Dbo.Table Of A Database In The .SQLEXPRESS Object Explorer: How To Copy The Dbo.Table To The Another Blank Dbo.Table?
Jan 9, 2008
Hi all,
The following dbo.Tables of Northwind.mdf in my .SQLEXPRESS (SQL Server Management Studio Express) are missing:
dbo.Order Details
But, I have these dbo.Tables in a different Database "xyzDatabase". How can I copy each of these dbo.Tables to the another blank dbo.Table of Northwind Database?
I right clicked on the dbo.Categories and I saw the following thing:
New Table...
Open Table
Script Table as |> CREATYE To |>
DROP To |>
INSERT To |> New Query Editor Window
DELETE to |>
From the above observation,I think it is possible to copy the dbo.Table from the one Database to the Northwind Database that needs to be repaired. Please help and advise me how to do this task or tell me where I can find the Microsoft document that gives the details of this X-copy thing.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
P. S. I am using VB 2005 Express to create a project to learn "Calling Stored Procedures with ADO.NET" (see Paul Kimmel's article in http://www.developer.com/db/article.php/3438221) that needs the dbo.Tables of Northwind Database and my Northwind Database has been screwed up for quite a while and needs a big repair.
I just realized recently that a database "XYZ" in the Object Explorer of my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) is put in the Database Explorer of my VB 2005 Express for processing a Stored Procedure in executing the SELECT statements (not by using Input and/or Output Parameters) during the ADO.NET 2.0-VB 2005 Express programming, then the content of the database "XYZ" is not in the SSMSE. How can I return the database "XYZ" from the DataBase Explorer of VB 2005 Express back to the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) safely? Please help and advise.
I thought I saw this done once before. So today I hunted around inBooks OnLine and did a Google search. So far I have found nothingclose. So if you know how to do it, please tell me or if cannot bedone, I'd appreciate know that too.Thanks in advance,IanO
A table was created in version 6.5 that has 2 blank spaces and a slash '/' in it's name (i.e. Item Type w/Groups). This was done in error and now the table cannot be dropped or renamed and dropped.
Does anyone know how I can delete this table? Please let me know.
Does anyone know where to find or how to write a quick user defined fucntionthat will return a table object when passed the string name of the tableobject. The reason why I want dynamicallly set the table name in a storedprocudue WITHOUT using concatination and exec a SQL String.HenceIf @small_int_parameter_previous = 1 then@vchar_tablename = "sales_previous"else@vchar_tablename = "sales"Endselect * from udf_TableLookup(@vchar_tablename )So if I pass 1, that means I want all records from "sales_previous"otherwise give me all records from "sales" (Sales_Previous would last yearssales data for example).udf_TableLookup would I guess lookup in sysobjects for the table name andreturn the table object? I don't know how to do this.I want to do this to avoid having 2 stored procedures..one for current andone for previous year.Please respond to group so others may benfiit from you knowledge.ThanksErik
PeopleID in People Table is the primarykey and foreign Key in PeopleCosts Table. PeopleID is an autonumber
The major fields in People Table are PeopleID | MajorVersion | SubVersion. I want to create a new copy of data for existing subversion (say from sub version 1 to 2) in the same table. when the new data is copied my PeopleID is getting incremented and how to copy the related data in the other table (PeopleCosts Table) with the new set of PeopleIDs..
alter table userphotos add constraint IX_userid unique (userid)
and got the following error:
Quote: Msg 2714, Level 16, State 4, Line 3 There is already an object named 'IX_userid' in the database. Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 3 Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
I previously created the same constraint in a different table (using IX_userid). Is it not allowed to use the same naming scheme for constraints in different tables? What am I doing wrong?
Hi allI have two tables in SqlServer with Exactly Same Structure,I want to Copy all Records fromone of them to another one.I came across to "Insert....select..." statement But i have two problem 1) I don't know any thing about Columns name!!! i just know they have same structure and as far as i know , "Insert...select..." need the Column list to operate correctly, am i right? 2) these two table have One Prinary Key column with IDENTITY feature. Any Help Greatly appriciated.Regards.
Hi i have set up two very simple tables, I want a user to be able to create a basic account ( data stored in User_Profile table with Id set as the Primery Key as Identity) I want the user to be able to be able to return to their account at a later date and then post multiple reviews of different bands they have seen at a later date. I kept the tables in my example very simple so I could get my head around the concept, but generally, I want to connect the Id (PK) value in User_Profile table to the User_Id filed in the User_Review table, so every review that user writes, will be connected directly to their Id.
