Design Best Practices On Series Number
May 8, 2006
I need to design a table header for inventory transactions with the specifications as follows:
1. System-generated series numbers (integer)
2. Series numbers must be unique by branch by transaction type. Thus if I have following:
Branches: Br1, Br2
Transaction Type: SRS (Stock Receipt from Supplier), SRB(.. from Branch)
The series number must be implemented in such a way that,
Br1 SRS 0000000001
Br1 SRB 0000000001
Br2 SRS 0000000001
Br2 SRB 0000000001
Then, in every INSERT, series number should be incremented by 1, grouped by branch by transaction type. That is, after INSERT with Br1/SRB the figure may now look like,
Br1 SRS 0000000001
Br1 SRB 0000000002
How do I design my table in order to achieve this? Note that this table header will have a detail (master/detail) referenced by foreign key.
Thanks in advance.
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Jul 12, 2007
) = 1)
(0 ||
To be able to tell the Period number ([PD]) to change from an integer to a var_char so that it can be concatenated with the Fiscal Year. I.e. Fiscal Year || Period number to produce the following results.
2006 01
2006 02
2006 03
Status of Problem:
The issue is that I can only get it done to the point to where the Fiscal Year || Period number yields the following results:
This is as issue since I am trying to get all the information from the past to a certain year and period. Using a filter that says
Fiscal Year + Period Number <= ?Prompt_Fiscal_Year? + ?Prompt_Period_Number?
So if I enter Year: 2007 Period 3
I should get:
2006 01
2006 02
2006 03
2006 11
2006 12
2007 01
2007 02
2007 03
Can you please let me know if my thinking is off or if my SQL is wrong, Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
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Nov 26, 2007
i have aques tion about mining model and time series after predicting
how can i show the result of the prediction in the c# form
and why i cant use the all of the prediction function in the mining
model prediction for time series and how i can see the script of the
building mining model in the model because i can see just the wizard
of the model and how can i undrestand othe about time series formula
in the chart
thanks alot if answer me
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Nov 8, 2006
As the Microsoft Time Series algorithm implementation is based upon the Autoregressive Tree approach described in:
C. Meek, D. M. Chickering, D. Heckerman. Autoregressive Tree Models for Time-Series Analysis. In Proc. 2nd Intl. SIAM Conf. on Data Mining, 2002 (SDM-02). SIAM, pp. 229 €“ 244.
The model estimated is refererred to as an instance of "... autoregressive tree models of length p, denoted ART(p). An ART(p) model is an ART model in which each leaf node of the decision tree contains an AR(p) model, and the split variables for the decision tree are chosen from among the previous p variables in the time series..." (see the last paragraph of p. 2 of the paper).
What is the value of "p" used in the Microsoft Time Series implementation -- specifically, how many previous time series variables are used in estimating the model? It doesn't appear that this value can be specified in the algorithm parameters -- is that correct?
- Paul
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Sep 3, 2014
add a number to the end of an ID to create a series.For example, I have an EventID that may have many sub events. If the EventID is 31206, and I want to have subEvents, I would like have the following sequence. In this case, lets say I have 4 sub Events so I want to check the EventID and then produce:
How can I check what the EventID is, then concatenate a sequence number by the EventID?
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Mar 18, 2015
I want to assign consecutive numbers to a block of data, where block of data is based on days consecutive to each other i.e., one day apart.
Date format is: YYYY-MM-DD
TestId TestDate
----------- -----------------------
1 2011-07-21 00:00:00.000
1 2011-07-22 00:00:00.000
1 2011-07-27 00:00:00.000
1 2011-07-29 00:00:00.000
1 2011-07-30 00:00:00.000
[Code] ....
My Attempt:
[Code] ....
Expected Output:
TestId TestDate OrderId
----------- ----------------------- --------------------
1 2011-07-21 00:00:00.000 1
1 2011-07-22 00:00:00.000 1
1 2011-07-27 00:00:00.000 2
1 2011-07-29 00:00:00.000 3
[Code] ....
The OrderId is the column I am trying to obtain using my following cte code, but I can't work around it.
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Jun 3, 2015
I am adding a table within my program using New datatable(tblname) function, then adding 22 columns (col01 to col22) to this table using .columns.add (colname) function without any error.The program however throws an exception when trying to assign a value to column number 14 (col14) saying this column does not belong to table tblname. Assigning a value from col01 to col13 is working fine.Is there a limitation on number of columns can be added to a table using code?
