Deletes Causing Tran Log To Fill

Aug 2, 2000

I seem to be having a problem on all of my SQL servers. WHen I or a developer attmept to do a delete on a table i get a Log file for database is full. I truncate the log try again and get the same error. IT doesnt seem to matter how much is being deleted or how big the table is. THis is very strange and very frustrating.


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Alter Column Causing Log To Fill

Jul 23, 2005

I'm trying to simply change a column definition from Null to Not Null. It'sa multi million row table. I've already checked to make sure there are nonulls for any rows and a default has been created for the column. My log isset to autogrow and as the alter column colname char(6) Not Null runs thelog begins to grow. If I use no check BOL say the optimizer won't considerthe change. How can I change the nullability of a column that currentlycontains no nulls without using up extreme amounts of log space?Danny

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Data Adapter FILL Causing Data Corrupt Error In C# Web Service

Apr 2, 2008

I hope someone has seen this one...I've got a very simple web method that returns a DataTable from my database. It worked fine until I changed this line of code:

string SqlString = @"SELECT Timestamp, Confession FROM Confessions WHERE ConfessionID = ? ORDER BY Timestamp desc";

To this line of code:

string SqlString = @"SELECT Timestamp, Confession FROM Confessions WHERE ConfessionID = ? AND CategoryID = ? ORDER BY Timestamp desc";

Here is the complete webmethod:

public DataTable GetConfession (int ConfessionID, int CategoryID) {

DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.TableName = "XMLConfession";

string SqlString = @"SELECT Timestamp, Confession FROM Confessions WHERE ConfessionID = ? AND CategoryID = ? ORDER BY Timestamp desc";

using (OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection (ConnectionString)) {
using (OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand (SqlString, cn)) {

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ConfessionID", ConfessionID);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@CategoryID", CategoryID);

OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter (cmd);

da.Fill (dt);

return dt;
To cause the error, all I did was add the AND statement into the query. Now I get this .NET error message every time I try to run this program:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. at System.Data.Common.UnsafeNativeMethods.ICommandWithParameters.SetParameterInfo(IntPtr cParams, IntPtr[] rgParamOrdinals, tagDBPARAMBINDINFO[] rgParamBindInfo) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ApplyParameterBindings(ICommandWithParameters commandWithParameters, tagDBPARAMBINDINFO[] bindInfo) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.CreateAccessor() at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.InitializeCommand(CommandBehavior behavior, Boolean throwifnotsupported) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommand(CommandBehavior behavior, Object& executeResult) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReaderInternal(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[] datatables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)

I am using SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 and C# .NET 2.0. It's worth noting that the web service does this outside of the program as well, so I don't think the problem is in the code that calls it. Also worth noting is that the query itself works fine when I substitute values in and run it in .NET Server Explorer.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Logistics Of Begin Tran And Rollback Tran

Dec 19, 2007

I am running an Execute SQL task that does a Begin Tran, then the next task in the sequence is a data task which imports a XML file into two tables. If i doo a Rollback Tran only one of the two tables is rolled back.

Is it possible to have both tables rolled back from one Begin tran command or do i need to split the datatasl into two and treat each import as a seperate issue ?

The connection is set to retainsameconnection


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Begin Tran, Commit Tran

Oct 8, 2007


I want to rollback my t-sql if it encounters an error. I wrote this code:

begin tran mytrans;
insert into table1 values (1, 'test');
insert into table1 values (1, 'jsaureouwrolsjflseorwurw'); -- it will encounter error here since max value to be inputted is 10
commit tran mytrans;

I forced my insert to have an error by putting a value that exceeds the data size. However, I didn't do any rollback. Anything i missed out?


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Tran Log

Apr 7, 2003

I have a transaction log that is over f gig in size....what can be done with this..and what are the pros and cons if I delete it...also how can I keep this from getting that big in the future. Thanks!

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Tran Log

Apr 20, 2001

To All:

On my SQL 6.5 box, I have a corrupt Tran log. I do not use my Tran log but now I am getting an 1105 error, that the log is full. I run Dump tran with no log but it does not work. I cannot perform any other function without getting the 1105 error. Now I tried to reboot and now it is hanging during reboot. It is hanging while checking the partition where the tran log resides. I went in to VGA Mode. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Many thanks,


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Tran Log Growth

Aug 14, 2001

Does this seem right? We have our transaction logs set to "Truncate Log on Checkpoint" and they still grow over 1GB. Is it possible that one transaction (to a checkpoint) generates this much logged information? Will transaction log backups every 5-10 minutes help me out better or is this just a poorly written application?


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Contents Of The Tran Log

Oct 11, 1999


Can everyone tell me how I can view the contents of a transaction log in SQL Server 7.

Many Thanks
Mathew hayward

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Tran Log Problems Please Help

Aug 13, 1999

Help. I have a database with high transaction rates. THe log is 300 mbs. No matter what i do I cannot get it below 64%. I have dumped and trucated the log yet it will not budge. Being friday and it being a time card application this is my heaviest transaction day. Please help

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Cascade Deletes

Jun 11, 2002


We are developing a new oltp application using SQL Server 2000 and are debating whether to use "cascade delets" or not. In earlier apps, we had issues using cascade deletes like someone deleted parent by mistake and all child records got deleted OR SQL Server crashed in middle of cascade delete and records were lost or performance became an issue when there were huge # of child records to be deleted,etc.

