Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Mar 5, 2007


How to prepare SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2000 for changes to daylight saving time in 2007?

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Daylight Saving Time Changes For US And Canada

Jan 12, 2007

I thought I would post this just in case you are not aware of the change of the Daylight Saving Time start and end dates in 2007. This is really an OS problem, not a SQL Server problem, but it could have a big impact on your applicaitons if you are not prepared. The first change is less that 2 months away, so it's not a bad time to give it some thought.

Here are some articles about preparing systems for the 2007 daylight savings time changes that you might find of interest.

Preparing for daylight saving time changes in 2007:
“Starting in the spring of 2007, daylight saving time (DST) start and end dates for the United States will transition to comply with the Energy Policy Act of 2005. DST dates in the United States will start three weeks earlier (2:00 A.M. on the second Sunday in March) and will end one week later (2:00 A.M. on the first Sunday in November).

Microsoft will be producing an update for Microsoft products affected by the new United States daylight saving time transition dates. These updates will be released through a combination of channels including Microsoft Customer Support Services (CSS), hotfixes incorporated in Knowledge Base articles, Windows Update, Microsoft Update, Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), and the Microsoft Download Center.�

How to configure daylight saving time for the United States in 2007:

Daylight Saving Time in Canada:
The article in the link below indicates that all Canadian provinces except for Nunavut have decided to follow the US daylight savings changes in 2007. The article contains links to news articles with official announcements of the changes.


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Adjusting Time Zone And Daylight Saving In SQL

Aug 6, 2007

I have this simple SQL query which SELECTs the fields according to the criteria in WHERE clause.  SELECT callingPartyNumber, originalCalledPartyNumber, finalCalledPartyNumber,
dateadd(ss, (dateTimeConnect + (60 * 60 * -5))+3600 , '01-01-1970 00:00:00') AS dateTimeConnect,
dateadd(ss, (dateTimeDisconnect + (60 * 60 * -5))+3600, '01-01-1970 00:00:00') AS dateTimeDisconnect,
CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(second, duration, '0:00:00'), 108) AS duration
FROM Calls
(callingPartyNumber = ISNULL(@callingPartyNumber, callingPartyNumber)) AND
(originalCalledPartyNumber = ISNULL(@originalCalledPartyNumber, originalCalledPartyNumber)) AND
(finalCalledPartyNumber = ISNULL(@finalCalledPartyNumber, finalCalledPartyNumber)) AND
(duration >= @theDuration) AND
((datetimeConnect - 14400) >= ISNULL(convert(bigint,
datediff(ss, '01-01-1970 00:00:00', @dateTimeConnect)), datetimeConnect)) AND
((dateTimeDisconnect - 14400) <= ISNULL(convert(bigint,
datediff(ss, '01-01-1970 00:00:00', @dateTimeDisconnect)), dateTimeDisconnect))
 If you notice, in the SELECT, I add 3600 (1 hour) to adjust the time according to the current DayLight saving setting. Similarly, while comparing in WHERE clause, I subtract 14400 seconds (4 hours) to adjust the comparison according to EST (-5 GMT, but doing -4 GMT since daylight saving) and daylight saving.
Also, dateTimeConnect and dataTimeDisconnect fields save time in UTC seconds.
Now this application may be used by clients in different timezones. The application may be hosted on their server which would mean a different time zone. What would be the best way to make this time zone and daylight adjustment more dynamic instead of hardcoding the values.

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SQL 2012 :: Data Collection And Daylight Saving Time

Oct 26, 2015

Last weekend many of our severs had a failed job "collection_set_3_upload". The error that occured is: "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_ active_ sessions_ and_requests'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'snapshots.active_sessions_and_requests'. The duplicate key value is (2824333, 2015-10-25 02:54:49.7630000 +02:00, 1)."Last weekend we happened to go from summer time to winter time. i.e. the clock passed 02:00 - 3:00 two times during this night.

I.e. there is a bug in the Data Collector component that collects data for the Management Data Warehouse: it uses local time instead of UTC. I've created a Connect item to report it to do you get your process running again? the job will no longer run because it will every 5 minutes keep on trying to upload the conflicting data for the 2nd 2:00 - 3:00 period. I've only found one solution: get rid of all data collected but not yet uploaded.

You do this by stopping the Collection set (in SSMS go to Object Explorer -> <the server you want to fix> -> Management -> Data Collection -> System Data Collection Sets. Right click "Query Statistics" and select "Stop Data Collection Set").Then you delete the cached results from the sql server machine's harddisk. These cached results are in files located in a Temp folder on the sql machine itself, inside the AppData folder for the service account SQL Server Agent is running under. Usually it will be something like: c:Users<sql agent service account>AppDataLocalTemp.