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May 31, 2007
Hi, all experts here,
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
I encountered a very strange problem again. Why the time series displayed on the chart are so strange? The Key time column I chose for my time series algorithm is cal_month(e.g 199001...), but why the date displayed on the time series chart is like :05/06/2448? (it should be like 199001..?) What is that data? And where exactly did it come from? What is the exact cause of this?
Hope it is clear for your help.
I am really confused on this and thanks a lot for your kind advices and help and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
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Dec 5, 2013
I am creating a simple database to log the number of visits from clients. The table is as follows :
p_key | client_id | client_datetime
1______4________2013-12-05 21:00:00
2______3________2013-12-05 21:02:11
3______1________2013-12-05 21:07:31
4______3________2013-12-05 21:12:42
It will probably be logging about 2-3 rows in this table per second maximum so there will be some rows ... My question to you experts now is how the design of this table is done in the best way ( performance wise) in terms of "primary keys" , " clustered index" , "non clustered index"...
The only type of query that will retrieve data from this table is a standard "SELECT FROM" where " client_id " is of a certain value and " DATE_TIME " is between a specific date range.
SELECT Count ( client_id ) AS totantal FROM tbl_statistics
WHERE ( client_datetime ) Between '2013 - 01-01 00:00:00 ' And '2014 - 01-01 00:00:00 '
Or is this better?
SELECT Count ( p_key ) AS totantal FROM tbl_statistics
WHERE ( client_datetime ) Between '2013 - 01-01 00:00:00 ' And '2014 - 01-01 00:00:00 '
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Nov 3, 2006
Nice easy one (hopefully) from a newbie on SQL 2000.
I have a table HolidayTakenBooked which is populated from a stored procedure via the following statement;
TRUNCATE TABLE HolidayTakenBooked
INSERT INTO HolidayTakenBooked
SELECT * FROM #TMP_HolidayTakenBooked ORDER BY ABR_Clock_No
I am finding that for certain values in the HolidayTakenBooked table decimals are not being transferred correctly. ie. 0.5 in the TMP table appears as 1 in the HolidayTakenBooked table.
I'm pretty sure that this is down to the data definition of the table see sample field below;
[HOL_DaysTaken1] [decimal](18, 0) NULL ,
So the simple question here is how do I define decimal places when I define a new table. When designing a new table in Enterprise Manager I select decimal and the server does not allow me to change the value of 9 it defaults to.
What simple thing I am not doing ?
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Jan 24, 2008
I have a table (Sql server 2000) which has 14 cost columns for each record, and now due to a new requirement, I have 2 taxes which needs to be applied on two more fields called Share1 and share 2
Sales tax = 10%
Use Tax = 10%
Share1 = 60%
Share2 = 40%
So Sales tax Amt (A) = Cost1 * Share1 * Sales Tax
So Use tax Amt (B) = cost1 * share2 * Use tax
same calculation for all the costs and then total cost with Sales tax = Cost 1 + A , Cost 2 + A and so on..
and total cost with Use tax = Cost1 +B, Cost 2 +B etc.
So there are around 14 new fields required to save Sales Tax amt for each cost, another 14 new fields to store Cost with Sales Tax, Cost with Use tax. So that increases the table size.
Some of these fields might be used for making reports.
I was wondering which is a better approach out of the below 3:
1) To calculate these fields dynamically while displaying them on the User interface and not save in DB (while making reports, again calculate these fields dynamically and show), or
2) Add new formula field columns in database table to save each field, which would make the table size bigger, but reporting becomes easier.
3) Add only those columns in database on which reports needs to be made, calculate rest of the fields dynamically on screen.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
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Jan 24, 2008
I have a table (Sql server 2000) which has 14 cost columns for each record, and now due to a new requirement, I have 2 taxes which needs to be applied on two more fields called Share1 and share 2
Sales tax = 10%
Use Tax = 10%
Share1 = 60%
Share2 = 40%
So Sales tax Amt (A) = Cost1 * Share1 * Sales Tax
So Use tax Amt (B) = cost1 * share2 * Use tax
same calculation for all the costs and then total cost with Sales tax = Cost 1 + A , Cost 2 + A and so on..
and total cost with Use tax = Cost1 +B, Cost 2 +B etc.