Any help you could give would be fantastic a i have no idea where to start!!!
Id int, ( as primary Identity Key)
I have a second table called User Reviews
Revew_Id int , ( as primary Identity Key)
User_Id int, ( I want this to contain the Id value in the User profile Table)
Hi, All, I have agentID in product table. Now I add agentID column in transaction table. Now I want to copy all agentID from product table to transaction table based on the order_id in both table. Can you show me an example? Thanks Betty
Hello, I have a table that I would like to copy into a different database. I'm using SQL Server 2005. The reason I don't just copy the data with "SELECT * FROM..." is because the desired table doesn't exist yet. It has ~50 columns and I'd rather not recreate them all (I didn't design it). Thanks.
I want to make an exact copy of a production database table in our development database. 1. Script the production table using Script Table as Create 2. Drop the existing development table 3. Use the Script (see 1. above) to recreate the development table (substituting the proper database name) 4. Insert all records from the production table into the development table (insert into table development_table select * from production_table)
Does this create an exact duplicate including the proper sequencing of identity fields? Meaning if there are deleted records in the production database table, their identity fields would be numbered something like 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, etc. I want to make sure that the identity fields are numbered exactly the same in the development table.
this maybe a simple question but is it possible to copy a table from one sqlmobile database to another?
here is what i would like to be able to do although i am aware that it is not necessarily the most efficient way
- for various reasons this is how i have to do it:
A copy of a sqlmobile2005 database will sit on an SD Card on a pocket pc - DatabaseA.
A second database - DatabaseB - will then be sent as an attachment via email and pasted onto the sdcard
The information in DatabaseB is an update for DatabaseA.
At least 2 of the tables in DatabaseA need emptying and refilling with the data from matching tables in DatabaseB.
I'm guessing the easy way to to this would be a parameterized insert statement but unfortunately these tables contain approx. 900 records and i fear this would be a long process.
Any helpwith this matter would be much appreciated
I have a table most columns of it (and there are many) are useful for another table in the same database. how can I copy the table to a new name table?
Hi,Using VB.net I have created a custom object (hope my terminology is correct here), it’s just a class that defines a few string, integer, and hash table variables. After creating an instance of this class and populating it with data I need to be able to store this instance of my object in a sql server data base table. How do I do this? I saw an article that used the image data type to achieve this (code was in java unfortunately) is this the correct approach. Could you please give me some code examples Thanks
We have sql sever 2000 as our backend database system. on the front, we have vb medical application screen for users to do the data entry.
for 7th screen, it is assoicated with table Case_Custom. user enter data througth 7th screen to populate Case_Custom table.
There is one column called Case_Custom.CaseID ( a foreign key to to parent table Cases) was populated automatically instead of user input.
However, I could not find which stored procedure, views or trigger or application code to populate this field? I have queried INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES, dbo.syscomments and did not find anything updating Case_Custom.CaseID.
I have contacted our app vendor and have got any answer from them yet.
Hello. I need to copy all of the rows in a table from a database on one server, to another existing table of the same name in a different database on a different server. I'm trying to use a SELECT INTO statement. Any idea how to do this?I've tried SELECT * INTO DestinationServer.dbo.DestinationDB.DestinationTableFROM SourceTable AS SourceTable_1 But this doesn't work, saying there are too many prefixes. Any idea how to do this?
Doing the standard processing, taking source data in a staging database, where I then create the new target tables, transform the source data into the new target table structure, and load the data.
However, having created the new target tables in my staging database, I cannot accurately migrate these tables into the new database.
An example table.
The following is the script created by SQL Management Studio if I right click and script the table as CREATE. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbPRO_Package]( [PRO_PackageID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [CreatedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbPRO_Package_CreatedDate] DEFAULT (getdate()), [CreatedBy] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbPRO_Package_CreatedBy] DEFAULT (suser_sname()), [ModifiedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbPRO_Package_ModifiedDate] DEFAULT (getdate()), [ModifiedBy] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbPRO_Package_ModifiedBy] DEFAULT (suser_sname()), [GUID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_tbPRO_Package_GUID] DEFAULT (newid()), CONSTRAINT [PK_tbPackage_ID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [PRO_PackageID] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]
Note that the field PRO_PackageID has an identity, and is a primary key.
