I was wondering if anyone had come across an issue where the icons in the dimension usage tab of the cube are not being displayed properly, for example if you use a many-to-many the little blue infinity sign is missing. It is a little annoying.
SP2 with BIDS helper, not to sure if BIDS helper did it or SP2, sure it was fine before
how to create a role playing dimension in SSAS. Like If I have a period dimension table with a key named as per_key and fact table which has keys named as from_per_key and to_per_key .Now both the fact table keys need to be connected to the Period dimension per_key.
Just found that I am not able to ignore the name column property for role-palying dimension even though I only select one of the key columns for this dimension in the mining structure where the role-playing dimension is used? E.g I have a fact table (which is the case table for the mining structure) which is related to the role-playing date dimension. The schema is as following:
and other attibutes in the fact table.
When I dragged the 'hours' attribute from the dim_day_time table to the mining structure, if I left the key columns of 'Hours' as the above 3 columns, then I have to select a name column, by then I dont have a name column in the dimension table yet. Therefore I want to jsut select one key column as the key of that role-playing dimension in the mining structure, but then I am not able to ignore the 'name column' property as it still always asks me to select the 'name column' for that.
Therefore my question is: we are not allowed to select only one key columns in the mining structure for the role-playing dimension? And we will have to always go to the data source view to create a named calculation as the new column for the role-playing dimension?
Hope my question is clear for your advices and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.
When i add a dimension to the cube dimension without any relation in my dimension usage to any measure group my units are going down.However when i remove the dimension from the cube am getting the correct values.
I am modelling cube in SSAS. Cube has around 20 dimensions and 6 fact tables. Some of the dimensions are common among the fact tables. e.g. Time dimension. Fact_PNL has 3 date columns for those we have 3 role playing dimensions in the dimension usages.
Another fact table has 5 date columns for them as well we have separate role playing dimensions in dimension usage tab. We have a common dimension Company which is foreign key in all fact tables. We might need to combine the data from multiple facts to get final output.
Should i create 6 role playing dimension for each of the fact table or use the same dimension for all fact tables?
Role playing dimensions should be created when we have multiple columns pointing to the same dimension ?
We're using slowly changing dimensions to control a number of data tables in our system. Each table has five or six business keys, but the indexes of the tables are built so they're as efficient as possible (i.e. the fields with the highest diversity are listed first). How does the SCD wizard determine the order of the business key fields? Is there a way I can view or manipulate the statement the SCD task is using to make sure either (a) the indexes match the statement, or (b) the statement matches the indexes?
please help me!! I've downloaded and installed the express edition file (SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services - 234mb) but all I'm getting on the program menu are the configuration tools! Something appears to be missing - can someone shed any light on this??
I have a requirement to set Description values for our cube dimensions and attributes.Â
I've done this for regular dimensions but I cant seem to find a way for role playing dimensions. I can set the base dimension descriptions but not the 'clones'. Is this possible?Â
i installed sql server 7.0 and when i run Enterprise manager for SQL server (MMC snap in) i see that the SQL server has a little RED SQUIGGLY ACROSS the server icon. can anyone tell me what that means????? thanks uday
Hi, I'm trying to add an icon to a custom component but its not happening and I can't figure out why. I'm sure I've managed to do this in the past. Here's my DtsPipelineComponent attribute:
MyComponent.ico is stored in the same folder as my project (i.e. at the same level as the .cs file and the C# project file). In the application property page I've pointed the icon resource at MyComponent.ico
Everything compiles OK. But I see no icon in my component when I deploy it to the toolbox or use it in a package.
Hello,apologizing in advance 4 propably asking a trivial question ...in my Server list in Enterprise Manager 7.0 in front of the name of myservers i have a small server symbol followed by an even smaller greentriangle in a circle (which, according 2 my information means "Serverrunning, currently not connected) followed by a vertical red zigzagline.But the context menue only gives me the optio "disconnect" whichindicates that im "connected"Here my question:what exactly is this symbol trying 2 tell me?1ce again apologies
I am creating a task manager functionality in c#.net 2003. I am checking only for open microsoft applications . If any microsoft application is opened ,it will display the application name for ex "Microsoft Word" in the listview control and its status "Running" . Now, I want to display the icon for Microsoft word or any other microsoft application, how should I display it in the ListView control.?
I have tried by taking it in the imagelist , because I have a class which returns the Windows Icons for these applications which are opened. But, I am unable to display it.
