Do/can Multiple Filegroups Really Make A Difference When Only One Disk Drive Is Involve?

Sep 27, 2007

outside of restore manageability, can multiple filegroups enhance performance when only one disk is attached? I guess I should also ask if it can hurt?

I have two use cases and am a bit unclear after reading lots of material on the subject.

My first use case is an OLTP consisting of a very stable set of "configuration" tables and a volatile transaction intake table with RI on the stable tables. I thought about putting the volatile table in it's own filegroup due to it's behavior but am second guessing myself after seeing that every author on the subject seems to hint that filegroups are only relevant when they map to different disks.

My second use case is an archive (readonly) that I will "range" partition due to volume. My first instinct was to create one filegroup for each partition but again I'm wondering what that will buy me in an environment with only a single disk.

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2 Servers 1 Disk Drive

Sep 10, 1999

I've been asked to configure a "hot-backup" server configuration.
However, I'm coming into the situation a bit later, and they would like me to accomplish the hot-backup with their hardware and their methodology.

Here goes.

We have two identical servers. They will both have a SCSI connection to a device refered to as an "EMC". It will be seen as a single drive letter "E:" to both boxes. Only 1 server will be "up" and using the drive at a time.

The idea is to have SQL devices - (oops, database files) located on the "EMC" drives and in the event of a failure of one server, we bring up the backup and it will take right off using the existing Database files (*.mdf, *.ldf files).

1. Can Sql server 2 come up using databases that have been modified
by server 1. (Provided Master database is on this common drive?

2. What about MSDB, can it be located on a drive different than
where SQL program files are located?

3. How about installing all of SQL application and DB's onto
the Shared Drive? Can a different server come up using the same files?

Anyone out there done/seen/heard of a similar configuration?
Any caveats

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DEFRAG Disk Drive

Jul 23, 2005

SQL 2000We took SQL Server offline last night and defragged the SAN. Should wereindex or will be be okay ?Thanks,Craig

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Moving Indexes To Their Own Disk Drive

Apr 22, 2004

I am trying to find out if it is possible to move indexes to a separate filegroup/disk drive during database restore. I am trying this to see if it improves performance. Also if I cannot move the indexes during restore, how would I move them afterwards to a different filegroup/disk drive? Thanks in advance for all the help.

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How To Delete Records When Disk Drive Is Full

Jul 7, 2015

My data folder of SQL as filled up the space of my local drive. I have 150KB free space left in the drive. So I have to delete some records to regain space. But when I run the delete query it says transaction log is full and stops halfway. How can I free space? How can I delete the records? There is no available space to shrink as well.

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Installation Of SQL Server 2005 On The Partition Disk Drive

Aug 11, 2005

Trying to install SQL Server 2005 beta version on partition disk drive sayF: (Other than local disk drive c:),Does anyone know how can I do this? During the installation, it never asksme on which drive it install to nor browse button is there to browse thedisk drive for installation...Any help???ThanksJ.

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How To Configure Filegroups On Multiple Machines - SQL 2005

May 15, 2008

Hi folks,

I am exploring various solutions to setting up a scalable database configuration. To do a proof of concept, I need to setup the database in such a way that the data is partitioned on 2 physical machines.

I looked at distributed partitioned views, which allowed me to create a table on databases residing on two different servers, and then I created distributed view (with appropriate range constraints) that supported distributed selects, joins, updates, and inserts. This seemed to be the solution we were looking for.

However, I ran into a major problem because of the fact that distributed partitioned views don't allow a table to maintain an Identity column with an identity seed.

I did more research and found the Partitioned Table concept that was introduced in SQL 2005. This partitioned table allows us to have a single table which is horizontally partitioned across multiple file groups. This table now is just like a regular table in that it supports the identity column and identity seeds and guarantees index integrity. We were successful in implementing the partitioned table on a single machine, with three filegroups.

Now I need to move these file groups to different physical machines. I have found some articles on adding file group on additional hard disks on the same machine - but nothing to setup a database that is comprised of multiple servers that each handle a part of the data partition.

Is it possible to create a database comprise of filegroups residing on different physical machines?


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Transact SQL :: How To Make A Report On Difference Between Rows

Nov 16, 2015

Given a table that has three columns that together create a key and two columns that together define NameValue pairs, how can the difference between instances of values be calculated and displayed?One table is used to contain periodic dumps of data from various sources. Because this is an early stage of development for the software project instead of having explicit columns that contain specific data the table contains name/value pairs. This allows the software to export anything to the database table. When this data is imported, earch row shares the same key (three columns containing a machine type, serial number and a timestamp), a name that identifies the data and a string that contains the actual data. While this arrangement makes it trivial to support the addition of any data that the software developers want to export, it makes it less obvious as to how to generate reports.Let's make an example. Lets assume that there are two vending machines, each of which has just 3 snacks and each of which generates two separate reports.