Are there any recommendations for/against using Cascade deletes and when to use and when NOT to use cascade deletes ?



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Cascading Deletes

Dec 21, 1998

I need some suggestions concerning the issue cascading deletes in a self-referencing table, i.e. a table with a foreign key pointing at the primary key in itself. Although SQL Server still does not support cascading deletes the declarative way there are some other ways to handle this situation. One common way is to use trigger coding with the simple structure
ON self_ref_tab
DECLARE @C_FK xxxxxx
DELETE self_ref_tab
FROM self_ref_tab, deleted
WHERE self-_ref_tabC_FK = deleted.C_PK

where C_PK is the primary key column and C_FK the foreign key column. The problem is that this simple pattern does not work with self-referencing tables, because the removal of dependent rows deeper layer (n-2, n-3 etc. if the originating delete request is level n and the first level of dependant deletes handled by the trigger code is n-1) would require the delete trigger to fire more than once for the same delete operation. As far as I know, in ver. 6.x triggers are executed only once per SQL statement and in this case the n-2, n-3 etc. level rows would have been left as "orphans".

In ver. 7.0 I suppose this should work fine because of the new recursive trigger execution possibility (trigger will fire up to 32 recursive times per SQL statement), but in the meanwhile (i.e. my case util we have upgraded all our servers) the delete logic for a cascading, self-referencing relationship must be handled completely within one execution of the trigger.

My question is now: does anyone know anything about any common algorithm or trigger code example solving this problem.

Thanks in advance

Bjorn Ehnberg

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Tran Log Space Used ????

Aug 22, 2002

Hi There,
How do I find the space used for the tran log of the db. sp_spaceused gives the space used for the complete database. but I need the space used for a tran log alone.
Thanks in advance.

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Cascading Deletes

May 24, 2004

When I setup a relationship in Access I can specify that Primary Key deletes cascade down to the Forgien Key. So when I delete an Order Header it cleans up all the items in the Order Details table for me automatically.

Can I get this same functionality in SQL Server 7 without having to write triggers or are triggers the only way?


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Speedy Deletes

Mar 22, 2007

I'm wondering if anyone has compared the speed of different kinds of deletes.

Assuming super large tables, I wonder, what is the speed ordering for the following operations:
* Remove a column
* Remove a row
* Remove a table

I'll experiment to see if I can get numbers comparing the speeds, but, if someone's already done the work, I'd love to know


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Help With Cascading Deletes

Feb 7, 2008

I haven't used cascading deletes in the past but we're starting a new database and it seems like a good way to go to keep data clean. Or at least it did seem like a good way until I ran some tests. I have 3 tables.

People PeopleEmails Email
(pk)peopleid (pk)peopleid (pk)emailid
fname (pk)emailid address
lname emailtype

In this structure, the peopleemails table is simply an association table between the email and people table. I have setup up relationships in a diagram so that when a person is deleted, it cascades to peopleemails and removes the entry there. I also had a cascade set up hoping that when an entry was deleted from peopleemails, it would remove it from the email table but this is not happening. The relationship between email and peopleemail is primary key table email.emailid and foreign key table peopleemail.emailid. Is there a way to get this to work to remove the email address if a peopleemail entry is removed? Thanks.

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Trigger Deletes

Mar 23, 2007


I have three tables:





When I delete a record in JOBS I would like to create a trigger that would delete the related records in JOBTASKS.

This is my attempt; but it does not work.









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How Do You Write Multiple DELETES In Same SP

May 23, 2007

I want to use one stored procedure to delete rows in three different tables - how do I write this for Sql Server 2000 please?
PROCEDURE dbo.DeleteSubmission  @C_ID intASDELETE *FROM tblCompaniesWHERE C_ID = @C_ID
DELETE *FROM tblDistributorsWHERE CD_ID = @C_ID

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Inserted Row Deletes After Trigger

Oct 22, 2007

I'm hoping someone has seen this before because I have no idea what could be causing it.
 I have an SQL 2005 database with multiple tables and several triggers on the various tables all set to run after insert and update.
My program inserts a record into the "items" via a SP that returns the index of the newly added row. The program then inserts a row into another table that is related to items. When the row is inserted into the second table it gets an error that it cannot insert the record because of a foreign key restraint. Checking the items table shows the record that was just inserted in there is now deleted.
The items record is only deleted when I have my trigger on that table enabled. Here is the text of the trigger:
     INSERT INTO tblHistory(table_name, record_id, is_insert)     VALUES ('items', 123, 1)
tblHistory's field types are (varchar(50), BigInt, bit).
As you can see there is nothing in the trigger to cause the items record to be deleted, so I have no idea what it could be? Anyone ever see this before?
Thanks in advance!

