Displaying All Records Of Duplicates

Jul 9, 2007

HI all I have this table below and i need to get records from col1 >1 and col2 >1

col1 col2 language
1 a s
1 b p
3 c e
3 c f

SELECT col1, col2, language COUNT(*) AS Expr1
FROM table1
GROUP BY col1, col2

with the above query it gives me this

col1 col2 expr1
3 c 2

the language column is not displayed what i want is not the exact count but all the records which is duplicate and must resemble the result below

col1 col2 expr1 language
3 c 2 e
3 c 2 f

I need the result above inorder to normalize the table and bring out the language part into another table


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Converting Duplicates Records Into Non Duplicates?

Jan 26, 2015

Is there a query or a way to convert duplicates value in a column to non duplicates.

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Inserting Records And Displaying Them

Oct 26, 2006

Before I start driving myself nuts, I'd like to make sure my approach is correct.I want to create a simple job posting board.I have a text boxes for company name, email, job title, and job description, and a submit button.I created a table in my database called "JobPostings", with columns called "CoName", "CoEmail", "JobTitle", and "JobDesc"When someone fills out the fields and clicks submit, it will insert the new records.So,1. Is this the correct approach so far?2. What is the best way to display the job listings? A grid view?3. At submit time, how can I include that day's date?4. How can I get the records in the database to delete after 90 days?Thanks.

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Sql Query For Displaying Records

Aug 9, 2007


I would like to know how would i display following data.

exa:- (Note:- I wrote '---' so to display properly in to the forum





Now i want output should be displayed like this

ComputerName--IpAddress--NetCard Model




Black filled should not displayed anything

Is it possible

Thanks and regards
Abhishek Joshi
India- Bangalore

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Identifying Duplicates - Find Where 2 Or More Records Have Same Rank

Sep 26, 2014

I have this query below that I created to do a count, but I don't think this is what I needed.

I need to find the duplicates. Example, if

CLI_ID1 12345 has 4 CLIP records, each CLIP record should have a different CLIP rank. I need to find scenarios where 2 (or more) of the CLIP records have the same CLIP RANK. If there are duplicate CLIP_RANKs within the same CLI_ID,

Select Distinct
cli_id1, count(clip_rank) countrank
FROM impact.dbo.CLI
LEFT JOIN impact.dbo.CLIO ON CLI.CLI_ID1 = CLIO.clio_id1

left join
impact.dbo.clip ON cli_id1 = clip_id1
Where (clio_trm = '' or clio_trm = NULL or clio_trm is null)
group by cli_id1
order by cli_id1

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Displaying Multiple Records From One Record

Jan 26, 2007

Hi there,
I've a complex stored procedure, which I'm trying to get a list of one or more users based the list of records that are being display.  If I mentioned the overall store procedure here it'll turn you off, so I'll put the questions in bitesize chunks.
Example would be if Bob and Luke work for Acrm Corp and John for Maxwellarms Ltd, and there was an intimediate table which linked both.  With my stored procedure I want to display both names in the same row as Acrm Corp.  Is there a way to do this? 
User tableUserid      Username
1             Bob2             Luke3             John
Store procedure resultCompanyname         Username
Acrm Corp               NullMaxwellarm Ltd        Null

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Displaying Records With Recent Date

Jul 12, 2006

I want to display some horse racing results I have on a page but I only want to show the results for the last 7 days.

I have fields for date, time of race, horses name and result.

How can I just get records within the last 7 days to display?

I'm new to this SQL malarky so please be gentle!

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Removing Duplicates Records From A Column Populate Randomly?

Jan 26, 2015

I ran this query to populate a field with random numbers but it keeps populating with some duplicate records. how I can remove the duplicates?


Below are sample output that I need the dupes not show. The table already exist and its sql 2008


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Transact SQL :: Comparing Records - Finding Matches / Duplicates

Nov 20, 2015

I have this 40,000,000 rows table... I am trying to clean this 'Contacts' table since I know there are a lot of duplicates.