Type Sn Timestamp Name Value
A 1 2015-08-15 12:34 Snick 5
A 1 2015-08-15 12:34 Mars 10
A 1 2015-08-15 12:34 MandM 0B 2 2015-08-15 15:31 Snick 1
B 2 2015-08-15 15:31 Mars 9
B 2 2015-08-15 15:31 MandM 0A 1 2015-08-21 09:12 Snick 11
A 1 2015-08-21 09:12 Mars 18


So, the names of the values become the report's columns. The reports are sorted by timestamp, then by type, then by serial number.The value associated with the previous row that shares the same name is subtracted from the value of the next row in which the same name occurs and that becomes the displayed value in the report.

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ASC/DESC Clustered Index - Will It Make A Difference In This Scenario?

Sep 7, 2007

Imagine the following scenario-

Identity(1,1) column ID is primary key and only clustered index key.

Rows will be inserted regularly into this table, hundreds per day.

Queries will be mostly selecting on the most recent records.

In a year, the row will have half a million records or so and only the most recent records will be used. There will be a forward-rolling hot spot, of most recent records.

Does the direction of the ID column in the clustered index make a difference?

I'm thinking no, because query plan will go to that leaf in an index seek regardless of whether it is old or new, "bottom" or "top" of index, especially if the query is very specific on the ID.

I've read this

but it didn't address (or perhaps didn't need to) this sort of scenario.

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Creating Update Trigger That Involve Two Tables And Few Fields?

Oct 13, 2013

I need creating an update trigger that involved two tables and a few fields.


I would like to create the trigger on tblCaseBillingDetails so that when the data in the Defendant fields are updated, the trigger fires and updates the Defendant count DefCount.

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Is It Possible To Move My Sql 2000 Database (in C Disk) To Another Disk (Disk) ?

Dec 28, 2006

          I am new to Sql 2000,I installed sql 2000 database in C disk,but Now I found my C disk space is smaller than before,So I want to move my databse(include data and structure)   from C Disk to D Disk(its space is very large) .
         is it possible to do it ? 
         if its can be done ,do I need to change my program source code (exp: chaneg my crystal  report connectstring ) ?
        thanks in advanced!

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Multiple Hard Disk

May 29, 2007


I have 2 harddisk in my computer and I have SQL 2005 Express on 1 of them (let's say C:), however, my C: is going to be full soon! Once it is full, is it possible to create a table on my other harddisk which the server can recognise?


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Multiple Database Files On The Same Disk

May 16, 2007

Hi there

It is obvious that putting multiple database files on different physical disk is better for performance, but what about splitting the data on different files on the same disk?

I have got a database of about 20GB and only a single data file. will I benefit from splitting this file to multiple files on the same disk?

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Can Multiple Instance In A Cluster Share Disk Resources?

Dec 8, 2006

Is there a way for multiple SQL 2005 instances in a cluster to share drives for user databases.

Once we install our instances in the cluster using seperate disk resources. Can we then have multiple instances share the same physical disk for user databases only. This is for a test environment.


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Sharing Hard Disk On Multiple SQL Server Instances

Jan 31, 2008

I have a situation where I would like to set up one DB server instance for US and anther one for AUStralia. The Instance should share the same data base/hardsisk. One of the instances will be running in using US time zone and anothe one in Australia time zone.
There will be 2 Application instaces one poinint to each SQL Server instance. This applications does write into the database

So the underlying requirment is to have 2 database server running in differnet time zones but accessing the same disk/set of data
What is the best way to do this? Is it linked servers?Girish

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Date Difference For Multiple Dates

Jun 18, 2014

I have a field called 'LOG_COMMENTS' in a table named T_PRODUCTION_WORK_LOG.

In the 'LOG_COMMENTS' whenever a request is placed on hold comments are added by the application, such as 'Status changed from Open to On Hold' and 'Status changed from On Hold to Open' along with a 'LOG_DATESTAMP' field. A request can go on and off Hold multiple times, how do I determine the days a request is On Hold?

I know I can use the sql function DATEDIFF ( datepart , startdate , enddate ), but how do I account for the possiblity that the request was On Hold more than once? And how would I get LOG_DATESTAMP' times for 'LOG_COMMENTS' that contain 'Status changed from Open to On Hold' and 'Status changed from On Hold to Open''?

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Difference Between Multiple Primary And Secondary Files..

