I have a stored procedure with dynamic ORDER BY. I would like to use the DISTINCT too. Is it somehow possible?
Thank you
Here is the stored procedure:
SELECT identifier_company + cast(identifier_number as nvarchar(3)) as identifier,
CASE WHEN canceled = 'True' THEN 'canceledPO' ELSE '' END AS style,
convert(nvarchar(20), purchase.date_raised, 103) as dated,
FROM purchase INNER JOIN purchase_project ON purchase.purchase_id = purchase_project.purchase_id
INNER JOIN staff ON purchase.raised = staff.staff_id
INNER JOIN nominal_department ON purchase.department = nominal_department.nominal_dep_id
WHERE (raised in (SELECT staff_id FROM staff WHERE department like @FromDepartment) or purchase.raised = @raisedBy)
and purchase_project.project_number like '%' + @Query + '%'
CASE @SortDir
CASE @OrderBy
WHEN 'staff_name' THEN cast(staff_name as nvarchar(100))
WHEN 'traveller_name' THEN cast(traveller_name as nvarchar(100))
WHEN 'department_name' THEN cast(department_name as nvarchar(100))
WHEN 'supplier' THEN cast(supplier as nvarchar(100))
WHEN 'canceled' THEN cast(canceled as nvarchar(10))
CASE @SortDir
CASE @OrderBy
WHEN 'staff_name' THEN cast(staff_name as nvarchar(100))
WHEN 'traveller_name' THEN cast(traveller_name as nvarchar(100))
WHEN 'department_name' THEN cast(department_name as nvarchar(100))
WHEN 'supplier' THEN cast(supplier as nvarchar(100))
WHEN 'canceled' THEN cast(canceled as nvarchar(10))
It gives me this error: ORDER BY clause (TimeStamp) conflicts with Distinct
The sql statement is:
sql Code:
Original - sql Code
SELECT DISTINCT division from table order by Stamp DESC
I've tried:
sql Code:
Original - sql Code
SELECT DISTINCT division, Stamp FROM table ORDER BY Stamp DESC
But this produces duplicate rows, which in this specific case is unacceptable.
Is there any way I can acheive what I want? Stamp is a TimeStamp if you couldn't figure it out. I just want the last one entered, but all the last ones entered per division. . .
I have a strange situation (I think). Within a view (which explains why I use the top 100% --> to use an order by) I have this query:
select TOP 100 PERCENT * from tbOfferDetails where ofd_id = ofd_parent and ofd_fk_off_id = 100
This gives me the following results: ofd_fk_off_id off_fk_class_id 100 2753 100 2753 100 2071 100 2753
Now I change the query to:
select distinct ofd_fk_off_id, ofd_fk_class_id from (select TOP 100 PERCENT * from tbOfferDetails where ofd_id = ofd_parent and ofd_fk_off_id = 100 order by ofd_sequence ASC ) as tbOffers
This gives me the following results: ofd_fk_off_id off_fk_class_id 100 2071 100 2753
In the execution plan, it says that a distinct order by is used on off_fk_class_id. My question is: why is this done? I want only a distinct and not an order by. So is there a way to change this (default?) behaviour.
Hi I have a query which returns some rows.. what happens if i use a select distinct instead of a select.. this is my sproc DECLARE @Counter TABLE( PlanId int, FundId int, ClientFundName varchar(110), DisplayOrder int IDENTITY(1,1), IsDefault bit, IsPortfolioFundOnly bit ) INSERT INTO @Counter ( PlanId, FundId, ClientFundName, IsDefault, IsPortfolioFundOnly ) SELECT 5923, f.FundId, d.FundName, CASE WHEN d.FundDefault IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, CASE WHEN Lower(p.FundType) = 'modfundonly' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM PlanDetail d INNER JOIN Statements..Fund f ON d.CUSIP = f.CUSIP OR d.Ticker = f.Ticker OR d.Ticker = f.ClientFundId OR d.CUSIP = f.ClientFundId -- Do an internal join on the PlanDetail table to get the value of the FundType to derive whether --fund can only be chosen as part of a portfolio. LEFT JOIN PlanDetail p ON d.FundName = p.FundName AND d.PortfolioName = p.PortfolioName WHERE d.PlanNumber IS NOT NULL AND p.PortFundPercent IS NULL GROUP BY f.FundId, d.FundName, d.FundDefault, --d.PlanNumber, --d.Cusip, -- d.Ticker, --d.RowNumber, p.FundType
I get the "ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.
SELECT DISTINCT pdm.Account, pdm.Customer FROM dbo.Demands pdm LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Tickets rct ON pdm.Account = rct.Account WHERE pdm.Code IN (66, 51) ORDER BY pdm.TransactionDate DESC
Is there any way to make the ORDER BY work in this case?