At first, I wanted to get a count of how many there are.

I need to compare records where these fields are matched:

MATCHED: (email, firstname) but not MATCH: (lastname, phone, mobile).
MATCHED: (email, firstname, mobile)
But not MATCH: (lastname, phone)
MATCHED: (email, firstname, lastname)
But not MATCH: (phone, mobile)

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Counting Parent Records And Displaying Total??

Feb 5, 2004

We have an helpdesk sytem on SQL 2000. I am trying to show how much calls have been assigned to each parent category plus it's child categories in a single row. The thing is when I run my query it display parent and child categories and each on it's own rows. I do get the call totals for each row, but I would like to add the totals of the rows together and display it on row. The new table must have then 6 rows (because there is 6 parent categories) with the total of all calls for that parent category, as well as it's childs. Example:

parameter # Calls
------------ --------
desktoppp 5
desktopqq 6 {This is what I am getting at this stage}
desktop t 4
r 9
networkgg 10
softwarevv 3

This is what I would like to have:

parameter # Calls
------------ -------
desktop 15
network 19
software 3

Please Help!

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Displaying Sum Of Records And Show Row Even If It Is Blank Or Zero

Mar 10, 2015

I am creating a report on an asp.net webpage to show how many times a coupon has been used from a set list of items.There are two tables I am using for this query.Table 1 has the list of items or coupons. Table 2 has a column for the item id from Table 1 and a value.

Table 1
id Name
1 Coupon1
2 Coupon2
3 Coupon3


My current query will only show coupon1 and coupon2 and the number and value. It will not show coupon2 since it hasn't been used. I would still like to show coupon2 with a number of zero and a value of zero.

Current query is:
SELECT Table1.Name, COUNT(Table2.ID) AS CNum, SUM(Table2.Value) AS CValue FROM Table2 JOIN Table1 ON Table2.ID = Table1.ID GROUP BY Table1.Name

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Duplicates Again! UNION Join - Remove Records With Column Diff.

Sep 9, 2004

Hello All,

We all were new at one point.... any help is appreciated.


Combining two 49,000 row tables and remove records where there is only 1 column difference. (keeping the specified column value removing the one with a blank.)


I have 2 people going through a list, coding a specific column with a single letter value. They both have different progress on each sheet. Hence I am trying to UNION them and have a result of their combined efforts without duplicates.

My progress/where I'm stuck:

Here is my first query/union:

SELECT * FROM [Eds table]
UNION SELECT * FROM [Vickis table];

As shown above, I have unioned these 2 tables and my results removed th obvious whole record duplicates, but since 1 column is different on these, a union without criteria considers them unique.....

an example of duplicates that I must remove are as follows:

142301 - Product 5000 - 150# - S (Keep)
142031 - Product 5000 - 150# - "" <--- Blank (Remove)

I am trying to run another query on my first query results so I don't mess my first query up. Here it is:

SELECT DISTINCT [Prod #], [Prod Name], [Prod Description], [Product Type]
FROM [Combined Tables]
WHERE [Product Type]<>" ";

Please Help! Thank you in advance.


5 minutes away from pulling my last one!


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Displaying Records Associated With Records...

Jun 21, 2007

I cannot figure out how to write a sql statement to display the multiple records of multiple records. I know that doesn't make much sense so let me explain:

This problem involves two tables. They both reference (FK) data in a third table (tblDepartment).

Here are the fields and some test data in each of the two important tables:

tblDepartment =============================

tblRequest ========================================

What I am trying to do is display all requests associated with the multiple departments of "user1". In the above example, I would want to see (after a select statement):


We don't see the requests of user3 or user4 when the given request's departmentID is not a department associated with user1.

Hopefully someone out there understands this. I've never had to write a select statement like this before, so I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around it. Thanks for any help!

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Rank Duplicates But Only Rows Involved In Duplicates?

Oct 22, 2014

I have a table with 22 million Business records. I can see that there are duplicates when I group by BusinessName and Address and Phone. I'd like to place only the duplicates into a table, with a ranking, oldest business key gets a ranking of 1.