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Cascade Deletes In SQL 2005

Jun 14, 2006

I have a logins table, a loginroles table (intermediate), and a roles table
When I delete a login from logins I need to delete the roles for that login from loginroles. I know I have to use cascade deletes, but I cannot find the option in sql 2005.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank You,Jason

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Cmdshell ... And Deletes Dos Files ?

Jun 21, 2001

Can you give me an example of suppression under DOS, of the files with under-directories by exec cmdshell
thank you in advance

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Tran Logs And Backups

Oct 19, 2000

What is the advantage of taking frequent tran log backups (say every 30mins) as opposed to once a day? Say, I backup data and tran log once every night and I lost a table at 10:00am next day. Can't I recover the database to the point in time by restoring the previous night's backup and then applying the transaction log from previous night and then applying the transaction log (to the point int time) that you just dumped when the mishap was reported to you?


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Cascade Updates And Deletes

Feb 27, 2001

It appears that SQL7 does not support options to set cascade updates and deletes in the Relations tab of the property sheet, but it is included in

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High CPU During Tran Log Dumps

Oct 22, 2002

We are experiencng high cpu utilization across all 4 cpu's at the top of the hour when our transaction log dump job runs. Has anyone observed this bahavior before? Is there anything we can do to mitigate this? Thank You.

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If @@trancount &> 0 Commit Tran

Apr 28, 2003


Reviewing the MSSQL process info screen, I am seeing the same process appear a numer of times. It is always the same, being


Sometimes, there can be up to a hundred of these processes (listed in the process info screen). They generally have a 'sleeping' status, but nonetheless, I would like to see these processes disappear if they are not being used.

I have checked in all of the stored procedures and triggers in the application, and none have this sql statement.

When I run profiler, I get these entries, but the profiler says they belong to either SQL Enterprise Manager or 'Microsoft Windows 2000 Operating System', and not to the application I am running.

Does anyone know where these transactions come from? Can I prevent these from appearing? If no, what is the impact (other than sql server having to maintain a connection).



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Which Sp Deletes Files In Log Ship

Jan 10, 2005

I have new client we changed the file retention period on for log ship on SQL 2000. Now the files are not being deleted. I looked at all the sp's but could not finde the one that actually deletes the log file that was copied over. I could just rebuild log ship but this is on a prod box, was trying to figure out what and when the files get deleted, and by what sp

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Growing Tran Log File

May 16, 2006

I have a database of 22 gb in sql 2000, my database option is set to full recovery mode, the problem i'm having is the tran log is growing too fast, this morning it was 24 gb, more than the database size. Can anyone help how I can keep it in a managable size?

Thanks in advance!!

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Problems With Dump Tran

Mar 23, 1999


My Database has 1024 Mb and a log with 384 Mb. The log is 72% full.
None of the options is checked in that DataBase.

I try Dump Tran with no_log, Dump Database and Dump Tran with Truncate_only, click the button of Truncate Transaction Log and more.

And the Log is always the same.

Why I canīt truncate the log? What I must to do?


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Tran Log Back Fails

May 14, 2001

All my jobs run fine, except for a Transaction Log Backup job that fails with
the following error: Microsoft (R) SQLMaint Utility (Unicode), Version Logged on to SQL Server 'Server1' as 'sa' (non-trusted)
Starting maintenance plan 'MaintPlan-TLogs- AllData' on 5/12/2001 10:00:01 AM
Backup can not be performed on database 'AllData'. This sub task is ignored.
I have not change the sa or agent password.
I cannot figure out why this job started failing, it ran fine for a while.
Any insight is appreciated.

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Need To Release The TRAN Lock??

Dec 19, 2007

The former programmer wrote this stored procedure. It haven't been run for a while, so I was given the assignment to get it working. When I ran the stored procedure, it took almost 9 hours. Then I found that I can't access a few tables, so my guess it there is some issues with table locking. The stored procedure use this...



--blah blah




Obviously there seem to be a logic error in the middle of the script while running the stored procedure. So, how do I cancel the transaction and unlock the table? I'm unable to access the few tables.

Also, does rebooting the computer helped to release the transaction or table locking?


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Blocking Repicated Deletes

Oct 19, 2004


I keep data in four seperate locations, each with different data retention.
the problem is, i keep the publisher "thin" - only 24 hrs of data) the data in the relevant tables is about 250000 a day) and these deletes are blocked at the subscribers by commenting out the body of the repl proc.
this does however cause a burst in bandwith & locks the subscribers, even though no actual delete takes place.
does anyone know if you can actuaklly NOT REPLICATE delete commands for specified tables at all - so that the message of the delete wont even be SENT to the subscriber?


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Tran Log Backup Question

Nov 22, 2004


I have my tran log backup running every 30 mins. One of the log backups took 36 mins to complete. So at a time I would have two log backups taking place. It seems to me that the 2nd log back up did not happen at all ( I checked in the EM) as the first one wasn't completed by then.

I am kind of lost here as to how to proceed.

Please advise.


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Deletes From Multiple Tables.

Nov 15, 2006

Hello everybody,

We have a Master table in the Db who's PK is referenced in at least 60 tables as FK.
We want to delete all the dependent records in 1 go without using multiple delete statements or any cursor or loop.

Is it possible? Please advice.

Thanks in advance.



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