Customer.dtmLastUpdated >= '8/1/2006' AND BOS_AR_Customer.dtmLastUpdated <='9/21/2007'And it was also working fine, the result was also correct--pay attention dudes the date format is mm/dd/yyyyThen I try to change the date format to dd/mm/yyyy in the where clause like this (because later I realized that, this is the query that gonna be used):WHERE BOS_AR_Customer.dtmLastUpdated >= '1/8/2006' AND BOS_AR_Customer.dtmLastUpdated <='21/9/2007'The result was an error message saying:"The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value."Can you tell me whats wrong, please. I appreciate anykinds of help guys, thanks. FYI : I use SQL SERVER 2000 Best Regards.
I have a dropdown list thats boudn to a SqlDataSource. The DataSource looks like this: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsProgramList" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:csData %>" SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT [Program_Name] +','+ [Begin_Date] AS NAMEandDATE, [Course_ID], [LOC] FROM [ThisTable] WHERE ([LOC] = @LOC)"> <SelectParameters>
Where the dropdownlists text = NAMEandDATE and its value = Course_ID When I select the LOC from the LOCdropdownlist, the dropdownlist in question updates, and an error "Erro converting datetime from character string" happens? Any suggestions?
I have a stored procedure simply adds userid,logintime and status to db but I have an error when running procedure can you help me please??
Create Procedure AddLog ( @User char(10), @DLogon DateTime(8), @Status bit ) As Insert Into Log(UserID,LogInTime,Online) Values(@User,DLogon,Status)
Server: Msg 128, Level 15, State 1, Procedure AddLog, Line 9 The name 'DLogon' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.
Please HELP! On my asp.NET page I'm setting a datetime variable to Now() and inserting that value into SQL Server as a datetime stamp. I want to then retrieve the count of the number of records that were inserted into the table that have that value. The field in the table is just a datetime datatype.But it's returning 0 records because the Now() value is getting converted to military time and losing the seconds! For example, Now() is "9/13/2005 2:48:25 PM" but the value being inserted into the table is "2005-09-13 14:48:00.000".ARRRGGHH! What am I missing?? What do I need to do to be able to (1) keep the seconds, and (2) identify the records in order to retrieve them?Thanks in advance for your help!!!Lynnette
Hi, I'm having trouble updating a DateTime field in my SQL database. Here is what I'm trying to do....I retrieve the existing value in the DateTime field (usually a bum date like 1/1/1900 00:00:00:00), then put it in a variable. Later, depending on some conditions, I'll either update the DateTime field to today's date (which works great) or set it back equal to the existing value from the variable (this one messes up and says "SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM. "). There is a ton more than this but here are the relevant snippets:<code>Dim CompDate As DateTimeDim aComm As SQLCommand Dim aReader As SQLDataReader Dim bSQL,bConn As String bSQL= "SELECT CompleteDate,StatusOfMarkout FROM Tickets WHERE TicketName=" _ & CHR(39) & Trim(Ticket.Text) & CHR(39) bConn = serverStuff aConn = New SQLConnection(bConn) aComm = New SQLCommand(bSQL,aConn) aConn.Open() result = aComm.ExecuteReader() 'fills controls with data While result.Read() CompDate = result("CompleteDate") PreviousMarkoutStatus.Text = result("StatusOfMarkout") End While result.Close() aConn.Close()sSqlCmd ="Update OneCallTickets CompleteDate=@CompleteDate, StatusOfMarkout=@StatusOfMarkout WHERE TicketFileName=@TicketFileName" dim SqlCon as New SqlConnection(serverStuff) dim SqlCmd as new SqlCommand(sSqlCmd, SqlCon) If Flag1List.SelectedItem.Value = "No Change" Then SqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Flag1", SqlDbType.NVarChar,35)) SqlCmd.Parameters("@Flag1").Value = PreviousMarkoutStatus.Text SqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CompleteDate", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8)) SqlCmd.Parameters("@CompleteDate").Value = CompDateElse SqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Flag1", SqlDbType.NVarChar,35)) SqlCmd.Parameters("@Flag1").Value = CurrentStatus.Text SqlCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CompleteDate", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8)) SqlCmd.Parameters("@CompleteDate").Value = Today()End IfSqlCon.Open() SqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() SqlCon.Close()</code>Can anybody help me with this? Thanks a bunch
on a column DateNew = DateTimei am trying :INSERT INTO [dbo].[Users] (DateNew) VALUES ('2003/01/31 10:04:14')and i get an error :conversion of char data type to datetime data type resulted in an out of range datetime valueI had never this error before , do you know why ?i must enter a yyyy/mm/dd format because this database will be used for Fr and Us langagesthank you for helping