As a bonus I'd like each group to have a distinct group name (although not necessary, just want to know how to do this)

Later after I run more verifications to make sure these are not referenced elsewhere I'll delete everything with a matchRank > 1 out of the main Business table.

DROP TABLE [dbo].[TestBusiness];
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestBusiness](
[Business_pk] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[BusinessName] VARCHAR (200) NOT NULL,


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Transact SQL :: Inserting Records Into Table 2 From Table 1 To Avoid Duplicates

Nov 2, 2015

INTO [Table2Distinct]        


I used the above query and it still inserts all the duplicate records. What is wrong with my statement?

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How To Number Records / Duplicates Receiving Same Number

Feb 19, 2013

I have a large table of customers. I would like to add a column that contains an integer, unique to that customer. The trick is that this file contains many duplicate customers, so I want the duplicates to all have the same number between them.the numbers dont have to be sequential or anything, just like customers having the same one.

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SQL 2012 :: Query To Make Single Records From Multiple Records Based On Different Fields Of Different Records?

Mar 20, 2014

writing the query for the following, I need to collapse the continuity. If the termdate for an ID is one day less than the effdate of the next id (for the same ID) i need to collapse the records. See below example .....how should i write the query which will give me the desired output. i.e., get min(effdate) and max(termdate) if termdate is one day less than the effdate of next record.

ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-06-30
556868 1999-07-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-01-31
556872 2004-02-01 2004-02-29

output should be ......

ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-02-29

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Looping Through Stored Procedure Inside Another Stored Procedure And Displaying The Category And Then Displaying 1 Item In Each Category

Sep 21, 2006

I used to do this with classic asp but I'm not sure how to do it with .net.Basically I would take a table of Categories, Then I would loop through those.  Within each loop I would call another stored procedure to get each item in that Category. I'll try to explain, Lets say category 2 has a player Reggie Bush and a player Drew Brees, and category 5 has Michael Vick, but the other categories have no items.Just for an example.. Category Table: ID   Category1      Saints2      Falcons3      Bucaneers4      Chargers5      FalconsPlayer Table:ID    CategoryID   Player                 News                                Player Last Updated1            1           Reggie Bush       Poetry in motion                                9/21/20062            1           Drew Brees         What shoulder injury?                        9/18/20063            5           Michael Vick       Break a leg, seriously.                       9/20/2006 Basically I would need to display on a page:SaintsReggie BushPoetry in MotionFalconsMichael VickBreak a leg, seriously.So that the Drew Brees update doesnt display, only the Reggie Bush one, which is the latest.I have my stored procedures put together to do this.  I just don't know how to loop through and display it on a page.  Right now I have two datareaders in the code behind but ideally something like this, I would think the code  would go on the page itself, around the html.

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SQL Duplicates

Mar 2, 2006

I need some help.
I have created a database that looks like the following:
FirstName Table link to Main Table.
I have created a Stored procedure that looks like this:
Create procedure dbo.StoredProcedure
   @FirstName   varchar(20)
Declare FirstNameID int
Insert Into Main Table
Select @FirstNameID = Scope_Identity()
How could I redesign this to check if a value exists and if it exists then simply use that value instead of creating a new duplicate value?

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Getting Rid Of Duplicates

Jun 27, 2001

I have a dilema..... I have a databas eof about 60,000 users and i need to get rid of those users where there is a duplicate email address. I have written an asp utilty that works but is far too taxing on our little server and i thinkk itwill kill it. what it does is for each email address it compares it against all the others.... so for each address it checks against 60,000 other records 60,000 times.... you know what i mean. its pretty phucked.... i tested it on just one record and took about 5mins.

anyway ive been trying to do it in SQL with no luck

here is a simplified version of my dilema

tombomb tom@mail23
thomas tom@mail13

so what i want to do is cut it down so there are no duplicate email addresses. I want the table looking like this:


Can you think of a way to do this?

i tried the following but it gets rid of duplicates of other fields which is not what i want to do

CREATE table distinct_records
SELECT name, Email, Age
FROM duplicate_records
GROUP BY name, Email, Age;

any ideas guys?