Inside this folder delete all files that have 'QueryActivity' in their name. You'll loose all data collected since the start of wintertime, but at least your data collection process will work again.After this you can start the Collection set again by right clicking it and select "Start Data Collection Set". Every 5 minutes the data will be summarised and uploaded into your management data warehouse.

Posting Data Etiquette - Jeff Moden
Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw
Hidden RBAR - Jeff Moden
Cross Tabs and Pivots - Jeff Moden
Catch-all queries - Gail Shaw

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Handle Time Zones And Daylight Savings Time In SQL Server

Dec 19, 2006

I wanted to know how we can handle Time Zones and Daylight Savings Time in SQL Server 2000 as well as 2005.

Any pointers would be helpful.


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GMT Time To CST With Daylight Savings

Feb 22, 2006

I have the database on a GMT server and a logdate that is in GMT too. How do I convert this into CST (GMT -6) , during daylight savings (GMT-5) when passing it back to the webpage.
I can use DATEADD(hh,-6,LogDate) but how do I know if the daylight savings period has started to do DATEADD(hh,-5,LogDate). I also want to solve this at the database level without altering the front-end.

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Daylight Savings Time

Dec 27, 2006

With the change in daylight savings time this year I was wondering if any patches needed to be applied to sql server. We are running sql server 2000.


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Scheduled Jobs And Daylight Savings Time

Oct 26, 2006

This must've been convered before, but I can seem to find a solution to it. Daylight Savings Time is about to end in my area, at which time the clocks will go backwards from 1:59am to 1:00am.
I have scheduled jobs that run every minute, and I'm expecting that when the clock rolls back, they will stop running for the gained hour until the clock catches back up.
So, I need an automated way to correct this.

I was looking at the msdb..sysjobschedules table, at the next_run_time column. But it doesn't make much sense. That value will periodically update, but it is always a good bit behind the next run time reported in EM. And manually updating it seems to have no effect.
Is there a way to get a job to run or to recalculate the next run time via tsql script?

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Daylight Savings Time Changes Coming In 2007

Nov 9, 2006

I apologize ahead of time if this has been covered. I tried searching but found only the OS specific response to my question (

With the coming changes to DST in 2007, is there -- or is there even a need to -- patch either SQL Server 2005 or 2000 to account for those changes?

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Daylight Savings Time Error SQL SERVER 2000

Mar 20, 2007

Hi all.

After DST change (US/Canada), when I run any of my reports, I get this error:

"An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more
details. (rsInternalError) Get Online Help
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name:
date "

Does anyone have or heard of a solution?

Thank you!

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Saving The Time With The Date

Feb 23, 2007

I have a calendar control on a page that is saving the date to a SQL Server 2005 table and this works fine; but how do I also save it with the current time?  It is always saving as 12:00:00 AM.
Thanks for the help.

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Saving/Storing Time Only In Datetime

Mar 26, 2004

Hello all,

Perhaps someone out there could enlighten me on the issue of date/time (particularly time) storage.

I am trying to get the time component to be stored in a Datetime field. I can do a Date only as follows:

INSERT INTO Test ([DateTime])VALUES(Cast(convert(char(10),GETDATE(),102) as Datetime))

I attempted the following:

INSERT INTO Test ([DateTime])VALUES(Cast(convert(char(8),GETDATE(),108) as Datetime))

But I cannot get the time component without the default date 1/1/1900 component.

If any of you gurus out there can help me out it would be very much appreciated.


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Saving A Time In A Datetime Field

Dec 13, 2007


I'm trying to save times in datetime fields, but seem to have lots of issues with formats.

I'm using a multiline text box, where the user will pick from 09:00 09:30 10:00 etc, so the value that comes out in the .text property is "09:30"

Once I have that, whats the best way to convert this into the right format for a dt field? I understand it'll have todays date in it which is fine. It seems to work ok if I overwrite a textbox that's bound to a datetime field, but not if I'm sending it via an insert statement.

Also I'm using 24 hour format times, eg 14:00, do I need to do anything to ensure they're store in this format?

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Data Conversion &&amp; Saving Takes Time

Jan 31, 2008

The following T-SQL code is run in a (2003) module.

I am acquiring data from an OPC server into an array of data type object. It is necessary to declare the array as an object for the OPC server to return data. The OPC returns the data in 15 mS.

I now need to save this data to a table in SQL 2005 running on a 2003 server.

The table for saving the data has already been created and saving the data is actually an 'update ... set ... where' statement.

The statement is
For i as short = 1 to itemCount

sql_command = "Update [IO Log].[dbo].[IO Log] Set TagValue = " & itemValue(i) & " where TagName =' " & tagName(i)

The TagValue field datatype is decimal(18,6)
The itemValue(i) datatype is object / variant. The itemValue array contains 95% values of type Single and the rest are Integers.
The TagName datatype is varchar(50)
The tagName(i) datatype is string

When I run the loop (255 iterations) with the above query it takes 1500 mS.