Hi all. First, please accept my apologies for any obvious questions, as im very new to this!Anyway, 2 small questions: I dont have the 'server running' icon in the system tray... The little grey box with a green arrow. have i installed SQL incorrectly? This leads my to my other question:- After installation (which, i think went fine), i learnt that SQL Server Express cannot run with more than 1 CPU. But i have a Duel-Core. Would this cause problems?
Again, sorry if if missed any previous posts on this.
SQL 2000 is easy to see what process is blocking and what processes are locked. I find 2005 confusing and can't find any documentation on what the new icons mean and or details on interpreting the object/process lock screens.
I'm setting up a new computer, and opening an SSIS project I've worked on elsewhere. Here's what I'm seeing (see http://tkfiles.storage.live.com/y1pX-TdM6iRI3cSQsl2V4GLd5RAuX2ygIeBbMSb-VM7vTauMSqehrm7pFvpA6N2sFLQFrb4a-1iXnk):
The borders and icons come back if I resize the window by dragging an edge of the window. They disappear again if I maximize the window.
It's very odd, but I'm wondering if it means that something sinister is going on. I didn't set up all of the software on this machine, so I don't fully trust that it was set up correctly.
I want to find out more information about the execution plan. I saw Parallelism (Gather Streams) in the excution plan. In what situation we can see this icon?If in case if we need to avoid how can we avoid this?
All aspects of my custom task work well except for the icon!
I have included the .ico in the assembly as an "Embedded Resource" and the icon has both 16X16 and 32X32 images. I have edited the IconResource property of the DtsTask attribute as follows:
I have a client program that writes to sql server database 10 records per second . i want to compute the CPU usage and the memory usage for the whole program or CPU usage,memory usage for the insert statement in the program .
Hello, When I am seeing SQL Server 2005 Management studio Server Dashboard> I am seeing my(USERS) databases and msdb database usage is very small % of in CPU Usage(%), Logical IO Performed (%) Usage pie chart.
90% of Total cpu usage is showing for Adhoc Queries. what excatly this means in Dashboard? if application uses more than it would have shown in Database level or not?
sicerely this dashboard is good, if any one is watching daily, please advice their experiences here.
Does anyone know of any place I can find documentation on the meanings of the SQL Server state icons displayed in the MMC console for SQL Server 7.0? My server is showing the green running icon but also a vertical red squiggly line. I do not know what this red squiggly line means, and it concerns me. The databases all seem fine, and everything seems to be working, i just have this feeling like something bad is impending and I cannot find anything that tells me what it might be. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Need some help building a query that does the following :
I have 2 Time Dimensions ; Time (Transdate) and ClosedDate (ClosedDate)
In my report/query, if [Time].CurrentMember = [Time].[YMD].[YMD].[2006].[200610].[20061031] I want to FILTER out all ClosedDate < [ClosedDate].[YMD].[YMD].[2006].[200610].[20061031]
Both Time Dimensions are Year -> Month -> Day and have the same Members.
I have every option available, using calculated Members and/or Measures to do this.
The report I'm creating is Aging of Receivables : Balance / 30 days / 60 days / etc.. But for the Aging, I need to filter like explained above.
I need to provide some infomation on how much (trans/request)SQL7 can handle. I checked the white papers and testimonials, but don't see any actual numbers. We have a clustered SQL7 environment sitting on some Compaq 6400 using 4 cpu's. Our database size is only about 3.5 gig and we are using IIS 3. Does anyone know where to get this information?
Hi guys, I have a sell server its a new server 4 processors and 4 gigs of ram. SQL server is pinning the CPU's 100% I can’t figure out why, I'm at mdac 2.7 with the hotfix. I don’t know what else to look at.
Hi .... I'd like to know if I can use BCP to transfer the whole database to a device or file and then back to the server(I mean,using only one server) with a new char set/sort order configuration,or I have to do it table by table??? How do I use BCP to perform this task?What commands and parameters should I use???
I have a SQL 2000 Server, dual processer with hyperthreading. 2Gb of Ram. The machine is only being used as a SQL Server
Normally the server runs at about 15-20% usage. I have now noticed a problem where the SQL server suddenly jumps to 100%, this can happen after a week or a couple of days. It requires a server reboot to fix the problem. Stopping the SQL server and restarting will not work.
I don't know if this is part of the problem, but I have noticed that after a day or so the processor usage climbs by about 10%, if I stop the SQL service and restart, the processor usage drop by the 10%.
Also I have set the memory usage to be 1.5Gb, but it takes a day or two for the SQL server to consume this amount of memory. Don't know if this has anything to do with it.