So there are around 14 new fields required to save Sales Tax amt for each cost, another 14 new fields to store Cost with Sales Tax, Cost with Use tax. So that increases the table size.
Some of these fields might be used for making reports.
I was wondering which is a better approach out of the below 4:
1) To calculate these fields dynamically while displaying them on the User interface and not save in DB (while making reports, again calculate these fields dynamically and show), or
2) Add new formula field columns in database table to save each field, which would make the table size bigger, but reporting becomes easier.
3) Add only those columns in database on which reports needs to be made, calculate rest of the fields dynamically on screen.
4) Create a view just for reports, and calculate values dynamically in UI and not adding any computed values in table.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
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Sep 18, 2007
Hi everyone,
I wonder if somebody here could recommend a good article about MS Service Broker. I'm looking for some advice and tips in designing applications using SQL Service Broker, mainly QN. For instance, maintenance routines and common faulty scenarios I might find later when my solution is implemented. I have googled for a while but all I can find are recopied examples of QN.
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Nov 19, 2007
I have setup a chart with series on right hand side.
The series is from one of the fields.
How is it possible to remove series and instead place each series name on a graph line?
Or at the very least, how can I place a text on each graph line?
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Nov 2, 2006
I m using the Time Series Algorithm to forecast sales across regions for various products. Assume the model is built with last 3 years data with the periodicity being monthly.
Is it possible that sometimes I can make predictions based on just 1 yr or 2 yrs data for certain products alone or certain regions alone? Can this be done without having to retrain the already built model?
Also, is it possible that using the model, i can predict week-wise / month-wise / quarterly sales as well?
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Jun 20, 2008
Hi I use data presentation controls like gridview, formsview in my application. In many of the webforms i also use multiple datasources mainly for the purpose of 2 way data binding for controls within data presentation controls.I am concerned about the performance issues this might cause as users using these pages increase.What is the likely performance impact ?Once the databind is done and values are populated in the respective controls, does the database connection of datasource control get closed, or is it open?What are the best practices while implementing datasource controls?
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Nov 16, 2001
Hi all. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
I'm looking for some documentation on SQL 2K Installation tips on a Windows 2000 Member Server platform as well as best practices for ongoing maintenance .
Real world experience as well as Microsoft propaganda are all welcome.
Thanks again.
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Dec 7, 2001
Could some one give best SQL 2000 install practices such as -
1) SQL app, should this be in OS drive or not ( pros, cons )
2) Should OS be on Raid 1
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Sep 1, 2004
What are the best pactices to optimize performance accsiing an SQLServer DB ?
commands, mantenance plan...
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Jul 20, 2005
I am looking for some examples of how to manage DDL scripts amongvarious versions of a production db and development and testing. Ihave tried a few things in the past, and it always gets very muddledand cumbersome.I need to be able to build any version of the database from scratch,BUT I also need to maintain an upgrade path from any version to anylater version. So it is not enough to just maintain a master buildscript, but I don't want to maintain 2 different things (modify themaster build scripts AND create a new "ALTER" script for each versionchange).I thought I had seen an article somewhere that layed out a process formanaging this, but I can't find it now (I thought it was in SQL ServerMag). Does anybody know of this article or have a resource they couldpoint me to that outlines best practices in this area?Thanks,Jason Wood, DBA in training.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi All,My question is what are the best practices for administering largeDBs. (My coworker is the DB administrator. I'm more of thedeveloper. But slowly being sucked in.) My main concern is that wehave some DBs that take approx 3 hrs a night just to rebuild theindexes. I know that with MSSQL 2000, I can use partitioned views tobreak out the table(s) into smaller databases and tables. But we alsohave an older server that runs MSSQL 7. Lastly how do you handledrive space issues? Do you spread out the DB across multiple MDFfiles on different drives? Thanks in advance.
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May 31, 2006
Please forgive me if I have overlooked a thread that answers this question, but I assure you that I have looked.
I would really appreciate a guide of sorts that would tell me the correct steps to take to properly secure a column in my database. I don't need specifics on how to do each step, I either have those already or can find them myself. In fact, I have already successfully encrypted and decrypted some data. I just want to make sure that I create the right keys and certificates and that I follow best-practices as far as backups and stuff is concerned.