OK I am trying the following select statement but I am getting a 'DISTINCT requires ORDER BY to be used' error. I have an ORDER BY in it so I am not sure what I have missed?
SELECT DISTINCT tbl_final_CP.ExtEnum + tbl_final_CP.ExtEnum AS [Full Cost] FROM tbl_final_CP INNER JOIN ContractorAreaRelationship ON tbl_final_CP.Area = ContractorAreaRelationship.AreaNo INNER JOIN tbl_CPCost ON tbl_final_CP.CP = tbl_CPCost.CP WHERE (DATEPART(yyyy, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = DATEPART(yyyy, GETDATE())) AND (ContractorAreaRelationship.ContractorNumber = 6112) AND (DATENAME(mm, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = 'Conwy') AND (ContractorAreaRelationship.AreaName = 'Conwy') AND (tbl_final_CP.Video > 0) OR (DATEPART(yyyy, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = DATEPART(yyyy, GETDATE())) AND (ContractorAreaRelationship.ContractorNumber = 6112) AND (DATENAME(mm, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = 'March') AND (ContractorAreaRelationship.AreaName = 'Conwy') AND (tbl_final_CP.ExtEnum > 0) OR (DATEPART(yyyy, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = DATEPART(yyyy, GETDATE())) AND (DATENAME(mm, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = 'March') AND (ContractorAreaRelationship.AreaName = 'Conwy') AND (tbl_final_CP.Video > 0) AND (ContractorAreaRelationship.AdminID = 6112) OR (DATEPART(yyyy, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = DATEPART(yyyy, GETDATE())) AND (DATENAME(mm, tbl_final_CP.dCount) = 'March') AND (ContractorAreaRelationship.AreaName = 'Conwy') AND (tbl_final_CP.ExtEnum > 0) AND (ContractorAreaRelationship.AdminID = 6112) ORDER BY tbl_final_CP.CP, tbl_final_CP.ExtEnum + tbl_final_CP.ExtEnum
Dear all,In SQL Server 2000 , how to get distinct records sort by onefield .ExampleSELECT DISTINCT A FROM tblTEST ORBER BY BHere, In TableField 'A' contain more than one same data...Field 'B' contain all are different Data......I want distince in Field 'A' and order by Field 'B'..... how to getit.........regardskrishnan
I am trying to display items from a table that have a type. For each condition there are between 7 and 10 types. I am looping through each type and displaying all items in that type. I am using DISTINCT to pull the types and count them, so I know how many there are and how times to loop. My problem is that DISTINCT is ordering the types alphabetically! I want them in the same order they went into the table. I tried adding ORDER BY primaryID, but got an error that said I also had to select primaryID as well as type, so now I am selecting every item that fits the condition and not just the DISTINCT types! Is there any way to make it order by column_position? I am using SQL 2K.
Say I have a result set with two fields numbers and letters.
1 A3 A1 B2 B
The result set is ordered by the letters column. How can I select the distinct numbers from the result set but maintain the current order? When I tryselect distinct Number from MyResultSet
it will reorder the new result set by the Number field and return
However, I'd like maintain the Letter order and return
I have the following records, MyDate MyId 2003/10/25 2 2003/10/26 3 2003/10/26 1 2003/10/27 3 2003/10/28 2 2003/10/29 4
I want to get the most earlier date distinct records. I try to use "SELECT DISTINCT MyID from Table;" I expect to get Myid: 2,3,1,4 But the computer returns Myid:1,2,3,4
Is there a way to get the records using "SELECT DISTINCT MyID from Table ORDER BY MyDate;"
This query demonstrates a problem I have run across:
USE AdventureWorks
-- This query works fine.
SELECT DISTINCT FirstName AS Name1 FROM Person.Contact ORDER BY FirstName
-- This query also works fine.
SELECT ISNULL(FirstName, '') AS Name1 FROM Person.Contact ORDER BY FirstName
-- This query returns error 145
SELECT DISTINCT ISNULL(FirstName, '') AS Name1 FROM Person.Contact ORDER BY FirstName
The last query returns the error "ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified". It will work if I change ORDER BY to use "Name1" instead of "FirstName", but in the situation I have at hand, the query is generated by third-party software and I don't have the ability to change it. Can anyone explain why what's going on here? Oddly, this same query will work if I run it against SQL Server 2000.
I have a problem in extracting information pertaing to a key value and matching that key value to another transaction but the order is based on another value in the same row.