Apr 10, 2006

Hi all..!If I want to split an SQL DB into several physical files (as its 500GBdisk ran out of space, won't even run shrinks any more, and we boughtanother 500GB disk to add to the PC)then what is the difference between:Adding another File to the primary group which will reside on the newgroup;Adding another file in another group.We do not want to set any db objects (Tables, indexes)to a secondary file, as this will involve lengthy data movingoperations. We would like the DB to continue working from where it isutilizing the added space in a contigous (striped) manner.Will striping occur in both cases? as I understand striping it meansthat our stuck SQL Server will awake back to life as it will now have500GB more data for its DB, even though we haven't set any of itsobjects (tables, indexes) to explicitly use the secondary NDF file onthe new disk?or will it only utilize the new space if we set some objects to resideon that NDF?for example if we run large queries which crash now (due to lack ofspace) when we add the second drive will they start to work as theprocess will grow striped from the full drive to the new drive, even ifall the queries' source tables are all still set to the old drive?Thanks for any replies?

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Can You Have Multiple Output Parameters? Difference Between A Select Statement?

Mar 9, 2004

I have a user login scenario where I would like to make sure that they not only exist in the user table, but also make sure there account is "verified" and "active". I'm trying to return 3 output parameters. UserID, verified, active. Is this possible?

Do I need just a select statement to do this? What is the difference between the output and select statements?

Thanks in advance.

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How To Make The Report Show Fields In Multiple Columns?

Jul 18, 2007

I am writing a report in SQL server 2005 Reporting service. The report has two parts: first part shows basic information about the client; the second part lists all the softwares the client has. My question is how to make the softwares listed in two columns as shown below?

John Smith

Title: MSTP Location: Main Campus IP:


Adobe Standard 7.0 Access 5.0

Internet Explore 6.0 Office XP

Any suggestion is appreciated.

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SQL 2012 :: Select Multiple Values From Same Column And Make Them To Show In A Row

Jun 10, 2015

I created a query that got the following result. But I expect to get the structure like, care_nbr, cust_nbr,legal_name, address_type=physical address, addr_line_1, addr_line_2, address_type-primary address, ddr_line_1, addr_line_2. That means I only need primary and physical address, and expect them to show in a row to each care_nbr. How to perform that?

CARE_Nbr||Cust_Nbr||Legal_Name||||||| Address_Tpye |||Addr_Line_1 ||||||||||||||||Addr_Line_2
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Billing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Mailing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Primary Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Physical Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Suite 1||NULL

My script is here, and the sample result is attached. How should I modify this query to get my expected result?

select a.CARE_Number,
FROM dw_mart.dbo.DimCustomer a


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Transact SQL :: How To Make Procedure Work For Multiple Values In Parameter

Jun 7, 2015

Below is the stored procedure i have it works fine if i have 1 value passed to @invited_by but i want to modify but i want this code to be working for multiple inputs .Lets say if i do

exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'Test1 . I get the desired output but i want this procedure to work for
exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'Test1,Test2'.
USE [merck_acronyms]


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Calculating COUNTER Physical Disk: AVG. DISK QUEUE LENGTH

Sep 10, 2007

If I return the Average, Minimum, and Maximum values for the counter Physical Disk: Avg. Disk Queue Length, and those values are 10, 0, 87 respectively, which value do I use to compute the Avg. Disk Queue Length for a 4 disk array(RAID 10): Average, Minimum, or Maximum? The disk(lun) is on a SAN.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Select Multiple Values From Same Column And Make Them To Show In A Row

Jun 10, 2015

I created a query that got the following result. But I expect to get the structure like, care_nbr, cust_nbr,legal_name, address_type=physical address, addr_line_1, addr_line_2, address_type-primary address, ddr_line_1, addr_line_2. That means I only need primary and physical address, and expect them to show in a row to each care_nbr. How to perform that?

CARE_Nbr||Cust_Nbr||Legal_Name||||||| Address_Tpye |||Addr_Line_1 ||||||||||||||||Addr_Line_2
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Billing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Mailing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Primary Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Physical Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Suite 1||NULL

How should I modify this query to get my expected result?

select a.CARE_Number,


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ERROR - The Row Value(s) Updated Or Deleted Either Do Not Make The Row Unique Or They Alter Multiple Rows.

Sep 8, 2006

i am getting the above error on my database i have 2 rows with the same info on and another 2 with the same info on.  example:

ID    username   password

1            bob       bob

1            bob       bob

1           john       john

1           john        john


I know this is a fault with ms sql 2005 however how do i fix it?

Ive found this link which explains everything but how do i start a query.  I tried clicking on new query and copying the code.  What is table1 meant to be?  the database is dbl.tbl_admin.  It wont find my database.

Im not sure how to do it anyway.