Todd Sparks
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Jun 13, 2007
Environment is SQL Server 2005 x64 Enterprise running under Windows Server 2003 x64 Enterprise with four processors and 16GB of ram.
I have 28 data copy routines I would like to add to a SSIS package. They use the Data Reader Source to an ODBC database (InterSystems Cache) and copy the table contents to a SQL2005 database for reporting needs. The data rows in these 28 routines range from only 100 rows to over 6 million rows depending on the table. I have tested these individually and they work fine. My question is, is it a good practice to have all of these routines in a single package or can I expect performance degragation?
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Nov 5, 2007
I've got a table that has frequent updates to it. I want 100% change tracking on this table though, so we can rollback to any previous version, or just see any changes people make.
Is there a best practice for things like this? Currently, I'm using a trigger on UPDATE to take the previous values and store them in a history table. This keeps track of who changes what, and when. Plus the most recent data is seperate and more performant to access.
I've also heard about putting an 'IsActive' flag on the main table and any changes that are made just get marked as In-Active and a new record gets added.
Any input?
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Mar 27, 2008
I am new to SSIS, but done alot of DTS 2000 development.
What is the concensus for developing SSIS packages? Do you just place objects and change the properties of each object, having multiple objects basically doing the same thing, with different properties? Or do you set object's properties and then change properties by code in scripts? Ie Execute SQL, setting connections and SQL Statement by code in a script? Is this even possible? With Microsoft OOP I assume this is possible.
Script> Set properties of ExecuteSQL > set flow to ExecuteSQL.
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May 19, 2007
Is this this only way to do it in SSIS?
For some reason I figured that SSIS would have this kind of stuff built into it, it seems a function that many would use.
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Mar 23, 2007
I wonder if anyone knows what would be the best case scenario for the property 'maxinsertcommitsize' for the sql destination task if I want to load 6m records into a target. Is the best setting 0 (try loading all in one batch) or should I choose a different value for example 1000000 per batch?
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May 13, 2015
I have a scenario like below
Product2 Product3
Product4 Product5
Product1 1
1 0 0
Product2 1
1 0 0
Product3 0
0 1 1
Product4 0
0 1 1
Product5 1
1 0 0
How to design tables in SQL Server for the above.
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Jun 5, 2007
Hello Forum,
I am have posted questions regarding selecting a series of dates and am still having trouble doing so. I have been using vwd to build a website, and now would like to retrieve data from access and display a weeks worth of information at one time from selecting a column of information from the data base. I have used this section of code to do the required function. 'SELECT OrderId, CustomerId, Price FROM Orders WHERE OrderedDate BETWEEN DATEADD(d, -7, GETDATE()) AND GETDATE(), I have replaced these variables with my own, and keep getting an error message 'Undefined function 'GETDATE' in expression', I have tried many different functions to get it to work. Any ideas?
Thanks Forum,
p.s. thank you todd for replying to my first question!
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Mar 9, 2005
Hi All,
I have a table Test1:
ID date Value
AAUGVAL 2/27/198760.848
AAUGVAL 3/2/1987 64.288
AAUGVAL 3/3/1987 63.77
AAUGVAL 3/4/1987 62.495
AAUGVAL 3/5/1987 62.65
AAUGVAL 3/6/1987 62.548
AAUGVAL 3/9/1987 62.292
AAUGVAL 3/10/198763.045
AAUGVAL 3/11/198763.021
I am trying to see the value % changes day by day and here is is the code I wrote:
starttime=cast( as char(8)), endtime=cast( as char(8)),
startval=v.Value, endval=a.Value,
change=substring('- +', sign((a.Value-v.Value)+2,1)+ cast(abs(a.Value-v.Value) as varchar)
(select date,Value, ranking =(select count(distinct date) from Test1 T where T.Value<=S.Value)
from Test1 S) v left outer join
(select date,Value, ranking=(select count(distinct date) from Test1 T where T.Value<=S.Value)
from Test1 S) a
on( a.ranking=v.ranking+1)
I got the following error message:
Server: Msg 174, Level 15, State 1, Line 4
The sign function requires 1 arguments.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 7
Line 7: Incorrect syntax near 'v'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 9
Line 9: Incorrect syntax near 'a'.