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Nov 7, 2005

i've imported a number of spreadsheets into a database
the schema is

directoryid firstname, lastname, extension
703168 Andrew Lim 78094
703154 Joseph Egan 78888
704548 Andrew Lim 78094

I realized the spreadsheet had a large number of duplicates. How can i delete the duplicates ?
like deleting directoryid 703168 only.

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Nov 9, 2005

i'm trying to get duplicates out of the my database

FROM iac.dbo.sf_profil
GROUP BY FirstName, surname, internalextension
HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 order by firstname, surname

How do i alter the query just retrieve records which have firstname and lastname which are similar but different extension numbers ?

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May 8, 2008

This is the query which shows me the duplicates
Some of the records have more than one records
I would like to know how to delete the extra records so that I will end up with one record per row.

Count(*) as 'count'
group by
having count(*) > 1
order by
count desc

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Jun 13, 2008


Is there a way to find duplicates in one field? For example my query has person_nbr and for each person_nbr on one day they could have used multiple payer_names. I want to be able to count each person_nbr one time but also I want to group by description(which is the name of the provider) and by payer name to see how many person's that the provider seen with each payer. My problem is that if the person had more than one payer they are counted twice. Is there some type of aggregate function to use the first payer in the list??

With PersonMIA (person_id,person_nbr,first_name,last_name,date_of_birth) as
select distinct person_id,person_nbr,first_name,last_name,date_of_birth from
(select count(*) as countenc,a.person_id,a.person_nbr,
from person a
join patient_encounter b on a.person_id = b.person_id
group by a.person_id,a.person_nbr,a.first_name,a.last_name,a.date_of_birth )tmp
where tmp.countenc <=1
select person_nbr,payer_name,first_name,last_name,description,year(create_timestamp),create_timestamp
select distinct c.description,tmp.person_id,tmp.person_nbr,tmp.first_name,
from PersonMIA tmp
join person a on a.person_id = tmp.person_id
join patient_encounter b on a.person_id = b.person_id
join provider_mstr c on b.rendering_provider_id = c.provider_id
join person_payer d on tmp.person_id = d.person_id
where c.description = 'Leon MD, Enrique'
group by c.description,tmp.person_id,tmp.person_nbr,tmp.first_name,tmp.last_name,
where year(create_timestamp) IN (2005,2006)
group by person_nbr,payer_name,first_name,last_name,description,create_timestamp

Thanks in Advance!

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May 10, 2006

I'll see if I can explain this clearly. The query below
selects rows from the "hdr_ctl_nbr_status" table if the value in the field "tcn" from that table is found in the table "temp_tcn". I want all fields from the "hdr_ctl_nbr_status" table to be selected BUT only one row. In other words for a tcn with a value "12345678" there are 10 rows returned from the hdr_ctl_nbr_status table, I want only 1. Is there a way I can use SELECT DISTINCT to do this ? I know this usually functions on one or more fields but I want the DISTINCT to be on tcn only BUT return all fields in the query.

Select h.*,'' from hdr_ctl_nbr_status as h WITH (NOLOCK)
where h.tcn in (select tcn from temp_tcn)

Thanks, sorry if this is too confusing. Jeff

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No Duplicates Please

Mar 10, 2008

Hi, All,

I have two columns of int data in the a table, as my example data shows below.

I want my data returned to be something like those in #test3, but my question is this, how can I do it without using #test2 and #test3?

By the way, the business requirement doesn't care it's min/max or any ID when one side has duplicated values.


Use tempdb

if object_ID ('#test') is not null drop table #test

create table #test (col1 int, col2 int)
insert into #test
Select 123, 222 union
Select 124, 222 union
Select 125, 222 union
Select 111, 223 union
Select 111, 224

if object_ID ('#test2') is not null drop table #test2
create table #test2 (col1 int, col2 int)
Insert into #test2
Select distinct col1, min(col2) from #test group by col1

if object_ID ('#test3') is not null drop table #test3
create table #test3 (col1 int, col2 int)
Insert into #test3
Select min(col1), col2 from #test2 group by col2

Select * from #test3

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Msg 512 But No Duplicates!?!