I need to change it though as its my admin password and Ive given it out to web design companys

Can some 1 read the above page and give me full instructions, I dont know what im doing thanks

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Get Total Disk Size And Free Disk Space

Nov 13, 2007

-- Initialize Control Mechanism

SET@Drive = 97

-- Setup Staging Area
Drive CHAR(1),
Info VARCHAR(80)

WHILE @Drive <= 122
SET@SQL = 'EXEC XP_CMDSHELL ''fsutil volume diskfree ' + CHAR(@Drive) + ':'''


SETDrive = CHAR(@Drive)

SET@Drive = @Drive + 1

-- Show the expected output
SUM(CASE WHEN Info LIKE 'Total # of bytes : %' THEN CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Info, 32, 48), CHAR(13), '') AS BIGINT) ELSE CAST(0 AS BIGINT) END) AS TotalBytes,
SUM(CASE WHEN Info LIKE 'Total # of free bytes : %' THEN CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Info, 32, 48), CHAR(13), '') AS BIGINT) ELSE CAST(0 AS BIGINT) END) AS FreeBytes,
SUM(CASE WHEN Info LIKE 'Total # of avail free bytes : %' THEN CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Info, 32, 48), CHAR(13), '') AS BIGINT) ELSE CAST(0 AS BIGINT) END) AS AvailFreeBytes
WHEREInfo LIKE 'Total # of %'
) AS d

E 12°55'05.25"
N 56°04'39.16"

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Should The Quorum Disk Be A Physical Disk Or Majority Node Set?

Nov 15, 2006


I am trying to setup a test cluster and am having an issue. When I try to create the resource of a physical disk it takes both the drive e: and drive q: and doesn't seperate them into two physical disks as resources. This means when I try to associate the quorum disk it links the to physcial disk resource of drive e and q. Then when I try to install SQL2k5 I get the warning about installing SQL on the quorum disk. Am I missing something? Is there a way to seperate e and q onto two physical disk resources so I can specifically associate the quorum to q and the sql to e or should I be setting the quorum disk to a majority node set? Thanks in advance.


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Can I Used A Shared Drive Rather Than A Mapped Drive With OpenRowSet?

Apr 4, 2008


I have been trying to use openrowset with a shared drive, and even though the share has "full control" permissions granted to "everyone" and the accout that SQL runs under has been granted explicit full control permissions I am unable to open the file which itself has no security on it.

Can I not use a \ path and only use mapped drives?


below works...

SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=C:5People.xls', [Sheet1$])

below doesn't work...

SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=\cluster02FileManager5People.xls', [Sheet1$])

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Disk Crash Of Disk That Contains The Paging File.

Feb 20, 2001


this is my configuration :

1) 3 disks in RAID5 that hold the SQL data
2) 1 disk in RAID0 that holds the only paging file.

What will happen to the SQL data (DB) when the disk that holds the paging file crashes?

Kindest regards,

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How To Move A Log File From &#39;e&#39; Drive To &#39;f&#39; Drive....

Nov 9, 2000

I am trying to move a log file from one drive to another.

What I have done is add another file to my file group. So now my log has a file on the 'e' drive and one on the 'f' drive. I now want to remove the file on the 'e' drive. I have emptied the file on the 'e' drive. When doing the command:

ALTER DATABASE Uniprodruntime
REMOVE FILE m_rk_runtime_log

I get the following error message..

Server: Msg 5020, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The primary data or log file cannot be removed from a database.

I have also gone into enterprise manager and tried to delete the file and it does nothing.

Has anyone run into this?

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SAN Drive Speed Vs Local Drive

Feb 12, 2007

How do you compare SAN drive vs local drive on a 32 bit server?

Is it good idea to move my DB files to a SAN instead of local?

Canada DBA

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TempDB Keeps Getting Filled And It Is In C Drive But It Should Be In T Drive

Nov 28, 2015

Server: SQL 2008 R2

 1: TempDB keeps getting filled.  Restart of the server has not fixed it. I shrink it, but the space gets filled again. Now I can't even shrink it anymore
2: TempDB is at the wrong location. Its current location is this :C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10_50.SQLPROD6MSSQLDATA empdb

How do I change its location? 

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10_50.SQLPROD6MSSQLDATA empdb
Correct location of TempDB should be: TempDB(T:) But its not there

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SQL Server, Disk Arrays And Disk IO

May 7, 2004

Hi all,

Ok here goes,

I have a three tier system using SQL server 2000, we are currently experiencing IO bottle necks on our SCSI Raid 10 array, which holds the Data and the logs in separate partitions.

So my options as I understand it are:

Get Enterprise edition


Get another physical raid 10 array and separate the logs and data i.e. data on one array and logs on the other array.

I would like to try the latter but I am totally unsure how much difference this will make or whether it will make any difference at all.

Does anyone know how much performance increase I will get from using two arrays as opposed to one?

Any other advice on this scenario would be greatly appreciated.


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Can Anyone Give Me A Layman's Explanation Of The Difference Between CURRENT_TIMESTAMP And GETDATE() (if There Is A Difference)?

Oct 24, 2007

Question is in the subject.

Thanks in advance

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