Could someone please help with this? Thank you in advance!
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Mar 27, 2015
I have a large number of relatively simple sql queries that each perform tests on different tables returning different columns and rows for each test.
I would like to be able to run all of these at once and get the output in a usable format.
Would it be possible to run a single query or store procedure which could perform each test then output the results from each test to a new sheet in excel?
Could it output the results of each test to individual csvs?
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Jul 23, 2005
I am trying to write a stored proc the calculates a moving average overthree periods. In the following example, I need to stratify the data bypersonID and RecordID in the #Temp table, but I am not sure how to doit. Right now I am restricting the data I use to build my time series bypersonID and I get the results I want *by PersonID*. If I can figure outhow stratify by personID so I don't have to use this restriction, I'msure I can extend it to the RecordID.Create Table #Temp(tmpID int identity,DetailID int,RecordID int,AdminDate Datetime,AdminTime datetime,Status tinyint,--decimal(9,2),Location varchar(100),PersonID char(9),PatientName varchar(100),DOB Datetime,Drug varchar(100),Sort varchar(10))--populate with data by personIDinsert into#Temp(DetailID,RecordID,AdminDate,AdminTime,Status ,Location,PersonID,PatientName,DOB,Drug,Sort)Select MD.PatMedOrderDetailID, MD.PatMedOrderID, M.Date as AdminDate,Case M.Time When 'A' then '8:00:00 AM' When 'N' then '12:00:00 AM' When'P' then '4:00:00 AM'When 'H' then '8:00:00 PM' else M.Time End as Admintime,100*M.Status, P.Location,P.PersonID, P.Name as PatientName, P.DOB,D.GenericName + ' (' + D.TradeName + ') ' +D.Strength,Left(P.Location,3)From PatMedOrderDetail MD Inner Join PatMedOrder MO on MD.PatMedOrderID= MO.PatMedOrderIDinner Join PatMedPass M on MD.PatMedOrderDetailID =M.PatMedOrderDetailIDinner join Patient P on M.PersonID = P.PersonIDinner join Drugs D on MO.DrugID = D.DrugIDWhere P.PersonID = '000126230'Order by P.PersonID,MD.patMedorderID, M.Date, M.TimeSelect * from #Temp -- to view entire set--returns relevant rowsSelect Derived.RefusalRate,T.* from #Temp T inner join(select t1.tmpID, avg(t2.Status) as RefusalRatefrom #Temp t1 cross join #Temp t2WHERE t1.tmpID>=3 AND t1.tmpID BETWEEN t2.tmpID AND t2.tmpID+2group by T1.tmpIDhaving avg(t2.Status)< 100) as Derived on T.tmpID = Derived.tmpIDDrop Table #Temp*** Sent via Developersdex ***
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Jul 23, 2005
Given the following table information:HOSTNAME DATETIMEWEBNYC001 2005-06-15 10:30AMWEBNYC001 2005-06-15 10:31AMWEBNYC001 2005-06-15 10:31AMWEBNYC001 2005-06-15 10:34AMWEBNYC001 2005-06-15 10:35AMWEBNYC001 2005-06-15 10:35AMWEBNYC002 2005-06-15 10:30AMWEBNYC002 2005-06-15 10:30AMWEBNYC002 2005-06-15 10:33AMWEBNYC002 2005-06-15 10:35AMWEBNYC002 2005-06-15 10:35AMWEBNYC002 2005-06-15 10:35AMHow can I easily return the following results:HOSTNAME DATETIME COUNTWEBNYC001 2005-06-15 10:30AM 1WEBNYC001 2005-06-15 10:31AM 2WEBNYC001 2005-06-15 10:32AM 0WEBNYC001 2005-06-15 10:33AM 0WEBNYC001 2005-06-15 10:34AM 1WEBNYC001 2005-06-15 10:35AM 2WEBNYC002 2005-06-15 10:30AM 2WEBNYC002 2005-06-15 10:31AM 0WEBNYC002 2005-06-15 10:32AM 0WEBNYC002 2005-06-15 10:33AM 1WEBNYC002 2005-06-15 10:34AM 0WEBNYC002 2005-06-15 10:35AM 3Thanks!
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