Requirement using the above data is to extract data where the ret_ref_no is the same for more than one row but also check that the msg_type 420 happens before the 200. Is there a way of retrieving the information in this way using the tran_nr coloumn values? The tran_nr values is basically the serial number when the transaction is wrriten away to the DB.
I've managed only to retrive the 1st half of my query whereby the same ret_ref_nr is being used by more then one transaction. Still need to figure out the 2nd part where the msg_type of 420 happens before the 200.
SELECT * FROM SAMPLE WHERE ret_ref_no in ( SELECT ret_ref_no FROM SAMPLE GROUP BY ret_ref_no HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 )
Hi, I wonder if its possible to perform a ORDER BY clause in an SELECT DISTINCT sql query whereby the AS SINGLECOLUMN is used. At present I am recieving error: ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified. My guess is that I cant perform the Order By clauses because it cant find the columns individually. It is essentail I get this to work somehow... Can anyone help? Thanks in advance Gemma
declare @OrderBy as varchar(20) if(@DateType = 1) set @OrderBy = (select 'lastchange') --lastchange is a column name select * from xtableorder by [@OrderBy] ascI am getting an error saying that column name @OrderBy does not exist.How can I sort the search using the @OrderBy variable?Thanx
I am using a dynamic order by statement;ORDER BY CASE @sortWHEN 0 THEN CAST( COALESCE( t2.RANK, 0 ) + COALESCE( t3.RANK,0 ) AS CHAR( 5 ) )WHEN 1 THEN C.titleWHEN 2 THEN CAST( CEILING( [dbo].[fn_calculateDistance]( @fromLatitude, @fromLongitude, L.latitude, L.longitude ) ) ASCHAR( 9 ) )WHEN 3 THEN ( C.locality + ' ' + C.state )WHEN 4 THEN CAST( C.price AS CHAR( 10 ) ) END ASCThe problem is with the numeric values, I have to cast them as astring, but in the results 114kmobviously is not between 1137km and 1144km.Anyone any ideas on this?Thanks in advance.
I am trying to use dynamic ORDER BY with UNION in a stored procedure but I keep getting this error message:
ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if the statement contains a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator.
The ORDER BY works fine without the UNION, and the UNION works fine without the dynamic ORDER BY (just putting an ORDER BY works fine)
Here is the whole query in case this helps, thank you
SELECT leave_id, leave_type, annualLeave.from_date, convert(nvarchar(10), annualLeave.request_date, 103) as dated, convert(nvarchar(10), annualLeave.from_date, 103) as from_date, convert(nvarchar(10), annualLeave.to_date, 103) as to_date, annualLeave.canceled, annualLeave.working_days, staff.staff_name, Case WHEN annualLeave.canceled = 'True' THEN 'canceledPO' WHEN annualLeave.authorized_mng is not NUll AND annualLeave.authorized_hr is not Null THEN 'greenItem' ELSE '' END AS pendingStyle, Case WHEN annualLeave.canceled = 'True' THEN 'canceledPO' ELSE '' END AS historyStyle FROM annualLeave INNER JOIN staff ON annualLeave.staff = staff.staff_id WHERE staff.department like @Department and (@staffID is Null or annualLeave.staff = @StaffID) and (@Canceled is Null or annualLeave.canceled = @Canceled) and (@AuthorizedMng is Null or annualLeave.authorized_mng is Null) and (@AuthorizedHR is Null or annualLeave.authorized_hr is Null) and (@StartingDate is Null or annualLeave.from_date > @Startingdate) and (@IsPastLeave is Null or annualLeave.from_date < @IsPastLeave) and (@EndingDate is Null or annualLeave.to_date <= @EndingDate)
SELECT leave_id, leave_type, annualLeave.from_date, convert(nvarchar(10), annualLeave.request_date, 103) as dated, convert(nvarchar(10), annualLeave.from_date, 103) as from_date, convert(nvarchar(10), annualLeave.to_date, 103) as to_date, annualLeave.canceled, annualLeave.working_days, staff.staff_name, Case WHEN annualLeave.canceled = 'True' THEN 'canceledPO' WHEN annualLeave.authorized_mng is not NUll AND annualLeave.authorized_hr is not Null THEN 'greenItem' ELSE '' END AS pendingStyle, Case WHEN annualLeave.canceled = 'True' THEN 'canceledPO' ELSE '' END AS historyStyle FROM annualLeave INNER JOIN staff ON annualLeave.staff = staff.staff_id WHERE staff.department like @Department and (@staffID is Null or annualLeave.staff = @StaffID) and (@Canceled is Null or annualLeave.canceled = @Canceled) and (@AuthorizedMng is Null or annualLeave.authorized_mng is Null) and (@AuthorizedHR is Null or annualLeave.authorized_hr is Null) and annualLeave.leave_type like 'Leave in lieu' ORDER BY CASE @OrderDir WHEN 'ASC' THENannualLeave.from_date END ASC, CASE @OrderDir WHEN 'DESC' THEN annualLeave.from_date END DESC
I have a need to perform pagination while using dynamic sorting. Asan exmaple -SELECT TOP(10) * FROM (SELECTTextColumn,DecimalColumn,ROW_NUMER() OVER (ORDER BYCASE @xWHEN 1 THEN TextColumnWHEN 2 THEN DecimalColumnENDDESC) AS SortOrderFROM Table1) AS Results WHERE SortOrder ( 10 ) ORDER BY SortOrderThis is obviously just some sample but an error is given because thedata type of the 2 columns used in the order by are different. Itworks if I cast DecimalColumn to match the textcolumn but then thesorting is wrong. Is there a way to do this in a single query with 2different data types?Thanks for your help.