Jul 28, 2005

I am attempting to execute the Stored Procedure at the foot of thismessage. The Stored Procedure runs correctly about 1550 times, butreceive the following error three times:Server: Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Procedure BackFillNetworkHours,Line 68Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when thesubquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used asan expression.I've done some digging, and the error message is moderatelyself-explanatory.The problem is that there is no Line 68 in the Stored Procedure. It'sthe comment line:-- Need to find out how many hours the employee is scheduled etc.Also, there are no duplicate records in the Employee table nor theWeeklyProfile table. At least I assume so - if the following SQL todetect duplicates is correct!SELECT E.*FROMEmployee Ejoin(select EmployeeIDfromEmployeeGroup by EmployeeIDhaving count(*) > 1) as E2On(E.EmployeeID = E2.EmployeeID)SELECTW.*FROMWeekProfile Wjoin(SelectWeekProfileIDFROMWeekProfileGROUP BYEmployeeID, MondayHours, WeekProfileIDHAVING COUNT(*) > 1) AS W2ONW.WeekProfileID = W2.WeekProfileIDNOTE: In the second statement, I have tried for MondayHours thruFridayHours.Anyone got any ideas? The TableDefs are set up in this thread:<http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.databases.ms-sqlserver/browse_frm/thread/fff4ef21e9964ab8/f5ce136923ebffc3?q=teddysnips&rnum=1&hl=en#f5ce136923ebffc3>The Stored Procedure that causes the error is here:--************************************************** ***********CREATE PROCEDURE BackFillNetworkHoursASDECLARE @EmployeeID intDECLARE @TimesheetDate DateTimeDECLARE @NumMinutes intDECLARE @NetworkCode int-- Get the WorkID corresponding to Project Code 2002SELECT@NetworkCode = WorkIDFROM[Work]WHERE(WorkCode = '2002')-- Open a cursor on a SELECT for all Network Support Employees whereany single workday comprises fewer than 7.5 hoursDECLARE TooFewHours CURSOR FORSELECTEmployeeID,CONVERT(CHAR(8), Start, 112) AS TimesheetDate,SUM(NumMins) AS TotalMinsFROM(SELECTTI.EmployeeID,W.WorkCode,TI.Start AS Start,SUM(TI.DurationMins) AS NumMinsFROMTimesheetItem TI LEFT JOIN[Work] W ON TI.WorkID = W.WorkIDWHERE EXISTS(SELECT*FROMEmployee EWHERE((TI.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID) AND(E.DepartmentID = 2)))GROUP BY TI.EmployeeID, TI.Start, W.WorkCode) AS xGROUP BYEmployeeID,CONVERT(char(8), Start, 112)HAVINGSUM(NumMins) < 450ORDER BYEmployeeID,CONVERT(CHAR(8), Start, 112)-- Get the EmployeeID, Date and Number of Minutes from the cursorOPEN TooFewHoursFETCH NEXT FROM TooFewHours INTO @EmployeeID, @TimesheetDate,@NumMinutesWHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS=0)BEGINDECLARE @NewWorkTime datetimeDECLARE @TimesheetString varchar(50)DECLARE @Duration intDECLARE @RequiredDuration int-- Set the correct date to 08:30 - by default the cast from thecursor's select statement is middaySET @TimesheetString = @TimesheetDate + ' 08:30'SET @NewWorkTime = CAST(@TimesheetString AS Datetime)-- Need to find out how many hours the employee is scheduled to workthat day.SET @RequiredDuration = CASE (DATEPART(dw, @NewWorkTime))WHEN 1 THEN(SELECT CAST((60 * SundayHours) AS int) FROM WeekProfile WHERE(EmployeeID = @EmployeeID))WHEN 2 THEN(SELECT CAST((60 * MondayHours) AS int) FROM WeekProfile WHERE(EmployeeID = @EmployeeID))WHEN 3 THEN(SELECT CAST((60 * TuesdayHours) AS int) FROM WeekProfile WHERE(EmployeeID = @EmployeeID))WHEN 4 THEN(SELECT CAST((60 * WednesdayHours) AS int) FROM WeekProfile WHERE(EmployeeID = @EmployeeID))WHEN 5 THEN(SELECT CAST((60 * ThursdayHours) AS int) FROM WeekProfile WHERE(EmployeeID = @EmployeeID))WHEN 6 THEN(SELECT CAST((60 * FridayHours) AS int) FROM WeekProfile WHERE(EmployeeID = @EmployeeID))WHEN 7 THEN(SELECT CAST((60 * SaturdayHours) AS int) FROM WeekProfile WHERE(EmployeeID = @EmployeeID))ENDIF @NumMinutes < @RequiredDurationBEGIN-- Set the Start for the dummy work block to 08:30 + the number ofminutes the employee has already worked that daySET @NewWorkTime = DateAdd(minute, @NumMinutes, @NewWorkTime)-- Set the duration for the dummy work block to be required durationless the amount they've already workedSET @Duration = @RequiredDuration - @NumMinutes-- Now we have the correct data - insert into table.INSERT INTO TimesheetItem(EmployeeID,Start,DurationMins,WorkID)VALUES(@EmployeeID,@NewWorkTime,@Duration,@NetworkCode)ENDFETCH NEXT FROM TooFewHours INTO @EmployeeID, @TimesheetDate,@NumMinutesENDCLOSE TooFewHoursDEALLOCATE TooFewHoursGO--************************************************** ***********ThanksEdward