Also note the constraints on several fields and the default values.
If I try to move this table and data using the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard, telling it to drop and create the table, and to keep identity, it does not correctly generate the table defintion - it generates the following script
CREATE TABLE [Migration Staging].[dbo].[tbPRO_Package] ([PRO_PackageID] int NOT NULL,[PackageCode] varchar(8) NOT NULL,[LKU_VatRateCode] nchar(10),[CancellationCharge] decimal(18,2),[CancellationMultiplier] decimal(18,2),[CreatedDate] datetime NOT NULL,[CreatedBy] varchar(50) NOT NULL,[ModifiedDate] datetime NOT NULL,[ModifiedBy] varchar(50) NOT NULL,[GUID] uniqueidentifier NOT NULL)
We've lost the identity, the PK,the constraints and the defaults.
If I use the SSIS Transfer SQL Server Objects Task, then the primary key is kept, but the identity is not, nor are the constraints or defaults.
Am I missing something? Is it actually POSSIBLE to accurately move tables between databases?
I created one Database in my server,n i wanted the same database in my local computer.So i copied it and restored in my database. Now i created another one new table in my server. I want to copy that table into my computer. How can i copy a single table in database and how can i restore(paste) that into my existing databse of my local compuer.
I'm trying to copy a table from an odbc db to an sqlserver2005 db. SSIS will not do this for me and says I must write a script. I'm not experienced enough in sqlserver to do this and was unable to find a example of this by searching the web. Does anyone know of any websites with an explanation of how to do this?
Hi y'all, I am doing some searching in the archived threads, but I have a need to copy a table in a database to a new table in the same database, but the new table will be just a table with test data. There are several million rows in the table and I want to do the copy without logging the new inserts in the transaction log.
Is there an easy way to do this? I found this in my search efforts so far, but am just wondering if there is an easier/better way to accomplish what I want to do.
BTW, I normally wouldn't care, but the boss is complaining that it is taking too long to do the copy for a different team, so asked if I knew a way to copy data to a new table without logging. I don't, so here I am ;)
Here is what I found so far:Following 3 things need to be done 1) create table as not logged initially 2) set autocommit=off 3) and activate the not logged initially option Now the inserts happen without the use of transaction logs
I want to know how to copy tables and data from one database to antoher database including table permissions. Presently i am using Integrity security services. Is it having any option in Integration services or sqlserver 2005.
Hi,Facts:I created a database to support an application that tracks events ondifferent objects. The two main tables are tbl_Object andtbl_EventLog. Each table has unique ID and on the tbl_EventLog thereis FK for a record in the tbl_Object. The events are inserted all thetime for the same or different objects from the tbl_Object. There areabout 600,000 objects in the tbl_Object and 1,500,000 (and growing)events in tbl_EventLog.Question:The user often wants to know what the last event was for a specificobject.What is the best way of retrieving the last event?Should I simply do a max(eventdatetime) on a specific object? orShould I add a LastEventID column to tbl_Object and update it everytime a new event is inserted? or any other way to implement it?I chose the second method because I didn't think it made sense searchthe event table everytime the user wants to know the last event, but Iwanted to know what the experts thought.Please let me know what you think.Thank you,Oran Levin
When I run:select * from testtableI get this error message:Invalid object name 'testtable'.However, if I run:select * from testuser.testtableIt works. I'm logged in as testuser, and testuser is the databaseobject owner and tableowner. This was a restored database from adifferent server in SQL Server 2000. The testuser login was in theprevious database. I created the same login in this new test databaseand made it database owner.I've also tried running: sp_change_users_login 'Update_One','testuser', 'testuser'It completed successfully but I still get:select * from testtableInvalid object name 'testtable'.I've also tried creating a different user and making it database ownerand when I change table object owner to this new user, I still get thesame problem. I need to specify:select * from newtestuser.testtableEven though I'm logged in as newtestuser.I also then tried changing table owner to dbo. This seems to worklogged in as either user, but I want to have the tables owned by theuser not dbo. How can I resolve this?Any help would be appreciated.Erin
I have a select statement running on the client machine linking to different tables in 1 database. All with the same schema. When I ran it, i had this error. I had trial and error, removing 1 table at a time until i hit the one which is causing it. when i removed it, everything's ok. i just wonder if all the tables were using dbo schema what is causing this particular table to throw this error?