I am trying to do something similar to the following where I want to perform dynamic ordering on two tables that have been unioned as shown below.
CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name @regNum varchar(14), @sortOrder tinyint = 1 AS SELECT Filler_OrdNum As 'Accession', RTrim(Obs_Code) As 'Observation', REG As 'Register', Obs_Date As 'Observation Date' FROM tblSPG_Header WHERE REG = @regNum UNION SELECT Filler_OrdNum As 'Accession', RTrim(Obs_Code) As 'Observation', REG As 'Register', Obs_Date As 'Observation Date' FROM tblRCH_Header WHERE REG = @regNum ORDER BY Obs_Date DESC GO
Note that I am only sorting on the Obs_Date column, but I'd like to be able to sort on any column within the selection list. I know that I need to use:
but I frequently get the following error when I try to do so:
"ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if the statements contain a UNION operator"
If anyone can offer any suggestions, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
I have a stored procedure that uses a dynamic order by statement. This statement works okay until I try to select ticket's by userEmail which is passed in to my stored procedure as a parameter. Here is the code that works for my dynamic sort order: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SelectAllTickets] @SortOrder varchar(250) AS SET NOCOUNT ON Exec('SELECT a.TicketID, a.TicketDate, a.TicketName, a.TicketDescription, a.statusID, a.resolutionID, a.userID, b.typeID, b.typeName, c.userID, c.UserFirstName, f.statusID, f.statusName FROM Tickets a LEFT OUTER JOIN Type b ON b.typeID = a.typeID LEFT OUTER JOIN Users c ON c.userID = a.userID LEFT OUTER JOIN Status f ON f.statusID = a.statusID ORDER BY ' + @SortOrder) I modied this procedure to create one in which I select tickets based on the userEmail as a criteria as well.. this one fails due to Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'BY' CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SelectTicketByUser]@SortOrder varchar(250),@userEmail varchar(50) AS SET NOCOUNT ON Exec('SELECT a.TicketID, a.TicketDate, a.TicketName, a.TicketDescription, a.statusID, a.resolutionID, a.userID, b.typeID, b.typeName, c.userID, c.UserFirstName, c.userEmail, f.statusID, f.statusName FROM Tickets a LEFT OUTER JOIN Type b ON b.typeID = a.typeID LEFT OUTER JOIN Users c ON c.userID = a.userID LEFT OUTER JOIN Status f ON f.statusID = a.statusID WHERE a.statusID <> 40 AND c.userEmail = ' + @userEmail + 'ORDER BY ' + @SortOrder) Any ideas on what syntax I should be using? Thanks!
I can't figure out why this won't work. I want to use a variable for the 'ORDER BY' in my Stored Procedure.
I use this to order my results by product price or alphabetically from a dropdown menu. I have tried the following, but get the error below.
[Code] ....
Code: Msg 1008, Level 16, State 1, Procedure SPResults, Line 21
The SELECT item identified by the ORDER BY number 1 contains a variable as part of the expression identifying a column position. Variables are only allowed when ordering by an expression referencing a column name. Is this possible to do?
I have this stored procedure: SELECT * from purchase ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'traveller_name' THEN cast(traveller_name as nvarchar(100)) WHEN 'canceled' THEN cast(canceled as bit) END
the @OrderBy is a nvarchar(100) parameter traveller_name is an nvarchar(100) field canceled is a bit field
When I execute the stored procedure it works fine until I execute it sorting by canceled field. After that, I cannot sort it again using the traveller_name field. I get this eror: Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Jason' to data type bit. (Jason is a record in the traveller_name) Removing the castings and sorting by just the column name does not help.