If I force a conversion by changing the query to
sql_command = "Update [IO Log].[dbo].[IO Log] Set TagValue = Convert(decimal, " & itemValue(i) & ") where TagName =' " & tagName(i)
it takes 900 mS to execute for 255 iterations.

I tried one more variation
sql_command = "Update [IO Log].[dbo].[IO Log] Set TagValue = Convert(decimal(18,6), " & itemValue(i) & ") where TagName =' " & tagName(i)
which takes 1200 mS to execute for 255 iterations.

If I use the following code
dim tempValue as decimal = 123456789012.123456D
sql_command = "Update [IO Log].[dbo].[IO Log] Set TagValue = " & tempValue & " where TagName =' " & tagName(i)
it excutes in under 100 mS for 255 iterations.

There seems to be a problem during implicit / explicit conversion of type object/variant to decimal.
I need to save the data received from the OPC (255 tags) in under 150 mS.

Could somebody help?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Saving Query Text / Execution Time And Rows Count

Jun 3, 2014

I want to save every query executed from a given software, let's say Multi Script for example, and save in a table query text, execution time and rows count among other possible useful information. Right now I've created a sp and a job that runs every 1 milliseconds but I can't figure out how to get execution time and rows count. Another problem with this is that if the query takes too long I end up with several rows in my table.

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Automating A Query And The Saving Saving Of Subsequent Results

Dec 13, 2007

Hi Guys,

I am trying to automate a basic task using SQL Server 2005 Express.

Currently I have a query script that I run and then save the results as a CSV file. I need to do this on a daily basis and so I am looking to find out how best to go about this. There are a multitude of third party tools that claim to be able to do this - can anyone recommend this or enlighten me of the best way to set up this automation.

All ideas gratefully received!

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Daylight Savings

Dec 20, 2004

Anyone if SQL server has any built-in mechanism for handling Daylight savings?
Mostly for figuring out time passed between two datetime values....

Thanks in advance.

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Scheduled Jobs - Daylight Savings

Mar 2, 2015

I have jobs scheduled on SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008.

It's my understanding that if there are jobs scheduled to run between 2:00 - 3:00 AM this Sunday when Daylight Savings time moves the time from 2:00 AM to 3:00 AM, these jobs will run at 3:00 AM along with any scheduled jobs to run at 3:00 AM.

Is this correct?

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Daylight Savings Patch For 2000 Server

Feb 13, 2007

I was wondering if there is a simple patch for 2000 server. It seems that the only fix is to edit the registry and to use the time zone editor app. If there is a simple patch like there is for the 2003 servers i would appreciate it if anyone can show me where. I have about 80+ servers with 2000!!!

Much appreciated!

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How To Convert UTC Time (retrieved From SQL) To Local Time In Reporting Services Based On Time Zone

Aug 7, 2007

Hi all,

I have created a report in SSRS 2005 which is being viewed by users from different Time Zones.

I have a dataset which has a field of type datetime (UTC). Now I would like to display this Date according to the User Time Zone.

For example if the date is August 07, 2007 10:00 AM UTC,

then I would like to display it as August 07, 2007 03:30 PM IST if the user Time Zone is IST.

Similarly for other Time Zones it should display the time accordingly.

Is this possible in SSRS 2005?

Any pointers will be usefull...

Thanks in advance
sudheer racha.

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Not Saving

Nov 22, 2006

Please i need to save records using DataSet. I created the connectionstring as a global variable. In th button_Click event i have this :
Protected Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim InsAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim StrInsert As String = "insert into Products(CategoryId,ProductName,ProductCode,ProductPrice,) values(@CategoryId,@ProductName,@ProductCode,@ProductPrice)"
Dim ObjComm As New SqlCommand(StrInsert, ObjConn)
ObjComm.Parameters.Add("@CategoryId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = drpCategory.SelectedValue
ObjComm.Parameters.Add("@ProductName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 30).Value = txtName.Text
ObjComm.Parameters.Add("@ProductCode", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10).Value = txtCode.Text
ObjComm.Parameters.Add("@ProductPrice", SqlDbType.Int).Value = txtPrice.Text
InsAdapter.InsertCommand = ObjComm
End Sub
But on clicking the button, the record is never saved. Please help

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Saving To SQL

Nov 29, 2007

I am currently migrating my application from Access to SQL. It looks like it's working good but one thing I cannot understand is why when I have created a varchar(40) field and after I insert a field that is less then 40 characters long, the rest of the string is filled with the leading spaces. I have also create an nchar(40) that did not solve it ether. For example: the text is "Hello World". The text is 11 characters long but the data saved to the table is: "Hello Wolrd" + 29 spaces. Am I doing something wrong?Thanks for your help in advance. 