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Getting Rid Of Duplicates

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table, TEST_TABLE, with 6 columns (COL1, COL2, COL3, COL4,COL5, COL6).... I need to be able to select all columns/rows whereCOL3, COL4, and COL5 are unique....I have tried using DISTINCT and GROUP BY, but both will only allow meto access columns COL3, COL4, and COL5..... i need access to allcolumns...I just want to get rid of duplicate rows (duplicates ofCOL3, COL4, and COL5)...Thanks in advance.Joe

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Sum Of Duplicates

Apr 23, 2008

Anyone know how to sum duplicated values so it only sums the distinct values?

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Duplicates Only

May 21, 2008

I have the following data.

CustID RoleID RelatID StartDate EndDate

20 RIX AGQ 5/05/2007 31/12/9999

20 RIX AGR 10/06/2007 31/12/9999

18 LRS AGQ 3/09/2004 31/12/9999

22 SRT AGP 5/03/2007 31/12/9999

22 SRT AGP 10/03/2007 31/12/9999

I wish to SELECT only the records that have duplicates. So, in the above data example, RoleID of LRS should be excluded.

How to do?

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Feb 12, 2007

Grateful for some help as a newbie...
I have a
OLE db SQL command: SELECT DISTINCT convert (char(8),date,112) as day,...etc

Resulting in error "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Dim_Date"... so Column Day in Dim_date contains duplicates.

I suppose i need a delete in Lookup or how would I eliminate duplicates in Dim?
DELETE day from dim_date where day in(Select day from date ...

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How Do I Stop These Duplicates

Feb 25, 2004

I have these two tables and I cant prevent duplicates.


And I get something like:ItemID Item CategoryID
1 item1 1
3 item3 1
1 item1 2 <---duplicate
1 item1 3 <---duplicate
2 item2 3
4 item4 3
Thanks in advance

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Dealing With Duplicates

Feb 15, 2002

Just looking for advise on dealing with duplicates in database.
I have a contact table that have a bunch of duplicated customer records.
My goal is to combine all duplicated records into one record.
This involves couple tables:contact,contact history ,calendar.
All tables related by common column "accountno".
What would be the best approach for this?

Thank you,

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