Hi, Can anyone help as to how to get this to work? dbo.parseInt is a Function which sorts Alpha Numerically. If I removed the top part of the UNION, the Procedure works fine.
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.ByJobNoAlphaNumeric as SELECT 0 AS JobID, '<All Jobs>' AS JobNo UNION SELECT JobID, JobNo FROM tbl ORDER BY dbo.parseInt(JobNo)
Hi, I hope some one can help me. I have a stored procedure (Microsoft SQL 2005 Express Edition) that I want users to be able to dynamically set the, group by, order by (@orderby) and where clause (@where). I have managed to get the group by to work but can't seem to get the where and order by to work. Here's my stored procedure. Any idea how this can be done? ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_aggregate] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @finfileid int, @phaseid int, @supplierid int, @measurementid int, @roleid int, @groupby int, @orderby int, @where int AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here SELECT MAX(ProjectFinFileMonthItems.ProjFinFileMonthItemsMonthId) AS ProjFinFileMonthItemsMonthId, SUM(ProjectFinFileMonthItems.ProjFinFileMonthItemsValue * ProjectFinFileMonthItems.ProjFinFileMonthItemsRate * ProjectFinFileMonthItems.ProjFinFileMonthItemsAvail / 100) AS total, MAX(ProjectFinFileItems.ProjPhaseId) AS phaseid, MAX(ProjectFinFileMonthItems.ProjDeliveId) AS deliveid, MAX(ProjectFinFileMonthItems.SupplierId) AS supplierid, MAX(ProjectFinFileMonthItems.ProjFinFileItemsId) AS ProjFinFileItemsId, MAX(ProjectFinFileMonthItems.ProjFinFileMonthItemsId) AS ProjFinFileMonthItemsId, MAX(ProjectFinFileMonthItems.ProjDeliveId) AS ProjDeliveId, MAX(ProjectPhases.ProjectPhaseName) AS ProjectPhaseName, MAX(Suppliers.SupplierName) AS SupplierName, MAX(ProjectFinFileMonthItems.RoleId) AS RoleId, MAX(Measurements.MeasurementName) AS MeasurementName, MAX(ProjectFinFileMonthItems.MeasurementId) AS MeasurementId, MAX(ProjectFinFileMonthItems.FinDataTypeId) AS FinDataTypeId, MAX(FinDataTypes.FinDataTypeName) AS FinDataTypeName, max(ProjectFinFileItems.FinFileId) as finfileid FROM ProjectFinFileItems INNER JOIN ProjectFinFileMonthItems ON ProjectFinFileItems.ProjFinFileItemsId = ProjectFinFileMonthItems.ProjFinFileItemsId LEFT OUTER JOIN FinDataTypes ON ProjectFinFileMonthItems.FinDataTypeId = FinDataTypes.FinDataTypeId LEFT OUTER JOIN Measurements ON ProjectFinFileMonthItems.MeasurementId = Measurements.MeasurementId LEFT OUTER JOIN Roles ON ProjectFinFileMonthItems.RoleId = Roles.RoleId LEFT OUTER JOIN ProjectPhases ON ProjectFinFileItems.ProjPhaseId = ProjectPhases.ProjectPhaseId LEFT OUTER JOIN Suppliers ON ProjectFinFileMonthItems.SupplierId = Suppliers.SupplierId /*dynamic where clause needs to go here */ /*dynamic group by clause */ GROUP BY CASE when @groupby=1 then ProjectFinFileItems.projphaseid --phaseid when @groupby=2 then ProjectFinFileMonthItems.supplierid -- supplierid when @groupby=3 then ProjectFinFileMonthItems.measurementid -- measurment when @groupby=4 then ProjectFinFileMonthItems.roleid --role else ProjectFinFileMonthItems.ProjFinFileMonthItemsId END /*dynamic order clause needs to go here */ END cheers Mark :)
I use a DataGrid to show the data, and I want it has a sorting and Paging function, so I use dataset to collect the data from middle tier function and stored procedure. I have code in aspx page like BindData(ViewState("SortExpr")).