Hi Group,I am new with SQL Server..I am working with SQL Server 2000.I am storing the date in a nvarchar column of atable.... Now I want toshow the data of Weekends..Everything is OK...But the problem isarising with Conversion of nvarchar to date...to identify theweekends...Like..Here DATEVALUE is a nvarchar column...But getting theerror..Value of DATEVALUE like dd-mm-yyyy...04-08-2004-----------------------------------------------------------Server: Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 1Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.---------------------------------------------------------------------------Actual Query-------------------------------Select DATEVALUE,<Other Column Names> from Result whereDatepart(dw,convert(Datetime,DATEVALUE))<>1 andDatepart(dw,convert(Datetime,DATEVALUE))<>7-----------------------------------------------------------Thanks in advance..RegardsArijit Chatterjee
hi all, i'm trying to insert the time/date a button was clicked on a gridview and it generates an error:the string was not recognized as a valid DateTime.There is an unknown word starting at index 0 i have changed the culture to en-US but it still doesn't work. i actually created the date/time column after some data had been entered into the table so the column allows nulls. this is my code:InsertCommand="INSERT INTO test101(Surname,Names,Registration,Login Time)VALUES (@Surname, @Names, @Registration,@Login_Time)"<Insert Parameters><asp:Parameter DefaultValue= DateTime.Now Type=DateTime Name="Login_Time" /></Insert Parameters>any suggestions?
Sorry seem to be havign no end of trouble with SQL today. I need to create a query that will rank tickets using the row count of another table which has a relationship with the primarykey of that ticket table. I decided to spilt it into two querys, one which gets the count each ticketid has within a date peroid and relating to a os:: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, Tickets.TicketID, Systems.OSFROM Rating INNER JOIN Tickets ON Rating.TicketID = Tickets.TicketID INNER JOIN Systems ON Tickets.SystemID = Systems.SystemIDWHERE (Rating.DateVoted >= @date)GROUP BY Tickets.TicketID, Systems.OSHAVING (Systems.OS = @osid) This works, BUT when I put in the date using: command.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, Tickets.TicketID, Systems.OS FROM Rating INNER JOIN Tickets ON Rating.TicketID = Tickets.TicketID INNER JOIN Systems ON Tickets.SystemID = Systems.SystemID WHERE (Rating.DateVoted >=" + Datetime.Now.Adddays(-7) + ") GROUP BY Tickets.TicketID, Systems.OS HAVING (Systems.OS =" + 1 + ")"; And it throws up an error saying there was a syntax error at '22' (the hour I am currently on). So: Any idea how I can fix thisAny ideas on creating a query that will do the above, but also return the ticket informationHow do you link querys (I might have to do this if I can't work out 2)Please, If anyone has any ideas. This is driving me crazy
i use this statement to insert into sql tablecmdInsert = New SqlCommand("insert into empbill ([deptcode],[personNo,[entrydate]] ) values(" & Val(eno.Text) & "," & Val(TextBox5.Text) & ", " & dd.Text & "')", db) cmdInsert.ExecuteNonQuery() dd.Text value is 22/5/2008 it come from datetime calender the entrydate field datatype is datetime i found data always 1/1/1900 00:00:00 how i enter my date
wHILE CONVERTING IT INTO DATATYPE DATETIME , I AM GETTING THIS ERROR :- "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime." i DON'T KNOW WHY
I am trying to create a stored procedure that Pulls in Chargeable and Non Chargeable hours for our employees however When I run the Stored Procedure I get this error "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string." I am having a hard time figuring out were this is happening in the Stored Procedure. Also I would like to be able to Add a parameter that would be the StartDate and EndDate for which the stored procedure would pull time for.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Chargeability] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;
Probably one of the easiest queries some have seen around, but good ol' MS and their dates. I can't get around this error on this simple query. It will be a job that will run probably several times a day. I haven't even gotten passed to the second part of it....I've also seen this error is a VERY popular error, even with advanced programmers it seems. WOW. Basically, I want to keep the row count to 2 days. Well, if you have any suggestions, I'd take 'em. Thanks!
Delete from tblCallIndexes where inum in (select inum from tblCalls where StartedAt < 'DATEADD(d,-2,GETDATE())')
I have managed to pass a string parameter form the main report to the subreport with no problems, but when i try and use the same method to pass a datetime type, i am issued with the following error messase:
"[rsErrorExecutingSubreport] An error occurred while executing the subreport €˜SubReportName€™: The value provided for the report parameter 'MasterDate' is not valid for its type."
I cant see why it work for strings, but not for datetime. Any suggestions will be very much appreciated