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DTS Not Saving

Dec 5, 2007

When I open a DTS package, save it as a bas file, make changes, close the package and save it when prompted, where are my changes saved?

The answer appears to be nowhere. When I reopen the package it's back to it's original setup. When I check the bas file it's as it was when I originally saved it.

Any ideas? Like where my mornings work is gone?

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Saving Changes

Feb 27, 2008

We have a table with 3.5 million records in it. We have been forced to add two fields and set indexes on those fields. But when we try to save the changes it times out. When we try to generate a change script it also times out. Is this a memeory issue? Any ideas on whats causing this or how to fix it woudl be greatly appriciated.

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Saving Changes

Nov 20, 2007

Hi, all.This might be a silly question... but I am very new to programming inSQL so please bear with me :)So. I'm using MS SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express. I have atable that was created via an existing .sql file. Included were abunch of stored procedures. I went in to re-format these procedures.(They were written in haste by another programmer. It is my task to goback and improve their readabilities.) However, I am having difficultyfiguring out how to save the changes to these stored procedures. Thusfar, I have been individually saving each stored procedure in itsown .sql file. This is obviously not the way to go... but it's atemporary solution (so as not to lose the changes I have made todozens of procedures).Can someone please explain to me how I commit these changes to thedatabase?Thanks,Allie

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Saving Changes In MDX

Feb 22, 2007


I have written a report in Reporting Services 2005 which gets its data from a cube.

I want to edit the mdx generated by the Mdx builder in RS 2005, so I click on the "design mode" button to do this.

However, when i make the changes, i cannot save it. How can I do this?



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Feb 1, 2007

Good day

Using vb 2005 express I have my grid veiw on the form and a icon to click to save my work.

But is there a passage of code I can write to pop up a message box to remind me to save my work when I close my form. Similar to ms office forms when you close they ask you if you want to save any changes.



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Saving Pictures

Sep 13, 2006

Is it better to have users that upload pictures have them saved to SQL server or to a folder?  I have a site where users enter things that they own (and each item has a unique id) and now I would like to add the functionality to add a picture.  I am sure I should use the fileUpload control, but should this save to a folder created for each user or to the SQL record itself?  Or possibly a separate SQL table just for pictures?Thanks for the help.

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Saving Date Into SQL

Nov 6, 2007

      I want to save date into SQL server pls help me how to save this date into server. its give me syntax error that converting datetime to character string. and also I want to save date only in mm/dd/yy format in a sql not including time.
The following code I am using
  sub SaveEvent(sender as object, e as EventArgs)         Dim dt As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(eventdate.Text)
         lbl.text=dt   dim con as new SQLConnection("server=london-home; Database=tony; uid=rashid2; pwd=test; ")
      dim cmd as new SQLCommand("insert into events values('" & dt & "','" & desc.text & "')",con)      cmd.executenonquery()   con.close()       end sub 

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SQL For Saving A Value In A Variable

Jun 15, 2008

 Hello Im having a little problem getting some values from a database.....
What I need is to get the value of the keyfield of the last entry introduced, I know how to to do the SQL statement for this, the problem is that i dont know how to save this value in a variable. I need to save this value in a variable in the session object or in a hidden field, and then use this variable in another different page. That's way i need to save this ID value, later in the other page I introduce data in a different table and one of the fields has to be this ID value which I have as a foreign key in the table so I need to use the same value in all the rows i introduce(Id value).
If you know how to accomplish this let me know, many thanks, Sergio

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Saving Files In DB

Apr 14, 2006

In my system, I generate invoices as PDF for my clients and I need to email them and save them on the database. What is the best approach for achieving that?!
Shall I save the files path in the SQL server 2000 as ( varchar ) and save files in a folder in the server or there is another approach?! is there any recommendation or advice about the procedure to send emails shall i save them first then send them or ...!??
Appreciate your advice!

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Saving Values

Aug 10, 2007

Hi All
2 post in a row first time in ages so i must be getting better but i get stuck on crappy little things like this hopefully
I have data in the following format
i want to select the data as such
I keep chasing my tale on this one around and around any one got a simple idea i am missing, you would not believe how much time i have spent on this.

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Saving In Database

Sep 12, 2007

Hey Guys need your help please!

we are now on our second week back log...

database file is not full and not limited to growth. As a matter of fact batch transactions are done but our proble is very slow. 28 records has been successfully save after 45 mins. Before it's just 5 minutes. Then some other process are not working. Is there anything that I must do? We have 460 tables in our software using SQL server 2000 and our application is using VB 6.0

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