In the stored procedure I pass SortExpr as parameter as following:
DECLARE @RowCount int SELECT @RowCount = Count(*) FROM ZIPCodes WHERE ZIPCode = @Zipcode AND CityType = 'D'
if @RowCount > 0 BEGIN SELECT z.ZIPCode, z.City, z.StateCode, a.Make, a.Model, a.AutoPrice, a.AutoPrice2, a.AutoYear, a.Mileage, a.AdID, a.ImageURL, dbo.DistanceAssistant(z.Latitude,z.Longitude,r.Latitude,r.Longitude) As Distance /* The above functions requires the Distance Assistant. */ FROM ZIPCodes z, RadiusAssistant(@ZIPCode,@Miles) r, AutoAd a WHERE z.Latitude <= r.MaxLat AND z.Latitude >= r.MinLat AND z.Longitude <= r.MaxLong AND z.Longitude >= r.MinLong AND z.CityType = 'D' AND z.ZIPCodeType <> 'M' AND z.ZIPCode = a.Zipcode AND a.AdActive = '1' AND a.AdExpiredate >= getdate() AND a.Make = @Make AND a.Model = IsNull(@Model,a.Model) AND a.Condition = IsNull(@Condition, a.Condition) AND dbo.DistanceAssistant(z.Latitude,z.Longitude,r.Latitude,r.Longitude) <= @Miles ORDER BY @SortExpr END ELSE SELECT -1 As ZIPCode --ZIP Code not found... GO
but I got the error as "variables are only allowed when ordering by an expression referenceing a column name". How I fix this error? Please help.
Hi all,I have a SQL statement that allows paging and dynamic sorting of thecolumns, but what I can't figure out without making the SQL a dynamicstring and executing it, or duplicating the SQL statement between anIF and ELSE statement.Following is the SQL statement;set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgoALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_search]@search VARCHAR( 80 ), @startRow INT = 1, @endRow INT = NULL, @postcode AS CHAR( 4 ) = NULL, @suburb AS VARCHAR( 40 ) = NULL, @stateIdentity AS TINYINT = NULL, @fromLatitude AS REAL = NULL -- latitude the user is located in, @fromLongitude AS REAL = NULL -- longitude the user is located in, @sort TINYINT = 1ASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;DECLARE @calculateDistance BIT;SET @calculateDistance = 0;-- get the longitude and latitude if requiredIF ( NOT @postcode IS NULL )BEGINSELECTDISTINCT@fromLatitude = latitude, @fromLongitude = longitudeFROMtbl_postalcodeWHERE(postalcode = @postcode)SET @calculateDistance = 1ENDELSE IF ( NOT @suburb IS NULL AND NOT @stateIdentity IS NULL )BEGINSELECTDISTINCT@fromLatitude = latitude, @fromLongitude = longitudeFROMtbl_localityWHERE(locality = @suburb)AND(stateIdentity = @stateIdentity)SET @calculateDistance = 1END/*ELSE IF ( @fromLatitude IS NULL AND @fromLongitude IS NULL )BEGINRAISERROR( 'You need to pass a valid combination to this storedprocedure, example: postcode or suburb and state identity or longitudeand latitude', 18, 1 );END*/SELECT D1.[row], D1.[totalRecordCount], D1.[classifiedIdentity], D1.[title], D1.[summary], D1.[price], D1.[locality], D1.[state], D1.[postcode], D1.[addedLast24], D1.[dateStamp], D1.[t2Rank], D1.[t3Rank], D1.[tRank], D1.[distance], F.[originalName], F.[extension], F.[uniqueName]FROM(-- derived tableSELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY CASE @sort WHEN 0 THENCAST( COALESCE( t2.RANK, 0 ) + COALESCE( t3.RANK, 0 ) AS CHAR( 5 ) )WHEN 1 THEN C.title WHEN 2 THEN CAST( CEILING( [dbo].[fn_calculateDistance] ( @fromLatitude, @fromLongitude, L.latitude,L.longitude ) ) AS CHAR( 9 ) ) WHEN 3 THEN ( C.locality + ' ' +C.state ) WHEN 4 THEN CAST( C.price AS CHAR( 10 ) ) END ASC ) AS row, COUNT( * ) OVER() AS totalRecordCount, C.[classifiedIdentity], C.[title], C.[summary], C.[price], C.[locality], C.[state], C.[postcode], CASE WHEN ( C.[dateStamp] >= DATEADD( day, -1, GETDATE() ) )THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS addedLast24, C.[dateStamp]/* , t1.RANK AS t1Rank */, t2.RANK AS t2Rank, t3.RANK AS t3Rank, /* COALESCE( t1.RANK, 0 ) + */ COALESCE( t2.RANK, 0 ) +COALESCE( t3.RANK, 0 ) AS tRank, CASE @calculateDistance WHEN 1 THEN CEILING( [dbo].[fn_calculateDistance] ( @fromLatitude, @fromLongitude, L.latitude,L.longitude ) ) ELSE 0 END AS distanceFROM [tbl_classified] AS CINNER JOINtbl_locality LONC.localityIdentity = L.localityIdentity/* LEFT OUTER JOINCONTAINSTABLE( tbl_category, title, @keyword ) ASt1ON FT_TBL.categoryIdentity = t1.[KEY] */LEFT OUTER JOINCONTAINSTABLE( tbl_classified, title, @search ) ASt2ON C.classifiedIdentity = t2.[KEY]LEFT OUTER JOINCONTAINSTABLE( tbl_classified, description,@search ) AS t3ON C.classifiedIdentity = t3.[KEY]WHERE ( /* COALESCE( t1.RANK, 0 ) + */COALESCE( t2.RANK, 0 ) +COALESCE( t3.RANK, 0 ) ) != 0) AS D1LEFT OUTER JOINtbl_classified_file CFOND1.classifiedIdentity = CF.classifiedIdentityLEFT OUTER JOINtbl_file FONF.fileIdentity = CF.fileIdentityWHERE( row >= @startRow )AND( @endRow IS NULL OR row <= @endRow )ENDThe part I'm having trouble with is making the sort order in thefollowing line dynamicORDER BY CASE @sort WHEN 0 THEN CAST( COALESCE( t2.RANK, 0 ) +COALESCE( t3.RANK, 0 ) AS CHAR( 5 ) ) WHEN 1 THEN C.title WHEN 2 THENCAST( CEILING( [dbo].[fn_calculateDistance] ( @fromLatitude,@fromLongitude, L.latitude, L.longitude ) ) AS CHAR( 9 ) ) WHEN 3 THEN( C.locality + ' ' + C.state ) WHEN 4 THEN CAST( C.price ASCHAR( 10 ) ) END ASCany help would be greatly apprecaited.Thanks
I am looking for assistance coming up with a function (or maybe not a function if there is a better way) to make the Status column in my order table dynamic. The default value for new records will always be "1" to designate a quote. At this point the field is not dynamic. Once the customer confirms the order, the user needs to execute a command to change the status to "3" to designate a Confirmed order. At this point the field needs to be dynamic based on the shipping records. There are two order details tables. One for sales items and one for rental items. Each of these details tables has their own shipping record. the CheckInOut Tables are for rental while the Ship tables are for sales. So, if some (but not all) of the items in either of these order details tables has a shipping record associated with it, then the status should be changed to "5". If everything has been shipping, the status is changed to "4". If everything has been shipping but some items have been returned, the status is "6" if everything has been shipping and all of the RentalDetail items have been returned then the status is "7" and if there is any other combination of a variety of ships and returns, the status is "8". Also, at any time, the user needs to be able to execute a command to change the value to "2". once the value is changed to "2" the field stops being dynamic again.
Below are my tables creation commands.
CREATE TABLE OrderHeader ( OrderID int identity primary key, Status int, StartDate datetime, EndDate datetime )--Use Type 1 = "Quote" Type 2 = "Cancelled" Type 3 = "Confirmed", Type 4 = "Shipped", Type 5 = "Part Shipped", Type 6 = "Part Returned", Type 7 = "Returned, Type 8 = "Mixed" CREATE TABLE OrderRentalDetail ( OrderRentalDetailID int identity primary key, OrderID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES OrderHeader(OrderID), ItemName varchar(30), Qty int, SiteID int, ) CREATE TABLE CheckInOutHeader ( CheckInOutID int identity primary key, Type int, SiteID int, ActionDate datetime )--Use Type 1 = "Ship" Type 2 = "Return" Type 3 = "Lost" CREATE TABLE CheckInOutDetail ( CheckInOutDetailID int identity primary key, CheckInOutID int NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ShipHeader(ShippingID), OrderRentalDetailID int, Qty int ) CREATE TABLE OrderSalesDetail ( OrderSalesDetailID int identity primary key, OrderID int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES OrderHeader(OrderID), ItemName varchar(30), Qty int, SiteID int, ) CREATE TABLE ShipHeader ( ShippingID int identity primary key, Type int, SiteID int, ActionDate datetime )--Use Type 1 = "Ship" Type 2 = "Return" CREATE TABLE ShipDetail ( ShipDetailID int identity primary key, ShippingID int NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ShipHeader(ShippingID), OrderSalesDetailID int, Qty int )
I am trying to set sorting up on a DataGrid in ASP.NET 2.0. I have it working so that when you click on the column header, it sorts by that column, what I would like to do is set it up so that when you click the column header again it sorts on that field again, but in the opposite direction. I have it working using the following code in the stored procedure: CASE WHEN @SortColumn = 'Field1' AND @SortOrder = 'DESC' THEN Convert(sql_variant, FileName) end DESC, case when @SortColumn = 'Field1' AND @SortOrder = 'ASC' then Convert(sql_variant, FileName) end ASC, case WHEN @SortColumn = 'Field2' and @SortOrder = 'DESC' THEN CONVERT(sql_variant, Convert(varchar(8000), FileDesc)) end DESC, case when @SortColumn = 'Field2' and @SortOrder = 'ASC' then convert(sql_variant, convert(varchar(8000), FileDesc)) end ASC, case when @SortColumn = 'VersionNotes' and @SortOrder = 'DESC' then convert(sql_variant, convert(varchar(8000), VersionNotes)) end DESC, case when @SortColumn = 'VersionNotes' and @SortOrder = 'ASC' then convert(sql_variant, convert(varchar(8000), VersionNotes)) end ASC, case WHEN @SortColumn = 'FileDataID' and @SortOrder = 'DESC' THEN CONVERT(sql_variant, FileDataID) end DESC, case WHEN @SortColumn = 'FileDataID' and @SortOrder = 'ASC' THEN CONVERT(sql_variant, FileDataID) end ASC And I gotta tell you, that is ugly code, in my opinion. What I am trying to do is something like this: case when @SortColumn = 'Field1' then FileName end, case when @SortColumn = 'FileDataID' then FileDataID end, case when @SortColumn = 'Field2' then FileDesc when @SortColumn = 'VersionNotes' then VersionNotes end
case when @SortOrder = 'DESC' then DESC when @SortOrder = 'ASC' then ASC end and it's not working at all, i get an error saying: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'case' when i put a comma after the end on line 5 i get: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DESC' What am I missing here? Thanks in advance for any help -Madrak
INSERT INTO #LatLong SELECT DISTINCT Latitude, Longitude FROM RGCcache
When I run it I get the following error: "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#LatLong__________7CE3D9D4'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.#LatLong'."
Im not sure how this is failing as when I try creating another table with 2 decimal columns and repeated values, select distinct only returns distinct pairs of values.
The failure may be related to the fact that RGCcache has about 10 million rows, but I can't see why.
I need to run a SELECT DISTINCT query acrossmultiple fields, but I need to add another field that is NON-DISTINCTto my record set.Here is my query:SELECT DISTINCT lastname, firstname, middleinitial, address1,address2, city, state, zip, age, genderFROM gpresultsWHERE age>='18' and serviceline not in ('4TH','4E','4W')and financialclass not in ('Z','X') and age not in('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0')and (CAST (ADMITDATE AS DATETIME) >= DATEDIFF(day, 60, GETDATE()))ORDER BY zipThis query runs perfect. No problems whatsoever. However, I need toalso include another field called "admitdate" that should be treatedas NON-DISTINCT. How do I add this in to the query?I've tried this but doesn't work:SELECT admitdateFROM (SELECT DISTINCT lastname, firstname, middleinitial, address1,address2, city, state, zip, age, gender from gpresults)WHERE age>='18' and serviceline not in ('4TH','4E','4W')and financialclass not in ('Z','X') and age not in('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0')and (CAST (ADMITDATE AS DATETIME) >= DATEDIFF(day, 60, GETDATE()))ORDER BY zipThis has to be simple but I do not know the syntax to accomplishthis.Thanks
Hello, I have written a small asp.net application, which keeps record of the proposals coming from the branch offices of a bank in a tableCREATEd as a TABLE Proposals ( ID smallint identity(7,1), BranchID char(5), Proposal_Date datetime ) This app also calculates the total number of proposals coming from a specific branch in a given date bySELECTing COUNT(BranchID) FROM Proposals WHERE BranchID=@prmBranchID AND Proposal_Date=@prmDateand prints them in a table (my target table). This target table has as many rows as the result of the "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT Proposal_Date ) FROM Proposals"and excluding the first column which displays those DISTINCT Proposal_Dates, it also has as many columns as the result of the"SELECT DISTINCT BranchID FROM Proposals". This target table converts the DateTime values ToShortDateString so that we are able to see comfortably which branch office has sent how many proposals in a given day. So far so good, and everything works fine except one thing: Certain DateTime values in the Proposals table which are of the same day but of different hours (for ex: 11.11.2005 08:30:45 and11.11.2005 10:45:30) cause some trouble in the target table, where "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT Proposal_Date ) FROM Proposals" is executed, because (as you might already guess) it displays two identical dates in ShortDateString form, and this doesn't make much sense (i.e. it causes redundant rows) What I need to do is to get a result like (in a neat fashion :) "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT Proposal_Date ) <<DISTINCT ONLY IN THE DAYS AND NOT IN HOURS OR MINUTES OR SECONDS>> FROM Proposals" So, how to do it in a suitable way? Thanks in advance.